April 2013
* Aromatherapy Essential Oils Guide Excerpt * 10 Life Lessons from the Woman with the Demon Possessed Daughter
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Aromatherapy Essential Oils Guide Excerpt 10 Life Lessons from the Woman with the Demon Possessed Daughter
Aromatherapy Essential Oils Guide Excerpt CHAMOMILE (ROMAN) ESSENTIAL OIL Name: Chamaemelum nobile Extraction: Steam distilled Aromatic Description: Sweet, warm, fruity Roman Chamomile Essential Oil Safety Information 1. Avoid in pregnancy. 2. Avoid using it if you are allergic to ragweed.
Therapeutic Uses Of Roman Chamomile Essential Oil 1. Skin diseases such as eczema, psoriasis, cracked nipples, inflamed skin, surgical scars, dry skin 2. Arthritis, rheumatism, muscle aches, and neuralgia
EUCALYPTUS ESSENTIAL OIL Name: Eucalyptus globulus Method of Extraction: Steam distilled from the leaves Aromatic Description: Fresh, camphoraceous, medicinal Eucalyptus Essential Oil Safety Information 1. Do not use it if you have epilepsy or high blood pressure. 2. Do not apply it near a baby’s nostrils.
Uses Of Eucalyptus Essential Oil 1. Arthritis, rheumatism, muscle aches and sprains. 2. Bronchitis, colds, coughs, chest infections, sinusitis as it has decongestant and expectorant properties.
GERANIUM ESSENTIAL OIL Name: Pelargonium graveolens Extraction: Steam distilled Aromatic Description: Fresh, minty rose Geranium Essential Oil Safety Information 1. Avoid using it in pregnancy. 2. Do not use it alone for more than 2-3 months as it may lead to sensitization.
Therapeutic Uses Of Geranium Essential Oil 1. Acne, eczema, oily skin, cellulite, mature skin. 2. Athletes foot treatment
LAVENDER ESSENTIAL OIL Name: Lavendula officinalis Extraction: Steam distilled Aromatic Description: Sweet, soothing, floral Safety Information 1. Do not use it in pregnancy or if breastfeeding. 2. Do not use it on young children as it may cause breast development in boys and girls (pre-pubescent breast development).
Therapeutic Uses Of Lavender Essential Oil 1. Stress management to relive tension and help one relax. 2. Skin diseases such as acne, eczema, dandruff, athlete's foot and dry skin conditions
LEMON ESSENTIAL OIL Name: Citrus limon Extraction: Expressed Aromatic Description: Fresh Safety Information 1. Do not use it if skin will be exposed to sunlight or UV rays in 12-24 hours as it is phototoxic. 2. Do not use it if you have low blood pressure.
Therapeutic Uses Of Lemon Essential Oil 1. Skin diseases such as acne, dark post-acne spots on skin and oily skin conditions. 2. Has been used for corns, warts and to stimulate hair growth in thinning hair.
ROSEMARY ESSENTIAL OIL Botanical Name: Rosmarinus officinalis Extraction: Steam distilled Aromatic Description: Uplifting, stimulating, fresh Safety Information: 1. Do not use if pregnant. 2. Do not use if you have epilepsy or high blood pressure.
Uses of Rosemary Essential Oil: 1. Depression, feeling rundown, physical and mental exhaustion 2. Dandruff, hair loss and dull hair
10 Life Lessons from the Woman with the Demon Possessed Daughter 1. A woman from Canaan cried out to Jesus saying, “Have mercy on me, O Lord, Son of David because my daughter is severely demon possessed.� (Matthew 15:21-22) This woman asked Jesus to have mercy on her even though it was her daughter who was possessed by the demons because the presence of those demons in her home was also making her suffer.
This can be due to the fact that they are possessed by demons or they have walked away from the Church or they are trapped by addictions or they have mental illnesses or they are unconscious in an ICU. Therefore let us learn to Boldy approach the throne of grace so that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need (Hebrews 4:16) just like this woman did.
She therefore teaches us that we should pray and intercede for our family members and especially those who cannot or will not pray for themselves.
2. But Jesus did not answer her. (Matthew 15:23) The second lesson that we can learn from this woman is that we should not give up if we pray and do not receive an answer right away.
This is because after Jesus did not answer her, she did not quit and go back home. She continued to hang around and stay in His presence. Therefore, if you have been praying for some time for a certain situation in your life to change, emulate this woman and do not give up on God, stomp out of your Church and renounce your Christian faith.
3. His disciples then came and said to Him, “Send her away, for she cries out after us.” (Matthew 15:23) The fact that Jesus’ disciples had to come and ask Jesus to send her away suggests that they may have tried to send her away themselves but failed most probably because she was more than determined to seek and receive a cure for her daughter.
Therefore, regardless of whether you are suffering because you are living with a demon possessed child or spouse or you work under a demon possessed supervisor, if you want a solution to your problem so that you can live or work in peace, you have to be so determined to receive it that no one can stop you from going to Church to seek the Lord’s intervention.
4. The Jesus answered her and said, “I was only sent to the lost sheep of the house of Israel.” (Matthew 15:24) This woman was most probably not expecting to be disqualified from having her daughter healed because of her nationality but this did not sap her determination for she then, Came and worshipped Him and said, “Lord, help me!” (Matthew 15:24) She therefore teaches us that if at first we do not get what we want from the Lord, we should Draw near to God so that He may draw near to you (James 4:8) for she now came closer to Jesus than she already was.
Therefore, if you at first do not receive what you have been praying and even fasting for, instead of “taking a break� from your faith, draw nearer to God by increasing the time you spend praying, praising and reading His Word as well as by living right.
Therefore, even if you are very disappointed with the turn that your life has taken despite living right, do not Curse God and die (Job 2:9) or commit suicide.
Instead, worship God even when you do not understand and even when you are in pain like this woman and emulate Job who despite losing everything, Did not sin with his lips. (Job 2:10)
5. The fifth thing that this woman teaches us is that we have to worship the Lord like she did even when she was most probably very disappointed with His answer.
6. The sixth thing that we learn from her is that she continued praying and asking Jesus to help her even after she had received an unexpected answer. Therefore persist in prayer as you Pray without ceasing (1 Thessalonians 5:17) until you receive what you are asking and believing to receive.
7. Jesus then said to her, “It is not good to take the children’s bread and throw it to the little dogs.” (Matthew 15:26)
This statement would have put a lot of people off because in addition to being told that she was disqualified from receiving a cure because she was not from the house of Israel or an Israelite, she was now being equated to a little dog.
But this woman’s mind was so set on having her daughter delivered that she did not let that comment which could have been viewed as an insult by others distract her from her mission. She simply let it slide and kept her mind on the goal that had made her come to see Jesus.
This teaches us that if you have gone to Church and received a less than warm welcome by the other believers for whatever reason, you should not stop going to Church because the Bible urges us Let us not give up meeting together. (Hebrews 10:25) In addition, you should remain focused on your primary reason of going to Church which should be to worship and praise God as well as listen to His Word being preached and not focus on the nasty comments and hostile looks.
8. This woman then said, “Yes, Lord even the little dogs eat the crumbs that fall from their master’s table. (Matthew 15:27)
Buy saying this, she first of all agreed with Jesus by saying “Yes, Lord” (Matthew 15:27) to show that she did not take offense with His allegory. Therefore do not fight with God even when you do not understand why you are going through what you are going because He is the God who created you and you cannot win.
Learn from Job chapter 38 where The Lord answered Job out of the whirlwind, and said, Who is this who questions My wisdom with ignorant words?
Now brace yourself like a man for I will question you, and you shall answer me. Where were you when I laid the foundations of the earth?
Who showed the proud waves their boundaries and told them you shall not cross this beach? (Job 38:1-11)
Who took the measurements of the earth? Or who stretched out the measuring tape across it? Where are the foundations of the earth laid? Or who laid the earth's corner stone?
Who collected the waters of the sea and put them back within their boundaries when they burst forth like birth waters from the womb?
9. “Even the little dogs eat the crumbs that fall from their master’s table (Matthew 15:27) By uttering the above statement, this woman affirmed that Jesus was also her Master, even though she was not an Israelite, just as the master of the table who fed his children with good
food was also the master of the little dogs which fed on the crumbs that fell from the table. This woman also affirmed that the master’s supply was so abundant that it could feed his children and overflow to feed the little dogs as well. Therefore reaffirm your status as a child of God who is worthy to receive the blessings of God and believe that you will receive them because they are in abundant supply.
because she knew that the good food that the Master fed His children would be good enough to nourish and sustain her even if she received just a miniscule amount. Therefore, Humble yourself under the mighty hand of God so that He may exalt you in due time. (1 Peter 5:6) And her due time had arrived.
In addition, this woman humbled herself by saying that she was willing to receive crumbs just as long as she received something from the Master’s table
10. “O woman, great is your faith! Let it be done to you as you desire.� And her daughter was healed from that hour. (Matthew 15:28)
Cling to it physically by behaving as if you have already received what you are believing God to give you.
The tenth lesson that we learn from this woman is that our faith in receiving from God what we want should be so strong that nothing and no one should be able to stop us from clinging to The substance of things hoped for and the evidence of things not seen. (Hebrews 11:1) Therefore mentally cling on to what you are believing God to give you by keeping the vision alive in your mind. Cling to it verbally by speaking words of faith.
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