My Boone Health – Winter 2024

Page 12

Relief from Pain

Neurosurgery with Charles Bondurant, MD of Mid-Mo Neurosurgery gave Laura the relief she’d been waiting for.


aura Hutton woke up before work one early February morning and knew something was wrong. Terrible pain was coming from her neck and shooting pain was going down her arm. “I knew something was very wrong, but I decided to try to go to work anyway. The pain had started the evening before when I turned my head sharply, and I guess I just kept hoping it would go away,” Laura explains. Laura took a couple of Advils and then headed to her job as a social worker. “Once I was at work the pain was terrible. It was so hard to work. I ended up taking off the next day. It was the first day I missed for illness in over 5 years,” says Laura. Laura’s symptoms were very painful from the left side of her neck by her ear, all the way through her shoulder and down into her arm and hand. She also did not have much feeling in her fingers. “I was able to get an MRI and was told I had herniations along with chronic degenerative changes in a significant portion of my cervical spine, and the MRI stated ‘consider surgical consult if not already obtained.’ My stomach sank when I read that,” says Laura. Laura made an appointment with a pain management physician and requested a referral to Dr. Bondurant of Mid-Mo Neurosurgery. “Everyone told me that surgery was what I needed to do, but I just didn’t want surgery. I had never had a major surgery and I was scared by the thought of it. For months I kept taking Advil every day,” says Laura.



Winter 2024

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