Manypeople seem to have a love-hate relationship with their water softener.
On the “love” side, they love how their skin feels after a shower. They love dishes coming out of the dishwasher crystal-clear. They love having longer-lasting appliances. They love never having to scrub away hard water stains or toilet rings.
The “hate” part? They hate lugging in all that salt … running out of soft water when there’s still salt in the bin … all the maintenance issues ... and they hate it when the danged softener doesn’t last as long as it should.
The good news? Kinetico softeners get the job done using two-thirds LESS salt than other models. That’s thanks to an award-winning design invented by Kinetico.
Thanks to that same design innovation, Kinetico never runs out of soft water as long as there’s salt in the bin. Kinetico softeners guarantee luxuriant soft water 24/7, even when they’re regenerating. (No other softener does that.)
And here’s how much maintenance a Kinetico softener requires: none. That’s NONE, as in ZERO. It’s one of the things our customers love most.
As for endurance, Kinetico softeners last. They come with a 10-year warranty—an honest one—no exceptions hidden in small type. In fact, when our customers move to a new home, they often ask us to move their Kinetico softener with them. (When we do, we continue honoring the warranty.)
Let us show you how a dependable water softener works. For a no-obligation estimate in the privacy of your home, call us at 801290-8335 or visit www.SoftWaterUtah.com.
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