The Idaho Enterprise | April 25, 2024

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Enterprise The Idaho

Oneida County's News Since 1879

Malad celebrates Earth and Arbor Days while beautifying downtown

Members of the City Council were joined by volunteers from the community on Monday in celebration of Earth Day and Arbor Day. A longstanding eyesore of a vacant corner lot on Bannock Street west of the Co-op building got the beginnings of a makeover, as five trees were planted along the alley side of the lot, which will soon be converted into additional downtown parking, rather than sit unused and weedy.

The trees are Indian Summer Crabapple trees, which will not grow very tall, but will provide a bit of shade and greenery to the otherwise empty landscape. The trees were funded by a grant through the League of Idaho Cities, and sponsored by Rocky Mountain Power. They were purchased from Westwood Growers in Pocatello. A watering line for the trees has been installed by the City Crew at the Co-op building, and will make watering the nearby Main Street plants somewhat easier as well. Planter boxes will go between the trees, built by Paul Giles of Envisions Solutions Unlimited.

LaMonte John, local architect, designed the planned parking and green space. Following the planting of the trees, City Council President Lance Tripp spoke to the volunteers about the history and importance of Arbor Day. While the city has many infrastructure projects underway, including the longterm Bannock Street project, it has also been one of the council’s goals to maintain continue to improve the appearance and natural spaces of the downtown area by cultivating plants and trees to increase shade and natural beauty.

Lincoln Day Dinner scheduled for May 18

Be sure to take the opportunity to meet the candidates on this year’s primary ballot next month, when the annual Lincoln Day Dinner and Fundraiser is held on Saturday, May 18 at 6:00 pm at the Oneida County Event Center. All of the local and state candidates who will appear on the ballot have been invited to attend the event and speak to voters about themselves, their platforms, and their plans for the future.

Jim Noorlander is the scheduled keynote speaker for the event, and is a national speaker who has been awarded the Citizen Stateman Award by the Utah Eagle Forum for his “strong moral position in stopping legislation that would hurt families”. He later received a national award from Phyllis Schlafly, national Eagle Forum President. Noorlander has run for Congress twice, and has spoken to many national audiences on such topics as “the difference between liberty and freedom.” Jim believes “America has a divine destiny which has not yet been fulfilled, and Her greatest days are yet to come.”

This year’s candidates include state positions, as well as county commissioner and sheriff spots. As commitments from candidates become finalized, we will update the speaker’s roster.

The dinner will be catered by the Iron Door Smokehouse, and Boy Scout Troop 1776 will be on hand to conduct the flag ceremony.

Funds raised through the event will be used to help support the organizational costs of the OCRC (Oneida County Republican Central Committee) in sending delegates to the Idaho State Republican Convention in Couer d’alene in June.

Please RSVP for the event by calling Karen Kerr at (509) 5288962, visiting, or using the QR code in the ad in this paper. Tickets are $25 a person, and donations are gladly accepted.

The dinner and fundraiser will host a silent auction and a live auction with many prime items for bid. The event is the only fundraiser which helps support the operations of the local Republican Party for the year.

Volcano erupts in Indonesia

Mount Ruang in Indonesia underwent multiple explosive eruptions last week, causing volcanic gases to reach the atmosphere’s second layer, thousands of feet above ground. The volcano ejected a massive ash plume and sent some volcanic gases more than 65,000 feet into the air, about 25,000 feet higher than a commercial airplane will typically fly. The eruption’s potential impacts to weather and climate are starting to come into focus, even as the danger posed by the volcano persists and evacuations continue. While it is possible for volcanoes to have a short-term impact on the climate, Mount Ruang’s influence on the climate is predicted to be minimal.

Voyager 1

NASA engineers have received decipherable data from Voyager 1 for the first time in months after finding a creative solution to fix a communication problem aboard the most distant spacecraft in the cosmos. The 46 year old Voyager 1 is about 15 billion miles away, and has shown multiple quirks and signs of aging in recent years, most recently related to the flight data system’s telemetry modulation unit. Since November, Voyager 1’s flight data system had been stuck in a loop. The mission team received the first meaningful data about the health and status of Voyager 1’s engineering systems on April 20. While the team is still reviewing the information, everything they’ve seen so far suggests Voyager 1 is healthy and operating properly.

Ada County Deputy killed on Saturday (Idaho Statesman) An Ada County Sheriff’s Office Deputy was shot and killed in an incident on Saturday night which led to a Boise Police Officer shooting and killing the suspect later that night. The deputy, who was identified at a press conference as Deputy Tobin Bolter, was the first ACSO deputy to be killed in the line of duty. The Sheriff’s office said that a peer support group is now available to their deputies. A procession to transfer Bolter from the Ada County Coroner’s Office to the Bowman Funeral home took place at 3 p.m. on Sunday.

Pickleball league forming

Malad City Recreation is starting Adult Pickleball and Youth Pickleball Leagues. Adult events will be held the Month of May, on Monday and Thursday Evenings, tentatively from 6 to 9 p.m. There will be Drills and Games. There are three different categories - Beginners, Intermediate and Advanced Players. The cost for adults is $40. The Youth events will be held during the month of June. Cost will be $35 for Beginners through Advanced. Information and registration information can be found on the City’s Facebook page or in person at City Hall.

Malad City, Idaho
25, 2024 |Vol. 144 No. 17 $1.50
Looking Back Pg. 7 Community Calendar Pg. 12 Sports Pg. 11-12 FCCLA Pg. 2 School Board Report Pg. 5 Puzzles Pg. 6 NEWS IN BRIEF INSIDE THE ENTERPRISE
The City Council and a squad of volunteers gathered Monday to help plant trees in "Pig Alley." A design for the layout of the new parking area, drafted by LaMonte John. Idaho State GOP Chair, Dorothy Moon, spoke at last year's Lincoln Day Dinner. This year's keynote speaker is Jim Noorlander. One of the many auction items planned for the Lincoln Day Dinner.

MHS FCCLA attends Leadership Conference

MHS FCCLA Students attended the FCCLA State Leadership Conference on April 10-13 in Boise Idaho. As a chapter as a whole, they received two awards: the Exemplary Chapter Award, and the Chapter Increase Award.

Aubree Palmer, Paige Wilson and McKenzie Leckie also received the Power of One Award (students had to create and complete a series of goals based on 5 different categories of self improvement).

Aubree Palmer made the State FCCLA Officer Team. She will serve this next year as the STATE FCCLA First Vice President.

Mckenzie Leckie and Brittania Butler made the District 5 FCCLA Officer Team.

Leader Shantel Tavoian relates that “All students who attended competed in an event. All students worked hard and I am extremely proud of their effort! When students were not competing in an event, they were attending workshops that were designed to better help them develop leadership skills!”

The following is a list of the students who competed and their results: (Student(s), Event, Medal, Placement, National Qualifier): Star Events

Mckenzie Leckie and Paige Wilson: Chapter in Review - Gold - 1st place - National Qualifier; Aubree Palmer: Leadership - Gold - 2nd place - National Qualifier; Brittania Butler: Entrepreneurship - Silver - 1st place - National Qualifier; Marshall Asay: Sports Nutrition - Silver - 1st place - National Qualifier; Aubrey Corbett: Interior Design – Silver; Carter Smith: Career Investigation – Silver; Cora Asay: Career InvestigationSilver Idaho Only Events

Abbie Cox, Myriam Teeples, Kelly Thomas: Menu Planning and Table Display - Silver - 1st Place; Jaxson Blaisdell - Impromptu Speaking –Silver Shantel Tavoian spotlight

The following is a special spotlight about Shantel Tavoian provided by the students and parents of the Malad FCCLA Chapter, who would like to recognize Shantel for the tremendous work and efforts she has contributed to their CTSO Organization these past 3 years. Shantel has spent countless hours helping every student in the FCCLA program create, organize,

prepare and perform numerous activities and projects which benefit both students and the Malad High School student body.

These past years, Shantel successfully helped in the planning of community service projects such as picking up leaves throughout the Malad community, and hiding of eggs at the annual Easter Egg hunts and other various activities. Through Shantel’s patience, guidance, and talents, the FCCLA officers provide successful fundraising projects such as making and selling cotton candy, pretzel bites, cinnamon rolls, cake bites and cookies. Shantel also donates extra hours in helping students who wish to attend State and National Leadership Conferences by providing bake sales and sale items in concessions at various community and school activities.

Most of all, Shantel is able to provide her expertise and help in students preparing for Star and Idaho Events

which are presented at district, state and national levels. Through her help, students have performed and won at the highest levels. It is well known that Shantel views her students as family and they each feel her love, patience and guidance throughout their FCCLA experience. Shantel has become both an exemplary teacher and leader among her students and her community and all would like to thank her for her great efforts.

Her sister explains that Shantel Tavoian attended BYU Idaho and graduated with a bachelor’s degree in family and consumer sciences in 2013. After completing her student teaching at the end of 2013, she was then hired at West Ada School District. She taught at Rocky Mountain High School and Meridian High School from the 20132014 school year to 2016-2017 school year. She was then hired at Rigby high school and taught there until the 20202021 school year. While at Rigby High

School, she began the Fashion and Construction Pathway at that school. She has currently been teaching at Malad High School for the past 3 years and I served as the Malad FCCLA advisor during that time as well. She is currently the FCCLA District 5 Representative/District Advisor on the Idaho FCCLA Board. As district representative, she helps plan the district fall conference and district star events with the district officers. She also oversees district 5 FCCLA meetings held at State. She was also recently nominated as the new secretary for the Idaho FCCLA Board. She’s also currently serving on the IFCS board as the past president.(Idaho Family Consumer Sciences Teacher Association) Shantel enjoys baking, sewing, crocheting, gardening, playing Mario kart, and spending time with her family, especially her nieces and nephews. She also loves chocolate, any and all kinds and in all forms.

C M C M The Idaho Enterprise April 25, 2024 2
N E L L J R E D F I E L D M E M O R I A L H O S P I T A L P R E S E N T S HEALTHY YOU EVENT R e d u c e d C o s t L a b s F R E E B l o o d P r e s s u r e & B l o o d S u g a r C h e c k s F R E E B M I & B o d y F a t T e s t i n g F R E E C a r S e a t C h e c k s I n f o r m a t i o n o n H o s p i t a l a n d C l i n i c S e r v i c e s H e a r t H e a l t h a n d S t r o k e P r e v e n t i o n I n f o r m a t i o n N u t r i t i o n & D i a b e t e s I n f o r m a t i o n F R E E L u n c h C o o l e r ( w h i l e s u p p l i e s l a s t ) F R I D A Y M A Y 3 2 0 2 4 8 - 1 1 A M @ H O S P I T A L 1 5 0 N O R T H 2 0 0 W E S T M A L A D
The FCCLA team in front of the state capitol building. The team won a number of awards during the State Leadership Conference in Boise, April 10-13. The group taking a well-deserved break after the awards ceremony. Aubree Palmer, newly minted State FCCLA First Vice President. FCCLA Advisor Shantel Tavoian.

Mayor’s Youth Council helps Museum reorganize

The Oneida County Pioneer Museum has been working on a project to move materials from the mezzanine area to the newly remodeled top floor in order to allow more space for the collection to be displayed and organized. Last week, members of the Museum Board were joined by the Mayor’s Youth Council to make some major progress on the project.

The Mayor’s Youth Council, which was created by current Malad mayor Joan Hawkins, is finishing up its second year as an organization. According to Hawkins, “This year has been a huge success under the direction of [Youth Council President] Mathilde Dickerson.” The Council functions primarily as a service organization which allows students to gain experience working with municipal leaders and see the functioning of government in a practical way. Members serve terms of one year of service from May to the following April. They attend at least one City Council meeting, and perform at least four hours of service throughout each semester.

Earlier this year, the Youth Council served at the Crisis Center Dinner, and many of the same members helped with this museum project. The main service project for the Council this year was a Council Closet at Malad High School for use by Malad High School and Malad Middle School students in need. The Council held drives for food, clothing, and blankets. These items are in the closet for the use of any students who might need them. They can be picked up anonymously. The Youth Council has partnered with the Crisis Center, and the closet is run as

an outreach of the Crisis Center. With the food items, there are snack items, hygiene items like toothbrushes and other personal hygiene items, and there are coats, gloves, jackets, and blankets. The Council will keep an inventory of the closet and hold drives each Fall to replenish it.

The Council is also going to help with planting some planter boxes for the City, and perhaps the Community Garden.

Applications are being taken at this time for new members to replace the four seniors who will be graduating this year, Zion McCullough, Mathilde Dickerson, Kolton Cox, and Karlee Palmer. Myriam Teeples has already applied and is the first new member for the 2024/2025 year.

Hawkins remarks that “I am so impressed with these young people. They are so busy, but they always want to help. Besides school, many of them work, and all of them are active at Malad High School. They are excited about learning too. Last year Kolton Cox and Abbie Cox were the first members of the Malad City Mayor’s Youth Council to attend the AIC Annual Conference. This year we hope more students will be able to attend. It is a great experience that teaches the kids not only about city government, but also how to interact with others.”

For good examples of involved citizens who help keep the community running, members of the museum board are good choices. The Pioneer Museum is primarily focused on collecting, curating, and presenting the history of the Malad Valley. Care and attention to detail are critical to muse-

ums, and board members continually work to improve and refine their collection. The clearing of stored items from the mezzanine will help the museum achieve all of its aims, as it will help organize and make accessible the museum’s holdings.

Two storage rooms on the top floor have recently been remodeled by J.D. Thomas, and the shelves were put together by Board members Bill Lewis and Dave Gilgen. Dave Gilgen also made and installed a shelf and rod for hanging clothes. Board member Dotty Evanson led the project to sort and store the clothing and quilts. Other Board members on hand to help out were Janice Vaughan, Sarah Robbins, Hailey Sweeten, Joan Hawkins and Julie Willie.

Oneida County Quilt Guild—April

Esther Emerson conducted the meeting. Our co-president, Brenda Daniels is on her mission.

The announcements are: The Oregon and Idaho Trail Center in Montpelier is holding a quilt show from May 25 to October 15. Entry is free.

The Brigham museum is looking for arts quilts.

For show and tell, Audrey showed placemats she’s making for Christmas gifts; Jolynn John made a bag for the farmers market and eyeglass cases; Mary Ellen finished her last quilt for her young nieces—where the children get to pick out the fabrics.

Jean made a casserole carrier and gifted it to Danese. She is also working on Quilts of Valor to give to retired veterans. Nyla showed a friendship quilt that she made with left over scrapes from the quilt club. Rosie, Sharon, Christine, and Jill also shared projects (I’m sorry if I missed anyone). Cindy is using her stash and finishing UFOs. She made an applique quilt and she learned how to make collage quilt—this is a technique where she glues fabric to a piece of paper and then quilts everything down, without sewing the pieces together. She loves it!

Sharon asked what kind of iron she should buy—Cindy asked if it’s for regular ironing or only for quilting. She recommended the Black and Decker all-purpose iron for everyday ironing or the Panasonic Cordless iron costing

about $80 if you only need the iron for quilting.

Esther said, “Quilting is a form of art and expression—ladies, we need to label our quilts, like an artist labels a painting.”

She also suggested that we make a quilt diary.

Esther taught a class on sewing machine maintenance.

Machine maintenance is like taking a car to a machinic. We need to do slight maintenance between services—for natural wear and tear.

Basic maintenance from a dealer is important every year to 1 ½ years. If you are using the machine frequently.

There are things you can do to keep your machine working well, between services. The goal is to clean out the lint that accumulates. Old thread, flannel or Minky fabric create more lint.

A good goal is to clean out your machine after every three bobbins, or when you change your needle.

Change your needle every time you start a new project.

Tool kit:

Brushes like a soft makeup brush that you haven’t used for makeup.

A stiff brush like a tiny bottle brush

A stiff brush like a small basting brush for cooking

A screwdriver—a short screwdriver with a short base. Esther recommends

that you have three, so you won’t lose them all. She bought hers for 80 cents online.

Machine oil with a telescoping oil bottle—machines need oil, especially if they are mostly metal. Look in your machine’s manual for instructions on oiling. Don’t take your machine apart. Only do what you are comfortable with. Do not use canned air, which is for computers—but you can use your vacuum cleaner.

C M C M April 25, 2024 The Idaho Enterprise 3
BINGO Friday April 26 7:00 p.m. BRING POTLUCK SNACKS FOR SHARING Legion Building MALAD CITY SHOP 275 S. 100 W. (south of Fire Station) * Rabies Vaccination $15.00 * Dog Licenses will be available Male/Female $15.00 Spayed or Neutered $10.00 * Dog Licenses are due yearly! A $15.00 Late Fee Will Be Charged For Dogs Not Licensed by May 31 MALAD CITY ANNUAL ANIMAL RABIES VACCINATION CLINIC Saturday, May 4, 2024 10:30 a.m. to Noon Open Mon. - Fri • 9 a.m. - 3 p.m. The COPY CENTER At The Idaho Enterprise 208-766-4773 100 E. 90 S. Malad
Christine Davis showing her quilt with spring colors. JoLynn John made a farmer’s market bag A newly installed rod, shelf and storage area. Kolton Cox, Karlee Palmer, Mathilde Dickerson, Myriam Teeples, Emma Bird, Thatcher Sweeten, Riggins Sweeten, Fenn Sweeten.

School District #351 Employee of the Month—

Tia Talbot

Tia Talbot was honored as the April “Employee of the Month” at the Oneida School Board meeting on Tuesday, April 16, 2024. Mr. Robert Hannah, Principal of Malad Middle School, read the following letter in support of Tia’s nomination:

“It is a pleasure to work with Tia Talbot. She is an outstanding teacher. Tia is a huge part of our school’s culture and positive climate.

“Tia has taught at Malad Middle School for the past two years. Prior to that, she taught at Malad High School for 15 years. Every day . . . she brings energy and enthusiasm to her 6th grade physical science students and

FFA Welding

her 8th grade earth science students.

“Recently Tia also received the 2024 Idaho Youth Sports Commission GameChanger Coach Award. She does an outstanding job as our MHS and MMS cross country coach and MMS track coach. To get everything done that we ask Tia to do takes countless hours. I know that that our students benefit every day from Tia’s commitment to student learning and overall middle school experience.”

Superintendent Jon Abrams presented Tia with a copy of the “Starfish” story, a gift card to a restaurant, and a plaque that will hang in the District Office for the month.

School Board Report-April

The regular monthly meeting of the Oneida School Board was held on Tuesday, April 16, 2024. Tia Talbot was recognized as the April “Employee of the Month” and for receiving the 2024 Idaho Youth Sports Commission GameChanger Coach Award. (See accompanying article.)

Several members of the Malad High School FFA were present to report on their trip to State Convention. FFA Adviser Lexie Evans’ complete report of the trip was published in the April 18 edition of The Idaho Enterprise. The local chapter asked the School Board to consider their request to attend the National FFA Convention in October as two local students will receive the prestigious American Farmer Degree at that time. The Board will discuss the request at a future meeting.

The Board learned that four Malad students placed in the top 12 of the Idaho School Boards Association Photo Contest. Cassidy Schrenk from Malad Elementary School, Kyson Price and Samantha Schrenk from Malad Middle School, and Jaden Price from Malad High School had their winning photographs published in Slate, a publication of the ISBA.

Administrator Reports

Superintendent Jon Abrams gave a brief report on the financial status of the new school and ball fields. The money is in hand for completion of the projects with some modifications to the baseball/softball fields. Several seniors at Malad High School expressed interest in touring the new elementary building; that tour will be led by construction manager Jared Lusk. Jared is also working on the plans for remodeling the high school office area to provide better security.

Ms. Jeanie Reeder of Stone Elementary School reported that all students have shown growth in reading this year. Scholarships from Dan Cervantes and bikes provided by the Oneida Crisis Center will be presented to students who show the most growth on the IRI tests. The students will go to OSI (Ocean Star International) for a field trip to learn how the company raises brine shrimp from eggs harvested in the Great Salt Lake.

Ms. Sarah McIntyre of Malad Elementary School reported that the elementary school is seeking one new teacher and a school counselor plus several special education aides for next year. Over 200 people came for Family Bingo Night on April 11,

It’sMaladHighSchool GraduationTime!

which was a huge success. Testing has started, and lots of field trips are planned between now and the end of the year.

Mr. Robert Hannah of Malad Middle School reported that testing is underway and that attendance continues to be a problem. The 3rd quarter Armor Up assembly was held with approximately the same number of students earning rewards as in the first two quarters.

Mr. Dallin Rupp of Malad High School also reported that testing is underway. The high school received $500 from Blue Cross of Idaho to use in improving physical fitness and health. He realizes that better communication with staff is needed. Another problem is the use of phones and other distractions in classrooms as rules are not uniformly enforced.

Dr. Terri Sorenson of the Idaho Home Learning Academy also said that testing is ongoing. Enrollment for next year is approximately the same as at this time last year. Board members for the new charter school are being selected. There will be four IHLA graduation ceremonies this year: Treasure Valley, Coeur d’Alene, Twin Falls, and Idaho Falls.

Action Items

Two policies pertaining to open enrollment were approved. The handbooks for 2024-2025 were approved for Malad Elementary, Middle, and High Schools although some wording changes related to the dress code are needed in the MHS Handbook.

The following personnel were approved, pending their passing the State-mandated background check: Dallan Rupp as Malad High School principal; Joshua Smith as MHS assistant principal/athletic director; Abrielle Goddard as MHS head cheer coach; Kami Willie as MHS assistant cheer coach; Lizzy Clark Reiss as MHS volunteer girls soccer coach; Jamie Coatney as MHS office manager; Richelle Zitting as Malad Elementary School special education paraprofessional; Kristy Burmester as Stone School part-time cook; and three substitute teachers for IHLA. Resignations were accepted from Tansy Talbot as MHS office secretary and Nicole Daniels as MES school counselor. Because of a conflict with Seminary graduation, the next School Board meeting will be on May 14. The annual budget hearing will be held on May 28.

C M C M The Idaho Enterprise April 25, 2024 4 Malad High School Class of 2024 Graduates
their congratulations
Idaho Enterprise
100 E. 90 S. Mail: P.O. Box
Malad City Idaho 83252-0205
Graduate's Name: _____________________________________________ Message:
will receive their
on Wednesday, May 22. A list of the graduates will be published in the May 16 edition. In the May 16 Graduation Edition, The Idaho Enterprise will be featuring "Happy Ads" from
grandparents and friends offering
and best wishes. If you wish
participate, please fill
your graduate's name and message, circle the
and return to the Enterprise office with payment by Monday, May 10. Payment may
made by cash, check or credit/ debit card. The
or call: 208-766-4773
Actual size $10 Actual size $20 WEDDINGS
Willard & Tili Wray
2024. An open house will be held on April 27th at the Malad Stake Center from 6:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.
Tili is a 2023 graduate of South Fremont High School. She is the daughter of Douglass and Nini Anderson Willlard is a 2018 graduate of Malad High School. He is the son of Matthew and Lesli Wray. They
in the
Star Valley Temple on April 20th, FFA students Ryelur Jensen, Carter Blaisdell, Xander Merjia, and Brookelin Isaacson competed in the Rocky Mountain shootout welding competition at ISU Thursday, April 18. Students participated In a 70 question written test as well as three welding skills test. The team placed 10th overall out of 24 teams. They have already begun practicing and are looking forward to next year’s event.

Shelly Williams Local

Interests First 215 E 50 S. #4, Malad City, ID 83252

Every Meal Served with Juice/Milk/Coffee

April 30 - Taco Salad, Salad Bar, Applesauce, Corn, Roll, Dessert

May 2 - Birthday Dinner, Pork Roast, Cheesy Potatoes, Salad Bar, Peaches, Roll, Dessert

May 7 - Nachos w/Beef, Carrot Sticks, Sliced Apples, Cheesy Breadstick, Dessert

May 9 - Beef Stew, Cucumber Slices, Roll, Dessert

May 14 - Hamburgers, Green Beans, Oranges, Roll, Dessert

May 16 - Lasagna, Corn, Peaches, Roll, Dessert

May 21 - Sweet & Sour Chicken, Fried Rice, Oranges, Breadstick, Dessert

May 23 - Pulled Pork Sandwich, Salad Bar, Fruit, Potato Salad, Baked Beans, Roll, Dessert

May 28 - CLOSED

May 30 - CLOSED

With warmer weather and sunnier days ahead, let’s get out there and soap up some Vitamin D. The sun provides us with vitamin D and can help us feel happier; studies show that Vitamin D helps reduce levels of depression and regulate mood. Having adequate amounts of Vitamin C can also help our bodies to retain Calcium and Phosphorus, essential for bone maintenance and integrity.

Sources of Vitamin D include:


Fish (Oily fish such as salmon, tuna, swordfish, oysters, etc)


Orange juice, that has been FORTIFIED with Vitamin D

Dairy products that have been FORTIFIED with Vitamin D


Recommendations for supplement intake include:

600 IU (international units) for adults 18-70 years old

800 IU for adults over 70 years old

Seasonal foods in May?





Seasonal Fruit Salad with Honey Poppy Seed Dressing

2 cups strawberries, cubed into bite size pieces

2 cups banana, cubed

1 cup blueberries

1 tbsp juice of lemon or lime - ¼ cup honey - 2 tsp poppy seeds

Rinse and cube all fruits (with the exception of blueberries), place In a large bowl, and set aside. In a small bowl or cup, mix in juice of lemon/lime, honey, and poppyseeds. Mix well. Pour honey mixture over the fruit and gently mix to coat all the fruit. Enjoy!

Store in an airtight container in the refrigerator for up to 3 days to avoid fruits getting mushy. Also, enjoy with a side of cottage cheese for a sweet and savory treat!

Optional substitutions: Raspberry, mango, grapes, pears, pineapple, etc.

April 26 - Chicken Haystacks, Fruit, Dessert

May 1 - Steak Fingers, Salad Bar, Peaches, Dessert

May 3 - Tuna Melts, Carrot & Raisin Salad, Pears, Dessert

May 8 - Birthday Dinner, Roast Pork, Mashed Potatoes, Broccoli, Roll, Dessert

May 10 - Chili Dogs, Coleslaw, Fruit Salad, Dessert

May 15 - Chicken Stew w/Dumplings, Mandarin Oranges, Dessert

May 17 - Navajo Tacos, Peaches, Dessert

May 22 - Steak St. Louis, Mashed Potatoes, Green Beans, Roll, Dessert

May 24 - Spaghetti w/Meat Sauce, Spinach Salad, Applesauce, Breadstick, Dessert

May 29 - Swedish Meatballs on Noddles, Carrots, Dessert

May 31 - Baked Potato Bar, Fruit Salad, Dessert

Oneida County Republican Central Committee Reorganization and Delegate Selection

On May 29, 2024, the Oneida County Republican Central Committee will hold the 2024 Reorganization and Delegate Selection Meeting following the May primary election. The Oneida County Republicans will meet at the Senior Citizens Center, 26 N Main, Malad, Idaho, beginning at 7 p.m. MST.

The Oneida County Republican Committee is made up of all precinct committeemen and precinct committee women within the county, elected in the primary election on May

21, 2024. Only those newly elected precinct committeemen and precinct committee women may vote to elect officers and convention delegates and alternates at the reorganization meeting.

The newly elected precinct committeemen and committeewomen will elect a County Chairman, Vice Chairman, Treasurer, Secretary, State Committeeman, State Committeewoman, and State Youth Committee person. Interested persons who wish to fill any of those positions are en-

couraged to attend this meeting.

Precinct committeemen and committeewomen will also elect three delegates and two alternates to attend the Idaho State Republican Convention in June in Coeur d’Alene, Idaho. The only qualification for delegates and alternates is that they be registered to vote as Republican in their respective county.

Any person who wishes to be nominated to be a delegate or alternate delegate to the state convention must complete and sign the Delegate

Pledge Form before being nominated as a delegate or alternate delegate. Interested persons are invited to attend the May 29 Oneida reorganization and delegate selection meeting. The general public is always invited to any of the Oneida Republican Central Committee meetings. A listing of these meetings can be found in the Idaho Enterprise Community Calendar, which is posted in the last edition of each month.

The Malad Area Chamber of Commerce is looking for seasonal, part-time employee(s) to work at the Visitors Center located at the Cherry Creek Rest Area off of I-15. We are looking for individuals

C M C M April 25, 2024 The Idaho Enterprise 5
Mammograms Tuesday, April 30, at NJR Memorial Hospital Call and Schedule Your Appointment Today! Call Mary Jo at 208-766-2231 Need Your Lawn Mowed? Taking on more lawns this year. Price will depend on the size of yard. Call Gaylen to get scheduled 208-766-3020 NOW HIRING
or older,
an application. Text/Call 208-705-1659 Dr. Stephen Sutton Dr. Robert Perkins Dr. Josh Wray Open Monday thru Friday 208.904.3614 150 S. Main St. #16 Malad, ID 83252 Find us on Facebook @Oneida Family Dental! Victory Baptist Church Streaming Live Sermons on our Facebook Page @11 am Jesus Christ, the same yesterday, and today, and forever. Hebrews 13:8 448 South Main, Malad 208-766-4288 4-H & FFA Steer Weigh-in Saturday, Mar. 16 8:00 to 10:30 a.m. Oneida County Scales
May 2024 Nell J. Redfield Memorial Hospital, Long Term Care “Friends Serving Friends” 150 N. 200 W., Malad 208-766-2231 Curlew Senior Citizens’ Menu Malad Menu Every Meal Served with Juice/Milk/Coffee ONEIDA COUNTY CLINIC Dr. James Pickett, D.O. ~ Misty Martinsen FNP Rick Bo Clark PA-C Cathy Harmston FNP ~ Karen Beck FNP Dr. Layne Barnes D.O. 220 Bannock Street, Malad ID 208-766-2600 Calendar Sponsored By Calendar Sponsored By 12
N., Malad 766-4316 Before or After Attending Malad’s Events, Enjoy A Cool Drink, Ice Cream Specialty or Dinner With Us! Malad Drive In May 2024 Nutrition Article
that are 18
have good people skills and can work independently. Please contact The Malad Area Chamber of Commerce for
W. 100
Salt Creek Realty
Licensed Agent AlwaysPuttingYourBest
C M C M The Idaho Enterprise April 25, 2024 6 BRAIN TEASERS Malad Business Professionals ET KUSTOM SALES Dealer - Dreams Carports Carports • Sheds • Barns • AUTO GLASS • Windshield & Glass Replacement Window Chip Repairs 65 Bannock St. • Malad • 766-4515 • Window Regulators & Motors Door Handles • Most Replacement Parts Serving Our Community Since 1935 45 West 100 North • Malad City, ID Phone: 208-766-4733 Hours: Mon-Fri 8-6 • Saturday 8-5 Closed Sunday Shop Online at our new website HESS Lumber & Home Center KANINE KORNER DOG GROOMING and Boarding “Big or Small, We Groom ‘em All” Emily Jo Christiansen 553 North 400 West (208) 406-4204 CUSTOM TIMBER FRAMES • PERGOLAS • PAVILIONS • TREE HOUSES • LIVE EDGE TABLES + SLABS 801-336-8690 “If a job’s worth doing, It’s worth doing right!” Follow us on @ BCTIMBERS Specializing in • Equine • Auto Home • Commercial • Trucking • Rodeo Licensed in ID, UT, and WY Call or Text 208-766-6205 Josh Paskett Licensed Agent Utah and Idaho 208-766-3152 Malad City, Idaho Natalie Paskett Licensed Agent Idaho 208-339-0557 Malad City, Idaho FLINDERS Realty & Exchange, Inc. Selling Quality Real Estate to Quality Buyers Working Ranches • Fishing Properties • Residential Ag Properties • Building Lots Listing and Selling Utah, Idaho’s Finest Properties FERREEELECTRIC.COM Follow us on Facebook and instagram @ferreeelectric Sam Ferree Owner/Master Electrician Licensed and Insured 801-703-4799 Email: Salt Creek Realty 208-643-4200 Marie Robbins - Broker - 208-760-0156 Shelly Williams – Sales Agent 208-220 -1454 215 E 50 S. #4, Malad City, ID 83252 Open Mon. - Fri 9 a.m. - 3 p.m. • Copies • Color Copies • Lamination • Binding • Pamphlets • Email Printing • Specialty Work by hourly rates THE COPY CENTER At The Idaho Enterprise 208-766-4773 100 E. 90 S. Malad Call Shelly Williams • 208-766-4773 Business Directory per$50month Advertise here!


5 YEARS AGO (2019)

The Malad Distinguished Young Women (DYW) committee will be presenting “Celebrate”, on Saturday evening, May 4, 2019. On that night, one girl will be chosen as Malad’s Distinguished Young Woman for 2020. The program will be held at the Malad Elementary School Auditorium and will begin at 7:00 p.m.

This year eleven girls from Malad will be participating, Savanah Poulson, Jeni Alder JaNae Daniels, Kristle Jensen, Hallee Kimberling, Stephie Briggs, Marion Smith, Olivia Allen, Sierra Hooste, Jenna Peterson and Hannah Bird.

The Malad District of the Grand Teton Council, Boy Scouts of America held its Annual Adult Leader Recognition Banquet on April 10 at the Malad LDS Stake Center. The annual event recognizes the outstanding Scout leaders in the community that make such a great impact on the lives of the youth. This 2019 banquet is the last for the Malad District Boy Scouts of America.

During the quarterly meeting of The Oneida County Deputies, Sheriff Arne Jones explained that he had commissioned a special token to present to members of the community that go above and beyond that’s required in helping the community. He has designated the token as an “Atta Boy” and awarded the first recognition to an Oneida County Deputy and CEO of Nell J. Redfield Memorial Hospital, John Williams.

On Thursday evening, April 18, the Malad High School gymnasium was bustling with many residents who enjoyed the 8th annual Evening of the Arts, sponsored by Nell J. Redfield Memorial Hospital Foundation. Artists featured this year were Mark Arnout (metal art), Nathan Eliason (leatherwork), Blake Harrison (photography) and Saadia Rogers (pencil drawing). Student works of art by Malad elementary School 3rd, 4th and 5th graders and by Malad Middle and High School art students were displayed. Refreshments were provided by culinary arts students at Malad High School.

10 YEARS AGO (2014)

Twelve young women from the junior class at Malad High School will be participating in the Distinguished Young Women Program on May 3, 2014. The program will be held at the Malad Elementary School Auditorium. Participating this year are Hope Blaisdell, Mikell Daniels, Samantha Daniels, Bethany Gunter, Mariella Hernandez, Breanna Higley, Aubrey King, Paige Peabody, Kylee Price, Nikki Quist, Paige Robbins and Cassidy Stewart.

The Malad High FFA Chapter students competed in the district Extemporaneous Public Speaking, Prepared Public Speaking and Parliamentary Procedure CDEs. Malad had a parliamentary procedure team compete. This team included Rhett Daniels, Wyatt Misrasi, Samantha Daniels, Logan Atkinson, Bradley Clark as secretary and Eric Eliason as President. Malad FFA Chapter’s Parliamentary procedure team took third in the district, competing against five other teams.

The Third through Fifth Grade students at Malad Elementary were excited to present their spring, Production “Making of the Band,” “Making of the Band,” tells the story of a group of friends who start their own garage band. The band explores the different genres of music history from the 50s, 60s, 70, 80s and today.

15 YEARS AGO (2009)

The Oneida school board held a special meeting April 9 to approve coaches for the fall/winter season and discuss other matters. Trustees voted unanimously to approve McKay Young as head football coach, Camie Tripp as head volleyball coach, and Irene Alder as head cross country coach for 2009. Voting 3 to 1, Trustees approved Chad Thompson as head boy’s basketball coach and Bob Sorensen as head girl’s basketball coach. The position of head wrestling coach was tabled and will be announced later.

The annual Hospital Health Fair is set for April 22 from 7:00 a.m. until 1:00 p.m. at the LDS Church, 200 West 400 North. Theme for the event is “Treasure Your Health.”

Meeting April 8 in monthly session, the Malad Mayor and City Council set aside the evening to hold a workshop with the Fire District Board about the feasibility of the city coming into the Oneida Fire District.

Lt. Colonel Mike Ramsdell, the author of the best selling book, and soon to be full length motion picture, “A train to Potevka,” will be the featured speaker at a fireside scheduled for Sunday, May 3 at the Malad LDS Stake Building.

The Malad Lions Club sponsored a Patriotism Essay contest for the Malad Fifth grade students. First place winner was Chayce Rowheder, daughter of Tim and Celia Driskol; second place winner was Kallie Thomas, daughter of Todd and Mary Sue Thomas and third place winner was Taber Paskett, daughter of Josh and Natalie Paskett.

25 YEARS AGO (1999)

The grocery business in Malad will be taking a big leap into the 21st century with the opening of the new Thomas Market at 170 South Main. The store, which opened its doors yesterday, features a hot and cold deli, fresh bakery products, expanded produce and meat departments, expanded dairy and ice cream departments, new high-tech cash registers and a customer service counter.

Alex Joseph Jenkins will be awarded his Eagle Scout rank on April 22. Alex has been with Troop 456 for one year and was previously with Troop 452 for two years. Alex’s Eagle project was to repaint all of the parking lines and handicap spots at the L.D.S. Stake Building. He, with the help of several others, was able to complete this task in one day.

JoLynn Price and Larry Nalder spent some time in their Earth Science classes teaching the students about oceanography. This year, they gave those students a chance to see the world under the water for themselves. H & H Dive is owned by Jeff Hampton, from Pocatello, Idaho. He instructed the students on scuba diving and oceanography before they got a chance to try out the equipment for themselves.

The site of the new Alice’s Beauty Shop was originally a beauty shop owned by Velda Jean Mulder before it became a real estate office, which Alice Moon remodeled. The new shop has been totally renovated: walls torn out, gutted, painted, papered and cement poured by Alice’s

husband, Rod, and a friend, Herman Baer. The sign, wrought iron was created by Linda Ivie.

The new tribal council of the Northwestern Band of the Shoshone Tribe was sworn into office in the Oneida County Courtroom on Saturday, April 17. There were seven members sworn in on the newly elected tribal council. Those elected were Gaitan (Guy) Martinez, Helen Z. Timbimboo, Gwen Timbimboo Davis, Tommy R. Panheco, Leland Pubigee, Shane Warner and Ivan A. Wongan. The reason the swearing-in ceremony was held in Malad was because of its location. The tribe members have offices in both Brigham City and Blackfoot, so Malad was chosen as a central location.

The cost for a standard obituary: $89 500 words with one color photo The cost for an ultimate obituary: $159 501 words plus and 2 color photos * additional photos $25 each To submit an obituary: email:

or drop o at the

C M C M April 25, 2024 The Idaho Enterprise 7
Enterprise The Idaho Oneida County's News Since 1879
100 E. 90 S., Malad, Idaho 208-766-4773 OBITUARY SUBMISSION INFO
The Idaho
P.O. Box 205, Malad Idaho 83252
15 YEARS AGO (2009) Malad Lions Club Members presented
checks to
years fifth grade winners of
their Patriotism Essay Contest. They are (back, left to right) David Corbridge, Don Paul Schwartz, Ray Francom and Kurt Elcock. The winners are (Front) Chayce Rowheder, Tabor Paskett and Kallie Thomas. 25 YEARS AGO (1999) Shelli Ray, Alaina Price and Kallie Barker got to see fish and plant life underwater up close when they went scuba diving with their earth science class.

Lyle J. Fuller - 8331

Fuller & Fuller, PLLC 24 North State P.O. Box 191

Preston, ID 83263

Telephone: (208) 852-2680

Facsimile: (208) 852-2683

Email: Lfuller@fullerlawonline. com





a.k.a. CLYDE WILLIAMS, Deceased.

Case No. CV36-24-0050


NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned has been appointed personal representative of the abovenamed decedent. All persons having claims against the said decedent or the estate are required to present their claims within four (4) months after the date of the first publication of this Notice or said claims will be forever barred. Claims must be presented to the undersigned at the address indicated, and filed with the Clerk of the Court.

DATED this 23rd day of March, 2024.

/s/ Tim L. Williams

Tim L. Williams 932 Summit Dr. Smithfield, UT 84335 #5593-4-11-18-25-24-T3

In accordance with 39-423, Idaho Code, Southeastern Idaho Public Health’s Budget Committee (consisting of the Chairmen of the eight participating counties’ Boards of County Commissioners) will meet to consider the Fiscal Year 2025 budget request of the District Board of Health. This meeting will serve as the required public hearing.

The Budget Committee meeting will be held at Southeastern Idaho Public Health, 1901 Alvin Ricken Drive, Pocatello, Idaho, on May 23rd, beginning at 9:30 a.m., to consider the proposed budget request of Southeastern Idaho Public Health of $9,564,416.

The FY2025 budget is comprised of four funding sources: 48.5% from subgrants, 25.2 from fees, 24.8% from counties, and 1.5% from restricted funds. More detailed information regarding the proposed budget is available from the Southeastern Idaho Public Health office, 175 S. 300 E., Malad, or the office of the Oneida County Clerk. #5601-4-25-24-T1



6:00 A.M. TO 10:00 A.M.

6:00 P.M. TO 10:00 P.M.

To avoid further restrictions, do not use water every day. This applies to both Deep Creek and City Culinary Water. The only exception to the hours will be given to owners who have sprinkling systems with timers. No open hoses are allowed on the Deep Creek System. Fines will be given in accordance with Malad City Ordinance No. 443.


(a) No person using water from or connected to the Irrigation System through an unpressurized hose pipe or other device allowing water to free flow unrestricted without a sprinkler.

(b)A violation of the provisions in Sec 8(a) shall be punishable by a fine in the amount of $25.00 for the first offense and $50.00 for each additional and subsequent offense.


Following are recent calls received by dispatchers at the Oneida County Sheriff’s Office. During the week of 04/02 to 04/13, the Sheriff’s Office investigated 75 new cases. During this time, the Oneida County Sheriff’s Office dispatchers received and unknown number of total calls. This report includes only new investigations and does not include regular investigations, civil services, and the other responsibilities of the Sheriff’s Office.

Tuesday, April 2, 2024

03:39 Automobile Theft Reported 08:47 Abandoned Vehicle

11:31 Traffic Accident 13:43 Traffic Accident

20:25 Suspicious Circumstance. Personal items found south of Crowthers on road

Wednesday, April 3, 2024

08:18 Abandoned Vehicle. 5-6 months 10:21 Bus Arm Violation 15:43 Mental Health Transport to Idaho Falls

16:58 Suspicious Person Reported 19:05 Suspicious Circumstances Reported. Cow potentially killed 20:35 Citizen Dispute

21:56 Criminal Mischief. Dirt bikes in park

Thursday, April 4, 2024

07:24 Traffic Hazard. Injured deer in roadway

15:31 Animal Complaint

19:34 Traffic Complaint. Dangerous driving

20:11 Juvenile Problem Reported 23:08 Traffic Complaint. Nuisance driving

Friday, April 5, 2024

12:16 Burglary Reported 12:22 Civil Call

18:50 Traffic Complaint

21:51 Traffic Complaint. Reckless driving reported

Saturday, April 6, 2024

17:40 Traffic Hazard. Obstacle in roadway 21:06 Traffic Complaint. Dangerous driving

Sunday, April 7, 2024

08:27 Animal Call. Cattle on roadway 13:28 Suicide Threat 19:45 Mental Health Transport 21:08 Citizen Assist

Monday, April 8, 2024 04:56 911 Call. Unknown situation

Malad Valley Community Chorus

Spring Concert – “I Write The Songs” April 28, 2024 7:00 p.m.

Historic Church Building 20 South 100 West

12:03 Theft Reported. Ace Hardware 15:09 Agency Assist. Check for vehicle stolen in UT

20:23 Suspicious Person. Dropped off in Malad from Ogden 21:13 Welfare Check. Disoriented driver attempting to enter I-15 in wrong direction

Tuesday, April 9, 2024

10:02 Traffic Hazard. Gravel on roadway 11:04 Prisoner Transfer out of county 12:39 Juvenile Problem. Vaping. Malad HS 14:15 Animal Call. Code Enforcement contacted 16:34 Civil Call 17:42 Citizen Dispute 18:49 Traffic Accident 19:57 Motorist Assist 20:48 Citizen Assist 23:24 Unsecure Premises Reported

Wednesday, April 10, 2024 13:41 Abandoned Vehicle 17:01 Civil Call 17:05 Civil Call 17:06 Civil Call

Thursday, April 11, 2024

07:48 Animal Call. Cows on roadway 09:14 Harassment Reported 11:24 Traffic Accident. NAPA Auto 13:34 Prisoner Transfer out of county 16:09 Agency Assist 16:10 Fraud Reported. Computer scam 18:32 Sex Offense Reported 19:20 Suspicious Circumstance. Van driving slowly around neighborhood 20:00 Agency Assist 21:58 Noise Complaint. Loud music and yelling at Crowthers

Friday, April 12, 2024 09:25 Theft Reported 15:52 Agency Assist. Forest service assist 19:55 Juvenile Problem. Vandalism at Fairgrounds 20:34 Fire Reported

Saturday, April 13, 2024 03:13 Traffic Complaint. Reckless driving at Crowthers 11:54 Fire Reported 13:07 Traffic Hazard. Debris on freeway 21:40 Suspicious Circumstance. Dangerous driving, possible shots fired from vehicle 22:52 Threatening Reported

C M C M The Idaho Enterprise April 25, 2024 8 NOTICES
Oneida Count y Ex tension May 2024 Upcoming Events!! Contact office 208 -766-2243 May 2nd - Summer meal planning and budgeting for the family (All events will be held at the Event Center 459 S Main St ) Stalls and overnight parking are available contingent on reservation and request To receive your registration packet or for more information contact: Lacey Jo Clark • 208-339-0151 FACEBOOK.COM/ONEIDACOUNTYRODEOQUEEN Mini Miss Cowgirl: 5 and under Little Cowgirl: 6 - 7 yr old Princess: 8 - 10 yr old Jr. Queen: 11 - 14 yr old Sr. Queen: 15 - 18 yr old (as of January 1, 2024) Oneida County Fair & Rodeo Queen Contest June 14 & 17, 2024 • Check in 4:00 p.m. Open To All County & Non-County Residents APPLICATIONS DUE BACK NO LATER THAN MAY 15, 2024
SPRING CLEANING SPECIAL Carpet Cleaning 3 Rooms up to 350 Sq. Ft. – $129.00 Expires May 1, 2024 Also Available • Mattress Cleaning • Upholstery Cleaning Call 208-339-2436 or 208-766-2370


Malad Elementary Breakfast

All Breakfast Served with Juice or Milk

Monday, April 29 - Cereal Assortment, Oatmeal, Fruit

Tuesday, April 30 - Cereal Assortment, Apple Bites, Fruit

Wednesday, May 1 - Cereal Assortment, French Toast, Fruit

Thursday, May 2 - Cereal Assortment, Honey Bun, Fruit

Malad Middle Breakfast

All Breakfast Served with Juice or Milk

Monday, April 29 - Cereal Assortment, Sausage Egg & Cheese Biscuits, Fruit

Tuesday, April 30 - Cereal Assortment, Morning Round, Fruit

Wednesday, May 1 - Cereal Assortment, Apple Cinnamon Texas Toast, Fruit

Thursday, May 2 - Cereal Assortment, Tornado, Fruit

Malad High Breakfast

All Breakfast Served with Juice or Milk

Monday, April 29 - Cereal Assortment, Sausage Egg & Cheese Biscuits, Fruit

Tuesday, April 30 - Cereal Assortment, Morning Round, Fruit

Wednesday, May 1 - Cereal Assortment, Apple Cinnamon Texas Toast, Fruit

Thursday, May 2 - Cereal Assortment, Tornado, Fruit

Choices of Milk, Fresh Fruit & Veggies Served Daily in all Schools

Malad Elementary Lunch

Monday, April 29 – Burrito, Baked

Fries, Food Choice – Corn or Mandarin Oranges

Tuesday, April 30 – Cheesy Chicken Tenders, Marinara Sauce, Breadstick, Food Choice – Green Beans or Applesauce

Wednesday, May 1 – Nachos w/ Beef, Food Choice – Carrot Sticks or Fruit Cocktail

Thursday, May 2 – Chicken Sandwich, Chips, Food Choice – Sliced Cucumbers or Peaches

Malad Middle Lunch

Monday, April 29 – Southwest Burrito, Tater Tots, Salad Bar, Food Choice – Corn or Applesauce

Tuesday, April 30 – Chicken Tenders, Mashed Potatoes w/Gravy, Roll, Salad Bar, Food Choice – Green Beans or Fruit Cocktail

Wednesday, May 1 – Breakfast for Lunch, Sausage, Hashbrown, English Muffin, Salad Bar, Food Choice –Carrot Sticks or Strawberries

Thursday, May 2 – Spaghetti w/ Meatballs, Garlic Bread, Salad Bar, Food Choice – Sliced Cucumbers or Peaches

Malad High Lunch

Monday, April 29 – Southwest Burrito, Tater Tots, Salad Bar, Food Choice – Corn or Applesauce

Tuesday, April 30 – Chicken Tenders, Mashed Potatoes w/Gravy, Roll, Salad Bar, Food Choice – Green Beans or Fruit Cocktail

Wednesday, May 1 – Breakfast for Lunch, Sausage, Hashbrown, English Muffin, Salad Bar, Food Choice –Carrot Sticks or Strawberries

Thursday, May 2 – Spaghetti w/ Meatballs, Garlic Bread, Salad Bar, Food Choice – Sliced Cucumbers or Peaches

Malad High School’s Dragon Dreamhouse

Happy Earth Day! On Monday, April 22nd, Lexie Evans’ Greenhouse Management class transplanted their pumpkin plants, which were first planted earlier in April. This semester, students in Mrs. Evans’ Greenhouse Management class have learned how to build a greenhouse, plant and transplant plants, and manage the business side of greenhouse operations. The students voted and decided to name the greenhouse the Dragon Dreamhouse, with the slogan “Life in the Greenhouse: Growing Minds and Growing Futures.” When asked what she loved most about teaching her Greenhouse Management students, Mrs. Evans stated that her favorite thing is “when the plants start to grow and the kids can actually see their work pay off… it’s not just a grade, but it’s physical proof of the work they’ve put in!” Mrs. Evans hopes that the future of the Dragon Dreamhouse will include hanging baskets, bedding plants (annuals and perennials), a larger variety of garden plants, and a Spring sale in 2025.


MAIELI’S THERAPEUTIC MASSAGE – Neck or Whiplash Issues or for just a great massage. Call Maieli Murray (626) 337 - 0772 (152)


AA/NA MEETINGS, Tuesday and Thursday at 8:00 p.m., Saturday, 7:00 p.m., Call: Rick M. 208-7663584; or Gary B. 435-230-3734; or AA Hotline 208-235-1444. (152)


Michael Anderson, April 26

Anthony Garrett, April 26

Janet Hulet, April 26

Dean Jones, April 26

Shawna Martin, April 26

Arthur Peabody, April 26

Brock Rose, April 26

Hailee Schwartz, April 26

Zack Showell, April 26

Beau Smith, April 26

Robyn Gamble, April 27

Bethany Gunter, April 27

Hunter Hubbard, April 27

Laurel Origer, April 27

Morgan Rose, April 27

Susan Williams, April 27

Tawney Boot, April 28

Justin Deschamps, April 28

Elaine Gunter, April 28

Marsha Jones, April 28

Daniel Parry, April 28

Larry Thomas, April 28

Wes Allen, April 29

Lexie Evans emphasized that the greenhouse is a way of giving back to the community, so any suggestions of what to include in the greenhouse are welcome! Speak to Mrs. Evans or a Greenhouse student if you have any suggestions of what to include in the Dragon Dreamhouse.

Students Alexa Cram and Mary Moss were then interviewed, where they were asked what they like about the Greenhouse Management class. Mary Moss stated that she loves the “hands-on experience” and Alexa Cram said that she likes “that we can get our hands dirty.” When asked about what they’ve most enjoyed learning within the class, the two students replied that they have enjoyed learning about the business side of things. “I didn’t realize how many occupations and careers there are in that industry” remarked Alexa. Mary and Alexa are just two of many students who take Mrs. Evans’ Greenhouse Management class and love it. The class is unlike any other and provides an enriching experience for any student interested in plant science and greenhouse operations!

ANNOUNCEMENTS, MALAD ALANON - We are only a phone call away. For information on meetings, call 208-220-5295 or 208-251-9808. (1-52)

Joshua Brown, April 29

Jodie Gamble, April 29

Larry Oja, April 29

Braden Salter, April 29

Michael Stoddard, April 29

Brock Udy, April 29

Lynn Ward, April 29

Jeff Christiansen, April 30

Dan Marteeny, April 30

Kirk Nielsen, April 30

Lisa Baker, May 1

Joyce Cammack, May 1

Garrett Hess, May 1

Todd Jones, May 1

Frank Madsen, May 1

Layne Moeller, May 1

Garrett Showell, May 1

Christina Briggs, May 2

Shayla Daniels, May 2

Jentry Friedli, May 2

Brooklyn Green, May 2

Janalie Jensen, May 2

Chelsea Jones, May 2

Grandparents Only

Not recommended for parents or kids...

Change it up! That is good advice. Ever notice how the same old, same old, makes you old? There are some routines worth keeping, but even those need a little changing up at times. I took a little inventory the other day and decided I was boring. Up early, to bed early, following routines all day long. It was high time for a change.

Routinely, Mondays are lunch at Carla’s. They are great days, but we needed to get out of the house. It was time for a road trip, and we decided Snowville was our destination. We had two options for lunch: Mollie’s or the Ranch House Diner. On the way over the hill, we checked reviews when we could get cellular service and found that both places were good options…good food, friendly service. However, when we arrived the Ranch House Diner was closed, so we pulled into Mollie’s. I was kind of happy about that because I was in the mood for a cinnamon roll.

We strolled in, and were greeted with a cheerful, “Find a table and I’ll be right with you.” We did, and she was right with us. After surveying our lunch options and asking for our waitress’ advice we ordered. I think Mollie’s must contract with Russ Boyer because he came over


1684 Patent granted for thimble

1719 Daniel Defoe published “Robinson Crusoe”, regarded as the first English novel

1850 Paul Julius Reuter sets up carrier-pigeon service, using 40 pigeons to carry stock market prices between Aachen and Brussels

1901 New York becomes first state requiring automobile license plates ($1 fee)

1928 Buddy, a German Shepherd, becomes first guide dog for a U.S. citizen, Morris Frank

1952 American Bowling Congress approves use of an automatic pinsetter

1954 Bell labs announces the first solar battery made from silicon. It has

and chit chatted until our order was up. It seemed like there was no wait at all. I’ve heard Russ referred to as the Mayor of Curlew and Mollie’s must be City Hall because I noticed he just moved to another table when he left ours, presumably getting the pulse of the community. Well, let’s talk food. My fish burger and onion rings were excellent, no fishy taste at all. Carla had a combo basket with 2 shrimp, 2 chicken strips, 2 pieces of fish and fries. She couldn’t begin to eat it all and again everything was cooked to perfection. Rebecca’s BLT was delicious. Then we split a cinnamon roll three ways. They are huge. We should have stopped halfway through but couldn’t it was so good. So, changing it up is a good thing. If you haven’t been out west for a meal you might want to give it a try. I did learn one thing though, as we were eating a group of ranchers left and I asked Rebecca and Carla if they knew any of them. “Yes,” Rebecca replied, “the tall, thin one is Judd Daniels.” “Judd!” I hollered but he was gone. I always liked that kid. So, when you change things up, take it slow and notice what’s around you. If you don’t pay attention, you might miss something you wish you would have seen. Life’s Good on the other side of the hill.

about 6% efficiency

1960 First submerged circumnavigation of Earth completed by USS submarine Triton in 60 days, 21 hours

1966 Rare daylight meteor observed from New Jersey, U.S. to Quebec, Canada in the early evening

2019 Microsoft becomes the third U.S. firm to be listed with a market worth of $1 trillion, after Apple and Amazon

2022 Charlotte Brontë's "A Book of Ryhmes” (10cm x 6cm), written when she was 13, sells at auction in New York for $1.2 million to Friends of the National Libraries for the Brontë Parsonage Museum

2022 Twitter announces a deal to sell itself to Elon Musk for $44 billion

C M C M April 25, 2024 The Idaho Enterprise 9
Lexie Evans’ Greenhouse Management class transplanting their pumpkin plants.


Malad Volunteer Firemen, BB District FFA


Sift SB District 5th Grade Maturation Night

County Commissioners, Interfaith Council, Senior Project Open House (6pm)

Curlew Dinner, DUP, Library Pre-School Story Hour, AA/NA, BB District SB District Track District Meet AG Day @ MES

Curlew Dinner, Carol’s Pantry Open, Library Pre-School Story Hour, AA/NA, FSA Committee, Kinder Field Trip to Samaria, MES End of Year Program, 4th & 5th Field Trip to Wax Museum


Malad Senior Dinner, Hospital Foundation Meeting, County P&Z, Track @ West Side BB @ Soda Springs SB @ Soda Springs FFA Chapter Awards Banquet

Malad Senior Dinner, S&R, OEF, City Council, Soil Cons/Water District, Crisis Center Board Meeting, BB District SB District Track District Meet

Malad Senior Dinner, Museum Board Meeting, Oneida County Republican, Malad Masons Lodge #51, MES End of Year Celebration Bowling, 1st Grade Field Trip to Samaria

Curlew Dinner, Fair Board, Chamber of Commerce, AA/NA, Addition Recovery Program, RACCONS (Ham Radio),

Chamber Meeting, Idaho Food Bank, Quilt Club, Curlew Dinner, AA/NA, Addition Recovery Program, Spring Music Concert 3rd Grade Field Trip to Library

Curlew Dinner, Carol’s Pantry Open, City P&Z, Lions Club, AA/ NA, Addiction Recovery Program, BB State @ Pocatello, SB State @ Orofino, MES End of Year Celebration Bowling, 3rd Grade Field Trip to Samaria, 2nd Grade Field Trip to DinoPark

Malad Senior Dinner, American Legion Auxiliary, BB State @ Pocatello, SB State @ Orofino, Track State @ Middleton HS AA/NA, Catholic Mass (3pm),



Dinner Victory Baptist Services, LDS Services, Presbyterian Services Oneida Fire District, Malad Volunteer Firemen, Kindergarten Graduation, Republican Committee Meeting

Michael Francisco

Ophthalmology - Dr. Robert Jones

Orthopedic - Dr. Matthew Bitner

Podiatry - Dr. Brent Christensen Call Hospital 208-766-2231 for Information

Event Center has a new piano

A piano was delivered to the Oneida County Event Center last week so that music can more easily be part of programs at the Center. The piano, a lightly used Samick reconditioned by the Piano Gallery of Pocatello and Idaho Falls, was purchased with grant funds from the Bistline Foundation, which operates under the umbrella organization of the Idaho Community Foundation. Oneida County paid the small balance due on the piano. The piano will be tuned after its move and will be kept in the County

Commissioners meeting room until a more secure location is needed. It is on a dolly so that it can be easily moved although, as with all musical instruments, care must be taken to move it, and the protective covering should be over it when the piano is not in use.

The piano is for indoor use only at the Event Center. To use the piano for programs at the Event Center, please contact Shelby Gunter, the building scheduler.

The Idaho Enterprise encourages you to recycle your newspapers in honor of Earth Day. Ways to Recycle:

Idaho Enterprise P.O Box 205 Malad City, Idaho 83252-0205 (U.S.P.S. -- 255-800) The Idaho Enterprise is published weekly at 100 East 90 South, Malad City, Idaho. Postmaster, please mail address corrections to: The Idaho Enterprise, P.O. Box 205, Malad City, Idaho 83252-0205. Entered as “periodicals” at the Malad City, Idaho Post Office. Subscription rates are strictly in advance -- $55.00 per year delivered in Oneida County, and $67.00 per year delivered outside of Oneida County within the United States. The Idaho Enterprise reserves the right to refuse publication of any or all materials. Brandon Hall Editor Phone: 208-766-2419

C M C M The Idaho Enterprise April 25, 2024 10 e
Bryan Dean Scott Publisher Phone: 208-766-2419 Shelly Williams Advertising Phone: 208-766-2419
Malad Senior Dinner, State Solo Music Senior Project Presentations SB w/West Side DYW Dress Rehearsals MMS Track @ Grace LDS Stake Baptisms, Swine Weigh-In AA/NA, Catholic Mass (3pm) State Solo Music Track @ BYU Invitational DYW Luncheon DYW (7pm)
District Officer
Day AA/NA Catholic
Tournament SB Glenn’s Ferry Tournament Track Grizz
Senior Dinner, BINGO, Senior Lagoon
Mass (3pm)
Glenn’s Ferry
Invitational @
SB State
State @ Pocatello,
Orofino, Track State
Middleton HS, Lincoln Day
Dinner, Carol’s Pantry Open, School Board Meeting, Library Pre-School Story Hour, AA/NA, Senior Awards Assembly, LDS Seminary Graduation Malad Senior Dinner, Graduation Ceremony (7pm) NJRMH Diabetic Ed Carol’s Pantry Open AA/NA, Addition Recovery Program, Last Day of School (early release) Malad Senior Dinner AA/NA, Catholic Mass (3pm) LDS Services, Presbyterian Services, Victory Baptist Services Malad Senior Dinner Curlew Dinner, Carol’s Pantry Open, NJRMH Mammograms, Library Pre-School Story Hour, AA/NA, County Commissioner Meeting Allen Drug & Variety 4 N. Main 766-2241 In-Store & SelectionCatalog Bridal Registry Nell
Memorial Hospital Visiting Specialists
J. Redfield
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General SurgeryDr. Kevin Murphy
Dr. Mike Jones
Interventional Radiology Mobile Mammography
Nutrition ConsultationPam Mills RD,LD,CDE
Cardiology - Dr. Lance Longmore
Gynecology -
Oncology - Dr.
First Presbyterian Church of Malad Worship Service Sunday, 11:00 a.m. ~ All Are Welcome ~ 5 Chapel Lane Call 208-766-2764 Monday - Saturday 11am to 9pm 12 W. 100 N 208-766-4316 Before or After Attending Malad’s Events, Enjoy A Cool Drink, Ice Cream Specialty or Dinner With Us! Malad Drive In Enjoy Oneida County’s Many Activities. It’s Great To Live In Such A Wonderful Community! Dr. Ed Thorpe, DDS 185 South 300 East Malad, ID 766-2204 Northern Title Main Street Plaza 20 N. Main, Ste. #8 Malad - 766-7700 Privileged to Serve Oneida County! 88 Bannock Street Malad, ID 83252 208-339-2340 Mon. - Sat. 8 a.m. - 8 p.m. Pet Food & Supplies • Men’s Work Clothing • Poultry, Horse, Lamb & Calf Food • Fertilizers • Lawn & Garden Supplies • Feeding Equip. • Fencing • Batteries • Horse Tack • Animal Health 340 S. 200 W. Tremonton 435-257-5419 IFA Country
LDS Services, Presbyterian Services, Victory Baptist Church Services Mother’s Day! Presbyterian Services, Victory Baptist Services, LDS Services
de Mayo Mother's Day Memorial Day
Carol’s Pantry Open Jean Thomas supervises the delivery of the piano to the events center.
• Weed Barrier • Clean Windows • Shelf Lining • Packing Material

MHS Baseball

The Dragon baseball team filled their week with games on their home field, going two for three in front of their favorite hometown fans. They claimed the win as they took on district opponent Soda Springs and the Firth Cougars that had beaten them earlier in the season. They fell to Wendell despite leading until the final inning.

The MHS baseball team made the game look easy as they took down the Soda Springs Cardinals Wednesday, April 17. Gathering three quick outs in the top of the first inning, they just as quickly put up a run to take a 1-0 lead in the bottom. After getting on base with a single to third base, Rydon Montgomery made his way around the bases to score as the Soda Springs pitcher committed a series of errors.

Back on defense in the second inning, the Dragons were led by pitcher Timmy Jensen who struck out two batters with Ryan Hubbard at first base managing the third. Turning the game back to the Malad offense, they extended their lead by runs. Sawyer Poulson hit a double to left field, batting in Cale Briggs from second base. Jensen followed with a single to center field.

With runners on first and third, Dawsyn Peterson stepped up to the plate to hit a fly ball to left field, punching in Poulson and Cael Seamons, courtesy runner for Jensen, to make the score 4-0. Peterson ran in the final score of the inning as Brady Showell hit a fly ball in second base territory.

The Malad defense continued to shut out the Cardinals in the third and fourth inning as they put three more runs on the scoreboard. Up 8-0, it wasn’t until the sixth inning that Soda Springs managed two runs.

Peterson led the Dragons in hitting, getting 1 run on 2 hits on 4 at bats, batting in 3 with zero strikeouts. From the mound, Jensen threw a strong 5+ innings, facing 25 batters, striking out 11, walking 1, allowing 2 runs on 8 hits. Hubbard came in to relief pitch in the final innings as Jensen neared his pitch count cap. Hubbard allowed zero runs, on zero hits while he struck out 3. Carter Blaisdell led the defense with putouts with 13, followed by Hubbard with 5, Montgomery with 2, and Easton Green adding 1.

Friday, April 19, Malad hosted Firth in their second matchup of the season. Not having played the Cougars before, the Dragons weren’t sure what to expect in their previous game and eventually fell 0-12. Now with experience on their side, they were well prepared to take on Firth and they proved that in just six innings.

Malad took the lead in the opening inning as Jensen and Seamons scored on a single hit by Green. Firth answered with a single run in the top of the second inning but the Dragon defense quickly shut down any further scoring opportunities as Showell struck out the final batter.

In the bottom of the third, Malad stacked up four runs despite two outs against them. Hubbard began the scoring as he singled on a hard ground ball to left field to send in Green. With the bases full, Peterson drove another single to left field, giving the chance for Briggs and Hubbard to add runs to the Dragon score. A final run for the inning came as Blaisdell was walked on with the bases loaded, sending Ky Willie in across home plate.

Try as they might, the Cougars couldn’t keep pace with the Dragon runs. Showell pitched another strikeout to open the fourth inning, followed by two outs in right field from Blaisdell. They did find some measured success in the fifth inning as they put up two runs. But any chance for a comeback was dashed as Malad pounded in six runs in the bottom of the sixth to put them up by 10.

It was the combination of a keen eye and a strong hitting game that allowed the Dragons to score run after run in what would be the final inning of the game. Kurt Ward watched patiently as Firth threw four consecutive pitches outside the strike zone. Hubbard, next in the lineup, hit a line drive to left field on his first pitch, putting up 4 hits on his 4 at bats, scoring 2 runs and batting in 2 others.

On his second pitch, Peterson was hit by the ball to send him on base and load the bases. Jensen was walked on base, sending Hubbard in for the score. Poulson stepped up to the plate next, to hit a double-bagger to right field to send Willie and Peterson home for two more runs. Showell walked on to load the bases once again before Montgomery hit a fly

District 9 HS Rodeo Tremonton, Utah Friday, April 19

Barrel Racing

2. Karsen Thornock 15.604

Easton Wrigley 18.776

Bella Smith 20.993

Breakaway Roping

Bella Smith NT

Bull Riding

Rusty Foy NT

Ike Dredge NT

Goat Tying

Easton Wrigley 17.040

Pole Bending

11. Karsen Thornock 22.843

Easton Wrigley 30.733

Bella Smith 34.629

Steer Wrestling

3. Alex Marshall 6.540

Ruger Smith NT

Team Roping

1. Branson Parker (HD) & Ru-

ger Smith (HL) 8.000

2. Cooper Branch (HD) & Jason Stephens (HD) 8.360

Hadley Bayles (HD) & Alex Mar-

shall (HL) NT

Bell Smith (HD) & Mylee Dolan (HL) NT

Tie Down Roping

1. Ruger Smith 12.300

ball to left field to bat in Jensen for the final run of the game.

It looked like the Dragons were going to sweep their home games for the week as they hosted Wendell in their second game of the season. Up 3-2 as they ended the sixth inning, the game was looking very different from the heavy loss they suffered on the Trojan’s field.

Converting their two hits of the inning into runs, the Trojans took a one run lead over the Dragons. Unfortunately, the Wendell defense got the best of the Malad hitters and they were unable to recover their lead, ending the game down 3-4.

More than halfway through the regular season, the Dragons are seeing great progress in all aspects of their game. From the mound the pitchers are honing in their game and building stamina to throw harder and longer in each game. From behind the plate, they are hitting stronger and more strategically to have more on base hits to convert into scoring runs. Before the month closes out, Malad will play three more games, traveling to Bear Lake on Wednesday, April 24, hosting American Falls on Saturday, April 27, and then taking on Snake River in Blackfoot on Monday, April 29.

Saturday, April 20

Barrel Racing

Easton Wrigley 17.387

Karsen Thornock 21.124

Bella Smith 21.204

Breakaway Roping

Bella Smith NT

Bull Riding

Rusty Foy NT

Ike Dredge NT

Goat Tying 12. Easton Wrigely 13.380

Pole Bending

7. Easton Wrigley 23.041

Bella Smith 34.627

Karsen Thornock NT

Steer Wrestling

6. Ruger Smith 18.720

Alex Marshall NT

Team Roping

Branson Parker (HD) & Ruger

Smith (HL) NT

Cooper Branch (HD) & Jason

Stephens (HD) NT

Hadley Bayles (HD) & Alex

Marshall (HL) NT

Bell Smith (HD) & Mylee Dolan (HL) NT

Tie Down Roping

2. Ruger Smith 15.930

MHS Track

One nice problem we have been having this year is that because the school has seen so many student athletes involved in Track, the results have been extensive enough to make it difficult to fit them easily into the print paper. While we work on a print solution, we will direct you to our Facebook page, where you can see for yourself the large list of results from MHS students. Again, it's a great problem to have,

but does create a new space problem. On April 18, the team competed at the Brad Matthews Invitational in Declo. On the 19th, the DirectCom Invitational was held at Davis Field in Pocatello, and on the 22nd, the Bear Lake Invitational was held in Bear Lake County. For full results of these three track meets, please visit our Facebook page at "Idaho Enterprise" and scroll through the listings for complete information.

C M C M April 25, 2024 The Idaho Enterprise 11
17 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 R H Soda Springs 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 2 8 Malad 1 4 2 1 0 0 - 8 13 Lineup AB R H RBI BB D. Peterson 4 1 2 3 0 C. Blaisdell 3 0 1 0 1 R. Montgomery 4 1 2 0 0 B. Showell 3 1 3 1 0 E. Green 3 0 0 0 1 C. Briggs 2 1 1 0 2 R. Hubbard 3 1 0 0 0 S. Poulson 4 1 1 2 0 T. Jensen 4 0 2 0 0 Team Totals 30 8 13 6 4 Pitching IP H R BB SO T. Jensen 5.1 8 2 1 11 R. Hubbard 1.2 0 0 0 3 Team Totals 7 8 2 1 14 Vs. Firth Friday, April 19 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 R H Firth 0 1 0 0 2 0 - 3 5 Malad 2 0 4 1 0 6 - 13 14 Lineup AB R H RBI BB D. Peterson 3 1 1 3 1 T. Jensen 3 2 2 1 2 C. Blaisdell 1 0 0 1 1 S. Poulson 2 1 1 2 0 Lineup AB R H RBI BB B. Showell 3 0 1 0 1 R. Montgomery 5 0 3 2 0 E. Green 4 2 2 0 0 C. Briggs 3 1 0 0 0 K. Ward 0 1 0 0 1 R. Hubbard 4 2 4 2 0 C. Carey 2 0 0 0 1 Team Totals 30 13 14 11 7 Pitching IP H R BB SO B. Showell 6 5 3 2 13 Team Totals 6 5 3 2 13 Vs. Wendell Monday, April 22 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 R H Wendell 0 0 0 0 2 0 2 4 7 Malad 0 2 0 1 0 0 0 3 7 Lineup AB R H RBI BB D. Peterson 4 0 2 1 0 T. Jensen 3 0 0 0 1 C. Blaisdell 4 0 1 0 0 B. Showell 3 0 0 0 0 R. Montgomery 3 0 0 0 0 E. Green 3 1 1 0 0 R. Hubbard 2 1 0 0 0 B. Howe 3 0 2 1 0 C. Carey 3 0 1 1 0 Team Totals 28 3 7 3 1 Pitching IP H R BB SO Brycen Howe 7 7 4 3 10 Team Totals 7 7 4 3 10
Soda Springs Wednesday, April
Ryan Hubbard slides into second base against Firth in Malad. Carter Blaisdell races for first base.
a new PR of 13’ 5.5”.
Competing in the long jump, Izzy Haycock placed 5th with

MHS Softball

Allison Eliason

In their busiest week ever, the Lady Dragon softball team has kept their winning streak as they advanced their record to 15-0-1. Hosting a midweek game against Soda Springs and their annual Scott Ray Tournament over the weekend, plus a Monday afternoon game at Declo, Malad has strung together six games over the last seven days. Their games ran the gamut of easy wins to the toughest games they had played this season.

The Lady Dragons made quick work out of the Cardinals as they played Wednesday, April 23, winning in just 5 innings. In the bottom of the opening inning, Malad stacked up an impressive ten runs to take a commanding lead.

Riglee Peterson started the scoring with a home run to left field, batting in Teagan Daniels on second base. Seniors Halley Horsley, Adley Kimberling and Kaitlyn Pickett followed with double baggers to eventually put them up 5-0. Brylee Oglesbee walked on base, scoring as Liddia Gonzalez hit a single line drive to center field. Bostyn Combs batted in Gonzalez for run number seven for the Lady Dragons with a ground ball to shortstop with Daniels putting up another base hit. Peterson, next at the plate, singled on a line drive to center field to bat in Combs and Daniels. Horsley finished out the scoring for the inning with a triple to right field to send Peterson in, making the score 10-0.

Malad’s defense kept Soda Springs scoreless in the first two innings before allowing four runs in the third inning, bringing the score 12-4. In the bottom of the fourth inning, the Lady Dragons added another five runs to their score, brought by a triple from Gonzalez, a single by Chloe Udy, a grounder by Anistyn Tovey, and a homer by Horsley.

After the win against the Cardinals, the Lady Dragons hosted their annual Scott Ray tournament, a two day event held in honor of the long time Malad Softball coach. The first game of the tournament for the Lady Dragons went up against the 2023 2A runner up, the Declo Hornets, a team that they played twice in the state tournaments. Like Malad, Declo came back strong for the 2024 season, graduating only their pitcher. With a new, strong pitcher, experience and talent,

the Hornets proved to be a difficult opponent.

The Lady Dragons allowed only one hit in the opening inning, getting outs by Horsley on first base off the assist from Shulz at shortstop, another out at first on a dropped third strike, and a strikeout by pitcher Peterson. Unfortunately, the Hornets snagged a run in the second inning off a home run, taking a lead they would hold onto until the bottom of the fifth inning. They extended their lead in the fourth inning with another three runs and capped it off in the fifth inning with four more to extend their lead to 8-0.

Struggling to convert hits to runs, the Lady Dragons found themselves down, and while they were frustrated they certainly didn’t count themselves out as they started into the bottom of what would be the final inning. Despite previous plate appearances ending in strikeouts or caught fly balls, Malad went to the plate with determination and focus, to pull out enough runs to tie the game.

First to bat in the lineup in the inning was Kimberling, hitting a single line drive to center field with a full count, a hit that single handedly changed the momentum of the game. Daniels stepped up next with another single to right field, sending Kimberling around to third base. Logan Maroney followed with another big outfield hit to bat in Kimberling for their first run of the game.

Finally hitting and making their way around the bases, the Lady Dragons began to settle into their groove. Fortunately, next in the line was Malad’s batter with the highest on base percentage, Pickett. With runners on second and third, Pickett slammed a hit over the fence to score three runs, bringing them to within four.

Oglesbee, another clinch hitter for Malad, hit a double to center field on her second pitch with Combs getting walked on base. Schulz, next to bat, smacked a fly ball to right field, sending Oglesbee across home plate for another Lady Dragon score. Combs followed with another score as Peterson hit a grounder to shortstop, unfortunately getting their first out of the inning.

Undeterred, Malad didn’t let the out stop their momentum. Watching closely from third base, Shulze found the opening she needed for a

run, scoring for the Lady Dragons on a wild Declo pitch to make it 7-8. Three plays later, Horsley put up a final run to tie the game, scoring as Maroney singled to left field. Tied at 8 in after five innings, the game timed out according to the tournament rules. It wasn’t how the Lady Dragons hoped to end the game, but with the tie they kept their undefeated streak alive.

With their toughest game of the tournament behind them, Malad dominated their remaining games of the weekend. Next on their docket after Declo were the North Fremont Huskies, a team they could potentially see at the state tournament. After both teams went scoreless in the opening inning, it was the Huskies that jumped to the lead after the second, going 0-2. But the Lady Dragon defense shut down any further scoring opportunities and began finding some for themselves.

Shulz and Oglesbee put up two runs in quick succession in the bottom of the third as slap hitter Hadley Summers hit a grounder to second base. Down the order two, Peterson hit a double-bagger to bat in Summers. Hitting a sacrifice fly, Pickett punched in Daniels at third and Gonzalez at first, courtesy runner for Peterson, to put Malad up 5-2.

Over the last two innings, the Lady Dragons extended their lead to 9-2 as the game was called after the first half of the sixth inning. Horsley led from behind the plate, putting up a homerun on 3 hits, batting in 2.

Peterson took to the mound against the Huskies, allowing only 2 runs on 6 hits over 6 innings, walking 1 and striking out 8. Catcher Maroney led with putouts, tallying 8 with Horsley at first base adding another 4. Peterson and Shulz both counted up 2 assists.

Saturday the Lady Dragons took on teams from West Jefferson and Green Canyon, allowing only a single run in both games. Slugger Horsley put another hit over the fence to help lead her team to the 16-1 win over West Jefferson. But it was a strong batting game all around as Combs, Daniels, Peterson, Kimberling, Maroney, Oglesbee and Shulz put up scoring runs.

With a final win against Green Canyon, 14-1, Malad closed out their undefeated weekend. Over the four games, the team tallied up 87 at bats,

Softball Stats

47 runs on 31 hits and only 12 strikeouts in 21 innings. The pitching crew of Peterson, Gonzalez and Combs faced 88 batters, threw a combined 325 pitches over 19 innings. Their opponents batting average was a dismal 0.244.

Taking only a single rest day, Malad hit the road to go up against Declo for a second go, this time on their home field on Monday, April 22. In an incredible turn of events, the Lady Dragons did nothing but outplay the Hornets as they put up 20 runs to their 8.

Unlike their previous game, the MHS team started putting up runs in the opening innings, going 10-0 in the bottom of the second. Both teams went without a run in the third inning before Malad added another four in the fourth. Attempting to come back, Declo had a strong run in the bottom of the fourth as they grabbed six runs of their own. But the Lady Dragons answered with another six runs to put their total to 20. Their defense held the Hornets to only two runs in the final innings before Horsley grabbed their final out on a caught pop fly in foul territory.

Speaking of their week full of games, Head Coach Bri Adams said, “We haven’t been super focused as we have played at home lately and that caught up with us when we played Declo Friday morning. In the last inning we could see the girls were frustrated but they didn’t give up and I was super proud. I reminded them that we had come back from being down and scored 8+ runs in an inning before. They just had to believe.” When it came to their second matchup, Coach Adams reminded them of those fundamentals that make for great hitting. “I told them to find the ball at the pitcher’s hip, focus on the seams and spin of the ball and then go after it.” That must have been just the words the needed to hear for such a change up against the impressive Hornet pitcher. The Lady Dragon softball schedule is beginning to wind down, but only slightly. This week they look to play district opponents at Bear Lake on Wednesday, April 24 and West Side on Friday, April 26. They will close out the week with a double header at home against Vs. Soda Springs Wednesday, April 17 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 R H Soda

C M C M The Idaho Enterprise April 25, 2024 12
Springs 0 0 4 0 0 - - 4 5 Malad 10 2 0 5 - - - 17 15
Lineup AB R H RBI BB
Chloe Udy 2 1 1 1 0 Teagan Daniels 3 2 2 0 0 Riglee Peterson 3 2 2 4 0 Anistyn Tovey 1 1 0 1 0 Hallie Horsley 4 2 3 3 0 Adley Kimberling 3 2 2 1 1 Logan Maroney 2 1 0 0 0 Hadley Summers 2 2 0 0 0 Kaitlyn Pickett 2 0 2 2 2 Brylee Oglesbee 1 1 0 0 1 Tylee Venable 2 0 0 0 0 Liddia Gonzalez 3 2 3 3 0 Teams Totals 30 17 15 15 4 Pitching IP H R BB SO Liddia Gonzalez 5 5 4 4 7 Team Totals 5 5 4 4 7 Vs. Declo Friday, April 19
2 3 4 5 6 7 R H Declo 0 1 0 3 4 - - 8 8 Malad 0 0 0 0 8 - - 8 8 Lineup AB R H RBI BB Bostyn Combs 2 1 0 0 1 Aubrey Shulz 3 1 1 1 0 Riglee Peterson 3 0 0 1 0 Hallie Horsley 3 1 1 0 0 Adley Kimberling 3 1 1 0 0 Teagan Daniels 2 1 1 0 1 Logan Maroney 3 1 2 2 0 Kaitlyn Pickett 3 1 1 3 0 Brylee Oglesbee 2 1 1 0 0 Team Totals 24 8 8 7 2 Pitching IP H R BB SO Riglee Peterson 5 8 8 2 4 Team Totals 5 8 8 2 4 Vs North Fremont Friday, April 19 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 R H North Fremont 0 2 0 0 0 0 - 2 6 Malad 0 0 5 2 2 - - 9 5 Lineup AB R H RBI BB Bostyn Combs 3 0 1 2 0 Teagan Daniels 3 1 0 0 0 Riglee Peterson 3 0 1 1 0 Kaitlyn Pickett 2 1 1 2 0 Hallie Horsley 3 1 1 2 0 Logan Maroney 3 0 0 0 0 Brylee Oglesbee 2 1 1 0 0 Aubrey Shulz 0 2 0 0 1 Hadley Summers 1 2 0 2 1 Team Totals 20 9 5 9 2 Pitching IP H R BB SO Riglee Peterson 6 6 2 1 8 Team Totals 6 6 2 1 8 Vs West Jefferson Saturday, April 20 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 R H West Jefferson 0 0 1 - - - - 1 3 Malad 1 7 8 - - - - 16 9 Lineup AB R H RBI BB Bostyn Combs 3 2 2 1 1 Teagan Daniels 3 1 1 2 0 Riglee Peterson 1 2 1 0 1 Kaitlyn Pickett 2 0 0 1 1 Hallie Horsley 2 2 2 4 1 Adley Kimberling 2 1 1 2 1 Logan Maroney 1 2 0 0 2 Brylee Oglesbee 3 2 1 1 0 Aubrey Shulz 2 2 1 2 0 Team Totals 19 16 9 13 7 Pitching IP H R BB SO Liddia Gonzalez 3 3 1 1 6 Team Totals 3 3 1 1 6 Vs. Green Canyon Saturday, April 20 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 R H Green Canyon 0 0 1 0 0 - - 1 3 Malad 2 1 7 4 - - - 14 9 Lineup AB R H RBI BB Bostyn Combs 3 1 1 2 1 Aubrey Shulze 2 2 1 1 1 Hadley Summers 1 1 0 0 0 Riglee Peterson 4 0 2 1 0 Kaitlyn Pickett 1 1 0 0 1 Hallie Horsley 3 1 1 2 0 Adley Kimberling 3 2 2 1 0 Logan Maroney 2 2 1 1 0 Tylee Venable 1 0 0 0 0 Brylee Oglesbee 2 0 0 0 0 Anistyn Tovey 1 2 1 1 0 Chloe Udy 1 0 0 0 0 Teagan Daniels 0 2 0 0 1 Team Totals 24 14 9 9 4 Pitching IP H R BB SO Riglee Peterson 4 3 1 1 7 Bostyn Combs 1 0 0 1 2 Team Totals 5 3 1 2 9 @ Declo Monday, April 22 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 R H Malad 4 6 0 4 6 - - 20 18 Declo 0 0 0 6 2 - - 8 11 Lineup AB R H RBI BB Logan Maroney 4 2 2 1 1 Bostyn Combs 5 0 0 0 0 Riglee Peterson 4 0 2 3 0 Kaitlyn Pickett 3 3 2 0 1 Halie Horsley 3 3 1 1 1 Teagan Daniels 4 4 4 5 0 Aubrey Shulz 4 2 4 0 0 Hadley Summers 4 1 2 4 0 Brylee Oglesbee 3 3 2 5 0 Team Totals 34 20 18 19 3 Pitching IP H R BB SO Riglee Peterson 4 8 6 0 1 Liddia Gonzalez 1 3 2 1 1 Team Totals 5 11 8 1 2
Bostyn Combs 2 1 0 0 0

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