Exotic calls from lemurs and monkeys ll the air and transport you from a dirt road in Oklahoma to the wild world of Lost Creek Safari.
Nestled off Highway 177 in Stillwater on Central Rural Electric Cooperative power lines, lives 253 exotic animals including kangaroos, emus, ostriches and baboons.
The safari park has been open for 10 years but has recently undergone major improvements all thanks to new ownership. Upgrades to fencing, buildings and sidewalks have made the entire park ADA accessible with a large portion of the improvements taking place within the last three months.
Trevor Mastrogiovanni, a 21-year-old New Jersey native who is currently a junior at Oklahoma State University studying entrepreneurship, purchased the park at the end of 2021 with his family. On top of studying and practicing with the OSU wrestling team, he spends an average of 14 hours a day at the safari park.
“This is everything I’ve ever wanted to do,” Mastrogiovanni said. “When you buy a zoo, you dedicate your life to the zoo.”
While walking through the park, Mastrogiovanni named each animal and its age, but what stuck out was how each animal in their enclosure would greet and follow him as he walked.
“When you rescue an animal, it’s an unreal bond,” said Mastrogiovanni, who has rescued or purchased a majority of the more than 50 species at Lost Creek Safari.
Mastrogiovanni’s connections and 12 years of volunteer experience with exotics has helped him continue to grow the herd of animals at the park.
The upgrades and the purpose of the zoo is to educate the public on exotic animals and their treatment within the park.
“My generation could be the last to own an exotic park and that’s why we put everything we have into this place,” Mastrogiovanni said. “We see so many kids who come up to us and tell us that they want to work here or
they want to own a zoo, too. That’s why education and care of our exotic animals is so important to us.”
All of the Mastrogiovanni family are involved in the park. Trevor’s brothers, mother, father and even his grandmother assist with bottle feeding, purchasing of animals, park care and maintenance.
“When most people need to learn how to do something, they Youtube it. When you own a zoo, you can’t Youtube how to bottle feed a primate. Contacts are important, and I have people who I can call at 3 a.m. when I need help,” Mastrogiovanni said.
Empowered is a monthly newsletter for members of
Owner Trevor Mastrogiovanni feeding one of the resident ring-tailed lemurs.
Two of Central’s leadership, district one trustee Gary McCune and district seven trustee Bill Davis, have announced their retirement in October following the end of their terms.
“With more than 30 years of combined experience on the board of trustees, Central has been fortunate to have two amazing leaders with great knowledge and understanding,” said Hunter Robinson, Central’s CEO. “I have no doubt they will continue to be advocates for the cooperative and local communities.”
A Central member for 45 years, McCune has served as a trustee for 19 years. He also served as board president for four years.
McCune served as the rst chairman of Central’s Community Foundation Board. He also served as the Oklahoma Association of Electric Cooperative’s board
president and was an initial director on the advisory board for the National Rural Electric Cooperative Association.
Davis, a retired educator at Stroud Public Schools, has served on Central’s board since 2011 and previously served as board president for two years. He has been a Central member for 44 years.
Davis and McCune have both served as board members of Central’s Community Foundation and have received their Credentialed Cooperative Director, Board Leadership Certi cate and Director Gold Credential from NRECA.
Both district trustee seats will be lled in accordance with the bylaws at district meetings in August. Members should watch their mail for additional information.
Upcoming District Meetings District 1 • August 22 @ Stillwater District 7 • August 29 @ chandler
2 Central Board of Trustees: James Wells, President (District 6) Gary McCune, Vice President (District 1) Carol Dvorak, Secretary/Treasurer (District 3) Greg Tytenicz (District 2) Sid Sperry (District 4) Vacant at time of print (District 5) Bill Davis (District 7) Hunter Robinson - Chief Executive Officer
Editors: Jillianne Tebow - Vice President of Business Development and Marketing Larry Mattox - Director of Communications Kory Bowman - Marketing and Communications Specialist Ivy Swan - Marketing and Communications Specialist Contact Us: 405-372-2884 | 800-375-2884 3305 S. Boomer Rd. | P.O. Box 1809 Stillwater, OK 74076 2 MAY 2023 Central Rural Electric Cooperative is an equal opportunity provider and employer. Notice: Central’s office will be closed Monday, May 29 in observance of Memorial Day.
Bill Davis District 7 Trustee
McCune District 1 Trustee
Become involved with Central
Members in districts one and seven have the opportunity to serve on Central’s board of trustees.
Members in both districts will receive a postcard and email later this month with details on how to le as a candidate for the open trustee positions.
The role of trustees on Central’s board is quite active with many responsibilities and commitments. The board and staff work together to achieve the cooperative’s goals and nancial plans to ensure Central meets its mission of providing safe, reliable power at the lowest cost while being environmentally responsible.
What are the responsibilities of a trustee?
Central’s board creates shortand long-term nancial and system plans, strategic plans and major projects, and longterm vision and commitment to our communities. Trustees are also required to receive the Credentialed Cooperative Director certi cation from the NRECA.
How much time does a trustee spend on Central business?
Up to 16 hours of board and committee meetings and 10 hours on Central and electric industry issues may be spent each month. Service is more demanding for those who serve as of cers of the board and other members of the board who represent Central on af liated organization boards.
Filing Dates
June 5-9, 2023
candidates for both districts can file during these dates
Interested in Filing?
Interested candidates must le a notice of candidacy in person during regular business hours at Central’s of ce during the ling period. Candidates must be in good standing with the cooperative.
in an Auto Accident with Pow er Lines
If the car you are in hits a utility pole, your vehicle and the surrounding area can become energized.
Even if you do not touch lines or equipment, you can still be killed or seriously injured.
Board Meetings
Central’s Board meets on the last Tuesday of the month. The meetings begin at 8 a.m. and typically last four hours.
1.Do NOT leave the car, and warn others to stay away.
2.Call 911 to have the utility notified.
3.Wait until a utility professional has told you it is safe.
The only reason to exit the vehicle is if it’s on fire.
If the car is on fire, jump clear of the vehicle with feet togethe r, and without touching the car and the ground at the same time.
C ontinue to hop away w ith your feet together as far as you can.
Learn more at
Oct. 3
Those who have attended the park in the past will enjoy new animals while still seeing the staples who started it all, Gilbert the Camel and Buffy the Water Buffalo.
Hands-on experiences at Lost Creek Safari include feeding lemurs, photos and camel kisses with Gilbert, a petting zoo lled with llamas and goats, and a chance to hold a baby kangaroo.
Lincoln County Fairgrounds, Chandler
Logan County Fairgrounds, Guthrie
Noble County Fairgrounds, Perry Payne County Fairgrounds, Stillwater
Soon to be completed is an indoor and outdoor exhibit for the two resident river otters, but that’s not where the plans and dreams stop. Mastrogiovanni plans to one day open an animal hospital on the property, expand enclosures and
continue to grow the Lost Creek Safari park with more animals and exhibits.
Want to visit Lost Creek Safari? It is open Wednesday-Friday from noon to 5 p.m., and 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Saturday and Sunday. Learn more by following Lost Creek Safari on Facebook or Instagram or at
Most primates have male troop leaders but female lemurs run their troops!
June 22 • 6-7:30 pm Tilghman Park, Chandler Learn about Central, and visit with employees and board members while you enjoy a bratwurst, burger or BBQ sandwich. June 15 • 6-7:30 pm Central, Stillwater You’re invited! 4 Register by scanning the QR code or visit
Lost Creek Safari’s gift shop, open now!