CanterburyClimateActionPartnership CanterburyClimateAction Festival&Awards2022 Saturday 24 Sept, 10am-4pm Sunday 25 Sept, 10am-5pm Award Ceremony, free entry Sunday 25 Sept, 3.30-5pm Find us opposite the Dane John Gardens at Augustine House, Canterbury, CT1 2YA Fun Family Activities Fascinating Talks Stalls Galore and...IT'S ALL FREE! FestivalSponsorAwardsSponsor Festival Programme

Stall Holders Abbots Mill, Tree of Life Veganics, Forest Farm, Vegan Events and We Are Nature Canterbury Alliance for Sustainable Transport Canterbury City Council Canterbury Climate Action EdiblecultureNaturalEastEastConvertConkerChalkUniversityCanterburyCanterburyCanterburyCanterburyPartnershipQuakersRepairCaféSoroptimistsChristChurchDownLimeLtdConservationEnergyKentforEuropeKentPermacultureandWhitstable peat, pesticide, plastics free garden centre with KCC Active Travel Unit. sustainability projects lime products and natural sustainableinsulations building design solar PV and heating, battery storage A great opportunity to meet your local green community! FFestivalHosts estivalSponsor E.ON InvictaHSBCGreenpeaceEnergyUKClean Energy Kent Community Energy Kent Community Oasis Garden Kreston Reeves Accountants TheMansfieldsManston Group Owenbeg Contracts Plastics Free Canterbury Reward Events St Anselm’s Catholic School Shepherd Neame Solaris Energy United Nations Association University of Kent WildwoodUniTrax Trust & Kent heat pumps at UKC run by East Kent Mind sustainable food sustainable builder sustainable event planning heat sustainabilitypumps projects electric bikes Wildlife Trust

1.30pm – Repair Cafes and the Fashion Industry Keith Bothwell and Helen Howard
Cllr Dan Watkins and Nicholas Thurston
1.30pm – Broader Implications of Climate Change

Donovan Wright (Wildwood – Bison Ranger)
12 noon – The Canterbury City Council Climate Action Plan
2.15pm – Nature Based Solutions and the Bison at Blean
11.15am – The vital need to retrofit our homes and businesses Paul Mallion (Conker Conservation)
Saturday 24 September
12 noon – The Water Wheel at the Abbot’s Mill Project Al Fothergill (Green Drive Assembly)
2.15pm – Eco Churches
Talks Programme
11.15am – The Kent and Medway Climate Action Plan Sarah Deakin (KCC)
3.30-5pm - Stay on and enjoy the Climate Action Award Ceremony
Free entry, no booking required
3.00pm – Eon Energy Solutions : Driving the Energy transition Brian Taylor (Eon Controls)
10.30am – Sustainable Energy Solutions, from wind farms to domestic technologies David Browne (Convert Energy) and Rupert Berryman (Root, Brown, Kellogg Engineers)
10.30am – The Climate Crisis, COP 26 and Prospects for COP 27
Rev Jo Richards (Rector of St Dunston, St Mildred and St Peter)
Geoff Meaden (Green Party Councillor with Ashford Borough Council)
Carl Wright (CCAP) and John Halladay (Greenpeace)
Sunday 25 September
Come and make bug hotels, bird feeders and bee bombs from recycled material with Helen Smith and the Canterbury Labour Party.
Make a zine focused on coastal climate change. A zine is a small handmade, low-fi pamphlet booklet or ‘magazine’. We will provide all the materials, but you’re welcome to bring some cut-out images, coloured pens and other bits and pieces to use. The workshop connects to the project and exhibition ‘Unfiltered Coast’ funded by the Arts and Humanities Research Council. This workshop is ideal for young teenagers.

Free drop-in sessions running on both Saturday 24th & 25th September
Bugs, birds and bees with Helen Smith and CLP Drop in between 11am - 3pm

Throughoutthefestivalmakesuretovisitthe UniversityofKentandtheKentCommunityOasis Gardenstallsformorefreeactivities

Family Fun Activities
Helen is co-partner at East Kent Permaculture and founder of Natural Whitstable. Materials will be provided but it would help if you could bring your own recycled plastic containers (milk etc) and cardboard. This workshop is suitable for all ages, but especially younger children.
with Lavinia Bryden and Kit Moon from University of Kent Drop in between 11am - 2pm
workshop is suitable for all ages Family Fun Activities includingmakingsustainabilityherobadges,awildlife scavengerhunt,anddesigningyourownwildlife friendlygarden. FFestivalHosts estivalSponsor
The Circular Economy with Ana Martin

Saturday 24th September starting at 11am & 1pm note, these are not drop-in sessions, arrive for start time) Ana Castañeda is the co-founder of Your Zero Waste Community, a community-based project that aims to as can do to reduce our waste at a micro-scale. This workshop is suitable for adults and in betweenproject the Abbot’s the Abbot’s Project, the Hip Hop Permaculture. This
older children What does “We ARE Nature” mean to YOU? with Sadie Somersfield Sunday 25th September only. Drop
share solutions we

Come and learn theoretical and practical ways of living a low waste lifestyle, through the use of holistic methodologies through interactive activities and talks.
Mill Project Peace Gardens (Canterbury) focusing on re-indigenising the next generation. It is the lovechild of
Academy, Future Food Forests & East Kent
3pm Together we will create a mural and live soundtrack that answers this question better than words can. Brought to you by We ARE Nature, a
based at
Sunday 25 September 2022, 3.30-5pm
Closing Remarks Cllr Dan Watkins, Canterbury City Council
Announcement of the overall winner of 2022 Canterbury Climate Action Awards presentation of UniTrax electric bicycle by Rt Rev Rose Hudson-Wilkin, Bishop of Dover and CCAP Patron
key sponsor for the Climate Action Festival Remarks by HSBC


Dr Carl Wright, Chair, Canterbury Climate Action Partnership Welcome to Canterbury Christ Church University by our host Dr Peter Rands Remarks by E.ON
Canterbury Climate Action Awards 2022
Headline sponsor of the Climate Action Awards
Award Presentations for Climate Action and Leadership in Innovation Community
The Green Team Canterbury
Eco Warrior team
Eco-Schools Green Flag status
Biodiverse, habitat-rich environment
Tackling Climate Change. St Anselm’s School
Individual Action - Carbon Hero
STFC: Solar PV Installation at Harwell
Sustainability Strategy 2021
Award Nominations
Goals into Widgit Symbols
Local Community Action Group
Three Zero Passivhaus Dwelling
FW Mansfield
Heat pump system design and training Soroptimist South East England
The Marlowe Theatre
Apprentiships training for young people to install green energy and insulation. Solaris Energy
United Nations Sustainable Development
Award Sponsors

Canterbury Repair Cafe
Science and Innovation Campus
Herne Bay Pier Solar Walkway Cover
Vita Stores Whitstable
Canterbury Christ Church University
Student Green Office
Carbon neutral business
full supply chain sustainability dev. Natural Whitstable

Grain cycle of
Convert Energy
and reuse
Highlighting levels of carbon emissions, damage to health caused by worsening air quality

Foundry Brewery
Whitstable and Seasalter Junior Schools Garden room which houses a new kitchen and canteen.
Herne Bay Junior School
University of Kent Kent Community Oasis Garden University of Kent BioBlitz
Canterbury Alliance for Sustainable Transport
Canterbury Christ Church University Academy for Sustainable Futures
Franciscan Gardens
LED Lighting, insulation and more Kreston Reeves

Local Community Action Group
Cross-organisational 'Team Green'
Anastasia Semaan
Canterbury College
Conker Conservation
Barham Primary School
Zero packaging and sustainable food shop Wildwood Trust & Kent Wildlife Trust Bison Project
Future Food
Convert Energy

Whitstable Wildlife Web project
Mid Kent College
The partnership is an independent not for profit Community Interest Company working closely with our city and county councils, and councillors from various political parties attend our meetings. The Partnership sees its main role as bringing together all like-minded interest groups within the district to mobilise action towards a more sustainable future; especially to achieve a zero carbon district by 2030.

The Canterbury Climate Action Partnership (CCAP) was formed in June 2019 as a partnership between the Canterbury Society and the Canterbury Sustainable Development Goals Forum. It has now grown to include representatives from other local civic society groups, our three universities, business, residents’ associations, faith groups, youth groups, Greenpeace and many others. CCAP is formally accredited to the UNFCCC and has delegation status at the annual COP Climate Conference'.
CCAP would like to thank this weekend's sponsors
