Progressive Crop Consultant - November/December 2021

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November / December 2021 Biological Fungicides to Manage Gray Mold in Strawberry Understand Winegrape Nutrition Goals to Establish Fertilizer Needs Beet Curly Top in Tomatoes Areawide Management for NOW: Learning From the Past Diamond Back Moth in Vegetable Crops

January 5th, 2022

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Volume 6: Issue 6 Photo by Z. Wang


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PUBLISHER: Jason Scott Email: EDITOR: Marni Katz ASSOCIATE EDITOR: Cecilia Parsons Email: PRODUCTION: Phone: 559.352.4456 Fax: 559.472.3113 Web:


4 8 12

Efficacy of Biological Fungicides in Managing Gray Mold in Strawberry


Winegrape Nutrition: Understand Your Goals to Understand Your Fertilizer Needs

Crop Consultants and Industry Leaders Attend 3rd Annual Crop Consultant Conference


High Incidence of Beet Leafhopper Vectored Beet Curly Top Disease on Processing Tomatoes


Areawide Management for Navel Orangeworm: Learning from the Past


Diamondback Moth – A Serious Pest of Vegetable Crops

Surendra Dara UCCE Entomology and Biologicals Advisor, San Luis Obispo and Santa Barbara Counties Bradley S. Higbee Field R&D Mgr, Trécé, Inc.


Roger A. Isom President/CEO, Western Agricultural Processors Association JW Lemons CCA, CPAg, Account Manager, Verdesian Life Sciences

28 32

State Considering New Pesticide Application Advance Notifications

Jhalendra Rijal UCCE IPM Advisor for Northern San Joaquin Valley Fred Strauss CCA, Doctor Sustainable, LLC Zheng Wang UCCE Vegetable and Irrigation Advisor, Stanislaus County

Greg Montez PCA, Contributing Writer



Surendra Dara

UCCE Entomology and Biologicals Advisor, San Luis Obispo and Santa Barbara Counties

Kevin Day

Fertilizer Preparation for Fall Crops

Dave Peck Manzanita Berry Farms, Santa Maria

Steven Koike Tri-Cal Diagnostics

Jhalendra Rijal

UCCE IPM Advisor for Northern San Joaquin Valley

UCCE Pomology Farm Advisor, Tulare and Kings Counties Kris Tollerup UCCE Integrated Pest Management Advisor, Elizabeth Fichtner Fresno, CA UCCE Farm Advisor, Kings and Tulare Counties

Katherine Jarvis-Shean

Mohammad Yaghmour

UCCE Area Orchard Systems Advisor, Kern County UCCE Orchard Systems Advisor, Sacramento, Solano and Yolo Counties


The articles, research, industry updates, company profiles, and advertisements in this publication are the professional opinions of writers and advertisers. Progressive Crop Consultant does not assume any responsibility for the opinions given in the publication.

November / December 2021


Efficacy of Biological Fungicides in Managing Gray Mold in Strawberry

By SURENDRA K. DARA | UCCE Entomology and Biologicals Advisor, San Luis Obispo and Santa Barbara Counties and DAVE PECK | Manzanita Berry Farms, Santa Maria


otrytis fruit rot or gray mold caused by Botrytis cinerea is a common fungal disease of strawberry and other crops damaging flowers and fruits. This pathogen has more than 200 plant species as hosts producing several cell-wall-degrading enzymes, toxins and other compounds and causing the host to induced programmed cell death (Williamson et al. 2007). As a result, soft rot of aerial plant parts in live plants and postharvest decay of fruits, flowers and vegetables occurs. Pathogen survives in the plant debris and soil and can be present in the plant tissues before flowers form. Infection is common on developing or ripe fruits as brown lesions. Lesions typically appear under the calyxes but can be seen on other areas of the fruit. As the disease progresses, a layer of gray spores forms on the infected surface. Severe infection in flowers results in the failure of fruit development. Cool and moist conditions favor botrytis fruit rot development. Sprinkler irrigation, rains or certain agricultural practices can contribute to the dispersal of fungal spores.

Although removal of infected plant ma4

Progressive Crop Consultant

terial and debris can reduce the source of inoculum in the field, regular fungicide applications are typically necessary for managing botrytis fruit rot. Since fruiting occurs continuously for several months and fungicides are regularly applied, botrytis resistance to fungicides is not uncommon. Applying fungicides only when necessary, avoiding continuous use of fungicides from the same mode of action group and exploring the potential of biological fungicides to reduce the risk of resistance development are some of the strategies for effective botrytis fruit rot management. In addition to several synthetic fungicides, several biological fungicides continue to be introduced into the market offering various options for the growers. Earlier field studies evaluated the potential of various biological fungicides and strategies for using them with synthetic fungicides against botrytis and other fruit rots in strawberry (Dara 2019; Dara 2020). This study was conducted to evaluate some new and soon-to-be-released fungicides in fall-planted strawberry to support growers and ag input industry, and to promote sustainable disease manageNovember / December 2021

ment through biological and synthetic pesticides.


This study was conducted on a conventional strawberry field at Manzanita Berry Farms, Santa Maria in strawberry variety 3024 planted in October 2020. Treatments included fungicides containing captan and cyprodinil + fludioxinil as synthetic standards along with a variety of biological fungicides of microbial, botanical and animal sources at various rates and different combinations and rotations. Products and active ingredients evaluated in this study included captan 38.75%, cyprodinil 37.5% + fludioxinil 25%, potassium carbonate 58.04% + thyme oil 1.75%, botanical extract 100 g AI/L, giant knotweed extract 5%, protein 15-20%, cinnamon oil 15% + garlic oil 20%, caprylic acid 41.7% + capric acid 28.3%, Pseudomonas chlororaphis strain AFS009 50%, Bacillus subtilis strain AFS032321 100%, P. chlororaphis strain AFS009 44.5% + azoxystrobin 5.75%, Banda de Lupinus albus doce – BLAD (a polypeptide from sweet lupine) 20% with chitosan 2.3% or

pinene (polyterpenes) polymers, petrolatum, alkyl amine ethxylate (spreader/ sticker) 100%, thyme oil 20% and a thyme oil blend.


Infected Berries

40% 30% 20% 10% 0%

Botrytis infection after 1 spray 3 DAH


40% 30% 20% 10% 0% U Sw TC Sw itch itc h NS Swit c T NS KI- h TK 14I-1 L 4 Sw -H it Sw ch it Sw ch itc Sw h it Sw ch itc S h A2 witc 26 h 13 EX -H Ga P14 r Da goil Da rt 0. rt 2 Pr Pro H 0.35 Pr oBl Bla ow oB ad d le lad V Ve r V+ + Ki rde Nu pla Fil nt Ag m ric Th P ell F Es eia AS un T end -E hy o XP m Th e ym e

Continued on Page 6



Infected Berries

Excluding the untreated control, the rest of the 24 treatments can be divided into synthetic fungicides, a fungicide with synthetic + biological active ingredients (a formulation with two application rates), synthetic fungicides alternated with biological fungicides and various kinds of biological fungicides (Table 1). Treatments were applied at a 7- to 10-day interval between April 22 and May 17, 2021. Berries for pre-treatment disease evaluation were harvested on April 19, 2021. Each treatment had a 5.67’ x 15’ plot replicated four times in a randomized complete block design. Strawberries were harvested three days before the first treatment and three to four days after each treatment for disease evaluation. On each

Botrytis infection after four spray applications


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November / December 2021


Continued from Page 5

Botrytis infection after III spray

Percent infection data were arcsine-transformed before subjecting to the analysis of variance using Statistix software. Significant means were separated using the least significant difference test.


Pre-treatment infection was very low and occurred only in some treatments with no statistical difference (P > 0.05). Infection levels increased for the rest of the study period. There was no statistically significant difference (P > 0.05) among treatments for disease levels three or five days after the first spray application. Differences were significant (P = 0.0131) in disease five DAH after the second spray application where 13 treatments from all categories had significantly lower infection than the untreated control. After the third spray application, infection levels were significantly lower in eight treatments in three DAH observations (P = 0.0395) and 10 treatments in five DAH observations (P = 0.0005) compared to the untreated control. There were no statistical differences (P > 0.05) among treatments for observations after the fourth spray application or for the average of four applications. However, there were numerical differences where infection 6

Progressive Crop Consultant




40% 20%


def cdef a abcde




ef abcde

f abcde









P = 0.0395 P = 0.0005 ab


ab abc abcde abcdef


ab bcdef


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abcde bcde cde

U Sw TC Sw itch itc h NS Swit TK ch NS ITK 14I L A2 -1426 H A2 13 26 -L 13 Sw -H i Re tch ga Sw lia i Ca tch A2 pta 26 n 13 EX -H Ga P14 r Da goil Da rt 0 rt .2 Pr Pro H 0.35 o Pr B Bla ow oB lad d le lad V Ve r V+ + K rde Nu ipla Fil nt m Ag T P ric ell E heia F s AS un end -E Th o XP ym Th e ym e

Infected Berries



Although removal of infected plant material and debris can reduce the source of inoculum in the field, regular fungicide applications are typically necessary for managing botrytis fruit rot (all photos by S.K. Dara.) Pre-treatment Botrytis infection 3 DAH


10% Infected Berries

sampling date, marketable berries were harvested from random plants within each plot during a 30-second period and incubated in paper bags at outdoor temperatures under shade. Number of berries with botrytis infection were counted on three and five days after harvest (DAH) and percent infection was calculated. This is a different protocol than previous years’ studies where disease rating was made on a 0 to 4 scale. Treatments were applied with a backpack sprayer equipped with hollow cone nozzle using 90 gpa spray volume at 45 PSI. Water was sprayed in the untreated control plots. A surfactant with methyl esters of C16-C18 fatty acids was used at 0.125% for treatments that contained protein P. chlororaphis alone and in combination with azoxystrobin, B. subtilis, thyme oil and thyme oil blend. Research authorization was obtained for some products and crop destruction was implemented for products that did not have California registration.



1 2 3 8 22 23 4 5 9 6 10 25 7 24 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21


Synthetic Synthetic+ Biological Synthetic rotated with Biological


1 2 3 4 5 6 7

1st spray Untreated control Cyprodinil+fludioxinil 14 oz Cyprodinil+fludioxinil 14 oz Cyprodinil+fludioxinil Potassium carbonate+thyme oil 48 oz Potassium carbonate+thyme oil 80 oz Cyprodinil+fludioxinil 14 oz

8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17

Cyprodinil+fludioxinil 14 oz Cyprodinil+fludioxinil 14 oz Cyprodinil+fludioxinil 14 oz Cyprodinil+fludioxinil 14 oz Cyprodinil+fludioxinil 14 oz Botanical extract 41.1 fl oz Protein 48 oz Cinnamon oil+garlic oil 1% Caprylic acid+capric acid 0.2% Caprylic acid+capric acid 0.35% Pseudomonas chlororaphis strain AFS009 18 80 oz Banda de Lupinus albus doce – BLAD 43 fl 19 oz 20 BLAD 43 fl oz + Chitosan 30 fl oz 21 BLAD 43 fl oz + Pinene polymers … 8 fl oz 22 Bacillus subtilis strain AFS032321 48 oz P. chlororaphis strain 23 AFS009+azoxystrobin 44.8 oz 24 Thyme oil 128 fl oz 25 Thyme oil blend 40 fl oz

Treatments and rates per acre 2nd spray 3rd spray Untreated control Untreated control Captan 80 fl oz Cyprodinil+fludioxinil 14 oz Cyprodinil+fludioxinil 14 oz Cyprodinil+fludioxinil 14 oz None Cyprodinil+fludioxinil Potassium carbonate+thyme oil 48 oz Potassium carbonate+thyme oil 48 oz Potassium carbonate+thyme oil 80 oz Potassium carbonate+thyme oil 80 oz Cyprodinil+fludioxinil 14 oz Botanical extract 27.4 fl oz

4th spray Untreated control Captan 80 fl oz None None Potassium carbonate+thyme oil 48 oz Potassium carbonate+thyme oil 80 oz Botanical extract 27.4 fl oz

Cyprodinil+fludioxinil 14 oz Botanical extract 27.4 fl oz Cyprodinil+fludioxinil 14 oz Giant knot weed extract 64 fl oz Protein 48 oz Botanical extract 41.1 fl oz Protein 48 oz Cinnamon oil+garlic oil 1% Caprylic acid+capric acid 0.2% Caprylic acid+capric acid 0.35% Pseudomonas chlororaphis strain AFS009 80 oz Banda de Lupinus albus doce – BLAD 43 fl oz BLAD 43 fl oz + Chitosan 30 fl oz

Botanical extract 41.1 fl oz Cyprodinil+fludioxinil 14 oz Giant knot weed extract 64 fl oz Cyprodinil+fludioxinil 14 oz Captan Botanical extract 41.1 fl oz Protein 48 oz Cinnamon oil+garlic oil 1% Caprylic acid+capric acid 0.2% Caprylic acid+capric acid 0.35% Pseudomonas chlororaphis strain AFS009 80 oz Banda de Lupinus albus doce – BLAD 43 fl oz BLAD 43 fl oz + Chitosan 30 fl oz

Botanical extract 41.1 fl oz Botanical extract 27.4 fl oz Giant knot weed extract 64 fl oz Giant knot weed extract 64 fl oz Protein 48 oz Botanical extract 41.1 fl oz Protein 48 oz Cinnamon oil+garlic oil 1% Caprylic acid+capric acid 0.2% Caprylic acid+capric acid 0.35% Pseudomonas chlororaphis strain AFS009 80 oz Banda de Lupinus albus doce – BLAD 43 fl oz BLAD 43 fl oz + Chitosan 30 fl oz

BLAD 43 fl oz + Pinene polymers … 8 fl oz Bacillus subtilis strain AFS032321 48 oz P. chlororaphis strain AFS009+azoxystrobin 44.8 oz Thyme oil 128 fl oz Thyme oil blend 40 fl oz

BLAD 43 fl oz + Pinene polymers … 8 fl oz Bacillus subtilis strain AFS032321 48 oz P. chlororaphis strain AFS009+azoxystrobin 44.8 oz Thyme oil 128 fl oz Thyme oil blend 40 fl oz

BLAD 43 fl oz + Pinene polymers … 8 fl oz Bacillus subtilis strain AFS032321 48 oz P. chlororaphis strain AFS009+azoxystrobin 44.8 oz Thyme oil 128 fl oz Thyme oil blend 40 fl oz

levels were lower in several treatments than in untreated control plots. In general, the efficacy of both synthetic and biological fungicides varied

November / December 2021

throughout the study period among the treatments. When the average for post-treatment observations was considered, infection was numerically lower in all treatments regardless of the fungicide

Multiple biological fungicide treatments either alone or in rotation with synthetic fungicides appeared to be as effective as synthetic fungicides.

category. Since the rates, rotations, and combinations were all experimental, additional studies can help determine optimal use strategies for these active ingredients. Multiple biological fungicide treatments either alone or in rotation with synthetic fungicides appeared to be as effective as synthetic fungicides. These biological fungicides can be an important part of integrated disease management, especially for the botrytis fruit rot that has frequent resistance problems. Thanks to AgBiome, AgroSpheres, Biotalys, NovaSource, Sym-Agro, Syngenta, and Westbridge for funding and Chris Martinez for his technical assistance. References Dara, S. K. 2019. Five shades of gray mold control in strawberry: evaluating chemical, organic oil, botanical, bacterial, and fungal active ingredients. UCANR eJournal of Entomology and Biologicals. https://ucanr. edu/blogs/blogcore/postdetail.cfm?postnum=30729 Dara, S. K. 2020. Evaluating biological fungicides against botrytis and other fruit rots in strawberry. UCANR eJournal of Entomology and Biologicals. cfm?postnum=43633 Williamson, B., B. Tudzynski, P. Tudzynski, and J.A.L. van Kan. 2007. Botrytis cinerea: the cause of grey mold disease. Mol. Plant Pathol. 8: 561-580.

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November / December 2021

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Winegrape Nutrition

Understand Your Goals to Understand Your Fertilizer Needs By FRED STRAUSS | CCA, Doctor Sustainable, LLC

goals. Let’s address how to build the right fertilizer program for your needs.

Know Your Needs

You must know the nutritional needs of your grapes to know how much to apply. Conventional wisdom is winegrapes use 9 lbs. of nitrogen, 3 lbs. of phosphorus and 13 lbs of potassium for each ton harvested. Again, there are slight differences from white or red and even varieties.

You must know the nutritional needs of your grapes to know how much to apply. Conventional wisdom is winegrapes use 9 pounds of nitrogen, 3 pounds of phosphorus and 13 pounds of potassium for each ton harvested (photo by Marni Katz.)


inegrape growers are a very diverse group. Some growers grow for volume or high yield, not necessarily high quality. Some growers grow for high quality while yield is secondary. There are, of course, 8

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many growers in between. Maybe you are a conventional grower, or a sustainable grower, or an organic grower, or a biodynamic grower, or, well, you get my point. In order to understand your fertilizer needs, you must understand your November / December 2021

If you have established grapes, you must determine where you are at with the condition of your soil and quality of your water. Soil sampling is a yearly function as well as a water sample, no matter the source of the water. The amount of nutrients, or lack of, in the soil will help you realize what you need to do. Water quality needs to be known as well as the amount of nutrients in the water. Well water can contain some levels of nitrogen and other needed nutrients, but also excess salts and boron. The pH level of your water can affect the availability of nutrients in the soil as well as the fertilizers you apply. Since many fertilizers are applied through irrigation systems, pH becomes a big deal and causes fertilizer to separate in the system. A CCA can help you get through these technical issues. How much fertilizer do I apply, what kind, when, and will it go through my system? A good advisor will also do in-season leaf samples to see where you are with the health of your grapes. These samples are done at specific stages of growth and even

post-harvest. They are even doing sap analysis now to potentially give you another tool to determine plant health.

Know Your Method

Now that you know where you are at with soil and water, what kind of fertilizer do you use? Your irrigation system becomes your main way of applying fertilizers, so liquids become your primary type. Remember, with the fertilizer going in with the water, it will be next to the roots and will be taken up at the same time as the water. This is very efficient and sustainable.

A good advisor will also do in-season leaf samples to see where you are with the health of your grapes.


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Sometimes, you have to use dry sources because there are some forms that don’t mix well. You can band them on with ground spreaders that will lay a band down next to the row. Potassium is one type that is done this way. Soil amendments such as gypsum, lime and sulfur would be another example of soil applied as well as compost. So, let’s say you want a five-ton crop to achieve your yield and quality goals. Reviewing your soil samples, previous-year leaf samples and post-harvest application of fertilizer, you now have an understanding of what you need to do. You now want to apply through your drip system 45 lbs N, 15 lbs P and 65 lbs K. You might also want to put on some zinc, iron and sulfur. Your advisor and fertilizer supplier can design a liquid mix that will contain all of these nutrients. If your water source is good, you know these materials will not separate and can be applied safely.

Time Your Applications

Timing your applications can be tricky because you don’t want to apply the full amount at one time. Many growers don’t start watering until after bloom, and if it was a wet winter, it can be even later. Your post-harvest application is

Continued on Page 10

Effective Plant Nutrients and Biopesticides to Improve Crop Quality & Yield















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November / December 2021


Continued from Page 9 done to give the grapes the start-up they need if you have to wait to do the first watering the next year. We know the greatest uptake of both water and nutrients is during the prebloom and bloom period. Nitrogen is perhaps the most important nutrient during this time period, and using a fast source of nitrogen is important. Look at a calcium nitrate source for To achieve yield and quality goals, reviewing soil samples, previous-year leaf samples speed, but be weary of what you can and post-harvest application of fertilizer is necessary (photo courtesy Lodi Winegrowers mix with it. You will probably need Workbook 2nd Edition.) to put at least 30% of your N needs in the first watering and spread the balance over the next two to three irrigations. Remember this is just an example of what can be is skilled and trained in these areas and can put into place an done to achieve your goals. overall plan to modify these issues.

Overcoming Obstacles

What about obstacles like high pH water, or you only irrigate three times a year, or you have poor-drainage soil that doesn’t take water well? These and other issues have to be addressed as part of your overall farming operation. Your CCA


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Progressive Crop Consultant

Soil amendments, such as gypsum, sulfur or lime, can help modify the soil to help it take water better and provide some of the other nutrients grapes need. If you want to apply compost, you minimize multiple applications by having the gypsum, sulfur or lime mixed with the compost so you can do one application per year with ground application equipment. Remember, we are trying to reduce our application by ground to limit our carbon footprint and be more sustainable. Finally, the methods I have discussed work for all types of grape farming; only the sources of the nutrients change. Organic sources like nitrogen are much lower in analysis, so higher volumes are required to achieve the levels I have discussed. Mix ability can also be a concern; again, a good CCA knows about these issues and can get you going in the right direction. Organic generally requires more ground application for some of the types of fertilizers required, so combining the products together to reduce applications is important. Organic farming does not necessarily have a reduced carbon footprint, so trying to combine nutrient sources is important. This information is broad and each vineyard is different. When you spray for pests, you generally use the same products on all blocks. When it comes to nutrition, all blocks are different, and it can even be broken down by varieties even if they are in the same block. Soils are not all the same, and when you sample, you find that out and react accordingly. I did not mention foliar nutrients; that is a whole different topic and will be saved for another time. Finally, fertilization is an art and can increase yields and quality when done properly. Remember your goals and then act accordingly. Comments about this article? We want to hear from you. Feel free to email us at

November / December 2021

Hosted by:

Visalia, CA


Co-Hosted by:

Co-Hosted by:

Hosted by: Thursday, September 16 7:00 AM Breakfast Sponsored by Verdesian

September 16th-17th, 2021 Visalia, CA

7:30 AM Trade Show 8:00 AM Managing Nut Pests in a Down Market: Where to Skimp & Where to Spend David Haviland, IPM Farm Advisor, UCCE


TO GET YOU THROUGH THETO WINTER GET Crop Consultants andYOU THROUGH THE WINTER Industry Leaders is IncludedAttend $150 Everything is Included with a Registration: Annual Crop $150 Everything TOTAL3rd APPROVED with a Registration: Live Trade Show Consultant HOURS: Conference Live Trade Show FOR




Over 70 Exhibits (2 drinks included) 3rd annual Crop ConsulMixer rogressive Crop Consultant Magazine’s hrs. tant Conference2provided a welcomed opportunity for crop consulBreakfasts tants, industry suppliers, researchers and others to network, learn and come together in Visalia in September. 2 Lunches

18.5 P

8:30 AM Integrated Weed Management in Citrus Sonia Rios, Subtropical Horticulture Advisor, UCCE


9:00 AM Using Weather Stations to Manage Vineyard Pests & Maximize Pesticide Applications Steve Vasquez, Technical Viticulturist, Sun-Maid of California 9:30 AM BREAK

Over Exhibits Karl Wyant70 (second from right), incoming chair of the 10:00 AM Trade Show Western Region CCA Association, also presented the win(2 drinks included) Mixer 10:30 AM ners of CCA’s 2021 Allan Romander student scholarships How AI Might Enhance Your Recommendations and mentor awards. 2 Breakfasts Elia Scudiero, Ph.D. Research Agronomist, Environmental Sciences Departme 2 Lunches

27.0 hrs. CCA and More....


11:00 AM

“We are excited about the growth of our conference, even with all of the Industry Sponsored Talk: AGRO-K: and More.... Leaf Sap Analysis as an Improved Test for Crop Nutrient Stat challenges aroundaholding in-person events during the last year,” said Engage large group of Ag Professionals Engage a large group of AgSales Professionals Sean Jacobs, Technical and Marketing Representative, Agro-K Progressive Crop Magazine Publisher and CEO Jason Scott. whoConsultant have a wealth of knowledge who have a wealth of knowledge “Clearly, our industry byShow in-person on isthefueled Trade Floorconnections and networking, 11:30 AM on the TradeonShow Building Basics:Floor Biostimulants in an IPM Program and we were happy to work with WRCCA to provide a place for that to Surendra Dara, UCCE Entomology and Biologicals Farm Advisor happen.”



12:00 PM: 7.0 hrs. DPR 14.5 hrs. CCA* 2hrs. FREP In-Person CEUhrs. hrs. DPR Lunch hrs. CCA* Sponsored by SQM 7.0 14.5 2hrs. FREP In-Person CEU In addition, consultants, growers hrs. and received conAvailable for CA and AZ hrs. AZ much-needed Announcement of WRCCA’s Scholarship Winners AZPCAs ESD PMD 7.5 3 CA and AZ hrs. AZ PMD tinuing education credits during two hours of seminarsAvailable and panelfor discus7.5hrs. AZESD 1:003PM

sions. also presented its Crop Consultant of the Year award and E USIVWRCCA EXCL 11.5 hrs.DPR 12.5hrs. CCA honorariums and scholarships. EXCLUSIVE These additional hours are only available to registered attendees.




Industry Sponsored Talk: Verdesian. Optimizing Drip Supplied Nutrient Management in Californ hrs. hrs. CCA Phil Frost, Verdesian Technical DPR Development Manager, Western USA, Verde These additional hours are only available to registered attendees. Sciences

VIRTUAL CEU: hrs. Co-hosted by PCC and the Western Region Certified Crop Advisers Association, nearly 500 industry leaders attended the Crop Consultant Conference at the convention center in downtown Visalia Sept. 16 and 17.



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UC IPM Advisor David Haviland discusses pest 1:30 PM management nut Prediction crops during a lean crop year. Grape in Yield with Machine Learning

Luca Brillante, Bronco Wine Co. Chair in Viticulture, Department of Viticult Enology, Fresno State


2:00 PM Simple Ways to Drive Soil Health Karl Wyant, Vice President of Ag Science, Heliae Agriculture, Vice Chair, W Region CCA

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3:00 PM BREAK 3:30 PM


• Submit Questions to Presenters Victoria Hornbaker, Director, Citrus Pest and Disease Prevention Divisio • Submit Questions to Presenters • Agenda Notifications 4:00 PM • Agenda Notifications YETI TUNDRA HARD COOLER The Role of New and Future Varieties & Rootstocks • Exhibitor List in an IPM Program in Nut Crops • Exhibitor List MODERATOR: Jason Scott; PANELISTS: Tom Gradziel, UC Davis, • Job Board Roger Duncan, UCCE Almond Regional Variety Trials, Nursery Representa • Job Board Crop advisors and PCAsMore listen in during two days of educational continuing educa• And 5:00 PM • AndMore More tion seminars at the Crop Conference in Visalia, Calif. in September (all than 80 exhibitors were on-hand to share their latest TRAEGERConsultant PRO SERIES


photos by Marni Katz.)

MIXER Sponsored by Water Right Technologies

information and technology with crop consultants. 6:00 PM ADJOURN conference 12 Progressive Crop Consultant November December 2021 Register at: / conference

From left, Grant Zaiger with Zaiger Genetics, Thomas Gradziel with UC Davis, and Cliff Beumel from Agromillora discuss the role of integrated pest management in the future of nut varieties and rootstocks. The panel also included Roger Duncan, UCCE farm advisor in Stanislaus County.

Western Region CCA Chairman Jerome Pier presents the CCA of the Year award to Keith Backman.


Progressive Crop Consultant Publisher and CEO Jason Scott presents the ATV grand prize to conference attendee Louis Macias.


November / December 2021


Figure 1. Beet leafhopper adult (source: G. Oldfield, USDA;

Figure 2. Diseased plants emerge in multiple rows (marked in yellow boxes) inside a processing tomato field. Note the western foothills in the background (photos by J. Rijal.)

High Incidence of Beet Leafhopper Vectored Beet Curly Top Disease on Processing Tomatoes By ZHENG WANG | UCCE Vegetable and Irrigation Advisor, Stanislaus County and JHALENDRA RIJAL | UCCE IPM Advisor for Northern San Joaquin Valley


f you ask tomato growers in the The Vector: Beet Leafhopper northern San Joaquin Valley what BLH, Circulifer tenellus (Baker), has a the most seen disease in 2021 is, beet typical leafhopper wedge-shaped body curly top virus (BCTV) is the one that with tapering posterior. An adult BLH stands out. Undoubtedly, we have seen is approximately 1/8-inch long and has an exceptionally high incidence of BCTV a distinct and broad head with a roundon processing tomatoes vectored by the ed anterior margin (Figure 1). The beet leafhopper (BLH). From April to adult BLH body color varies from olive July, most farm calls were about the curly green to light tan, with small darktop virus infestations in tomato fields in brown and black markings. Although San Joaquin and Stanislaus counties. Not BLH is believed to have originated in only in the northern San Joaquin Valley, the Mediterranean region, its presence similarly alarming reports also came in North America has been reported from the southern San Joaquin and for over a century ago. In the U.S., it lower Sacramento Valleys. The unusually is considered a serious pest of several high incidence of BCTV in the Cencrops in semi-arid and arid areas of the tral Valley seems to be associated with southeastern and western states, indrought, which likely has caused an earcluding Colorado, Washington, Oregon, lier withering of the vegetations on the Utah, Idaho, Arizona and California. foothill that led to the earlier migration of BLH down the valley. BLH has multiple generations per season, with up to five generations reported in California. BLH has numerous 14

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November / December 2021

weed and crop hosts that are common in the Central Valley. Adult leafhoppers overwinter in the foothills. As the temperature warms up in February and March, the overwintered females lay eggs in various early weed hosts, such as pepperweed and desert Indian wheat in the foothills, and complete the first generation (and partial second generation in some years) before the vegetation dries. The first-generation nymphs acquire BCTV through direct feeding on the infected early season weed hosts, and the newly emerged virus-carrying adults migrate down to the valley. The migrating adults feed or probe on summer weed hosts such as Russian thistle, London rocket, annual saltbush, goosefoot, lamb’s quarters, pepperweed, filaree, redroot pigweed, etc., and cultivated plants such as sugar beet, bean and tomato. Several leafhopper gener-

The leafhopper ingests the virus from the phloem of the infected plant. The virus circulates through the insect blood (hemolymph) and finally reaches the insect’s salivary gland. When the insect feed on the healthy plant, the virus passes down to the healthy plant through saliva. The virus circulates within the insect body but does not multiply. The virus-infected BLH is an efficient vector and can transmit BCTV within a minute of feeding as it has a ready-to-go virus load in its salivary gland. On the other hand, once a healthy leafhopper picks up the virus from a diseased plant, it takes about four hours for that leafhopper to be infective (i.e., incubation period). Also, infected leafhoppers cannot transmit the virus through the egg to their progenies. Since BLH probe and feed on multiple hosts that appear in their flight path indiscriminately, the degree of disease incidence varies among tomato fields. Although it seems that field margins or isolated plants with exposed soils are more vulnerable, we did see clusters of infected plants in the middle of tomato fields (Figure 2, see page 14). Once fed and inoculated by BLH, tomato plants begin to exhibit purpling

Continued on Page 16

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Figure 3. Tomato plants infected with BCTV exhibit purpling of veins and stunting (photo by Z. Wang.) C

ations are produced before the maturity of the weeds or crop harvest. The leafhopper populations from the summer generations can transmit the curly top virus to the host crops, such as processing tomatoes, and produce disease. Unfortunately, there are no processing tomato commercial varieties that are resistant to BCTV. In 2021, due to unusually dry springtime, likely BLH migration to the valley occurred early, which might have contributed to the increased BLH abundance and curly top disease incidence in tomatoes. M







Vector and Virus Interaction: Disease Transmission

BCTV is taxonomically in the genus of Curtovirus within the family of Geminiviridae, containing a single-stranded circular DNA. BCTV is currently known to be only vectored by BLH and has over 300 host plant species in the western U.S. The virus must be inoculated from diseased to healthy plants by BLH feeding. So, there is no risk of disease spread from one plant to another without the insect vector involved. The mechanism of virus transmission by BLH is called circulative persistence transmission.

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November / December 2021


Figure 5. Single diseased plant is typically compensated by the healthy “neighbors” (top), while several infested plants in a row are likely to cause yield losses (bottom) (photos by Z. Wang.) Figure 4. Premature fruit of a diseased plant turns red (photo by J. Rijal.)

Continued from Page 15 of veins and stunting within two weeks (Figure 3, see page 15). After infection with BCTV, younger plants usually die, while plants infected at a later stage may survive, but premature green fruits, if any, will turn red (Figure 4). Regarding the yield loss, a field with a BCTV incidence below 5% may still reduce productivity if several diseased plants emerge next to each other in multiple rows (Figure 5).


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Field infestations over 10% are more likely to cause significant yield losses. CDFA has an active statewide control program by applying insecticide to the western foothills using a threshold (treatable if the sweep net sampling produced a minimum of eight BLH per sweep.) However, the sporadic occurrence of BCTV and likely presence of the population below the treatment threshold makes the control sometimes

November / December 2021

challenging as there might be a lot of areas left out without treatments due to the mild leafhopper populations based on that sweep net sampling. Eliminating host weeds before transplanting and during the season as well as delaying tomato planting are usually tried. Insecticide application to control the BLH population may reduce disease

Continued on Page 18

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‘BLH has multiple generations per season, with up to five generations reported in California.’

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November / December 2021


Continued from Page 16 spread even though infested plants will not recover. More detailed information can be found at, ipm., and

Collaborated Study with California Tomato Research Institute With the California Tomato Research Institute (CTRI) funding support and

in collaboration with the CDFA’s BCTV Control Program, we began a research project to monitor BLH population dynamics and BCTV incidence in processing tomato fields. To monitor BLH activity, we set up yellow sticky traps on 4-ft-tall metal posts at 10 different locations near 22 processing tomato fields along the highway-33 corridor in Stanislaus County (Figure 6, see page 19 and Figure 7). The gross acreage of the monitored tomato fields is 2,180 acres. During the study, we replaced sticky traps biweekly and took sweep

net samples monthly. By inspecting collected traps and sweep net samples, we submitted all suspicious BLH together with diseased tomato tissues to the CDFA-Integrated Pest Control and UC Davis for laboratory confirmation prior to estimating BLH population and BCTV incidence at each monitored location (Figure 8, see page 19). As fields are being harvested, we will work closely with growers to estimate the potential yield loss. Besides the 22 monitored fields, eight additional tomato fields which were not part of the study were

Figure 7. Yellow sticky traps were set up representing different locations with various vegetations near prospective processing tomato fields in March 2021 (photos by Z. Wang.)


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November / December 2021

Figure 8. Suspicious BLH were sorted from sweep net and sticky trap samples and saved in vials filled with alcohol before submitting them for laboratory identification (photos by Z. Wang.)

Do More With Less Water! Integrate® 80+ ENHANCES WATER MOVEMENT and Gets MORE Applied Water To The Rootzone, and LESS To Run Off and Evaporation. Figure 6. Locations of the 10 sites where yellow sticky traps were installed (LOC = Location).

also reported for BCTV infection by growers or their PCAs. Current results indicated that of all the 10 monitored sites (22 fields), six sites, including 14 tomato fields, were identified to have a BCTV incidence of 5% to 10%. The disease incidence levels of 0% to 5% and >10% were found in the remaining eight monitoring fields. For the additional infested fields reported by growers and PCAs, three, four, and one fields had estimated 0% to 5%, 5% to 10% and >10% BCTV, respectively. The complete results of this study will be reported later in the year.

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November / December 2021



Want more tree nut articles?


Areawide Management for Navel Orangeworm: Learning from the Past

By BRADLEY S. HIGBEE | Field R&D Mgr, Trécé, Inc.





11 12 15 13 14 10 20 20 20 20 20 20 Year Figure 1. The combination of insecticides and NOW MD (both) achieved the lowest levels of NOW damage in eight out of ten years compared to insecticides (Chem) or MD alone in the Lost Hills Areawide Project (Higbee and Burks 2021). 06 20

Shortly after I arrived in Bakersfield, Calif. in 2002 to start an entomology research program for Paramount Farming (which later became Wonderful Orchards), it was apparent that NOW could benefit from such a program because of the importance of sanitation, the need for good spray timing and the recent demonstration of mating disruption as an effective management tool. Having directed two such areawide projects in apples and pears for codling moth management during my tenure with USDA-ARS in Yakima, Wash., I approached the National Program staff of USDA-ARS to explore the possibility of funding such a program for NOW. The funding was ultimately approved in 2007, and Joel Siegel of the Parlier Station was chosen to administer the NOW Areawide Project, which began in 2008 and continued to 2012. For the purpose of this project, the definition of areawide was expanded to a statewide focus on nut crops. Researchers from UC, USDA-ARS and the private sector were enlisted to perform research seeking new knowledge and solutions to several questions. Mean20

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Type Chem Both MD

7.5 Percent NOW Damage interior windrow sample

he navel orangeworm (NOW) continues to be public enemy #1 for most almond growers in California. Current efforts using the sterile insect technique and future efforts with new technologies could benefit from an areawide approach. In simple terms, this strategy coordinates control efforts over relatively wide areas in which hosts of a given pest are grown. These programs have proven successful in a number of crop systems, including pink bollworm in cotton, codling moth in apples and screw worm in cattle.

07 20

08 20

09 20

while, Wonderful Orchards (WO) had taken the initiative to start two separate 2,500-acre NOW Areawide projects (Lost Hills in 2006 and Santa Fe in 2007) to complement the individual research projects funded by the USDA. The USDA funding for the NOW Areawide Project amounted to $3.5 million over five years and funded a myriad of projects. Research on NOW flourished during this period (2008-12), and included research directly funded through the Areawide project, co-funded with the Almond Board of California and independent work. In all, over 25 peer-reviewed scientific papers were published during this period, expanding our knowledge and improving our ability to manage NOW substantially. Among the topics were identification of the minor components of the NOW sex pheromone (allowing development of an attractive lure for monitoring), spray coverage improvement, discovery of a new kairomone attractant, multiple

November / December 2021

studies on aspects of NOW monitoring and relationships among trapping options, variable development rate of NOW on the same and different diets, spray timing and efficacy of insecticide programs, duration of control for commonly used NOW insecticides and relative efficacy of NOW insecticides. In addition, WO self-funded two areawide projects (Lost Hills and Santa Fe) and related research projects investigating NOW, including insecticide program efficacy, spray coverage characterization and improvement, NOW monitoring and new lure development, predictive NOW damage modeling, bifenthrin resistance in NOW moths, mating disruption and NOW dynamics. A list of publications and patents associated with the USDA-ARS NOW AWIPM program can be found at github. com/ChuckBV/Y2008_to_2012_navel_orangeworm_areawide.


Sante Fe NOW MD Areawide Site Processor samples - NP 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 Conv Insecticides

The combination of mating disruption (MD) and insecticides resulted in the lowest NOW damage (Higbee and Burks 2021).

One of the major outcomes of the Lost Hills Project (2006-15) was the demonstration that MD supplemented with two hull split sprays resulted in lower NOW damage than MD alone or the insecticide program alone (Figure 1, see page 20). All treatment areas received identical sanitation, nutrition and secondary pest inputs. The project site covered 2,500 contiguous acres and was planted in 1996 with Nonpareil, Monterrey, Sonora, Fritz, Carmel, Wood Colony and Price, with a relatively small area that included Ruby and Butte. Treatment areas were rotated each year of the study such that the insecticide-only treatment was situated on either the north or south end to minimize pheromone drift from NOW MD areas. The NOW insecticide program in all years consisted of two applications of methoxyfenozide (Intrepid), one spray directed at the first flight (typically in April) and one spray targeting the second flight (typically in late June/early July.) Aerosol dispensers were used as the pheromone source.

NOW MD and sanitation could stand alone with increased monitoring effort. (Rosenheim et al, JEE, 2017)

The idea that NOW MD along with sanitation could stand alone, with sufficient monitoring efforts that provided the confidence to make a “no-spray” decision, was validated in the Santa Fe Areawide Project (2007-12). The site chosen was a historical hot spot, largely due to very large trees that were difficult to sanitize adequately. This project was made up of two large ranch units; R370 was planted in 1990 with Nonpareil, Price, Butte and Sonora for a total of 950 ac and R371 was planted in 1993 with these same varieties plus Monterey, Carmel, Fritz, Price, less than 100 ac of Padre and Mission for a total of

Conv + MD + 360 ac MD Intrepid


MD + 3 edges bifenthrin

MD only

6 3.2

2.9 2.7 3.2











1.8 0.9



0.3 0.3

0.5 0.3 0.5



Figure 2. Processor grade samples from the Nonpareil variety in the Santa Fe Areawide Project from 2002 through 2012. The project began in 2007 with a combination of insecticides + NOW MD and with increased monitoring efforts, reduced NOW insecticide use over the following two years, then managed NOW with MD (and sanitation) only over the final three years of the project.

1,700 acres. All treatment areas received identical sanitation and secondary pest inputs. These two ranch units were divided by a two-lane highway.

samples delivered to the processor. This project was managed as a demonstration of what could be achieved with NOW MD combined with sanitation and increased monitoring over large

Figure 2 summarizes Nonpareil damage as measured from truckload

Continued on Page 22



Pheromone Mating Disruption

Results from the Areawide Sites

Percent NOW Damage


Grower Standard



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Continued from Page 21 areas. In the initial year of the project (2007), an aggressive insecticide program consisting of a spring application of Intrepid (April), a first hull split spray of Lorsban + Intrepid (late June) and a second hull split spray in late July consisting of bifenthrin (Brigade). This insecticide program was applied to both ranches, while in addition, R370 received NOW MD using aerosol dispensers. The resulting NOW damage in 2007 was much lower in both ranches relative to 2006, the addition of MD in R370 contributing to an even greater reduction than insecticides alone. NOW MD was used over the entire project in for the remainder of the project. The following two years, 2008 and 2009, the only insecticide applications for NOW applied (based on monitoring data) were to a hotspot of 360 acres in 2008 and borders in 2009. In the final three years of the project (2010-11), monitoring indicated no need for NOW insecticides, and damage remained at about 1% or less.

One MD aerosol dispenser per acre was effective at low to moderate NOW populations (Higbee and Burks 2021).

Another interesting study conducted in the Lost Hills Project from 2008-11 was the comparison of aerosol mating disruption at two different dispenser densities, with or without insecticide, was compared to insecticide treatment alone. There were five treatments: 1) insecticide treatment without mating disruption; 2) one mating disruption dispenser per acre without insecticide; 3) one mating disruption dispenser per acre with insecticide; 4) two mating disruption dispensers per ac without insecticide; and 5) two mating disruption dispensers per acre with insecticide. The two replicates of the no-mating disruption insecticide treatment were placed adjacent to each other and rotated each year at either the north or south end of the site to minimize the effect of the mating disruption treatments on the insecticide only treatment blocks. 22

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Table 1. Percent navel orangeworm infestation (mean ± SE, n = 8) from windrow samples of Nonpareil and pooled pollinizer varieties by insecticide and mating disruption (MD) treatment, 2008–201 1 . MatingDisruption Dispensers per ac 1 2

Without Insecticide

With Insecticide

1 .67 ± 0.64 0.93 ± 0.22

0.64 ± 0.20 0.33 ± 0.09

The row-wise differences (insecticide effect) are significant (p < 0.05), the column-wise differences (dispensers per ha) are not quite significant (0.1 > p > 0.05), and the interaction is not significant ((p > 0.1 ) (GLMM with negative binomial distribution).

‘ The combination of mating disruption and insecticides resulted in the lowest NOW damage.

’ Final Thoughts

These projects demonstrated that with sufficient monitoring, NOW could be managed optimally over time with the possibility of eliminating insecticide use directed at NOW. The results solidified the viability of NOW MD as a management tool and provided information on how to monitor and interpret collected data to make management decisions. Although precise damage thresholds were not developed, a predictive model incorporating various trap data and early split evaluations was developed that explained over 50% of the variation observed in NP damage. While it is difficult to make precise predictions, the best predictors are a combination of 1) adult female captures in almond-meal baited traps during the 3rd flight, and 2) infestation of the early split nuts. Certainly, additional work has and will be done to optimize MD systems. These include passive MD dispenser systems, additional attractants for use as monitoring tools, precise dispensing of the sex pheromone, and the impact of the addition of minor sex pheromone components to MD formulations on disruption of communication between male and female moths. As

November / December 2021

more research addresses how to use MD most efficiently, it should ease and increase the adoption of this technology. Resources Higbee, B. S., and C. S. Burks. 2008. Effects of mating disruption treatments on navel orangeworm (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) sexual communication and damage in almonds and pistachios. J. Econ. Entomol. 101(5):1633-1642. Rosenheim, J. A., B. S. Higbee, J. D. Ackerman, and M. H. Meisner. 2017. Observational data from commercial farming (ecoinformatics) can capture the interpretational strengths of experimentation: effects of almond variety on the impact of two lepidopteran pests. J. Econ. Entomol. (2017) 110(x): Rosenheim, J. A., B. S. Higbee, J. D. Ackerman, and M. H. Meisner. 2017. Predicting nut damage at harvest using different in-season density estimates of Amyelois transitella: analysis of data from commercial almond production. J. Econ. Entomol. (2017) 110(6):2692-2698 doi: 10.1093/jee/tox226 Higbee, B.S.; Burks, C.S. 2021. Individual and Additive Effects of Insecticide and Mating Disruption in Integrated Management of Navel Orangeworm in Almonds. Insects 12, 188.

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November / December 2021

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Diamondback Moth –

A Serious Pest of Vegetable Crops By GREG MONTEZ | PCA, Contributing Writer

Older DBM larvae will chew holes in mature leaves, which is especially damaging to cabbage. Later, as the larvae and the crop mature, there is the potential for damage to the crowns of broccoli and cauliflower (all photos by Surendra Dara, UCCE.)


Progressive Crop Consultant

November / December 2021


he Diamondback Moth (DBM, Plutella xylostella) is not a new insect pest by any means, but it has the capability to damage or destroy crops of tremendous value in a short time, and keeping up with viable management tactics can be a real challenge. This insect is present wherever cole crops (cabbage, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, etc.) are grown throughout the world. It can be a serious pest in canola, and while it does not prefer non-cruciferae crops, it has shown the capability to feed on other plant types, including legumes. Perhaps its most diabolical attribute is its ability to have up to 12 or more generations in a year, which gives them the potential to quickly become resistant to insecticides used against them.


The adult DBM is a small grayish moth that, when its wings are folded at rest, have dark markings, giving it the “diamondback” moniker. Eggs are deposited singly and are visible without

a hand lens once a scout’s eyes have been trained to look for them. The larvae are a translucent green with spots and are easily distinguished from other caterpillars by their behavior of falling from plant surfaces when disturbed, often hanging from a silken thread. The larvae go through four instars before cocooning themselves to a leaf or stem to pupate into adults.

Damage and Control

there is the potential for damage to the crowns of broccoli and cauliflower, and larvae will burrow into maturing Brussels sprouts and cabbage heads. Reports have come from central Mexico, where a large amount of broccoli and other cole crops are grown, that up to 80% of a crop can be lost to diamondback moth damage. Should the genetics for diamide resistance become persistent for DBM, that mode of action which is the most recent may be rendered non-viable, and there are few modes of action other than peptides (Spear-Lep) coming online.

Damage from DBM varies according to the age of the crop. Transplants carrying the eggs of DBM may be an initial source of infestation, but the adults are also known to travel long distances to Control of diamondback moth refind host plants. Young seedlings and lies mostly on the use of insecticides. transplants may have their growing tip There are no cole crops that have been chewed off, effectively killing or stuntmodified to carry the Bacillus thuringing the plant. Young larvae will strip off iensis protein gene(s) that protects other the outside layer of leaf tissue, leaving a crops, and for that matter, DBM has “window pane” effect and harming the shown the ability to become resistant development of the crop. Older larvae to Bt. There are natural enemies of diawill chew holes in mature leaves, which mondback moth, but they cannot be reis especially damaging to cabbage. Later, as the larvae and the crop mature, Continued on Page 26

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November / December 2021


Diamondback moth prefers to feed on cole crops, such as Brussels sprouts shown here.

‘Insecticide resistance is a serious concern as DBM is

capable of developing resistance to just about anything thrown at it, including the newest modes of action. Continued from Page 25 lied on to prevent economic damage to a crop. Insecticide resistance is a serious concern as DBM is capable of developing resistance to just about anything thrown at it, including the newest modes of action. Several companies have developed pheromone dispensers to disrupt mating of diamondback moth, and this is a potentially powerful tool to consider in a DBM management plan. An areawide management plan may prove difficult because of the adult’s ability to spread quickly and their ability to use weed species, especially mustards, as non-crop hosts.

Management Plan

A diamondback moth management plan should account for protection of seedlings/transplants by using a soil drench insecticide at planting and by 26

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inspecting plants for presence of DBM eggs. If cyazypyr was used at planting, be sure to note that so it or another member of that class (diamide) is not used again for seven to eight weeks. Pheromone traps will alert a scout to the presence of DBM but will not be an indication of how severe the population could get or the correct timing for an application. Once the crop becomes established, twice-weekly scouting looking for eggs and early damage becomes necessary. Rotation of insecticide modes of action is absolutely needed, taking into account the re-entry and pre-harvest intervals for each product. Bt insecticides (DiPel, Javelin, Xentari) are still considered effective unless otherwise noted by the local Extension office. The advantages of Bt are that it is non-toxic November / December 2021

to anything except caterpillars and can be used close to harvest. The drawbacks are that they have a very short residual, do not have any effect on adults and cannot penetrate behind wrapper leaves where DBM larvae have burrowed to. It is also true of the newer chemistries that their modes of action target larvae only and will not control adult moths. Through diligence and effective treatments, damage from diamondback moth can be minimized. Chemical and trade names used in this article do not constitute a recommendation. Consult a crop advisor, extension agent or manufacturer representative for more information. Comments about this article? We want to hear from you. Feel free to email us at

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Fertilizer Preparation for Fall Crops By JW LEMONS | CCA, CPAg, Account Manager, Verdesian Life Sciences


e are blessed in California to have the ability to farm yearround. With over 400 commodities grown here, we are the fifth largest food producer in the world. In 2020, approximately 24,300,000 acres of farm operations were accounted for. Visiting with colleagues and other crop 28

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managers and consultants from across the nation, I am aware that agriculture in most states is very seasonal. Limited crops and short growing seasons allow for agriculture producers to shut down and start thinking about next year’s crops. Winter months are times to plan, repair equipment, prepare fields November / December 2021

Consider that a small starter application [of N] at planting is sufficient to support early growth of many crops. High rates risk being leached during the early season.

Crop N uptake (% of total) To ensure that nitrogen is available in the root zone of young plants, irrigation management should be optimized to limit nitrate movement below the root zone (photo by Marni Katz.)

for next season and possibly take some time off. Not here in California or parts of Arizona. From October through February, many California and Arizona farmers are planting crops.

No Time Off

Crop planting in October may include

Seed developement

100 80

Maturity Vegetative growth



40 20

Seedling growth



Study the crop uptake curve and know the growth stages for each crop so you can be sure to have adequate N and other nutrients available at peak or critical demand stages.

crops such as artichoke, fennel, and sweet anise. In November, heavy hitters such as cauliflower and strawberry are started in the coastal areas of California. December brings time to plant asparagus, cabbage, carrot, kale, lettuce (head, leaf, romaine) and the popular spring mix. January, however, unlike

much of the nation, brings plantings of bok choy, broccoli, cilantro, endive and escarole, Napa cabbage, onion green, peas, rappini and spinach. And the list goes on through February.

Continued on Page 30

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November / December 2021


Continued from Page 29 So, what should growers be considering when deciding how, when and where to fertilize these crops? As with all crops at any given time, we need to understand plant nutrition. For annual crops, a plant’s nitrogen requirement is a function of its total N uptake and how efficiently it can access the available N in the soil. The nitrogen use efficiency depends on the crop type, soil type and how well irrigation, N application rates and timing match plant demand. For example, in general, we need to be aware N use efficiency will be lower with flood irrigation, on sandy soils, and when all N fertilizer has to be applied prior to planting. Cold, wet soils will limit availability and uptake by the plant. In today’s climate situation, we need to determine if adequate irrigation water will be available to us. The crops are too numerous to go through detailed plans for every one of them. I am happy to say much of this information is available online through local university sources. Take time to look at what has been done on your individual crops. Some general guidelines on N application to consider: Most times, it is more efficient to split N applications than to

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apply the whole rate prior to planting. This is because most annual crops have a phase of slow early growth when they take up little N, which is followed by a period of rapid vegetative growth and N uptake. Consider that a small starter application at planting is sufficient to support early growth of many crops. High rates risk being leached during the early season. Side-dressing most or part of the N rate just before the rapid growth phase helps ensure that enough N will be present to meet plant demand. If we just look at one single crop in more detail, such as lettuce, we can start understanding the multiple things we should be aware of.

Watch Preplan N

Pre-plant N applied in fall at bed listing is highly susceptible to leaching below the root zone by winter rain, and it has been found that lettuce receiving starter and side dress N outperformed lettuce that received a broadcast N application before seedbed preparation.

It would be wise to note that lettuce requires little N in the early phase of growth. Studies found that N uptake during the first month after planting represented no more than 20% of total uptake. As should always be the case, I highly advise using a current soil test to know where your N level is before applications. The optimal pre-plant application rate depends on residual soil nitrate N. When the residual nitrate N concentration exceeds 20 ppm, no pre-plant N application is required. When the residual soil nitrate N concentration is lower, a small application of 20 to 40 lbs./acre just before or at planting is sufficient to cover the early N needs. To ensure that N is available in the root zone of young plants, irrigation management should be optimized to limit nitrate movement below the root zone. High application rates not only increase the risk of N losses, but may also damage seedlings. Studies in the Imperial Valley showed that pre-plant or starter ammonium N applications exceeding 50 to 60 lbs./acre may damage seedlings, resulting in uneven growth.

Interpretation of Test Results

Several studies carried out in commercial fields in the Salinas Valley found that no fertilizer N is necessary when the pre-side dress nitrate N level in the soil is above 20 mg/ kg (= 20 ppm). A concentration of 20 ppm nitrate N in the top foot of soil equals approximately 80 lbs. N/acre. In the absence of leaching, this amount of N could supply a crop for at least two weeks, even at peak N demand. However, if you experience a heavy rainfall event or the have cold wet soil conditions this amount might turn out to be inadequate. Understanding your crop and its response to soil tempera-

November / December 2021

A lot more goes into nutrient management than just applying a rule of thumb amount of nutrients to the soil or plant.

ture and moisture conditions might avoid a poor yield. N treatment technologies can help to hold the nutrients in position near the root zone for longer periods. This could help mitigate stress

conditions and help the crop rebound need or benefit from a second opinion from adverse climate conditions. Again, on the sample interpretations. seek information from your crop consultant about current technology As you can plainly see, a lot more goes available. It might come in the form of into nutrient management than just seed treatment or a direct treatment or applying a rule of thumb amount of nuadditive to the nutrient added to protrients to the soil or plant. Fall is upon mote nitrogen use efficiency. There are us now, so prepare your fields. Study nitrogen fertilizer management techyour crop needs and keep a close eye on nologies that will let you increase nufield and weather conditions. Use your trient availability over longer periods in Crop Advisors and Extension experts season. It can help protect from losses and pay attention to current releases of by stabilizing your N and allowing for technology by reading web-based and less loss by volatilization, nitrification printed articles that could improve not and denitrification. After reading your only your yield but crop quality. soil report, you find that the nitrate N concentration in the soil is below 20 Happy Planting! ppm, and adding only enough N to increase soil-available nitrate N to 20 Comments about this article? We want ppm is needed. Contact your local crop to hear from you. Feel free to email us at advisor for more information. You may

November / December 2021


State Considering New Pesticide Application Advance Notifications By ROGER A. ISOM | President/CEO, Western Agricultural Processors Association

CDPR is looking at several different areas to determine the bounds of this new program, including what types of pesticides and application methods will require notification, who gets notified, how they get notified and how far in advance the notification will be required (photo courtesy Western Agricultural Processors Association.)


he environmental justice movement has hit a new threshold as the state legislature has now approved, and the Governor signed, a budget that includes $10 million for a new statewide notification system for pesticide application. The California Department of Pesticide Regulation (CDPR) has wasted no time in moving on the effort and has already held a series of focus group meetings to discuss the issue and begin developing the framework of the new program. This new effort will focus on advance notification of potential pesticide applications. While admitting that California already has the most robust pesticide regulatory program in the country, CDPR indicated in a recent meeting that these new notification requirements are a priority for Governor Gavin Newsom and CalEPA Secretary Jared Blumenfeld.

Existing Notification Requirements

There are some existing requirements already in place for advance notifications. Two counties, Monterey and Kern, already offer some form of advance notification, albeit very limited. In Monterey County, the public can sign up for email notifica32

Progressive Crop Consultant

tions for fumigation applications made within a quarter mile of one of ten designated schools. In Kern County, the county provides email notification to other growers surrounding a farm where a restricted use pesticide will be used. For certain soil fumigants, including chloropicrin, metam sodium/potassium, dazomet and methyl bromide, notice of emergency response information must be provided to occupied residences and businesses within a specified distance of a buffer zone unless the applicator provides onsite monitoring. Also, if a beekeeper requests notification, they must be notified if a pesticide toxic to bees is to be applied at a site within one mile of an apiary. Finally, schools must be notified in advance of any pesticide application that will occur within a quarter mile of the school. Three other states (Florida, Michigan and Maine) have some form of notification requirements; however, they are limited in scope and application. Florida provides a registry for persons requiring notifications, but they must reside in contiguous

November / December 2021

or adjacent property within a half mile of the application site. Michigan requires notification to someone with a physician diagnosed condition if they reside in property immediately adjacent or contiguous to the property being treated. Maine has a notification registry for applications within 250 feet, which can apply to even residential lawn treatments, and notification must occur within 6 to 14 days prior to the application.

Potential Requirements

With these new notification requirements, CDPR is looking at going way beyond any of these previous requirements or those in other states. In a recent series of focus group meetings, CDPR asked several questions in attempting to determine the bounds of this new program. CDPR is looking at several different areas, including looking at what types of pesticides and application methods will require notification, who gets notified, how they get notified and how far in advance the notification will be required. By far, the biggest question is who gets notified. Concerns from the agricultural

‘Risk is a key question here as what is true risk? Just because a chemical is applied via helicopter or airplane does not mean it imposes a greater risk.’

! y l i m a F r u O n Joi

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industry abound on this specific piece due to fears over environmental activism. The environmental justice community has been vocal that they want a countywide or statewide notification system where anyone can sign up for an email notification. Why would someone who does not live next to a field or orchard being treated want or need to know about an application unless they have an ulterior motive? One such incident happened in Monterey County where activists tried to stop a planned field fumigation after learning of the fumigation through the notification system. Another area of concern is how broad CDPR applies this requirement. In the focus group meetings, CDPR asked if this should be limited to only restricted use materials or any pesticide. They also asked if this should apply to all types of application methods or focus on ones they consider to be the greatest

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Continued on Page 34 November / December 2021


Continued from Page 33 risk for pesticide exposure, such as fumigations or aerial applications. Risk is a key question here as what is true risk? Just because a chemical is applied via helicopter or airplane does not mean it imposes a greater risk. CDPR also asked how far in advance the notice should be made as well as how the notification should be made. Typical notifications are made 24 hours in advance, but CDPR is seeking guidance on whether there should be a shorter or longer notification period. As for how the notification is being made, CDPR is asking if the notification should be made with mail, email, fax or door hangers.

CDPR asked focus groups if the notification requirement should apply to all types of application methods or focus on ones they consider to be the greatest risk for pesticide exposure, such as fumigations or aerial applications.

In the end, CDPR is committed to doing something. For the agricultural industry, the fight against our industry

DECEMBER 7–9, 2021

continues, and we must be involved to protect what we have. As stated in the beginning of this article, CDPR has acknowledged they have the most robust regulatory scheme on pesticides in the country. This will only make it tougher for farmers and easier for the anti-pesticide groups to attack our industry. There is no doubt that farmers must be careful with pesticide applications and follow all label requirements to the letter. But notifying people that do not live anywhere near where the pesticide application occurs does nothing to protect those that do.





Whether it is water, air quality, labor or pesticides, the California agricultural industry is once again under attack. Consider this article a ‘notification’ that we must stand up against overbearing and unnecessary regulations. When the time comes, be sure to weigh in and comment against these burdensome requirements that go beyond any scientifically justified reason. Comments about this article? We want to hear from you. Feel free to email us at

Progressive Crop Consultant

November / December 2021

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