My Child Magazine July 2018 Issue

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ISSUE 82 - JULY 2018


The Benefits of Keeping a Pregnancy Journal

SKIN-TO-SKIN CONTACT Why is it important?

5 Mistakes

New Parents will Make in Their First Year TEACHING CHILDREN ABOUT

Road Safety

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Skin-to-Skin Contact: Why is it Important?


5 Ways To Ease Separation Anxiety in Babies


Top Tips on How to Eat Out with Baby


REAL READ: Puggle Baby Australia

Sacrifices: A Reality Check for New Parents


Why Dads Should Take Paternity Leave

38 2

5 Mistakes New Parents will Make in Their First Year

July 2018 | mychild




How to Strengthen Your Support Network as a New Mum


5 Reasons to Delay Your Baby’s First Bath

The Benefits of Parents Having First-Aid Training Teaching Children About Road Safety



The Benefits of Keeping a Pregnancy Journal




80 106 72

How Active Listening Can Help Improve Your Relationship Get The Look Interiors Recipes

Book Reviews


90 68 68

Shop Kids Fashion

Toy Reviews


68 July 2018 | mychild









My Child magazine and are wholly owned by MyChild Magazine (ABN 79 167 787 662). No other parties or individuals have any financial interest in the company or in My Child or My Child contains general information only and does not purport to be a substitute for health and parenting advice. Readers are advised to seek a doctor for all medical and health matters. The publisher and authors do not accept any liability whatsoever in respect of an action taken by readers in reliance on the recommendations set out in this magazine. Reproduction of any material without written permission by the publisher is strictly forbidden. We cannot accept responsibility for material lost or damaged in the post or for any unsolicited manuscripts and photographs. All reasonable efforts have been made to trace copyright holders.


July 2018 | mychild

July 2018 | mychild



Letter Hi Everyone, So here we are in July Already!!! Goodness the years just seems to be going faster and faster! This past month has been pretty much the same as last month on the mummy front. I really don’t have much to fill you in on. I’m still trying to get my darling daughter to understand the word “No” which like anything in toddler world means “Yes” if you just keep asking Oh the joy’s of motherhood!! The Excellence Awards are being announced this month as well and we had over 22K Votes from all of our readers in this year’s awards. We would like to say a MASSIVE thank you to everyone who showed their support and voted for their favourite brands. Now let’s take a look at what’s in the July Issue. This month is Baby Issue. If you’re new to the parenting game or just need a refresher check out these great articles to help you along the way: 5 Mistakes New Parents will Make in Their First Year, Skin-to-Skin Contact: Why is it Important? 5 Ways To Ease Separation Anxiety in Babies, Top Tips on How to Eat Out with Baby and Sacrifices: A Reality Check for New Parents. You can also check out our other great article this month: The Benefits of Keeping a Pregnancy Journal, How to Strengthen Your Support Network as a New Mum, 5 Reasons to Delay Your Baby’s First Bath, The Benefits of Parents

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Having First-Aid Training, Teaching Children About Road Safety, Why Dads Should Take Paternity Leave and How Active Listening Can Help Improve Your Relationship




All the usuals, interior, reviews blog and much more can also be found in this issue too. Until Next Month,

Bianca xxx



and the My Child Team


8 9

1. The Busy Mum’s Guide To Weight Loss $25.95 2. QPeas $13.00 3. AD100 Aroma Diffuser Night Light $79.95 4. Packham Leopard Print Pony Hair Pointed Toe Loafer $159.95 5. Salt & Pepper Raww Dinner Set Black 12 Piece $169.95 6. House Single Bed $399.00 7. Yves Saint Laurent Black Opium $129.99 8. DOLCE AND GABBANA - DG4333F $410.00 9. Himalayan Charcoal Purifying Facial Soap $10.00 10. Greyson Comforter Set $39.00 July 2018 | mychild July 2018 | mychild

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Teaching Children About

Road Safety Written by Jana Angeles

88 July 2018 | mychild July 2018 | mychild


If you walk your children to school everyday, it’s time to get a grasp of road safety and what it means for them. Road safety applies to everyone, not just children so it’s important that you as a parent can teach your kids effectively on how to cross the road safely, their rights as a pedestrian and staying cautious of their surroundings around areas where there is busy traffic. Teaching them early can help them beyond their childhood years, while also increasing their awareness of being safe and avoiding any fatal injuries that could occur if the takey risks crossing the road. Here are some benefits of teaching your kids how to be road safe:

July 2018 | mychild


Being road smart

Prevention of fatal injuries

Children are young and can easily absorb information in their brains. Teaching them how to be road smart can benefit them in the future, for the safety of themselves and other people. Gaining an awareness of unsafe situations while crossing the road can help them gain a better understanding on the differences between safe and unsafe behaviour when crossing pedestrian crossings, traffic lights and streets. Encourage them to think about the choices they make and to identify safe and unsafe situations when being outside.

Pedestrians can gain fatal injuries crossing the roads when they’re not careful. Your children look up to you when it comes to being safe on the road. This means whenever you’re out with them, make sure you’re not making unsafe decisions when crossing streets and roads with busy traffic. Your kids generally look up to you and try and model that behaviour, so encouraging your kids to always utilise pedestrian crossings where available and making sure roads are clear before crossing can prevent fatal injuries from occurring.

Improves safety and wellbeing

Knowledge of rules

Children learn about safety all the time when they’re at school but you can influence them even more when trying to improve their safety and wellbeing. Giving them simple explanations on the consequence of their actions can help them understand the cause and effect of every decision they make. You also can’t protect your children all the time and they may go to school excursions without your supervision. They may need to cross roads to get to where they need to be, so laying down all the information they need to know can help them and their teachers. You can even reward them when they effectively model safe behaviour when crossing the road, which can provide an incentive for


July 2018 | mychild

The power of knowledge can do wonders and going over the road rules with your children can help them better understand why they have been implemented in the first place. Rules help us become model citizens within society, so gaining knowledge about road rules could prevent them from gaining fines or putting their safety at risk when outside. Now that your children are slowly gaining some independence, being able to gain some knowledge on why road rules exist will help them be responsible when it comes to their actions and how these can affect themselves and other people.

Staying cautious of their surroundings Road safety isn’t all about following the rules religiously, but to also stay cautious of their surroundings. There will be times where your children will eventually become independent from you and they will be on their own when needing to go from place to place. Teaching them to stay cautious of their own surroundings can help them identify unsafe situations such as predator activity or people who are looking to cause harm. Helping them identify situations like these can help them react faster and find a safe space for them to go to when needed. In all honesty, road safety is also about paying attention to streets and roads that you know aren’t safe and making this a priority can help your children when they are finally realising their own independence. Road safety is an important step for all children. Not only will they learn about safety tips when crossing the road, but it will help them understand the consequences of their own actions if they are not safe when crossing busy areas with traffic. Helping your children know the difference between safe and unsafe situations can help them in the future, ensuring that they are aware of their own surroundings while also improving their own safety and wellbeing. July 2018 | mychild


5 Mistakes

new parents will make in their first year





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Being new parents is both an exciting and nerve-wracking experience. Nothing compares to that moment you hold your child for the first time. A mix of emotions and fears and you know your life will change dramatically. There is no manual for parenting; it is all about trusting yourself and your partner to raise a little human. It is all about what works for you and what doesn’t. Parents make many mistakes, it doesn’t matter what age the children are. It is about trial and error. Finding your feet and what routine works best for you. There are five common mistakes that new parents do make and can try and avoid if they are made aware of it.

Written By Karli Steenkamp July 2018 | mychild July 2018 | mychild 13


1 Car seat safety Finding the correct car seat can be an unnecessary stress for new parents. It could be great to take handme-downs from family or friends. However, there are a few things to consider. It is important to know the history behind the car seat. A car seat older than 10 years should not be used, according to Canstar blue. If a car seat is damaged or has been in an accident before, you should not use it again. You have to find the correct seat for your baby and regularly check that the seat is still suitable for your child. A newborn car seat can last from birth to 2 years old. The car seat should be rearfacing. Always ensure that your baby’s weight does not exceed the maximum amount that the seat can carry. All car seats should have a sign which explains that it is approved by the law of the country. The safest place to put the car seat is at the back. Even though it would be easier to put the car seat in the front, it is not safe. If the airbag pops, it can hurt your baby or even cause death. Always make sure that your baby is strapped in and the seat is safely secured with a safety belt.


July 2018 | mychild

2. Advice from others They say it takes a village to raise a child, which is true. However, family, friends and even strangers will often offer new parents advice; things that have worked for them. It can be very overwhelming as new parents to get all this information and not know what to do with it. Take all the advice you can get and decide what you want to try. There might be a time where you tried all of your own methods and nothing worked. Having one or two people you can trust with parenting advice is all you need. You will eventually find your own routines and tricks up your sleeves; it is just a matter of what works for you as a family.

3. Panicking Every situation with a newborn is new. As a parent, you learn as you go. However, there are situations which can make you clueless and can cause you to panic. As hard as it is, try to stay calm and think logically. Babies and kids smell fear and will react to how you feel. If a baby develops a fever, it is usually a sign that he or she is not well. If they are under three months, it is better to see a doctor to rule out any serious infections. If they are older than three months, a fever should go down when treated. Trust your instincts as parents. If in doubt then go to the doctor. As you learn more about your child, you will know when to worry and when not to


4. Comparing If you have friends or family with babies, don’t fall into the comparison trap. Every child develops at his or her own pace. Everyone’s circumstances are different. Your child will reach their milestones when they are ready. Always consult a pediatrician if you are worried about your child’s growth. Stimulation, attention, a good diet and sleeping patterns will guide your little one along.

Reference: Canstar blue – April Broadbent Webmd How to keep your child safe in a car Raising children

5. Neglecting each other You barely have time to take a five minute shower, let alone making time for your partner. It is important to keep your relationship strong and healthy. You have to rely on one another to make great parenting decisions. Respect one another’s opinions and share the duties. Make time for date nights without your child. There are many mistakes that parents will make. You learn as you go and every child is different. Have faith in yourself and your partner and don’t be so harsh if either of you make a mistake. Parenting is an exciting, unknown world full of what-ifs. It is a rewarding role - enjoy every moment and embrace every mistake. July 2018 | mychild


“I like to think that our business jour followed a similar developmental pa two-year-old daughter Tanner.�


July 2018 | mychild Julu

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Real Read

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I’m standing at my desk in our spare room about to click ‘LAUNCH PROJECT’. I think “wow, this is actually happening”. It’s a mix between excitement, apprehension and a feeling of ‘Holy sh*t, what if this doesn’t work!’ It was May 8 this year and we were about to launch our Kickstarter campaign for our fourth ma jor product. We created this campaign to get the funding to create this product. If it doesn’t work, we don’t really have a Plan B.

In theory it was easy. You find a high selling product without much competition, find someone to make one (after slightly altering it for your own brand) and you send it to Amazon’s warehouse in the USA. After that, your product will just sell itself and you just sit back and receive money each month.

By the time you’re reading this, our campaign will have finished, and we will hopefully have funded our product and have a glass of bubbly in hand.

The first question to answer was; ‘what industry do we want to be in?’ And the resounding theme was BABIES. We had just gone through the process of buying everything for Tanner and found that so many products were over-priced and/or weren’t really what we were looking for. We thought “we can make products better than these.” So that’s when our brand, Puggle Baby Australia was born.

Let’s go back to July 2016 though. Leaving my job for maternity leave, I had no idea about the new woman I was about to become. Not only did I learn so much about myself and what extremes I could be pushed to with a beautiful little baby, but I also found a new passion for starting and growing a business with my husband, Nathan. Conception; I won’t go into the graphic details, but let’s just say there was wine involved and at the end of it we were both tired. Seriously though, the idea of starting our business came about when we were planning our finances for me going on maternity leave. We quickly realised that to maintain our lifestyle when we had a baby (lol, we know now that that kid free ‘lifestyle’ is long gone), either Nath was going to have to work a lot more hours, or we would need to find some more money somewhere. This was in September 2016. Tanner had just been born in August. Newborn; Our original business idea actually came about from Facebook post we saw about selling products on Amazon in the USA.


July 2018 | mychild

So that’s what we did. Nath signed up for an online course to find out how to do it, and we set to finding a product to sell.

So over the next 4 months, we found a suitable product and a manufacturer to make it for us. It was like being first-time parents to a newborn (which we were at the same time).

REAL READ getting stuck on one side. That was me. Sitting Up; As Tanner was seeing more of the world from a different angle, in this phase we thought that we should too and decided to invest the time and money and become a vendor at the Melbourne Baby Expo in February of 2017. There we would see lots of potential customers and really get a feel for the industry that we were investing our time in. This was a great experience for Nath and I, although we really had no idea what we were doing, we didn’t even have business cards and had only set up our Amazon listing in the USA a month prior. Crawling; It at about the 6-month mark when we decided to move our business focus from Amazon to back here in Australia. We were finding that selling on Amazon was a lot harder than we thought and we were finding it quite difficult to make it profitable. We really had no idea what we were doing, but we were learning on the job. Rolling Over; At this stage we got a little bit excited. ‘One product wasn’t enough to start a business’, we thought. I know how to sew too. ‘Why don’t I make some handmade baby items?’ Looking back now, I may have been overextending myself a bit, with a 3 month old baby to take care of as well. This phase was frustrating. I was putting all of my efforts into making handmade items, like Baby play mats, Hanging mobiles, Silicone Necklaces and tummy time pillows. I like to think of it that I was constantly going back and forth not really getting very far. So, if you can picture your little one rolling over back and forth, or perhaps even

As Tanner was sorting out her movement and develop her coordination more, we soon got a better idea about our direction and what we wanted to provide our customers. We had developed a bit of interest from the expo but didn’t even have a functional website set up to service our Australian customers. So, our crawling phase consisted of coordination between our basic website and, what we were doing in the USA and developing our brand messaging. I like to think of this much like Tanner trying to coordinate her chubby little hands, her legs (that she only just worked out are useful) and working out where she wants to get to. Walking; This phase was a clumsy phase, but when we all found our feet (Tanner included) it was a huge turning point for us.

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Nath and I realised what our business was becoming. It was a realisation that our business coach helped us see. Yes, we went out and hired someone to help us with this stage. Just like Tanner, it was getting to a time where the stakes were getting higher. To get up on her feet meant that she had further to fall (which she obviously did quite a lot), and for us it was a time where we had invested so much time and money that the stakes were now quite high for us. Just as we were there to provide guidance and encouragement to Tanner, we needed someone with more experience to provide the same thing. Nath and I both love being outdoors. We particularly snow sports and have spent many years up at Mt. Buller in Australia, as well as many northern hemisphere winters snowboarding in the USA, Canada and Japan. With the introduction of our Ultimate Baby Adventure Backpack, we were turning into a Baby Brand for adventurous parents, even though we didn’t quite realise it. It was a realisation that took us a little by surprise, but made so much sense at the same time. We like to think about it like this. If Burton Snowboards and Helly Henson had a baby brand, it would be Puggle. The moment we figured this out, everything started to align. And we now we had a true understanding of what Puggle Baby Australia was becoming. Running; This is the most exciting phase so far, we are keeping up with Tanner’s fast pace, as well as running a successful Kickstarter campaign to help fund our Ultimate Baby Adventure Backpack. And just like Tanner, we are not slowing down. There is always so much to do, and we are really enjoying the challenges of


July 2018 | mychild


growing something together. While it feels sometimes like we’re just running around in circles the living room like Tanner does, we just put one foot in front of the other and look forward to what the day will bring. A saying that I really love by Tracy Harris from Mums with Hustle is “you are in control of your hustle”. I think about this a lot. Things are not going to happen if you don’t hustle to make them happen. This business has given both of us the confidence and belief to reach out to big brands (and magazines) and try new things, as that really is the only way to grow.

Nath and I really do feel blessed to be able to run our business together and have each other’s full support. We both have very different skill sets (I am a Physical Education Teacher and Nath is a Civil Engineer), which complement each other really well. He likes to say that im good at the creative stuff and he’s good at the boring stuff. We’ve said to each on a number of occasions that either one of us probably wouldn’t be able to do this alone, but together we are killing it and are really excited for the future!

Puggle Baby Australia About Tiffany Droge I’m a Physical Education teacher by trade I have a twoyear-old daughter, who is the inspiration for all that I do. I founded Puggle Baby Australia alongside my husband Nathan in 2016. We create Baby Accessories for adventurous parents and are about to release our fourth product in June. I am passionate about children being active and try to encourage adventure wherever it can be found. Email;

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The Benefits of


Having First-Aid

Written by Jana Angeles


July 2018 | mychild


Safety is a big priority for all parents. Whether it’s at home or outside, it’s known by default that parents have a duty of care to all their children. First-aid training is optional to most people, except for those working in the health industry where it’s mandatory. However, parents are encouraged to learn about the benefits of what it means to be first-aid trained. It could mean being able to attend to emergencies faster, especially when they’re kids are involved. This article explores the benefits of parents being first-aid trained and how it could help their family.

Having first-aid skills could save lives In a first-aid training course, individuals learn skills in CPR, wound management and what to do when someone ends up having an asthma/anaphylaxis attack. Having skills in first-aid can assist parents in being able to attend to emergencies faster and help improve the health outcomes of a person who is unconscious. The impact in helping another person when they are unconscious could make a difference. An emergency situation can happen at anytime and it may involved a parent’s child. First-aid training helps people be able to act quickly when it’s most critical.

July 2018 | mychild



Knowledge in wound management

Greater prevention in hazards and risks

Children are generally quite active and there will be situations when they could break their arm, fall over or accidentally burn themselves. Parents who undertake first aid training will gain skills in wound management and they will identify the different practices involved to help the healing process of the wounds. It also gives them the knowledge of safely banadaging and medicating wounds while following the appropriate hygiene measures.

Parents who do first aid training will find themselves being able to identify the hazards and risks while outside or at home when it comes to their kids. This will encourage them to take a good look at their home and see if there are unsafe spots for their children that could potentially lead to dangerous situations. This is important for parents who have pools in their backyard. This could help them make sure that their gate locks meet the safety guidelines to prevent a swimming pool accident from occurring which involves their children.

July 2018 | mychild

Keeping families safe First aid training can help parents keep their families safe from hazardous situations. When they do find themselves in an emergency, being able to assist their families wherever they are could help improve their health outcomes. Every day is a new day but there will be times where children can get involved in accidents, which puts their lives at risk. Parents who are first aid trained can benefit from being able to attend to emergencies faster, while also providing further assistance before an ambulance arrives. This is vital in the situation where a child is in critical condition and a parent has to wait for paramedics to assist. Knowing skills in CPR or wound management can help delay the process of a child’s health getting worse before arriving at the hospital.

CPR has helped parents in real life In 2016, it was reported on au that mother Natalie Beale had to perform CPR on her child Chelsea. Chelsea was only four days old but her airways were blocked due to choking. Since Natalie was first aid trained, she

was able to clear what was causing the choking and perform CPR immediately before the ambulance arrived. After just eight minutes, Chelsea was breathing better and re-gained colour in her skin. Being first-aid trained has helped parents assist their children in real life. If Natalie had not acted quickly the way she did, it could have put Chelsea in a much more critical condition. CPR is a vital skill all parents should consider learning about, especially for their toddlers and babies. Choking hazards can happen at anytime and knowing how to clear airways and perform CPR could assist children faster in emergency situations. Overall, parents who aren’t first aid trained are encouraged to do a course for their young children. Emergencies can happen at anytime and knowing how to do the basics such as CPR, wound management and controlling an asthma/anaphylaxis condition could benefit parents to assist their children faster before an ambulance arrives. This could also help them react and know what to do instead of panicking when their children’s lives are at risk.

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From the moment they are born, babies yearn for their first hand experience of the human touch. You will feel it as soon as you hold them in your arms. Skin-to-skin contact isn’t just about gaining numerous health benefits for you and your baby, it’s meant to reach a sense of stillness between the two of you - a beautiful memory you will uphold for the rest of your life and a feeling which cannot be compared with anything else. While there’s a sense of grace in holding a baby and exposing them to skin-toskin contact, there are health benefits that come with it from the moment they are born. It’s important that babies are able to experience it firsthand, so in the end they gain all the health benefits, as well as a closer connection with their parents. We take the time to explore some of them and see how this could benefit your baby when it comes to their development:


Why is it Imp Written by Jana Angeles


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to Skin Contact:


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Contributes to a healthy lung and heart function Did you know skin-to-skin contact can boost the functioning of your baby’s lungs and heart? It’s important that mothers expose their babies to this since this will be a big transition for them from being out of the womb. For the first time, they will experience the inhalation of air; forming that skin-to-skin contact will help them regulate their breathing and heart rate. This is because they will become familiar with the patterns of your heart rate and breathing, helping them adapt much easily when being exposed to air during their first days of life.

Helps regulate blood sugar Before babies are born, they get their glucose through the placenta and once they are out of the womb, they get it from their mothers. Babies will get low blood sugar if their levels of glucose exceed and this especially common for mothers who have gestational diabetes, as they have higher insulin levels in their blood. This could place them at risk of being hypoglycemic and if not treated, could lead to further health complications. Skin-to-skin contact can help regulate your baby’s blood sugar levels, avoiding this.

They cry less Studies have shown that skin-to-skin contact can help babies cry less, especially when they are held by their mothers. During the hospital stay, mothers can attend to the needs of their baby much faster, giving them frequent exposure to skin-to-skin contact. Not only that, but babies will feel safe and protected when they are carried by their mothers; it’s natural for them since they form an instant bond with one another once they are held. It provides them the sense of calm and security they need, helping them cry less.


July 2018 | mychild

Strengthens bond with mothers


The main reason why skin-to-skin contact is encouraged is because it strengthens the bonds between the mother and baby as soon as they are born. Touch is essential for babies because this gives them the opportunity to explore their senses and helps establish the nurturing relationship they have with their mothers. Skin-to-skin contact also helps strengthen their health beyond their first days of life. It also helps continue the closeness between the mother and baby throughout infancy and beyond.

Stabilises body temperature Babies can’t regulate their body temperatures on their own, so they need to depend on their parents to keep themselves warm. Since they are just getting used to the environment they are in, it’s not as easy for them to adapt to the weather changes. When they were inside the womb, their mothers were able to regulate their body temperature by shivering and moving around when it was cold and sweating when it was hot. Skin-to-skin contact benefits babies because it helps stabilises their temperature, helping them feel safe and secure when held by their parents. Overall, it’s important for babies to be able to experience skin-to-skin contact in the early stages of life. Not only does it have numerous health benefits, but it also assists in establishing a close relationship with their primary caregivers. Whether it’s regulating body temperature to bonding with both mother and father, skin-to-skin contact is encouraged to all new parents!



The Fair Work Ombudsman has lots of practical information about parental leave and returning to work from parental leave.

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Benefits of Keeping a

Pregnancy Journal Written by Jana Angeles

Journaling is something people associate as part of the past. You may have kept a diary as a child/teenager, writing about your life and the thoughts you didn’t want to share with anybody. Now, you’re pregnant but sometimes you want to collect your thoughts in writing instead of sharing it with your partner or family member. It can be difficult trying to say what you mean to people and sometimes you feel totally weird to do so. Pregnancy journals can be beneficial if you utilise them to write about your thoughts and feelings. You can even look back at them after your baby is born and reflect on your own experience. Keeping a pregnancy journal has its benefits. We take you through on how keeping one can help you throughout your pregnancy journey:


July 2018 | mychild


July 2018 | mychild



Tracking your progress

Reduces stress levels

Achieving certain milestones is always an exciting time during pregnancy. When you’re going through the first, second or third trimester, during some moments of your journey, you’d feel somewhat accomplished. Even if it’s simple things like getting over morning sickness or dealing with a pregnancy mood swing, tracking your progress can be really rewarding. You can even take note of the goals you want to achieve after you have given birth, giving you more motivation to achieve what you’ve set your mind towards.

Not only is journaling therapeutic, but it allows you to make sense of your thoughts and how you feel. As mentioned before, it’s not easy feeling different from the rest of your friends and family, but unfortunately not many people can understand the journey of pregnancy and what it entails. There will be good and bad days of pregnancy. You won’t have that “glowing” image you expected to be and your physical and mental health will totally be different to what it was before you got pregnant. At least with a pregnancy journal, you can write about how you’re feeling and vent about your frustrations.

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Setting goals

Celebrating happy moments

During your pregnancy, you’ve probably done some things you feel guilty about like eating fast food everyday for one week or not even exercising. Having a pregnancy journal can help you set some goals, so it can motivate you to achieve them. When you set something up for yourself, you become more determined to prove to yourself that you can do it. Setting small goals like walking around the block or eating a salad are goals you can set to improve and help you throughout your pregnancy journey.

Have you had an ultrasound lately? Do you feel closer with your partner during the pregnancy? The benefit of having a pregnancy journal is being able to write about these happy moments and to celebrate them. This is rewarding to look back on, especially during the tough times of parenthood. Being able to reflect back on these happy moments will help you appreciate the time you had with pregnancy and to bask in the amazement of how your body managed to hold a human life. We only retain a certain number of memories in our brain so being able to document these important moments during pregnancy will help you feel grateful for the experience.

Organising yourself It may be tempting to get some popcorn and binge-watch the latest season of your favourite TV show on Netflix but you know spending your time that way is far from productive. Having a pregnancy journal can help you be in tune with your writing skills and you’ll feel more accomplished documenting the current stage of pregnancy you’re in. When you’re pregnant and have taken some time off work, you may feel like you’ve lost structure of your usual routine and it may be tempting to just do whatever you want unplanned. Journaling helps to even structure your day and organise yourself. Using one doesn’t always have to be for your thoughts and feelings!

Keeping a pregnancy journal is encouraged for all women to consider during their pregnancy journey. While it’s not an easy experience, it can help collect your thoughts and feelings while organising yourself into a routine of writing. Surprisingly, it can be something you can do on a daily basis, which can help you feel more relaxed and at ease during pregnancy. There will be mood swings and you will have those days where you’ll pig out on bad food, but know that a pregnancy journal is more than a notebook you just vent to; it can also help you appreciate how human life is formed in your body, which can help realise your importance as a parent.

July 2018 | mychild


How to Strengthen Your

Support Network as a New Mum

As a new mum, you want to strengthen your support network. It can be stressful trying to figure out how to do parenting since raising a baby is new to you. Of course, you may feel scared to make mistakes and you’ll go through a fair few obstacles to get used to the world of being a parent. While you’re taking care of your baby, you may feel like you shouldn’t prioritise yourself anymore because your world has changed. However, this is not the case. For you to take care of others, you must first take care of yourself, so it’s encouraged as a new mum that now is the time to strengthen the support network you already have! Here are some tips on how you could strengthen the existing relationships you already have with the people you care about: Written by Jana Angeles 34 34

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Communicate with your family and friends Communication is key in any relationship. Even though you’re a new mum, it doesn’t mean you have to prioritise your baby over everyone else. Your family and friends are there to support you when needed. Don’t feel like you should take on everything yourself because when you’re a new parent, you’ll need all the help you can get. It’s easy to feel caught up with your baby, however, communicating with your family and friends can help you stay on track. They are also there to hear you out when you need to vent about your frustrations or when you want to share something exciting about your baby.


Talk to your partner

Find a mentor


Of course, there are going to be moments where you’re not yourself while you raise a baby. You aren’t made a perfect parent by default unfortunately. Since it is your first child, you will learn so much and go through obstacles as the months go by. However, you also have to keep yourself sane, especially when you want to pull your hair out at times. Talking to your partner about what’s on your mind can really help the establishment of your relationship. You will learn how to trust them more and articulate how you really feel. Don’t feel bad if you think that you’re repeating yourself or being a burden to them. They are here to support you no matter what!

Finding a mentor can really help you during your new journey as a parent. Not only will they provide the guidance you need to do better, but they will help you rebuild your confidence when you make mistakes. Your mentor can be a person from your family or a trusted friend. They can be your go-to person when you need golden advice, or to purely be someone who can listen to you and really support you during the challenging times.

It’s true. W there are sacrifice However, mother, y reward y out with places big placing a what you a parent. be days yourself s bad if yo off and ju your frien

July 2018 | mychild


time to be social

Be positive

When you have a newborn, re things you’ll have to like your social life. , even when you’re a new you shouldn’t be afraid to yourself by having a night h your friends. Society g expectations on parents, all these unrealistic rules of u should or shouldn’t do as . As a new mum, there will where you need to keep sane for a bit, so don’t feel ou want to take the night ust enjoy the company of nds.

It’s challenging being positive, especially with something so unfamiliar to you. Many new mums worry that they aren’t good enough to be parents, or they may not be able to protect their little one from the evil of the world. You have a lot to think about as a parent but remember you shouldn’t lose yourself to overthinking. Try and enjoy the ride as a parent and be flexible to the changes that happen to you. Remaining positive can help strengthen the support network you already have because you’re taking care of yourself. Having a positive attitude goes a long way. As a new mum, we worry about a lot of things, however, it’s important to face the reality that nothing in life will ever turn out perfect. Sure, you’ll make mistakes but you’re already part of something extremely precious, so being able to take care of yourself while strengthening your existing support network can really help you keep track and take in the experience of being a parent!

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A reality check for new parents By Karli Steenkamp

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People tell you how amazing it is to have children and how they change your lives forever. They warn you that parenting is hard, but not very often do people tell you why they say it is hard. Parents sometimes feel bad if they talk about how hard parenting is or the sacrifices they have had to make when they have children. It is perfectly normal to grieve a little bit for the life you had; the life where you decide to go to the shop for milk and be back in five minutes. With kids, this could be a 30 minute process just to get out of the house. There are many sacrifices that one makes when you have kids. It is not often spoken about, but it should be. It helps to know that other people go through the same things as you.

Social life


Your social life will really take a knock. It is not easy to plan a night out. You always have to make sure that you have a babysitter and when your child is not sleeping over, you need to be back at a reasonable hour. It is important that parents have a balanced life. Make sure you do get a break or a night out with or without the kids. It might just take a little more planning than usual.

It is amazing how parents can function with little sleep. It will take some time for you to establish a sleep routine that works for you. In the beginning, babies need more frequent feeds to help them gain weight.

You should not become home bodies. There are many child-friendly places where you as a family can go and have fun. Every outing will take a fair amount of consideration. For your own sanity sake, stick to your child’s routine to avoid a very cranky, tired or hungry baby.

You become a light sleeper as soon as you have kids. You might not wake up from a message on your phone or a raging thunder storm, but the softest moan from your baby will have you awake and listening. A monitor is a good idea if your baby sleeps in another room - that way you won’t have to stand up too many times to see if he or she is ok. As parents, you need your sleep. There are different ways to make sure that happens. To have your baby in the room with you might be one way for a peaceful night’s sleep. Sleeping in is most likely something of the past.


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Work Your work life will definitely adjust a little bit. To go to work early is a luxury or just being on time for a meeting is a challenge. It might not be possible to put in those extra hours that you used to. To get to work with no stains on your clothes is another challenge. Work needs to get done and kids need to be loved, fed and cared for. This unfortunately means you will probably only work once everyone is asleep.

Money There are so many things to think about that will impact your budget. Once you have children, it is always a good idea to get life insurance and educational policies, which will help you save for your child’s education. With little one’s growing up fast, you will spend quite a bit on clothes and shoes, not to mention nappies. Child care is an extra expense, which will make a huge dent in your budget. Instead of buying a new pair of shoes for yourself, you will rather buy something for your child. However true this might be, you also deserve to be spoilt and feel good. All these sacrifices are a few things that new parents might not have thought about. It is true that your life will never be the same again. However, all the sacrifices are worth it. There will be moments where you spend with your baby and remember why you became a parent in the first place. Parenting is hard and wonderful at the same time, but you also need to make sure that you take care of yourself. A happy parent makes a happy baby.

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5 Reasons

to Delay Your Baby’s First Bath Written by Jana Angeles 44

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Maintains body temperature

Lowers risk of hypoglycaemia

Your baby is just getting used to the temperature once they are born into the real world. When they were in your uterus, they were kept warm. Once they are out of your body, they are slowly adapting to half the temperature that they are used to. Newborns generally can’t adjust their body temperature very well. If you bathe your baby too soon, this will cause them to be cold causing them to use up more energy and oxygen so their body temperature can remain stable.

When babies are bathed as soon as they are born, this can lower their blood sugar levels, which could put them at risk of being hypoglycemic. Newborns that are separated from their mothers become distressed. If they are getting bathed, this can release stress hormones which can lower their blood sugar. They are some problems which may occur when your baby has low blood sugar. They could turn out to be more sleepy than usual or not feeding very well. This could lead to further health complications if not treated. Delaying your baby’s bath could lower the risk of them getting hypoglycaemia and help avoid health complications.

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Keeps them from infections When your baby is the uterus, they are protected from their watery environment by a special substance called the vernix, which is found on their skin. Once they are born, you may find that they have some white, waxy substance on them. The visibility of vernix depends on how long a mother has been pregnant for; the longer the term of pregnancy, the less visible it is. Research has said that vernix has properties which allow babies to be protected from infections. Delaying your baby’s first bath can help keep the vernix stay on their skin, which could help add a layer of protection and boost their immune system which is beneficial to their health.

Improves chances of successful breastfeeding The longer your baby is exposed to skinto-skin contact, the better! If you decide to bathe them as soon as they are born, you may not be able to have success in breastfeeding them. When you allow this opportunity for longer, they will closely recognise your body and begin to search for your breast and nipple. This will happen naturally as it’s selfinstinctive for them to do this in the first hour after birth. Delaying a baby’s bath can improve your chances of successful breastfeeding and help your baby latch on to your breast easily.

More time for baby bonding Once your baby is born, you don’t want to let them go! You want to hold them forever and you feel like you have the whole world in your arms. Delaying your baby’s first bath gives you the opportunity to establish those mother-baby bonds early on and you will feel more connected to them when you do. It will help them feel safe and protected, which can avoid the crying and the stress of being separated from you. You’ve got to remember that babies are gentle creatures and their skin is fragile, so delaying their first bath can really benefit their health. Overall, delaying your baby’s first bath has numerous health benefits. Not only does it give the opportunity to establish a strong bond between mother and the baby, it helps with your baby’s body temperature regulation and blood sugar levels. Furthermore, it could help them avoid any nasty infections while also boosting their immune system. New mothers do not need to worry about their baby’s first bath and it’s encouraged to consider the benefits of delaying it. Take the time to really connect with your child and look forward to the bonding experience of being able to bathe them for the first time soon.

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5 Anxiety

ways to ease separatio

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It’s challenging to get to the stage where your babies are approaching their toddler years. You may have finished up your maternity leave and want to go back to work. You’ve decided that you’re ready to leave them with a trusted caregiver either the people working in childcare or a close relative. The decision of leaving your baby is never an easy task and separation anxiety can happen in babies. The crying, the clinging and the tantrums seem to never stop and unfortunately, we do eventually have to leave our babies behind. The guilt creeps up to us eventually and we’re left with questioning whether our choices as a parent are good enough. Separation anxiety won’t exist forever and you definitely don’t need to feel like you’re being a bad parent just because you need to work! We look at the ways that could help with your baby’s separation anxiety

Written by Jana Angeles July 2018 | mychild


Offer them reassurance A hug and a cuddle may do the trick when it comes to your baby’s separation anxiety. Even acknowledging everything will be okay can help just that little bit. Offering reassurance to your baby and speaking to them like they understand will help them listen. It helps to speak in a calm tone and using words of comfort like, ‘Everything will be okay’ or ‘I promise I will come back’. Having the right attitude as well as knowing what to say can help them breathe easy for a while.


Play games

Always say goodbye to your baby and tell them you will return

Playing ‘peek-a-boo’ or singing their favourite nursery rhymes can help them get distracted from your baby’s anxiety. Since these games are quite cheerful, it gives them the same feeling and can even give them a bit of a boost. Although you may need to hang around for a bit when dropping them off at the childcare or to your relative’s place, you can see it as an opportunity to bond with your baby before you leave them. When they pull a smile or laugh, you’ll feel a bit better knowing that you’ve reduced their anxiety for a bit.

Say it like you mean it when saying goodbye to your baby. Although their listening skills may not be as developed, they will notice if you don’t say goodbye to them. Even though they may not be paying attention, they can sense your absence. Don’t leave them hanging, even if they are quite clingy towards you. Always say goodbye and tell them that you will return to them soon. The hardest part is leaving but in most instances, they may have forgotten you left in the first place. Time goes by quick!

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FEATURED ARTICLES Aim to always create a peaceful and calm environment

Be calm and try to keep your emotions in control

When your baby is in an environment that is peaceful and calm, they will feel the same. Home is what you make of it and your main priority should be to nurture your family home and try to keep it stable for your baby. Although life can be quite hectic and there are circumstances which happen out of your control, you can still do your best to keep them relaxed, easing their separation anxiety away. If you feel like your house is cluttered, rearrange it. If you need to add more decoration to add vibrancy, do it. Start off simply by including household items, which can help create a nice ambience to your home. Lighting up some lovely smelling candles or incense can help your baby feel safe and secure.

Although it can be extremely frustrating to have your baby cling on to you and hearing them wailing when you’re leaving them behind, it’s important as parents that we do our best to be composed and keep our emotions in control. As difficult as it may be, if your attitude is calm and positive, your baby will start to reflect this too. However, it is okay if you need to vent or let your frustrations out for a bit, but do this in a healthy way. Do not take it out on your baby. It is not their fault they are feeling this way. It could be because they are not used to you being away for long periods of time. Be patient and soon enough, they will be comfortable enough to be left alone with their assigned caregivers.

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Top tips Baby on How To Eat Out with

Gone are the days where you were once a couple, eating out every Friday night at a restaurant that’s the talk of the town. When it comes to having a baby, there’s always the odd sacrifice you have to make when it comes to the restaurants you go to as a family. You have to think about your baby before even making a decision of what food you want to eat. Although it may feel extreme, there are some things you need to take care of before you start heading out the door to go out for dinner. Here are some tips to consider that could make your night bearable for you, your partner and your bub:

Try to eat with your baby during the “off-hours” You really don’t want to be that parent to take their wailing baby to the restaurant, so it’s important to be strategic when it comes to what hours of the day you and your partner decide to eat out. It’s encouraged that you go to a restaurant right before the lunch rush or the peak hour of having dinner. Generally, this is suitable since even if your baby starts crying uncontrollably, there will be less people to witness it. You will feel thankful to have visited a restaurant where there were less customers around.

Choose restaurants which are baby-friendly The last thing you want is to be judged for breastfeeding or having your pram being cramped and taking up half the space of the restaurant walkway. If you know you’re set on thai for dinner, be sure the location you choose is family friendly, meaning one that will be less painful to be seated at for your family. Do they provide a high-chair? Is the restaurant space ideal if you have a big pram? It doesn’t hurt to call ahead and ask these questions before you make the effort of travelling to a restaurant. You want to come prepared and have at least some expectations on what your dining experience will turn out.

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Make it quick

Feed the baby first

You don’t want to take too long in the restaurant, so make sure once you finish your food, pay the bill and go. There’s no time to sit around and dawdle as this could pose as an opportunity for your baby to get upset for no reason. Eating out with your baby should ideally be touch and go. You don’t want them out of routine for too long, especially if it’s close to bedtime!

Before leaving the house, be sure to have your baby fed first. If you are starting to feed your baby solids, start feeding them as soon as their meal comes out. Feeding your baby first prevents them from being fussy and can help them not be angry or upset. One of the reasons why babies cry is because they’re hungry. Prioritising their feeding over yours will pay off because once you’re done, you can enjoy your meal afterwards without any interruptions.

Try to relax So, you may have had an embarrassing moment last time and have had to leave the restaurant because of your baby. They may have vomited or cried too much, causing customers to stare and judge you. It’s okay to fear the same thing will happen again, but what’s the point of eating out if you can’t relax and enjoy the dining experience? Your baby should not deter you from eating the food that you want. Regardless of what happens, try and enjoy the cuisine, especially if it’s a new restaurant you’re trying together as a family.

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Foodie parents don’t have to kiss goodbye to all the new restaurants they want to visit just because of their baby, it just means they need to think about their baby’s needs before their own. Although it may be annoying calling ahead to make sure the restaurant you plan on visiting has the right facilities for you and your family, you only need to do this for a little while. Soon enough, your baby will grow and be able to feed themselves without your help. Eating out with your baby will be difficult at first but once you start understanding their needs, it will become much easier to enjoy new food experiences as a family!


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BabyLove Nappies has you and your little one covered with comfort and absorption at the core of everything we do. We invited BabyLover’s Snezana and Sam Wood to share their parenting journey so far and how they make it work

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s r d, t n f e d s d o r g y r w y t k.

The Journey So Far The Fourth Trimester – Bringing Willow Home. Your baby, Willow, is now 8 months old – tell us about your ‘fourth trimester’ and what it was like those first few months at home? (share the good/bad/ugly – humour) It felt like it was meant to be, it felt like our little family was complete. Since the Bachelor, Snez and Eve moving to the other side of the country, the crazy growth of 28 by Sam Wood, engagements, pregnancy and everything in between it has been the craziest roller coaster of our lives. When little Willow came along and we settled back at home it just felt so right. Snez is the most incredible Mum I’ve ever seen, Eve has always wanted to be a big sister and I am seriously so besotted I can’t event put it into words. Of course it was also madness. No sleep, learning on the go and all of that stuff but I really don’t think you can prepare yourself. You just need to embrace it all and accept that the greatest thing that will ever happen to you is not all going to be smooth sailing. Romance: Sam you wooed Snez with a lot of romance and champagne on The Bachelor, how has your relationship changed since Willow’s arrival? What do you both try to include in the weekly schedule to keep the romance alive!? To be honest, this is the area we need to work on the most.

BABY has been no family support in Melbourne. Snez’ parents are incredible with the girls but they are in Perth and my family is in Tassie so it makes it tough. Willow being 8 months and not solely breast feeding now means we can slowly start to have some US time and that is going to start with date night once a fortnight. Roles and Responsibilities As parents, do you prefer defined roles/responsibilities or just take it day to day? Outside of breastfeeding we don’t really define our roles. Snez is definitely home more and does much more of the heavy lifting but I definitely want to be a hands on Dad with both Eve and Willow and try and get as involved as I can. Bath time is without doubt the highlight of the day. Exercise/Fun Snezana you make it look so easy to maintain exercise and balance with baby in tow – share with us the biggest challenges that face you with trying to maintain your persona and being a fun mum with Willow and Eve. Haha, I always laugh when I hear this. It’s far from easy. Willow is so beautiful but she’s cheeky and a little clingy like a little Koala. She is also trying to sleep in our bed at the moment and we have to be a bit careful there. That balanced with Eve who is 13 going on 23 and has just started high school, work at 28 and a few other projects I am part of, it is a real juggle. The hardest challenge has been driving. Willow decided early on that she really doesn’t like the car in the rear facing car seat so more often than not, Sam drives us around both in the back like an Uber 

8 months has gone by so fast it is scary but Snez and I have recently spoken about making time for each other and not being too home bound. The toughest part

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BABY Tips for new parents Finally, for our new parents – what advice would you give to others to prepare for baby’s arrival and the fourth trimester? Go at your own pace. It sounds so simple but not worrying about what other people think or say has been key for me. I am a Mum because I love it and I think it’s the best job in the world and I think every bond that a Mum has with her child is so different that you just need to work out

what is right for you. Snezana and Sam are big fans of BabyLove Nappies for their baby Willow and will be sharing more insights into their parenting journey plus some great pregnancy, and post baby nutrition, workout and wellbeing tips on the www. website from July onwards.

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Why Dads Should Take Paternity Leave


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Written by Lance Green

In society, it’s always expected that the mother takes time off work while the father earns money to support the family. However, it’s encouraged that all fathers, especially ones new to fatherhood consider taking paternity leave. Not only does it provide an opportunity for you to bond with your baby, you get to take some time off work and also support your partner during this journey. It will not only be beneficial for your baby’s health but it will also help shape a solid foundation within your family. Not convinced in taking paternity leave? Here are some reasons, which may help you reconsider...

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It gives you time to ease into parenthood As we have mentioned before in the past, parenthood is no walk in the park. It is tough for new parents especially because they’ll be getting used to a new routine. Babies need to have our undivided attention all the time. They need to be fed, bathed and nappy changes do occur from time to time. After a long day at work, you may not feel motivated to do anything other than eat food and watch TV. Paternity leave gives you more time to be with your baby and will help you ease into your role as a father without the pressure.

You start to build your relationship with your baby It’s amazing how much you can bond with your baby once they are born, but could you imagine being able to hold them for a little longer and spending more time with them? Time really is the enemy and building a relationship with your baby isn’t going to happen overnight. If you

You get a break from work (kinda) It can be tiring trying to keep up to speed with your baby, but paternity leave can be seen as a holiday for some fathers. Although you may need to be more alert when it comes to taking care of your baby, paternity leave does give you the time to be away from work. While your baby is sleeping for long periods of time, you can work on your hobbies and on other things you may not have time for on a normal workday. Even if you’re exhausted from taking care of the baby, you are still away from the workplace and you will slowly adapt to a new routine in your life.


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are new to parenting, you are only scratching the surface of what it means to be a parent. Paternity leave can give you the chance to understand your baby’s cues and you will always be there to attend to their needs.


It helps your baby’s development Studies have shown that babies who spend their early days with their father have better cognitive development. From day one, you start to make a positive impact in their life. Even if there are days which really test you, you are beginning to make a difference. Playtime is a treat as you can share your enthusiasm while also engaging with them at the same time. Paternity leave offers the chance of being able to contribute to your baby’s development, which can help them down the track when they are older. Children need positive male role models too.

You are can support your partner It takes two to tango and that’s what it should be when it comes to your relationship! This is important when you’re new parents as well because parenthood is a different ball game. There is no ‘I’ in team and being able to take time off to take care of the baby can help take the pressure off from your partner. Neither of you have super powers, so it’s only fair to share the parental duties together. Paternity leave also gives the chance to communicate with your partner better and to trust them more. Parenting can really test a relationship because it requires a lot of hard work, sacrifice and most importantly, love. Overall, taking paternity leave has numerous benefits, beyond what has been discussed in this article. If you’re a new father and find it challenging to really connect and spend more time with your baby, take some time off and cherish it. This time round, it is normal for dads to take time off work and be there for their families, so why not take the chance now? July 2018 | mychild


How Active Listening Can Help Improve Your


Author: Genie Price


July 2018 | mychild


Facilitators, teachers, leaders and even parents all over the world use active listening for the various array of benefits it comes with because when you’re listening, you do more than just hear, you show that you know how the other person feels. NB: If you and your partner are experiencing difficulties communicating within your relationship, please seek professional support and guidance from a registered and trusted counsellor. References: Thank-you to Sasha Dulnuan, Registered Psychologist of Adaptive Minds Psychology, Queensland for her contribution to this article.

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Everyone communicates in some form or another. Whether it be verbal o non-verbal, via email or in person, good communication skills are essential if want to maintain successful personal and professional relationships.

While we all know that our professional interactions and behaviours are important, our romantic relationships are even more significant. Unless you e seeing your significant other doze off during a conversation, experts agree t by learning how to listen attentively, it can limit these unfavourable respons

What is active listening? Active listening, also known as reflective listening, or the empathetic ear can be acquired with practice. As its name suggests, active listening means giving your full attention to a conversation, not just simply “hearing” the message.

There is nothing worse than knowing someone isn’t really attention to you during an important conversation, espe it’s your loved one. Generally, if we are the speakers, w others to listen.

Registered Psychologist Sasha Dulnuan, of Adaptive Minds Psychology, Queensland, states “whether it be couples, marriage, family dynamics, workplace or social setting, I always emphasise the importance of good communication” … “and active listening is one of those skills I like to educate my clients on.”

Ways in which you can do this are:

Traditionally, the average listener requires a shift in stimulation about every 20 minutes. However, with growing trends among fast-paced social media platforms such as Twitter and Facebook, and push notifications on smartphones, the human body now reaches its attention span in as little as 20 seconds. You can overcome this by learning how to listen better and pay attention, giving you the opportunity to increase your chances of a successful conversation.


How to listen effectively?

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In short, to listen effectively means to maintain your f your partner (or the speaker) while they speak.

* Not getting distracted by notifications on your phone and listen to both what is being said and how it is spok your phone off if that makes it easier.

* Keep your eyes and your mind focused on your partn

* Apply subtle changes in body language to show your such as sitting up straight to refocus yourself while mai eye contact

* Avoid gestures, which make it appear as though you listening, such as fidgeting with a pen, looking over pa or tapping your feet

* Think about what your partner is saying and why the be saying it. * Remind yourself of how you wish to be treated when turn to speak * Do not try to formulate a response until they have speaking, ensuring you get the full, clear message


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So, what makes active listening so important? Relationships have evolved over the years and so have the causes of relationship problems. Relationship Australia’s survey undertaken in 2011, indicates communication difficulties are the second top reason for partner relationship breakdowns, followed closely by financial stress. Sasha explains that “when couples listen attentively to one another, it allows each one to feel good about the conversation and feel like their concerns have been considered and addressed.” Here are some benefits of being an active listener: * Strengthens relationships and allows couples to understand exactly what each wants and how to give to one another creating a healthy and fulfilling relationship * Reduces conflict. Most conflict is caused by misunderstood communication * When there is effective communication, conflict is solved by linking the communication gaps that create it * Builds trust. When there is trust between the couple, there is no possibility of insecurities in the relationship * Shows support for each other, where active listening creates space where couples can share their feelings with one another openly and honestly, allowing couples to work together to find a solution to problems * Reduces misunderstandings * Increases emotional intimacy July2018 2018| mychild | mychild 67 67 July




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JELLYCAT GARY GECKO He’s an unusual and quirky character with marvellous mottled, bobbly fur. His big suedey eyes help him spot his dinner - usually some tasty bugs. Mossy and bossy, he’s a groovy gecko, and wears his tail in a supercool curl. Shake knobbly hands with this wizard lizard. What’s not to love about Gary Gecko? Nothing at all! He’s cute and cuddly and he’s sure to show you a scurryingly good time. Great for squishing!

Our Verdict Gary’s one gecko who always has one eye on you and the other looking for his next tasty treat. He’s definitely an unusual looking critter but one that the kids will love no matter what. Soft and great for cuddles, Gary will wriggle his way into your life in no time.



Sparkles and sequins everywhere! It’s time to accessorise with these cute little coin purses and wrist slap bands. The sparkly coin purse is fully lined, and has a zip fastening to keep your coins or treasures safe. Featuring reversible sequins and available in colours including rainbow, pearlescent and mermaid, you can run your hand across them to change colour or have the best of both worlds. Slap the bands on your wrist and run your hand across the sequins to change the colour! Metallic reversible sequins in five assorted colours: Mermaid/Matte Black, Rainbow/ Matte Black, Gold/Pink, Pink/Blue and Pearlescent/Silver. You can sparkle and shine all day!

Our verdict

For my girls, the excitement of even more accessories to add to their ever-growing collection was a winner straight away. Throw in the reversible sequins and we’re on top of the world with “more pretty things”. I had a little bit of nostalgia run through me as we played with the slap wrist bands because they were big back in the 90’s when I was growing up, it’s funny how things go in cycles! I think these toys will definitely be well and truly loved in this house!


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Our Verdict

From red to yellow, green and blue, this is one ladybird who will light up your child’s life. Learn letters, colours and build motor skills all while listening to fun songs. Features include six learning songs and more than 40 phrases to help develop early phonics skills and even pretend play. Press the yellow antenna and the ladybird changes colours, even pretending to change into different things like a red fire truck or the blue ocean. Ladybird’s letter song also teaches children the alphabet with all 26 letter names and sounds.

My girls love their music and this one is already proving to be popular, maybe a little too popular, but we can’t have it all! It may not quite be up there with listening to tunes on mum and dad’s iPhone (although it definitely saves it being dropped!), but this cute little music machine fosters a little more independence for the younger members of the family. You can relax knowing they’re bopping away to some cool kid tunes and maybe learning a little at the same. Above all else they look pretty cool and even a little cute in the process as they master some singing and dancing.


Secret Safe Diary Visual Protect your secrets without the worry of prying eyes. With a voice-activated locking system that only responds to your voice, as well as a colour screen and camera that will make your diary and personal organiser really stand out, this is one special diary. There are 20 different activities including a virtual pet for you to look after, lots of games, an alarm clock, a calendar function, as well as a hidden drawer for storing your secret mementos. Connect to the VTech Learning Lodge Navigator to download different frames, stamps and effects to use with your photos. You can also get extra themes for the diary to really make it your own, as well as extras for your virtual pet. The diary will help you with typing skills, creative play, logic, vocabulary, and maths. You can also take more than 1000 photos to decorate at any time and watch funny animations.

Our verdict I remember having a diary growing up, with a simple lock and key and it certainly didn’t talk to me, but I still loved it. Fast forward 20-odd years and I’m the one falling in love with this diary, even if I’m a bit too old for it (my girls will have to fight me for it, haha!). But this special diary is certainly next level. It’s definitely keeping in touch with our fast-paced digital world and taking things to the next level. It’s a far cry from pen, paper and cut out photos, that’s for sure. But for the young girls out there, it’s pretty, pink and sure to be a lot of fun.


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Book Reviews Steam Play & Learn by Ana Dziengel I have been following Ana’s fabulous STEAM blog Babble Dabble Do for some time, and was so excited to discover that she has published a book. Happily, Steam Play & Learn is filled with the same type of simple, colourful, fun and educational activities that her website showcases. These are fantastic ideas to try at home with kids from around age 2 and up, most of which require very few materials and little preparation. Kids will love the learning experiences and the gorgeous book design, and parents will be happy to find explanations of the science, technology, engineering, art and maths concepts that they can share with their children.

Ping VS Pong Written & Illustrated by Mauro Gatti From the creator of one of my favourite kids books of 2017, Hugo Makes a Change, comes this fabulous story of two edamame beans competing to become the best table tennis players in the world (yes, you read that right!). After spending a lifetime playing table tennis in every imaginable scenario – upside down, under water, and in space – they open a sporting academy to teach young edamame beans the importance of finding joy in the game, not just in winning. This quirky, visually appealing book is a great way to introduce the concept of good sportsmanship to readers aged 3-6.

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Going to the Volcano Written by Andy Stanton, Illustrated by Miguel Ordóñez While many picture books are described as ‘laugh-out-loud funny’, this is the first book I can recall that made me actually laugh out loud. From the crazy character names to the insane ways they travel to the volcano, and the disastrous results, this book will become a fast favourite for kids aged 2-7 and their grown-up readers!

Wren Written by Katrina Lehman, Illustrated by Sophie Beer Wren struggles to cope with the cacophony of his surroundings – all he’s looking for is a bit of peace and quiet. Instead, he gets a new baby sister. On top of the sounds of traffic, telephones, dogs, doors, kids and kettles that overwhelm his senses every day, the baby’s crying is the final straw. But some time away in the country shows Wren that maybe peace and quiet isn’t what he needs after all. The vibrant illustrations and engaging story make this a wonderful book for children aged 3-6, and a great choice for anyone bringing a new baby into their family.



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Testing and trying  Why oh why do we have kids?! No, really. Someone explain it to me. They drain you from the inside and then suck the life out of you when they’re on the outside. I guess it’s because life just wouldn’t be the same without them, right?! Wellllllll that’s certainly debatable. You could sleep in peace, eat all your own food, go to the toilet and shower alone. And go out wherever you want, whenever you want and only take what you need. Have an adult life so to speak. Oh the memories of doing all that once upon a time. Life certainly tells a different story today, doesn’t it? I think the bags and dark circles under my eyes would reveal a tale or two if they could talk. I must admit there are days I don’t like my girls. I always love them but things happen where I can’t help but think, that’s it I’m done, I don’t want to parent anymore! It’s funny now but at the time, not so much. You can set all the rules, boundaries and even bribes (yes, I believe in bribery when it comes to my girls!) that you want, but you won’t win. Admit defeat and run now, the little terrors always win! I’m kidding of course but they will certainly push you to breaking point and then some. It’s definitely a case of choosing your battles and choosing them very wisely. It’s not worth fighting over who sits where to eat but at times making sure they eat is a battle in itself.

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Sometimes it’s the little things that make the greatest impact too.  For example, the attitude riddled four-your-old in my house. She talks to me like I don’t know a thing about the world. I swear she’s already 14 and I missed something. Hang on, did I miss something? Have four-year-olds suddenly morphed into teenagers without all the fun in between? I’m doubtful of course, with karma bearing down on me. Two girls to teach me about all the “lovely” things I did to my own mum. And technically I was the good child so I must have done something really bad in a past life, haha! With a two-year-old mini version of her older sister, Miss Phoebe is certainly a character unto herself these days. If her sister jumps, so does she. If her sister speaks, the same words come out of her mouth too. Imitation is the most sincerest form of flattery but when they are your children and everything is happening in double, it’s almost like some form of torture. And of course, they don’t listen to me, especially if I use the words “no, stop, don’t, please listen, I said” and the list goes on. Instead they both cheekily giggle at me and continue on with their little game. I still sometimes want to hide in a cupboard at those moments but they are both pretty good at seeking me out, damn it! Haha!

No one is perfect at this parenting gig, least of all me. But we all feel that insane pressure to be good at something that we really no nothing about when we start. You can’t audition, you can’t really practice and even though you arm yourself with all the information in the world, it means nothing when you’re stuck in a situation that’s gone pearshaped. It’s all about winging it, doing the absolute best you can and hoping everyone survives, especially those really early days. I know this is one journey that I still have a long way to go on but I hope I’m doing alright so far. I may yell, get angry and of course confiscate toys, food and other “good stuff” but my girls still tell me they love me so it can’t be all bad right?! I guess they haven’t told me they hate me yet, I still have that to look forward to one day. It could be soon but I’m hoping it’s a long way off! I may not be the mum I thought I would be, but I always hope my girls appreciate everything I do for them like I have with my own beautiful mum. Each new aspect of being a mum is certainly challenging but I will take it on as best I can, wine in hand! Haha! Be kind to yourself and try to keep smiling! Head on over to and enjoy some more light reading!

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Plywood Round Wall Shelf $19.00 MR MARIA MIFFY LAMP SMALL $289.95

Oslo Sideboard $795.00


July 2018 | mychild

Lucas Wire Base Chair $899.00

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83 83

ALBION 155cm round rug $31.10

Woodlands wallpaper $320.00/roll

Babyletto Hudson 3 in 1 Cot – Grey $699.00


July 2018 | mychild

KIDS BY PILLOW TALK Gems Throw $49.95

HABITAT Diwali Cushion $24.95

Hexagon Shadow Box $7.00


ALBION 155cm round rug $199.00

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Adairs Kids Kennedy Knit Throw Pale Grey $149.99

Modern Ferm Living Half Moon Laundry Basket $130.00

Boori Eton Expandable Cot bed – White $1029.95

Quilted Cushion - Lead $15.00 Oslo 1 Light Table Lamp in Oak/ White $69.95 86

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Black White Baby Animals Set 6 $41.82

Silver Metal Vintage Speedster Ride On Kids Car $199.00

Bear Shaped Animal Pillow $27.94


July 2018 | mychild

MUSE Galliano Cushion $39.95

Seeds wallpaper $32.00/roll

Odyssey Floor Cushion by MJG $339.00

Kerper Round Arbor Wood & Stone Side Table $309.00

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IDS fashion

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BABY SET $25.00 rrp






BABY TIGHTS $6.00 rrp









BURBERRY 4-piece outfit $366.00 rrp





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BOYS BABY SET $25.00 rrp



BABY BOY HI TOP $10.00 rrp BOYS T-SHIRT $3.00 rrp
















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DOLCE & GABBANA Mini me print T-shirt Tour d’Italie $275.00 rrp

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$39.00 Rp

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$89.00 Rp

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$89.00 Rp


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$149.00 Rp

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Pesto scrambled eggs with spinach & avocado INGREDIENTS * * * * * * * *

BREAKFAST * 0:05 Prep * 0:10 Cook * 2 Servings

4 eggs 2 tablespoons milk 75g baby spinach leaves 1 tablespoon basil pesto, plus extra to serve Olive oil spray 1/2 large firm ripe avocado, stone removed, chopped 2 slices whole grain toast, to serve 2 tablespoons honey

METHOD * Step 1: Whisk the eggs and milk together in a medium size bowl, season with salt and pepper. Heat a medium size frying pan over a medium heat and spray lightly with olive oil spray. * Step 2: Add the baby spinach leaves, cook stirring, until just wilted. Remove from pan. * Step 3: Return pan to a medium heat, spray with a little more oil. Add egg mixture and using a wooden spoon, stir and bring the egg mixture on the edge of the pan to the centre. Continue until the eggs are almost set, add the pesto and baby spinach, and stir until just combined. Season to taste with sea salt and freshly ground black pepper. Serve immediately with toast, chopped avocado and an extra dollop of pesto if desired.

Photo Credit: Andrew Young

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Photo Credit: Ben Dearnley

INGREDIENTS * * * * * * * * * *

* 0:05 Prep * 0:25 Cook * Makes 8

1 cup (150g) self-raising flour 1/4 cup (55g) caster sugar 1/2 teaspoon bicarbonate of soda 1 cup (250ml) milk 20g butter, melted 2 teaspoons white vinegar 1 teaspoon vanilla extract Melted butter, extra, to grease Mixed berries, to serve Maple syrup, to serve

METHOD * Step 1: Combine the flour, sugar and bicarbonate of soda in a medium bowl. Make a well in the centre. Pour the milk, butter, vinegar and vanilla into the well and use a balloon whisk to stir until smooth. * Step 2: Heat a medium non-stick frying pan over medium heat. Lightly brush with melted butter to grease. Pour a Âź-cupful of batter into the pan. Cook for 1-2 minutes or until bubbles rise to the surface and the base is golden brown. Use a spatula to turn and cook for a further 1-2 minutes or until golden brown and cooked through. Transfer to a plate and loosely cover with foil to keep warm. Repeat with remaining batter to make 8 pancakes. * Step 3: Place the pancakes on serving plates. Top with mixed berries and drizzle with maple syrup. Serve immediately.

Egg-free pancakes 108

July 2018 | mychild

Udon noodle soup with Asian greens



* 0:05 Prep * 0:06 Cook * 4 Servings

* 1L (4 cups) Massel chicken style liquid stock * 250ml (1 cup) water * 440g pkt shelf-fresh udon noodles * 1 bunch choy sum, trimmed, cut into thirds * 3 large shallots, trimmed, shredded

METHOD * Step 1: Bring the stock and water to the boil in a large saucepan. Cook the noodles for 2-3 minutes or until soft. * Step 2: Stir in the choy sum and simmer for 2 minutes or until wilted. * Step 3: Reserve one-quarter of the shallot. Add remaining shallot to pan. Cook for 1 minute. Ladle among serving bowls. Top with the reserved shallot.

Photo Credit: Janyon Boshoff

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Photo Credit: Ben Dearnley


* 0:05 Prep * 0:25 Cook * Makes 8

* * * * * * *

400g dried angel hair spaghetti pasta 2 tablespoons white vinegar 4 eggs 125ml (1/2 cup) extra virgin olive oil 60ml (1/4 cup) fresh lemon juice 1 tablespoon finely grated lemon rind 300g smoked salmon slices, thinly sliced crossways * 80g baby rocket * Coarsely grated parmesan, to serve

METHOD * Step 1: Cook pasta in a large saucepan of salted boiling water until al dente. Drain and return to the pan. * Step 2: Meanwhile, bring a medium saucepan of water to the boil over medium-high heat. Add the vinegar. Reduce heat to medium-low. Crack 1 egg into a small bowl. Use a large spoon to stir the water to make a whirlpool. Carefully pour the egg into the centre of the whirlpool and poach for 4 minutes for a soft yolk or until cooked to your liking. Use a slotted spoon to transfer to a plate. Cover with foil to keep warm. Repeat with the remaining eggs. * Step 3: Whisk the oil, lemon juice and lemon rind in a jug until combined. Season with salt and pepper. * Step 4: Add oil mixture, salmon and rocket to the pasta. Toss to combine. Divide among serving plates. Top with eggs and parmesan. Season with pepper.

Angel hair pasta with salmon and poached eggs

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Salmon with sweet potatoes and zucchini INGREDIENTS


* 0:35 Prep * 0:25 Cook * 4 Servings

* * * *

400g orange sweet potatoes (kumara) Olive oil cooking spray 2 zucchinis 4 x 175g pieces salmon, pin-boned, skinned * 80g pitted Sicilian green olives (see note) * 1/2 bunch mint * 60ml (1/4 cup) extra virgin olive oil * 1 lemon * 1 clove garlic * 1/2 avocado

METHOD * Step 1: Place a roasting pan in oven and preheat to 220C fan-forced. Wash and dry potatoes, then cut into 1cm cubes. Line hot oven tray with baking paper and scatter potatoes over one half. Spray with oil, season with salt and pepper, and roast for 10 minutes. Cut zucchinis into 1cm cubes. Add to other half of tray. Spray with oil, season and roast for a further 10 minutes or until all vegetables are tender. * Step 2: Spray salmon with oil and season. Place a round of baking paper in the base of a frying pan over high heat. Add salmon, curved-side down first, and cook for 3 minutes each side or until browned. Turn off heat and leave to rest in pan for 5 minutes. * Step 3: Meanwhile, to make salsa, place olives, mint and 2 tablespoons oil in the bowl of a small food processor. Squeeze in juice from half of lemon, peel and crush in garlic, then process until finely chopped. Tip half of mixture into a small bowl, squeeze over juice from remaining lemon half and add remaining 1 tablespoon oil. Finely chop avocado and add to bowl, then season. * Step 4: Spoon remaining olive mixture over vegetables in pan, toss to combine, then divide among plates. Top with salmon and serve with olive and avocado salsa.

Photo Credit: Brett Stevens July2018 2018| |mychild mychild July

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Photo Credit: Sam McAdam-Cooper


* 0:15 Prep * 0:30 Cook * 8 Servings

* 40g butter, or 2 tablespoons oil * 2 tablespoons olive oil * 2 (about 1kg each) heads cauliflower, each cut down through stalk and trimmed into two 2cm-thick slices * 1 tablespoon extra virgin olive oil * 2 bunches asparagus, tips removed, cut diagonally into 1cm thick slices * 2 tablespoons chopped pistachio kernels * 1 garlic clove, thinly sliced * 1 tablespoon lemon juice * 1 lemon, zested

METHOD * Step 1: Preheat the oven to 180C/160C fan forced. Heat 10g of the butter and half the olive oil in a large non-stick frying pan over medium heat. Add 1 cauliflower piece to pan. Cook, carefully turning, for 3 minutes or until golden. Transfer to a lined tray. Season. Repeat with another cauliflower piece. Heat another 10g butter and remaining olive oil in the pan, and repeat with the remaining cauliflower. Roast cauliflower for 15 minutes or until tender. * Step 2: Meanwhile, heat the extra virgin olive oil and remaining 20g of butter in the pan over medium-high heat. Add the asparagus, pistachio and garlic. Stir for 2 minutes until the asparagus is tender-crisp. Stir in the lemon juice. Season. * Step 3: Place the cauliflower on a platter. Spoon over asparagus mixture. Sprinkle with lemon zest and serve.

Cauliflower steaks with warm asparagus dressing


July 2018 | mychild

Dried fruit and almond crumble

DESSERT Photo Credit: Louise Lister


* 0:20 Prep * 0:25 Cook * 4 Servings

* 4 cups fruit compote (reserved from related recipe) * 1/4 cup fruit compote syrup (reserved from related recipe) * 1/2 cup wholemeal plain flour * 1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon * 1/4 cup brown sugar * 1/2 cup flaked almonds * 1/4 cup shredded coconut * 75g softened butter * vanilla pouring custard, to serve

METHOD * Step 1: Preheat oven to 180C. Roughly chop fruit compote. Place fruit and syrup in a 5-cup capacity, 14cm x 22cm (base) baking dish. * Step 2: Combine flour, cinnamon, brown sugar, almonds and coconut in a large bowl. Using your fingertips, rub butter into flour mixture until mixture is moist and lumpy. * Step 3: Spoon the crumble topping over the fruit. Bake for 20 to 25 minutes or until golden. * Step 4: Spoon into bowls. Serve with custard.

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Apple and peach pie INGREDIENTS

* 0:10 Prep * 0:45 Cook * 8 Servings

* 1 x 800g can apple pie fruit * 1 x 410g can baker’s diced peaches * 1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon * 60g (1/4 cup) demerara sugar * 2 sheets (25 x 25cm) frozen ready-rolled shortcrust pastry, just thawed * 1 egg yolk, lightly whisked * Thick cream or custard, to serve

June 2018 Recipes


* Step 1: Preheat oven to 190°C. Combine the apple, peach, cinnamon and 2 tablespoons of sugar in a large bowl.


* Step 2: Line a 20cm (base measurement) pie dish with 1 sheet of pastry. Trim excess pastry. Spoon the apple mixture over the base. Brush the edges with egg yolk.

* Step 3: Place the remaining pastry sheet on top of the filling. Use a fork to press the edges together to seal. Trim excess pastry. Use a fork to prick the top of the pastry. Brush with remaining egg yolk and sprinkle with the remaining sugar. * Step 4: Place on a baking tray and bake for 25 minutes. Cover with foil and bake for a further 15-20 minutes or until golden. Set aside for 10 minutes to cool. Serve with cream or custard.

Photo Credit: Sue Ferris Photo Credit: Ben Dearnley 114114July 2018 | mychild July 2018 | mychild

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See and Hear Your Baby - at Home or On-The-Go with the VTech VM9900 It today’s overwhelming world of baby monitors, there are many things you will need to consider when selecting the right monitor for you. What’s a good video monitor? Does it have remote access? Will the monitor have security? Knowing your baby is safe whilst providing you with a peace of mind isn’t hard. When researching monitors, make sure that you add the VTech VM9900 - HD Pan & Tilt Video Monitor with Remote Access to the list. The VTech VM9900 - HD Pan & Tilt Video Monitor with Remote Access is jam packed full of amazing features and is everything you need in a monitor plus so much more. Let’s talk about the High-Definition Camera This camera transmits 720p high-definition video so that you can clearly see what’s going on with the 5-inch monitor unit, your smart phone or tablet. It also has auto night vision and two-way talk with camera from parent unit or remotely via the app.

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Gesture Controls make it super easy to manoeuvre You can easily pan, tilt and zoom the camera by swiping and pinching the screen on the 5-inch monitor unit, your smart phone or tablet. Pan, Tilt and Zoom the camera form the 5-inch monitor unit, your smart phone or tablet. The camera pans up to 270 degrees side by side and tilts as many as 113.5 degrees up and down giving you a great picture of what’s going on. The Camera also zooms up to 10 times. Motion-activated recording Have comfort and peace of mind while your away. The camera automatically starts recording and saves clips any time it senses motion to the camera SD card Safe and Secure With secure & encrypted local and remote video transmissions, VTech’s VM9900 utilises a number of high level security protocols to ensure the privacy of your data. This includes: user programmable name and security code for each paired VTech Camera, user

programmable user name and password for the VTech app and HTTPS AES-128 bit encryption on video transmissions between the VTech camera and the VTech app.

3 Mum’s reviewed the The VTech VM9900 HD Pan & Tilt Video Monitor with Remote Access and here is what they had to say about it. “I was so excited to upgrade from an audio monitor to a video monitor and the VTech VM9900 was so much more than I expected. It was easy to set up and add the app to my phone. I love the movement it offers and can see nearly every angle of baby’s room. I really can’t express how much I am impressed with the app, the 5-inch monitor can live in my bedroom and I can monitor baby from the lounge or kitchen from my phone. I would definitely recommend this camera to all parents”

BABY love this camera and would recommend to anyone that needs a baby monitor”. When it comes to your little one’s safety you don’t have to compromise when you choose the VTech VM9900 - HD Pan & Tilt Video Monitor with Remote Access. This incredible monitor will have you covered from birth and beyond and the best part is that you can add up to 4 cameras on the monitor and up to 10 cameras via the app. if you crave peace of mind make sure that you check out the VTech VM9900 Monitor.

“This camera was a blessing for my hubby and me. We have just moved bub to his own room (5 mths old) and it’s been harder for me then for him. I loved how easy it was to set up and the picture quality is excellent even when in night vision is on. I love that hubby can check on bub throughout the day via the app and have little chats to us when he sees us in the nursery. I couldn’t be happier with using this monitor it covers all our needs and a few we don’t need” “The VTech VM9900 - HD Pan & Tilt Video Monitor with Remote Access is the only camera that you need to monitor your baby. As a working mum that has a lot going on, I’m so happy to have remote access. I can see what’s going on in the house and with the additional camera we have in the living can see what grandma and bub are up to anytime of day. The image and audio clarity are amazing too and since we got this monitor I’ve been sleeping a lot better. Another feature that has impressed me is the zoom, pan and tilt settings, with a touc of the screen, it’s so easy to control the view of the room. The infrared night vision is surprisingly really good too and I love how clearly I can see bub’s breathing when zooming in. Overall I really

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Gentle care for baby soft skin ...naturally

Nappy Care Skin Care Bath Care Gentle, soap-free bathing is easy with GAIA’s range of bath time care. Calming body washes, gentle shampoos and a versatile detangling spray all encourage a blissful bath time. Eczema friendly and pH balanced.

Maintain hydration and softness with GAIA’s gentle moisturiser for face and body. For calming infant massage, GAIA’s baby massage oil is light and easily absorbed to nourish general dryness and help combat cradle cap.

Cleanse, soothe and protect delicate skin with GAIA’s family of alcohol and chlorine-free bamboo baby wipes, talc-free baby powder and deeply soothing cream with beeswax and zinc to help calm minor skin irritations.

Available from selected pharmacies, supermarkets, health food and baby stores. Selected products may not be available from all stores. For more information and stockists visit July 2018 | mychild


t x e n r u o r o f t u o k Loo e u s s i y l h t n mo t a s u t i s i v o s l a and WEB





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