AU May 2015 Overcomers Magazine

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Overcomers 2015 Statement of Faith We believe the Bible to be the inspired, the only infallible, authoritative Word of God. We believe there is one God, eternally existent in three persons, Father, Son and Holy Spirit. We believe in the deity of Christ, His virgin birth, in His sinless life, in His miracles, in His vicarious and atoning death through His shed blood, in His bodily resurrection, in His ascension to the right hand of the Father, and in His personal return in power and glory. We believe that all who receive by faith the Lord Jesus Christ are born again of the Holy Spirit and thereby become children of God. We believe in the present ministry of the Holy Spirit by whose in-dwelling the Christian is enabled to live a Godly life. We believe in the spiritual unity of believers in Christ. Editor In Chief Tanya Pinto, Graphic Artist Karen Power, Mission Without Borders Australia ABN 38 000 827 798 is independently audited annually. Financial Statements are available upon request. Street Address 10 Stubbs Street Auburn, NSW 2144 Postal Address P.O. Box 7533, Silverwater, NSW 1811 Phone 02 9647 2022 Email

Reaching People for Christ What an incredible privilege it is to be offered the position as National Affiliate Manager of Mission Without Borders Australia. As many of you are aware, I have served with the organisation now for seven years. During that time, however I did leave for a period of two months in 2013 to pursue “greener pastures,” only to discover that God was teaching me where my heart really belonged. Like the “Prodigal son” I returned home to Mission Without Borders and can only describe the welcome I received by our faithful team as “emotionally overwhelming.” Since the publication of our last issue of ‘Overcomers Magazine’ there have obviously been some major changes in the organisation. The greatest change was the resignation in July, due to ill health, of our former National Manager, Craig Tobler. The Australian team is now looking forward to building on new strategies to ensure that our mission of “Reaching people for Christ, and helping people out of poverty into a sustainable future” is achieved. Our goal is to help those people to become self-sufficient and experience God’s unconditional love. This may seem a daunting task to our mortal way of thinking, but when we think in terms of the Word of God we recall His instruction in Proverbs 3: 5-6 NKJV “Trust in the LORD with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding; In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths.” We are excited that you, our donors and supporters, share in the vision of seeing people come to Christ, through the outpouring of His love demonstrated in your generous support. The realisation by these folk, that someone such as you, half-a-world-away, is willing to share the Love of Christ with them, is the seed that leads to a revelation of the Father’s Heart. Thank you for continuing to support Mission Without Borders and for your ongoing prayers for our team and those we serve. In His Service,

Website Front Cover Image Sisters Katea and Nelly of Moldova, thankful for their OCL parcels (pg 23)

David Turner National Manager - Mission Without Borders Australia


”I have blessed my family in every way I know how… It’s time to leave a legacy that will continue to help Making a W you adequately provide for your loved ones. Having done that, you may then wish to consider a gift in your Will to Mission Without Borders, to continue supporting and providing for the poor in Eastern Europe.

Leave a lasting legacy… A gift in your Will to Mission Without Borders will bring hope for generations to come… Eastern Europe is greater than ever and leaving a bequest is one of the most T personal ways that you can support our work. For many of us, our Will is an opportunity to give the greatest gift of our whole life. Not only can we take care of our families in a special way, we can help some of the neediest people in the world far beyond what we ever thought was possible. It is the generosity and support of people like you that enable Mission Without Borders to bring hope and positive change to children, families, the disabled, sick and elderly whom we serve. If you would like more information about leaving a bequest, contact Mission Without Borders to request our comprehensive brochure. Overcomers 2015 | 2


Seeds of Hope A small but important step forward


Street Mercy From death to life


Soup Kitchen God prolongs my life through your ministry



Camps for the Elderly A wonderful tradition


Emotional Support God has a wonderful plan for everyone

The seeds of Truth

11 Impressions of Summer Camp Giving children the gift of hope

13 Child Rescue International She must know she is not abandoned


15 Vocational Education and Training Dima’s success story

17 Families In Crisis Giving families hope for a better tomorrow

19 Graduations & Scholarships “My Alexandra – My Teacher!”

21 Operation Winter Rescue Poverty and the cold… A harsh reality for many…


22 Operation Christmas Love


Christmas is LOVE!

23 Self Sufficiency Building their future through MWB’s Exit Fund

25 Eastern Europe Update Hope, Love, Acceptance Mission Without Borders 2014 in pictures

31 Gift in Kind Gifts made with love, providing much more than warmth

34 Leave a Lasting Legacy A bequest to Mission Without Borders can change lives for generations to come

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Seeds of Hope A SMALL BUT IMPORTANT STEP FORWARD The Seeds of Hope project provides nourishment and the reality of selfsufficiency to thousands of families all over Eastern Europe. The project commences each year in February with the purchase of thousands of various seeds including potatoes, onions, carrots, lettuce, beans and peas. Its purpose is to provide nourishment and hope for the people and families who are struggling with poverty. A very significant aspect of this campaign is that the families eagerly contribute to its success by their hard work and effort to promote a successful yield. The harvest depends on their input and willingness to take care of the sowing process, watering Seeds of Hope

and cultivation necessary for the seeds to grow. The Maric Family have been supported through the Family to Family sponsorship program for the past three years. They are a family of 8, with 6 growing children to feed daily. The Seeds of Hope parcel will give them enough provisions to survive the year ahead, especially in the harsh winter months. Over the years, this family struggled with poverty, sickness and many obstacles that have made it very difficult to provide for even their basic needs of utilities, food, heating, health services and unfortunately

A $30 Seeds of Hope gift can provide ongoing nourishment for a family.

schooling for their 5 children, which is the biggest expense for them. The educational system in Bosnia and Herzegovina is not for free, and the parents have to provide the books and other school supplies for their children every year, for each new grade. Three years ago, the Maric’s were initially provided a few boxes of seeds and three small goats as part of the MWB micro enterprise trial in Bosnia-Herzegovina. This trial has been established to provide families with goats for breeding, milk and meat produce. In turn, when the goats reproduce the family is to pass a pair of healthy goats onto another Overcomers 2015 | 4

family in need. This trial seems to be working quite well and in just three short years, the Maric family now have 45 goats! Although one wouldn’t say this family is well off, they now have milk, meat and dairy products to both consume and sell so they can pay for the other necessities they have always struggled with. Had it not been for the Seeds of Hope project, this family would not be able to cultivate their land and grow

vegetables. Ermina, (the mother) shares: “We do not have much land for sowing, but we used what we have to start planting the seeds. The vegetables that we sowed over the years have been great! Having our own home-grown vegetables is so much fresher and healthier than those we bought. Not to mention, no expense, apart from some hard work and fun with the children. As we raise the goats, our meals have become more balanced with protein and milk too. We are able to eat fresh and healthy meals that we grew

ourselves! For this and so much more, we are very grateful to Mission Without Borders.” In our partnership with the Maric family over the years, our aim to help them improve their living conditions was achieved. Receiving seeds through the Seeds of Hope campaign, together with emotional support and encouragement, they were able to reach an initial level of self-sufficiency from which they can continue to live independently.

Join us today to bring Hope to thousands. A $30 box of seeds brings so much more than good nutrition – it creates a purpose for living, is relationship building and brings hope for a sustainable future.

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Street Mercy from death to life

Ivo is a new man thanks to MWB’s Street Mercy Program

In three cities in Bulgaria, Moldova and Romania, Mission Without Borders and local volunteers provide a daily hot meal to homeless men, women and families. We call this “StreetMercy”, showing God’s love to some of the most vulnerable people. As well as feeding the hungry, we look out for those seeking permanent change for the better. Here is the story of one person we met in Sofia, capital of Bulgaria. The middle-aged man standing among the group of homeless

people in Sofia, Bulgaria, looked out of place as they waited for the StreetMercy bus to make its daily delivery of hot soup and bread. “You could tell he didn’t belong there –that’s what made me approach him,” said Yana Konova, co-ordinator of the StreetMercy project. “Then I recognised him, it was Ivo, a former StreetMercy beneficiary.” Ivo, 50, a professional painter and iconographer, used to live in Varna – a beautiful Black Sea resort town. He mortgaged his flat to help his brother-in-law’s business, but when

things went wrong, the bank took the flat and Ivo lost his home. Ivo moved to Sofia, the capital city hoping to find a job. But with the loss of his home and the stress, he became seriously ill with nowhere to go for help and no shelter. Someone showed him a building where he could sleep. The building is opposite where the StreetMercy bus delivers food daily to people in need. It was there that Yana and Nina, StreetMercy volunteers, first discovered Ivo. Overcomers 2015 | 6

“I often wondered how a place like this could exist in the centre of the city. It looked alright on the outside but part of the building was worse than a rubbish tip. The smell was unbearable; the floor was covered with piles of plastic bottles, decaying food scraps and excrement. It is used by the homeless for shelter. That is where Ivo ended up - he had no choice. Like so many in that situation, he had no job, and no relatives. The sores on his legs were so bad that he could not walk. Because of his dirty and torn clothes and lack of proper hygiene, people avoided him,” Yana told us. Nina and Yana bought bandages and hygiene items for Ivo and every day Nina would gently clean and dress Ivo’s wounds. “Ivo was ashamed of his situation, often repeating that he was not a bad man and that one day he would get on his feet again,” Yana recalls. “He was also so grateful for the care and kindness shown to him. “God sent you to me” he kept saying. A year later Ivo said to Yana “I can’t believe that I lived in that building and I will tell you something I haven’t told anyone – I had planned to commit suicide.

If it had not been for you...” He pauses before continuing, “I spent three months in that building I will never forget the day when you and Nina appeared. I survived, thanks to you, Nina and her ointment. You gave me hope and helped me to know about God. It is sad how these people live (he points to the homeless) – like animals. Nobody cares about them, or wants to know how they feel. Only knowing God and his Word brings stability and a security which the world cannot give.” Ivo talked excitedly with some of his former friends about what had happened to him through the StreetMercy project. It has not only saved his life and helped him to return to a normal life, but more importantly it has helped him discover God’s great love for him. There is not a trace of his former self: he has confidence and dignity. Currently he is living in his birthplace, a small town in the mountains, and is earning his own living.

Left to Right: Nina and Yana providing a hot meal to the Street Mercy beneficiaries. Ivo had a badly infected leg, when he was first found by Nina and Yana.

”God sent you to me… I had planned to commit suicide... You gave me hope and taught me about God.” Give to Street Mercy $60 provides 20 Hot Meals, $300 provides 100 Hot Meals $600 provides 200 Hot Meals.

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MWB’s Soup Kitchen’s help those who are on the verge of not being able to survive. One of the largest demographics of people in need are the elderly men and women who are homebound, living lonesome lives with no one to care for them. Most have serious health problems, and are not able to cook for themselves. Even so, the tasty meal they receive each day is actually not the most important thing for them - it’s the company of our volunteers and the fact that someone remembers and cares for them.

”Taste and see that the LORD is good; blessed is the man who takes refuge in him.” (Psalm 34:8)

For those who can’t make it to the Soup Kitchen, MWB’s volunteers bring hot lunches to the homes of the elderly every day. The advantage of this “travelling kitchen” is the opportunity to visit, have a chat and ensure they are all ok. It’s something they look forward to even more than the food. They are always so thankful for everything they receive and constantly send blessings to all the people who are involved in this project and who donate towards it. Here are some of their statements: Paraskoviya is 88 and lives completely alone. She’s never been married and has never had any family. “Thank you so much for your delicious food. I do not have the strength to cook now, so your lunches are like salvation for me! Let

Paraskoviya (top) and Kateryna (above) both 88, welcome the visits by MWB. Yevdokiya, (right) 93, a real survivor thanks us from the bottom of her heart.

God bless all the people who do not let us starve”. Kateryna is also 88 and has been a widow for more than 20 years. She has a weak heart and shortness of breath makes it difficult for her to speak, however she was very excited to speak with us and express her gratitude. “Thank you very much for everything! Especially how much you care. Thank you for the delicious food and for visiting an old woman like me.” Yevdokiya is 93 and a real survivor. She has also been living alone for many years. She suffers from hearing and sight problems. She shares her thanks with us. “It’s very hard to live when you get this old! Everything inside me hurts. Thank you for coming to visit me and caring for me. I wish all of you live a long and happy, healthy life. God bless you all.” A quick visit, a hot meal and a smile is sometimes all a person needs to feel loved and cared for. Without MWB’s travelling Soup Kitchen ministry, many elderly people would be left to die very much alone. The food we provide nourishes their bodies, but the love we give them nourishes their souls. Overcomers 2015 | 8

Camps for the Elderly a Wonderful Tradition Camps for the elderly have become a very welcomed tradition in Albania. Organised in Spring, it’s a beautiful time of year to bring people together. With the conclusion of the children’s Summer Camps, MWB considered the possibility of using the same facilities to send the Soup Kitchen beneficiaries for a few days’ vacation. The local church was contacted to partner with us in this venture and they too were very enthusiastic about the idea. Approximately fifty people from the Community Centre in Berat, as well as several volunteers, arrived at the resort and after being welcomed and settled into their accommodation, ate a delicious lunch together. The Mission’s staff greeted the group with some songs and afterwards treated them to coffee and beverages.

Every day MWB Coordinators Arjan and Kosta, travelled to the camp site and showed different Christian movies to the group all with Albanian subtitles. The church staff also helped out with other Christian outreach activities. The group enjoyed the delicious food, wonderful weather and relaxed by the pool. Some of them were adventurous enough to even try to swim! They loved the walks by the sea in the evenings and in the mornings and truly had a memorable time. The Lord blessed every single person and touched their hearts. They felt loved and important during their stay. We look forward to welcoming new people next year as part of this amazing ministry to the elderly.

”Rise in the presence of the aged, show respect for the elderly and revere your God. I am the LORD.” Leviticus 19:32

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Left to right: Ana (centre) enjoys spending time with her friends. The children receive their own Bible.

Adolescence is a wonderful period of everyone’s life, but at the same time, it is the most precarious. Teenagers are often tempted to try different things and face a lot of difficult situations. Most children have parents at home to guide them through these times, but often in Children’s Homes and part of our CRI in Community program this is not the case. Many have no one to talk to or are too shy to ask. Without the right tools and education, many make decisions with devastating effects at an early age. The aim of the Emotional Support lessons is to provide psychological assistance and help teenagers overcome the adversities they encounter in their life so that they can make the best decisions and choices for themselves. Many lives are changed as a result of these lessons and we witness huge transformations in the children who attend them. Ina Munteanu, the Emotional Support Coordinator in Moldova shares, “Ana started attending the Emotional Support lessons 2 years ago. At first she was extremely timid; she didn’t speak to anyone, didn’t get involved during the class. A few weeks later, when we discussed the topic, “A Personal Relationship with God,” I noticed her sudden interest. She contacted me afterwards in tears and told me her story.” Ana comes from a poor family. She lives at home with her father and younger sister. Her mother has been forced to work abroad due to their harsh living conditions. She returns home a few times a year, but it’s not enough. She has been gone for 3 years now. “I miss my mother. I miss her every single day and it brings me to tears when I think of her,” the girl confesses,

trying to hide her sorrow. Ana’s father is unemployed and works renovating the house they live in. Ana found the lessons very useful and interesting, and became more involved. However, she got very emotional when we asked her about her past. She told us: “Since I can remember, I was unhappy and felt ashamed about the way I look. I grew up faster than my classmates and was more physically developed. This led to the decrease of my self-esteem and self-confidence. I couldn’t ask anyone for help. During the lessons we had with Mrs. Ina, I found out that God has created each of us to be wonderful and that He loves me the way I am. I regained my self-confidence and this has helped me very much to have better relationships with everyone around me.” After a while, Ana, started attending church. It was wonderful for her to see that people accept and love her the way she was, that care more about her soul, not her body; that will always be there and try to help her when she is in need. Some weeks later, she gave her life to Jesus. Even though Ana is happier, she has faced criticism from her parents and school teachers for becoming a Christian and going to church. This is a major problem that she continues to pray about, and it is amazing to see her enthusiasm and joy when she discusses her situation. “It’s very difficult for me to overcome everything but I know God is with me and I want to do His will. No one will ever stop me following the Lord. I feel that He loves and takes care of me. This is the most important thing,” Ana says. MWB’s Emotional Support sessions are organised for CRI and CRI in Community children. The teenagers are the priority of this project.

SPONSOR A CHILD TODAY! Just $40 a month gives so much more than physical and financial support to a child in need. Overcomers 2015 | 10


Children’s Radio THE SEEDS OF TRUTH A beautiful story of how a little boy became inspired to do great things. Sasha is 12 and a constant listener of MWB’s children’s broadcast in Ukraine; The Seeds of Truth. According to him, he has only ever missed two transmissions in the past 5 years (remember he is only 12) and consequently wrote to our studio requesting a recording of those two sessions so that he didn’t miss out! Like many of our young listeners, Sasha enjoys the broadcasts immensely. He takes part in every contest and often writes in to provide feedback and thankful letters. Sasha considers himself an editor and writer. From a very young age he has been creating his own children’s magazine. He credits our radio station for inspiring him to start writing. He creates puzzles and problems, talks about things he has learned from reading the Bible and shares his love of interesting quotations of famous and inspirational people. Sasha believes that God put in his heart to share his publication and bring joy to others. He decided to give his magazine away so friends and family can learn about God and have some fun with the puzzles he created! Already in its second year, Sasha has realised his dream! He is a writer, editor, publisher and promoter, distributing a new magazine every six weeks to family and friends. He designs, writes and publishes it on his home computer and prints out copies using his own colour printer. Each day this little boy reaches for the stars, because 5 years ago he started listening to The Seeds of Truth, and God showed him how amazing he was.

“Therefore, whoever takes the lowly position of this child is the greatest in the Kingdom of Heaven. And whoever welcomes one such child in My name welcomes Me.” Matthew18:4-5

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Impressions of

The children who attend Mission Without Borders Summer Camps experience so much more than a holiday. These children suffer from stolen childhoods. The extreme poverty they live in has left many emotionally and spiritually crippled. Summer Camp nurtures these children’s physical, emotional and spiritual needs. Yes, they have fun… that’s a given, however, they also learn about God’s love, to lean on Him each day, and to continue to acknowledge His presence and praise Him. They will make friends, rest, play and eat well. Most importantly, God’s love will change and heal their hearts. It’s here that children escape despair. Many have been abandoned; most are suffering from the deprivations of poverty; all are in need of comfort and love. This year we have compiled simple words of thanks from some of the children who attended the 2014 Summer Camps. It’s their way of saying thank you to all the supporters who have given to this ministry.

“This is not my first time in the camp, I was also here 2 years ago. I can tell you from the bottom of my heart that you always put together the best camp a child can participate in. Everything is so well done and we never get bored. We learn so many things about God that we never knew before and when I go back home, I will tell my family about it. We have a Bible but we dont really read from it. I am sure that this will change when I return home.” “The food in the camp is delicious; we never eat such tasty meals at home. At first I didnt want to eat because I didnt know what it was. Now beans and mashed potatoes are my favourite dishes.” “I think the puppet show is the best. I never knew you can laugh so much and still learn about God, its a wonderful idea. I wish they will pay us more visits and perform lots of stories from the Bible. Jonah was very funny, and at the end they asked us to guess who Jonah was, and I did!” “In this camp I learned that God loves me and that He has done many miracles which He can do again any time. He is powerful and wants to fill us with His strength to do the same things. I am amazed! Ive learned that prayer is very important and thats why I have prayed every day before breakfast, lunch, dinner and going to bed. I also prayed for my friends and family. I know God loves me and I will tell my family that it is ok to pray before we eat and go to bed, because God protects us and always helps us.” “Swimming was my favourite activity. The pool is great and we are very thankful that we have some good days because we organised different contests for girls and boys. Of course, the boys team won! We are the best!!!” “I have to say that I liked everything that has been done in the camp, but if I have to say something I liked best, then that is the zip line and the climbing tower. I couldnt wait for the night to pass so that the next day I would use them again. I had a great time and I hope to come again next year.” “I have made new friends and I am very happy about it, because at home I am alone most of the time. There arent too many children who want to play with me, but here, everybody wanted to play with me.” Overcomers 2015 | 12

Summer Camp

By sending a child to Summer Camp you make an investment in their future. For as little as $20 (the cost of 1 child for 1 day at camp) you have the opportunity to transform the life of a child by giving them the gift of hope and teaching them the true meaning of God’s love.

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CRI in Homes SHE MUST KNOW THAT SHE IS NOT ABANDONED Child Rescue International Redeem a Child, Restore a Dream, Revive a Future. Every institutionalised child has their own unique story, and each little “hero” needs our love. We can never truly understand what it means to literally have no one to love us, but Nataliya Mel’nyk, the principal of the Sarny Children’s Home in Ukraine has witnessed countless stories of children who have been through more than we could imagine. Here is the life story of Rymma, a beautiful fourth grader with a lovely smile. Rymma is 11 years old and has never met her mother or father. She was abandoned at birth in the maternity hospital where she was born. She spent her infant years at the Rivne Baby Home and has lived in many institutions throughout her childhood. She now lives and studies at the Sarny Children’s Home. She has always been classed as abandoned, with no known relatives at all. Last year, a miracle happened. Rymma’s grandmother Olena showed up at the Home. Somehow the woman learned about the girl’s existence and tracked her down. Olena visits Rymma on weekends and takes her home for school holidays to spend time with her other grandsons. Rymma is extremely happy to find a family after being so completely alone in the whole world. Rymma’s biggest desire is to meet with her mother. She says, “I think that my mother is very beautiful. I believe she has blonde hair and has big beautiful eyes. I hope my mummy will come and take me with her one day.” This is how the girl imagines her mother, and it’s very difficult and really heartbreaking to listen to these words, especially in light of the truth, that her mother is a gypsy and unfortunately never wanted her in the first place. Rymma is otherwise an open and friendly child. She is active, and loves to sing. She has a very beautiful voice, and takes part in all the school’s concerts and activities. Rymma is a creative child. She enjoys drawing and dreams of becoming a hairstylist in the future. Overcomers 2015 | 14

REDEEM A CHILD∙ RESTORE A DREAM∙ REVIVE A FUTURE∙ The Coordinator of this Children’s Home, says that the girl’s greatest needs are her spiritual and emotional ones. “Rymma’s heart and emotions still need to be healed by God’s grace. She has to clearly understand that she is not abandoned, that her Heavenly Father stays with her forever, that she is loved and cherished by others. She is very vulnerable and sensitive, and definitely needs to know who Jesus is and how much He loves her.” Regarding her prayer needs, Rymma named just two things. First of all, she asked us to pray for her mother so that she would be well and blessed. Secondly, she wants

to study well and to get good marks. No doubt, her little heart longs for a mother’s love and care; consequently all her desires and dreams are connected with her mum in some way. We do not know what will happen in the future and whether Rymma’s dreams concerning her mother will come true, but we believe that God is going to show her His true, unconditional love and give her a new and abundant life. We hope that the Lord will use us to help Rymma and we thank all the sponsors who are our partners in this honourable ministry, which is to serve poor and disadvantaged children.

SPONSOR A CHILD IN NEED TODAY! $40 a month will Redeem a Child, Restore a Dream and Revive a Future.

Rymma In her classroom Left page from top Rymma, Rymma and her best friend Yuliya, English is her favourite subject

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Vocational Education & Training DIMA’S SUCCESS STORY

We are often asked by our supporters what happens to the children that are sponsored through the Child Rescue International program once they graduate and how do we measure the success of such a program? We believe our impact on the children’s souls and their way of thinking is what matters, first and foremost. So many institutionalised children have no role models to learn from and many are at risk of repeating the footsteps of their family members. When we see their characters change for the better and the Word of God influencing their hearts, we know they have a much better chance of a successful future. It’s so rewarding to hear these words, “I’m sure that my life would have been completely different, if I hadn’t had Mission Without Borders in my life, and if I hadn’t heard about Jesus from them.” This is what eighteen-year-old Dima says about his life today. Indeed, it’s amazing to see how God is working in childrens’ lives and how He changes their destinies. Dima currently lives at the vocational school dormitory, where he is studying to become a carpenter. He volunteers to help our Zhytomyr team with the Summer Camps for CRI children in Ukraine. He dreams of finding a good job after his studies and a happy family of his own. He also plans to be baptised in one of the local churches.

Let us remember what the apostle Paul says in his epistle to the Galatians, ”Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.” Galatians 6:9

Image far right Dima with the CRI Coordinator Overcomers 2015 | 16 For MWB, Dima is a wonderful success story! Despite an unfortunate upbringing, God’s grace has done its work in Dima’s heart, and we give all the glory and praise for the changes in his destiny to the Lord. Dima was brought up from the age of 6 as an orphan in two Children’s Homes where the CRI program was operating. He never knew his father, and his mother died when he was eight from alcohol and drug abuse. Before he moved to the Children’s Home, he lived with his grandmother who despised him because he was an inconvenience, locking him out of the house and refusing to feed him. Dima recalls, “I remember as a child, I just wanted my mother to become a real mum. That one day she would give up drinking and would stay at home with me forever. I never had a relationship with her-she was a stranger to me, and then she died.” Dima shares, “As an orphan, I had to stay in the Children’s Home the entire year. Nobody came to take me home for school holidays. I watched all the other children going home with relatives and I had to stay. I wanted a home to go to so much. I just wanted to be loved like the other children! It was really uncomfortable to realise that the staff had to stay at work only because of me, to cook and care for me. I was the only one left behind.” Dima is convinced that being part of the Child Rescue International program has completely influenced his life. “I’m really thankful to God, my sponsor and for Mission Without Borders in my life. I’ve heard about Jesus from them, the message of salvation and so much about the Kingdom of God from those wonderful people. Thanks to the Lord, I’ve heard the truth, and it changed me and put me on the right

path. I do not want to live the way my family did. I want to be a servant of God and to live according to His commandments. I dream of having my own beautiful and blessed family one day, that is true happiness,” the boy shares. Not only is Dima studying to be a carpenter through the MWB Vocational Education Support program, he also is giving his time volunteering at Summer Camp. This is where he believes his life was really touched by Jesus. Now he wants to show other children how amazing God’s love is. “At Summer Camp I heard for the first time in my life how much God loves me! Summer Camps became the best two weeks of the year for me, and I never wanted to come back. As a child, I dreamt of becoming a member of the Summer Camp team. God is so great, because my dreams came true!” Dima has completed his second year of vocational school, and this summer, he will graduate with a Diploma of Carpentry and would like to continue his studies in college on completion. We thank God for Dima. What a blessing it is to witness how God cares for orphans and how He saves the lives of our institutionalised children. We hope this story is a wonderful encouragement for all our sponsors who contribute to the Child Rescue International and Vocational Education programs. You are doing an amazing thing, and our Lord touches the lives of poor, abandoned, lost and unwanted children through you. There are still hundreds of children in Eastern Europe who are in need of support through sponsorship, that they too will have hope for a better future. Will you consider sponsoring a child?

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The Ahmetovics are one of many families supported through the Family in Crisis project. Lack of employment is the main reason why this family cannot move forward. Being without a regular income, their material needs are great. This family of 5 (including the grandmother) share one room in a house. They all sleep on a tiny lounge that doesn’t come close to being able to fit them all! There is no other furnishings in the house, apart from a stove and a table. They live on the outskirts of Mostar, Bosnia-Herzegovina and without any means of transportation, they are cut off from schools, shops and other facilities. With no regular income they survive from the sale of any scrap metal they collect. During the Coordinator’s last visit it was obvious they had a desperate need for food, clothes, beds and other

furniture. Mission Without Borders were able to help this family in desperate need. They were provided with new mattresses, chests, food, some hygiene articles, clothes as well as a bike so Dominik, the father, could easily ride to the landfill and try to find some scrap metal. Even in their thankfulness for all the things they have received, they showed deep humility and appreciation. When they were asked what this help means to them, the grandmother, Nafija, with tears streaming down her face said: “We could not even dream of having such beautiful new things like you have brought to us. Thank you so very much! We struggle each day just with providing food, not to mention everything else. And this hurts. It hurts when you get up and there’s no food to give to your children. There are days when I wish I was dead. It breaks my heart to see my son and his family facing so many issues and obstacles yet we just want to live an ordinary, decent life.” Overcomers 2015 | 18


The father Dominik continues: “I do not know how we are going to make it. It’s getting harder and harder each day. I try hard to be a good dad and provide for my family, but I’m broken. You are a ray of light. You give me hope for a better tomorrow. As long as I see that there are good people like you, I have hope that we’re going to make it."

This young, humble and most of all, very thankful family, shares the same fears, troubles and obstacles as many other families in need. Our contribution in meeting their material needs is extremely significant and makes a big change in their lives. Not because they got what they needed but because it restored their dignity, hope and will to carry on. Let’s pray that life for the Ahmetovic’s will change for the better.

19 | Overcomers 2015

Graduations & “My Alexandra – My Teacher!” A father’s joy of his daughter’s academic success and graduation. Education is an essential way of preventing poverty and social exclusion. People who live in poverty often lack professional qualifications and abilities, which excludes them from opportunities in the community or area where they reside. As a result, poverty increases: poor children will grow up and have poor children themselves. Poverty chains will not be broken, and many will remain trapped. Despite her background and due to her hard work, Alexandra Mitrica was given a great opportunity through MWB in Romania. In the summer of 2011, Alexandra graduated from high school and she passed the entrance exam to the Faculty of Letters. She was going to study Romanian and English – the two subjects that interested her most. Unfortunately, the joy of being accepted was shadowed by the family’s inability to pay for her tuition. She did not receive a scholarship and the fees for the first year alone, excluding school supplies and travel were over $US800. Finances her family could not even fathom, bearly earning that to provide for all 8 of them each year. A solution came from a MWB supporter in Australia who wanted to provide sponsorship for a child in the form of a scholarship! Praise God for His timely provisions. Alexandra’s first year of schooling, her books and travel were covered through this amazing gift, then another blessing occurred! Because of her good results, the school offered her a scholarship after the first semester. Mission Without

Borders and her anonymous supporter continued to be by her side throughout the duration of her three years of studies. These funds now provided for the renovation of an attic bedroom for her to comfortably study. She received a desk, bed, chair, rug and side tables. In June 2014, she graduated, and she is qualified in both Romanian and English literature! Alexandra suffers from diabetes and was diagnosed at 12. She self-injects insulin 4 times per day to maintain her glucose at an acceptable level. Her poverty and sickness were not obstacles, but mere challenges she encountered along the way. With some financial support from MWB and hard work and determination on her side, she is now an educated young woman ready to embrace the future. In December 2010, Alexandra and her family were enrolled in our Family to Family program and their lives began to change. MWB delivered goods and materials to help with daily, ongoing needs that they could not afford to meet. Constantin Mitrica (51) describes the impact made by MWB’s involvement in their family: “As a father, I am unable to support my family and that is my greatest sorrow. Not only that I cannot provide for food or clothes... I cannot provide for their future. Praying was the only thing we could do – and waiting. God used Mission Without Borders in a powerful way in our lives. Alexandra’s scholarship was not just for her - it was for all of us! I could not be prouder of her. My Alexandra – my teacher!” Alexandra is the second child of eight children and the first in her family who took her studies this far. “Looking back... it was hard, but unbelievable. Commuting was the

hardest part - the bus ride to school lasted more than an hour and it was very tiring. But I cannot complain it was something I needed to do for myself, for my degree. I am grateful that I had the opportunity to study Romanian and English Literature. I think that interpreting Romanian texts and poetry was the hardest for me, but English literature, the Victorian period and the actual English teaching were enjoyable. I would not have been here today if it was not for the support from Mission Without Borders. Maybe I would have given up. Now that I have closed this chapter, I hope that I will find a job at a company or even better, that I will become a teacher. I want to help my family and thank them for everything they have done for me. I am grateful that there were so many people involved in my life and in my education. I owe them all so much. May God bless them in everything they do!”

A Family to Family sponsorship provides so much more than financial support. For just $40 per month, you will release a family from poverty, repair the ruins and rebuild their lives. Contact us to sponsor a family today!

“Her poverty and sickness were not obstacles, but mere challenges that kept her determined to succeed.“ Overcomers 2015 | 20


Elena Alexandra Mitrica

(Left to right) At her graduation, with her friends from school, with her proud mum, with her family, Elena at her desk

21 | Overcomers 2015

OperationWinterRescue POVERTY & THE COLD... A HARSH REALITY FOR MANY... Operation Winter Rescue (OWR) helps the most vulnerable and needy families to survive through the coldest, and most difficult period of the year. MWB visits the families living in the villages and delivers truckloads of wood, coal and peat blocks to keep their houses warm during the wintertime. This is a vital support for many households as the thought of extreme temperatures with no ability to heat their homes brings great anxiety and despair. The Romanyk family from Ukraine received 2 tons of peat blocks and will have enough to last the winter months. This family of seven children are extremely poor. They

live in a small, very old and derelict house with crumbling plaster walls, rickety worn-out furniture, bare floor boards, and dim electric light bulbs. The interior is dark and gloomy. The house was bought 13 years ago with the hope of renovating it but they struggle simply to keep their children fed and warm. There is no money for renovations. They cannot seem to move beyond the edge of poverty. In spite of their difficult housing and financial situation, the family is in great spirits, with hope for their futures. The atmosphere within their home is friendly and peaceful. They were overjoyed with their delivery of peat blocks and warm clothes from MWB. The Romanyks’ sincere words

of gratefulness made the trip out to their home so much more worth it: “Our family struggles every day, and we have nobody to help us. We cannot fully express how much your assistance means to us. By providing us with this peat we are able to use what little money we have to feed our children. Thank you so much for your kindness. Let God bless you with His every possible blessing!” We so often take our heating and warmth for granted. Cold? Turn on the gas heater! For so many thousands of families in Eastern Europe, that simply isn’t an option. With temperatures often falling well below -20°C, your help to provide warmth is very much appreciated. Overcomers 2015 | 22

OperationChristmasLove CHRISTMAS IS LOVE!

At the edge of a poor village in Moldova, in a two-room clay house lives the Stefanco family. Two pairs of eyes watch through the window, hoping that maybe this year Santa will finally find their home and bring them something to cook for Christmas. Natalia, barely finds the right words to tell her girls Katea and Nelly that Santa doesn’t visit homes where there isn’t electricity, because he doesn’t know that children live there also. Although she became a widow and is overwhelmed by worries, Natalia has the power to smile. Her children are the light of her eyes. Every day is a challenge for this family, especially at wintertime, with more hardships than we could even imagine. “There is so much to endure during the cold season: the lack of enough food and warm clothes, the poor heating and very low temperatures make our life a race for survival. Since my husband, Alexandru died, no one

ever came to ask us if we needed help; neither the local authorities nor the neighbours.” The OCL Parcel delivered by Mission Without Borders completely lifted their spirits! When they received it, you could see the happiness and joy in their eyes. Nelly told us that God has answered her prayers. During a Bible lesson at the Community Centre, they learnt how to pray and she found out she can ask God for anything. “I asked Him and He did it. Isn’t it wonderful?!” the eight year old girl told us excitedly. The OCL parcel contains many useful items to help prepare a Christmas dinner and to feed them during the cold winter months. Not only did the Coordinator bring food, he also came and shared with the family the true meaning of Christmas – the birth of Jesus.

The Coordinator shares: “It’s the first time that I have delivered the OCL parcels as I am new to the organisation and I can see what a huge difference it makes in our beneficiaries’ lives. To be able to bless them and show them God’s love makes me happy. Now I know that during their prayer before their Christmas dinner, they will thank the Lord for His love.” Natalia shares: “Thank you very much for your help. It is so hard, we don’t even have electricity. We thank you for all you have done and the products you have brought us”. We pray that one day, Katea and Nelly would understand that the most precious gift is not brought by Santa or anyone else, but was given to them a long time ago in a manger. We pray that they would accept this gift in their life and He will offer them the peace and happiness they have been looking for.

23 | Overcomers 2015

Self Sufficiency for the Krot Family from Ukraine Building their future through MWB’s Exit Fund The Krot family have been part of the Family to Family program for 8 years. During that time they have been very blessed by the love and support of their Australian sponsor families. Anatoliy and his wife Oksana, have nine children and it’s been a long road for them. Recently they were chosen to receive additional support through the MWB Exit Fund strategy which has enabled them to now become self-sufficient. The father, Anatoliy, is a carpenter by profession. MWB provided funding to equip a small workshop in the family’s basement for him to earn a living making furniture and other items from wood for commission. Anatoliy was incredibly happy to receive new equipment including a compressor, hand milling

cutter, electric grinder, a fastening machine and a joiner’s exhaust blower. The family is extremely grateful to Mission Without Borders for all the assistance they have received throughout the years and for this great final project. Anatoliy shares: “Mission Without Borders radically influenced the life of our family. There was a very difficult time, when we had to move from one rented flat to another with our five small children (we now have nine!). Just at that time MWB started to support us. It was such a great blessing, for without your help we would not be able to build our own house. God blessed us richly so that we could buy a piece of land for construction and all these years you helped us Overcomers 2015 | 24 with food, clothes and other things. Often the food you provided was all we had for the entire month, but at least we had that. We thank you for everything you have done for us. Over the years our sponsors have also helped us with extra things we have needed including building materials, a refrigerator, a shower and even a vacuum cleaner! We have been very blessed.”

Wife Oksana, shares, “Due to the Mission’s help we were able to get on our feet, and I would say that our life then and now is very different. We were so blessed by the Mission’s assistance, and we pray and wish all our sponsors abroad to be richly blessed by our Lord. Thank you so much for everything you have done for us! Know that you are doing a great thing by helping families like ours, you help change their circumstances and bless their lives forever.”

EXIT FUND The Krot family were greatly blessed by the Exit Fund Support program. Anatoliy now has a fully equipped workshop in their basement.

Release from Poverty. Repair the Ruins. Rebuild their Lives. Sponsoring a family in need provides an opportunity for self sufficiency. For just $40 per month you can release them from poverty and give them a chance at a future worth smiling about!

25 | Overcomers 2015

Field Updates ALBANIA In Albania, unemployment is at 35%, the level of corruption is high, and the informal economy and tax evasion remain widespread. The level of poverty is at 14.3% of the population. In June 2014, Albania became a member of the European Union. Many Albanians are hoping that corruption and nepotism will decrease due to the pressure from the EU. The Government has shown the political will to act decisively in the prevention and fight against corruption with intensified law enforcement activities, notably on drug seizures and drug-related crimes, and on economic crime and trafficking of human beings. During last year Albania’s economy remained stable but still faces significant challenges to fight corruption, informality and organised crime. Fighting organised crime and corruption is essential to eliminate criminal activities within the political, legal, economic and medical systems prevalent today. The country needs to implement Democratic and Human Rights policies to strengthen the independence of the electoral authorities and ensure fair elections. The number of reported serious offences and cases of domestic violence against women increased. Albania remains a major source country for child traffickers who enlist their victims into child slave labour and prostitution. The number of anti-discrimination cases has also increased. The Law on Protection from Discrimination is largely in line with the EU standard; however, its implementation is insufficient and a solid anti-discrimination law needs to be built. Living conditions, access to education, employment, health and social care for the Roma population need to be improved. The ministry of MWB in Albania is needed more than ever. God richly blessed the ministry during the last year. MWB managed not only to carry out the budgeted projects but also to be a great support to our local partners, especially to the churches and families in crisis. This year, Albania continues to have many challenges ahead, and some of them remain the same from previous years. There is much to do in Albania, a country that is still suffering from high unemployment, corruption, domestic violence, poverty and spiritual deprivation. Overcomers 2015 | 26

BOSNIA Bosnia and Herzegovina continues to face challenges, which largely stem from the lack of will from the political leaders. The country is increasingly lagging behind others in the Western Balkans region, particularly in regards to the political and economic reforms and progress towards the European Union. The prolonged political stalemate and the absence of domestic reform leads to the further weakening of an already fragile economy, and puts a heavy burden on the socio-economic standing of the citizens of Bosnia and Herzegovina. The protests from February 2014, have bubbled up out of a long-simmering discontent at a sluggish economy, mismanagement, corruption and unemployment, which is rising towards 45% of the population. The poverty level is at 39% of the population. Bosnia has been stuck with political infighting between its three main ethnic groups – Bosniaks, Croats and Serbs – in the near 20 years since its three-year civil war ended in 1995. In Bosnia and Herzegovina, political corruption at all levels of government remains a serious and ongoing concern. The widespread protests that shook the country in 2014 were partly motivated by people’s frustration with a corrupt political system, and the apparent lack of political will to tackle this situation structurally. Today there is a desperate need for sustainable intervention for many aspects of life in Bosnia and Herzegovina but perhaps none is greater than the need for basic housing and education. Funds for humanitarian aid are decreasing dramatically with local authorities assuming responsibility for people in need. Most international aid agencies have long ago left the country to help in other, more recent, hot spots in the world. Despite the growing need around the world, the people of Bosnia & Herzegovina still remain desperate. All of the above-mentioned have a huge influence on the Mission’s programs and projects. A great number of people we serve have no belief in a better future and their hope is lost. They had been betrayed by the local politicians, and by the state. Discontent, apathy and despair are three things that describe how Bosnians feel as a society. Deep structural changes and many efforts are needed even for the smallest steps forward. It is a slow process, but hopefully not an unachievable one.

27 | Overcomers 2015

Field Updates BULGARIA The year 2014 was full of events that led to no positive change or real reform in any sphere of the economic, social and political life in Bulgaria. The country saw the resignation of one cabinet, protests on the streets, new parliament elections and the formation of a new parliament and cabinet. The early elections in October did not stop the ongoing instability. Whole sectors of the country are on the point of going bankrupt. Bulgaria has constantly been criticised in all EU Commission reports for the political influence on the judiciary, great corruption and organised crime. About 10,000 refugees fleeing from the war in Syria entered Bulgaria. Violent xenophobia and extremism against the refugees is on the rise throughout society as people see them to be a drain on the economy. 85% of all household monthly income is spent on basic necessities and 44% of all Bulgarians experience �severe material deprivation�. Unemployment in Bulgaria has remained at about 10.8% but practically it is up to 20%. Inflation is at 1.2%. More and more Bulgarians leave the country in search of a better life. Parents often go abroad and leave their children to their grandparents or other relatives. This leaves its mark on the development of the children and brings lots of problems in their lives. Torrential rains flooded the country in the summer of 2014 causing millions of dollars of damage and claiming the lives of over 20 people. Hundreds lost their homes and cannot afford to buy another home. The roads in the flooded regions were destroyed and millions of dollars would be needed for their reconstruction. Small businesses in the flooded regions went bankrupt, leaving hundreds without a job and increasing the already high unemployment rate in these regions. This grim picture makes our work with Mission Without Borders even more valuable. The various programs and projects are important and are a means to alleviate the situation of the neediest people, but the most important is God’s love and hope we share. Yes, the country is in a mess politically and economically but that is the result of the spiritual poverty and lack of any moral values. That is what the Christians can try to change. Overcomers 2015 | 28

MOLDOVA Moldova remains one of the poorest countries in Europe. Moldova’s



heavily on its agricultural sector,



vegetables, wine, and tobacco. Moldova also depends on annual remittances of about $1.6 billion from the roughly one million Moldovans working in Europe, Russia, and other former Soviet Bloc countries. With few natural energy resources, Moldova imports almost all of its energy supplies from Russia. Moldova’s dependence on Russian energy is underscored by a growing $5 billion debt to a Russian natural gas supplier. Over the longer term, Moldova’s economy remains vulnerable to political uncertainty, weak administrative capacity, vested bureaucratic interests, corruption, higher fuel prices, Russian pressure, and the illegal separatist regime in Moldova’s Transnistria region. Unemployment levels are high and the poverty level is 16% of the population. In 2014 Russia put trade restrictions on Moldova, banning the import of Moldovan wine, processed pork meat products, canned vegetables, fruit imports and the cancellation of trade preferences for imports of 19 categories of products. These bans were timed to discourage Moldova from signing the Association Agreement with the European Union. This created problems for Moldovan producers dependent on the Russian market and who are not competitive enough for the European market. The Moldovan law treats men and women equally with regard to inheritance and parental authority and guarantees women’s financial independence. However, inequalities are often [seen] in practice. The physical integrity of Moldovan women is poorly protected. Violence against women, including domestic violence, is widespread. In most cases, the perpetrator is the husband, partner, father or other male relatives. The trafficking of women is a serious problem; it is estimated that Moldovan women account for a large share of prostitutes in Eastern Europe, the Balkans and the Middle East. These women are often beaten and reduced to a form of slavery.

29 | Overcomers 2015

Field Updates UKRAINE

Ukraine has suffered a lot over the past year with the Russian invasion of the eastern region. Over 5000 Ukrainians have died in the conflict; thousands of people have become widows and orphans; suffered physical and emotional injuries; lost their homes and villages and over 1 million people have become refugees in their own country. Many elderly in Ukraine still remember the terrible war 45 years ago and never thought that their children and grandchildren would have to experience that cruelty again. Ukraine’s economy is in financial crisis against the background of hostilities and the loss of the Donbas and Crimea regions to Russia, one of the most important industrial areas responsible for 95% of Ukraine’s coal output. With inflation now at 27%, Ukrainian’s will struggle financially in the coming year. Ukraine’s national currency, the hryvnia, lost half of its value by November 2014. Increased military spending and high energy costs have contributed to Ukraine’s ongoing economic problems. Ukraine’s 2015 budget prioritises defence spending and energy costs. However, the new budget imposes drastic cuts — estimated at $1 billion — for social spending and education. Over the next two years, more than 100,000 teachers may lose their jobs as a result of these cuts. Large-scale job cuts in the public sector, more expensive imports and higher utility and energy prices are expected. Ukraine is more vulnerable and dependent than ever before on international financial assistance for restoring economic stability. The overall situation in Ukraine seems dismal for the country’s future prospects. However, Christians rely on God and believe that He has the entire situation in His hands. Nothing is more expensive than the loss of human life, and Ukraine is paying a very high price each day. We may not understand why, but we believe through prayer and faith that God will find a way to help them. Our most fervent prayer to God is for peace in Ukraine, and to enable the country to overcome its economic troubles. Overcomers 2015 | 30


The 2014 inflation rate in Romania (1.07%) is the lowest it has been since 1970. However, the poverty level is still high at 40% of the population and according to the National Plan for Reform within the European Strategy, Romania intends to reduce the number of persons living at risk and social exclusion to under 580,000 persons by 2020. In order to reach this target Romania needs to improve its social inclusion, living conditions, access to the labour market, education & health services. At this time, Romania is still far behind other European Union countries. The unemployment rate in Romania is 6.4% officially, but unofficially is much higher. Many people have gone abroad to find work, which often leaves broken families, children living without the care of their parents and the elderly living alone and uncared for. The costs of basic items and utilities are constantly increasing and the people are desperate as their salaries remain the same. The Presidential elections in November 2014 were very important for the whole country. People have gone on strike to underline that they want to live decent lives and that people who are deeply corrupted should be accountable for their actions. When the former mayor of Sibiu, Mr Klaus Iohannis, won the Presidential elections in 2014, people started to have faith again that the country can improve. They are optimistic that things will gradually get better and that their beautiful country will have more foreign investors starting new businesses here, which will automatically provide new jobs. Romania still needs lots of reforms within many Government departments, especially education and health, but people are more confident than ever that things can change for the better.

31 | Overcomers 2015


The support for Gift-in-Kind for 2014 was absolutely overwhelming. Our targeted budget of $3 million value was surpassed by $131,000. The Sydney warehouse shipped three 40 foot containers, and the Dandenong workshop, five 20 foot containers. The amount and quality of the items we have shipped to Eastern Europe from Australia this past year has brought relief to so many families and children. You can see from our photos the sheer joy on the faces of children in the Homes, and families in poverty receiving warm clothing and blankets. Imagine, the sense of relief for parents who previously have despaired at their helplessness in being able to provide for their children. The Gift-in-Kind items offered to these families is for them, a revelation of God’s love in action. All this wonderful blessing has, however come at a cost. Recent changes in the Australian currency exchange rate have rapidly increased our shipping costs. Unfortunately, this impacts on the available funding we have to give to all our other programs. Every dollar you are able to contribute to transport costs helps us to keep shipping the much needed Gift-in-Kind items to Eastern Europe. Thank you to all who have donated time, materials, labour and finances to our Gift-in-Kind program. Special thanks to our donor partner companies including longtime supporter Paul Hartmann Pty Ltd. David Turner - National Gift-In-Kind Coordinator


Amazing! How else can I describe our volunteers who sort, pack, fix, label and stack our goods for Eastern Europe or the donations of quilts, shoes, bed linen, clothes and knitwear which pour through our doors from individual and corporate donors? On 12th September 2008 we opened the Workshop at Birch Avenue. We looked at the ‘large’ space and wondered if we would ever fill it. 2015 marks our seventh year and our space has been filled many times over each year. Last year we sent five containers and at the end of the year both our Workshop and our off site container were full. Our first container for 2015 was sent in January. All the goods we have sent have reached Eastern Europe safely and God alone knows how many hearts and bodies have been warmed by the gifts we’ve been privileged to send on behalf of our donors. We are amazed at God’s faithfulness in providing the goods to send, the volunteers to pack them and almost enough space! Of course the more containers we send the more it costs, so we are grateful for all donations small or large towards transport. Maybe our seventh year will be the best yet. We are ready to be amazed again! Jenny Grainger - Victorian Gift-In-Kind Coordinator Overcomers 2015 | 32

33 | Overcomers 2015

Collection Points David Turner – Australia Wide GIK Coordinator Sydney Office 10 Stubbs Street Auburn NSW 2144 PO Box 7533 Silverwater NSW 1811 Phone: 02 9647 2022 Email: Jenny Grainger - Victorian Coordinator 3 Exner Drive Dandenong North VIC 3175 Phone: 0416 699 464 Email: Workshop: 8 Birch Avenue Dandenong North VIC 3175 (open Wednesday and Friday 9am-3pm) ACT – Richard L Price Bonython ACT 2905 Phone: 0402 134 773 Email: (please call for address and delivery details) Tasmania – Carlene Irwin 114 Sheffield Road Spreyton TAS 7310 Phone 03 6427 3113 South Australia – Leila Lydeamore 33 Ina Close Craigmore SA 5114 Phone: 0421 276 800 Email: Queensland – Lyndon and Kathy Armstrong Capalaba, QLD 4157 Phone: 0414 497 503 Email: Please phone or email for address details and to arrange delivery. Western Australia – Debbi Wilson Unit 4-110 Matheson Road Applecross WA 6153 Phone: 08 9316 2466 or 0417 926 695 Email: (Deliveries can be made only on weekends or weeknights. Please phone to arrange delivery) NOTE: Please DO NOT send SECOND HAND or USED clothing items to us. We are unable to send these to our field countries, due to customs regulations we must adhere to. These are our state collection point contacts. Please contact our office on 02 9647 2022 for other regional collection points. Remember that our collection point contacts are all volunteers giving of their time and resources to serve the Lord through MWB.

Logistics with Love We are so blessed to receive thousands of handmade and donated items of warm clothing and blankets to send to Eastern Europe. We are even more blessed to have amazing volunteers who donate their time, effort and love to sort and pack all the items we receive. As wonderful as this is, each time we have filled a container with donated goods ready to leave our shores, we must raise the funds to cover the continually rising shipping costs. It can cost up to AUD$8000.00 to send a 40 foot container. As mentioned in the Sydney report, with the falling Australian dollar exchange rate, we can expect further increases this year. How can you help? If you belong to a knitting group, or a church who is looking for a way of making a difference, every little bit helps. Perhaps you could present the idea to your craft group, bible study or church to help us raise these funds. A $100 donation will provide 1 cubic metre of shipping freight costs to assist us in getting all the wonderful items that have been donated to the poor people in Eastern Europe. It’s a small amount to give to keep the cold out and bring love to so many men, women and children who desperately need it. Many thanks and blessings, Team MWB Australia.

P O B OX 7 5 3 3 S I LV E R WAT E R N S W 1 8 1 1 10 S T U B B S S T R E E T AU B U R N N S W 2 1 4 4 PHONE: 02 9647 2022 E

austral i a@ mw bi . o rg W E B : w w b. o rg. au

I would like to be a part of God’s work through Mission Without Borders! ☐ I would like to sponsor a child through your Child Rescue International program ($40 per month/$480 per year). ☐ Moldova ☐ Ukraine ☐ Romania ☐ Boy ☐ Girl Name Address Suburb



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☐ I would like to receive your newsletters and Bridge of Prayer. Send completed form to: Mission Without Borders PO Box 7533 Silverwater NSW 1811 For more information please phone: 02 9647 2022



I would like to be a part of God’s work through Mission Without Borders! ☐ I would like to sponsor a family through your Family to Family program ($40 per month/$480 per year). ☐ Albania ☐ Bosnia ☐ Bulgaria ☐ Moldova ☐ Romania ☐ Ukraine Name Address Suburb



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☐ I would like to receive your newsletters and Bridge of Prayer. Send completed form to: Mission Without Borders PO Box 7533 Silverwater NSW 1811 For more information please phone: 02 9647 2022



I would like to be a part of God’s work through Mission Without Borders! ☐ I would like to give a general donation to your ministry and work. ☐ I would like to give a monthly donation to your ministry and work. ☐ I would like to give a monthly donation to Vocational Scholarships. Name Address Suburb Email Mobile


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☐ I would like to receive your newsletters and Bridge of Prayer. Send completed form to: Mission Without Borders PO Box 7533 Silverwater NSW 1811 For more information or to make a donation please phone: 02 9647 2022

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☐ I would like to sponsor a Child ($40 per month/$480 per year). Please see over for my details. ☐I Payment Options: ☐ Cheque/Money Order (payable to Mission Without Borders) ☐ Credit Card ☐ Amex ☐ Visa ☐ Mastercard Credit Card Number _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Exp _ _ /_ _ Name on Card: ______________________ Signature: _________________________ ☐ I wish to make regular automatic direct debits from my credit card/bank account. Please send me an Authorisation Form to complete and return. (Form can be downloaded from\giving\regular-giving\) ☐ Direct Deposit to our bank account: Mission Without Borders Bank:Westpac BSB: 032061 Account: 350625 (Ref—Donor Number or email us at to inform us you have made a deposit)



☐ I would like to sponsor a Family ($40 per month/$480 per year). Please see over for my details. ☐I Payment Options: ☐ Cheque/Money Order (payable to Mission Without Borders) ☐ Credit Card ☐ Amex ☐ Visa ☐ Mastercard Credit Card Number _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Exp _ _ /_ _ Name on Card: ______________________ Signature: _______________________ ☐ I wish to make regular automatic direct debits from my credit card/bank account. Please send me an Authorisation Form to complete and return. (Form can be downloaded from\giving\regular-giving\) ☐ Direct Deposit to our bank account: Mission Without Borders Bank:Westpac BSB: 032061 Account: 350625 (Ref—Donor Number or email us at to inform us you have made a deposit)



☐ I would like to give a general donation of $______ to your ministry and work. ☐ I would like to give a monthly donation of $______ to your ministry and work. ☐ I would like to give a monthly donation of $______ to Vocational Scholarships Please see over for my details. ☐I Payment Options: ☐ Cheque/Money Order (payable to Mission Without Borders) ☐ Credit Card ☐ Amex ☐ Visa ☐ Mastercard Credit Card Number _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Exp _ _ /_ _ Name on Card: ______________________ Signature: _______________________ ☐ I wish to make regular automatic direct debits from my credit card/bank account. Please send me an Authorisation Form to complete and return. (Form can be downloaded from\giving\regular-giving\) ☐ Direct Deposit to our bank account: Mission Without Borders Bank:Westpac BSB: 032061 Account: 350625 (Ref—Donor Number or email us at to inform us you have made a deposit)


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