Kent’s Plan Bee
Kent’s Plan Bee
“Every third mouthful of our food depends on insect pollinators.” (Buglife)
For 2021, Canterbury will again be entered into South and South East in Bloom, showcasing its public open spaces, parks, hedgerows, river walks, marshlands and surrounding countryside. Despite Covid, we have a strong tradition of community groups, volunteers, nature organisations, schools, farmers, private businesses and councils coming together to do the very best for Canterbury’s green spaces.
In a city with lots of green space, and with Kent being The Garden of England, one might imagine that everything in Canterbury is at one with nature. However, Kent’s Plan Bee has been set up to alert residents to threats to wildlife, caused by changing climates, farming methods, housing developments, pesticides, loss of natural habitats and more. It includes a pollinator plan designed to protect these vital creatures and reverse their rapid decline.