Oct 2014 ocl appeal web

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“Welcome to our home. Come inside where you can be warm.”

Dear Friend, I want to give you a look inside the home of a family we work with in Moldova. The Bulgaru family lives in a small, one-room, reclaimed tool shed. Before that, it was a chicken coop. Gheorghe is the father, and Inga is the mother. Sergiu is 7-years old, Irina - 3, and Olga is 16-months old. Each morning, before he goes to work as a porter, Gheorghe fetches Inga Irina Olga Sergiu Gheorghe firewood from the nearby forest to keep the room warm. On his best day, he earned $6.97. On the average, he makes $27.88 each month. Inga, takes care of their three children in the house, using the 8-gallons of water Gheorghe carries in each evening from an outdoor well 1/2-mile away. There is no sanitary facilities in the house, only an outside latrine shared by three families. The children don’t attend school because Moldovan schools charge 200 Leu ($13.96) a month per child, and half of what the Bulgaru family earns each month goes to rent their 12x16 room. The family is thankful for a roof over their head, and for Gheorghe’s job. They believe in God and are thankful for what they have. They save $.60 per month for “a black day”, and faithfully attend Church, through rain or snow. Each week each child gives 1 MDV ban ($.0007) at Church as a “gift to God”.

All appliances are in one convenient Life is hard for the place: washer (mom), dryer Bulgaru family, especially in the winter (clothesline), and kitchen (a board)! months. “It’s hard to feed a family of five on a budget of $14 per month”, says Inga. There are days when they don’t have anything to eat except tea with cheap biscuits from the market. They’re used to poverty, though. It doesn’t bring them down. “Today I have boiled beans for lunch and dinner. In the evening, I will prepare soup.” She admits, “On Christmas, I will serve my family beans, too, because we don’t have anything else.” For the Bulgaru children, though, being happy means being all together. The children have toys when papa carves animals out of sticks from the forest. The Bulgaru family is really living on a shoestring….. and the shoestring is getting pretty worn. But they are all healthy and happy. You and I can make a difference in the life of a poor family like this by providing an unexpected box of Christmas essentials. For $30, MWB can purchase, pack, and deliver an Operation Christmas Love care box to each poor family we visit. Think of it. For a typical family, like the Bulgaru’s in Moldova, that’s a month’s worth of quality food and hygiene supplies …. with a few stuffed toys tossed in the bottom!

Mission Without Borders - Box 6088 – Camarillo, CA 93011 – (800) 245-9191

There is another way you can help. Many families still need to be sponsored. By sponsoring a family, your monthly donations will directly go to supporting their physical, emotional, and spiritual needs in a time of desperation and crisis. Knowing that someone in America cares is such an encouragement! We have listed some families who are in urgent need of sponsorship in Ukraine. If you are led by the Lord to offer your support, then prayerfully consider partially-sponsoring a poor family at $25 per month, or providing a full-sponsorship at $100 per month. Your help today is appreciated and greatly needed to help bring hope for tomorrow.

TARASYUK FAMILY Volodymyr and his wife Ruslana have five children between the ages of 5 and 16. They live in Rivne in a small house that is very worn. Ruslana works as an assistant nurse and Volodymyr occasionally gets temporary work when he can. This family needs four, $25-monthly sponsors, to meet their basic essentials.

BILENKI FAMILY This is a poor family whose life circumstances have been very unfortunate. Pavlo and Kateryna are married with four children (ages of 2 to 8). The family have a strong faith in God and attend their local Church each week. Recently their house burned down in a fire. They are now living in a small single room which was used by another family as a kitchen in Summer. It has a dirt floor and the toilet is outside. Both parents are unemployed, and Pavlo is often away searching for work. They need four, $25 monthly-sponsors, to help them through this difficult time.

NAZAREVYCH FAMILY Tetyana was married but her husband abandoned the family in 2010. She now raises their three children aged 11, 9 and 7 on her own. They live in a small house owned by her brother, with an outside toilet and no kitchen. They use one stove to both cook and heat the house. Tetyana has temporary work on a farm and earns just enough for rent each month. The family doesn't attend church or have any knowledge about God and His love for them. They need three more, $25 monthly-sponsors, to help them with their daily necessities.

VOZNYARSKA FAMILY Yuriy and Halyna are married and both have a faith in God. They attend the local Church with their 7 children whose ages range between 2 and 13. They also care for Halyna’s mother, Olha. They live in a rented house which is very run down. The toilet is a n outside latrine. The family works rented land and sells grain which pays for the land and house rental. Yuriy has kidney problems and often feels acute pain. They need four $25 monthly-sponsors, to give them hope. NOTE: In the event any of these particular families are not available for sponsoring when your gift is received, we will contact you and find you a similar family to support.

Perhaps you already support a poor child or family through Mission Without Borders. Thank you for that! Would it be possible for you to consider sponsoring another? Perhaps a $25 monthly commitment doesn’t seem feasible to you at this time. Would you prayerfully consider providing a one-time Operation Christmas Love box for a needy family? Everything you do is appreciated! Your faithful prayers are appreciated. Your faithful giving is appreciated. Your sacrificial sponsorship is appreciated. Any gift you that you can give at this time is greatly appreciated and will provide a new platform for the Gospel to be proclaimed among poor children and families this Christmas. Thank you for your prayerful consideration of these two ministry opportunities. You are loved and we thank God for you, often. ---------------------- PLEASE DETACH COUPON BELOW AND ENCLOSE WITH YOUR GIFT. THANK YOU! ------------------------

 I would like to support a poor family at $_________ per month.

My Phone: ( ________ ) _________ - ____________

 I would like to provide ____ Operation Christmas Love boxes at $30 each, which totals: $ ___________.


 Here’s $_________ to help where most needed. Name ____________________________________________ City ___________________________________ State ________

Mission Without Borders, Box 6008, Camarillo, CA 93011 - For credit card giving, please call (800) 245-9191

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