Progressive Crop Consultant - January/February 2018

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January/February 2018 Managing Navel Orangeworm on Two Million Acres California Combats the Asian Citrus Psyllid and Huanglongbing Disease New Changes for the Use of Chlorpyrifos Nitrogen Fertility Management of Cool Season Vegetables: A Year-Round Perspective


Volume 3 : Issue 1

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PUBLISHER: Jason Scott Email: EDITOR: Kathy Coatney Email: PRODUCTION: Phone: 559.352.4456 Fax: 559.472.3113 Web:

CONTRIBUTING WRITERS & INDUSTRY SUPPORT Lisa Blecker Pesticide Safety Education Program Coordinator with the UC Statewide Integrated Pest Management Program

Craig E. Kallsen Fruit and Nut Crop Advisor for Kern County, UCCE, Bakersfield

Greg W. Douhan Area Citrus Advisor for Tulare, Fresno, and Madera Counties, UCCE, Tulare

Sonia Rios Subtropical Crop Advisor for Riverside and San Diego Counties, UCCE, Moreno Valley

Ben Faber Subtropical Crop Advisor for Ventura and Santa Barbara Counties, UCCE, Ventura

Samuel Sandoval Solis Assistant Professor at UC Davis, and UCCE Specialist in Water Resources

Matthew Fidelibus Department of Viticulture and Enology at UC Davis

Richard Smith Vegetable Crops Farm Advisor, Monterey County

Peter Goodell UCCE Advisor Emeritus, IPM

Emily J. Symmes Sacramento Valley Area IPM Advisor, UC Statewide IPM Program and UCCE

Beth Grafton-Cardwell IPM Specialist and Research Entomologist, UC and Director of Lindcove Research and Extension Center, Exeter


Managing Navel Orangeworm on Two Million Acres


Keeping Pesticides out of Water – An Extension Program


New Changes for the Use of Chlorpyrifos


California Combats the Asian Citrus Psyllid and Huanglongbing Disease


Crop Load Management on Newly Planted Pinot Gris in the San Joaquin Valley


The IPM Tool Box – Maintaining Diversity and Investment


Nitrogen Fertility Management of Cool Season Vegetables: A Year-Round Perspective

Amy Wolfe MPPA, CFRE President and CEO, AgSafe George Zhuang UCCE at Fresno County

UC Cooperative Extension Advisory Board Kevin Day

County Director and UCCE Pomology Farm Advisor, Tulare/Kings County

Steven Koike

UCCE Plant Pathology Farm Advisor, Monterey & Santa Cruz Counties

David Doll

Emily J. Symmes

Dr. Brent Holtz

Kris Tollerup

UCCE Farm Advisor, Merced County County Director and UCCE Pomology Farm Advisor, San Joaquin County

UCCE IPM Advisor, Sacramento Valley UCCE Integrated Pest Management Advisor, Parlier, CA

The articles, research, industry updates, company profiles, and advertisements in this publication are the professional opinions of writers and advertisers. Progressive Crop Consultant does not assume any responsibility for the opinions given in the publication.


Progressive Crop Consultant

January/February 2018

4 UPCOMING EVENTS: North Valley Nut Conference January 31, 2018 | 7:00AM - 3:00PM - Silver Dollar Fairgrounds

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January/February 2018


Managing Navel Orangeworm on Two Million Acres By Emily J. Symmes | Sacramento Valley Area IPM Advisor, UC Statewide IPM Program and Cooperative Extension


avel orangeworm (NOW) populations exploded in 2017, costing growers tens of millions of dollars in reduced quality and lost yields. In a year where double-digit damage estimates from nut processors were not uncommon, the question heading into the coming growing season (and future seasons beyond 2018)—how do we limit damage from this pest? Is our current arsenal of integrated pest management (IPM) tactics enough to keep damage in the desired one to two percent range given the two million (plus) acres of commercial nut crop habitat in California (not to mention the myriad other crop and noncrop plants that play host to NOW)? This article covers the “tried-and-true” strategies, as well as where we need to head in the future of NOW management to ensure clean, safe, and profitable nut crops for years to come. A four-pronged approach to NOW management in nut crops has been suggested for years based on University research and field success stories. These include: sanitation, minimizing damage by other sources, timely (early) harvest to avoid late generation flights, and insecticide treatments as deemed nec-


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essary by monitoring pest activity and crop phenology.

Sanitation By now you have certainly received the message—SANITIZE! This single activity is the absolute backbone of all pest management targeting NOW, no matter the nut crop. This practice results in direct destruction of overwintering worms, as well as destruction of spring habitat for any part of the population that survived the winter (those remaining in the orchard or those migrating into the orchard from external sources outside of your control). In many cases, it’s simply not enough to get nuts on the ground, but additional destruction of the nuts is required in order to achieve maximum reduction in emergence, population build-up,

January/February 2018

and damage (NOW will lay eggs on and develop in ground mummies if that is all that is available). Plenty of research summarizes the effectiveness of sanitation practices (e.g., Higbee and Siegel 2009, California Agriculture, Volume 63). Research has also suggested that females prefer to oviposit (lay eggs) on nuts previously damaged by NOW, and that development rate and survival success are both also positively correlated with previous kernel damage (Hamby and Zalom 2013, Journal of Economic Entomology, Volume 106). Therefore, all mummies are not created equal. Clearly, a mummy with live overwintering worm(s) is a bigger threat in the coming season than one without live worm(s). Live moth(s) will emerge from these mummies and give rise to subsequent generations, which will ultimately target the Adult navel orangeworm. Credit: University of California Statewide IPM Program.

Navel orangeworm eggs on an almond mummy. Credit: Jhalendra Rijal.

in-season crop at/after hull split. But, even a mummy that no longer contains a live worm come late winter-early spring, but had previous NOW damage, may be a more desirable and hospitable “home” for oviposition and early generation development (leading to greater population development as the season progresses). Encourage your growers not to underestimate the value of sanitation, particularly in a year with very high potential carry over based on elevated damage in the 2017 harvest. Sanitation to the University-standard guidelines (average 0.2 mummies/tree southern San Joaquin Valley; average 2 mummies/tree northern San Joaquin Valley and Sacramento Valley) may not possible due to prohibitive costs, labor shortages, or inclement weather limiting orchard access (as was the case this past season). In these cases, it may become necessary to target sanitation efforts to get the most bang-for-the-buck (i.e., emphasize mummy reduction in blocks with the biggest NOW threat).

Send us a sample of your mummies and we will help you find the answer! For more information

visit our website at or give us a call at 1.530.809.4249

Crack-Out How to determine which areas these are? This can be determined based on block-specific estimates of a combi-

Continued on Page 6 January/February 2018


Continued from Page 5 nation of total mummy load, mummy infestation, and kernel damage. Mummy samples can be collected and crackedout after harvest and before sanitation efforts (ideally, post-sanitation there will be too few mummies left to collect a meaningful sample in a timely manner). Note the percent infestation and kernel damage as well as total number of viable worms (multiple NOW can emerge from a single mummy). Extrapolations can then be made based on these data combined with estimates of total mummy load in the block, indicating where the highest potential NOW pressure may be in the coming season. There are newly available mummy “crack-out” services

are needed earlier than this for NOW in California’s nut crop systems.

Monitoring and Risk-Assessment Let not your heart be troubled, however. We do have a number of different monitoring and risk-assessment methods, that when taken as a whole, may provide a basis for decision-support and treatment recommendations. These include using egg traps for establishing population biofixes that mark the onset of activity of each generation, pheromone traps for tracking adult male flight activity and relative population abundance, kairomone (ground almond-pistachio bait bag) traps for tracking adult female flight activity and relative population abundance, degree-day models for predicting population cycles, crop phenology landmarks (e.g., hull split) and

advisors, growers, and land managers improved methods of record-keeping, data analysis, and anonymized sharing of information in order to work toward solving these difficult crop production issues.

Future of IPM Management What about the future of integrated pest management for NOW? Mating disruption is becoming more widely adopted among nut crop producers in California (particularly almond and pistachio). With the increased nut crop footprint in California and the ubiquitous and unrelenting nature of a pest like NOW, this may well become the 5th pillar in our basic NOW management strategy in the near future (in addition to the four noted early in this article). Multiple products are now available from a number of companies, which provides options for use and adoption, and may drive costs down due to increased market competi-

Navel orangeworm larva and damage in walnut. Credit: University of California Statewide IPM Program.

to assist in evaluating these parameters and how to best use the information for site-specific orchard management strategies targeting NOW. What information can be used to facilitate “decision-support”? In other words, is treatment necessary? If so, when are the ideal timing(s)? These are million-dollar questions, and no single piece of information (to date) can provide fail-safe treatment guidelines. In fact, correlating in-season arthropod (insect and mite) population estimates with ultimate harvest damage is the IPM holy grail—and one that largely continues to elude researchers. A recent retrospective analysis of six years of data (Rosenheim et al. 2017, Journal of Economic Entomology, Volume 110) suggested that population NOW estimates taken just prior to harvest were the best predictors of almond damage. However, as practitioners are aware, treatment decisions 6

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Navel orangeworm damage in almond. Credit: University of California Statewide IPM Program.

their coincidence with pest activity, estimates of population pressure based on mummy evaluation (as described above), previous season harvest damage, proximity to external sources of infestation, environmental conditions, and the list goes on. Refining these puzzle pieces into a useable risk-assessment model that can be validated across cropping systems, geographic regions, and a multitude of other variables, will require an ecoinformatics (“big data”) approach. Luckily, we are entering (in fact, already in) an era of crop management where technology is increasingly affording researchers, crop

January/February 2018

tion. Population reduction using mass trapping, or attract-andkill, approaches are possible. The pistachio industry has invested in sterile insect technology, in which moths are irradiated, rendering them sterile, and then released into the “wild-type” population in order to reduce the number of successful mat-

ings. This technique has been successfully used for other serious crop pests in the United States, including pink bollworm and screwworm, and releases for medfly in areas of detection are ongoing in California. Widespread adoption of the “tried-and-true” management methods, as well as these novel approaches (and others, as they become available and are validated), will be needed for long term and effective management of NOW.

Comments about this article? We want to hear from you. Feel free to email us at


Ensure season-long control of pre- and post-emergent weeds WEEDS REDUCE TREE HEALTH AND CROP QUALITY. Weeds compete with trees and vines for nutrients, water and light and can impact yield and hinder harvesting practices. Weeds can even compete with target plants for uptake of insecticides and other chemicals, making the crop more susceptible to insects and disease.

Key weeds present in orchards and vineyards have been found to be resistant to glyphosate. A best practice to slow down weed resistance to herbicides includes using multiple effective modes of action in your pre- and post-emergent herbicide sprays.


While cultural and mechanical practices can provide some help in managing weed pressures, most growers utilize herbicides to deal with major threats. Whether or not resistant weeds are currently present, having an integrated approach to weed control can mean the difference to bottom lines.

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University Trial for Jungle Rice Control by Brad Hanson, UC Statewide Weed Scientist in Chico, CA, 2014

Application included Alion 5 oz. + Rely

University Trial for Hairy Fleabane and Ryegrass Control by Brad Hanson, UC IPM, Arbuckle, CA, 2015

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January/February 2018



– An Extension Program By Lisa Blecker | Pesticide Safety Education Program Coordinator with the UC Statewide Integrated Pest Management Program Dr. Samuel Sandoval Solis | Assistant Professor at UC Davis, and Cooperative Extension Specialist in Water Resources


limatic conditions in California are unique, as is the agriculture. California faces wet winters and dry summers, with agricultural water demands greatest when precipitation is least available. Groundwater storage is critically important, but many water users do not completely understand how interconnected the water system is. Groundwater is affected by the surface water and the reverse is also true. There are 400+ commodities produced annually in California, all of which require water and many of which require pesticide applications. Some of these pesticides end up in our water system, causing profound impacts. By knowing more about the water system, and by implementing good application and irrigation practices, we can ensure our water supply remains clean and secure. The extension branch of the University of California (UC), the Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources, has

Continued on Page 10 8

Progressive Crop Consultant

January/February 2018

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January/February 2018


Continued from Page 8 put together an educational and extension program for pest control advisers (advisers) and pesticide applicators (applicators) to teach them how to keep pesticides out of water. This project has been led by Lisa Blecker (Lisa), Pesticide Safety Education Program Coordinator with the UC Statewide Integrated Pest Management Program and Dr. Samuel Sandoval Solis (Sam), Assistant Professor at UC Davis, and Cooperative Extension Specialist in Water Resources. Both Lisa and Sam deliver the content in English and Spanish. The project consists of three modules: the climate of California, the water cycle, and pesticide characteristics and applicator practices.

Climate and Topographic Features of California First, the climate and topographic features of California are described, so advisers and applicators have a clear understanding of what the main climatic and landscape processes that can affect their professional practice are. They are introduced to concept of atmospheric rivers, which are high intensity and low duration (two or three days) rainfall events that account for 65 percent of the annual precipitation in the state of California.

aquifers, which are large, underground deposits of water. This explanation of the water cycle is done using a physical aquifer model where advisers and applicators can see with their own eyes the different pathways and processes that water can take. This is a hands-on experience where all these concepts are not only explained but experienced. By the end of this section, they have a clear understanding of water movement in the landscape, so they can apply this knowledge to preventing pesticides (or any other contaminant) from reaching and contaminating any water body (creeks, rivers, aquifers, or soil moisture). A series of videos that show this approach can be seen in the following webpage.

Runoff Third, the specific characteristics that increase the likelihood that a pesticide will contaminate water through leaching

Both leaching and runoff are more likely to happen with persistent pesticides— those with a long half life. Persistent pesticides are not easily degraded and remain in the soil for long periods of time. The longer a pesticide is in the environment, the more likely it is to become a pollutant. A practice recommended to advisers and applicators is to look at the weather forecast and to schedule pesticide applications so they do not occur before rainfall or irrigation events. In addition, they are recommended to not make any pesticide management within 100 feet of a well, because if a spill occurs, it can contaminate directly the aquifer. This outreach and education program shows the main principles of the water cycle, how water moves into the natural and agricultural environment, and how to prevent pesticides from reaching any water bodies. The overall goal is not to

Headwaters Second, they are introduced to water cycle and how water moves in the headwaters and the river valleys. In the headwaters, because there is a shallow soil layer on top of rock, precipitation can fall onto the land, infiltrate into the soil and be stored as soil moisture. Later it can be taken up by the plants through evapotranspiration or end up in rivers by traveling through the soil and into the creeks as subsurface flow. If the soil is already saturated, then water may flow directly into the creeks as surface runoff because water was not able to infiltrate into the soil layer. Alternatively, precipitation can be stored on the soil surface if it falls as snow, which later will be melted and may follow either of the previous two paths. In contrast, in river valleys, the soil layer is usually on top of deeper alluvial soil layer (sands, gravels and fine material), thus water can move the same way as previous pathways described. It can also infiltrate further down into underlying soil layers and be stored in 10

Progressive Crop Consultant

Photo courtesy of Sarah Risorto and the Integrate Pest Management Program of the University of California, Agriculture and Natural Resources.

or runoff are explained. These pesticide characteristics are water solubility (measured in mg/L), soil adsorption (measured in Koc), and persistence (measured in half-life). If a pesticide is soluble, then it will move as water moves. For instance, if a water soluble pesticide is soil-applied ahead of a heavy rainfall event, the pesticide will move with soil water and end up in aquifers or rivers. A similar effect can happen with over-irrigation. Some pesticides can be less soluble, or not soluble at all, but adsorb, or bind, easily to the soil. In this case, when a rainfall (or over-irrigation) event occur, precipitation (or over-irrigation) can cause surface runoff. Surface runoff not only carries water but also sediment with pesticides bound to it, thus, contaminating rivers and creeks.

January/February 2018

teach them a recipe for every pesticide and agricultural landscape, but to teach them the main principles, so they can apply them according to the specific conditions that they are dealing with day to day. Because this program is taught in English and Spanish languages, it has a deep impact in the agricultural community because it has reached different audiences. For further information related with this program feel free to contact Lisa Blecker ( ) and/ or Dr. Samuel Sandoval Solis (

Comments about this article? We want to hear from you. Feel free to email us at

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January/February 2018


New Changes for the

Use of Chlorpyrifos

By Amy Wolfe | MPPA, CFRE President and CEO, AgSafe


his past April, the California Department of Pesticide Regulations (DPR) and California Environmental Protection Agency (CalEPA) conducted a risk assessment on the commonly used pesticide chlorpyrifos. The assessment revealed several potential unacceptable exposures that have led DPR to draft recommended permits conditions to accompany county pesticide permits. Chlorpyrifos is commonly used on nut orchards and alfalfa and has been an insect mitigation tool for growers for the last fifty years. Now, DPR scientists believe chlorpyrifos may pose a public health risk as a toxic air contaminant based on its assessment of the latest studies in the scientific community. As chlorpyrifos continues to go through the review process, DPR has issued recom-

mended permit conditions for its use. In addition to complying with the pesticide label, which is the law, county agricultural commissioners’ (CAC) offices have the authority to issue permit conditions with a pesticide permit. CACs are given this authority to mitigate hazards that may be specific to the farming in their county. In some instances, DPR issues recommended permit conditions while they finalize regulatory language. In the case of chlorpyrifos, DPR has now issued recommended permit conditions and is conducting training sessions for CAC pesticide inspectors on the conditions. According to DPR, most counties, especially in the Central Valley where chlorpyrifos use is prevalent, are adopting the recommended permit conditions. All of this begs the question, what does the recommended permit conditions outline? For ease of explanation let’s break the conditions into sections, starting with definitions.


Lorsban is a product that contains the active ingredient chlorpyrifos that most growers would recognize. Photo courtesy of Scientific


Progressive Crop Consultant

Application Block—A field or portion of a field treated in a 24-hour period that typically is identified by visible indicators, maps or other tangible means. The perimeter of the application block is the border connecting the outermost edges of the total area treated. Essentially, it is the field in which you intend to apply chlorpyrifos. Sensitive Site—As described by labels, sensitive sites are areas frequent-

January/February 2018

ed by non-occupational bystanders (especially children). These include residential lawns, pedestrian sidewalks, outdoor recreational areas such as school grounds, athletic fields, parks, and all property associated with buildings occupied by humans for residential or commercial purposes. Sensitive sites include homes, farmworker housing, or other residential buildings, schools, daycare centers, nursing homes, and hospitals. Non-residential agricultural buildings, including barns, livestock facilities, and sheds are not included in the prohibition. Setback Distance—Distance in feet that must separate sensitive sites from the application block. The distance must extend outward from the perimeter of the sensitive site to the perimeter of the application block. Setback distances must be established for chlorpyrifos applications near sensitive sites.

Application Method Restrictions: 1.


All applications must take place with a minimum wind speed of three miles per hour (mph) and not more than 10 mph as measured at a height of four feet above the ground. Airblast applications: a. Spray the two outside crop rows from the outside in, directing the spray into the treatment area and shutting off nozzles on the side of the sprayer away from the treatment area. b. Shut off top nozzles when treating smaller trees, vines or


bushes to minimize spray movement above the canopy. Chemigation applications: a. The permittee or permittee’s authorized representative, who is knowledgeable of the irrigation system, must be present at the treatment site during the application and must be trained as a pesticide handler. Granular applications: a. Incorporate or clean-up granules that are spilled during loading or are visible on the soil surface in turn areas.

Setback distances: 1.

A setback distance must be established for every chlorpyrifos application near a sensitive site. The setback distance must extend outward from the perimeter of the sensitive site to the perimeter of the application block. a. DPR has tables that delineate the distance of setback required per application—distance ranges from 150 feet to 500 feet.

agreements for sites that could trigger the occupied sensitive site setbacks, posting the occupied sensitive site setback distance, or observation and/or monitoring at the setback perimeter during the application and for one (1) hour after the application.

With all of the new application requirements it is important to mention that chlorpyrifos is an organophosphate that already has additional requirements under Title 3, Section 6728. The regulation requires medical supervision 2. The CAC may use the setback for employees who regularly handle distances in the table below if chlorpyrifos to ensure that their cholinnon-occupational bystanders will Determining application rate— not occupy the sensitive site anytime esterase values are not being comproConverting liquid volume to lbs mised by handling pesticides containing during the application and for one AI/ac: chlorpyrifos. For more information re(1) hour after the end of the The active ingredient (AI) application garding this particular requirement, visit application. rate determines the setback distance and is expressed as pounds of calcode/030302.htm. active ingredient per acre (lbs Application Method Unoccupied Sensitive Site AI/ac). Liquid product labels As with any change Setback Distance (feet) usually have the application in pesticide requireGround Boom 25 rate as pints or quarts of ments, ensure that product per acre. To deteremployees who will be Sprinkler Chemigation 50 mine lbs AI/ac, the volume handling this pesticide of product applied needs to are adequately trained Airblast 50 be converted to pounds of acon its hazards prior to Aerial 150 150 tive ingredient based on the application. While DPR amount of chlorpyrifos active has recommended these ingredient in the product. permit conditions, CACs have the ability to amend them per their 3. To ensure sensitive sites are not Determining application rate— county’s specific needs. Be sure to read occupied anytime during the Converting row feet rate to lbs all of the permit conditions that accomapplication and for one (1) hour AI/ac: pany your pesticide permit and consult after the application, the CAC must Setback distances are for a broadcast with your local pesticide enforcement include additional permit application. When labels specify the conditions, such as written vacating inspector if you have questions. application rate as fluid ounces per 1000 feet of For more information about pesticide row or 100 feet of row, safety or any worker safety, health, huthe “broadcast equivman resources, labor relations, or food alent application rate” safety issues, please visit, is the rate of active call us at (209) 526-4400 or via email at ingredient (lbs AI/ ac) within the entire application block. The AgSafe is a 501c3 nonprofit providing “broadcast equivatraining, education, outreach and tools lent application rate” in the areas of safety, labor relations, must be calculated to food safety and human resources for the determine the setback food and farming industries. Since 1991, distance. AgSafe has educated nearly 75,000 employers, supervisors, and workers about For more inforthese critical issues. mation on how to do the math to calculate The map illustrates the areas in California where chlorpyrComments about this article? We want setback, visit: http:// ifos is used the most–the Central Valley and the Coast. The to hear from you. Feel free to email us at map is courtesy of California Environmental Health Tracking Program.” Map is courtesy of California Environmental Health enforce/compend/ Tracking Program. vol_3/append_o.pdf 4.

January/February 2018


California Combats the Asian Citrus Psyllid and Huanglongbing Disease By Greg W. Douhan | Area Citrus Advisor for Tulare, Fresno, and Madera Counties, UCCE, Tulare, CA Beth-Grafton-Cardwell | IPM specialist and Research Entomologist, UC and Director of Lindcove Research and Extension Center, Exeter, CA Ben Faber | Subtropical Crop Advisor for Ventura and Santa Barbara Counties, UCCE, Ventura, CA Sonia Rios | Subtropical Crop Advisor for Riverside and San Diego Counties, UCCE, Moreno Valley, CA Craig E. Kallsen | Fruit and Nut Crop Advisor for Kern County, UCCE, Bakersfield, CA

Photo Figures 1-5 Courtesy of University of Florida Cooperative Extension, University of California, and anonymous sources


ommercially grown citrus contributes $3.3 billion in economic activity and employs more than 22,000 individuals in California. Although many pests and pathogens can affect the value of citrus production, only a few are able to inflict severe damage, reduce yield, and/or kill citrus trees. For California and some other citrus producing areas, Huanglongbing (HLB) is the most severe disease issue currently that has the potential to impact all aspects of ‘citrus economics’ if it invades the commercial citrus production areas. The disease is vectored by the insect Diaphorina citri, referred to as the Asian citrus psyllid (ACP), and in North America the bacteria that causes the disease is Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus (CLas). Once an infection occurs via grafting from infected plant material or by HLB positive psyllids, the bacteria will reproduce within the sugar conducting tissues (phloem) of the infected citrus plant. Initially, only segments of the tree will show symptoms, but eventually the infection 14

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will spread and lead to the decline and death of the tree. This incurable and fatal plant disease threatens all citrus plants and close relatives of citrus in the family Rutaceae, some of which are occasionally grown as ornamentals in California. Currently, there is no effective way to directly control the disease but only to provide various inputs that will prolong production. The first report of ACP in California was in 2008 and the first HLB infected tree was reported in 2012 from a homeowner’s tree found in Hacienda Heights, Los Angeles County. The infected tree was quickly destroyed via action taken by the California Department of Food and Agriculture (CDFA). Since this first detection, another tree in Hacienda Heights was identified in 2016 from a different property and to date there have been over 240 identified infected trees within the greater Los Angeles region (Orange, Los Angeles, and Riverside Counties). However, no HLB positive

January/February 2018

trees have been found in commercial citrus production areas in California thus far. Therefore, our awareness of this devastating disease must be in the forethought of everyone, including the general-public, who value citrus trees as an essential part of the fabric of the California landscape. HLB is one of the most complex diseases of citrus, with interactions among the pathogen, vector, host and environment. This, coupled with a long latent period before symptoms appear and the difficulty of sampling for the disease that has an uneven spread in the tree, makes identifying HLB positive trees challenging. There are significant amounts of research dollars from various agencies, including the Citrus Research Board and United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), to develop tools to identify HLB positive trees before the bacteria have spread throughout the

Continued on Page 16



The Growing Threat of Huanglongbing and How You Can Protect California Citrus The Asian citrus psyllid (ACP), a vector of the bacterium that causes Huanglongbing (HLB) disease, has been identified in southern California. Vigilant pest control is necessary to protect California citrus from the severe effects of HLB. HLB is the most devastating citrus disease worldwide and threatens all commercial citrus production. Florida has lost 72% of its citrus production since 2005/2006 as well as 119,000 acres of citrus trees and $674 million since the rise of ACP. In the U.S., 3.2 million metric tons of citrus were lost due to ACP.1

What’s at Stake for California Growers? California represents 41% of U.S. citrus production with 270,000 acres of citrus valued at $2 billion. According to California Citrus Mutual, 32 infected trees have been found in Southern California.2

How ACP Affects Citrus Plants

The psyllid damages citrus directly by feeding on new leaf growth (flush).

More importantly, the psyllid is a vector of the bacterium, Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus (CLas), that causes HLB and transmits the bacteria into the phloem when it feeds on flush.

ACP and Insect Management Options from Bayer

Bayer has a proven portfolio of insecticides that provides the foundation for season-long ACP control and controls other important California citrus pests. Bayer’s portfolio encompasses multiple modes of action to limit insecticide resistance and is flexible relative to application timing and method to optimize crop quality and to help growers stay ahead of Huanglongbing. BLOOM













ü ü








GROUP 4 (d)


GROUP 4 (a)


GROUPS 3 and 4 (a)

*Suppression only. **Insecticide Resistance Action Committee's mode of action groups.

HLB disease spreads from tree to tree when a bacteria-carrying psyllid flies to a healthy plant and transmits the bacteria as it feeds on the leaves and stems.

The bacteria multiply in the tree’s phloem tissue, blocking the flow of nutrients through the plant. If not well managed, trees will eventually die within 3 to 5 years.

Effective control of Asian citrus psyllid reduces the chance that a citrus tree will become infected by the bacteria and helps ensure a healthy, productive tree.

Make Bayer’s proven portfolio a cornerstone of your insecticide program to help ensure tree protection and productivity with season-long control of ACP, as well as other key citrus pests. USDA’s National Agricultural Statistics Service Florida Citrus Statistics (2015–2016).

1 2

© 2018 Bayer CropScience LP, 2 TW Alexander Drive, Research Triangle Park, NC 27709. Always read and follow label instructions. Bayer (reg’d), the Bayer Cross (reg’d), Admire,® Baythroid,® Leverage,® Movento,® and Sivanto™ are trademarks of Bayer. Baythroid XL is a Restricted Use Pesticide. Not all products are registered for use in all states. For product information, call toll-free 1-866-99-BAYER (1-866-992-2937) or visit our website at CR1017MULTIPB022S00R0

January/February 2018


are usually not the same on either side of the leaves as delimitated by the main leaf vein. Mottling is also most frequently found on newly mature leaves (hardened-off), but often fades with leaf age. However, these symptoms can also be sometimes confused with some nutrient deficiencies, but most nutrient deficiencies will usually produce more uniform mottling or chlorotic symptoms (Figure 2). Some HLB-infected leaves may also produce yellow veins, vein corking,

Figure 1 Blotchy mottle symptoms on citrus leaves.

Continued from Page 14 tree and before any visual symptoms are present. However, until these tools are developed, every individual within the citrus community should be aware of what symptoms to look for. The first visible symptoms observed for HLB are


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asymmetrical yellowing of leaves which is often referred to as a ‘blotchy mottle’ symptom of the leaves (Figure 1). This blotchy mottle pattern is a random pattern of yellowing or chlorosis on the leaves that

January/February 2018

Figure 2 Uniform and even mottling symptoms due to nutrient deficiencies within citrus.

or green island symptoms (Figure 3). Infected trees also produce fruit that unevenly colors and is often lopsided and is sour (Figure 4). Eventually the trees will weaken, begin to dieback and decline overtime. Be forewarned, that if you see visible symptoms, the tree has been infected for months if not years, and it is likely that nearby trees are also infected.

So Where Did This Disease Originate and Why is it Now a Threat? CLas likely infected citrus through psyllid species transferring the bacteria from indigenous rutaceous plants to cultivated citrus in Asia. Descriptions of die-back of citrus in India in the 18th century and the observations of farmers in southern China in the late 1800s suggest that this disease has impacted citrus for over 100 years. Just over a decade ago, HLB was confirmed in the Americas, originally in São Paulo State, Brazil in 2004 and the State of Florida, USA in 2005. The disease spread rapidly in both São Paulo and Florida, causing significant economic losses as it has in Asia for many years and has since spread to other States in the USA. Therefore,

Figure 3 Corking veins and green island symptoms of HLB infected citrus.

ing regions and continue eradication efforts in the San Joaquin Valley (SJV). However, this is a difficult scenario in Southern California, since the insect is common throughout this region. Its presence in residential areas hampers control measures because there is always

to appear in the SJV, so growers must be diligent to scout their fields. For monitoring, two strategies are to walk orchards when there are new flushes of growth to look for the nymphal stage or do tap sampling for adults. When looking for psyllids, signs of adults, eggs,

Figure 4 Lopsided and unevenly coloring citrus fruit.

it is important to be on the lookout for the disease, which has the potential to spread from residential areas of Southern California to the commercial production areas throughout California.

So, What Can Be Done to Curtail the Spread of This Disease and Vector? The first line of defense against HLB is to keep ACP under control in Southern California and coastal citrus grow-

a ‘source’ of more insects to move back into commercial production areas. It is important for growers in these regions to treat their orchards in a coordinated fashion in the spring and fall with ACP-effective insecticides as directed by their Task Force or Pest Control District. Within the SJV, the counties of Kern and to a lesser extent Tulare had frequent finds of ACP in 2016, but a lot of effort went into decreasing population levels of the insect through pesticide applications and finds thus far have decreased in 2017. However, the insect is continuing

or nymphs producing waxy tubules can be identified, as well as possible damage on developing leaves (Figure 5, page 18). Detailed information regarding tap sampling, including a video demonstration, can be found at the University of California ANR website (http://ucanr. edu/sites/acp/). Biological control tactics were also initiated in 2010 to help control ACP

January/February 2018

Continued on Page 18


Continued from Page 17 populations within residential areas, since spraying of pesticides was not easily accomplished. The parasitic wasp, Tamaraxia radiata, was collected by University of California Riverside Entomologist Mark Hoddle from Punjab, Pakistan, because it was endemic to the native range of ACP and was thought that a similar environment to California would make it a potential candidate to fight this insect. In addition to the Tamarixia radiata, an additional parasitoid, Diaphorencyrtus aligarhensis, was also reared and released. Both species kill the ACP insects through a combination of parasitism and host feeding. However, post-release monitoring in California has indicated that ACP parasitism by T. radiata is low to moderate and varies greatly across locations, seasons, and years. Moreover, success of the parasitoids is also reduced when ants protect the psyllids from natural enemies.

ing by the insect. The fall months are especially important as that is when the populations can build to high numbers. It should also be noted that not all insecticides are equally effective against ACP. More information can be found at the University of California Cooperative Extension (UCCE) extension website ( but some of the key points are: • •

• •

Focus on overwintering adults and protecting new flush Broad spectrum, long residual insecticides are especially important in the fall when ACP populations grow fast Rotate between chemistries to avoid selecting for resistance Use selective insecticides for the spring-summer treatments to allow natural enemies to survive and assist with control Be aware of Maximum Residue Limits to ensure export

Both monitoring and management of ACP are extremely important concepts to slow the threat of HLB. Eradication approaches should be used in areas where the insect is relatively rare (SJV) whereas growers need to continue to conduct periodic coordinated treatments

Weather conditions may also influence the spread of ACP in California, especially in the SJV where more than 65 percent of the California citrus is produced. The SJV often has cold winters followed by hot dry summers that are not as conducive to support large populations of the vector. Similarly, the heat of the Coachella and Imperial valleys suppresses psyllids. Hot, dry summers also suppress the bacteria. In the SJV, growers use ACP-effective insecticides to control citrus thrips, katydids, citricola scale and Figure 5 ACP eggs on new citrus growth, adult insect, and nymphs Fuller rose producing waxy tubules. beetle and these treatin areas where ACP is well-established ments help to keep ACP populations (Southern and coastal California). In low. However, in-spite of this, ACP is exthe latter case, growers need to focus pected to continue to spread in the SJV on reducing overwintering adults and and the disease will appear eventually. In protecting new flushes from egg laySouthern inland and coastal California, 18

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January/February 2018

ACP populations flourish. Environmental conditions and flushing host plants easily support nymphal development, thus the climate in these areas promote ACP.

What Does the Future Hold for California Regarding ACP/HLB? On a positive note, there are some factors that may help limit the spread of HLB in California compared to Florida. The vector (ACP) thrives on young vegetative shoots. In Florida, there are constant flushes of newly developing tissues for the vector to continually develop year-round. In contrast, in California there are normally only two flush periods for most mature citrus, one in the spring that is always prominent and another in the fall that is not as prominent depending on the weather. The exception is coastal lemons that have continuous flushes that pose a significant challenge to deal with ACP/HLB, especially since residential and growing areas are more adjacent compared to other growing regions. Florida growers did not control ACP populations because they did not realize how severe HLB would be. In contrast, the California Department of Agriculture (CDFA) has been monitoring ACP in California since 2008, sampling citrus and ACP for HLB around the state, setting up quarantine areas based on the findings, and have been working with Californians to inform them of the spread of the pest and disease. This program is funded by California citrus growers via the Citrus Pest and Disease Prevention Program (CPDPP). The grower/packer/ nursery community as represented by the CPDPP in collaboration with various organizations including CDFA, USDA, University of California, the Citrus Research Board, California Citrus Mutual, Pest Control Districts, Task Forces and Pest Control Advisors have been at work to recommend coordinated spray programs to control ACP populations, assist with tree removal, conduct outreach programs, support research and develop recommendations for HLB management for the industry going forward.

Comments about this article? We want to hear from you. Feel free to email us at

January/February 2018


Crop load management on newly planted Pinot gris in the San Joaquin Valley By George Zhuang | University of California Cooperative Extension at Fresno County Matthew Fidelibus | Department of Viticulture and Enology at UC Davis


ost (65 percent) of the total land area in California planted to Pinot gris is in the San Joaquin Valley (including crush district 11, 12, 13, and 14), and those vineyards produce > 80 percent of total amount of Pinot gris crushed in the state. In Fresno County, plantings of

Pinot gris increased by 20 percent (from 1803 acres to 2180 acres) from 2015 to 2016. Growers in the southern SJV receive an average gross return of $448.98 per ton for Pinot gris (California Grape Acreage Report and California Grape Crush Report 2016). The high demand

Figure 1 Left: control in 2016; Right: 0 cluster per shoot in 2016


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January/February 2018

has prompted wine growers and winery personnel to focus on maximizing the production of good quality Pinot gris under the SJV’s warm climate. In Fresno County, many current Pinot gris plantings have been trained to

quadrilateral cordons and spur pruned in an attempt to maximize vine yield potential. Moreover, many growers are striving to achieve the earliest possible financial returns by completing trunk, and even cordon, training in the first year after planting. However, this is difficult with Pinot gris, a variety having relatively low vigor, and an excessively aggressive approach could lead to overcropping, which may have long term negative consequences for the vines and ultimately limit their productivity over time. In order to provide a guideline for crop load of newly planted Pinot gris in the SJV, a field study in a commercial vineyard in western Fresno county was initiated in April, 2016. The vineyard was planted in February, 2015 with dormant bench grafted vines of Pinot gris (FPS clone 04) grafted on Freedom rootstocks. Vines were trained to quadrilateral cordons that were supported by trellises with 18-inch wide cross arms, 54 inches above the ground. The vineyard was planted with row spacing of 11 feet and vine spacing of 5 feet with trunk and cordon training completed in 2015. Four levels of cluster thinning were applied in April, 2016, before bloom when shoots were approximately 12 inches long. Clusters were clipped off of shoots, or not, to achieve four different levels of crop load; 0 cluster per shoot (0), 1 cluster per 2 shoots (1/2), 1 cluster per shoot (1), and nonthinned as control (Figure 1, page 20). No further crop load adjustments were made thereafter, but vine growth, yield, and berry compositions data were collected annually to determine the initial and subsequent effects that cropload adjustment in the first fruiting year may have over the course of the first three seasons. All vines were subjected to the same irrigation, fertilization, and pest control practices as deemed fit by the grower. Differences in canopy size were observed by veraison 2016, with non-thinned vines having the smallest canopies, whereas defruited vines (0 clusters per shoot) Figure 2 Top: control in 2016; Bottom: 0 cluster per shoot in 2016




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Continued on Page 22

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Table 1 Impact of cluster thinning of 2016 on yield components in 2016 and 2017.


Treatment of 2016

Cluster number/vine

Yield/acre (ton)

Cluster wt (g) Pruning wt (kg/vine)

Yield/pruning wt (kg/kg)

NA 1 cluster/2 shoots 55.9 aa 1 cluster/shoot 84. 6 b Control 113. 2 c

NA 5.0 a 6.6 ab 7.0 b

NA 124 a 98 b 78 c

1.18 c 0.75 a 0.52 b 0.46 b

NA 8.3 a 16.1 b 19.9 c

0 cluster/shoot

16.6 ab




1 cluster/2 shoots 186 b

19.0 a




1 cluster/shoot

162 b

13.9 b





169 b

13.3 b




2016 0 cluster/shoot

2017 224 a

values with different letter designation represent significant mean separation according to Tukey-Kramer significant different test at p ≤ 0.05.


Continued from Page 21 had amassed a much larger canopy by then (Figure 2, page 21). In 2016, nonthinned vines had greater yields than vines that were thinned to one cluster per two shoots, and vines that were thinned to one cluster per shoot yielded similarly to non-thinned vines or vines thinned to one cluster per two shoots; defruited vines, of course, had no yield

in 2016 (Table 1). Cluster thinning stimulated greater fruit set and bigger berry size as evidenced by thinned vines having more berries per cluster and bigger berry size than non-thinned vines (Table 2). Cluster thinning also affected berry compositions, with berries from vines thinned to one cluster per two shoots having higher Total Soluble Solids (TSS) (approximately 2 Brix) at harvest than fruit from non-thinned vines (Table 2).

Thinning did not affect pH or titratable acidity (TA) though thinned vines had slightly higher volatile acidity, indicating slightly greater bunch rot incidence, probably due to tighter clusters resulting from increased berry set and berry size. The delayed ripening and poor canopy growth suggest that non-thinned Pinot gris vines were overcropped in 2016 (Figure 2 (page 21) and 3). Non-thinned

Table 2 Impact of cluster thinning of 2016 on berry compositions in 2016 and 2017.


Treatment of 2016

Berry number/ Berry wt cluster (g)

TSS (Brix)a


TA (g/L)

VA (g/L)b

0 cluster/shoot


NA 99 ac 98 a 75 b

NA 1.06 a 0.93 b 0.86 c

NA 23.6 a 22.8 ab 21.6 b

NA 3.5 3.5 3.4

NA 7.5 7.1 7.2

NA 0.02 a 0.02 ab 0.01 b

0 cluster/shoot







1 cluster/2 shoots







1 cluster/shoot














2016 1 cluster/2 shoots 1 cluster/shoot 2017

the commercial target of TSS for Pinot gris is 22 Brix volatile acidity requirement from the wineries < 0.16 g/L c values with different letter designation represent significant mean separation according to Tukey-Kramer significant different test at p ≤ 0.05. a b


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January/February 2018

Table 3 Summary of yield and Ravaz Index of 2016 and 2017.




Yield (t/acre)

0 cluster/shoot

0 5 6.6 7

1 cluster/2 shoots 1 cluster/shoot Control


Ravaz Index (kg/kg) NA 8.3 16.1 19.9

Figure 3 Weekly TSS (Brix) accumulation starting at the onset of veraison in 2016 with the means represented from one cluster per two shoots (1/2), one cluster per shoot (1) and non-thinned (control).

vines and vines with one cluster per shoot ultimately had the lowest pruning weights (Table 1, page 22). Yield to pruning weight ratio, also known as Ravaz Index, is used to assess vine balance. Ravaz Index >10 may indicated overcropping, whereas Ravaz index <5 suggests vines are undercropped. Ravaz index is usually used to assess balance of mature vines, but it appears that Ravaz Index >10 may also be a reasonable threshold for these young vines. Vines with a Ravaz Index >10 in 2016 had the least amount of berry TSS at the harvest of 2016 and the lowest yields in 2017 (Table 1 and Table 2, page 22). Specifically, a higher Ravaz Index (>10) in 2016 resulted in less amount of berry TSS in


Yield (t/acre) 16.6 19 13.9 13.3

Ravaz Index (kg/kg) NA NA NA NA

Yield (t/acre) 16.6 24.0 20.5 20.3

Figure 4 Total soluble solids (Brix) decreased as Ravaz index increased beyond 10, and the vines became increasingly overcropped in 2016. Ravaz Index <10 (dark colored dots) was achieved from vines thinned to one cluster per two shoots

2016 and less yield in 2017 (Figure 4 and Figure 5). Thus, overcropping the first year, Ravaz Index >10, may inhibit TSS accumulation in the current growing season, and also limit yield the following season. Thus, newly planted Pinot gris on quadrilateral cordons might benefit from cluster thinning, e.g., one cluster per two shoots at the second leaf, in order to achieve a Ravaz Index ≤10 which may help to achieve long-term yield and economic sustainability for the newly planted vines in the SJV. Comments about this article? We want to hear from you. Feel free to email us at

Figure 5 Vines with a Ravaz Index >10 in 2016 had lower yields in 2017, with yield decreasing as Ravaz index increased. Ravaz Index <10 (dark colored dots) was achieved from vines thinned to one cluster per two shoots.

January/February 2018


The IPM Tool Box –



ntegrated Pest Management (IPM) is a well-used term that describes many things to many people. Since IPM addresses the complexity of the system, its parts are usually described rather than its whole. Making this complex paradigm understood among its practitioners, the academic and regulatory communities and the public is important in communicating the value, strengths, and progress in managing pests. Certainly, one aspect of IPM discussion is the utilization of multiple management (and control) approaches. While integrating both across practices and pests, the conversation usually settles on a single pest and management issue. For example, when a new pest threatens a cropping system or an indigenous pest becomes out of balance with its environment, affected industries often request emergency exemptions


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for pesticide use outside the established registered label. Section 18 requests are a common example. When making arguments in these situations for additional “tools” to control pests are often cited as the critical need to avoid extraordinary economic losses. The analogy of IPM practices as “tools” and that there is a collection in a “tool box” is useful in describing elements of the IPM story.

Measure twice, cut once…. This is the prime directive of any DIY’er. In IPM, field scouting, accurate pest identification, and threat assessment is essential before any decision is made to treat a site. UC Statewide IPM provides these guidelines for over 40 crops in California, which provides the basis for decision making. When a pest popu-

January/February 2018

lation exceeds the recognized threshold for damage and action is required to prevent economic loss, it is critical to have access to the right tool (http://ipm.ucanr. edu/PMG/crops-agriculture.html).

Diversity of Tools The odds are that there are several tool boxes around your house, in the garage and in your truck. Some boxes may hold tools specific to some problem while others are more general in their application. However, when something needs to be repaired around the house, the right tool is essential. For example, if a light fixture needs repair, having only a pipe wrench in a tool box is not much use. In the same vein, IPM works best when a diversity of tools are available to respond to specific problems. In most cases, the problem being addressed

presents imminent threat to the crop. When the situation requires an immediate response (or fix), it is important to have a wide selection of chemical tools with a diversity of active ingredients. Having access to active ingredients with multiple modes of action and selectivity, is important in keeping the tools “sharp”. Similar to your tool box, overuse of a tool results in it becoming dull.

If you see all problems as nails….. Just having a diverse choice of tools is not enough. Seeing all problems as nails, your only tool becomes a hammer. In IPM, a hammer is a big tool, designed to take care of the problem immediately. As any handyman knows, it is important to avoid collateral damage to your thumb when using a big hammer. The same is true for IPM. Many of our large hammers are broad spectrum insecticides with potential collateral damage to the ecosystem being managed. Such broad spectrum tools can destroy the balance in the field or orchard by removing natural enemies and result in resurgence of the primary and secondary pests, placing your field onto the pesticide thread mill.

Using many little hammers…. One of the concepts IPM practitioners espouse is the use of “many small hammers”. By this we mean increasing the mortality of the pests through multiple approaches. For example, recent, innovative biorational insecticides may not provide the expected level of control of previously used chemical classes, but have less impact on the natural enemy complex which provides additional mortality sources. Not only do the natural enemies act as many small hammers, using selective, suppressive insecticides, adds additional smaller hammers to increase the overall population management. These non-chemical practices are essential but underutilized tools in the tool box. While chemical tools are critical for immediate intervention, the cultural, biological and crop production practices are essential for managing pests in the long term.

Big jobs need blueprints…..

practices and access all the tools available in the IPM tool box.

Besides small home maintenance jobs, tools are used for large construction jobs. For these, having complete blueprints is critical to manage the construction process. For IPM, it is important to take the long view of managing pests. Developing a plan for managing pests in the context of the agro-ecosystem is essential for sustainable agriculture. Creating an IPM plan provides a reflective opportunity to review current

UC IPM has worked with United States Department of Agriculture (USDA)-Natural Resource Conservation Service (NRCS) to develop a planning process which incorporated IPM into the NRCS resource conversation farm planning process ( PMG/NRCS_Step-By-Step_Instructions. pdf). Using the UC IPM Guidelines, one

Continued on Page 26

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January/February 2018

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Continued from Page 25 can review current practices, identify potential environmental issues, suggest alternative approaches (chemical, biological and cultural), and provide documen-

review of all management and control options. Within the report, links provide specific guidance from PMGs to review options with grower clients. Chemical options provide resistance management information, impact on beneficial predators, parasites, pollinators, and surface water quality concerns. The report provides an IPM annual plan and meets the requirement on written recommendation that PCAs have “considered alternatives and mitigation measures that would substantially lessen any significant adverse impact on the environment have been considered and, if feasible, adopted”.

How do we get new tools?

tation of progress. In addition, UC IPM has developed a decision support tool (DST) for alfalfa, almond, citrus and cotton (http://www2. This tool provides an easy approach to the UC IPM Pest Management Guidelines (PMG), allowing for an easy comparison of chemical and non-chemical approaches across multiple arthropod pests. DST provides a convenient report including pest identification, population assessment, evaluation of the threat, and


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The IPM Tool Box depends on both private and public sectors to fund new and innovative tools and practices. The insecticide tools are developed with private investment requiring many years of research and registration process with hope of successful payoffs. As mentioned, these tools are the first to be used as intervention. The other tools in the tool box are developed with public sector funds or commodity based assessment fees. The latter tends to address immediate and intermediate issues such as invasive species or resurgence of endemic pests. These funds tend to be directed toward the “problem du jour” and seeking im-

January/February 2018

mediate results. Public sector funds have been directed toward research seeking solutions to intermediate and long term issues. These have supported independent projects which can be directed to problems not covered by other resources. As part of the original UC IPM Program “charter”, a competitive research program was conducted for over 20 years. This program provided the basis for many of the Pest Management Guidelines including sampling, threat assessments, management options, phenology models, cultural and biological practices, and pest/crop interactions. Unfortunately the research component of UC IPM was lost during the UC budget reductions in the early 2000’s. The loss of these public funds has impacted our ability to consider and pursue longer term questions. It has especially affected those crops which cannot support a research assessment program such as many row and field crops. The IPM Tool Box is filled with tools which can wear out and need replacement. While private investment is available for chemical tools, public investment is less available for cultural and biological control tools. Without public commitment to IPM, the tool box will continue to become less diverse and robust, creating a dependence on fewer alternatives and increasing our reliance on insecticide options. Comments about this article? We want to hear from you. Feel free to email us at



Taking Control of Botryosphaeria in California Walnut Orchards

The disease has a multi-season impact on orchards. Bot infects and damages the current year’s fruit, and also the fruit wood that will produce fruit the following year. “In some mature walnut orchards, we’ve seen yield declines of 25 percent or more in the first year, with additional declines the second year and potentially devastating impacts to the health of trees in the orchard,” said Chuck Gullord, a technical sales representative for Bayer. Botryosphaeria spores germinate and enter the tree through existing wounds or scars, such as those from pruning, leaf and fruit drop or bud scars. Research conducted by the University of California in 2014 found that untreated wounds can be susceptible to infection from Bot fungi for extended periods. For example, pruning wounds in medium to large branches can be infected for at least four months after the pruning cut is made.

Chemical control programs are highly effective in controlling Bot fungi as well as scale and other damaging insects that allow disease to spread.

“Walnut trees with scale infestations are

60 to 70 percent more

prone to Bot infection.”

While walnut scale damage has historically not been considered a significant economic threat to walnut production, the lesions on trunks and old branches caused by scale are a key entry point for Bot infection. Walnut trees with scale infestations are 60 to 70

Baye r provide s seve ral solutions for walnut growers. Luna Sensation® and Luna Experience® fungicides are highly effective in controlling Bot fungi, and Movento® insecticide provides effective control of scale and other major insects and mite pests.

percent more prone to Bot infection.

Identification of Bot infection in walnut trees can be difficult compared to identifying the disease in pistachio and other trees, because other diseases such as Walnut blight show similar symptoms. The symptoms can also be confused with frost damage or winterkill in some circumstances. 8,000


In addition, walnut trees in a university/ grower large plot trial treated with Luna Experience® and Luna Sensation® programs delivered 1,167 and 695 pounds per acre of increased walnut yields compared to untreated controls.



Net Weight (lb./A)

Botryosphaeria are a group of fungal pathogens that have been well-known for decades in the California pistachio industry, with initial discovery in 1984 and significant production loss to the disease in the late 1990s. However, Bot pathogens have emerged as a growing challenge to walnut tree health and yields in California in the past three to four years. In walnuts, Bot can easily spread from tree to tree by wind or water, and spores germinate with a quarter-inch of rain or as little as 90 minutes of exposure to water.




95% Jumbos

91.2% Jumbos

5,000 4,000 3,000

84.1% Jumbos

92.1% Jumbos

2,000 1,000 0 Untreated

Luna Experience® Program

Luna Sensation® Program

Competitor Program

Yield (lb./A) and percent jumbos in a university/grower large plot trial at Modesto, CA, 2014. Andy Alderson (Modesto Junior College) and Dr. Themis Michailides. Tulare variety, planted 2004. Applications on 4/16, 5/15, 6/25, 7/25 and 10/30. Harvest on 9/29. Plots: 11 rows, 2 rows harvested per plot.

IMPORTANT: This bulletin is not intended to provide adequate information for use of these products. Read the label before using these products. Observe all label directions and precautions while using these products. © 2018 Bayer CropScience LP, 2 TW Alexander Drive, Research Triangle Park, NC 27709. Bayer, the Bayer Cross, Luna, Luna Experience, Luna Sensation, and Movento are registered trademarks of Bayer. Luna and Movento are not registered for use in all states. Always read and follow label instructions. For additional product information, call toll-free 1-866-99-BAYER (1-866-992-2937) or visit our website at

January/February 2018



A yearround

perspective By Richard Smith | Vegetable Crops Farm Advisor, Monterey County, CA


Progressive Crop Consultant

January/February 2018


ffective nutrient management is critical to successful and economical production of cool-season vegetables on the Central Coast of California. The coastal valleys produce 90 percent of the lettuce for the US market during the summer production season. Since the 1920’s when lettuce was first shipped by rail across the country, nitrogen (N) fertility practices were developed to be successful over a wide range of soil types and irrigation practices. The cost of N

Lettuce. All photos courtesy of Richard Smith.

fertilizer is a small percent of growing costs (5-6 percent) and, N fertilizer rates that guarantee successful crop production, may exceed crop uptake and not result in environmental efficiency. However, regulatory pressure from the Regional Water Quality Control Boards are compelling growers to implement fertilization practices that improve N use efficiency. Many growers have embraced this challenge and are making progress to bring the rates of applied N much

closer to the levels of uptake by the crop. To do so, growers are embracing new knowledge regarding fate and availability of N during the growth cycle. Ammonium and nitrate are the forms of mineral N primarily taken up by plants. In warm soils during the summer, ammonium nitrifies rapidly to nitrate which is the main pool of residual soil N available for crop growth. However, the nitrate molecule has a negative

charge, is not adsorbed by soil colloids, and is highly mobile with water passing through the soil. As a result, at the beginning of the crop cycle in years with normal to above normal winter rainfall, soils typically have low levels of residual soil nitrate (e.g. < 10 ppm NO3-N) because of leaching. Knowing the levels of residual soil nitrate helps guide fertilizer

January/February 2018

Continued on Page 30


Table 1 Typical macronutrient uptake and harvest removal of annual vegetable crops at normal yield levels.


Seasonal crop uptake (lb/acre)

% nutrient removal




with harvest






Brussels Sprouts






























Head or Romaine Lettuce





Baby Lettuce










Pepper (Bell)










Processing Tomato

















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January/February 2018

Christeen Abbott-Hearn

Central and Coastal California 559.334.7664

Continued from Page 29 decisions because, if levels are low, fertilization is necessary, but if levels are high, fertilizer applications can be reduced or skipped.

Table 1 shows typical levels of N taken up by several crops grown in Monterey County. The uptake of N can vary to some degree from these values depending on yield potential of the crop and residual N in the soil. During the crop cycle, N uptake by crops follows a typical sigmoidal curve. For instance, in direct seeded lettuce, small amounts of N (about 10 lbs N/A) are taken up by the crop during the first 24–28 days of the crop cycle. This amount of N can be supplied by a modest application of starter fertilizer or by N in an anticrustant. However, during the next 35-40 days to harvest, N uptake is 3-4 lbs N/A/day following a linear uptake pattern. This is the key part of the crop cycle that we evaluate levels of residual soil nitrate to make effective fertilizer decisions.

Adjusting fertilizer N applications based on soil nitrate-N Soil nitrate levels are measured prior to post-thinning N applications in the top foot of soil for most cool-season vegetables. Samples can be analyzed for nitrate by a commercial lab. However, the nitrate quick test ( blogs/blogcore/postdetail.cfm?postnum=4406 ) is used to analyze soil on the same day to facilitate making fertilizer decisions based on the current levels in the soil. If residual soil nitrate levels are low (<10 ppm NO3-N), standard fertilizer N applications are warranted. Moderate levels (15 to 20 ppm NO3-N) indicate that lower application rates of fertilizer may be warranted, and high levels (>20 ppm NO3-N) indicate that the fertilizer application can be greatly reduced or skipped. Residual soil nitrate-N levels of 20 ppm NO3-N in the top foot of soil is equivalent to 70 to 80 lbs of N (depending on soil bulk density) and this quantity is sufficient to supply

the crop for 10-14 days. Soil nitrate levels decline later in the crop cycle due to crop uptake and losses from leaching, and residual soil nitrate can be measured again prior to the next fertilization event to determine further fertilizer N needs. Residual soil nitrate levels of 20 ppm during the critical growth period following thinning indicates sufficient N is available for optimal crop growth. However, in the week prior to harvest soil nitrate levels can decline to below this level without jeopardizing crop yield.

Nitrate in Irrigation Water Nitrate in irrigation water can also supply N for crop growth. The quantity of nitrate-N in irrigation water can be calculated from the following formula: ppm NO3-N in irrigation water x 0.227 = lb N/acre inch of water Table 2 N in irrigation water and typical crop water usage

ppm NO3-N lbs N/acre in irrigation inch

lbs N for a crop using 7 – 10 acre inches water



16 – 23



32 – 45



64 – 91



95 – 136

Nitrate in irrigation wells along the coast vary from less than 10 ppm NO3-N to wells that have greater than 50 ppm NO3-N. Calculating the quantity of N supplied by the irrigation water is made by multiplying the seasonal water uptake of the crop by the nitrate concentration of the water. Broccoli and cauliflower take up from 7-11 inches of water and lettuce 5-9 inches of water. As can be seen in Table 2 waters supplying > 40 ppm NO3-N can supply significant quantities of N for crop growth. In trials conducted in 2016-17, we observed that fertilization practices can be modified by a small amount (10 – 20 lbs N/A) with irrigation waters with < 20 ppm NO3-N, however for wells with > 40 ppm NO3-N, fertilization rates can be reduced more substantially (40 lbs to much more).

Sources of Residual Soil Nitrate-N Levels of residual soil nitrate build up during production of the first crop which can result in substantial quantities of residual soil N at the beginning of the second crop. Residual soil nitrate-N comes from the following sources: mineralization of crop residues, unused fertilizer, NO3-N in irrigation water and mineralization of soil organic matter. The quantity of N that remains in the field following harvest can be substantial (Table 1, page 30) and can vary from 35 to >200 lbs N/A in spinach and broccoli, respectively. The concentration of N in crop residues varies from 2.5 to 5.0. Incubation studies of cool-season vegetable residues indicate more rapid mineralization of N with higher concentrations of N in the tissue; most mineralization

Continued on Page 32

January/February 2018


Continued from Page 31 occurs in the first 2-4 weeks after incorporation into moist soil, and the rate of mineralization of crop residues declines significantly after the first month. Tillage operations to prepare the soil for the second crop generally take 3-4 weeks during which time, crop residues from the first crop have sufficient time and generally sufficient soil moisture to complete decomposition, leaving a pool of available nitrate at the beginning of the second crop. For example, in a trial conducted in 2017 on second crop of head lettuce following rapini (generally containing 140-150 lbs N/A in the crop residue @ 5 percent N in the tissue), the levels of soil nitrate-N were 30 ppm at planting. This field also had 56 ppm NO3-N in the water and provided an excellent opportunity to see how far we could reduce N applications under conditions of high

ing). There were no differences in yield among the treatments. These data underscore the importance of residual soil nitrate, as well as nitrate in the irrigation water can have on crop nutrition.

Nitrate Scavenging Scavenging of nitrate from the soil profile occurs when a crop takes up more N than has been applied as fertilizer. Several crops routinely take up more nitrogen than is applied. For instance, summer-grown broccoli is routinely fertilized with 160 to 200 lbs N/A, but takes up over 300 lbs N/A. It has roots that extend down to three feet or more in the soil which facilitates its ability to retrieve N from deeper in the soil profile to supply its N needs beyond what is supplied by fertilizer. In this sense, broccoli acts like an in-season cover crop by bringing nitrate that is at-risk of leaching, back to the surface where we get another chance

at utilizing it. All crops have the potential of scavenging nitrate-N from the soil if we account for residual soil N and adjust fertilizer programs accordingly. The end of the production cycle, prior to the winter fallow, is the Achilles heel in our efforts to reduce nitrate leaching. Soil nitrate levels tend to rise during the fall and early winter because soil temperatures are still warm enough to allow for mineralization of crop residues and soil organic matter. Winter-grown cover crops such as cereals can capture this pool of residual soil nitrate and keep it in the crop biomass thereby reducing the leaching. Cereal cover crops have been shown to take up 150 to 200 lbs N/A over the winter. This is an excellent practice for reducing the risk of nitrate leaching during the winter. Unfortunately, the economics of vegetable production in the Salinas Valley do not favor the use of cover crops and they are used on only 5-7 percent of the crop

Table 3 2017 fertilizer & irrigation trial. Second crop of lettuce


Applied water inches/A

N in irrigation water lbs/A

Fertilizer N applied lbs/ acre






















residual soil nitrate and irrigation waters with high nitrate content. Treatments included the grower standard practice, a best management practice (BMP) and an intermediate fertilizer treatment. The yield evaluations shown in Table 3 are of a commercial harvest (12 beds wide by the length of the field, 900 feet). The trial was conducted on a sandy loam soil that was sprinkler irrigated until thinning, at which time drip irrigation was installed and used to irrigate the crop until harvest. The irrigation water in the grower and BMP treatments applied 100 and 116 lbs N/A in the irrigation water, respectively. Soil nitrate levels over the course of the season were high and no post thinning N applications were made to the BMP treatment (only 7 lbs N/A were added in the anticrustant at plant32

Progressive Crop Consultant

Total yield Cartons/ Percent acre 24 count boxes

Untrimmed head wt. lbs/head

Spinach is grown in high-density plantings on 80-inch wide beds with sprinkler irrigation.

January/February 2018


Other Techniques for Improving Nitrogen Use Efficiency Nitrogen technologies such as nitrification inhibitors and controlled release fertilizers have been evaluated for use on lettuce and spinach. In general, these technologies are most useful in situations with high leaching potential, such as sandy soils with high rates of irrigation. In the Salinas Valley crops grown on high density beds are the most difficult to effectively manage efficiently because the crops are shallow rooted and there is no opportunity to use drip irrigation. In studies on spinach grown on high density beds, nitrogen technologies such as controlled release fertilizers and nitrification inhibitors provided measureable but modest improvements in N use efficiency. The effectiveness of these materials will vary significantly from field to field based on soil type, temperatures and irrigation practices making benefits specific to a crop difficult to predict. However, over the long-term, these technologies can help to reduce N application rates while safeguarding yield. As mentioned above a weak link in reducing leaching of nitrate to ground water is the winter fallow period. We are evaluating the use of high carbon amendments, such as ground almond shells, to tie up (immobilize) nitrate in the soil. In studies conducted in Europe, this technique was shown to reduce 15-25 percent percent of leaching of N from cauliflower residues. Initial trials of this practice are underway to determine benefits that this practice can provide in our cropping systems. In summary, a key practice to improve nitrogen use efficiency in intensively-managed cool season vegetable production systems include effectively utilizing residual soil nitrates and adjusting fertilizer application rates accordingly. Many growers are including more testing in their fertilizer programs and are making progress towards improving nitrogen use efficiency.

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January/February 2018

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