Murray Journal - December 2014 - Vol. 14 Iss. 12

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Murray Resident’s Score Part Of Live Nativity


he story of Christmas, as told in the New Testament, has been narrated countless times for hundreds of years. But the producers of “Echoes of Christmas” say you haven’t seen the story of Christ’s birth told like it is during the live Nativity performances at Liberty Park each holiday season. With original music composed by Murray resident Clive Romney, “Echoes of Christmas” is a 40-minute walking tour, taking attendees to visit shepherds, wise men, the innkeeper and the holy family. The performance features seven original songs that the producers hope will bring the warm feeling of Christmas into every heart. “This performance answers some of the questions that we

By Peri Kinder

all have about why we are important and what our lives add to this world,” interim producer Wendy DeMann said. “There’s such a reverent feeling in the park when [‘Echoes of Christmas’] is going on. You go away with a feeling like there’s hope and light in this world.” As an award-winning composer of more than 500 songs, Romney’s lyrics for the production are meant to instill a sense of peace, while giving several differing viewpoints of Christ’s birth. “We have people come every year because it centers you around the true meaning of Christmas,” Romney said. “It is a

Echoes Of Christmas continued on page 4

christmas homecoming


feeding the hungry


bright mhs future


colt confidence


q u o ta b l e c o m m u n i t y :

“It’s the little things that are so meaningful, and if I can write

a letter to show how much I appreciated it, then he could get recognized for his efforts too.” page 8

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