Tech News Jan. 2011

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Vol. 13 Jan. 2011 pg 1 Edited by M. Winter

I’m a teacher, a learner, an inquirer…

Let’s Twit

What’s the point of Twitter? Why should educators get involved? What difference does using Twitter make? Follow me at #tech221

Vol. 13 Jan.2011 pg 2 Edited by M. Winter

What is the point of Twitter? Teaching can be a lonely business. As educators we can become isolated whether in a large district or a small one. Throughout the busy school day we focus on the needs of the students, the parents, and our administrators and we rarely have time to focus on our needs. Twitter can be a a virtual staffroom where you can bounce ideas off of other professionals, you can gather new curriculum from around the world, and you can engage with other adults that are searching to improve the educational experience. As an educator you can quickly interact with other educators to reflect on what they are doing in their schools and search for solutions to issues that you may be experiencing. Twitter is a great medium for sharing ideas and getting instant feedback. Following smart people on Twitter can give you a mental shot of adrenaline as you realize that there are innovative educators out in the world doing a lot of really great things. Engaging positively with the outside world can put your own reality into a completely different light. I make sure to have an account that is totally dedicated to education and not my daily life. I do not twitter aimlessly, therefore the time I do spend on twitter is enlightening and inspiring.

Twitter tip: Do’s and Don’ts /30-twitter-tips-for-teachers/

Twitter basics

Twitter for Teachers w/page/22554534/FrontPage

100 tips and uses of Twitter 3/19/100-tips-apps-and-resources-forteachers-on-twitter/

Twitter with Students Here are some possible suggestions for using twitter with your students: 1. Learning a new language. 2. Back channel discussions. 3. Send discussion questions to think about as a post or preview of the days lessons. 4. Gathering data to share with the class.

Vol. 13 Jan.2011 Extra Edited by M. Winter

Can U Be An Edu-Pundit?

I am not qualified are you?

Dear Teachers, I have been meaning to write this letter for a long time! It is a letter that I feel is long overdue and with the elves getting all ready for my long ride, I finally found the time! I have been watching teachers for many years and I am amazed at the work they do. I have come to a conclusion that the teaching profession, like my own, must be filled with bits of magic! Please let me provide ten statements of evidence for my belief. 1. I travel the world one night of the year visiting all the boys and girls of the world. The teaching profession works with every boy and girl all year long. This equates to each teacher fulfilling educational needs for 30 – 200 children each and every school day. Seems like magic to me! 2. I deliver presents to all the boys and girls. From my Toy Repair Shop statistics I find many of these gifts are broken or no longer garner a child’s interest within months! Yet teachers find inner gifts in every child. Teachers nurture these inner gifts until they develop into true presents that will last a lifetime. These kinds of gifts sure seem like magic to me! Thanks for all the magic, Santa To read the rest go to

Vol. 13 Jan. 2011 Pg. 3 Edited by M. Winter Icon scrabble is a fun way to make headlines for your worksheet or class news letters.

Trading cards Warholzer Billboards Imagine it and do it. This site lets you get creative. I have made trading cards of invertebrates and used them to have students create a classification poster. It was a great way to have them show what they had learned as a culminating activity. Use gickr to make animations. Take a series of pictures. Upload a maximum of ten and quickly make an animation. Save it to the desktop and then drag it into smart board or embed it into a blog or website. I have made animations of models that I want the students to make so that as they view the animation I can move around the room helping those in need. It works like a charm.

Vol. 13 Jan.2011 pg 4 Edited by M. Winter Save your bookmarks and share them easily with others.

Check out the new version of Blooms Taxonomy. If we lead the way our students will surpass us and generate imaginative and reimaged ideas that provoke and inspire and lead us to a new image of education.

https://sites. site/winterre sources/hom e/bloom-staxonomynew From http://ilearnte m/?p=3080 Publish your own magazine online. Embed it in your blog or wiki.

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