MXGP #46 July 2017

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#46_JULY 2017

s i n o k i Jas

g n i h c Rea s t h g i e H w e N


RIDER OF THE MONTH Arminas Jasikonis

07 10 16 20 30 32 40 42 46 50 54 56 64




HALL OF FAME Stefan Everts

MXGP MAG: Chief Editor: Marionna Leiva Photos: Youthstream YOUTHSTREAM Media World Trade Center II Rte de Pré-Bois 29 1215 Geneva 15 Airport Switzerland MXGP Mag #46 July 2017 The articles published in this magazine do not necessarily reflect the official position of Youthstream. Then content of this publication is based on the best knowledge and information available at the time the articles were written. The copying of articles and photos even partially is forbidden unless permission has ben requested from Youthstream in advance and reference is made to the source (©Youthstream).



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EDITORIAL Giuseppe Luongo President of Youthstream Group

Dear MXGP Friends,

which started several years ago when the pyramid was You will know that the Mocreated with the European tocross World Championship Championships at its base, was historically dominated the MX2 and finally MXGP by European riders with at the point, and the Eurosome non-European spots pean Championship started from the 70’s up to the to be seriously developed beginning of 2000: Brad (with non-Europeans beLackey, Danny Laporte, Bob ing allowed to take part), Moore, Trampas Parker so the presence of talentfrom USA, Greg Albertyn ed non-European riders is and Grant Langston from proof that we are heading in South Africa, Chad Reed the right direction. Thanks from Australia and the King to the high level of the Mobrothers, Josh Coppins tocross World Championship and Ben Townley from New and to the fact the European Zealand, but they all raced 125 and 250 Championships during different periods. have become the real MotoYouthstream’s goal is to in- cross ‘World Academy’ tocrease every year the pres- day there are 8 permanent ence of riders coming from young non-European riders other continents to one day racing the EMX250 and MX2. have several riders perIn the MX2 class there are 2 manently racing in MXGP. Americans and 2 Australians This is part of our project and in the EMX250 there are

2 Americans, 1 Australian and 1 New Zealander. They are all very young and competitive with a long career in front of them. The goal is that they grow and that the majority of them will go into the MXGP Class in about 3 or 4 years, and by that time there will be other youth arriving to the European Championships to prepare their road for their future. Another important aspect is also within Europe; things have changed a bit from the past, previously the majority of riders came from Western Europe, today we are seeing more and more riders who successfully participate in our Championships coming from every part of Europe. Riders like Gajser, Jasikonis, Jonass and Olsen, who are MXGP MAG 2017 MXGP.COM

extremely young and very successful, are great engines for many other young riders.

throughout the world.

So far this year the MXGP class is being dominated by Tony Cairoli who has made a perfect season up until now; With the success of MXGP, the combination of his expewith the very high level of rience and preparation and competition in the European Championships, with the a perfect team supporting him makes it seem that he’s possibilities of riders from unbeatable. As often is the all over the world via the case, the Championship is European Championships to have access to the major affected by the riders’ injuries, and in certain moments teams and become profesCairoli’s principal rivals have sional, with the fact MXGP is more and more worldwide been injured taking a lot of with races in many different points away from them. But if it seems the title is 70% in continents, with the very Cairoli’s hands, every Grand high TV and media coverPrix will have its own story age and with the notoriety of our sport helps us in this to tell and there are many riders who are in condition difficult but clear target: to win a Grand Prix, and now to have Motocross great



with Herlings and Desalle back in shape, and very soon with Febvre and Gajser too, we will witness some unforgettable racing. The 2-weeksbreak in July will allow the riders to recover from injury, recharge their batteries and be already for Loket where they can start battling again for the top step of the podium. MX2 is proving to be very interesting as well with some spectacular battles between Jonass, Seewer, Covington and Olsen, and also Paturel, Lieber, Bogers and Prado Garcia are giving all they’ve got to get on the podium. I personally cannot wait to see them all back on the track in Loket.
















FROM RUSSIA TO PORTUGAL WITH LOVE For the first time since 2012 MXGP headed east to Russia to a brand new circuit at Orlyonok, a venue which had previously entertained the FIM Junior World Championship in 2016. As it is always the case, when you see footage on TV or look at images in a magazine or online, some circuits look different to how they appear in reality, and the same could be said of this track in Russia.

of the Russian podium with a 2-3 performance.

plates on offer. But just like Lombardia though, he didn’t line up for Race 2; not sure if it was heat exhaustion or that he is running out of Lombardia space at home to put all these FOX Another new venue greeted the riders in the form of Ottobiano; well Holeshot awards, either way, someone else was taking home a black we say new, but the reality is that it had never been a world champi- plate after Race 2. This time it was onship venue until this year but as the Rockstar Energy Husqvarna of for racing it, the circuit was already Thomas Covington making it three familiar with many riders and teams for the season for both him and his so the only thing they had to get paymasters. That holeshot kept him used to was the heat. And boy was 3rd in the black plate standings; he First impressions are designed to it hot! In the first MX2 race it was was also 3rd in the GP as well for last and there was no mistaking the second consecutive weekend. that Orlyonok gave a great first im- that wee young whipper snapper pression, with its many hills, steep of a Spaniard by the name of Jorge descents and overall old school Prado that crossed the FOX Hole- MXGP shot line first, making it three in-a- Back to Russia then, and as we nature. This was a real motocross row and nine in total for the season. said previously, the uphill start was track. The uphill start therefore was always going to favour outright However, the heat would get the always going to favour a bike with better of him and he wouldn’t line horsepower, and when you look at some serious horsepower and yes, up for race 2. Making sure the the stats leading in to Round 10, it that could have been any one of the was clear that another good week- Red Bull KTM dominance prevailed, 450’s that were lined up at Orlyonok. However, it was the Red Bull end would be had by KTM in both Pauls Jonass duly obliged in his KTM of Antonio Cairoli that reached classes. teammates absence and crossed the line first in what was the first the line for the 8th time in 2017. It MX2 real mudder since Indonesia in really is turning out to be a stellar Well it was certainly the case in March. But it was his teammate year for KTM. MX2 as despite the wet, muddy Jeffrey Herlings who went on to win conditions after overnight rain and Portugal Race 1. sporadic downpours during SunOne week after Italy we arrived in day, there was no matching the In the second moto as the main Portugal, returning to Agueda for starting prowess of little ‘Georgie’ the first time since 2013, and guess pack boxed themselves in to the Prado whose two FOX Holeshots inside, Monster Energy Yamaha’s what? Go on, guess! I won’t look, launched him to the top of the MX2 I promise. Jorge Prado only went holeshot standings, one clear of his and picked up the first black plate of teammate Pauls Jonass. The Latvi- the day, thus making him the most an though would have the last laugh successful rider of the last three as it was him who stood on top GP’s taking four out of the six black


Romain Febvre chose to go the long way round and starting from the outside of the grid, he nailed his 3rd FOX Holeshot of the year by the narrowest of margins to put himself in a commanding position in the deteriorating conditions. Despite his efforts though, the coolest man on track in Race 2 was Clement Desalle, who not only took the race win on his Monster Energy Kawasaki, but also made it back-to-back wins overall, winning the MXGP of Russia in the best muddy way possible!

Holeshot lead that was increasing, second race he was almost there but also his points lead in the MXGP again, except he was denied by standings. Impressive. the HRC Honda of Tim Gajser who took his third FOX Holeshot of the Portugal season. From the last six moto’s Coming into Portugal, the history Cairoli had become very ‘Prado-esque’ with his four from six black books told us that Stefan Everts plates gained form the last three and Antonio Cairoli were the most GP’s, and both Red Bull KTM riders successful riders around Agueda, with four wins apiece. However, all lead the way with ten black plates of Cairoli’s wins had come on a Ya- apiece. Time is running out for evmaha; three in MX2 and one in MX1 eryone else if they want to get their back in 2009 in his rookie season. hands on that FOX loot at the end of In short, Cairoli and KTM had never the season. won at Agueda. Gautier Paulin was Lombardia the last rider to win in the premier In MX2 KTM have now taken 19 out After a weekend off, we resumed class there in 2013 and before that of the 24 holeshots in 2017 and in in Italy at Ottobiano with Cairoli on it was Clement Desalle, who had MXGP KTM have taken 12 from 23 seven FOX Holeshots, four clear of won three in a row from 2010starts (Indonesia Race 2 did not his nearest rival. Febvre’s Russian 2012. Add to that Jeffrey Herlings run). Honda, Kawasaki and TM have holeshot had propelled him up to three MX2 wins in 2011, 2012 and yet to register a holeshot in MX2. 2nd but unfortunately, no one other 2013 all of a sudden the bigger MX2 Table than TC222 would get a look in in picture just got magnified. Jorge Prado 10 Italy. Riding like a man possessed Paul’s Jonass 8 the Sicilian pulled off a FOX HoleSometimes though, we need to shot double for the second time this brush away all that nonsense and Thomas Covington 3 season – the first was Germany remain in the present, and so when – and simply outrode his rivals to the gate dropped in MXGP Race 1, MXGP Table record his second home GP win of Antonio Cairoli 10 were we that surprised that #222 the year with an emphatic double Tim Gajser 3 was first to cross the line again? race win. It wasn’t only his FOX Like really? Probably not, and in the Romain Febvre 3







CHANGING CONDITIONS, CONSTANT GOAL The 2017 season is full steam ahead and the racing continues to be full of action. Since the last issue MXGP has traveled to Russia, back to Italy and to the circuit from years past of Agueda in Portugal. Each race had vastly different conditions and new challenges emphasizing the importance of a rider’s versatility and ability to adapt in the FIM Moto-cross World Championship.




To start the month of June we traveled to the new stop of Orlyonok, Russia. Orlyonok is not only right on the beautiful black sea but also the sight of one of the largest children’s camps in the world. The camp played host for a media event and opening ceremony, the most spectacular one of the year so far with thousands of children celebrating and wel-coming MXGP. Coming into the MXGP of Russia no one knew what to expect in every aspect, from food, to accommodations or even the attitude of the locals toward the event. In the end everyone, teams, riders, media, etc. were all pleasantly surprised. With hotel staff even opening the kitchen at 2AM to feed guest to the abundance of true fans toughing out the rain. While Saturday’s qualifying took

place on a dry and high-speed track, Sunday’s track was a completely different animal. Although both days were on the exact same surface, the conditions couldn’t have been further from each other, after an overnight rain storm and continued rain throughout Sunday MXGP was set for a mud race. When the gates dropped for the first time it was MX2’s Race 1 Red Bull KTM Factory Racing’s Jorge Prado who took his 7th Fox Holeshot of the season. Behind Prado was Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing’s Thomas Kjer Olsen and Prado’s team mate, points leader Pauls Jonass. With the rain pounding the track Olsen was the rider who slid into the lead and won the race ahead of Jonass and Paturel.

In MX2 race 2 the rain had stopped but riders decided not to go out for the sighting lap and it came to bite Olsen when he fell in the mud on the opening section of the first lap which left him with a 1st and a DNF. Kemea Yamaha Official MX Team’s Benoit Paturel took the lead early in the race but would also crash before finishing third. There were two things to remember though: HSF Motorsport’s Brian Bogers breakthrough second place to take third overall, and even more impressive was Suzuki World MX2’s Jeremy Seewer lapping everyone except Bogers in race 2 including Jonass. In the MXGP class Red Bull KTM Factory Racing’s Jeffrey Herlings is known as the sand king and is also not known to do well in the mud. In race 1 Jeffrey proved his


Ottobiano for the Fiat Professional Fullback MXGP of Lombardia. The track at Ottobiano took many off guard with the deep sand that had been mixed into the revised circuit. Aside from the new track the biggest challenge truly was heat. With temperatures well over 30 degrees Celsius outside and up to 50 To start MXGP race 2 and finish the degrees inside the pad-dock tents only the fittest riders were able to weekend Monster Energy Yamaha perform. Factory MXGP’s Romain Febvre took the early lead. Meanwhile, Jeffrey Herlings fell in the first corner, At 31 years old the 8-time world champion, Cairoli, proved he is again 50 yards later, then once among the most athlet-ic and fit more before mounting a charge. Febvre eventually came to the back of all. Cairoli took race 1 by storm leading from the beginning and of Herlings to put him a lap down but clipped the #84’s back wheel in fending off charges by the sand master of Herlings. While Herlings the process handing over the lead was strong, Cairoli was stronger and race to Clement Desalle. With the 3-1 scores Desalle took his 2nd and in race 2 the same showed, Cairoli would again face the overall of the year only two weeks charges of Herlings even loosafter his first win. ing the lead but the experience With the mud out of the way MXGP of riding a 450 and the physical preparation paid off for the Italian headed back to Italy for the secwho won the race and his second ond time of the year, this time to mud skills have improved after he passed the Holeshot winner, his team mate Cairoli. While the two are team mates on paper a rivalry is brewing. Behind them there was the MXGP of France overall winner, Monster Energy Kawasaki Factory Racing’s Clement Desalle.



overall of 2 Italian GP’s. Another note-worthy performance came from Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing’s Max An-stie, who after getting stuck in the gate in race 1, came from dead last to finish 5th and then 3rd in race 2 for his first ever career podium in MXGP. In MX2 Jeremy Seewer has been trying to gain points on Jonass most of the season and race 1 was his chance. Jonass had a poor start and had to exert massive amounts of en-ergy to work his way through the field, while Seewer found his way into the lead and the race win ahead of Paturel and LRT’s Julien Lieber, Jonass finished 6th. In Race 2 Jonass stepped up to the occasion and took the holeshot to make life easier. Jonass would take the race win but Seewer would take the overall and gain 7 champion-ship points on the #41.




Saturday’s qualifying race winner, Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing’s Thomas Covington took third overall. From Italy MXGP packed up and headed straight to Portugal for the next round. Agueda and Portugal as a country last saw MXGP visit in 2013 but since introduced a new layout. The new layout led to some very close and competitive racing in front of many Portu-guese fans with both classes decided by tiebreaker. In MX2 the overall went to Jeremy Seewer as he edged out Pauls Jonass in a shift of momentum the last two races. Seewer had a less than perfect start in race 1 but made a remarkable charge from 6th to finish second. The most important moment of the overall actually came in race 1 when Seewer made a pass for second on the last lap. The se-cond place would allow him to take the overall

from Jonass with a win in race 2. Howev-er, Jonass was impressive in both races from his pass for the race 1 lead on Thomas Cov-ington to leading 10 of the 17 laps through the finish. In race 2 it was again the same three up front but Covington with a holeshot and an im-proved 3rd place start for Seewer. Jonass got by Covington and by the second half of the opening lap was in the lead. Seewer’s first goal was to get by Covington, who he passed on lap 5 and then 7 laps later he found the back wheel of Jonass. Seewer then made a tough pass to make sure Jonass couldn’t retaliate. Seewer took race 2 and the overall followed by Jonass and Covington. In MXGP Herlings was keen to prove his speed after coming up short in Ottobiano and did so in the opening race passing Cairo-

li and taking the win. However, race 2 it was Cairoli who was in charge, taking the lead early and gapping Herlings. Cairoli won race 2 deciding the overall, which would be the 5th in Agueda of his career but the first on a KTM. While the two Red Bull KTM’s where on another level from the rest of the field in Portu-gal, Team Suzuki World MXGP’s Arminas Jasikonis was the one making history. Jasikonis took the qualifying victory Saturday and carried the momentum to finish on the podium. The results were not only the best of his career, they were the best of any rider to ever come from Lithuania! The season continues on but it will take a break until the beautiful MXGP of Czech Re-public in Loket on the 22nd and 23rd of July.


FIM Motocross World Championship



1. A.Cairoli (ITA, KTM) , 478 points 2. C. Desalle (BEL, KAW) , 387 p. 3. G. Paulin (FRA, HUS) , 383 p. 4. J.Herlings (NED, KTM), 382 p 5. T. Gajser (SLO, HON),310 6. R. Febvre (FRA YAM) 309. 7. M. Nagl (GER, HUS) , 289p. 8. E. Bobryshev (RUS, HON), 267 p. 9. J. VanHorebeek(BEL,YAM),267 p. 10. A. Tonus (SUI,YAM), 253 p.

1. P. Jonass (LAT, KTM),501 points 2. J. Seewer (SUI, SUZ), 463 p. 3. T. Olsen (DEN, HUS), 377 p. 4. B. Paturel (FRA, YAM) ,363 p. 5. J.Lieber (BEL, KTM), 355 p. 6. T. Covington (USA, HUS), 303 p. 7.B. Bogers (NED, KTM) 241. 8J. Prado (ESP, KTM),233 p. 9. B. Vandoninck (BEL, YAM) , 221. 10. H. Lawrence (AUS, SUZ), 199

MXGP MANUFACTUERS 1. KTM 2. Husqvarna 3. Yamaha 4. Honda 5. Kawasaki 6. Suzuki

514 428 411 388 387 273

points points points points points points

MX2 MANUFACTUERS 1. KTM 2. Suzuki 3. Husqvarna 4. Yamaha 5. Kawasaki 6. Honda 7. TM

550 478 451 410 282 196 124

points points points points points points points

MXGP & MXGP-TV Mid season Numbers




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2018 FIM Motocross World Championship Provisional Calendar



On June 27th Youthstream announced the anticipated 2018 FIM Motocross World Championship Provisional Calendar. The new season is set to start at a different venue than the prior years. 2018 will open at the popular oversea round of Neuquén in Patagonia-Argentina. Argentina is year after year one of the most popular stops of the oversea venues. The hosting region of Neuquén constantly shows enthusiasm and love for MXGP. Not only is the surrounding region, lakes, and town a favorite of the riders but so is the track, with natural elevation changes and rich volcanic soil.



From Argentina the series will head to the Europe for the second round of the championship at the new venue of Red Sand in Spain. Red Sand may be new to the calendar but is well known in the motocross community. Many riders and teams train at the impressive facility during the off season. Red Sand is even a sponsor of the Suzuki World MX team. After Spain MXGP stays in Europe for the next 2 rounds of Trentino in Pietramurata, Italy, and the MXGP of Europe in Valkenswaard, The Netherlands. The two very different surfaces will challenge the riders one after another. In 2017 Trentino

was the sight of Antonio Cairoli’s amazing comeback to win the overall, while Valkenswaard was the home of Paulin’s lone GP win thus far. With a successful debut in 2017 the MXGP of Russia makes a return to the calendar. Set alongside the gorgeous Black Sea, Orlyonok’s potential impressed many during MXGP’s inaugural visit. For 2018 the Russian visit has been moved up to April 29th. Following the Russian GP the calendar shifts back to mainland Europe. The first visit being to Russia’s neighbor Latvia in the city of Kegums. The sandy circuit played a large role in

the 2017 championship, as it was the first track to swallow up Tim Gajser, halting his early season dominance. As in 2017 the FIM Motocross World Championship will head straight from Latvia to Teutschenthal, Germany’s dark and rutted circuit. Matterley Basin is slotted to make a return to the regular season calendar on the 3rd of June after hosting the 2017 edition of the Monster Energy Motocross of Nations. One week later France will host MXGP at the St Jean d’Angély circuit, which is perfect for spectating and as France is known for its massive motocross community and dedicated fans, the setting couldn’t be better for epic racing. Italy, another country with a strong motocross backing, will host the 3rd, 10th, and 19th round of the champion-

ship, but the exact venue of round 10 is still to be announced. The second oversea round comes at the beginning of July in Indonesia. While in 2017 it took place at Pangkal Pinang, this time MXGP will visit the country later on and to a new location of Palembang on the larger island to west of Sumatra. Maintaining its traditional late July appearance is the MXGP of Czech Republic in Loket followed by the August MXGP of Belgium, Switzerland and Sweden. To start September is the two remaining oversea rounds, the Monster Energy MXGP of USA at Gatorback Cycle Park in Florida, and one week later the MXGP of Mexico in Leon. The season will finally head back to Europe in Assen for the MXGP of the Netherlands

before the final round of the championship at the newly announced MXGP of Imola. Imola is famous around the world for its history and the amount of popular events which it hosts. The Autodromo of Imola was created in 1950 and held the first GP in Formula 1 in 1981, first SBK GP in 2001, and from 1948 to 1965 it hosted the international races of motocross. The final event and perhaps the biggest is the Monster Energy FIM Motocross of Nations. The 2018 chamberlain trophy will be handed out in a return America at a venue yet to be announced. With the schedule penciled in for 2018 it will of course host another year of fantastic racing at venues new and old that showcase the true worldwide championship that makes up MXGP.

PROVISIONAL 2018 FIM MXGP / MX2 MOTOCROSS WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP CALENDAR DATE 4 March 25 March 8 April 15 April 29 April 13 May 20 May 3 June 10 June 24 June 8 July 22 July 5 August 12 August 19 August 2 September 9 September 23 September 30 September


VENUE Neuquen Red Sand Pietramurata Valkenswaard Orlyonok Kegums Teutschenthal Matterley Basin St Jean d’Angély tba Palembang Loket Lommel Frauenfeld/Gachnang Uddevalla Gatorback Park Leon Assen Imola


Ar Re 34


rminas Jasikonis, eaching New Heights 35


Arminas Jasikonis or simply known as AJ by many in the MXGP was previously a little known rider but lately is making a name for himself now riding for Team Suzuki World MXGP. We sat down with Arminas, quite possibly the tallest rider in the paddock, nicknamed “Shorty”, and found out how he got to where he is and the struggles he has faced along the way. Arminas comes from an unlikely and unique background; the 19 year old was raised in Balen, Lithuania, a country with a very small motocross community. He started racing at the age of 4 years in the 2001 Lithuanian Championship. Originally introduced to motocross by his father racing started as a way to just go out and have fun.



The then 7 year old would first see success in 2004 and 2005 as the Lithuanian 50cc Champion, Arminas the continued to the 65cc class and later 85cc’s. It was around age 12 after Arminas won the Lithuanian 85cc championship twice that he became focused on turning motocross into a profession. In 2011 he decided to try out the 85cc European Motocross championship where he took an impressive 3rd place. One of the struggles Arminas consistently faced was the fact that in Lithuania the level of motocross was much lower than that of many of the other European countries. This meant that even though he was winning in Lithuania, he had no idea if he could compete at the international level.

“I had to go to Germany or somewhere else to race because I never knew how fast I was, there was no really fast riders in Lithuania, I could race and lap them but I still didn’t know if it was enough. Not many people have money in Lithuania, so it’s not easy.” For the Jasikonis family money was also a struggle and according to Arminas the biggest one. Much of the motivation of Arminas comes from the sacrifices his family made for him literally giving up everything for him to succeed. The family first moved to Estonia so that Arminas could train with GP veteran Tanel Leok and then to England and Belgium where they now reside. “It’s been a tough way, we are not a rich family, we had



to leave everything to make it here. The big struggle for our family was money. My family has always been with me, all of my family supports me, my dad especially and my mom when she can. We have always lived together even now that I’m a factory rider we do, we share everything.” It was during the 2016 season when Arminas got the opportunity to ride as a fill in for his racing idol Stefan Everts as part of the Suzuki World MXGP team. After seeing something seemingly no one else did in Jasikonis, Everts signed him to a 2-year contract with one year optional after the 2017 season. In what came as a surprise to many made a large impact on Jasikonis, “‘To be part of this team it’s the best, I think it is the best program out there. Stefan gave me a chance, he picked me up to ride for Suzuki as just a fill in, but it was a huge step to move



from a small team to a factory team. Even the first year when I came to the team it was such a difference to be part of Stefan’s program. I think my results now show that it really is amazing and the hard work has paid off.” Jasikonis serves as an idol to the Lithuanian motocross community and wants to show that with hard work and determination anyone can succeed regardless of their origins. “I hope to prove to those in Lithuania that everything is possible, with hard work even the World Championship can be possible. I’m one of the first riders from Lithuania riding GP’s so I’m rewriting history.” Rewriting history is exactly what he has done. In Portugal Jasikonis became the first Lithuanian to win a qualifying race in the world championship and followed it up the fol-

lowing day to become the fist Lithuanian to reach the overall podium. Jasikonis has also confirmed he will again be part of the Suzuki team in 2018. Arminas continues to improve and with his cool and easy going demeanor is becoming a favorite in the world of motocross with his fellow competitors as well. “We are quite close all of us from the team whether it’s Kevin or the MX2 guys, we spend time together off the bike and away from the track.” Regardless of the struggles Arminas and his family have always found a way through them, AJ is reaching new heights and there is no doubt the #27 isn’t done fighting yet!


TWITTER, FACEB IN THE WORLD OF #MXGP @mxjustin @JeremySeewer almost lapped the entire field in MX2 race 2, just by 22.471”. Carmichael’s Milville ‘06 still a record. #MXGPofRussia @ mxgp @hondaproracing Crazy fans at the @MXGP of Russia for @EvgenyBobryshev! #mxgp

@hinsonracing The Panda did it again with the overall in Russia @mxgp! Clement Desalle #hinsonhookup #hinsonclutch #mud @Pat459STRANA Thank you @lisaleylandTV for asking Marnicq Bervoets my question on @mxgp studio show @YouthSportAus #Estonia here we come ... Young Aussie riders gear up for worlds @MotorAus @ mxgp @Kawasaki_News MX fans know @PaulMalin11 as voice of @mxgp TV, he’s also youngest ever 500classGP winner! @mxjustin Morgan lessiardo first win ever at home soil, that’s why I watch the entire show !



@rockstarenergy @maxanstie took a good start to a podium finish securing 3rd overall at @ mxgp of Lombardia! #mxgp @twmxdotcom The 2018 @mxgp schedule is out and includes further confirmation of the MXoN in the USA.

The MXGP Facebook Page is now close to reaching the 2 Million LIKE milestone and to celebrate MXGP is pleased to start a LIKE & SHARE competition where fans can participate and be entered into the draw to win 2 VIP GOLD SKYBOX Passes for the 2017 Edition of the Monster Energy FIM Motocross of Nations. The only thing you need to do to enter the draw is to LIKE MXGP Facebook Page and LIKE & SHARE the visual above with the MXGP start at the Fiat Professional MXGP of France. Winner will be announced after the 2 million reach.

Orange Pride: Antonio Cairoli vs Jeffrey Herlings. Watch one of the best #DontCrackunderPressure battles of the 2017 season HERE

Watch the GoPro Lap with Team HRC’s Evgeny Bobryshev at the brand new track of Orlyonok, MXGP of Russia.


@mxjuly: It was a hard and really hot weekend!!! But nice and fun!

@martinos85: Tifosi…#MXGP #MXGPLombardia #tc222 #tc222fans #tc222fanclub #color

@damon_3__: Selfie with Tim Gajser #243 at the MXGP of Lombardia #2017 #MXGP #HOT #Ottobiano

@athenasocial Our team with @antoniocairoli and @alessandrolupino at the #MXGP Ottobiano #ItalianGP #MXGP2017 #tc222

@julerettmer: #MonsterGirlMonday #MXGP #MonsterGirls #TeamMonster #Funny #Moments










S 46 Photo: MEYER




Stefan ‘The King’ Everts

It is never easy when you are the son of a former World Champion and you want to make a career in the same sport as your father. Son of four-times World Champion Harry Everts, Stefan had the most successful career of any other rider as he beats all the records in our favourite sport with ten World Titles, 101 GP wins, fourteen podiums at the Motocross of Nations – including five overall wins with team Belgium – and many other achievements!

One year later he made his GP debut and finished 15th in the 125 World Championship, getting more and more support from Suzuki and joining the factory team in 1990. Alongside teammate Donny Schmit, who claimed the World title in 1990, Everts obtained his first podium in the series and his first GP win was in Kaposvar, Hungary. However, when the Belgian was working to obtain his first world title, he got injured in 1991.

exciting ones for the fans, as Stefan fought all year long with Sebastien Tortelli. In fact, it was not until the last meter of the last GP in Greece when the title was decided. Finally, Tortelli beat him and it was the beginning of a bad period for Stefan who got injured twice in 1999 and 2000 during the same pre season race in France.

In 2000 he took one of the best decision of his career when he signed with Yamaha Rinaldi. Moving to the 250cc class in Already world champion with Suwinter time, Stefan got seriously zuki, Kawasaki and Honda, SteBorn on the 25th of November injured for the first time in his 1972 in Bree, Stefan visited fan would reach his best results career at the GP of Germany and in blue as he dominated the sport some Motocross tracks even missed several rounds of the se- during six consecutive seasons. before he could walk when his father was in the beginning of his ries. Runner up during the next The 2003 season was probably two seasons in the 250cc World professional career. Stefan got one of the most unpredictable Championship, he got his second ones because after three GP’s a bike when he was just 4 years World title in 1995 on a Kawasaki Stefan was only third in the old, and when his father started and also enjoyed his first Mototo win races and World Champirankings behind Mickael Pichon cross of Nations overall win with onships in the 80’s he had some and Joel Smets. In that periTeam Belgium. opportunities to train on GP od there was only one race per tracks when he travelled with his class, and with his team Stefan Moving to Honda after just two parents in a camper. decided to also enter the 125cc seasons in green, Stefan had class as a ‘warm up’ before the the same success on the red When Harry stopped racing in Motocross GP race. In the end it 1986 he had more time to spend bikes and clinched his 3rd and was a successful strategy as he alongside his son, and at the age 4th titles in 96-97 also winning won the nine other Motocross GP that year another MXoN. The of 16 Stefan clinched his first races of the season, but also won 1998 season was one of the most eight of the nine 125cc GP’s he Belgium title in the 125cc class.


entered to finish also runner up in that class. Last but not least, he raced the three classes (125, Motocross GP and 650) in the last GP of the season and won all of them to clinch his 72th GP win. Besides, he travelled to Brazil later on where he also won the overall classification at the International Six Days Enduro! From that year Stefan would never quit the spiral of success, dominating the sport during three other years before announcing his retirement at the end of 2006. His last season was also one of the most successful ones, as he won fourteen of the fifteen rounds of the series and he ended his career with a last win during the final round of the series in France. It was his 101 GP win, a new record that will stay probably for many years in the FIM books. Text and Photos: Pascal Haudiquert



1989: 15th in the 125 MX (Suzuki) 1990: 3rd in the 125 MX World Championship (Suzuki) 1991: 125 MX World Champion (Suzuki). Winner of 5 GP’s 1992: 11th in the 250 MX World Championship (Suzuki). Winner of 1 GP 1993: 2nd in the 250 MX World Championship (Suzuki). Winner of 3 GP’s 1994: 2nd in the 250 MX World Championship (Kawasaki). Winner of 5 GP’s 1995: 250 MX World Champion (Kawasaki). Winner of 5 GP’s Winner of the MXON with Team Belgium 1996: 250 MX World Champion (Honda). Winner of 5 GP’s 1997: 250 MX World Champion (Honda). Winner of 9 GP’s Winner of the MXON with Team Belgium 1998: 2nd in in the 250 MX World Championship (Honda). Winner of 9 GP’s Winner of the MXON with Team Belgium 1999: 11th in the 250 MX World Championship (Honda). Winner of 1GP 2000: Injured 2001: 500 MX World Champion (Yamaha). Winner of 7 GP’s 2002: 500 MX World Champion (Yamaha). Winner of 4 GP’s 2003: MX GP World Champion (Yamaha). Winner of 9 GP’s 125 Vice World Champion (Yamaha). Winner of 9 GP’s Winner of the MXON with Team Belgium 2004: MX GP World Champion (Yamaha). Winner of 7 GP’s Winner of the MXON with Team Belgium 2005: MX1 World Champion (Yamaha). Winner of 8 GP’s 2006: MX1 World Champion (Yamaha). Winner of 14GP’s


Monster Energy SMX R Cup available in M 50


Riders’ MXGP3 51


The release of MXGP3 – The Official Motocross Videogame on PC and next generation consoles was very well received by the many fans of the sport and by gamers around the world. The great revolution brought by the new Unreal® Engine 4 has further innovated the game, positively affecting not only the quality of the graphics, but the gameplay itself: now there are even more realistic tracks that deform under the load of the bikes of players and opponents, jumps are more challenging than ever and require greater skill and control, especially during the landing, plus an absolutely accurate sound compartment reproduces the roar of engines so faithfully that you will have the feeling of being on a real bike. MXGP3 – The Official Mo-



tocross Videogame also includes the Career mode in which fans can create a fully customisable digital alter-ego and watch it as it climbs from the lowest categories to the highest step of the podium, keeping complete control over bike customisation and their relationships with sponsors. The title has added a brand new downloadable content that will surely thrill the many fans of the sport. The 2016 Monster Energy SMX Riders Cup, which took in the arena of Gelsenkirchen in Germany, is also included in MXGP3. Players can choose a team and assign to each member a bike, either a 250cc or 450cc. Then, they will select their Captain for the Superpole and try to obtain the best timing to get the best spot

in the starting gate for the final race that will determine the winner. MXGP3 - Monster Energy SMX Riders Cup is a major addition to the game developed by Milestone which will offer a brand new experience to all gamers who love Motocross thanks to the introduction of one of the most unique and exciting races of the season. So warm up your engines and grab your controller. It’s time to get on track for the Monster Energy SMX Riders Cup! MXGP3 - Monster Energy SMX Riders Cup is available in all digital stores for PlayStation®4, Xbox One®, the all-in-one games and entertainment system and Windows PC®/STEAM™ from the 29th of June for 4.99.



Paddock Talks 01/The Fiat Professional Fullback’s showed up in full force at the Lombardia GP! 02/Cairoli always makes time for the fans at his home GP’s! 03/The MXGP of Portugal Media Event was held during the umbrella festival and was by far the most colorful one of the year! 04/The MXGP of Russia’s opening ceremonies and media had over 3,000 children participating! 05/Brylyakov may not have raced but there was no way he was going to miss coming to his home GP! 06/A very special visit from Aleksandr Tonkov at the MXGP of Russia.




06 05





09 10

Paddock Talks 11



07/UFO riders and their gear looking amazing! 08/The Yamaha Blu Cru kids got the ultimate MXGP tour in Ottobiano! 09/The Fiat Professional Pro House is the place to be at every GP especially if you want to get a Cairoli autograph! 10/A lot of wins and titles between these two motocross legends! 11/Tony Cairoli proudly shows off the 2017 team Italy MXoN shirts! 12/Youthstream, the FIM, and Imola representatives were all smiles after signing the 2018 GP agreement! 13/American Supercross star, Malcolm Stewart, A.K.A. “The Predator�, took up the opportunity to visit the Fiat Professional Fullback MXGP of Lombardia!


Guennady Moisseev

1977 MC250cc KTM

Moisseev entered his first Guennady Moisseev hailed try formerly known as Yugorace in 1964 aged 16 years from Russia and in motoslavia. That win boosted his old and three years later cross circles was possibly confidence somewhat and entered his first ever world one of the gnarliest dudes the following year he was championship race. The folout there. As a member of world champion for the first lowing year, 1967, he was the Russian Army he was time. Had he not switched the Russian 250cc national fit as well as fearless and to KTM when he did, maybe champion. In short, he was during his time racing the history books would look a fast learner. The world the FIM Motocross World a little different today. championship though was Championship he reached a different nut to crack althe pinnacle of the sport on 1977 was arguably his together and from 1967 – three occasions, winning best period though and The in the European Championship puts a spotlight on thethat next he raced 1972 he placedusually 15th overall the125cc 250ccclass world champithe MC250 on of three 10th onship 1977Inand was Champions virtually hand big nameinin 1974, motocross. fact both the occasions 2015 FIMand Motocross World and made. twice, riding a CZ. Howev1978. Each title was won It was a true factory bike. vice-world champions Romain Febvre, Gautier Paulin, Tim Gajser and Pauls Jonass er, in 1973 he started the riding a KTM and it’s his KTM’s team manager and have won theKTM EMX125 paths to motocross supremacy. year onona their CZ and finished it 1977allMC250 that championship we chief engine tuner was Sigi out on a KTM. He might have will feature in this issue of Stulberger and he worked placed 11th overall, but he MXGP Magazine. closely with both Moisseev did win his first GP riding a and his teammate Vladimir KTM at Maribor in the counBorn in 1948 Guennady Kavinov. Moisseev’s me-




chanic was Hans Bader, a man who was instrumental in the first KTM tests with Kavinov from the end of 1972. Working with the Russian riders at that time was quite difficult as you can imagine, not least because of the language barrier. Neither rider nor mechanic spoke fluently in each other’s language and despite broken German and Russian being used, the need for a Russian translator was always a necessity, certainly at the races.

The 1977 MC250 was something special back in its heyday and each bike was tailored to suit the individual rider, and according to Hans Bader, every frame was hand made with Moisseev’s frame and bike marginally bigger than Kavinov’s. ‘Moisseev was the tallest of the two riders so his frame was bigger; I adapted the frames to suit the respective rider. The seat height and the footrest position was also higher. The swingarm was handmade but

it was neither longer nor shorter than the production one, just lighter and the only special materials used on the bike were the screws which were Titanium. The engine was of course factory and we used a 38mm Bing carburettor instead of the 37mm which came standard. We also used a Motoplat ignition from Spain, and all our exhaust pipes were handmade. Moisseev preferred his engine to be much stronger on the top.’ The difference in power output was immense, the



factory MC250 KTM pushed out around 44/45 bhp compared to the standard offering of 36/37 bhp. The bike was suspended front and rear with Marzocchi forks and ÖHLINS rear shocks, and as was the norm at the time, the kick starter was on the left hand side. The riding styles of the two riders couldn’t have been more opposite, with Vladimir Kavinov being the more technical rider as opposed to the forceful Moisseev, but despite this, the MC250 KTM finished every single race that season. Along with lifting the title for the second time, the 1977 season was the most successful in Moisseev’s career winning six GP’s along the



way. From KTM’s standpoint, the Austrian brand took a total of nine GP victories that year, with Vladimir Kavinov taking two and André Malherbe taking the other in addition to Moisseev’s. The year also finished out as a KTM 1-2-3, something that has only happened twice since for KTM: 2005 in MX3, the old 500cc category and 2013 in MX2. That makes the 1977 season the most remarkable, given the fact that KTM were the first ever manufacturer to take the first three podium places in any wold championship category. Guennady Moisseev won a total of 14 grand prix victories for KTM with six of them

being won in 1977.ç

Technical specification 1977 MC250 KTM Engline: Single cylinder 2-stroke Capacity: 250cc Frame: Handmade factory item to suit the individual rider Gearbox: 6 speed Ignition: Motoplat Carburettor: Bing 38mm Power: 44-45 bhp Seat: Higher to suit Moisseev Footrest: Higher position to suit Moisseev Front forks: Marzocchi Rear shocks: ÖHLINS Wheel size: Front 21” / rear 18” Swingarm: Handmade, lighter, production spec




MXGP Academy at Full Throttle 61


As the 2017 MXGP season rolls on so too does the MXGP Academy and at full throttle. MXGP Academy, an on site MX school for local youth at various GP’s in the calendar, has most recently stopped at Russia, Lombardia and Portugal. In Russia there was a strong interest in the academy from the Russian Motorcycle Federation along with the riders and parents. With a total of 15 riders the training kicked off led by new trainer Roberts Justs, a former racer and fluent Russian speaker. All the 15 Russian students were granted MX-A level rider certification after successfully complete the course which entailed various key points from flag meanings to on track riding technique. The Russian federation, pleased with what they had seen, reached out to the



academy and requested a winter trainer education program to be held in Russia this upcoming year, with over 20 trainers already interested in participating. From Russia the academy followed MXGP to Ottobiano for the Fiat Professional Fullback MXGP of Lombardia. Another 15 riders filled the Italian stop of academy where Jan Postema was the trainer. Friday started with in class education for the MX-A level, following the classroom time the riders headed to the track for two riding education sessions. The parents of the riders are also educated on Friday through the academy on how to help their rider succeed, from nutrition, to most importantly communication. On Saturday the students got the opportunity to tour factory race teams in the paddock before receiving their certificates

of education. Italy became the 6th European country to have active MX-A and MX-B certification. After the success of Italy the following week the Academy was back at it in Agueda for the MXGP of Portugal. 15 new riders would again join in to become certified in Portugal making it the now 7th country with a certification program. The academy has 3 stops remaining in the 2017 season with the next being in the Czech Republic after being vacant for several years the national federation requested the return. Following the Czech stop will be Switzerland and Assen to round out the season.


QUESTIONS TO THE EDITOR Dear MXGP, I tried to change my password on my MXGP-TV account but it seems it’s not working. What shall I do? Thanks, Francis Dear Francis, Please send an email to requesting for a new password. It’ll work after that. Best Regards MXGP

Hi MXGP, Where can I purchase the tickets for the MXGP of the Netherlands? Thanks, Jan

Hi MXGP, where can I find rules and deadlines for WMXoEN 2017? Thanks, Simone

Hi Jan Tickets for Assen can be purchased at the link below: Regards MXGP

Hi Simone Thank you for your message. Please contact your Country Federation to have more details. Regards MXGP

Hi MXGP, can I buy tickets at the race or do I have to by them in advance? Thanks, Johan Hi Johan thanks for the message, tickets are available to purchase on site the day of the event, but you can also buy them online on Regards MXGP



Hi MXGP, I would like to buy a VIP ticket. How can I get it delivered on time? Can I get it on the spot or will you send it in electronic form? Thanks, Lorenzo Hi Lorenzo Thank for the message, you can purchase the ticket online and print your voucher from home. Once you arrive to the races you can take your voucher to the welcome office and pick up your VIP pass! Regards MXGP



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