Statewise allocation for 2016 17

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Z- | l0lll08/2016-t,l,C (l,art) Governmcnt of India Ministry of Rural Developmcnt Dspartmcnt of Land Resourccs 6rl'

Floor, l lth Block, CGO Complex, I:odhi Rond, Nerv Delhi _ I lg00J Dared: - oZ.WZ\l6

Office Memorandurn

subject: l'entative arrocation of Funds under watershed Deveronnrent component of Pradhan Mantri Krishi Sinchayee yojana during 20 l6_ 7_r.rg I

I am directed to refer to the Do retter No. 360/3riCl19/2015-ES.t dated 4rh April, 20i6 received in the Department on the subject cited above. and to enciose Statewise rentari\e alocation of Funds under watershed Deveiopment L.omponenl 0f pradhan Mantri Krishi Sinchayee yojana for Fy 2016-17. The basis

of the

inrer se atocations have been made on the


of the states in

imprementing IWMp projects, indicated by utilisation of funds during the previous five year period, and the estimated requirement of funds during FY 2016-17 for implementations ofsanctioned proJecrs.

The a'ocations are indicative/ tentative and subject to submission of proposars by the state Governments for rerease of funds within the specified time frame i.e. before 30m June, 2016, release of requisite quantum of State Share of funds in respect of-releases made till 2015-16, and quantum ofunspent balance available with the States as on 0l .04.2016 . The funds not released to any state (s) due to any ofthe reasons mentioned above wirl

be allocated to other states based upon the criteria used for making the tentative







Joint Secretary , (Shri T.V.Somanathan) Prime Minister Office, New Delhi.

(prabhat Tvaei) Deputy Inspector Ceneral of Fores"ts Ph. No. - 0tt-2436 4602

copy to : I'The Joint Adviser (wR/E&F) ( shri Avinash Mishra), with reference to Do refter No ll0l3/0212015-CSS&CMC dated 3'd January,2016 of Addl. S."r.r""y, Niii Aayog.

Secrerary (tFD) (Shri_sarvjeet Kumar), Deptt. of Land Resources, ,r;I1" _U".9:l NBO Building Nirman Bhawan, New Delhi with- r"fer"n"e to letter No G_ 2.001| /01/20r5-Budget(pt.) dated 2l.t Apr ,20r6 ,i"'rru:*, cired above with to convey rhe conrenrs to'Departmenr "" oi-eGnoi,ur", Ministry of ffJ:::*,

Tentative allocation of funds to States under pMKSy- Watershed Development during 2016-17 S. 1


) 4 5

6 7 8


l0 l1 12 13

t4 15

16 17


l9 1A


22 ZJ 24 25

zo 27 28


Name of State

Andhra Pradesh Bihar Chhattisgarh Gujarat Haryana Himachal Pradesh Jammu & Kashmir Jharkhand Kamataka Kerala Madhya Pradesh Maharashtra Odisha Punjab Rajasthan Tamil Nadu Telangana Uttar Pradesh Uttarakhand West Bengal Total for NNE States North-Eastem States Arunachal Pradesh Assam Manipur Meghalaya Mizoram Nagaland Sikkim Tripura Total for NE States

Grand Total

State wise allocation Share



of funds (Rs. in crore)

83.09 19.19 34.96 115.04 12.82 35.40 25.59 29.48 152.17

tt.37 89.27 186.95 63.38 9.49 199.35 62.31 55.02 97.31 11.23


l32l.7s 23.t2 Jt-oz r8.81 11.56 16.06 28.20 2.16 12.47

r50 1471.75

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