process +

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architecture design works

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river sanctuary

river sanctuary program: monastery, halfway house, and public park This monastery embraces a babbling inlet, a release point of the canal by the James River in Richmond, Va. It houses a traditional program of eighteen monk cells, four guest cells, a chapel and a library in addition to a reimagined program of economic sustainability. There are spaces designed for a group of monks who are skilled tailors to produce bespoke clothing and teach visitors who want to learn. With this design, I am seeking out the possibilty to bridge social stratifications (patrons of the public park and the bespoke, guests of the monastery and the monks themselves) as well as enclosed spaces to the environment through sound and light. This building proposes a program that builds on the landscape to create an agora of renewal. It is an exercise on approach and path.

nk o m

dw ell ing s



to ry ta ilo r shop

gu es t ro om s

ga rd en lib ra ry ch ap


program diagram

site plan


model study in plan

site model

1” = 64’


development through iterative modelling each iterative model was a study of site, structure, path, and one distinct characteristic intuitively developed. the above sketches are of a model utilizing the myter joint to create a bridge to a gate. approach and path became the most important element for this project.

select few of iterative models


digital and hand sketches







a. perspective of refectory b. path to tailor shop c. private corridor from monk cells

d. refectory e. north perspective render f. rendeing of paths and stairs




g. section through stairs h. stair diagram i. section through library j. path beneath structure k. paths for iterative model l. interstitial space




monk cells and guest rooms

refectory and garden

rendering of the refectory

entrance level

path from stair to library

structural stairs

paths and views

west elevation

transverse section

south perspective from the river

light well house program: working and living: florist store front and writers library This project explores boundaries between public and private spaces in Charlottesville, Va. It houses a staircase that doubles as a light well that extends from the parking lot to the street side and from the ground to the sky.




This building was inspired by the flora that grow in between the cracks of the site and urban settings. The objective is to find the sun and build towards that.

section diagram

bedroom and master bath

private framed public plan diagram library and living room

light diagrams

florist shop and kitchen

site plan

hand drawings and experiments a. Washington, DC, 2017 b. Washington, DC, 2017 c.Washington, DC, 2017

d. Naples, Italy, 2018 e. Certaldo, Italy, 2018 f. Duomo of Naples, 2018










g. Precedent Study: Shodhan House, 2015 h. Concept model - Sectionality, 2015 i. Concept model - Constraints, 2018 j. Material/Joint Study - Tiny Table, 2017


cantilever This cantilever model was developed with Karamba to analyze the response of beams and columns in 3D. It is one of three modules designed as a material museum in Cleveland, OH. This specific module was exposed and sunken into the ground to give patrons the chance to experience the structure from all perspectives.

coffee table This is the culmination of a material study of reclaimed wood from a cabinet shop. After thorough study through smaller iterative pieces, I embarked on a mission to improve upon a beautiful abandoned piece of poplar wood. This improvement needed joinery that would hold the split piece together. I expanded this joinery and transformed the split piece of poplar into a coffee table.



thanks for the eyes.

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