ebooks - manga - how to draw general anime faces - julie dillon

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How to Draw General Anime Faces

How to Draw General Anime Faces 1. Eyes 2. Nose and Mouth

In this tutorial, I will attempt to go over how to draw general anime faces, so you can both get a better idea of how anime faces are drawn and proportioned, as well as an idea of how use what you know to create interesting original characters. I've divided this tutorial up into several sections. If you have any questions, please email me.

3. Shape of the Head 4. Facial Expression 5. Hair

All material is copyright by their respective owners. If you have any questions, comments, et cetera, please send them here. Arigatou gozaimasu! This site Š 1998, 1999 by Julie Dillon. All rights reserved.

http://www.animeextreme.com/julie/generalface.html [3/7/2000 13:28:40]

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