Looney Tunes Talk Technology
By: De’Undre White & RileyL.Carr BY: RILEY CARR & DE’UNDRE T. WHITE
One day Bugs Bunny, Taz, Froghorn Leghorn Lola, Porky, Donald Duck, Pepé Le Pew & Tweety Bird wanted to know about the basics of technology.
My ID was stolen about a week ago. As soon as I found out, I called the police and let them handle the situation.
Social Media Tweety I have a Facebook page! I don’t think that you should have one. Why? Because you might do something that you shouldn’t like give out personal information to the wrong person.
Internet basics Do you know the basics of the internet? The Internet isn’t just for playing games or communicating with friends—it’s a place to get things done and find useful information.
Copyright Do you know what copyright is? Copyright is the exclusive legal right, given to an originator or an assignee to print, publish, perform, film, or record literary, artistic, or musical material, and to authorize others to do the same. The copyright symbol is Š.
Plagiarism Have you ever plagiarized someone else's work? Did you know that you could go to jail or face a fine? Plagiarism is a crime! It is the practice of taking of someone’s work and claiming it as your own.
Technology Did you know that you use technology in your daily life? You use technology at school, home, & work. If we did not have technology then there is no telling what the world would do! Most people would probably loose their minds and go crazy!
As you can see you can learn a lot from me and my friends. It may seem as if we’re a little tricky, but still remember that we’re a family!
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