Kornati Brač Hvar Korčula Vis
14 nm 25 nm 23 nm 47 nm 28 nm
Bari Pescara Ancona Venezia
150 nm 103 nm 107 nm 190 nm
Split Šibenik Zadar Rijeka Zagreb
54 km 35 km 118 km 375 km 371 km
Trst Villach Graz Budapest Beograd
448 km 593 km 542 km 713 km 639 km
Svi mladenci žele da im vjenčanje bude najljepši dan u životu. Želite da Vam taj dan bude točno onakav kakav ste zamislili. Priželjkujete cjelonoćni ples i zadovoljne uzvanike koji neće skidati osmijeh s lica. Dopustite nam da Vas uvedemo u Vaše nezaboravne trenutke. Every bridal couple wants their wedding to be the most beautiful day of their lives. Do you want that day to be exactly as you have dreamed? Are you yearning to dance all night with guests who can’t take the smile off their face? Leave nothing to chance let us prepare and organize your special moments.
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Enjoy Enjoy the the royal royal treatment treatment
U Marini Frapa smještena su dva hotela, hotel “Otok” s predivnim pogledom - s jedne strane na trg marine, a s druge strane na bazen. Hotel “Kopno” udaljen tek nekoliko metara te zaštićen borovima pruža idilu mira i elegancije. Luksuzno opremljene sobe i apartmani pružaju vrhunsku udobnost i kraljevski osjećaj.
There are two hotels in Marina Frapa. Hotel „Otok“ boasts of a beautiful view of the Marina piazza on one side and the pool on the other side. While Hotel “Kopno” is located only a few meters away and surrounded by pine trees that provides an idyll of peace and elegance. The luxuriously furnished rooms and apartments provide superior comfort and a royal feeling.
Corporate team buildings - Congress meetings Neposredno ispred velike kongresne dvorane nalazi se cafe bar idealan za kratke odmore za vrijeme poslovnih sastanaka, radionica i sl.
Directly in front of the big conference hall there is a cafe bar – ideal for short breaks during business meetings, workshops, etc.
Mala kongresna dvorana prigodna je za manje poslovne grupe koje traže privatnost i udobnost. Kapacitetom od 22 sjedeća mjesta u ovalnom obliku, klimatizirana, s puno dnevnog svjetla te pogledom na cijelu Marinu Frapa pruža idealne uvjete i za najzahtjevnije klijente.
The small conference hall is suitable for smaller business groups that are looking for privacy and comfort. The oval shaped, air-conditioned conference hall seats twenty-two. It has plenty of sunlight and a view of the entire Marina thereby providing ideal conditions for the most demanding clients.
Velika kongresna dvorana može primiti i do 350 osoba za poslovne sastanke. Vrlo se lako može pregraditi u tri manje, međusobno nezavisne dvorane, što je odlično za manje poslovne ili radne sastanke. Udobnost i atmosfera u dvorani odlični su preduvjeti za poslovne ručkove, kao i za večernji program. U dvorani se nalazi velika bina pogodna za video projekcije, predavanja, bend ili nešto slično. The big conference hall can accommodate up to 350 participants. It can also be easily separated into three smaller, mutually independent halls, which is great for small business or working meetings. The comfort and atmosphere in the conference hall create excellent conditions for business lunches as well as for evening programs. There is a large stage in the hall suitable for video screenings, presentations, bands or other similar events.
Area m2
sala I. sala II. sala III. cijela sala
500 +bina 85 85 420
15,00 17,00 17,00 17,00
13,50 5,00 5,00 3,50
ampwhiteater 130 30 30 190
CAPACITY classroom receiving 200 200 50 50 50 50 300 300
banquet 300 150 150 600
cocktaill 300 150 150 600
Sport center Bogat i kvalitetan sportski program neophodan su sadržaj svakog objekta koji drži do sebe. U našoj Marini pružamo Vam užitak kuglanja u najsuvremenije opremljenoj i dizajnerski uređenoj kuglani. U ponudi su i squash igralište, tenis centar, fitness centar, a za vaše najmlađe imamo i veliki šah. A rich and high-quality sports program is an indispensable element in every facility. In our Marina we provide you with the pleasure of bowling in a modernly equipped bowling alley. There is also a squash court, tennis court, fitness center and big chess set for your kids.
kuglana Bowling
U Marini Frapa svake godine organiziramo nekoliko manjih ili većih regata. Također, u Marini je smješten i naš charter partner (gdje, osim iznajmljivanja plovila, možete pohađati i školu jedrenja). Odlični klimatski uvjeti, prelijepa okolina, čisto more, kompletna ponuda za Vašu regatu (ruta, vezovi, doručak/ večera, svečana večera s dodjelom nagrada...) - sve to i više možemo osigurati upravo Vama. Kontaktirajte nas s povjerenjem! Every year we have the pleasure of organizing small and large regattas. Through our charter partners located in the Marina you can rent a boat or attend a sailing course. Excellent climate conditions, a beautiful environment and clear sea make a complete offer for your regatta (routes, berths, breakfast/dinner, award dinner with prizes, etc.) – we can provide you with this and much more. Contact us with confidence!
Our references: • Champagne cup (Czech), 34 boats • Marteen Cup (Czech) 30 boats • Međimurski plov (Croatia) 15 boats • Hungarian Sailing week (Hungary) 30 boats • Business Cup (International) 150 boats
Regate U Vaše ime i u ime Vaše tvrtke organiziramo sve potrebno za održavanje regate i to: • Organizaciju plovila • Organizaciju sudaca i voditelja regate • Odabir ruta • Organizaciju sastanaka skipera • Organizaciju menija (doručak-večera) • Organizaciju zabava • Organizaciju svečane dodjele nagrada s programom • ... Regate mogu trajati dan, dva, tri, četiri i više dana, ovisno o vašim zahtjevima.
Regattas On your behalf and on behalf of your company we can organize everything you need for a regatta as follows: • Organization of boats • Organization of judges and leader of regatta • Selection of route • Organization of skipper meetings • Organization of menus (breakfast-dinner) • Organization of events • Organization of gala awards ceremony with program Regattas may last one, two, three, four or more days, depending on your requirements.
f v i s o h l i o n b g i r
lov - hunting
U suradnji s brojnim lovačkim društvima na području Šibensko-kninske županije, a po potrebi i šire, organiziramo lovni turizam. Osiguravamo lovišta prema Vašim zahtjevima, ovisno o divljači koju želite loviti (zec, jarebica, muflon, jelen, medvjed...). Marina Frapa za vašu će grupu osigurati smještaj u jednom od naših luksuznih hotela, bogatu gastronomsku ponudu i kraljevski ugođaj u Marini Frapa, prijevoz do željenih lovišta, sve što je potrebno i što Vi zatražite (psa goniča, vodiča-lugara). Također, omogućavamo i više lokacija za lov, tako da svaki dan uživate na drugom mjestu i lovite drugu vrstu divljači.
In cooperation with a number of hunting clubs in the area of Šibenik-Knin county and if necessary in a greater region, we organize hunting tourism. We provide access to hunting-grounds according to your requirements, depending on the game you wish to hunt (rabbit, partridge, moufflon, deer, bear, etc.). Marina Frapa will provide accommodations for your group in one of our luxury hotels, a rich gastronomy offer and a royal ambiance in the Marina and transport to the desired hunting-grounds, all according to your needs and requirements (i.e. a hound, a guide). We can also arrange more hunting locations for you, so you can enjoy a new place every day and hunt different types of game.
Marina Frapa nudi potpuni servis za sve tipove brodskih motora. Sve radove obavljaju ovlašteni djelatnici servisa Marine. Pružamo najsuvremenije usluge, pri tome vodeći brigu o zaštiti okoliša i udovoljavajući svim zahtjevima zbrinjavanja otpadnih voda, ulja, maziva, akumulatora i goriva . Osim popravaka, nudimo i redovito održavanje plovila (kontola trupa, jedara, popravak tendi, plastike, različitih oštećenja interijera te čišćenje broda). Tu je i specijalizirana prodavaonica gdje možete kupiti sve za vaše plovilo, kao i trgovina mješovite robe. Marina Frapas’ service department offers complete service for all types of yacht engines. All works are performed by authorized employees. We provide the latest services while ensuring that the highest ecological standards are adhered to. In addition to regular repair works, we offer regular boat maintenance (control of the hull, sails, repair of canvas, plastics, various repairs to the interior, boat cleaning, etc.). There is a specialized shop, where you can purchase everything for your boat.
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