Published by Gabrial Publishing©2014 All rights reserved Author: H.I.M Prince Mychial A New Heaven Publication No part of this publication is to be copied or passed to third parties.
ISDN: Copyright © 2012 Mychial Emmanuel All rights reserved. ISBN: ISBN-978-1-291-05014-1
H.I M Crown Prince Mychial Architect : writer : Poet ; Designer : Art director
Blessed are you that read, this book and understand the words of the archangel, and keeps those things which are written, for the time is that of abominations and desolations, spoken of by H.I.M KING OF KINGS LORD OF LORDS (The Christ)
My father, In heaven How great is your name In all the earth, Your kingdom has come Your will, be done On earth As it is in heaven And give us This day As daily bread Forgive our debts As we forgive others of theirs Lead us Not to do evil Deliver us From those that are evil Yours is the kingdom The power The glory Forever. KING OF KINGS LORD OF LORDS
“ I looked, and behold a white
cloud, and on the cloud sat the Archangel, the light of the world in his hand the book of the seven stars�
World news I am the Archangel His Immanent Majesty crown prince Mychial (Michael) prince of the people of GOD and of peace, bearer of the book of the seven seals and the Ark of the Covenant. This is the time of times spoken of by Daniel and a time of trouble and abominations also declared by the lord JESUS CHRIST light of the world. A time also declared by the writer John in the book of revelation, who wrote the visions and prophesies of the times as given to him by the Archangel MYCHIAL. To deny these words is to blaspheme against the king of heaven and earth, H.I.M KING OF KINGS : LORD OF LORDS and the saints and the prophets and the spirits of angels scattered around the world. To which, I head of the seven congregations and the seven spirits bears witness. I have a important message to all mankind in the four quarters, including, Israel, Egypt, Jerusalem, and all governments, all heads of state, all leaders, all generals and captains, all intellectuals and scholars, all churches, temples, schools, and the SATANS, whose names I have written down to disclose to mankind. To be aired LIVE via satellite broadcast to all media news networks worldwide, from my location in the south, as prophesised, before the imminent collapse of all corrupt administrations, all those committing crimes against humanity, against the innocent child, and the poor and the needy, those who are openly committing blasphemy against the king of heaven and earth, declared in all the holy books from Abraham to Jesus and to this day. This is the time for the world to see the face of the Archangel Prince Mychial as prophesised in the book of the prophets and to hear the words which was hidden from mankind until these times. Peace can only be achieved through the tree of life festival, war only brings abominations, and guns are weapons of mass destruction. I am prince of peace, so has it been written so shall it be done. Archangel H.I.M Prince Mychial
am the alpha
I am the omega I am the first I am the last I am the beginning I am the END I was once dead But I live for eternity The book in my hand is the book of the seven seals The seven seals Are the seven thunders The seven thunders Are the seven archangels The seven archangels Are the seven stars The seven stars Are the seven spirits�
“The seven spirits Are the seven candle sticks The seven candle sticks Are the seven churches The seven churches Are the seven congregations Of the king of heaven and earth This I say to all kings and the mighty All lords and governments All generals and captains All leaders of men Peace can only be achieved By His Immanent Majesty King of Heaven and Earth, Bearer of the book of the seven stars�.
“If I was to go to my rest today, peace would go with me and you would continue to annihilate and destroy the earth and each other, because the spirit of peace would have left the earth, but my heir, born to she who has been blessed with the crown of the twelve stars, shall inherit the throne and the book of the seals bearing the secrets of eternal life and the ark of the covenant that peace may reign for all eternity� And Crowned King of Kings Lord of Lords
“This I swear to you today In heavens the angels will remember you for your goodness You whose names have been written down In the book of life Be therefore thankful In the past history You were put to shame Through afflictions. But now you shall shine like the stars in The firmaments of the heavens You shall shine and be seen And the doors of the new heaven Shall be open to you. And in your cry for judgement, It shall be given to you�.
“All your tribulations Shall be on the heads Of your oppressors And on all those who have plundered you Be hopeful and show great joy As the angels of the heavens. What do we have to do? Is the murmurings Of your hearts, But you shall not have to hide On the day of my judgement You shall not be found guilty Of evil as an eternal punishment For all eternity, and generation to generation�.
“Fear nothing you righteous, When you see the wicked Growing strong and prospering In their ways, Don’t be companions with them Keep far from their violence, You shall become angels in heaven. The wicked shall say in their hearts “All our wickedness shall not be seen Or written down”, But the eye which sees all things, Shall write down their wickedness every day, the light of the world shall reveal all their wickedness, their darkness shall be revealed in the day and in the night”.
“keep your hearts clean do not lie and alter the words of truth. There is a mystery Concerning the wicked They shall try to alter And pervert the words of His Immanent Majesty In many ways And speak evil words And tell lies And practice great deceits And write books Concerning their words�.
“But when they write down my words In their tongues And do not change or take away anything that I said concerning them shall be revealed to The wise in those books And the wise shall be joyful And increase in knowledge And understanding and wisdom. And the wise shall receive those books And believe in those books And rejoice. All the wise shall learn from my words And be rewarded�.
“The wise shall be united with the king of heaven and earth And shall have peace forever. Over all the righteous and holy I will appoint guardians from among the archangels, to guard you as the apple of my eye until I make an end to all wickedness and corruption”. And though the righteous sleep a long sleep, they shall have nothing to fear, and the children of the earth shall see the wise in security, and shall understand all the words which I have written, and shall recognise that wealth and riches cannot save anyone from judgement”.
“Observe the king of heaven. you children and every work of my creation, Have fear, and work no evil in the presence of the spirit, because if the creator of all things stops the rain from falling and the dew from descending on the earth because of your evil works, what can you do or say. and if I send my anger on you because of your wickedness, you cannot petition me, because you spoke proud and insolent words against me�.
“Therefore the wicked shall have no peace, look at the ships in the sea how it is tossed to and fro by the waves, and shaken by the winds, and fear overcomes the sea captains, and all their worldly possessions are with them to perish with them, their hearts become evil, in thinking the great ocean shall swallow them up�.
“Is the sea not created by me with all its movements and all its waters. Did I not set the limits to what the sea can do, and at my command, it is afraid and dries up, and all its fishes die and all that is in it. But the wicked, do not fear me, like I did not make the heavens and the earth and all that is in them. Who among you have given understanding and wisdom, to the orders that govern the earth and the orders that govern the sea�.
“In the day of my judgement when I bring grievous torment to you, where can you run to, and where will you find deliverance, and when I issue my judgment against you Will you not be afraid. All angels will be fearful and the earth shall tremble and be alarmed. All angels shall execute my commands and shall seek to hide themselves, and the children of the earth shall shake and tremble, and you the wicked shall be cursed forever, and you shall have no peace. But those whose names are written in the book of life, shall shine�.
Greetings to all children of the king of spirits and the spirit of angels, and those that belong to the 144000 Kingdoms of the king of heaven and earth. My name is Mychial I am the creator / producer / director and head of Gabrial, I am Prince, high Priest, saint, and lord of the order of Melchesidec. Gabrial is one of four archangels; the other three are Mychial, Panial and Raphial all with the same aims and objectives. These archangels are representative of the four quarters of the heavens, east, north, west, south, each archangel has great powers of their respective quarter, each having a symbol for their quarter, and power, that is the face, the lion, the bull, the great eagle The main activity for all the archangels is looking after the children, music and singing, as this is the source of spiritual upliftment to bring about peace and harmony throughout the heavens. The earth and oceans is my footstool, I am the bearer of the book of the seven stars and the golden crown of crowns, the golden pen called sickle, the golden cubit sceptre rod, the gold tiara with the twelve names of the twelve patriarchs and the golden belt of the order of archangels. The other most fundamental activity is creating, and that is creating an environment, where there is peace, and harmony and applied to all heavenly activities. For this you are invited to the festival of the tree of life, a creation for all creative artist, and those who wish to create and to receive fine linen garments in the colours of the rainbow. The festival is held once a month; to attend you will need to be a subscriber by registering at
The time of times SPIRITS OF PRINCES, PRINCESSES,PRIESTS, SAINTS, LORDS AND KINGS Look carefully at the times, ABOMINATIONS, DESOLATIONS is all around you! And there is no way out, except for those of you who recognise PEACE, which is only achievable through the festival of the tree of life, for those of you whose names have been taken and kept in the book of life, created for all the children of angels, and those that look after children, welcome, to register to the tithing system of the king of kings and lord of lords, a system created free of corruption and such like evil forces, where money is a tool and not a weapon, given to evil doers, I consider my readers to be wise in spirit and will understand the tithing system, is a system created by H.I.M KING OF KINGS AND LORD OF LORDS of the order of Melchesidec to be perfect and without flaw. A system where all those that subscribe by due consideration are the main beneficiaries, where the king of spirits consider you worthy. By subscribing at the entrance of you will receive all the blessings of the archangel GABRIAL symbolised by my FACE as proof for all those in the west of the heavens, to whom I work closely in this creation and all creations promoting PEACE, for those of you who are free, and have been through the fire to shine like stars, illuminating the heavens. Your subscription shall register with the bank by electronic banking for the 22nd century and beyond as GABRIAL and your name taken, and registered in the book of names for eternity and digitally recorded, to confirm invitation to the festival of peace, “ THE FESTIVAL OF THE TREE OF LIFE" held monthly by special email invitation, and given linen outfits, for the occasion, to mark the event as authentic, and recorded for all time and the generations kept together in the palaces of the twelve patriarchs called STARS
View from above: illustration
Eastern Elevation
Artistic impressions: interiors and exteriors
New schools,
Interior parks and gardens: exterior view
Interior view: Chambers
View from above: water chambers
Block elevation and shrubbery
I the spirit created all things to be of beauty and continues to create for the joy and pleasure of the spirit and the soul. There is beauty in all things and everything has an order.
Peace be unto you
Exterior park landscape
Cascading waterfalls
Interior waterfall
I am the creator of all things both visible and invisible, I formed the mountains, and created the winds. I reveal my will to mankind, and made the dawn and darkness, and I made myself to walk on the top of the higher heights of my creation, I am king of spirits, king of heaven and earth. This I say to the nations of the world, accept my word and live, or a tormenting curse like flames of burning brimstone shall fall on you and the cities in which you live, and no one can put out or take away from the judgements passed. It is I who made the heavens and the earth and I who turns dusk o dawn and day to darkest night, I who give order to the rivers of waters and the seas, and pour rain over the land, and I who curse empires and bring destruction on the WICKED. And sirens, and women of wickedness living like queens, but are prostitutes, oppressing the righteous, and crushing the poor, murderers of the unborn, adulterers, liars, fraudsters, promoters of profanities, shall bear the curse of jezebel, who condemned herself to eternal darkness and torment , a cup of her own evil she shall drink, and become drunk by her own filth, this I swear by my holiness, all your evil works shall be revealed, and judgement shall not see you unpunished, and you hall have not rest for all eternity, I am KING OF SPIRITS.
The seal of H.I.M KING OF KINGS LORD OF LORDS to be on all official documents of the throne of the new heaven and the living spirits of princes, princesses priests, saints, lords and kings and worthy to be glorified for eternity. GIVEN TO ALL SUBSCRIBERS
100% PURE LINEN suit of angels
The beautiful emerald stone represents the emerald rainbow orchestra and choirs for all the festival auditorium events, these are all the children from around the world who decorate the chambers, and are clothed in linen outfits in the seven colours of the emerald stone.
The emerald rainbow performs heavens anthem once a month inside the auditorium attended by all the elders, princes, princesses, priests, saints lords and kings, setting the stage for the festival of the tree of life. From here comes the speeches and recitals for the healing of the nations, the fruits of the tree of life mingled with the sounds of the MUSICIANS. And accompanied by the vast choirs and timed by the DRUMS
Designs By:
Mychial For all males 100% fine linen, cool, fresh, new designs from the portfolio of the Prince. Free to subscribers
THE EMERALD COLLECTION The finest of linen outfits and accessories for every occasion for the sophisticated, intellectual and graceful woman, after The Queen of HEAVEN.
The Angel Suits
Designed by:
Designed by:
Designed by:
Mychial Writer, Poet, Architect, Director, Designer, Creative Artist.
Model: Princess Heaven-Leigh
In a choice of forty nine colours this design is ideal for a walk in the water chambers, made from 100% linen, or a waterfront cocktail party on a moonlit summers evening, or even a party in the banqueting chambers, but always young, stylish and sophisticated and definitely heavenly. Free to subscribers issued from Symeon palace stores
To be clothed in the designs of
Mychial Is to be clothed in the sun, because these are the designs that illuminate, and make you shine like the stars in the heavens. A design for all princesses after the queen bearing the tiara of the twelve names of the twelve patriarchs called stars.
The symbol of a woman of virtue, who has respect for her King, and in the birth of her children, and offspring's. A woman blessed with the spirit of the heavens. A queen favoured by the king of spirits, and blessed with the virgin birth A princess of the order of Melchesidec, Purified in aromatic and fragrant oils and perfumes.
The Throne
Grace be unto you, and peace, from H.I.M KING OF KINGS LORD OF LORDS and from the seven Spirits which are before the throne; And from Jesus Christ, who is the faithful witness, and the first begotten of the dead, and the prince of the kings of the earth. to him that loved you, and washed you from evil in his own blood, And has made you kings and priests to H.I.M KING OF KINGS LORD OF LORDS and me his Father; to him be glory and power for ever and ever. Behold, I comes with the mysteries of heaven; and every eye shall see me, and they also who crucified me: and all nations of the earth shall wail because of me.
“I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end�.
I am the I am, the first and the last: and, this is a letter to all my spirits and the spirits of angels and to the seven spirits of angels. which are in the world.
Have no Fear; I am he that lived, and was dead; and, behold, I am alive for ever, and I have the keys of hell and of death. I Write the things which you have seen, and the things which are current, and the things which shall be the future; The mystery of the seven stars which you saw in my right hand, and the seven archangels. The seven stars are the archangels of the seven spirits: and the seven archangels which you saw are the seven spirits.
Archangel H.I.M Prince Urial I know your works, and your labour, and your patience, and how you can not bear them who are evil: and you have tested them which say they are righteous, and are not, and have found them to be liars: And you have spirit, and have patience, and for my name's sake have laboured, and have not fainted. There is something I have somewhat against you, because you have left your first order. However remember from where you came, and continue, and do the first works; or else I will come to you like a thief in the night, and will remove your spirit out of his place, except you come. This you have, you hate the deeds of the satans, which I also hate. hear what the Spirit says to the angels; come I give you the fruit to eat of the tree of life, which is in the heavens.
Archangel H.I.M Prince Raphial
I know your works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but you are rich) and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are spirits of H.I.M, and are not, but are the demons of Satan. Fear none of those things which you suffer: the satans shall put some of you in prison, to test you; and you shall have trouble for a short time, be truthful even to death, and I will give you the spirit of life. you that have an ear, hear what the archangels says to the spirits; you that come! shall not be hurt of the second death.
Archangel H.I.M Prince Ragial
I know your works, and where you live, even where Satan's seat is: and you hold fast to my name, and have not denied my faith, even in those days where john was my faithful martyr, who was murdered , where Satan has his throne. But I have a few things against you, because you have a hold to the doctrine of satans, who taught man to cast a stumbling block before the children of heaven, to eat disgusting things , and to commit blasphemy. which I hate. Ask forgiveness; I will come to them like a thief in the night, and I will fight against them with the sword of my mouth. He that has understanding, hear what the archangel said to the spirits; you that come will I give to eat the hidden fruit, and I will give him a white linen suit, and in the suit a new name, which no man knows except he that receives it.
Archangel H.I.M Prince Mychial I know your spirit, and charity, and service, and wisdom, and your patience, and your actions; and your last to be more than your first. However! I have a few things against you! because you allow that woman Jezebel, which called herself a prophetess, to teach and to seduce and to commit adultery, and to eat things which are disgusting. I gave her time to ask forgiveness of her lies; and she did not. I will cast her a curse, and those that commit adultery with her will suffer great troubles, except they ask for mercy of their deeds. And I will kill her seed with death; and all the spirits shall know that I am he who searches the spirits and hearts: and I will give to every one of you according to your words. But to you I say, and to the rest in the earth, many have not this doctrine, and have not known the depths of Satan I will put on you no other burden. But that which you have already hold fast till I come. And he that comes, and keeps my words to the end, to him will I give power over the nations: And he shall rule them like a rod of iron; as vessels of a potter shall they be broken to shivers: even as I received of my Father. And I will give him the morning star. He that has an ear, hear what the Spirit said to the spirits.
Archangel H.I.M Prince Saraquial
I know your works that you have a name that you live, and are dead. Be watchful, and strengthen the things which remain, that are ready to die: for I have not found your works perfect before H.I.M. Remember how you have received and heard, and hold fast, If you shall not watch, I will come on you like a thief, and you will not know what hour I will come. you have a few which have not defiled and they shall walk with me in white: for they are worthy. He that overcomes, the same shall be clothed in white linen; and I will not blot out his name out of the book of life, but I will confess his name before H.I.M, and before his angels. He that has an ear hear what the Spirit says to the spirits.
Archangel H.I.M Prince Gabrial I know your works: I have set before you an open door, and no man can shut it: you have a little strength, and have kept my word, and have not denied my name. I will make them of the house of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie. I will make them to come and worship before your feet, and to know that I have loved you. Because you have kept the word of my patience, I will come quickly: hold that fast , that no man take thy crown. He that comes will I make a pillar in the temple of H.I.M, and I will write on him the name of H.I.M, and the name of the city of H.I.M, which is new Jerusalem, which comes out of heaven from my H.I.M: and I will write on him my new name. He that has an ear let, hear what the Archangels says to the spirits.
Archangel H.I.M Prince Remial I know your works, that you are neither cold or hot So then because you are lukewarm, and neither cold or hot, I will spew you out of my mouth. Because you say, I am rich, and increased with goods, and have need of nothing; you know not, that you are wretched, and miserable, and poor, and blind, and naked I advise you to subscribe to me as gold tried in the fire, that you may be rich; and receive white linen, that you may be clothed, and that the shame of nakedness do not appear; and open your eyes with spirit, that you may see. I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will have supper with him, and he with me. he that comes I grant to sit with me in my heaven, even as I also came, and set down with my Father in his heaven. He that has an ear hear what the Archangel says to the spirits.
H.I.M Prince Mychial
The kingdom of the New Heaven His Immanent Majesty king of heaven and earth, king of spirits
(Shrouded by a cloud of mystery the creator appears and disappears like the clouds, his presence is like the presence of the sun, imminent in power and most fearful, who speaks with a voice like running rivers and whose words are like thunder and clothed in bright linen With eyes of flaming fire, a mystery to mankind, The seven principle powers Mychial, Raphial, Gabrial, Saraquial, Urial, Ragial, Remial The twenty four crowned high priest kings of the order of Melchesidec................. Judah, Rueben, Gad, Andrew, Nathaniel, Jaime’s Aser, Nepthalim, Manases, James, John, Thaddeus. Symeon, Levi, Issachar Philip, Simon, Peter. Zebulon, Joseph, Benjamin Mathew, Thomas, (Seated on the throne surrounding the king of heaven, these are the closest to the king and are the chief musicians for all the musical scores for the new heaven, also bearing the official twenty four golden crowns of the throne and Harps). HIM king of kings and lord of lords....... (Leader of the 144000 high priest kings and son of the king of spirits to receive the throne and imminent power over the heavens and the earth). HIM the princess of the throne of heaven........(bearer of the golden tiara of the twelve names of the twelve patriarchs and entrances to the city of the king of heaven and earth, first in all the royal gowns of the throne, called the sun after the designs of the king of heaven).
The Princes of the royal courts are the males of the kingdom clothed in linen garments in one of the seven colours of the rainbow of their choice and taking their positions in the auditorium on either one of the six wings of the symbol of their power singing and playing their instruments. Attending the festival of the two trees of life each month Reciting the twelve speeches from the book of wisdom of his royal majesty, and reciting the twelve prayers from the book of the prayers of the saints each month. Decorating the palace gardens and interiors of the king of heaven and earth. Ambassadors of the new heaven throughout the four quarters of the heavens and the earth. The princess royals; as females of the above The priest/priestesses:
of the order of Melchesidec
The saints:
of the order of Melchesidec
The lords:
of the order of Melchesidec
The kings:
of the order of Melchesidec
Pertaining to the secret order of the KING OF KINGS and those who have come to take their place in the new heaven
Melchesidec order Melchesidec, king of heaven, priest of the most high KING OF SPIRITS, who met Abraham returning from the battle of the kings, and blessed him. To who Abraham gave a tenth part of all; being by interpretation King of righteousness, and after that also King of Salem, which is, King of peace; Without father, without mother, without descent, having neither beginning of days, nor end of life; but made the Son of the King of heaven and earth, a priest forever. Consider how great this King was, to whom even the patriarch Abraham gave subscription by one tenth of all his kingdom. And they that are of the sons of Levi, of the twelve tribes and principalities who receive the office of the priesthood, have a commandment to take tithes of the people according to the law, that is, of their brethren, though they come out of the seed of Abraham: But he whose descent is not counted from them received subscription tithes of Abraham, and blessed him that had the promises. And without all contradiction the less is blessed. And of whom it is witnessed that he lived. And as I may say, Levi also, who received tithes, paid tithes to Abraham. For Abraham was in the house of his father, when Melchesidec met him. If perfection were by the Levitical priesthood, (for under it the people received the law,) what further need was there that another priest should rise after the order of Melchesidec, and not be called after the order of Aaron? For the priesthood being changed, there is made of necessity a change also of the law. For he of whom these things are spoken pertained to another order, of which no man gave attendance at the altar.
For it is evident that our Lord sprang out of Judah; of which tribe Moses spoke nothing concerning priesthood. And it is yet far more evident: that after the similarity of Melchesidec there arises another priesthood of kings, Who is made, not after the law of man, but after the power of an eternal priesthood. For he declares, you are a priest for ever, after the order of Melchesidec. For the law made nothing perfect, but the bringing in of a better hope by which we draw near to His Immanent Majesty. And without an oath he was made priest: The Lord swore and will not relent, you are a priest for ever after the order of Melchesidec. As Jesus made a surety of a better testament. And they truly were many priests, because they were not suffered to continue by reason of death: But this King, because he continued, hath an unchangeable priesthood. Therefore he is able also to save them to the uttermost that comes to H.I.M by him, seeing he lived to make intercession for them. HIGH PRIEST, who is holy, harmless, undefiled, separate from sinners, and made higher than the heavens; Who needed not daily, sacrifice, first for his own sins, and then for the people's: for this he did once, when he offered up himself. For the law makes men high priests who have infirmity; but the SPIRIT of the TRUTH which was since the law, makes the high priest king, who is consecrated for evermore.
Only those who are blessed and seek healing and by the holy order of the tithe subscription who are also luminaries and stars of the heavens donning the linen garments of angels will be able to attend festivals, to be held every 30 days from the palaces of the Kings to which there are 144000, that is 12000 from each principle kingdom throughout the heavens, formal invitations are sent to all leaders, Princes, priests, saints, lords, and Kings and their families, to gather, for the great day Where the twenty four speeches of the throne Are consumed, with music and singing and praising And honour and glory to the king of heaven as the archangel said" REAP� as now is the time for reaping!!!! For the kingdom of the new heaven as promised from the very beginning of time.
TITHES SUBSCRIBERS The tithe subscription is a holy order, given to H.I.M and only subscribers to the kingdom of H.I.M KINGS OF KINGS LORD OF LORDS and of the new heaven and the festival of the tree of life shall be beneficiaries and receive all the benefits mentioned in the prophesies, as the tithe subscription is by choice and not imposed, and therefore determines those who acknowledge the kingdom of H.I.M from which comes all the benefits of H.I.M and the kingdom of the new heaven from the daily sacrifice of food eaten by the members of the new heaven to the fruits for the healing of the nations. There are 144000 principalities , each with 100000 subscribers into the BANK of H.I.M , with a weekly tithe of 7.50.
144000 x 1000000 x ÂŁ7.50 = ÂŁ1.08 trillion per 7 days And forms weekly working capitol for all subscribers and a blessing for all generations further assets to the kingdom includes: The golden book of the seals: The golden tiara of the 12 principalities (the names of the twelve tribes) 24 gold crowns of the throne 144000 gold crowns office
The Crown of crowns of the archangel princes, all are displayed on all tree of lie festival, where archangels enter the main auditoriums donning all garments of office to make declarations and speeches to the multitudes, both inside the auditorium and via media broadcast to all principalities. An archangel can enter on the throne at anytime and stop the emerald rainbow orchestra and choirs at anytime, by a single gesture of the hands, in order to deliver, declarations and speeches and announcements, as part of the tree of life activities. All judgements will be issued from the throne of the KING OF SPIRITS and the throne of H.I..M KING OF KINGS LORD OF LORDS, the twenty four crowned kings of the throne, the 144000 gold belts kings, the emerald rainbow orchestra and choirs, and the multitudes of princes, princesses, priests, saints, lords and kings who are tithe subscribers of the new heavens. The material of all garments of the order is 100% pure white linen, symbolising peace to all, with aromatic odours transcending, designs by the archangels. Another glorious sight is the horses, and riders donning the colours of RED representing blood, YELLOW to represent fire, and sulphur BLUE. These shall have the power to issue curses, who guard all palace entrances, day and night, and only those whose names are found written in the book of names by tithe subscription and don the single pearl can enter.
The festival of the tree of life.
It is the first day of the first month in the year of the king of heaven and earth, in the season of the spirit melkejal who brings fruit bearing trees, budding blossoms appear on trees, there is calm breezes, and warm sun rays illuminating the earth, flowers come forth in the fields, and all the animals of the gardens are happy and without fear. The interior palaces are illuminated with the heavenly hosts clothed in the rainbow, coming and going throughout the heavens created by the king of heaven and earth. it is the day of the festival of the trees of life accompanied with the banquet feast of the Passover where all the heavenly host of princes, princesses, priests, saints and kings of every conceivable profession all those whose names are registered in the book of life are invited to attend, even those whose name are not in the book of life are invited to attend, but are not allowed into the palaces of His Immanent Majesty, there is much activity in preparation of the great event, banqueting venues are set up with a menu to tantalise each taste buds, a host of entertainers are in rehearsals the atmosphere is full of excitement and filled with fragrant aromatic odours seeping throughout the interior of the palaces The set for the festival of the tree of life is new heaven and the throne of HIM the king of heaven. Which is recorded for broadcasting by satellite to all the 144000 principalities of 1000,000 princes,princesses,priests,saints, lords and kings, and also to all the nations and peoples of the earth.
Gathered around the throne is the four great powers called the beasts, which are the powers of the four quarters i.e.; east , south, west and the north, symbolised by the lion, eagle, bull, and the face of HIM king of heaven and earth. These powers consist of all the spirits who make up the rainbow symphony orchestra and choirs, and the emerald orchestra and choirs, and sing the royal anthem of the throne, day and night. They circle the throne on three wings on both sides of the symbol of their quarter. Encircling the throne on another level below the beast (choirs) are the thrones of each of the CROWNED HIGH PRIESTS KINGS, of the house of the lords of H.I.M from each one of the 144000 principalities of the kingdom, clothed in white linen garments with gold belts around their waists, and they sing along with the beasts. The festival is a celebration in honour to the king of heaven and earth and HIM king of kings and lord of lords, where the twelve fruits are the twelve recitals from the book of the prayers of the saints and the books of wisdom. The leaves which are the healing of the nations are the children of the kingdom of heaven who recite and consume the word, which runs like a crystal clear river in the midst of the new heaven. the recital from the book of the prayers of the saints, is carried out by the whole congregation mingled with the sound of the harps melodious rhythms, and can only be carried out by a KING with power to enter onto the throne with the golden book with the prayers of the saints, who must stop the anthem by the raising of the hands holding the golden book
The emerald rainbow encircling the throne is the children of the kings, priests, saints, lords, and elders of the kingdom and the principalities clothes in seven shades of the emerald linen garments. all the children clothed in the emerald green rainbow decorate the parks and gardens and interior chambers, of the king of heaven and earth watched by the invisible watchers, who watch over them to guide them and teach them. The princesses are entertained in the banqueting chambers with food and wine from the king’s vineyards, songs from the book of the Song of Songs, and music, dancers, and poetry. They then enter the chambers of the waters in swimwear, and they relax by the waterfalls of the chambers of waters and swim in the fragrant waters and throughout the chambers there is the sound of music, laughter and chattering, and happiness without measure. outside the wall of the palaces and the palace entrance no one can enter except their names are found in the book of life and have the key to enter the palace. The Royal guards guard the entrances :
The alabaster throne bearing the
ARK OF THE COVENANT Of the order of Melchesidec
The golden writing instrument of office. (Sickle)
I. M
Cu b
it Ro d
Male/Female Single PEARLS
Designs in 24ct Gold The golden cubit rod
All designs are of 24ct gold, engraved and diamond cut
CROWN OF KINGS Of the order of Melchesidec.
Tiara of the 12 Patriarchs. Below engravings of office
The Book of the Seven Thunders
The Key to Heaven and Hell 24ct Gold and diamond cut engravings and seals one copy only
For the healing of the nations, the fruits of the tree of life, prayers from the heavens, for all the Princes, Princesses, Priests, Saints, Lords, KINGS Original copy: 24ct gold cover with goatskin Parchment paper
For the healing of the nations, the twelve Fruits of the tree of life, The wisdom the heavens, for all the Princes, Princesses, Priests, Saints, Lords, KINGS Original copy: 24ct gold cover with goatskin Parchment paper
Original copy: 24ct gold cover with goatskin Parchment paper
The original works given to Moses on mount Sinai and recorded for all time, from generation to generations. This book reveals those who are cursed to receive the mark of the satans commonly symbolised by a number, and you will have knowledge of those who plot to do evil, and you will be protected by the knowledge, understanding and wisdom therein, for international LAW
The story of Susanna The heavens treasure chest is full of many wonders and mysteries, adventures and true stories all documented for music, films, plays, and books, Susanna is a true ambassador, her story set over many centauries and times, she remains a woman after the order of Melchesidec.
A true story set in ancient times, a queen loved by her people, and favoured by her king, her up bringing and life story, her relationship with her community and her, pleasures and pastimes, for children of all ages.
KINGDOMS OF THE WEST Principalities of : :SYMEON:LEVI:ISSACHAR High Priest Kings:PHILLIP:SIMON:PETER Stones:Crysolite, Beryl, Topaz 36000
KINGDOMS OF THE EAST Principalities of : :JUDAH:RUBEN:GAD High Priest Kings:ANDREW:NATHANIAL:JAMES Stones: jasper, sapphire, chalcedony 36000
KINGDOMS OF THE NORTH Principalities of : :ZABULON:LEVI:BENJAMIN High Priest Kings:MATHEW:THOMAS:MATHIAS Stones: Crysolite, Beryl, Topaz 36000
KINGDOMS OF THE SOUTH Principalities of : :ASER:NEPTHALIM:MANASSES High Priest Kings:JAIMES:JOHN:THADDEUS Stones: emerald, sardonyx, Sardis 36000
The archangel says lift up your voices and sing and the players of instruments shall be there and make a joyful noise and dance, so is the atmosphere of the auditorium singing the anthem to be lifted to the higher heights of the spirit of PEACE and this holds the musical SCORE, MADE AVAILABE TO ALL SUBSCRIBERS
ENOCH STORY “I Enoch a righteous man, whose eyes were opened by Archangels, saw the vision of the Holy One in the heavens, which the angels showed me, and from them I heard everything, and from them I understood everything� Ancient days
An Archangel spirit came into the world by virgin conception to make clearer the wisdom of the kingdom of H.I.M as foretold by the archangel Gabrial, and the prophets! who had power to raise the dead, heal the sick and perform miracles and as prophesied was thought killed, but rose to eternal life in the heavens. And in the 21st centaury a time where there is abomination and desolation in high places, He returns, and has all the power of the heavens
Levithian Female spirit of the seas and oceans inspired by the daughters of heaven And written for children
Behemouth (Little Bai) Male spirit of the land, together making one, an inspiration and adventure for boys
The orders given to the
The orders given by the Archangel URIAL to the sun the moon the stars the seasons the wind and the seas with an introduction to the song of the three child spirits of angels, and they sang their song to the king of spirits from which everything was created to include the days and months and years and time
Gabrial aviation Made by angels and flown by angels The Great Eagle fleet is the private airliner for H.I.M Prince Mychial and all officials for all official flights and official visits. The great eagle is engineered by angels, and flown by angels and hosted by angels and her passengers are angels. The great eagle flies to 144000 locations throughout the heavens to all principalities to and from all festivals.
Based on the Boeing 747
PORTALS All professions listed are all the professions of the new heaven, there is full training for all professions, taught by the elders of the throne of H.I.M KING OF KINGS LORD OF LORDS to all the young princes and princesses of the throne. All the princes and princesses are clothed in linen and taught according to the spirit, and watched by the invisible watchers, as guardians and protectors of the young spirits. Each profession is a portal or chamber from which comes the professional skills required for each portal, for the upkeep and maintenance of all heavenly orders, from the daily ritual of eating and drinking to sustain the soul, to the rehearsals of all festival activities. There is no competition between the professions , no rivalry, no greed, no corruption, all are in agreement with the king of spirits and all are blessed. And these professions and the spirits of these professions shall be immortal to live forever in the eternal kingdom.
PROFESSIONS Architects, Architects Technicians, Structural engineers, Mechanical Eng. Electrical Eng, Service Eng. Civil Eng, Interior designers, Landscape architects Quantity surveyors, Accountants, Librarians, Lawyer Doctors, Vets, Dentists, Nurses, Chiropodists, Opticians Beauticians, Barbers, Hair dressers, Dressmakers Tailors, Pattern cutters, Seamstress, sewing machine operators, Cooks, Chefs, Waiters, Waitress, Trumpeters Sopranos, Altos, Tenors, Bass Actors, Actresses, Poets, Dancers, Checkout operators, Window dressers, Merchandisers, Bank tellers, Cashiers, Chemists, Scientists, Carpenters, Bricklayers, Security guards, Cleaners, Labourers, Jewellers, Horse trainers, riding instructors, Flight crew, Agriculturist, Horticulturalist, Teachers Plumbers, Chambermaids, Students, Computer specialist are just a few, all with the same aims and objectives in both stations and portals.
Here I am creating a new KINGDOM called heaven, with a great white throne of alabaster, and seated on the throne H.I.M king of spirits, and heir to H.I.M king of kings and lord of lords, light of the world the bright and shinning morning star and the fruit to the tree of life, the alpha and the omega. A KINGDOM for the children of the righteous called stars, also princes, princesses, priests, saints, lords, and kings and angels of the new heaven. with 144000 Principalities is 144000 kings who are also crowned with the crown of office and ride on white horses, during the festival of the tree of life, in the robes of office which is fine white linen with 22ct gold belts around their waists, and gold crowns on their heads, these represent each kingdom, also lords, and the governors of the new administration. These shall surround the throne of H.I.M, 36000 from each of the four quarter, i.e. East, West, North, South, held monthly as part of the festival of the tree of life in any of the 144000 locations of the new heaven, and outside shall be torment and abominations and the DEAD. And those who are in the heavens shall see them, and laugh them to scorn. And the kings of heaven shall not allow them to enter their kingdoms, and shall watch over the children of heaven. After the new heaven I shall create a new earth, with a new city of crystals called NEW JERUSALEM.
NEW JERUSALEM Jerusalem is the main administration to the 144000 kingdoms and the seat to the throne of HIM King of kings and lord of lords. Also the home of the emerald rainbow orchestra and choirs, the ark of the covenant, the book of the seals and the seven stars, the books of the order of Melchesidec, for all professions and portals of the kingdoms, for all eternity. With twelve entrances on each of its four sides, each with a name of the twelve patriots, each palace named after the twelve sons of Jacob. The key to the entrance is a single pearl design worn by all residents of the palaces and given to all tithes subscribers, whose names are registered in the book of names also the book of life. Entrances are guarded by royal guards, with power to stop anyone from entering whose names are not registered by subscription, these also form the horsemen army to all 144000 palaces, totalling 200 million. And the gates of it shall not be shut at all by day or night. And the angels shall bring the glory and honour of the nations into it. And there shall not enter any thing that is evil, neither abominable, or a lie: but they which are written in H.I.M book of life.
To: The Seat of the seven BLASHEMOUS RELIGIOUS ORDERS and the seven corrupt GOVERMENTS and their false prophets and all Blasphemers Satan’s "You have brought great destruction on the earth: You shall have no peace or forgiveness of EVIL: Inasmuch as you delight yourselves in your children, The murder of your beloved ones shall you see, And over the destruction of your children shall you wail, And you shall make supplications for all eternity, Mercy and peace shall you not attain Satan’s you shall have no peace
A severe sentence has been issued against you to put you in a bottomless pit: And you shall not have toleration or request granted to you, Because of the EVIL which you have taught, And because of all the works of WICKEDNESS and BLASHEMY and EVIL Which you have shown to men. No petition will be granted to you throughout all the days of eternity, Judgement has been finally passed upon you: From henceforth you shall not ascend into heaven to all eternity, The decree has gone forth to bind you for all the days of eternity. And you shall see the destruction of your beloved sons and you shall have no pleasure in them, but they shall fall before you by the two edged sword. And your petition on their behalf shall not be granted, or your own: even though you weep and pray and speak all the words contained in the writing which I have written.
BABYLON The system governed by a corrupt regime, shrouded by blasphemy, greed and corruption like a prostitute, selling herself to anyone willing to pay for her disgusting acts, a system doomed for destruction, and shall fall as all other so called great empires of the past has fallen, such a Sodom and Gomorrah, and shall be a milestone around the neck of those who promote such activities that is an abomination to the king of spirits both great and small, committing evil act against their one another. A system that promotes violence shall go down in violence, and all their merchants and businessmen and those who have received the licence to buy and to sell shall go down with her, because they have worshiped the satans who poison the earth with their greed and corruption and lies for gain, these are those who have sold heir souls to the devil and received his number commonly symbolised by 666 the mark of the beast, and that number is only known to them that receive it. These shall be tormented day and night for all eternity and a great plague of curses shall e their inheritance for all eternity, and the shall weep and wail as they see the destruction of their wealth and possession Therefore come out of her as lot and his family was advised to come out of Sodom before she was destroyed, by tithe subscription you will not suffer as the wicked shall suffer. For the crimes of the great whore called Babylon I shall not relent in the time of my judgement the sun shall become black like sackcloth made of goat hair and the moon as blood.
For the crimes of the whore called BABYLON SYSTEM I have made my judgement, and I shall not relent, because she has burnt the bones of the dead for lime, because she has rejected the laws of H.I.M KING OF KINGS LORD OF LORDS, and followed after lies and deceit, for the persecution of her brothers, and murders, her unforgiveness towards her sisters, for nursing anger and cherishing rage, for the murder of the unborn child, for the betrayal of the righteous for money, for the ill treatment of the poor and needy, for trampling on the heads of ordinary people, and the pushing aside of the poor, because both father and son has had intercourse with the same woman, and mother and daughter both with the same man, openly blaspheming against the throne and denying my holy name. Because she has worshipped every unclean spirit, a command has gone forth from the presence of the Lord concerning those who dwell in that system on the earth that their ruin is accomplished because they have learnt all the secrets of the angels, and all the violence of the Satans, and all their powers and all the power of those who practice sorcery, and the power of witchcraft, and the power of those who make molten images for the whole earth. Because of their evil deeds their judgement has been determined and shall not be withheld by Me for ever. Because of the sorceries which they have searched out and learnt, the evil and those who promote it shall be destroyed.� And they shall have no place of repentance for ever, because they have shown what was hidden, and they are the cursed. And with violence shall that great system Babylon be thrown down, and shall be found no more at all, and the voice of singers, and musicians, and of harpist, and trumpeters, shall be heard no more at all in her, and no craftsman, shall be found any more in her, and the light of a candle shall shine no more in her and the voice of the bridegroom and of the bride shall be heard no more in her, your merchants and bankers were made great men by greed and corruption and deceit. And in her was found the blood of prophets, and of saints, and all that were murdered upon the EARTH.
These are the Royal lines of H.I.M KING OF KINGS LORD OF LORDS (conquering lion of the tribe of Judah), The Royal line of David, the line of Abraham father to Isaac; and Isaac who fathered Jacob; and Jacob fathered Judah and his Brothers. And Judah fathered Phares and Zara of Thamar; and Phares fathered Esrom; and Esrom fathered Aram; And Aram fathered Aminadab; and Aminadab fathered Naasson; and Naasson fathered Salmon; And Salmon fathered Boaz of Rachab; and Boaz fathered Obed of Ruth. and Obed fathered Jesse; And Jesse fathered David the king; and David the king fathered Solomon of her that had been the wife of Urias; And Solomon fathered Roboam; and Roboam fathered Abia; and Abia fathered Asa; And Asa fathered Josaphat; and Josaphat fathered Joram; and Joram fathered Ozias; And Ozias fathered Joatham; and Joatham fathered Achaz; and Achaz fathered Ezekias;
And Ezekias fathered Manasses; and Manasses fathered Amon; and Amon fathered Josias; And Josias fathered Jechonias and his brethren, about the time they were carried away to Babylon: And after they were brought to Babylon, Jechonias fathered Salathiel; and Salathiel fathered Zorobabel; And Zorobabel fathered Abiud; and Abiud fathered Eliakim; and Eliakim fathered Azor; And Azor fathered Sadoc; and Sadoc fathered Achim; and Achim fathered Eliud; And Eliud fathered Eleazar; and Eleazar fathered Matthan; and Matthan fathered Jacob; And Jacob fathered Joseph the husband of Mary, of whom was born Jesus, who is called emmanuel And KING OF KINGS LORD OF LORDS So all the generations from Abraham to David are fourteen generations; and from David until the carrying away into Babylon are fourteen generations; and from the carrying away into Babylon to Christ Emmanuel are fourteen generations and to this day, the day of the Archangel H.I.M Prince Mychial Prince of Peace, according to this royal line of the spiritual KINGDOM OF HEAVEN
Archangel H.I.M Prince Mychial
“This I swear to you, that have not received the mark of the demon called Satans, whose names are registered in the book of life for all eternity, that you be glad and rejoice, and to sing the new anthem of the kingdom of heaven, and to receive the invitation to the festival of the tree of life attended by the heavenly host of princes, princesses, priests, saints, lords and kings, to receive pure white linen garments, the reward of the saints, I am your servant, and brother in the spirit of prophecy, the faithful and true. The prince of the people and of peace “