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$Sfir qfiftta qtfiY slqqfi, 6ffs CSVER]'| wl ENT 0F 0DI$HA I}EPAfrTM EHT OF RU RAt DETIELOFM El{T
No. 2858530 1 2920 1 5/ RD
eo6l cltfrrt o6emq. uOotnq fltd, qo6fi,qer--q*? oo q 0disha Secretariat, $a chibalaya Malg, Bhubanes-$far-751 001 Fuc 0674-egg1Bg0 E-mail- rdsec.or@ni*.in
Dt. 17-Aug-2OL7
In pursuance of the Resolution dated 263 .2or7 of Rural Development Department, a Committee is hereby constituted consisting of following members to examine the Maintenance Policy and suggest amendments as and when required, for placing the sarne before the Govt. for approval.
Deptt. chairman ElC-cum-Secretary, Works Deptt. Member Director (PR), PR & DW Deptt. Member PCCF, Odisha Member EIC, Civil Member EIC, Water Resources Member BIC, Rural Works Member FA-cum-Addl. Secy., R.D. Deptt. Member Convenor secretaqy, Rural Development
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Commissioner-cum-Secretary to Gov!
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Dt.l 7 .08.2017
Copy forwarded to PS to Commissioner-cum-Secretary, RD Deptt (for kind information of Commissioner-cum- S ecr etary)/ElC-cum- S ec r etary, Works / Departm ent lDirector (PR), PR&DW Department / PCCF, Odisha IEIC Civil EIC Water Resources/ElC, Rural Works/Joint Secretary, RD Deptt/All Chief Engineers, RW Organisation for information and necessary action.
Secretary Rural DeveloPment DePartment