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Spring Break Camp
Looking for somewhere fun and entertaining to send your child for this Spring Break? At The Community House we have got you covered with fun games, crafts and so much more! Each day there will be different activities including art, science, and STEM! We also have a field trip on Wednesday March 30. **your child will need a sack lunch daily. Customize your Spring Break Camp and sign up for just one day or the entire week for a discounted rate! Instructor: The Community House Staff Location: Depart/Return from The Community House Min/Max: 8/50 Ages: 5-14 years Fee/KH Fee: $75/$60 Code Day Dates Time ENR-YTH-1008-1 3/28 M 7:30am-3:30pm ENR-YTH-1008-2 3/29 TU 7:30am-3:30pm ENR-YTH-1008-3 3/30 W 7:30am-3:30pm ENR-YTH-1008-4 3/31 TH 7:30am-3:30pm ENR-YTH-1008-5 4/1 F 7:30am-3:30pm Fee/KH Fee: $350/$275 ENR-YTH-1006-6 3/28-4/1 M-F *Extended hours are available from 3:30-6:00pm for an additional fee. ($20/Keyholders and $30/Non-Keyholders.)
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School’s Out Trips
No school? No problem! If your child needs full day care on the days, they are off school, drop them off at The Community House! We have a day packed with fun activities for your child. This program is intended for kindergarten 8th Grade. Trip locations are subject to change based on current health guidelines. Instructor: The Community House Staff Location: Depart/Return from The Community House Min/Max: 8/50 Age: 5-14 years Fee/KH Fee: $75/$60 *Extended hours are available from 3:30-6:00pm for an additional fee. ($20/Keyholders and $30/Non-Keyholders.)
Ceramic Art Cafe - LaGrange
Time to get creative and use your artistic talents! Your child will be able to choose a piece of pottery art of their choice and over 80 paints to use to create their very own masterpiece! **your child will need a sack lunch. Code Day Dates Time ENR-YTH-1005-1 M 1/17 7:30am-3:30pm
Urban Air Adventure Park - Naperville
Urban Air has something for everyone. Not only will your child bounce on the trampolines, but they also have bumper cars, a sky rider coaster, climbing walls and more. Urban Air offers an exciting time all day long! **your child will need a sack lunch. Code Day Dates Time ENR-YTH-1005-2 M 2/21 7:30am-3:30pm
Enchanted Castle - Lombard
Join us for an exciting day at Enchanted Castle in Lombard! Laser tag, game play and bumper car rides are just a few activities your child will be able to participate in. **Pizza lunch included! Code Day Dates Time ENR-YTH-1005-3 F 3/4 7:30am-3:30pm
American Red Cross Babysitting Certification Whole Child Learning Company
Get the knowledge, skill and confidence you need to care for infants and school-age children. This training will help participants develop skills in leadership and professionalism; safety and safe play; and first aid. The course will combine video, activities, hands-on skills training and discussion for a complete learning experience. Please bring a sack lunch. Instructor: Donna Giove Location: The Community House Min/Max: 4/12 Ages: 11-15 years Fee/KH Fee: $105/$90 Code Day Dates Time ENR-YTH-1024-1 SA 1/29 9:00am-4:00pm ENR-YTH-1024-2 SA 4/2 9:00am-4:00pm ENR-YTH-1024-3 SA 5/21 9:00am-4:00pm Instructor: Whole Child Learning Instructor Location: The Community House Min/Max: 6/15 Ages: 5-12 years Fee/KH Fee: $185/$160 Super Slime and Gooey Chemistry Do your kids like to get messy? Have a blast in this science class as kids learn the basics of chemistry and make tons of slime too! Each week, kids will be doing experiments, making observations and reaching conclusions! Code Day Dates Time ENR-YTH-1020-1 TU 1/18-3/8 3:30-4:30pm Harry Potter Science and Potions
Spanish Class
Your child will find themselves immersed in Spanish learning the language the way true native learners learn. We will sing songs, have stories, movement, movies, art, music, and so much more but all immersed in Spanish! Assessments, dedicated workbooks, small interpersonal groups, plus native speaking teachers will help guide you and/or your child towards Spanish mastery as efficiently as possible. Age groups will be combined and activities will be planned appropriately based on your child’s skill level. Instructor: Alma Ascencio & Alejandra Osorio Location: The Community House Min/Max: 3/8 Fee/KH Fee: $645/$559 Ages: 3-5 years Code Day Dates Time ENR-PRE-1019-1 TH 1/13-4/21* 4:00-5:30pm Ages: 6-12 years ENR-YTH-1019-1 TH 1/13-4/21* 4:00-5:30pm *No class 3/31 Would your kids like to attend the Hogwarts School of Magic? We’ll be making wands, monster books and so much more! Join our potions class and make potions that actually work! Code Day Dates Time ENR-YTH-1020-2 TH 1/20-3/10 3:30-4:30pm
Culinary Creations
Learn the secrets of cooking and baking while we prepare scrumptious food in the kitchen! We’ll be practicing knife skills and experiment with sauces, food presentation and so much more! Of course you’ll take home all of your creations to share with friends and family! Fee/KH Fee: $225/$195 Code Day Dates Time ENR-YTH-1020-3 TU 4/5-5/24 3:30-4:45pm
Little Medics
Instructor: Little Medics Instructor Location: The Community House Min/Max: 6/15 Ages: 6-12 years
Wilderness Med
Students will explore some of the dangers in the wild such as bug bites, snake bites, and poisonous plants. These future emergency medics will learn how to splint a broken leg, tie a tourniquet, filter dirty water, the effects of hypothermia and 20 ways to use a bandana in emergencies. Topics: Snake Bites, Hypothermia, Water Safety, Tourniquets and Broken Leg, Mosquitoes Fee/KH Fee: $165/$145 Code Day Dates Time *ENR-YTH-1037-1 M 1/17 9:00am-3:00pm ENR-YTH-1037-2 M-F 3/28-4/1 9:00am-12:00pm *ENR-YTH-1037-3 M 3/7-4/18 5:30-6:30pm ** Please bring a sack lunch for 1/17 Class ** No class on 3/28
CONNECT WITH US! Little Veterinarian School Dog I
Students are given white coats and become little veterinarians. Through role play and hands-on activities they will learn how to assess the health of a pet dog, about animal nutrition, how to care for stitches, how to check for ticks, and about the many veterinary professions available. Each child goes home with an adopted plush pup! Topics: What is in the Vet’s Office?, The ABC’s of Dog Care, Lacerations, Sick of Ticks, Immunizations. Fee/KH Fee: $190/$170 Code Day Dates Time ENR-YTH-1037-4 M 1/24-2/28 4:15-5:15pm *ENR-YTH-1037-5 M 2/21 9:00am-3:00pm Fee/KH Fee: $350/$300 ENR-YTH-1037-6 M-F 3/28-4/1 12:30-3:30pm **Please bring a sack lunch for 2/21 class
Little Doctor School I
Each student takes home a lab coat and a real working stethoscope. Each topic is presented through a hands-on craft which the students will also take home. Topics: What is in the Doctor’s Bag?, Heart and Lungs, Digesting Digestion, Is There a Surgeon in the House? Fee/KH Fee: $160/$140 Code Day Dates Time ENR-YTH-1037-7 M 1/24-2/28 5:30-6:30pm ENR-YTH-1037-8 F 3/4 9:00am-3:00pm ** Please bring a sack lunch for 3/4 Class
Little Veterinarian School Dog II
Students will role-play the key staff functions performed at a veterinary office and how to keep their “adopted” plush puppy healthy. These future veterinarians will explore digestion, the different parts of the canine eye, animal body language and how X-rays are used to diagnose and treat common illnesses. Fee/KH Fee: $185/$165 Code Day Dates Time ENR-YTH-1037-9 M 3/7-4/18 4:15-5:15pm ** No class on 3/28