Invited Mixer Exhibit Hall 3:30PM
Exhibit Hall Schedule
Charter Oak Ballroom
7:00AM DPR: 0.5 | CCA: 0.5
Registration/ Trade Show
10:00AM Break / Trade Show
8:00AM State of the Citrus Market
12:00PM Industry Lunch Keynote
San Joaquin Ballroom
8:00AM DPR: 0.5 | CCA: 0.5
A Broad Look at Citrus IPM: Citrus Thrips, Mealybug
8:30AM DPR: 1.0 | CCA: 1.0
IPM Panel: California Red Scale
9:30AM DPR: 0.5 | CCA: 0.5
Phytophthora & Other Citrus Diseases
Hot Topics in Labor Law
11:00AM DPR: 0.5 | CCA: 0.5 Ant Control in Citrus
11:30AM DPR: 0.5 | CCA: 0.5
Vertebrate Pest Management
2:00PM CDFA: 0.5 | CCA: 0.5
Growing Large, High-Quality Fruit Through Nutrition
12:00PM Break / Trade Show
3:30PM Mixer
2:30PM Citrus Water Panel
2:30PM DPR: 0.5 | CCA: 0.5
Controlling Asian Citrus Psyllid in SJV Organic Citrus and Organic Weed Management
3:00PM CCA: 0.5
Marketing Organic Citrus –Opportunities and Limitations
Great Roots. Great Fruits. WN CITRUS MEET ZACHARY GREEN The NEW generation of commercial citrus growers Aquarius PLUS Enjoys long walks on the beach I BELIEVE IT ALL COMES DOWN TO THIS: ZACHARY GREEN Owner and General Manager WN Citrus | Bakersfield CA SPRING 2023 KEEP PUSHING | KEEP MOVING FORWARD “I married the farmer’s daughter” NURSERYMAN & COMMERCIAL CITRUS GROWER Great Team. | 661.327.9345 @wncitrus #wncitrus Budwood, seedlings and select varieties are NOW available for 2023. We’re now taking contract orders, including select BioGold varieties for 2024. Contact Zac Green at 661.327.9345 or
These credits were applied for, please check CEU tables for hours granted.
I would like to thank each one of you for joining us at the 2023 Citrus Showcase and our sponsors for making this event possible. The CCM team and I are thrilled about this year’s event. Not only are we back in full force after three years of pared-down shows due to COVID-19, but we have also expanded the Showcase thanks to our new partnership with JCS Marketing Inc.
Working with JCS to plan and execute Showcase has allowed us to give the industry a higher level of content and deliver an expanded agenda to bring resources and information to the citrus industry on critical topics that impact our businesses. I believe our lineup of panel discussions, seminars and continuing education courses has something valuable to offer everyone.
Our day kicks off with an update on the State of the Citrus Market followed by sessions on IPM, pest and disease research, new regulations in labor, and of course, water. We also hope you will take a walk through our tradeshow featuring over 100 vendors, where you will find a variety of exhibits bringing you the latest in agriculture technology and information.
I am particularly excited about today’s industry luncheon featuring our keynote speaker, Gregg Doud. As Vice President of Global Situational Awareness & Chief Economist for Aimpoint Research, and former Chief Agricultural Negotiator for the United States Trade Representative, Gregg will offer valuable insights into global markets and outlooks for agriculture trade.
The day will wrap up with a new industry mixer for networking opportunities and the chance to engage with friends and colleagues. We hope to see you there and enjoy the show!
MyAgLife entrance REGISTRATION CEU SELF CHECK-IN MARRIOTT PLAZA COURTYARD EQUIPMENT A&E Industrial Cleaning Equip. Corp. .. 74 Accu-Label ........................... 2 Afrikelp USA ......................... 38 Agri Technovation ................... 93 Agri-Valley Irrigation .................. 91 Agroliquid ........................... 12 Air O Fan ............................ 42 Amarillo Wind Machine .............. 87 AMVAC. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92 Aweta Americas ..................... 50 Axiom Ag ........................... 55 BASF ................................. 3 Bayer ............................... 27 Boman & Associates ................. 97 Bowsmith ........................... 70 Brandt .............................. 53 Burchell Nursery Inc. ............... 109 CA Agricultural Labor Association ..... 118 CA Citrus Mutual .................... R2 CA Farmworkers Foundation ......... R3 Citrus Pest Disease Prevention Program NUFFER SMITH TUCKER .............. 111 Citrus Research Board. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107 College of the Sequoias .............. 110 CropX .............................. 96A CSS ................................ 100 Custom AG Formulators ............. 105 DECCO US ........................... 88 Deerpoint Group Inc. .................14 Diamond K Gypsum ................ 120 EarthSol LLC ......................... 36 Exeter Engineering .................. 90 Exeter Merchantile Co .................7 Farm Credit ......................... 56 Farmer Bob’s World .................. R6 Fisher Phillips ....................... R5 Fruit Growers ....................... 73 Fruit Growers Supply ................. 71 Fruit World ...........................37 Giro Pack Inc. ....................... 13B Gless Ranch ......................... 45 Helliae Agriculture .................. 65 Helm Ag ............................ 35 Heritage Crop Science, LLC (Kim C-1, LLC) .. 67 Horn Techologies & Services, Inc. .... 104 Hortau .............................. 86 HotSpot AG ......................... 119 InSeason Ag ..........................10 Irrometer Co. ......................... 31 JBT ................................. 30 KeyPlex ............................. 47 Koppert ............................. 117 LeafFilter Gutter Protection .......... 115 Live Earth ........................... 25 McTeer Machine Planting ............ 94 Meta Rex ............................ 4 Miller Chemical & Fertilizer, LLC ....... 23 Mitchell Insurance Services .......... 82 Multicolor Ecological Ag. Inc. ........ R8 MyAgLife ........................... R1 Neudorff North America ............. 77 New Age Ag Service, LLC. ............ 103 Nichino America, Inc ................. 24 Nielsen & Associates Inssurance. ..... 58 Nutrien ............................. 68 Nutrient-CropConnent ................ 16 Orchard-Rite ......................... 17 PACE International................... 22 Pacific Gas & Electric Co.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113 Packline Technologies ................ 18 Palogix ............................. 54 Pearson Realty ...................... 52 Phoenix Energy ..................... 116 Phytech ............................. 114 Pinion ............................... 15 Plant Food Systems .................. 44 Polymer Ag ......................... 33 Prime-Dirt ........................... 81 ProFarm ............................ 83 Reemoon Sorting USA ............... 72 Safe Food Alliance .................... 11 SAN Agrow .......................... 46 Schuil Ag Real Estate .................. 8 Semios.............................. 78 Sinclair Systems International, LLC .... 26 Soil and Crop ........................ 59 Soil Basics Corporations .............. 76 Sorma USA .......................... 99 Southern California Edison .......... 13A Suntreat ............................. 6 Superior Soil Supplements LLC........ 43 Suterra ............................. 69 SWAN Systems ...................... 63 Sym-Agro ........................... 80 Syngenta ........................... 49 Tessenderlo Kerley Inc ............... 112 TOMRA ............................. 66 Tree Defender ....................... 48 TreeSource .......................... 89 Tulare Ag Commiss. .................. R4 UNITEC S.p.A. ....................... 60 UPL .................................. 51 Valent USA ........................... 5 Valley Packline Solutions ............. 95 Valley Tech Ag Lab - Matrix Sciences .. 32 VanRoc Agrosolutions ............... 64 Verdegaal Brothers, Inc................ 9 Western Ag Irrigation .................41 Western Nutrients Corp. ............. 98 Wildeye USA ....................... 96B WN Citrus ............................. 1
Schedule 7:00AM DPR: 0.5 | CCA: 0.5 Exhibit Hall Registration/ Trade Show
Exhibit Hall Break / Trade Show 12:00PM Exhibit Hall Break / Trade Show
Exhibit Hall Mixer March 9, 2023
Loading dock Mixer 3:30pm4:30PM 120 diamond k gypsum 119 hotspot ag 118 ca ag labor 117 Koppert 116 PHOENIX ENERGY 115 LeafFilter 114 PHYTECH 113 pg&E 112 Tessenderlo Kerley 111 citrus pest pr. 110 college sequoias 109 Burchell nursery 107 citrus research board COFFEE/PASTRIES COFFEE/PASTRIES 1 WN CITRUS 2 ACCULABEL 3 BASF 4 META REX 5 VALENT USA 6 SUNTREAT 7 EXETER MERCantile co. 8 SChUIL AG REAL ESTATE 9 VERDEGAAL BROTHERS 10 INSEASON AG 11 SAFE FOOD ALLIANCE 12 AGROLIQUID 13A SOCAL EDISON 13B GIRO PACK 26 SINCLAIR SYSTEMS 25 LIVE EARTH 24 NICHINO 23 MILLER CHEM. FERT. 22 PACE INTERNational 30 JBT 31 IRROMETER 32 VALLEY TECH AG 33 POLYMER AG 49 SYNGENTA 48 TREE DEFENDER 47 KEYPLEX 46 SAN AGROW 45 GLESS RANCH 52 PEARSON REALTY 53 BRANDT 54 PALOGIX 55 AXIOM AG 56 FARM CREDIT 71 FRUIT GROWERs SUPPLY 70 bowsmith 69 suterra 68 Nutrien 67 HERITAGE CROP 76 soil basics 77 neudorff n. amer. 78 semios 94 mcteer mach. 93 agri tech. 92 amvac 91 agri-valley irrig. 90 exeter engineer. 97 boman assoc. 98 western nutr. 99 sorma usa 100 css 89 treesource 88 decco us 87 amarillo wind 86 hortau 103 new age ag service 104 horn tech. serv. 105 custom ag form. 66 TOMRA 65 helliae Ag. 64 vanroc agrosol. 63 swan systems 80 symagro 81 prime dirt 82 mitchell ins. 83 profarm 44 PLANT FOOD 43 SUPERIOR SOIL 42 AIR O FAN 41 WESTERN AG irr. 58 NIELSEN ASSOC. 59 SOIL AND CROP 60 UNITEC SPA 17 orchard rite 16 NUTRIENT CROP CONN. 15 PINION 14 DEERPOINT 35 helm ag 36 EARTH SOL 37 FRUIT WORLD 38 AFRIKELP 50 AWETA AMERICAS 18 PACKLINE TECHNOLOGIES 51 UPL 72 reemoon sorting 73 FRUIT GROWERS 74 a&e INDUST. CLEAN. 27 BAYER 95 valley packline 96A cropx 96B Wildeye USA entrance exit exit exit exit exit exit exit STAGE CA CITRUS MUTUAL Tulare Ag Commiss. Fisher Phillips Farmer Bob’s World Ca Farmworkers Found.
Visalia Conventional Center, Visalia, Ca
LUNCH exit exit exit parking Registration Lobby Multicolor Ecological Agriculture Inc.
CITRUS SHOWCASE Charter Oak Ballroom
8:00AM - State of the Citrus Market
Al Bates, President, Sun Pacific Shippers
Al Bates is the President of Sun Pacific Shippers and is responsible for all packing, harvesting, and administrative functions. He started with the company in 2004. Sun Pacific owns 40,000 acres of Cuties, oranges, lemons, kiwi, table grapes, and nut crops, along with processing an additional 20,000 acres of citrus from outside growers. Before starting with Sun Pacific Shippers, Al worked as the General Manager of Booth Ranches from 2002 to 2004 and started Booth Ranches packing operations during his time. He worked as the Vice President and General Manager for Dole North American Fruit Operations from 1989 to 2002 with oversight of all fresh fruit operations in North America. Al has previously served as the Vice Chairman of California Citrus Mutual and sat on the board from 2009-2019.
Tracy Jones, COO, Booth Ranches
Born and raised in the Central Valley, Tracy Jones has worked in the Ag industry for over 25 years. She started in the packing house then moved to the sales department with treefruit, table grapes and citrus experience. For the past 14 years she has worked for Booth Ranches where she oversaw the sales department. Currently, she carries the title Chief Operating Officer and is tasked with oversight of sales, marketing and both packing facilities. Tracy resides in Fresno with her husband for over 20 years and 2 boys.
Jim Phillips, President, Sunkist Growers
Jim Phillips was elected President and CEO of Sunkist Growers in 2019. Prior to joining the farmer-owned citrus cooperative, Phillips served as President of Porterville Citrus, one of California’s largest citrus packinghouses. He brings more than 30 years of experience in the fresh fruit industry to his position at Sunkist Growers. Phillips grew up in a farming family and developed an appetite for the business at a young age. He went on to spend most of his career working with Sunkist-affiliated packinghouses in various leadership roles. He has served on both the Sunkist and Fruit Grower Supply boards, as well as the industry trade association board CA Citrus Mutual. He understands what it takes to farm and deliver exceptional fresh citrus into the hands of consumers. Phillips’ expertise serves Sunkist well, as he continues to build the iconic brand into the future.
Zak Laffite, President, Wonderful Citrus
Zak Laffite was named President of Wonderful Citrus as of January 1, 2020 and will be celebrating his 19th year with Wonderful Citrus in May. Wonderful Citrus, part of The Wonderful Company, is headquartered in Delano, California. Zak has held key leadership roles across several functional areas, including Chief Operating Officer, Chief Sales, Officer, and Vice President of Supply Chain. Prior to his time at Wonderful Citrus, Zak worked primarily as a financial analyst for Dole’s Maya Division headquartered in his home country of Honduras. His family has owned and operated citrus operations in Honduras for more than 40 years, despite him choosing to carve out a separate path, he owes much of his passion to his family business. Zak serves on the California Citrus Mutual and International Fresh Produce Association boards and is a proud alumnus of United Fresh’s Leadership Class 18. He has a BS in Pomology from Cornell University and an MBA from Tulane University.
Schedule 8:00AM Charter Oak Ballroom State of the Citrus Market
12:00PM Charter Oak Ballroom Industry Lunch Keynote 2:30PM Charter Oak Ballroom Citrus Water Panel
Gregg Doud is the former Chief Agricultural Negotiator for United States Trade Representative (USTR) Robert Lighthizer. During his time with USTR, agriculture was in the crosshairs of trade negotiations with China, negatively impacting our markets. Doud and his team were integral in arranging the phase one trade agreement with China to purchase U.S. agriculture commodities, including citrus. He has negotiated some of the biggest trade deals in recent history and will offer attendees unique insight into global ag trade, geopolitics and the future of trade policy.
Currently, Doud works as Vice President of Global Situational Awareness & Chief Economist for Aimpoint Research where he brings an unparalleled global perspective and economic expertise to the team. Doud has also served as President of the Commodity Markets Council, the leading trade association for commodity futures exchanges and their industry counterparts, where he worked to lead the industry in addressing global market and risk management issues. As a senior staff member of the Senate Agriculture Committee, Doud helped craft the 2012 Senate Farm Bill working on international trade, food aid, livestock, and oversight of the Commodity Futures Trading Commission. Doud also served as Chief Economist for the National Cattlemen’s Beef Association for eight years and is a former market analyst for the U.S. Wheat Associates.
Raised on a dry-land wheat, grain sorghum, soybean, swine, and cow-calf operation near Mankato in North-Central Kansas, Doud continues to be involved in his family’s 100-yearold farm and is a partner in a commercial cow-calf operation.
12:00PM - Industry
Lunch Keynote
(559) 999-0729 -
Gregg Doud - Keynote Speaker Guy
2:30PM - Citrus Water Panel
Jason Phillips, CEO, Friant Water Authority
Jason Phillips joined Friant Water Authority as Chief Executive Officer (CEO) in 2016. In this role, he oversees all activity conducted by the authority on behalf of its member agencies and represents the public face of the organization. Prior to Friant Water Authority, Jason worked for 15 years for the Bureau of Reclamation’s Mid-Pacific Region. His experience at Reclamation included Deputy Regional Director, Area Manager of the Reclamation's Klamath Basin Area Office, based in Klamath Falls, Oregon, and manager of several complex Programs in the Region including the San Joaquin River Restoration Program, Upper San Joaquin River Basin Storage Investigation (the federal Temperance Flat study), and the San Luis Drainage Feature Re-evaluation. Before this, he a was a project planner for the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Sacramento District, on flood control and ecosystem restoration projects. Jason, his wife Melisa, and their three children live in Fresno. Jason received a Bachelor of Science degree in Civil Engineering at Portland State University.
Jon Parker, General Manager, Kern Water Bank
Kern Water Bank - Established in 1988 by the State – 1994 thru Monterey Agreement became a separate non-state entity; 20,000 acres of state and federally designated habitat; Bank capacity ~10MAF; 7,000 acres recharge ponds – recharge rate 0.3ft/day; 85 recovery wells – 5 cubic feet/ sec; 36 miles pipeline; 6-mile canal; Recharge more than 2.5MAF and recovery 1.5MAF annually.
©2023 Nutrien Ag Solutions, Inc. All Rights Reserved. All of the trademarks and service marks displayed are marks of their respective owners. 8515 Contact the Nutrien Ag Solutions Lindsay branch today. 559.562.4946 |
# LeadingTheField
Joe Del Bosque, Farmer, Former California Water Commission Member
Joe Del Bosque’s Mexican-born parents were migrant farm workers in the 1930s and 1940s. In the 1950s, his father Jose landed a permanent job as a cantaloupe grower, and Del Bosque was raised on the farm, where he started working at age nine. When he started his own career in agriculture, Del Bosque functioned as a custom farmer, running farming operations for others. In 1985, he established his own farm. Today, Del Bosque’s Firebaughbased operation spans 2,000 acres, about half of which are leased. He grows almonds, cantaloupes, honeydew melons, asparagus, cherries and tomatoes, 300 acres of which are organic. Joe was a two time appointee to California’s State Water Commission.
Tim Quinn, Former Executive Director of ACWA & Metropolitan Water District Deputy General Manager
Tim Quinn has help transform California’s water management, including passage of the Sustainable Groundwater Management Act of 2014 and enactment of Proposition 1, the $7.5 billion general obligation water bond overwhelmingly approved by California voters in November 2014. He played a key role in developing the California Legislature’s historic 2009 comprehensive water package, which ushered in a new era in water policy focused on the coequal goals of improving the state’s water supply reliability and restoring the Sacramento-San Joaquin River Delta ecosystem.
His leadership has also included his involvement in developing the Bay Delta Conservation Plan, the 2000 CALFED Record of Decision, the 1995 Monterey Agreement, the 1994 BayDelta Accord, and the 1991 Governor’s Drought Water Bank. Other accomplishments include successfully negotiating numerous water marketing agreements and legislative initiatives.
Quinn joined ACWA as executive director in 2007. With offices in Sacramento and Washington, D.C., ACWA is a statewide association whose 430 local public water agency members are responsible for approximately 90 percent of the water delivered in California.
2:30PM - Citrus Water Panel - Cont.
Kimzall — Mocksi — Falgro — Krop-Max PLANT GROWTH REGULATORS Optiva, Whole Earth & AgroThrive PLANT NUTRITION PRODUCTS AND Proven Plant Growth Regulator Plant Nutrition Technology © 2023 Kim-C1, LLC, Heritage Crop Science, LLC, & Spencer Distributing, LLC. Kimzall & Mocksi are registered trademarks of Kim-Z, Inc. Falgro is a registered trademark of Fine Americas, Inc. AgroThrive is a registered trademark of AgroThrive, Inc. Krop-Max is a registered trademark of Tide International USA, Inc. Whole Earth is a registered trademark of Heritage Crop Science, LLC. Optiva is a registered trademark of Spencer Distributing, LLC Contact Ben Letizia @ 559-284-1392 for more information
CITRUS SHOWCASE San Joaquin Ballroom Schedule
8:00AM DPR: 0.5 | CCA: 0.5
San Joaquin Ballroom
A Broad Look at Citrus IPM: Citrus Thrips, Mealybug
Sandipa Gautam, UCCE Area
IPM Advisor
Overview of pest issues in the SJV. How big a problem are citrus thrips, flat mite and mealybug and what is new in management and control.
8:30AM DPR: 1.0 | CCA: 1.0
San Joaquin Ballroom
IPM Panel: California Red Scale
Moderator: Sandipa Gautam, UCCE
Area IPM Advisor | Panelists: Jason Reynolds, VP Farming, Booth Ranches, Marco Rinaldi, Independent PCA, Emily Symmes, Sr. Mgr. Technical Field Services, Suterra
Discussion of California Red Scale, mating disruption, monitoring and control featuring a panel of growers, researchers and PCAs.
9:30AM DPR: 0.5 | CCA: 0.5
San Joaquin Ballroom
Phytophthora & Other Citrus Diseases
Jim Adaskaveg, UC Riverside Plant Pathologist
Review strategies and fungicides for managing phytophthora and other diseases of importance in citrus.
San Joaquin Ballroom
Hot Topics in Labor Law
Alden Parker, Regional Managing
Partner, Fisher Phillips
Overview of the top issues effecting California agriculture, new changes to the law as of January 1 and highlight the new card check legislation, AB 2183, that was recently signed into law.
11:00AM DPR: 0.5 | CCA: 0.5
San Joaquin Ballroom
Ant Control in Citrus
David Haviland, UCCE IPM Advisor, Kern County, and Ivan Milosavljevic, Hoddle Lab, UC Riverside Research examines ant control in citrus under various alternatives to chlorpyrifos.
11:30AM DPR: 0.5 | CCA: 0.5
San Joaquin Ballroom
Vertebrate Pest Management
Roger Baldwin, UCCE Vertebrate Pest Specialist
Update on new rules on anticoagulants and compounds that can be used for managing vertebrate pests. Talk will also include a demonstration of different traps for keeping rats out of citrus.
2:00PM CDFA: 0.5 | CCA: 0.5
San Joaquin Ballroom
Growing Large, High-Quality Fruit Through Nutrition
Jeff Merritt, Owner, Axiom Ag
2:30PM DPR: 0.5 | CCA: 0.5
San Joaquin Ballroom
Controlling Asian Citrus Psyllid in SJV Organic Citrus and Organic Weed Management
Sandipa Gautam, UCCE Area IPM Advisor and Judy Zaninovich, ACP/HLB Grower Liaison for Kern County
Discussion on techniques for controlling ACP in organic citrus – the only way to prevent the tree-killing HLB disease they can transmit from establishing in valley orchards. Information and grower experience on managing weeds organically – one of the biggest costs to growing organic citrus.
3:00PM CCA: 0.5
San Joaquin Ballroom
Marketing Organic Citrus –Opportunities and Limitations
Scott Mabs, CEO, Homegrown Organic Farms
Discussion for growers on unique market prospects for organic citrus.
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