Technology Rachel Vickrey January 5th 2014 3rd Period
1. Introduction
Technology has changed the way we communicate.
We do almost everything on the internet.
We talk to family and friends on social media sites, post pictures, and update statuses.
This book will tell you more about Technology.
2. Fraud
There are two types of fraud: Account fraud, and Identity theft.
Account fraud is using someone’s bank account or credit card without that person’s consent.
Identity theft is someone taking your personal information and pretending to be you.
The best way to keep from being a victim of fraud is to cover up your pin number, and changing your bank account number often.
3. Social Media
Social media are online websites that allow you to communicate with other people.
There are several types of social media: Facebook, Pintrest, Skype, and Blog.
Using social media sites, you can chat with your friends and family anywhere in the world.
4. Internet Basics
There are several types of internet basics: Internet Explorer, Chrome, and Internet Safety.
Internet Explorer is a web browser for Microsoft computers.
Chrome is a web browser for Google developed for Widows computers.
Internet safety is maximizing the user’s personal safety and security risks on private information and property.
5. Copyright.
Copyright is the exclusive single right, given to an originator to print, or publish literary, or musical material.
Copyright is protected by federal law.
Fair use can be used to permit someone to use a portion of a resource without permission.
If your use of materials falls outside the acceptable limits, you must ask the copyright owner for permission to use their work.
6. Plagiarism.
Plagiarism means to steal and pass off (the ideas or words of another) as one’s own.
Plagiarism is not the same as Copyright.
Plagiarism is about providing credit for the work and copyright is about only the amount of work that is necessary to make your point.
7. Conclusion ď‚ž
In conclusion, Technology has changed the way we communicate with other people.
Technology has helped us be able to communicate with people form all over the country and in other parts of the world.