Either or catalogue

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Mike Newton either/or

Copyright 2018 by the author (Mike Newton) who retains the sole copyright for the contributions to this book. http://www.mwnewton.com/ https://www.instagram.com/blackdog54/

either/or Either/Or was chosen by the Danish philosopher Søren Kierkegaard as the title of his first published work: a theory of human existence marked by the distinction between a hedonistic mode of life and an ethical life which is predicated upon commitment. An “either/or” expression is one that is used to indicate that there are only two options; an unavoidable choice between two alternatives… Black/White Good/Evil Being/Nothingness Leave/Remain It is often a fallacy that there is no middle ground and consequently there are choices between the polar opposites. In this series of portraits of European philosophers I have looked to extend my range of mark making and use of colour, experimenting to find the middle ground in some of painting’s traditional dichotomies… Sketchy/Resolved Realist/Expressionist Abstraction/Figuration This approach led to some interesting representations of my chosen European philosophers, imagining that these prominent humanists were distressed at our nation’s repudiation of enlightenment values. Hopefully we too will find workable middle ground rather than the false dichotomy we are being threatened with.

An exhibition of paintings by

Mike Newton 18th December 2017 - 27th January 2018 (10am - 5pm)* Closing party on Friday 26th January 5.30-8pm The Borlace Smart Room Porthmeor Studios, Back Road West, St Ives TR26 1NL *Limited opening over the Christmas Holidays

Søren Kierkegaard, 2017 Oil on Canvas 61x61cm

Friedrich Schiller , 2017 Oil on Canvas 61x61cm

Jean-Franรงois Lyotard, 2017 Oil on Paper 28x28cm

Montesquieu, 2017 Oil on Paper 28x28cm

Jacques Derrida, 2017 Oil on Paper 28x28cm

RenĂŠ Descartes, 2017 Oil on Paper 28x28cm

G W F Hegel, 2017 Oil on Paper 28x28cm

Niccolò Machiavelli, 2017 Oil on Paper 28x28cm

Arthur Schopenhauer, 2017 Oil on Paper 28x28cm

Voltaire, 2017 Oil on Paper 28x28cm

Jaques Lacan, 2017 Oil on Paper 28x28cm

Michel Foucault, 2017 Oil on Paper 28x28cm

Erwin Schrรถdinger, 2017 Oil on Paper 28x28cm

Friedrich Schiller, 2017 Oil on Paper 28x28cm

Gaston Bachelard, 2017 Oil on Linen 35x30cm

Denis Diderot, 2017 Oil on Linen 35x30cm

Michel Foucault, 2017 Oil on Linen 35x30cm

Edmund Husserl, 2017 Oil on Linen 35x30cm

Karl Marx, 2017 Oil on Linen 35x30cm

Jean-Jacques Rousseau, 2017 Oil on Linen 35x30cm

Arthur Schopenhauer, 2017 Oil on Linen 35x30cm

Baruch Spinoza, 2017 Oil on Linen 35x30cm

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