September 28th - 29th DIGITAL
2022 HOSTED BY: In Collaboration with:
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INDEX 04 Afrikelp 05 Agro K 06 Agroplantae 07 Azomite 08 Bee Hero 09 Corteva 10 Gowan 11 Greenleaf Technologies 12 Helm 13 Irrometer 14 Live Earth 15 Organiplex 16 Pacific Biocontrol 17 Qualitech 18 SQM 19 Suttera 20 Synagro 21 Tessenderlo Kerley 22 Trical 23 UCANR 24 Vestaron This digital guide is a collection of our participat ing vendor’s products and contact information all in one place. This will allow you to easily find the vendors you met at our conference and get in contact with them! If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to reach oit to us at or at 559.352.4456 We hope you enjoyed the conference! -JCS Marketing Inc. September 28th-29th 2022 This is the Digital Guide for the 2022 Crop Consultant Conference!
nurturing growth UNLEASH AN OCEAN OF BENEFITS WITH AFRIKELP SEAWEED EXTRACT Have you harnessed the power of nature? Speak to us to find out more: +1 (559) 515-6177 Afrikelp® works in partnership with the ocean by providing a natural, environmentally friendly solution that improves crop quality.
Sap Analysis is empowering growers: all over the country CITRUS: Florida ALMONDS: CaliforniaAPPLES: Michigan WATCH THE SAP ANALYSIS WEBINAR HERE Find out how Sap Analysis is efficient and affordable. The Science-Driven approach to nutrient management empowers growers to leverage the 5R’s of plant nutrition for efficient use of crop fertility to produce healthier plants. Sap Analysis measures immediately available nutrient levels within a crop, providing growers a window to evaluate if the plants nutritional needs are being met, and the opportunity to make corrections before imbalances impact yield and quality. SAP ANALYSIS MEASURES 24 NUTRITIONAL PARAMETERS • Utilizes the industry standard NovaCropControl process • Measures macro and micro nutrients, along with plant health and metabolic indicators • Reports provide calibrated benchmarks for optimum ranges • Provides real-time insight into a plants nutritional status • Recognizes pending deficiency or excessive nutrient levels - weeks before a traditional tissue test • Enables targeted nutritional applications that maximize crop quality and yield, based on the Agro-K 5R’s of plant nutrition • Improved nutritional balance produces healthier plants SAP ANALYSIS Advancing Science-Driven NutritionSM to the next level 5R’s - Right nutrient - Right time - Right form - Right mix - Right location
Capturing Maximum Genetic Potential
We are the only provider that streamlines the entire pollination process.
We place traditional beehives that growers are familiar with but enhance them with our ground-breaking solution to deliver unprecedented transparency into this most critical operational expense. For the first time, the same standards of precision and predictability routinely applied to all other aspects of farm management can now benefit pollination.
Growers and beekeepers can collaborate to create simple, effective drop maps to guide the scheduling of both placement and removal of the bees.
Then, during bloom, our easy-to-read dashboard shows growers in real-time the efficacy of their pollination. This level of accountability is revolutionizing the pollination process.
We accomplish this with a combination of technology. Small sensors that monitor, and collect data inside the beehives and Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning techniques that analyzes the data. This powerful solution means we can determine each individual colony’s strength, health, and pollination force, and therefore deliver a more precise and cost-effective pollination experience to growers. This is Precision Pollination.
Don’t leave pollination to chance. Be Sure. Be Precise. BeeHero.
pollination. Charley Phillips VP Sales Tylor Wilbourn Account Executive Destiny Camden Account Executive Come meet our team in booth 52 and learn how we can improve your
Pollination From The Leading Almond Pollination Provider.
to California’s commercial almond growers.
Worms, Thrips, Leafminers IN ONE PASS
Only Radiant® SC insecticide controls worms, thrips and leafminers (“3 Bugs. 1 Jug.”) And university trials in Arizona and California show that Radiant outperforms other commonly-used vegetable insecticides on all three of these pests. As a member of the spinosyn class of chemistry (IRAC Group 5), Radiant controls pests like no other class of chemistry used in vegetables. The Re-Entry Interval is only 4 hours, and the Pre-Harvest Interval is 1 day for most crops.
Visit us at ®™Trademarks of Corteva Agriscience and its affiliated companies. Always read and follow label directions. ©2021 Corteva
The family owned American company
protecting your crops for 60 years. Aza-Direct®, Badge®, Envidor®, Mettle®, Prefar®, Onager Optek® and the donkey logo are registered trademarks of Gowan Company, L.L.C. Magister® is a registered trademark used under license by Gowan Company, L.L.C. Quintec® is a registered trademark of Nissan Chemical Corporation. Torino® is a registered trademark of Nippon Soda Co., Ltd.
951.682.9505 1425 Palmyrita, Ave. Riverside, CA 92507 Simple • Affordable • Reliable — Soil Moisture Monitoring LTE-M Cellular Direct to Cloud: No other device needed 2+Years Battery Life: Standard “C” Batteries Simple Set Up: No configuration or calibration Install Anywhere: No height or solar requirement Frost Alerts: Sent via Text Message View or download: Sensor data in real-time from any mobile device or computer. API integration available. Quick view dashboard: Provides device and sensor status, location map, and adjustable threshold gauge panel. Graphing suite: For detailed analysis of soil moisture, irrigation events, rainfall, soil/air temperatures, and device diagnostic data. IC-10 SENSOR OPTIONS n WATERMARK Sensors n IRROMETER RSU-V n Soil Temperature Sensor n Adjustable Pressure Switch n Air Temperature Station n Rain Gauge IC-10 MONITOR FEATURES DATA PLATFORM FEATURES certified
A new line of foliar nutrients proven to perform as well as conventional ■ Excellent nutrient absorption and mobility ■ High concentration of amino acids ■ Clean product with long term stability ■ OMRI Listed Sustainable Foliar Nutrition BRANDT® Organiplex® Brandt Consolidated, Inc. CLICK TO LEARN!
Agronomy Decision Engine™
Qortex from QualiTech is a specialty crop expert system designed to provide quality, practical fertilizer management strategies.
Designed by Crop Advisors, Qortex delivers reliable agronomic advice that enables advisers to make faster, better-informed decisions.
Using soil, water and tissue data combined with proprietary algorithms and research backed crop models, Qortex will generate fertility programs with block level precision.
Qortex goes beyond fertility management with blend formulation and simple compliance reporting tools.
Qortex Fertility Programs:
Tailored to grower goals
• Crop nutrient demand and timing
Corrected for soil & water nutrient levels
On-the-fly program adjustments
Easy to understand insights
Program cost breakdown
Log as-applied data
Key Benefits Include:
Practical, quality advice
Backed by decades of research
Faster, better-informed decisions
Improved organization
Professional reports
Flexible and customizable
Always available
Competitive edge
Increased profitability
For more information please visit or email
Fight vine mealybug with the mating disruption
Lear n more at Lear n more at • • Long-acting sprayable CheckMate® VMB-F works for up to 30 days with no MRL • 10+ years of proven results controlling VMB CheckMate® VMB-XL is the longest lasting VMB pheromone dispenser CheckMate® VMB-XL outlasts all other dispensers for 210+ days Head-to-Head Trial: Pheromone in dispenser (mg) Twist Tie CheckMate® VMB-XL
more growers trust.
Longer Lasting Nutrition Your Slow Release Nitrogen Source N-Sure: ©2022 Tessenderlo Kerley, Inc. All rights reserved. N-Sure® is a registered trademark of Tessenderlo Kerley, Inc. • Versatile, can be applied through drip, side-dress, top-dress or as a foliar • Improves Nitrogen Use Efficiency • When applied as a foliar, N-Sure allows 31% more N absorption compared to urea
Visit us in booth #46 for
off books!
Production guides, study guides for DPR exams, IPM manuals. Trusted research-based advice for professional crop consultants! 25% off is for in-person purchases of UC ANR books
Spear®️-Lep is Vestaron’s revolutionary insecticide for tree nuts, fruits, vegetables, and other high-value field and orchard crops. Targeting lepidopteran pests, local field trials with Spear-Lep show performance that is equal to conventional insecticides in efficacy and residual control. With no known resistance or cross-resistance, Spear-Lep works as a standalone treatment or as part of a traditional IPM program against Navel orangeworm (NOW) in almonds and other tree nuts.
Peptide emPOWERed Technology Choose Vestaron’s new MOA Insecticide REVOLUTIONARY