Cottonwood-Holladay Journal - January 2015 - Vol. 12 Iss. 1

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OP EN ho us e JANUARY 17 11:00 am – 4:00 pm

The original members of the Cottonwood Heights City Council. Photo courtesy of Cottonwood Heights City

free trees in holladay

Cottonwood Heights Marks 10th Anniversary With Two-Day Celebration By Sherry Sorensen


sense of place and belonging – that’s what Mayor Kelvyn Cullimore Jr. believes is among the most important aspects incorporation brought to the residents of Cottonwood Heights. And, for him, that’s something worth celebrating. “I think there’s a lot of community pride in Cottonwood Heights. When we became a city, citizens said ‘now I feel like I can tell people where I’m from,’” he said. The festivities to celebrate 10 years as a city begin Friday, Jan. 16 at 7 p.m. with an anniversary presentation in the Butler Middle School Auditorium, 7530 South 2700 East. A video by Chadwick Booth & Co. Productions will detail the history of the area before incorporation, commemorate the period of organization and growth since becoming a city in 2005, and offer a sneak peak at some of the city’s plans for the future. The Historic Committee is preparing aerial views of the region

from the 1930s to the present day, along with a timeline of some of the most significant events in Cottonwood Heights history. Banners, designed by youth in the city, will be on display and light refreshments will be provided. The celebration continues on Saturday, Jan. 17 with a carnival from 6 to 9 p.m. at the Cottonwood Heights Recreation Center, 7500 South 2700 East. “Everything is open at the rec. center. It’s going to be a big indoor party. It’s all free, from popcorn to cookies and hot dogs,” Event Coordinator Ann Eatchel said. Swimming ends at 8 p.m.

kids break the code




Cottonwood Heights marked its entry into the world of municipalities on Jan. 14, 2005 with the swearing in of Cullimore as the city’s first mayor. He said the past decade has been one long learning experience. “The first year following incorporation was more than hectic. We probably didn’t know what we were doing, which was probably good. If any of us had known how much work there was to do, I don’t think any of us would’ve done it,” he said. Among the first order of business was the need to establish a municipal code and determine the financial status of the city. From there, everything was a first; from issuing the first building permit

10th Anniversary continued on page 4

high hopes for lady colts 16

quotable community:

“We had heard that radon levels might be high near creek beds and we wanted to know if that was true and if there was a threat to residents living near the creeks that run through the city.”

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Page 2 | January 2015

Cottonwood -Holladay City Journal


Something You Can’t See May Be Lurking In Your Home

Cottonwood Heights Officials Plan Now For The Future By Sherry Sorensen


By Tammy Nakamura


reliminary tests for radon completed by Holladay City residents using at-home test kits are showing high levels of radon in some homes. The city gave out 200 free testing kits in November. “We had heard that radon levels might be high near creek beds and we wanted to know if that was true and if there was a threat to residents living near the creeks that run through the city,” City Manager Randy Fitts said. The kits were in high demand, according to Fitts. “All of the kits were gone within three days. We are thinking about getting more to distribute for free or for a small cost.” The city council initially allocated $500 for the kits and will consider budgeting that much every year. The small fee for kits in the future could help provide more kits every year.



adon is a naturally-occurring chemical element that is radioactive, colorless, odorless and tasteless. It is considered a significant contaminant that affects indoor air quality and is the leading cause of lung cancer in non-smoking people. “Homes in the greater Salt Lake area have an average radon level of 3.1,” Eric Kuzniar, Airchek, Inc. quality assurance officer, said. “A level of 4.0 or above is the level where the EPA recommends the homeowner should consider doing something to correct the problem.”

One of the early Holladay results was 68 and several more were in double-digits, but most were in the range below 4.0, according to early numbers compiled by Airchek. But not enough numbers had been submitted yet to determine if there were problems in any particular areas of the city. Residents who have tests showing a high level of radon are advised to do a second test because radon levels can fluctuate naturally. High-level readings could be caused by such things as unusual weather. If the results of the second test are still high, residents should considering addressing the issue in their homes. City Councilmember Jim Palmer is an advocate of testing. Several years ago, he had a test result that registered 68. He was shocked. “We really didn’t know what to do or think,” he said. Palmer later learned that the dirt floor in the crawl space in the basement of his 100-year-old home was the cause of the radon. He mitigated its effects with plastic on the dirt, a vent pipe and a fan and brought the radon level down to one. “My father lived in the home for years and now has lung cancer. But he was a smoker too. Smoking and radon are the number one and number two causes of lung cancer,” Palmer said.


ity officials hope people will use the data to decide whether to mitigate radon in their homes if their levels are high. l

According to the website, there are several options homeowners can use to mitigate the effects of high radon counts in their homes: • Residents can hire a professional contractor who is state-licensed. • There are do-it-yourself radon reduction kits and books. • Invest in a radon-reduction system, which can lower radon levels by 99 percent. • Soil suction can draw radon from below the home and pipe it into the air above the home to dissipate. • Active subslab depressurization uses pipes inserted into the floor to draw the radon out from under the home. • Passive depressurization relies on natural pressure differentials and air currents to draw radon up from below the home. • Drain pipes or perforated pipes direct water away from the foundation of a home. • Block wall suctions remove radon and depressurize block walls. • Sealing cracks and other openings in the foundation keep radon out of the home. • House or room depressurization uses fans to blow air into the basement from upstairs. • Heat-recovering ventilators bring outdoor air into the home. • Natural ventilation from open doors and windows on lower floors increases ventilation.

Editor: Linda Petersen:

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Plan For The Future continued on page 7 m i ss i o n s tate m e n t

Creative Director: Bryan Scott: Staff Writers: Sherry Sorensen, Marci Heugly, Peri Kinder, Tammy Nakamura, and Caitlin Wilson.

he economic strength of Cottonwood Heights today is a product of planning and decisions that took place many years ago. In the coming decades, the area will continue to transform. Proper planning plays a key role in preparing for those future changes. “We’re going to have different needs as a city in the next 20 years than we did in the last 20,” Mayor Kelvyn Cullimore Jr. said. According to the city’s economic development team, the time to plan for that eventuality is now. On Wednesday, Jan. 21, Economic Development Director Brian Berndt will present a planned development district ordinance to the planning commission for review. The PDD does not change existing zoning, but is being presented as an option for more specialized zoning to assist in the development of key areas of the city. The proposed code is a three-tiered system of decreasing development intensity, applicable to the gravel pit near the mouth of Big Cottonwood Canyon and along parts of the Fort Union corridor. “The thought is, in anticipation of things that are likely to occur on the corridor in this area, we want to have things ready and in place. This code is one of the big steps to do that,” Berndt said. Also in January, the Zion’s Bank Public Finance Group will present the results of its in-depth study of the Fort Union corridor to the city council. In the coming year, the city will partner with the Wasatch Front Regional Council

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January 2015 | Page 3

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Salt Lake County Mayor’s Office Goes To The Dogs By Marci Heugly


hile a dog’s top billing may be as man’s best friend, one Cottonwood Heights dog can now also be called Deputy Canine Mayor. When the first-ever Salt Lake County canine mayor election ended in October, a mini goldendoodle from Cottonwood Heights named CeCe was selected as deputy canine mayor. Texas, an 8-year-old boxer from Sandy, was selected as the first Salt Lake County Canine Mayor. Salt Lake County held the canine

Mike Reberg, director of Salt Lake County Animal Services. “The money raised is going to help hundreds of injured and ill animals that find themselves in our care.” The canine mayor and his deputy will accompany Salt Lake County Mayor Ben McAdams to different events during their two-year term. “I look forward to having the company of Salt Lake County’s first canine mayor or deputy mayor when I’m out at community events. I know Tex and CeCe will be

Cottonwood Heights resident CeCe recently became Salt Lake County’s first Deputy Canine Mayor. Photo courtesy of Sandy Nelson

elections as a fundraiser for the Injured Animal Fund. The event raised $23,080, which included funds raised from filing fees of the 14 candidates and funds raised during the campaign. While the “caninedates” had to be Salt Lake County residents, anyone in the world could vote for their favorite as many times as they wanted. Each vote cost $1 and went directly to the fundraiser. The dog that raised the most money won the election. “This is one of the most successful fundraisers ever held by our agency,” said

excellent advocates for all our community’s furry friends,” McAdams said. “CeCe’s main responsibility is to be a good dog citizen in our community. We will have her involved with campaigns and promotions at the shelter and with Mayor McAdams’ office,” said Sandy Nelson, Salt Lake County Animal Services marketing director. “We are very excited about CeCe’s involvement with the reading program at libraries and can’t wait to get her involved with our reading program here at the shelter.” l

Page 4 | January 2015 10th Anniversary continued from page 1 to celebrating the first Butlerville Days, it was all new to the fledgling city. “It’s been an eventful 10 years, and I think the community is better for it,” Cullimore said. “We’ve listened to our citizens. That’s the biggest benefit of being a city: your decision makers are local. You may not always agree with us, but you can talk to us and you know who we are. We didn’t become a city to have absolute power; we became a city so there would be absolute opportunity for input.” In the 10 years since incorporation, Cottonwood Heights has established a strong economic development team, which has been instrumental in inviting new businesses, like Trader Joe’s and the Canyon Centre development, into the community. They’ve established committees, including the arts council, historic committee and youth city council, all in an effort to foster an even stronger sense of community belonging and pride. Forming community and regional partnerships to accomplish common goals has become a cornerstone of the young city. Cottonwood Heights played an instrumental role in the formation of the Canyons School District in 2009. Since then, elected officials have maintained close relations with the district and other government and private entities to serve the community. “The cumulative steps that the city has taken to participate on every reach-out board, like Mountain Accord and EDC Utah, are pretty significant. We don’t consider ourselves myopic; we know that our survival is based on how we interact with others,” Senior Planner Glen Goins said. In 2008, the city formed the Cottonwood Heights Police Department, and in 2012 residents celebrated the opening of the widely popular Mountain View Park. In a somewhat controversial move, the council voted to privatize public works efforts in 2013.

NEWS In 2014, city leaders announced the purchase of roughly 5 acres of property on 2300 East and Bengal Blvd. for the construction of a city hall.

Residents of Cottonwood Heights gather to celebrate incorporation after working together for more than two years to become a city. Photo courtesy of Cottonwood Heights City


In terms of municipal governments, Cottonwood Heights is still a baby, but the area itself boasts a rich history dating back to the early pioneers. It all began in 1848 when eight families were sent to settle land at the southeast end of the Salt Lake Valley. While portions of the region have been known by many names over the years, including Union, Butler, Poverty Flats and Danish Town, the legacies of industry and education have been consistent throughout the area’s history. From the early 1850s through the 1950s, settlers and their posterity went to work building homes, establishing mills and other businesses, constructing schools and

organizing school districts. Seeking a sense of unified identity, members of the community petitioned the county commission for a name change in the 1930s. In 1938, the name of Cottonwood Heights was officially adopted. In a move that would later prove to be the first step toward incorporation, the Cottonwood Heights Community Council was formed in 1952. The subsequent 50 years was a time of tremendous residential and business growth. “It’s important to understand everything that has gone on to make this community what it is today,” historic committee member Gayle Conger said. In 2002, formal efforts toward incorporation were initiated. “The primary motivating factor for incorporation was the desire to control our own destiny. We could see that people making decisions for our area didn’t even live here. They didn’t have any local perspective,” Cullimore said.


With 10 years of success behind them, Cottonwood Heights leaders are now setting their sights on the future. In 2016, after more than a decade of renting office space, the proposed city municipal center is expected to be complete, giving city staff and the police department a place to call “home.” The focus going forward will be on preparing to accommodate expected growth. An emphasis on economic development to further strengthen the city’s tax base is among the issues at the forefront of council discussions. The potential of the gravel pit site on Wasatch Blvd. and redevelopment along the Fort Union corridor will play key roles in the future of the city. “We’re the gateway to the canyons. With a million more people coming in the

Cottonwood -Holladay City Journal

Kelvyn Cullimore Jr. is sworn in as the first mayor of Cottonwood Heights on Jan. 14, 2005 by Lt. Gov. Gary Herbert. Photo courtesy of Cottonwood Heights City next 30-50 years, there’s going to be a greater demand on the canyons and more and more traffic coming. We need to plan now how to meet those demands,” Cullimore said. l

TEN YEARS OF MILESTONES 2005 — City celebrates incorporation • The general plan is established • Hiring of city staff commences • Celebration of the first Butlerville Days as a city 2007 — Vote passes for the creation of the Canyons School District 2008 — The Cottonwood Heights Police Department is formed • Volunteer committees are officially established 2009 — The Canyons School District opens 2010-2014 — The city receives fiscal planning and budget awards 2012 — Mountain View Park opens 2013 — Public Works is privatized • Big Cottonwood Canyon Trail opens and historic markers are unveiled 2014 — Plans for a new city hall are announced • The city celebrates nearly 10 years of being debt-free 2015 — Cottonwood Heights celebrates 10 years as a city

January 2015 | Page 5

Cottonwood H olladayJournal .com

Free Tree Offer For Holladay Residents

A New Place To Worship

By Tammy Nakamura


t’s not exactly tree-planting weather right now, but the City of Holladay is already promoting its tree planting campaign. The city is giving free trees to residents beginning this spring through the Street Tree Voucher Program. Residents can apply for a tree voucher and, if the application meets the criteria of what kind of tree will be planted and the location of the tree, then the Tree Committee will consider approval. The resident will be given a voucher to take to a participating nursery and select one of the types of trees recommended by the state forester. Some of those trees include the honey locust, ash, maple and flowering pear, as well as many other varieties. The tree must then be planted by the resident within 15 feet of the street. If the tree passes inspection by the Tree Committee four to eight weeks after planting, the city will then reimburse the nursery. (If the application is turned down, the resident can modify the request and submit a new application.)

By Tammy Nakamura

“The trees will provide an aesthetic quality, shade and help clean the air,” said City Councilmember Steven Gunn. Tree Committee Chairman Dennis Roach agreed and added, “Trees help reduce noise pollution and improve the economy since people tend to shop where there are trees and buy homes that have trees in the landscaping.” Residents can apply online through a link on the City of Holladay Tree Facebook page or the city website or submit an application at City Hall. There is a limit of two trees per six-month period, and no more than four trees will be approved for the same resident in a two-year period. The program is on a first-come, first-served basis and could end early if the budget is exhausted sooner than expected. The city council is expected to approve a budget of $10,000 in January for the program which will buy an estimated 250 trees. The initiative is part of the Tree City USA program which Holladay has been a part of for six years. l


hree congregations from the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints have a new place to worship. It has taken three years for construction, but the new Valley View building was dedicated on Dec. 14. The 19,400-square-foot church sits on the corner of 2000 East and 3900 South. It serves the Sixth, Tenth and First Wards. The chapel seats 300 people. The church includes a cultural hall, 16 classrooms and six offices. The new exterior of the building was designed to be reminiscent of the original Valley View meetinghouse. The pipe organ that was a hallmark of the original chapel was also preserved in the new building. New technologies and construction methods were used to create energy efficiency and conservation for electricity, gas, landscaping and water use. Scott Buchanan, a longtime local

Place To Worship continued on page 7


Page 6 | January 2015

Cottonwood -Holladay City Journal


Canyon Centre Development Cleared For Construction By Sherry Sorensen


fter nearly nine months of delays, developers are finally set to break ground on the 11-acre Canyon Centre development, located at about 7200 South Wasatch Blvd. on the old Canyon Racquet Club property. City planners expect construction to be complete in 12-18 months. “Once the approval for phase two happens, the developers are on the clock because they’ve signed leases with different tenants. I envision seeing everything going at once due to the delays,” Cottonwood Heights Development Director Brian Berndt said.

Shane Topham said. CH Voters argued primarily that the city ignored a sensitive lands zoning overlay on the property. Berndt explained that while part of the property

“ The new sensitive lands ordinance

is a positive step forward because it’s much more detailed in its definition of sensitive lands than the old system.”

sits within the current sensitive lands overlay zone, that doesn’t mean the entire area contains sensitive lands. Geotechnical analysis identified two faults on the property that the city and the developers intend to address according to code requirements. With proposed changes to the sensitive lands ordinance and an application for phase two of the property set to come before the planning commission early in the year, Mark Machilis, CH Voters spokesman, said he now stands in full support of the development. “We understand that in the big picture of planning, the new sensitive A conceptual design of the Canyon Centre master plan indicates that the new development will include offices, restaurants, retail space and housing components on the site of the former lands ordinance is a positive step forward because it’s much more detailed Canyon Racquet Club. in its definition of sensitive lands than the old system,” he said. “CH Voters Last June, CH Voters, a group of residents concerned surprised the commission and said we think [phase two] with potential impacts from planning commission and city is cool.” The completed project will include a 65,000-sq.-ft. council decisions, filed a lawsuit in Third District Court office building, a hotel, retail space, a restaurant with a appealing a decision by the city’s Board of Adjustments. The BOA ruling said the planning commission did not distillery, a condominium complex and 17 units of singleact arbitrarily when approving the master site plan and family housing. Public parking is a key component of the conditional use permits for the property. CH Voters disagreed. development, said Chris McCandless, Canyon Centre Capital On Dec. 2, Judge Richard D. McKelvie issued a spokesman. “We’ll have approximately 550 stalls of parking for summary judgment upholding the BOA decision. “The appeal was denied on the basis that the city had public use on nights, weekends and holidays that will alleviate already committed to deal with the issues that were raised some of the parking crunch at the base of Big Cottonwood [in the lawsuit] as the project proceeds,” City Attorney Canyon,” he said. l

Local Lutherans Bless Skiers And Snowboarders By Marci Heugly


tah is known for the greatest snow on earth. Each winter, we welcome skiers and snowboarders from home and abroad to enjoy our snowy mountains. This year, members of Our Saviour’s Lutheran Church in Holladay wanted to offer a special blessing at the beginning of the season to these welcome guests. On Dec. 6, they went to the park-and-ride lot at the base of Big Cottonwood Canyon to offer hot chocolate and a blessing to those headed up to the Brighton and Solitude ski resorts. “The idea was simple; we wrote up a blessing of thankfulness for the snow and the mountains,” Pastor Jeff Beebe said. “We passed out hot chocolate along with a card with the blessing on it.” Some groups of skiers requested blessings that were gladly given. The prayer on the cards was one of gratitude and protection: “Gracious God, we thank you for the gift of creation, especially the snow in the mountains that provides so much enjoyment for skiers and snowboarders. Bless and watch over them, that they may have a safe and enjoyable season, giving glory to you as they ski or board this year. Amen.” “We want to be out in the community, instead of having the expectation that people will have to come find us,” Beebe said. “I had seen a church in southern California near the ocean that did a blessing for surfboarders, and I liked the idea of blessing our own boarders and skiers.” Beebe and members of his congregation put up signs to notify visitors of their presence in the parking lot, which is generally used for skiers who park their cars and either carpool or catch a bus up the mountain. “We met some interesting people,” Beebe said. “We’re trying to reach in a small way people who are spiritual but not religious. We wanted to remind them of God’s love.” This was the first time the church held the event, but future events are in the works. “We plan on doing this again. People were curious and very positive,” Beebe said. “Skiers and boarders are out in the mountains enjoying creation; there’s something spiritual about that.” l

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January 2015 | Page 7

Cottonwood H olladayJournal .com Plans For The Future continued from page 2 on a study of Wasatch Blvd. to determine, in part, the impact increased development may have on that stretch of roadway. “People may question our motivations and say, ‘We’re fine, why do we need to grow the city?’ But we won’t be [fine] forever. We need to grow our tax base,” Senior Planner Glen Goins said. City leaders believe the proposed PDD and the commissioned studies are key elements in preparing to accommodate that growth. The focus on the future of the gravel

“The planning staff realizes that at some point we’re going to have a change of use, and they want to be prepared for that,” said Dough Shelby, owner of the gravel pit property. “We don’t know when that change will be, it could be some ways out in the future, but we want to be prepared for it.” Shelby said he supports the city’s preemptive efforts to plan for transportation, infrastructure and zoning before any final decisions are made. “This is the last bastion of big, open ground,” Goins said. “It’s right at the access of the canyon. We have major skiing here; it’s a winter and summer destination. This

Meticulous pit and the Fort Union corridor is not a new concept, Goins said, but a fulfillment of goals that were written into the city’s general plan upon incorporation 10 years ago. The plan envisions that, at more than 150 acres, the gravel pit site could someday become a campus or resort-type development designed to cater to city residents and visitors alike. Retail, lodging, entertainment and transit centers are all considered possibilities for the area if the land owner chooses to sell or develop the property at the conclusion of excavation activities.

Place To Worship continued from page 5 church member and spokesman for the project, said the original meetinghouse was built in 1950. It was in the process of remodeling the old church that it was decided that an entirely new building was needed. “There were seismic issues, so we evaluated our situation and decided to rebuild,” he said. “Members are excited to have a place to call their own,” Buchanan said. “They have been doubling up in other wards while their church was under construction.” l

site becomes a regionally significant area.” With roughly 80 percent of the city already developed, these two corridors become essential components in planning for the future. As the expected growth occurs, Berndt said the city’s goal is to assist in those efforts without negatively affecting the surrounding neighborhoods or current character of the city. “To me, community character and quality of life are the utmost priorities of any population,” he said. l

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Page 8 | January 2015

Cottonwood -Holladay City Journal

SENIORS Mount Olympus Senior Center 1635 East Murray-Holladay Road. Phone 385-468-3130


he center is open 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Transportation is available Monday through Friday for those who live in the area. The cost is $2; call the center for more information. Most activities require you to sign up in advance. Meditation Interest List. -- Mt. Olympus is considering offering a meditation class. There are many wonderful benefits of meditation that include greater energy, relief from stress and worry, vibrant health, calmness and more. Please sign the interest sheet at the front desk if you would like to have this class provided at the center. Canyon Snowshoeing for Active Seniors -- This takes the place of the hiking group during the winter season. Trips will be scheduled on an impromptu basis to take advantage of optimum weather. Participants will meet at the center and carpool. Sign up at the desk if you would like to be notified of these outings. New Medicare Services Available at Mt. Olympus -- Stephanie, a Medicare specialist with Salt Lake County Aging and Adult Services, will be here to offer confidential one-on-one meetings to answer Medicare questions or to help you understand your bills. Sign-up needed. See front desk for dates and times.

have touched others’ lives and understand how others have touched their life. As part of this class, the group will reminisce, reflect and then look at present experiences to help put their life in perspective as well as look at how to “beat the winter blues.” Come join Mike from the Vital Aging Project to increase your well-being.

them understand family dynamics. 11 a.m. -- VA Pensions, Do You Qualify? Attention military veterans and spouses. You may be eligible for a VA pension worth $1,150-$2,050 per month to pay for in-home care. Come to this class and receive a free aid and attendance pension guide, and see if you are eligible for a VA pension. 11:30 a.m. – Red Hatters. They will meet at Anna’s, 4700 South 900 East. If you need a ride, please indicate that when you sign up.

Jan. 12, 10 a.m. -- Furry Friends. Salt Lake County Animal Services is coming to discuss the benefits seniors can get from having a pet, including lower blood pressure and fewer visits to the doctor. Sign up.

Jan. 26, 9 a.m.; $10. – Massages. Sign up.

Jan. 14, 10 a.m. – Blood Glucose Checks. No appointment needed.

Jan. 15, 11 a.m. -- Music and Memory. Alle from Jewish Family Services is coming to discuss how music can help with memory, dementia and emotional well-being. Sign up.

Wednesdays, 3 p.m. – Yoga.

Jan. 19 – Center Closed

Fridays in January, 1 p.m. -- Vital Aging Life Review and Transitions. The process of thinking back on our life and then communicating with others about those experiences is called a “life review.” As people age, they want to know how they

Jan. 20, 8 to 10 a.m.; $10. -- Podiatry with Dr. Shelton. Appointments needed. 10:30 a.m. Finding a Happier Life Amidst the Challenges. By Jody Davis with Serenity Funeral Home. Many comment that this class has brightened their life and helped

Jan. 23, 11:30 a.m. – Anniversary Party. It has been 17 years since Mt. Olympus first opened its doors. Come celebrate. The “New Fiddlers” will be the entertainment. Lunch is baked chicken breast with paprika sauce, whole wheat penne pasta, Harvard beets, seasonal fruit, and heavenly pudding will be served. Suggested lunch donation is $2.50. Please let Cheryl at the front desk know by Tuesday, Jan. 13, if you will be attending. 1 p.m. -- Black Dragon Self Defense/Hap Ki Do. Bill Nieves, owner of Black Dragon Self Defense, will be teaching self-defense and hap ki do classes. Sign up.

Jan. 13, 27, 1 p.m. – Scrabble. A brand-new class starting in January. Scrabble can strengthen and increase vocabulary, memory and strategy skills, and it is fun.

Jan. 14, 1 p.m. --African American History: Martin Luther King Jr. Dr. Coleman, A USU professor in African American Studies and winner of the Albert B. Fitz Civil Rights Worker of the Year Award, will present about Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., and the history of African Americans in the U.S.

director of the American Indian Resource Center at the U of U is back. Franci will continue her discussion on the natives of this region and their use of ethno-botany. She is very knowledgeable about all Native American history, so come with questions. Sign up.

2 p.m. – Book Club. They will discuss “The Happiness Project” by Gretchen Craft Rubin. Jan. 21, 8 a.m. – Pancake Breakfast. Pancakes, coffee and juice will be served. Don’t miss out on the most important meal of the day. Sponsored by our Advisory Committee. All are invited. Jan. 22, 11 a.m. – Skin Care 101. The winter can be tough on skin. That is why the center is having Elaine Baez and Dr. Gohari from St. Mark’s Senior Clinic here to inform us on how to nourish, hydrate and care for our largest and most visible organ. Sign up.

Jan. 27, 11 a.m. -- The Principles of Liberty will be a very informative presentation based on the book “The Five Thousand Year Leap” that will outline the principles embedded within the Constitution. The Founders’ “success formula.” Come learn what George Washington called the “Science” of government. Sign up. Jan. 30, 1 p.m. -- Fire and Ice; Volcanoes of the Cascade Range. Historian Daniel Kuhn will present on some of North America’s most spectacular scenery as well as some of the highest threat volcanoes in the world. l

Jan. 21, 1 p.m.--Native American History. Franci Taylor, from the Choctaw Tribe and

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January 2015 | Page 9

Cottonwood H olladayJournal .com

January 2015


Welcome Olympus Hills! After months and months of canvassing, petition gathering, protests and delays, the area referred to as “Olympus Hills” officially joined our Holladay community on January 1st. Much of the credit goes to John and Jan Bradshaw and the group of dedicated volunteers that spearheaded the effort. Their perseverance is to be commended. It should remind us that a passionate, committed and well-organized grassroots effort will

still carry the day. We will spend the month of January circulating some basic information that should help facilitate a smooth transition. An open house is scheduled for January 21st, 7- 8pm at City Hall. Come and meet your City Staff and Council Representative Steve Gunn. We’ll do our best to clear up any confusion and to let you know what you can expect as residents of Holladay. We’re flattered you think enough of our little city to go through all that has been required to reach this point. There may be a few wrinkles to smooth out, but in the end, I’m certain it will have been worth the effort. Welcome to Holladay!!!

Message from the UFA by Marty Slack, Assistant Chief As the Chief Fire Officer to Holladay, I would like to welcome the residents of the newly annexed area to the city. Holladay is a fantastic community filled with great people. I’m excited that you have joined us to make our community even better. The City of Holladay is a member of the Unified Fire Authority. As part of Holladay you will continue to receive the same first class Fire, Emergency, and EMS Service you enjoyed in the past. Emergency calls will continue to be handled by the closest available fire station, keeping response times as short as possible. In the event of an emergency you can rest assure that the firemen and paramedics who respond are some of the highest trained, most experienced, dedicated professionals in the state. For more information on Unified Fire Authority, and the services we provide, visit us at, or just stop by one of the stations and say “hi”.



ere are a few questions that have been asked about the Olympus Hills Annexation: Taxes – Will they go up? Property taxes will go down on your bill in November of 2015, but you will begin paying a tax on your utilities beginning in January 2015. Overall the amount of tax you pay should decrease. Will there be a disruption in my utility and other service delivery? No. The residences and businesses will see no disruption in their utility and other services. Will Holladay provide the dumpsters once a year like the county has done? Yes. Who does the snow removal? Holladay contracts with Salt Lake County. Will police and fire protection change? Unified Police will continue to provide police protection but through its contract with Holladay. Unified Fire will continue to provide fire protection. Who takes care of the streets, sidewalks, and gutters? Holladay. What if Holladay’s zoning makes my home no longer in compliance? For existing structures, zoning and building code compliance are “grandfathered in.” If you were to tear down your house and re-build, you would be subject to Holladay’s zoning and building requirements for the new structure.

What about Planning Commission, Arts Council, Historical and other Committees? We are always looking for citizens to get involved. The Planning Commission is represented by council districts, all others are open to interested individuals. How does the City of Holladay determine where money is spent on roads, sidewalks, sidewalks, storm drains etc.? The City Engineer and the Public Works Director will go out in the field and survey obvious problems and then sit down with the city manager and develop a plan to begin funding various projects. They will also meet with Salt Lake County and see if they have any ongoing projects or problems.


am sure that as new residents you have many questions on how this new change will affect you. On January 21st we would like to invite you to an open house where we will have representatives from all of the organizations to answer any of your questions. So if you have questions about the Arts Council, Planning and Zoning, Police, roads, etc., this is your opportunity to come and meet the people that are responsible for them. We look forward to meeting you and again welcome to your new City.

City Of Holladay • 4580 South 2300 East • 801.272.9450 •

Randy Fitts City Manager

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January 2015

Holladay Town Meeting

Holladay City Police and the UPD by Chris Bertram, Chief of Police


s the City of Holladay Chief of Police, I would like to welcome the newest residents to our wonderful community. Law enforcement operations within our city are the responsibility of the Unified Police Department (UPD) of Greater Salt Lake. The UPD is run by a Board of Directors consisting of elected officials from the communities the UPD serves. The day-to-day operations are run by the Salt Lake County Sheriff and police chiefs assigned to those cities. Let me introduce myself. I’m Chris Bertram and I am honored to serve as your Chief of Police. I have worked in law enforcement for more than 23 years and I’ve headed up the City of Holladay Precinct for almost seven years. As your Chief of Police I am responsible for supervising local operations such as patrol, traffic, property and community crimes investigations, community policing, and addressing general quality of life issues that are unique to our city. In addition, the UPD provides cities like Holladay with comprehensive, high-level law enforcement services, at a fraction of the cost of establishing and maintaining their own police forces. By combining police services such as investigations, violent crimes, family crimes, SWAT, forensics, K-9, records, media services, and dispatch under one organization communities can share costs and save money. This collaborative arrangement allows participating communities to realize the cost savings of pooled services while retaining local control over operations. I want to assure you that your safety is my top priority. My door is always open and the officers and staff are pleased to serve you. If there is anything we can do to address problems or improve your quality of life, please contact us by calling or visiting the precinct office. Thank you, and again welcome to the City of Holladay. Holladay Precinct UPD 4570 S. 2300 E. • (801) 272-0426

FOR NEWLY ANNEXED OLYMPUS HILLS AREA Wednesday, January 21st 7:00- 8:00 pm Big Cottonwood Room City Hall - 4580 S 2300 E As the newest residents to the City of Holladay, you probably have some questions and may be wondering what changes, if any you will see. We hope to answer those questions and more at this open house. Come meet your City Council Member Steve Gunn, other city officials and city staff. We will be discussing issues affecting Holladay, how to get involved and what to expect now that you are residents of the City. There will also be time for questions and answers.

NEW CITY COUNCIL DISTRICTS Due to the recent annexation the City Council adopted new Council District boundaries (see map below). There were changes made to every council district. If you have any questions on who your Council Member is or how to contact them, please call City Hall at 801-272-9450.

City Of Holladay • 4580 South 2300 East • 801.272.9450 •

C I T Y I N F O R M AT I O N CITY COUNCIL MEMBERS: Rob Dahle, Mayor 801-580-3056 Sabrina Petersen, District 1 801-859-9427 Lynn Pace, District 2 801-535-6613 Patricia Pignanelli, District 3 801-455-3535 Steve Gunn, District 4 801- 386-2605 Jim Palmer, District 5 801-274-0229 Randy Fitts, City Manager

PUBLIC MEETINGS: City Council – first and third Thursday of the month at 6 p.m. Planning Commission – first and third Tuesday of the month at 7 p.m.

CITY OFFICES: Mon-Fri. 8 a.m.-5 p.m. • 801-272-9450 4580 South 2300 East • Holladay, UT 84117 Community Development Finance Justice Court Code Enforcement

801-527-3890 801-527-2455 801-273-9731 801-527-3890

NUMBERS TO KNOW: Emergency 911 UPD Dispatch (Police) 801-743-7000 UFA Dispatch (Fire) 801-840-4000 Animal Control 385-468-7387 Garbage/Sanitation 385-468-6325 Holladay Library 801-944-7627 Holladay Lions Club 385-468-1700 Mt. Olympus Sr. Center 385-468-3130 Holladay Post Office 801-278-9947 Cottonwood Post Office 801-453-1991 Holliday Water 801-277-2893 Watermaster - Big Cottonwood Tanner Ditch system - Art Quale 801 867-1247

January 2015 | Page 11

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GOAL $250,000 The “Support Play! Donate Today!” fundraising campaign for the new Holladay City Playground launched at the December 1, 2014 Tree Lighting Ceremony. Over the past month, we’ve raised nearly $165,000 thanks to a generous lead gift from a private foundation, a contribution from the City of Holladay, and many donations from residents and community partners. Thank you! We’re now about twothirds of the way to our $250,000 goal! This is an amazing start, but we still need the community’s help to make up the rest of the difference to our goal. Help us build the playground in the summer of 2015. Visit the playground website to make your tax-deductible gift today at: http:// In addition to launching the fundraising campaign, the Holladay City Foundation has formed a Playground Committee chaired by Sabrina Petersen. This committee is leading the charge on designing the play space, meeting with potential equipment vendors, and considering liability and maintenance elements, among other issues. The Playground Committee wants to hear from you – especially the families, children, and youth of Holladay. Share your ideas and park vision at the upcoming Open House planned on January 21, 2015 at City Hall. Thanks for supporting play in Holladay!

$165,000 RAISED

TAKE THE PLEDGE! Everyone can make a difference in our air quality! Mayor Dahle is asking every Holladay resident and business to pledge to make a small change to help improve air quality. Look for a pledge card to be delivered to your home or pick up a few from a local Holladay business. Your whole family can get involved. Every person can make a small change that adds up to a big difference. Download more pledge cards at or make your pledge on-line. Here are some ways you can help:

Park Playground Open House Wednesday, January 21, 2015 6:00-8:00 pm – City Hall Come share your ideas and park vision. The Park Playground committee would like your input on layout and equipment design for the City park. Come view concepts and equipment options.

• • • • • •

Don’t burn wood Make less trips or carpool Don’t idle or warm up your car Use public transit or ride a bike Lower your thermostat Turn off lights

I will tur n m from 70˚y thermostat to 68˚

For additional suggestions on how to improve air quality, visit

Get Involved and Share Your Pledge! Attach your pledge to your window or make a pledge online at

City Of Holladay • 4580 South 2300 East • 801.272.9450 •

Page 12 | January 2015

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January 2015

Christmas Tree Collection January 5-30

Wintertime Woof Sandy Nelson Salt Lake County Animal Services

Dogs can suffer from hypothermia just like humans. If you are cold, your dog is cold also.

Winter in Utah brings a flurry of activity not only for us, but for our pets also. Here are some tips for winter fun and care to keep your pets safe, happy, and healthy this winter.

Also, with the start of a new year here are some pet friendly reminders:

• Be prepared if you take your dog on wintertime adventures. Make sure they have a coat and even dog booties to protect their paws. • Check your dog’s paws for snow clumps when they come in after being outside. • Ice melt is dangerous to our pets if ingested. Please wipe their paws when coming inside from a dog walk or a cat outing. You do not want them to lick ice melt from their paws. There is animal-safe ice melt you can purchase at your local garden and hardware stores. • Millcreek Canyon, Uinta Mountains, American Fork Canyon and Parley’s Historic Nature Park are a few fun hiking places to take your adventurous dog for a fun day outing. • If your dog stays outside in your backyard during the day please be sure that they have access to shelter and un-frozen water. During night freezing temperatures, please bring your dogs inside (garage, basement, etc).

• If you have a community cat colony at your residence, please make sure they have adequate shelter.

• Remember to renew your pet license. License fees begin at $5 and go up from there. You can license on-line at If your pet is not licensed, please do so! • Welcome to all the newly annexed Holladay citizens! The process to license your pet has stayed the same. You can go online, come to the shelter, or mail in your renewals. • Keep your dogs on leash when not on your property. Leashing your dog is to protect not only your pet, but your community. Plus, it’s the law. • Moving? Remember to change the information on your pet’s microchip. This will help animal control get them back to you in case they happen to get lost. On behalf of all of us at Salt Lake County Animal Services, we wish you and yours a very happy New Year!

Wasatch Front Waste and Recycling District will be collecting Christmas trees curbside. Please DO NOT place trees in the street. Your tree may be picked up on any of your regular scheduled collection days during the month of January. TIPS: • NO trees with lights, ornaments, tinsel, stands, or flocking • DO NOT put trees in your garbage can or recycle can



application at Holladay City’s front desk, now through January 15, 2015.

Holladay Arts Council is excited to invite everyone to their third annual Fine Art show. Registrations will be accepted on line at or you can pick up an

The Opening Reception will be held February 13, 2015 from 4 to 8 p.m. at Holladay City Hall. Refreshments will be served. Come help us celebrate the arts in Holladay.

The Administrative Control Board of the Wasatch Front Waste and Recycling District has rescinded the earlier anticipated monthly fee increase for 2015. This is due to the efforts of district staff improving efficiencies through residential routing to reduce miles and making adjustments to the fleet replacement. Efforts towards recycling by our customers have also assisted in keeping garbage dumping costs manageable.

City Of Holladay • 4580 South 2300 East • 801.272.9450 •

January 2015 | Page 13

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Taylor Dutson — Student of the Month.



he Holladay Chamber’s December luncheon at City Hall was a huge success. Thank you to the Olympus High School choir for providing our entertainment and Christopher’s Steakhouse for a great buffet. Mayor Rob Dahle presented Kenneth Melby with the award for Holladay Business Owner of the Year for his contribution to the city and the new plaza shops. Taylor Dutson of Howard R. Driggs Elementary was awarded our Student of the Month. Thank you to the members who attended and to our special guest, Santa. The Chamber board would like to welcome new members: Heather Mooney with State Farm, Brian Bartlett with Mountain View Mortuary and Taylor Read with Max Muscle. Thank you to renewing members, Karen Kreigbaum with Crystal Inn and Ken Bell. Congratulations to myBusinessBar owner, Kathryn Christiansen, for her nomination as one of Utah’s Top 100 Entrepreneurs. The Chamber’s first Business After Hours Social will be held on Tuesday, Jan. 13 from 5-7 p.m. at Rice Basil. A ribboncutting will be held right at 5 p.m. to celebrate this new restaurant in Holladay.

Holladay Real Estate professional Lives and works in Holladay.


This event is FREE for members to attend. Rice Basil owner, Soy, will have a special menu available for purchase. Come network, meet other members, and enter to win a one-year introductory chamber membership plus other prizes. RSVP to kathryn@ The Chamber board is excited to announce a new events schedule for 2015 to include Business After Hours and our Business Learning Series. More information can be found on Facebook or our Chamber website.

Olympus High School choir

Kenneth Melby — Holladay Business Owner of the Year

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Cottonwood -Holladay City Journal

Cottonwood Elementary Students Adopt-A-Ghost By Marci Heugly


eaching students how to serve at a young age is an integral part of the parent teacher association at Cottonwood Elementary. Stacy Hansen, the Friend to Friend PTA representative wanted to involve the students in a project they would never forget by presenting the opportunity to adopt a ghost. Based in Ogden, Adopt-a-Ghost is a nonprofit organization dedicated to supporting our troops that have been deployed, specifically those with Utah ties. They send much-needed items from home to make the troops more comfortable while serving our country. “We do this year-round,” said Linda Larsen, founder of Adopt-a-Ghost. “As soon as Christmas is over, we start doing ‘warm hearts’ which is more beanies, scarves, hot drink mixes and hand warmers through the Valentine’s season. Then it’s goodies and chocolate for Easter and beach parties in the summer.” Adopt-a-Ghost has been serving

soldiers since its conception in 2008. “My son was a combat medic. He noticed there were some men in his unit that were not getting anything from home, so I asked around and found people who volunteered to be their uncles or moms or brothers and send packages from home,” Larsen said. “The task force was named the Ghost Riders so that’s where we get the name.” The first shipment was to four soldiers and this year, they sent packages to 3,000 soldiers. “My girls have an uncle who is deployed, and he’s been helped many times by Adopt-a-Ghost,” Hansen said. “I feel like it’s an under-supported group, but they do so much.” When it came time to pick a service project for the school year, this seemed like a natural choice. Hansen joined with faculty to encourage the students to donate to the military. Each class chose one of eight categories to support, including Operation

Cottonwood Condors watch the Taylorsville Jr. ROTC perform a flag ceremony at an assembly for Adopt-A-Ghost. Communicate, Operation Good Hygiene and Operation Snack Shop. The students gathered supplies for their specific operation and encouraged donations from family and friends. The school gathered enough supplies to fill several barrels with items that were shipped to deployed soldiers in time for Christmas. “I’m retired military, so it’s near and dear to me anyway,” said Garry Bell, a member of the Adopt-A-Ghost board. “When they have a mail call, the entire unit is standing there as they call out names. It’s pretty disheartening when you don’t get mail

and everybody else does.” For that reason, Adopt-A-Ghost selects soldiers with Utah ties, and then sends packages to every member of the unit. “We took on one company that had 300, just because of one Marine,” Larsen said. In addition, they often make deliveries to families on the home front who have deployed family members.

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“When you’re out there, you have to concentrate on what you are doing. It helps to know that someone is taking care of your family back home,” Bell said. At a school-wide assembly in December, members of the Taylorsville Junior ROTC performed an opening flag ceremony as well as retiring an old flag that has flown over the school for many years. Then the students presented their donations to Adopt-A-Ghost and watched a slideshow filled with pictures of deployed men and women holding the goodies that have been sent from home. “This enriches your life,” Larsen said. “This has been a faith builder when you have doubts about the world or God taking a hand in things.” “We are thankful for the happy hearts that will put smiles on faces from Cottonwood Elementary in Holladay, Utah to military men and women who are serving so very far from home,” Principal Paulette McMillan said. l

January 2015 | Page 15

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Bella Vista Students Crack The Code

By Marci Heugly


echnology is no longer a futuristic notion, but an engrained part of our lives. One teacher at Bella Vista Elementary wants to ensure that her students are using real-world applications while they enjoy the virtual world of video games. “When I heard about the Hour of Code, I thought it sounded so cool,” said fifth-grade teacher Sara McBee. “Here was a chance to do something different while using their

nology specialist from Canyons School District, came to Bella Vista to teach the students how to write code. They were able to choose different games to play, but instead of clicking on an arrow, they had to write code for each movement. “They could play ‘Angry Birds’; they could play a ‘Frozen’ game. For them to complete one level, it took about 20 minutes,” McBee said. “They had to tell the computer

Bella Vista Elementary students learn computer programming while they participate in the Hour of Code event. Photo courtesy of Sara McBee skills like math and reading.” The Hour of Code is a global movement powered through the nonprofit website code. org. The goal is to encourage students to devote one hour to computer programming. According to the website, “Computer science is a top-paying college degree and computer programming jobs are growing at two times the national average. Despite growing demand for jobs in the field, it remains marginalized throughout the United States K-12 education system.” Schools across the country were invited to participate during the week of Dec. 8-14 and devote one hour to teaching their students how to write computer code. “I have a large class; there are 33 students and seven of them are girls,” McBee said. “A lot of these kids are into video games, and I think this is the time to help our kids understand how it all works.” Sallie Warnecke, an education tech-

“ Here was a chance to

do something different while using their skills like math and reading.” what they wanted it to do next. If they wanted the bird to move four steps to the right, they had to write a set of code.” The students seemed to enjoy the experience and now have the option to write code during free time at school. “We tend not to focus much on the computer science aspect of common core, but this is a fun way to incorporate it into our curriculum,” McBee said. At the end of the hour, each participant got a certificate showing that they had completed an hour of code. “They thought the world had stopped moving; it was so cool,” McBee said. l

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Page 16 | January 2015

Titans Aiming For State Title In 2015 By Caitlin J. Wilson


oach Matt Barnes smiled as he discussed his boys basketball team, and how much he enjoys working alongside such great young men. “These kids, you can’t find a much better group to coach,” he said. “This team, as a whole, will show some pretty special things in the coming year.” With a young team and very little varsity experience under their belts, Barnes believes that the returning seniors will boost confidence in the younger players. “My seniors, like Jake Lindsey who will be playing for Baylor, Miles Keller and Nate Fox, those guys are the ones the younger boys will look up to and learn from. They are great leaders for the other players and will push and pull them along.” Finishing with a record of 19-5 last year, and losing to Bountiful in the state semifinals, Barnes and his team are itching to return to the tournament and possibly go all the way to win state. “We’ve yet to win the state championship. This’ll be my 18th year coaching here at Olympus, and I’d love to see us take it all the way. We’ve got some amazing players this year that will open some eyes and show what we’re made of.” On Barnes’ office wall are pictures of past teams and basketball nets from previous seasons. Pictures from a few undefeated seasons, along with Final Four appearances and a couple of second in state and second in region, hang proudly on the white walls. “This school has had some amazing runs in the past. That’s the legacy here at Olympus,” Barnes noted. “We put forth effort and give it our all. Not only in basketball, but in all athletics.” With the tough preseason almost to a close, this Titan team is eager to get the real season rolling and Barnes wants his players to hang tough, no matter how hard or difficult things may get.

Cottonwood -Holladay City Journal


Olympus junior Miles Keller goes up for a shot in the Jan. 3 game against Jordan.

“There’s a lot of fight in these boys I have, and I couldn’t be more proud to be their coach. We’ve had some upsetting seasons in the years before, and some pretty bad injuries to players we’ve lost for the remainder of the season, but we’ve always come back stronger than before. This coach loves Olympus High and what it has to offer. “I’ve enjoyed my time here, and I hope I can continue to be here for another few years. There’s just something about it; something about the kids and parents and faculty that make it special. It’s always been about taking care of each other and family. Wonderful, wonderful people to be around and work alongside with.” The goal for this Titan team in the coming year? “Work for what we want, and that’s going for state,” Barnes said. “However, if we fall short and yet do our best and play our hearts out? I can’t ask for anything more. I’m proud of these guys—no matter the outcome.” l

Team Chemistry Is Key For Lady Colts By Caitlin J. Wilson


ottonwood Girls Basketball coach Janae Hirschi says her team will be focusing on getting better throughout the season, working on their team chemistry and going back to the basics of basketball in general. “The girls we have are legitimately athletic and very smart. However, we are very young and are still working with some who have never played in a varsity game before,” she said. “Teaching them the basics like how to dribble the ball, the pick and roll, defense,

communicate with each other, both off and on the court,” Hirschi said. “It’s the chemistry we need in order to do what we want, and that’s get better and win games.” Hirschi also believes that if her girls play smart and start understanding the fundamentals, this season could be a really fun one to watch and be a part of. “I get attached to these ladies real quick and enjoy not only coaching them on the court, but teaching them in the classroom, too. We’re all pretty close and it’s a good

that sort of thing. It will come in time.” Placing first in region last year, along with a 16-5 record and yet being defeated in the first round of the playoffs, Hirschi wants her team to try and finish either first, second or third in region play, and then take it from there. “I have three to four players with actual varsity playing experience, and six seniors returning,” she said. “I’m looking forward to seeing what those girls can do and how they can help our team succeed.” Another goal for team members is to help one another, and always have a focus on team work. “It all starts with them and how they

atmosphere to be in.” The Lady Colts are excited for what this season may bring, and are chomping at the bit to see what lies ahead for them. “I’m proud to call this my team. I’ve been coaching at Cottonwood for quite some time now, and I know we’re all capable of making something special happen this season,” Hirschi said. With the load of talent and quick skills these players have, Hirschi said there’s one particular player people need to keep their eyes on. “I don’t like giving only one player the

Lady Colts continued on page 17

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January 2015 | Page 17

Cottonwood H olladayJournal .com Lady Colts continued from page 16 spotlight, because I’ve always been about team, but I want to give a quick shout out to senior Andrea Brady,” she said. “From her freshman year to her senior year playing for us, she’s always had that special spark in her that makes her a very good player. She’s been a good leader and helps the younger

girls work on their skills.” What makes coaching at Cottonwood so great for Hirschi? “The kids, of course,” she said, smiling. “These girls teach me something new every day I’m with them, and I’m happy I get to be a part of such an amazing group of smart kids who love to learn and love to play the game of basketball.” l

Rec. Center Program Encourages Seniors To Be Active MONDAY - JANUARY 19 - 1:35 PM By Sherry Sorensen


he Cottonwood Heights Recreation Center wants to help seniors in the area live a healthy, active lifestyle. That’s why the facility is one of more than 12,000 centers nationwide that participates in Silver Sneakers Fitness, the country’s leading exercise program for active older adults. It’s estimated that one in five individu-

MAVERIK are on Medicare and carry supplemental insurance to visit the recreation center and see if they qualify for the program. Individuals whose insurance fits the program’s criteria receive an ultimate membership to the center, covered 100 percent by their insurance. Ultimate membership includes access to cardio and fitness rooms, basketball and


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als, age 65 and older, are eligible for fitness benefits though the program. “It’s kind of an amazing thing. It serves hundreds of senior citizens in the

racquetball courts, swimming pools, the ice rink and fitness classes. For those who wish to begin their fitness routine slowly, the rec. center offers

“ There’s a huge social aspect to it. They get to meet

people who are in the same stage of life, same age, same interests, social avenues, and that’s huge for them.” city who have an incentive to exercise because it allows them to use their health insurance benefits to pay for admission to the rec. center,” Programs Director Heidi Summers said. Summers encourages seniors who

Silver Sneakers exclusive classes. “There’s a huge social aspect to it. They get to meet people who are in the same stage of life, same age, same interests, social avenues, and that’s huge for them,” Summers said. l

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Page 18 | January 2015

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COUNTY MAYOR’S MESSAGE By Salt Lake County Mayor Ben McAdams

A LOOK BACK AT A REMARKABLE CAREER IN BEHAVIORAL HEALTH: PATRICK FLEMING A champion for mental health and substance abuse education and treatment in Utah –Patrick Fleming—retired in December as Salt Lake County’s director of the Division of Behavioral Health. Pat is one of the master designers of a collaborative health care model that to this day sets Salt Lake County and Utah apart in the nation for its effective delivery of behavioral health services to our residents. Although Pat began his career here in the private, nonprofit sector—as the director of a domestic violence program—his true talent was revealed when he moved into county and state government roles. In the 1990s, while working in behavioral health for the Utah County Commission, Pat noticed that 40 people a day were making the drive to Salt Lake in order to visit the Project Reality methadone clinic. Heroin addiction in Utah County wasn’t openly acknowledged. But Pat’s conversation with a young couple—she, six months pregnant—led him to Commissioner Malcolm Beck’s office with a passionate request to start a methadone clinic in his county. It operates to this day in the Utah County Administration building. Pat also worked in the administrations of several Utah governors. He says one of his mentors was Leon PoVey, who brought him on as the state’s substance abuse division

business manger. From PoVey, Pat learned that “you’re never going to be the smartest guy in the room but you can work to be the best.” At the state, Pat absorbed the complexities of Medicaid funding, through his job with the Office of Family Support, within the Utah Department of Social Services. Pat observed that many of the families receiving welfare and food stamps either had substance abuse problems, mental health issues or both. He had found his calling as an advocate for programs and funding to offer treatment.


n 1994, one of Pat’s research efforts—funded by a small federal grant—at the old Salt Lake County jail— alerted him to street intelligence from the inmates, that a terrible, new addiction problem had arrived in the state —methamphetamine. While men normally abuse drugs at three times the rate of women, meth devastatingly reversed that ratio. Pat said the face of meth addiction became a young, single mother with two small children. Carrying a cardboard cutout of a silhouette of a woman and her kids with him to legislative meetings, Pat successfully fought for the creation of a special task force. He argued that you could jail the mother, place her children in foster care and pay $100,000 or offer treatment at a cost of $17,000. The result was an agreement that led to customized treatment programs for female meth addicts. Pat notes that Utah has always been a place where compassion has won out over punitive sentences. Too many Utah families learned from tragic experience that

mental illnesses and substance abuse do not discriminate by economic status, education, or religion. Anyone can fall victim to the disease. He speaks movingly about the many brave, outspoken Utah advocates he has met that helped shine a light on this very personal problem and helped erase the stigma attached to it. Pat says he’ll continue to be a volunteer lobbyist on behalf of NAMI-Utah and USARA. He’s proud that, while not personally in recovery, he has the trust of the men and women in that circumstance who have accepted him as one of them. He’ll also provide some consulting to counties who are interested in learning more about the Utah collaborative model that enables local government to deliver better, more wide-reaching service in an efficient and cost-effective manner.


at has incorporated the advice he received from his early mentor—Leon PoVey—to “find something you can really commit to.” Without question, his commitment has improved people’s health, helped preserve families, and saved lives. l

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January 2015 | Page 19

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he mention of same usually does. When discussing the subject I prefer using frugal instead of cheap, thrifty over tightwad and penny-wise as opposed to penny-pincher and the word parsimoniousis strictly for the dictionary, although I must admit the phrase “Buddy, can you spare a dime?” has a certain ring to it. Finding a great bargain or saving a dollar has always been an automatic pleasure for yours truly. I suppose this is rooted from childhood, where I learned early on that having money meant saving money and that can require some creativity. For example, you know those brown spots that show up in your lawn in the heat of summer and watering does not make them go away? Diagnosis: fungus. Ever priced fungicide for fungus treatment? I did, and the price made me break out in a sweat and my hands began tremble. That hasn’t happened since I heard that Coca Cola was changing its formula. If you remember that, than you were around when surfing meant going on a vacation to California. At any rate, as I considered my options for treating fungus it quickly became obvious that it would be less expensive to buy a can of green

spray paint and paint the brown spot to match the rest of the lawn. Voila, problem solved. With Valentine’s Day approaching I find myself reverting to my economical mindset to weigh the rewards of showering loved ones with tokens of affection. I show my hubby a loving gesture by giving the household broom and mop a rest, in favor of watching my favorite television program, which is whatever football game he is watching at the time. Still, there are Valentine favors that might be considered useful for the prudent shopper. Make “Conversation Hearts” using colored paper, writing the same sorts of silly and sassy messages that are found on the candy versions and then place them all over the house, in the sock drawer, next to the toothpaste, in a shoe, under the pillow. On the night before Valentine’s Day, sneak up and write a message of love on his side of the bathroom mirror with red lipstick. Then put the lipstick on and put kisses all over it. Scatter rose petals in a trail to a special gift. The gift can be something as small as conservation hearts laid out with a sexy message on the bed. It may seem cliché but




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any girl will love this and three roses is a much better bargain than a dozen. Have a picnic on the living room floor. Enjoy some fried chicken, potato salad and a Coke or crackers, cheese and wine. Valentine’s falls when it’s still cold outside so you could throw in the “you’re my ray of sunshine” line. Create a love song playlist and get one of those headphone splitters where you both can enjoy the music through your earbuds. Then give each other a massage. If you need some ideas for music there is a list of 100 romantic and kissing songs on www.coupons4utah. com/lovesongs. Now, in regards to Valentine’s Day and love: I have some advice for those in search of companionship. First, you must recognize the well-established fact that the probability of meeting someone that would be receptive to your advances is directly proportional to you being with another date or with a friend who is more attractive than you and remember, when your romantic competitor is down, kick them. That’s the frugal wisdom for this month. l

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Take Two Aspirin By Peri Kinder


’ve reached the time of life where parts of my body randomly fall apart. I’ll wake up feeling fine, but by the end of the day I’ve got a dislocated shoulder, bunions and smallpox. That’s all well and good, but 18 months ago we lost our health insurance, so now we carefully scrutinize each symptom to see if it’s really necessary to see a doctor. Is the ache in my chest a heart attack or that spicy burrito from Taco Bell? Is my cough a result of the disgusting Utah winter air, or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease? For Christmas, I asked Santa for the deluxe edition Fisher-Price doctor kit. Now I can set my own bones, remove any suspicious lumps with a melon baller, and unless I’m leaking blood from my armpits, I can avoid medical offices and expensive procedures for a while. But this time of year always reignites the discussion in our home regarding health insurance. We’re two basically healthy adults who experience the occasional strep throat or flu, and we visit our docs for annual checkups that we pay for out-of-pocket. So far we’ve survived (fiscally and literally). However, once again we have the “opportunity” to buy into an “affordable” health care plan. After talking with insurance experts, our monthly premium will be equivalent to two car payments, or one payment on a really cool car. At around $700 a month, once you add in our $5,000 deductible

(each), that adds up to nearly $20,000 a year. So we’d be betting thousands of dollars that my husband or I will have a horrific medical experience this year. And I thought gambling was illegal in Utah. This health insurance discussion has done everything but ensure my health. The thought of paying those high premiums causes insomnia, anxiety, high blood pressure and the desire to eat copious amounts of comfort foods. Because I’m a writer (which doesn’t involve much danger besides nasty paper cuts), as long as I avoid sick people or falling pianos, I’m sure I’ll be fine. So, I’ve devised my own healthcare program that will save me thousands of dollars.

First, I’ve taken to wearing a bike helmet, knee pads and wrist guards everywhere I go. Second, I’ve invested in a nurse’s outfit, a first-aid kit, face masks, vitamin C tablets and gallons of hand sanitizer. Third, I will continue using WebMD to diagnose and treat everything from emotional exhaustion to rare infectious diseases. WebMD comes in handy when I’m pretty sure I’m dying, but just want a second opinion. Fourth, if I happen to break a bone that I can’t set myself, I will drive my car into a light pole so my car insurance will cover it. Finally, I will ask the universe to keep me healthy and safe this year. Because Oprah said that works. The definition of health insurance reads, “A type of insurance coverage that pays for medical and surgical expenses that are incurred by the insured.” It doesn’t include the disclaimer that says, “Insurance kicks in only after you’ve paid premiums and deductibles equivalent to the purchase of a Harley Davidson, a 10-day Hawaiian vacation and the complete DVD set of ‘Dr. Who.’” My husband and I have gone over our budget, trying to eliminate unnecessary expenses like dairy products, new socks, 24-hour electricity and pomegranates. But unless we win the not-yet-approved Utah lottery, we won’t be forking out thousands of dollars for health insurance. l

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