NZ Sept 2015 ElderCare

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"my precious children, EL I would die if it weren’t for you and this centre” The elderly are one of Eastern Europe’s most neglected people groups. There is little in the way of pensions and care facilities. They have to endure harsh snowy winters sometimes even reaching -20 C with inadequate heating, food and medicine. But worse, the elderly are often seen as a burden, cast aside and forced to fend for themselves.

Dosta, 90, who lives in a house without electricity comes to the Community Centre in Glamoc, Bosnia every day. Still able to smile she shares, “I can’t thank you enough for being so kind to me all these years. People ignore me when they see me on the street. My precious children, I would die if it weren’t for you, for this centre and for everything that you have given me. I’m old and live on my own so you are the only ones that I can talk to. I feel loved and accepted here.” With tears welling up, she continues, “My dear ones, may God reward you for all you’ve done for me”.

Mile, is a cheerful old man who is a regular at the Community Centre. “My wife died a few years ago and my children have left home. I’m sick and not able to do much work, so I feel useless. Being 81 is not fun, you know. But do you know what is fun? Fun is playing chess with my friends at the centre when I beat them all! This centre is my life. Here I have a delicious meal, I have my friends who play chess very badly but they are precious to me. I breathe and I feel alive here. For that, my children, I am eternally thankful to you!”

“It’s not possible to explain in words what this centre means to them. Only that it means LIFE to them. Once they were prominent citizens, had good jobs and were respected. Now they are sick, alone, abandoned and neglected. It is only here that they are treated with respect and can get a hot meal, medicines and other things they need – and can share their joys and concerns. Only here is where they feel loved and alive. What more can I say?” Blaenko Soldat, Glamoč Community Centre Coordinator, since 1997.


How we help them feel special and not forgotten:-

• Visits to their homes to bring meals, sing and pray • Bible studies, discussions, games and films • Transport to and from Church/events • Gifts of warm clothing, shoes, incontinence towels, blankets, firewood, Bibles

• Trips and outings to resorts and scenic places • Celebrating birthdays, Easter and Christmas • English/computer classes • Access to medical, dental and emotional care

Captions (clockwise from top left) – Receiving Christmas parcels , Albania // Receiving a hot meal at home, Ukraine // Medical care, Bosnia // Firewood delivery, Bulgaria//Winter warmth, Moldova// Scenic outing, Albania // Receiving a Bible, Albania // Soup kitchen,

“I like to come here because I see many happy faces and I feel better. The food and the staff are wonderful. May God bless everyone who helps to make this project happen!” Constantin, Moldova “There is always a special atmosphere here and lots of delicious food. When we finish eating we have Bible lessons. This is my favourite part. I’m not afraid of the future; I know that God will continue to take care of me.” Valentina, Moldova “Volodya brings delicious meals to our home every day. I cannot imagine how we would cope without them as I am bed-ridden and my husband is unable to cook. You are a real salvation for us, God Himself sent you to us! We are so grateful for everything!” An elderly couple, Ukraine MISSIONWITHOUTBORDERS (NZ) PO Box 56264, Dominion Road, Auckland 1446 Phone 09 309 6969 0800 469 269 Email Website Reg. Charity No. CC37218

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