Tsunamies by Sergio

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Tsunamis by Sergio Aguilera

Disaster!Disaster! there is a huge disaster. The people cry and no help comes too them.Tsunamis can destroy peoples life's.

The location for a tsunami. Can be any watch out the next place for it.To strike may be your home.

Chilly! chilly! chilly! The temperature for a tsunami is bad! It is extremely cold. Watch out for that bad weather!

the tsunamis is the second. Most homelessness cause.It is also the third most killing Natural disaster.

the results of a tsunami is bad... it can kill over 225,000 people.It can also wipe out city's.That will never became city's again.

A famous Tsunami is the Indian Ocean. It even hit in India.It also hit other places that are now wiped out.

This Tsunami destroyed... every thing in her sight.No more things grew there for a long time.Only disaster was left.

this tsunami affected... people far away in many ways.One of the ways is that no more things from that place will be sold.Things like food.

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