Murray City Council approves water rate hikes amid rising infrastructure costs
By Shaun Delliskave | s.delliskave@mycityjournals.com
Water rates will increase by 20% over the next two years.
The Murray City Council has approved a series of water rate increases aimed at addressing the city’s aging infrastructure, ensuring future water supply and keeping up with rising operational costs. The decision, reached during the council’s March 4 meeting, will raise water fees incrementally over the next several years, despite concerns from residents and local officials about affordability.
The approved rate hikes will begin with a 20% increase for the next two years, followed by 10% in 2027, 5% in 2028, and 2% annually thereafter. City officials emphasized that without these adjustments, the water fund would face a deficit by 2026, making essential infrastructure upgrades impossible.
“We end up not being able to fund our internal capital projects that need to take place,” Murray City Wastewater Superintendent Ben Ford said, referencing the impact of inaction on infrastructure improvements. “A project that’s going to cost $3 million today, three years down the road is going to cost $3.5 million.”
The decision comes as Murray City faces mounting challenges with its water infrastructure. The October 2024 Water Master Plan, a key guiding document for water management, identified multiple deficiencies, including aging pipelines, declining well capacities and outdated storage reservoirs.
Among the proposed capital projects is the development of a new well at Winchester and 1200 West, which would provide additional water supply for the city’s growing southwest region. Officials also cited the need to replace older steel water mains, rehabilitate aging reservoirs and improve well efficiencies.
“We’d like to develop a new well at Winchester and 1200 West to support a new park, peak day demand issues and provide the source redundancy in the southwest area of our city,” Water Superintendent Aron Frisk said. “We will meet projected demands at buildout in 2065 with a 20% water source reserve.”
City officials argued that Murray will continue to have some of the lowest water rates in Salt Lake Valley. A typical
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A comparison of Murray’s current and future water rates compared to other Salt Lake County cities.
(Graph courtesy Murray City)
single-family home will see an average increase of about $4 per month, with commercial users experiencing higher adjustments based on consumption.
“With our proposed rates we will remain the most affordable water in Salt Lake Valley. The average single-family home will see an increase of about $4 per month from this rate increase,” Frisk said. “It’s comparable to one of my cheeseburgers… I had at lunch today.”
In addition to residential rate hikes, the council approved an update to the city’s impact fee structure, shifting more of the financial burden onto developers. Previously, impact fees were calculated based solely on meter size; the new structure bases
fees on historical water usage patterns, differentiating between single-family homes, multi-family developments and non-residential users.
Under the revised fee schedule, a new single-family home will now pay a $3,800 impact fee, a slight increase from the previous $3,720 charge. Developers of multi-family units will now be assessed fees based on per-door indoor usage, while outdoor water use will be charged per irrigated acre.
To mitigate financial strain on residents, city leaders are exploring additional funding mechanisms, including a poten-
Continued page 15

What to know about visiting the E.R.
By Dr. Alex Drake
At CommonSpirit Health, our vision is a healthier future for all – inspired by faith, driven by innovation, and powered by our humanity. This extends to all the care we provide our patients, whether it be in our doctor’s offices, our clinics, or our hospitals.
We want your visit to our care sites to be as comfortable as possible, and we know that visiting the Emergency Department (ER) is difficult for any patient and their loved ones. I would like to share some information about what to expect in the ER, so that you can be as prepared as possible.
Our emergency caregivers are here for you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year to serve our community. We accept all patients – regardless of insurance status or ability to pay. A typical visit to the ER can take two-to-three hours, but please know that in the ER we must evaluate and treat our patients based on severity of their condition. This might mean longer wait times in the lobby or even after being placed in an exam room. However, this also means that if you’re having a life-threatening emergency, you will have the undivided attention of our doctors and nurses.
If you have mild-to-moderate symptoms – such as fever below 103 degrees without a rash, flu-like symptoms without shortness of breath, or sprains and strains – you may wish to consider calling your primary care provider or visiting an urgent care center, as these options may be faster and are often less expensive.
Symptoms or health issues that require immediate medical attention may include the following:
• Chest pain
• Sudden weakness or trouble talking
• Difficulty breathing
• Spinal injuries
• Severe head injury
• Major broken bones
• Major burns
• Sudden change in vision
• Heavy bleeding
• Large open wounds
You should never drive yourself to an ER if you are having severe chest pain, severe bleeding, if you feel like you might faint, or if your vision is impaired. When in doubt, please call 911 — what matters most is that you get to the emergency room quickly and safely. If you arrive by

ambulance, you will be triaged and we will determine the level of care required.
All emergency physicians at CommonSpirit Holy Cross Hospitals are board certified in Emergency Medicine and have trained for many years to help you in your emergency. The doctors also have specially trained midlevel providers who can also help. Your provider may order tests like X-rays, CT Scans, Ultrasounds, bloodwork, urinalysis, an electrocardiogram (EKG), or others, depending on your health problem.
After receiving test results, the doctor will discuss the findings and diagnosis with you. If needed, they will advise admission to the hospital. If your condition does not need admission, they will give you written instructions about treatment to be followed at home. This may include prescriptions, tips for home care, and any referrals needed for following up with either a primary care or specialized doctor.
While we hope for the health and safety of those in our community, know that we are here if you need us. Our excellent doctors and nurses at CommonSpirit Holy Cross Hospitals are ready to provide high-quality, compassionate, and timely care.

As CommonSpirit Health, we make the healing presence of God known in our world by improving the health of the people we serve, especially those who are vulnerable, while we advance social justice for all.

When you need emergency care fast, the closest emergency room is a smart thing to know. You never know the level of care you’ll need when an emergency happens and choosing the right ER can make all the difference. And a hospital ER comes with the confidence of additional services right on-site.
Find emergency care close to you at mountain.commonspirit.org.
By Dr. Alex Drake Emergency Physician CommonSpirit Holy Cross Hospital Jordan Valley West
Beads, spacers and stories: Viewmont students learn the significance of Shoshone necklaces
Shoshone tribal elder teaches Viewmont students how his tribe lived off the land through traditional craft.
By Julie Slama j.slama@mycityjournals.com
Fourth- and fifth-grade students crafted replicas of Shoshone tribal necklaces by carefully placing colored beads and spacers symmetrically on long strings. While the necklaces were beautiful, the students learned they served a practical purpose for protection.
Before the students began their work, Rios Pacheco, the Northwestern Band of Shoshone Nation cultural specialist and historian, explained the spacers were traditionally made from cuhni, or animal bone, while the beads were typically crafted from juniper and shells. The string used for the necklaces often was made from the backbone of a large animal.
“We’d make the string from the animal’s tendon by the leg; they’d dry it, soak it and pound it on a stone,” he said. “These necklaces would be worn around the neck because in a fight, they would try to strike across the throat. They’d also wear one in front and that was called a breast plate. It would stop some of the arrows because it would deflect them.”
Pacheco shared how the Shoshone traditionally wore skins from buffalo, elk and bear in the winter to prevent snow from sticking to the fur. He also said their bows were made from the horns of bighorn sheep, which were both strong and flexible.
Fifth-grade teacher Kyndra Burnett explained the students were learning about Native American cultures to gain a deeper understanding
“Exposing them to another culture at a young age brings more understanding,” she said.
This lesson was part of a $14,000 Beverley Taylor Sorenson supplemental art grant which Murray School District received. As part of the grant, a presenter from one of Utah’s five Native American tribes was invited to teach students about indigenous culture. Pacheco’s visit was coordinated with Murray City Cultural Arts.
“This year, we have been learning about indigenous cultures in the BTS arts classes across the district,” said Bryn Swain, Viewmont Elementary’s BTS theater teacher. “In our class, we have been acting out vibrant stories from the five different tribes in Utah. When we talked about the Navajo, we acted out dif-

ferent designs in the Navajo rugs, and for the Paiute, we talked about the way that the Paiute see different environments. Art and theater can be a good medium to learn about culture, and it’s important we learn about different cultures and everyone’s heritage. It helps teach tolerance and acceptance.”
Fifth-grader Caitlin Parker was nearly finished stringing her beads.
“I’ve loved learning about their history,” she said. “We learned how they hunted, how they made weapons from a black rock called obsidian to hunt wild animals and how they’d use everything from those animals in their lifestyle, not just for food, but they’d use the bones in the necklaces and the skins for their clothing and teepees.”
Caitlin’s classmate Oliver McDonough added the Shosho-
ne also used animal skins to create canteens.
“It’s been interesting to learn how they lived off the land with the animals and plants and the differences of their lives and ours,” he said.
Pacheco, who authored “Shoshone Plants of Antelope Island,” told students Shoshone sandals were made from braided cattails. The fluff from these cattails was used to absorb moisture in a baby’s diaper, which was made from antelope hide. Additionally, yarrow leaves were used to disinfect wounds and stop bleeding.
“They’re learning the importance of the plants and animals and how we used all the parts of the animals for our shelter and protection,” he said. “There’s value in all of it for the Shoshone.”
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Viewmont fifth-graders strung replicas of Shoshone tribal necklaces they learned were worn for protection. (Julie Slama/City Journals)

A dream realized, the new and improved Murray Museum to open
The Murray Mansion will re-open as the new city museum, showcasing Murray history over the decades housed in the historic John P. Cahoon Mansion, a designated National Register of Historic Places building. The grand opening will be celebrated on May 2.
By Ella Joy Olsen e.olsen@mycityjournals.com
When asked about the creation of the new Murray Museum, set to open in early May, Lori Edmunds, the current Murray Cultural Arts director, wanted to give credit where credit is due.
“Please know that without Mary Ann Kirk [the former Cultural Arts Director who retired at the end of 2017], this museum would not exist,” Edmunds said. “I feel it’s important to hear from her how it all began.”
So, these are Mary Ann Kirk’s words, slightly edited for print: “In the 1970s, a group of community members under the direction of Arlette Day asked residents to donate artifacts in an effort to create a museum for the city. When a museum location was not found, the items were eventually placed in a large storage unit in Murray. Display cases in the hallways of the old Arlington Elementary School were incorporated to feature a few selected artifacts.
“I was hired as Cultural Programs manager in 1992, and the prequel to the Arts Advisory Board was established a few years later. We were aware of the ear-
lier efforts to create a museum and we all wondered where the artifacts donated in the 1970s were stored, but couldn’t get many answers.
“Sometime after a new city recorder, Carol Heales, was hired in 1999, I received a phone call asking if I knew anything about a storage unit the city was paying for each year. We suspected it might be the artifacts.
“Inside, we couldn’t believe what we saw - hundreds of items, large and small, that had been in storage for about 20 years, stacked to the ceiling. Some textiles had been destroyed by insects and rodents. Candles had melted on top of an old piano. But amazingly, most items were dirty but still in good shape.”
After discovery, the history board met a couple times each week at the storage unit, wearing masks and gloves, and carefully cleaned and attempted to properly catalogue each item. The items were then moved and stored in the former gym of the old Arlington School.
As Murray City’s 2003 centennial approached, the board worked to build an actual museum in the Arlington School for the celebration and they asked for additional donations from community members.
“The mayor’s office even discovered a box of old photos that had been used in Murray’s 1976 publication. Through a grant between the city, Murray City Library and the University of Utah Library, the photos were scanned and eventually made accessible to the public,” Kirk continued.
The grand opening of that museum occurred in 2003, in conjunction with the city’s centennial celebrations, with displays illustrating specific parts of Murray’s story:
Land, Lead and Leadership.
Then, in 2017, the city purchased the old Murray Mansion/Cahoon Mansion with the intention of renovating the historic home and turning it into a dedicated museum space for the growing collection of artifacts.
Purchase and renovation of the Cahoon Mansion cost the city between $1.5 and $2 million, which included significant grants from state coffers. Construction slowed somewhat due to the pandemic, but now the mansion is fully restored and upgraded for accessibility and the Murray Museum will finally be open to the public.
Currently, the collection at the new Murray Museum contains 7,751 artifacts, documents, books and photographs. “It includes anything that speaks to Murray history: family files, artifacts that belonged to Murray families or businesses and books that discuss Murray history and the lives of former residents,” Rowan Coates, Murray Museum curator, said.
Every three months, the themed exhibits at the new museum will be rotated, displaying articles illustrating a particular part of Murray’s history. Initially, the themes will be agriculture, early industry and business.
Additionally, the gallery room will highlight art created by Murray artists as part of the Murray Art Collections display, rotating the collection quarterly to highlight new works.
The first gallery display will be portraits of Murray’s past and present mayors. To make the exhibit interactive to guests, residents and children can consider Murray’s future by imagining themselves as
Murray’s next mayor, then drawing their own portrait.
Another way that Murray’s history will be made interactive for children is through Lego bricks. The museum will display a large, to-scale model of a historic building, then will provide mini-kits for kids to create their own mini-Murray.
The first display will be the Murray smokestacks. “The smokestacks are a huge part of the history of Murray City and its industrial past,” Erica Brown, Murray City marketing specialist, said. “The Lego exhibit will draw visitors in and the kids will be invited to help imagine Murray’s future by building their own Lego smokestacks. It’s important for kids to learn about the city’s history, because kids are the future.”
Future Lego sets will feature the Cahoon Mansion (Murray Museum building), the Murray Theater and the Murray Chapel.
“Being a part of the [early] process [of creating the museum] was so satisfying to me,” Kirk said. “I strongly feel that knowing and preserving the history of our community is so important. It provides an opportunity for the city to honor its past, and I look forward to an exciting opportunity for the city to share its story for many years to come in its new home.”
Grand opening events will run May 2 from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. There will be tours of the mansion and exhibits and activities for kids, including a mini-Lego kit of the smokestacks to build and take home.
The Murray Museum will always be free to visit, and after the grand opening, the museum will be open Monday and Wednesday 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., and Tuesday, Thursday and Friday from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. l
“The smokestacks are a huge part of the history of Murray City and its industrial past,” Murray City Marketing Specialist Erica Brown said. “The Lego exhibit will draw visitors in and the kids will be invited to help imagine Murray’s future by building their own Lego smokestacks. It’s important for kids to learn about the city’s history, because kids are the future.” (Ella Joy Olsen/City Journals)
It’s been a longtime coming, but the mansion is now renovated and the displays are almost complete. The public will be welcomed to the grand opening of the Murray Museum on May 2 from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. (Ella Joy Olsen/City Journals)
Local helps bridge the artistic gap with Four Lemons—Art within Reach
New art market hopes to make original art accessible to everyone.
By Collette Hayes c.hayes@mycityjournals.com
For over one hundred years, Pike Place Market has been known by many as the “Soul of Seattle” because of its vibrant art scene. Inspired by the Seattle-based market, in 1994, talented art curator Nanette Amis brought a little piece of the famous marketplace to Salt Lake City.
Amis’ Utah Art Market has popped up in various locations throughout Utah for over 30 years, including in her home and in her backyard. Finally, in October 2024, Amis realized the dream of offering her large, devoted clientele a full-time brickand-mortar shop. The Four Lemons – Art within Reach is now home to the artwork of over one hundred thirty local and international artists and crafters.
Amis told the Journal she has no plans to throw fish over the counter as they used to do at the well-known seaside market in Seattle, but she definitely plans to provide art that resonates deeply with each customer and at prices accessible to most.
“I’m trying to reach out to the people that love original art and don’t think they can afford it,” Amis said. “A single mom came into the store a few weeks ago and fell in love with an original painting. Financially, it was simply out of her reach. The mission of Four Lemons is to make art accessible to everyone. I told her if you can pay toward it each month, I’ll hang on to the piece for you. I want to do everything I can to help people have an original piece of art in their home. It brings me so much happiness.”
The expansive 7,000-square-foot space showcases pottery, jewelry, woodworking, original paintings and prints, homemade jelly, woodcuts, fiber and wool arts, inviting all to explore pieces starting around $6 and with selections ascending to over $1,000.
Several well-known artists display their pieces at Four Lemons. Clint Whiting’s impressionistic realism art has received numerous awards and also “best of show” at events in New York City, New Jersey, Naples, Milan and Rome.
Oil and acrylic painter Tricia Cook’s simple, clean lines and balanced colors, shapes, and textures bring out the beauty in her simplistic artistic scenes and are easily incorporated into a home setting.
Sarah Winegar’s nod to the Byzantine period is evident in many of her inspirational pieces. Her relief woodcut prints of the Last Supper bring human figures together, flowing in unity, each with his own story to tell. The unseen feelings of the individuals are portrayed in the fine, detailed cuts in the wood.
Primarily, a botanical and landscape artist, Rachel Nelson has a large following of devoted collectors. She strives for an overall painting composition that combines the detailed light and color techniques of realism and the loose brush strokes of impressionism.
Amis began collecting African art about 10 years ago. She wanted to promote emerging artists from developing countries as a humanitarian effort. She ordered handmade baskets from a family in Ghana. Also, she decided to contact Muramuzi John Bosco, a Ugandan contemporary artist based in Kampala in eastern Africa. Amis ordered 15 pieces of his art for the store. He shipped them from Africa. Amis framed and sold half of them.
In January, Amis and her husband visited friends who were living in Nairobi, her first experience visiting Africa.
“When I was in Nairobi, we went out for dinner one night at the restaurant where Muramuzi displays his art,” Amis said. “I had no idea Muramuzi would be there. He only comes to Nairobi twice a year, and I only visit Nairobi once in a lifetime. What an unbelievable coincidence!”
Muramuzi shared in a conversation at dinner that the proceeds from the art sales at Four Lemons has been used to build a Christian school for the children in his community. Now, every piece of his art that is sold, helps a student for one year.
How to become a Four Lemon’s art vendor
Amis shares on her website that if you’d like to join the Four Lemons family, you are encouraged to apply for the Utah Art Market first. If your products are well-received by Utah Art Market customers, an invitation will be extended to showcase your work at Four Lemons.
Finding an art style to become a collector
During a recent appearance on Studio 5 KSL, Amis encouraged viewers to explore, discover, and find their own art style as a collector. She presented some simple ways to begin.
1. Discover what you like by following artists on social media, visiting galleries and paying attention to what draws you in to a piece of art.
2. Identify a preference of style such as traditional, impressionistic, abstract or realism.
3. Find inspiration for identifying a style and beginning an art collection in things you enjoy doing and personal interests.
4. Reflect on colors you are drawn to.
5. You don’t have to pick just one style. It works to mix and match styles, create themed collections or gallery walls.
“We offer many different services at Four Lemons,” Amis said. “We have people at our store who can help you hang gallery

walls if you feel intimidated by creating a gallery or themed collection.”
A place for community to gather and make connections
Art is a powerful catalyst that brings people together, creating meaningful connections. It weaves the shared stories of communities, igniting reflection and encouraging dialogue. In the future, Amis envisions Four Lemons as a gathering place for small communities, including book clubs, art events, and various gatherings. The Utah Art Market will be held four times a year at the store, and art education classes will be offered monthly by Four Lemon artists.
“I love the idea of looking toward this becoming a place of community where people can gather to meet, connect and find common ground,” Amis said. “I think little groups of community could gather at Four Lemons to share interests. I am an inclusive person and I love nothing more than for people to meet artists and artists to meet collectors and artists to meet each other creating a space of community.”
The importance of collecting art
According to Amis, an original piece of art is timeless and something to be kept forever. She suggests not many material things bought in a lifetime last and are special enough to be handed down from generation to generation. Art can be hung on a wall, set out on a table to be enjoyed, or given to someone else to enjoy their entire life, which Amis feels is the true beauty of art.
“When I was newly married, I couldn’t afford to buy original art. One Christmas,
my brother David gave me a still-life painting that he had bought at Dolores Chase Gallery in downtown Salt Lake. The painting was of four lemons on a windowsill created by Rebecca Wagstaff. It was the first piece of original art I had owned. I was really taken aback by his giving me such a treasured gift. Knowing I now owned a piece of original art felt so important. Because this painting holds such sentimental value, I decided to name my store Four Lemons.”
For now, the painting of the four little lemons sitting on the windowsill can be found on the counter right next to the cash register. It extends a warm welcome to each patron who enters the store. Many years from now, when the store lights have dimmed, and the door whispers closed for the last time, the small four lemon painting will move on, finding a cherished place in the home of one of Nanette’s children to love across the generations to come with a piece of art.
Location 4850 South Highland Drive, Holladay, Utah
Tuesday - Saturday 10 a.m. - 6 p.m.
Contact (385) 228-9434 fourlemonsart@gmail.com
To learn more about the Utah Art Market and how to become a vendor, visit www. utahartmarket.com. l
The Four Lemons – Art within Reach is now home to the artwork of over one hundred thirty local and international artists. (Photo courtesy Nanette Amis)
Breakfast with state legislators allows Murray residents to voice their worries, and there are many
Several legislators from districts surrounding Murray attended the Murray Annual Legislative Recap Breakfast to answer questions and hear concerns about the 2025 legislative session.
By Ella Joy Olsen e.olsen@mycityjournals.com
The annual Murray Legislative Recap Breakfast was started with a song. Jeff Evans, self-professed promoter of events, realtor and concerned Murray citizen emceed the breakfast, and asked everyone in the packed room to sing a little Bob Marley with him, leading the room through the familiar chorus of, “Don’t worry, about a thing, ‘cause every little thing is gonna be alright.”
But based on the questions asked of the state legislators in attendance, Murray residents were not so sure they shouldn’t be at least a little worried.
The Murray Chamber hosted the annual event, and IMC provided the egg and bacon breakfast and the meeting space for the Legislative Recap Breakfast. All state legislators with a district that touches Murray, or any connection to Murray, were invited to attend to answer residents’ questions about the current legislative session.
Interestingly, only legislators affiliated with the Democratic Party showed up. Ken Ivory-R (District 39) was invited, but was out of town.
When asked about the lack of Republican representation, Evans said with a laugh, “Turns out, that’s how Murray votes.”
In attendance were: Nate Blouin (District 13), Gay Lynn Bennion (District 41), Carol Spackman Moss (District 34), Rosealba Dominguez (District 35 and former Murray City Councilwoman), and Kathleen Riebe (District 15).
Spackman Moss commented, “This is such an amazing turnout. Look, it’s standing room only at 9 a.m. on a Saturday morning.”
The packed room was an indication that although Murray residents joined in singing the upbeat Marley song, they were actually worried, and not certain that “every little thing is gonna be alright.”
Their frustration with how things are going during this legislative session was front and center.
“Does Gov. Cox even listen when the minority party voices concerns?” asked Sheri Van Bibber, prominent Murray resident and representative of the Murray Chamber of Commerce.
Miss Murray, Allysa Sullivan, echoed the sentiment, “Young voters don’t feel like their needs are being recognized,” she said. “What should we do to get our voices heard?”
Jaycey Thornton, a Murray resident, trans-woman and Executive Director of Project Rainbow Utah, after announcing her name said, “These days, I may or may not exist.” And she went on to question her health and safety after this legislative session.
All democratic legislators echoed the frustrations of the residents, discussing the difficulties of being in the minority party and running bills that don’t make it past committee, or voting against bills that they oppose, only to have them passed.
One bill that was particularly contentious and brought up by several attendees and legislators was HB267, which was passed through the legislature and signed by Gov.

Spencer Cox. The bill takes away the right for public employees – including teachers, firefighters and police – to collectively bargain within a union.
“This is an assault on all of our public workers,” Murray resident and former city council representative Dale Cox said.
Spackman Moss, a former teacher, agreed, saying it was particularly heart wrenching to see firefighters in uniform, police officers, teachers and a variety of other public workers stand vigil at the capitol, day after day of the legislative session to oppose the bill, filling every overflow room. She indicated that Republican legislators wouldn’t answer questions or face these public servants, even as they voted to erode their job security and benefits.
The legislators in attendance at the breakfast further discussed education, in relation to the school voucher program, indicating they were working across the aisle for more transparency and other improvements on the Utah Fits All program.
“Currently the vouchers can be used for things like ski and swim lessons,” Spackman Moss said. “These are extra-curricular activities that residents who send their children to public school have to pay for out of their own pockets. Currently, there is no transparency or accountability for how voucher dollars are spent.”
Other questions raised (and discussion was lively) were regarding affordable housing, environmental issues, water rights, suicide prevention and access to mental health services.
“I’m so proud of how my town showed up that morning,” Evans said. “If there’s ever a time to be involved, here in the Murray-hood, we know it’s now. Because we’re Murray people and we show up.” l

Democratic legislators in attendance at the Murray Annual Legislative Recap Breakfast were: Nate Blouin (District 13), Gay Lynn Bennion (District 41), Carol Spackman Moss (District 34), Rosealba Dominguez (District 35 and former Murray City Councilwoman) and Kathleen Riebe (District 15). (Ella Joy Olsen/City Journals)
Miss Murray, Allysa Sullivan, asked state legislators at the Murray Annual Legislative Recap Breakfast, “Young voters don’t feel like their needs are being recognized, so what should we do to get our voices heard?” (Ella Joy Olsen/City Journals)
Major redevelopment proposal eyed for Central Murray
By Shaun Delliskave s.delliskave@mycityjournals.com
Aonce-quiet corner of Murray is on the verge of a dramatic transformation, as a proposed 423-unit mixed-use development inches closer to final approval. The Murray Station Apartments, planned for 171 to 237 W. Berger Lane, promises to bring high-rise residential living and a modest commercial footprint to an area historically dominated by industrial businesses and low-density housing.
While city planners tout the project as a key step toward revitalization, critics warn that unchecked density and infrastructure concerns could lead to long-term consequences for the surrounding community.
The proposed development, spearheaded by Mighty Munchkins, LLC, sits in the heart of the Murray Central Mixed Use Zone, a district established to promote transit-oriented development near the Murray Central Station. The 7.31-acre site currently houses a landscaping business and is bordered by Commerce Drive to the west, a Union Pacific railroad corridor to the east and a mix of industrial, residential and commercial properties nearby.
City planners argue that this project is exactly what the MCMU zone was designed
for—compact, high-density housing with pedestrian-friendly elements that will bring new residents closer to transit hubs and commercial services.
The proposed complex will be built in two phases:
• Phase 1 will see the construction of 199 residential units, a central parking garage with 469 spaces and several amenities, including a clubroom, fitness center and north courtyard with a pool.
• Phase 2 will add 224 more units, 1,185 square feet of commercial space and additional amenities such as a south courtyard and pool.
Developers also plan to redesign Berger Lane with a 7-foot-wide sidewalk and an 8-foot park strip, improving pedestrian safety in an area historically lacking such infrastructure.
But as plans move forward, some residents and business owners worry the city is rushing into a high-density project without fully addressing the logistical challenges it presents.
A traffic impact study commissioned by the developer concluded that the project’s additional vehicles could be absorbed into the existing road system without the need for major offsite improvements. However, business owners in the area aren’t convinced.
“Berger Lane is already too narrow, and there are no sidewalks,” Vaughn Carlston, owner of CV Carlston Heating & A/C, Inc. said. “We have deliveries daily and need good access

at all times.”
Carlston voiced frustration over mud and debris from previous construction projects, claiming that his complaints to Murray City officials have gone unanswered. He worries that similar conditions will return as the Murray Station Apartments project gets underway.
“Just want to make sure that the new private access is the first thing that goes in and all construction will be accomplished from there as it is,” Carlston said.
ditional outdoor amenities.
Despite the lessened commercial space, the project does exceed parking requirements, offering 575 total parking spaces, including 106 surface spaces and 469 within a structured parking garage. City planners view this as a positive, arguing that the reliance on structured parking is in line with the MCMU’s push for urban-style development.

Emergency access is also a concern. Murray Fire Department officials flagged limited access points on the west side of the property, prompting city planners to recommend a temporary fire turnaround for Phase 1. But critics question whether such stopgap measures are enough for a project of this scale.
The Murray Station Apartments will introduce 58 residential units per acre, a number approaching the MCMU zone’s upper limit of 65 units per acre.
Compounding these concerns is the project’s relatively small commercial footprint. Under MCMU guidelines, mixed-use developments are expected to dedicate a minimum of 75% of their street frontage to commercial space. However, the developers successfully reduced this requirement by committing to ad-
Meanwhile, developers have incorporated a range of high-end amenities, including two sky lounges providing rooftop views for residents.
While such amenities may appeal to prospective tenants, questions remain about how the influx of new residents will impact city services such as water, wastewater and public safety.
With the Planning Commission granting initial approvals, the next step for Mighty Munchkins, LLC is to enter into a formal development agreement with the city. This agreement will need to outline: infrastructure improvements, including water and sewer upgrades; the finalized traffic impact study and potential road enhancements; fire department access and safety measures; a timeline for project completion, with Phase 1 expected to break ground first. l

A new 423 unit high density development is proposed for 171 Berger Lane. (Photo courtesy Murray City)
A lot to lose: Murray trades City Hall parking for development
Murray City Council votes to declare City Hall parking lot as surplus, paving the way for mixed-use development.
By Shaun Delliskave s.delliskave@mycityjournals.com
The Murray City Council voted to declare the city-owned parking lot at 48 E. 4800 South as surplus, approving its conveyance for less than the appraised value. The decision advances a long-anticipated mixed-use development project but has sparked debate over parking availability, employee safety and the financial implications of the city’s involvement.
The 0.76-acre parking lot, appraised at $1.2 million, is being contributed to Rockworth Development Group for a project expected to include commercial and residential spaces, along with a 460-stall parking structure. However, concerns remain over the decision to transfer the land at below market value and the potential loss of parking for city employees and visitors.
City officials argue that the project is crucial to the city’s long-term vision for downtown revitalization. The plan is expected to generate $2.1 million annually in sales tax revenue and $105,000 per year in additional property tax revenue for Murray, according to a study conducted by Zion’s Public Finance. Other taxing entities could see an estimated $500,000 per year in increased property taxes.
“This has been a project that’s been worked on for years,” Murray City Community and Economic Development Director Chad Wilkinson said. “This is something that the city has been looking for for many, many years—a project that would activate, bring vibrancy to our downtown.”
Rockworth Development’s proposal includes 150 residential units and will be constructed below the maximum zoning density, a factor city officials see as a major benefit.
“This one is very important,” Wilkinson said. “Because this project is coming in at a lower density in a lot of different ways—lower density in terms of residential units per acre, in terms of heights of buildings that are being pro-

posed—they are willing to do this to meet the city’s goals and objectives.”
While the development is intended to enhance downtown Murray, some city council members and residents raised concerns about the impact of losing a city-owned parking lot adjacent to the new City Hall.
Councilmember Diane Turner voiced skepticism over the city’s parking study, which was conducted on a Friday, Monday and Tuesday.
“I just wish you would have done it on a Wednesday and Thursday because typically people take Friday and Mondays off,” Turner said.
Councilmember Pam Cotter questioned whether enough consideration was given to future growth in city staff and services.
“Have we taken into account that the city is going to grow with residents and with businesses?” Cotter asked. “Are we looking into the future, or do we just look for today and not worry about the future?”
Wilkinson maintained that the city’s parking needs—including employee parking and visitor access to City Hall—were accounted for. He noted that, on average, between 50 and 64% of city-owned parking spaces remain vacant at any given time.
However, Turner raised additional concerns about employee safety, particularly for those working late hours who may have to park farther away.

and create a structure,” Wilkinson said.
Critics argue that the city is giving away a valuable property at a reduced price while also committing taxpayer funds for improvements that would typically be a private developer’s responsibility.
Mayor Brett Hales, however, defended the decision, emphasizing his priority to ensure city employees’ well-being.
May 23rd
Golden Corral, 665 East 7200 South, Midvale
“I have a problem for some of the employees that work extremely late at night at City Hall,” Turner said. “I know there’s a police department right there, but I have a problem for their security coming out of City Hall and walking over to the overflow or compact area late at night.”
The development’s financing also remains a topic of debate. Rockworth Development has requested city participation, including financial contributions for infrastructure improvements, such as relocating a large gas line and funding part of the underground parking structure.
“We are anticipating contributing towards the construction of that parking because, in order to get the number of parking spaces that they are proposing, they do need to go underground

“I talk to the employees a lot more than you ever do—a lot more,” Hales said. “I promise you, if you know me, that is my number one priority.”
Despite opposition, the motion passed with a 4-1 vote, with Cotter being the lone dissenter.
Wilkinson clarified that the vote does not finalize the sale but allows city officials to continue negotiations. A development agreement is expected to be reviewed in April, at which time the council and the Redevelopment Agency will weigh in on the final details.
“This decision tonight does not bind you to a certain decision on the development agreement,” Wilkinson said. l

A rendering of Murray’s potential downtown. (Photo courtesy Murray City)

Donate a bike, support a student
Murray Education Foundation partners with Bicycle Collective for bike donation drive, collects contributions for students’ bike locks and helmets.
By Julie Slama j.slama@mycityjournals.com
Have a bicycle leaning against the shed or perhaps an outgrown bike with training wheels?
This April, the Murray Education Foundation will be collecting used bikes, which will then be donated to the Bicycle Collective, which refurbishes bicycles and provides educational programs for the community focusing on children and lower income households.
As part of the partnership, the Foundation can take part in the Collective’s referral program.
“They have a referral program so we can refer some kids who need bikes to them, and

they can get their bike donated,” said Doug Perry, Foundation executive director. “We have a little over 100 secondary kids who live just inside the bus routes so they don’t qualify for bussing so they walk and in the winter months, when it’s cold and not snowy, they could ride a bike. Maybe that gets them to school a little quicker.”
Along with collecting bikes, Perry said the Foundation also will accept monetary donations to purchase students’ helmets and bike locks. Additional details can be found on the websites of the Murray Education Foundation, murrayeducationfoundation.org, and the Murray School District, www.murrayschools.org.
Perry added students can learn how to repair their bikes at the Bicycle Collective.
“They can show how to replace the tires and fix the gears and those kinds of things,” Perry said, adding his vision for the future: “I envision working with them to offer a bike repair workshop here as part of our afterschool activities.” l

Paddles united, inclusion ignited
way to be involved in a fundraiser that is easy to participate in.”

By Julie Slama j.slama@mycityjournals.com
High school basketball season has just concluded, and alongside the traditional boys’ and girls’ teams, Murray High is among the many schools offering a unified basketball team. This program allows students with and without intellectual disabilities to play together on the same team.
The statewide initiative, which has seen remarkable growth, now includes more than 200 co-ed unified basketball teams across high schools. Special Olympics Utah and the Utah High School Activities Association oversee the program. As the number of tournaments has expanded, so too have the needs for funding to support transportation, gear and equipment for the athletes.
To support the unified sports program and the Murray School District’s special education teacher grant program, the Murray Education Foundation is hosting a pickleball tournament.
“We hope this fundraiser will help us maintain the unified program and keep it going vibrantly,” Doug Perry said, Foundation executive director. “We know there are a lot of people who want to help these kids and do things that would benefit their families, and it’s a simple way for people to find a
The tournament will feature three brackets — men’s, women’s, and co-ed — on April 26, with 12 courts in play. Each bracket will host 72 teams, with players able to register as beginners, intermediate or advanced. There will be prizes for winners. An entry fee of $75 will benefit both the unified sports program and the special education teacher grant program. The event will take place at the Sports Mall, located at 5445 S. 900 East.
Each participant will receive a swag bag, and the Foundation is also seeking corporate sponsors for the event.
To register to play or to support the fundraiser, more information can be found on the websites of the Murray Education Foundation, murrayeducationfoundation. org, and the Murray School District, www. murrayschools.org.
In addition to supporting unified sports, the Murray Education Foundation provides 136 grants of $500 each for teachers. However, Perry emphasized special education teachers across the district require additional resources for their classrooms, so the funds raised will be divided to support both causes.
“We’re hopeful this will turn into a long lasting fundraising event that people find a lot of meaning in,” Perry said. “It’s supportive of a really good cause and that will have an impact on a lot of kids in the Murray School District both in the classroom and playing unified sports.” l

With a partnership with Bicycle Collective, Murray Education Foundation hopes more students will be able to ride bikes to school. (Julie Slama/City Journals)
support the unified sports program and the Murray School District’s special education teacher grant program, the Murray Education Foundation is hosting a pickleball tournament. (File photo City Journals)

Attorney 801-264-2640
Business Licensing

Cemetery ................................ 801-264-2637
City Council ............................. 801-264-2603
Finance Department
Passports 801-264-2660
Administrative O ce .......... 801-264-2781
Non-Emergency Calls 801-840-4000
General Information ................ 801-264-2525
Human Resources.................... 801-264-2656
Library 801-264-2580
Mayor’s O ce 801-264-2600
Municipal Court....................... 801-284-4280
Administrative O ce .......... 801-264-2614
Recreation Division 801-264-2614
Museum 801-264-2589

I am proud to announce the completion of the restoration of the historic Murray Armory Motor Pool building, a landmark located in Murray Park along Little Cottonwood Creek. Originally built to support the Utah National Guard, this facility played a role in our community for decades. When the opportunity arose for the city to acquire it, we saw the potential to preserve its legacy while transforming it into a space that would bene t residents for generations to come. Through careful restoration, we have repurposed the armory into a beautiful event center—a perfect gathering place for family reunions, class reunions, weddings, receptions, birthday parties, and other community celebrations.
I’m excited to announce that beginning April 2nd, 2025, residents will be able to reserve the facility for events starting June 6, 2025, with bookings available up to one year in advance. To celebrate this incredible transformation, I invite everyone to visit the new event center during our Murray Fun Days celebration on July 4 from 11am-3pm, for an open house and tour.
Please contact the parks and recreation department at (801) 264-2614 for more information.
We look forward to seeing this historic space lled with laughter, memories, and the spirit of community.

Animal Control/SL County 385-468-7387
Code Enforcement 801-264-2673
Non-Emergency Calls ......... 801-840-4000
Administrative O ce .......... 801-264-2730
After Hours Emergency 801-264-9669
Administrative O ce 801-270-2440
Building Inspection 801-270-2431
Green Waste Trailers ........... 801-270-2440
Planning and Zoning 801-270-2430
Solid Waste 801-270-2440
Water, Sewer, Streets .......... 801-270-2440
Zoning Enforcement ........... 801-270-2426
After Hours Emergency 801-264-9669

Billing Questions 801-264-2626

Fighting Wild res
The recent California res became more than a news story for myself and my extended family.
My sister and her family live in Southern California, and the re came a short distance from her house.
Her family and neighbors were evacuated in the middle of the night leaving valuables and other precious items as they watched the ames spread down the street. Over the next several days, many of her friends and neighbors lost their homes. Luckily, her house was not engulfed in the ames, but her family spent several weeks moving around between friends’ homes and hotels until her neighborhood was declared safe.
The re required countless hours from emergency personnel, including our own Murray Fire Department. Our city sent several re ghters as well as trucks in join the e orts. I was grateful to our re ghters who volunteered their time and abilities to assist the residents of Southern California. Our city sent several re ghters as well as trucks in their endeavor. This is one of many wild res our re ghters help to contain, both inside and outside of the state of Utah.
Fighting wild res di ers signi cantly from ghting res in an urban environment. Conditions are brutal. Instead of driving up to the re, our re ghters often carry their supplies, including re ghting gear, water, and other necessities, while hiking through rough terrain. The weather is hot, and the gear only adds to the heat. Sleeping occurs on cots, the ground, or in the trucks. The days are long and exhausting, but our re ghters prepare for these moments.
Not all re ghters can handle these situations. These re ghters receive extra training and certi cations to qualify to assist in these natural disasters, and over half of our current Murray re ghters have received this training.
Our crews’ service exemplify some of our community values: service, preparation, dedication and caring for others. They sacri ce time with their families and comfortable conditions to help others. Their actions helped residents throughout Southern California and as well as citizens throughout the country, and in this instance they helped my family.
—Adam Hock Council District 5
4:15-5:15PM KIDS BINGO AGES 9-13
Murray City has Several Public Works Projects Beginning in April
You do not need to register - just show up and let’s have some fun! WED, APRIL 9
Don’t forget our easter egg hunts April 11 & 19
Reconstruction of the signal at the intersection of Winchester and 700 West will begin in April. In addition to replacing the signal poles and light xtures, right turn lanes will be added in the eastbound, northbound, and southbound directions and the westbound left turn lane queue will be extended further east. These improvements will better accommodate the congestion at the intersection as well as improve pedestrian access on all four counters with new ramps and crosswalk infrastructure.
Murray’s Street Department has mill and overlay projects on Morning Dew Drive and Daisy Lane, this will include spot replacement of curb and sidewalk. Streets between 4600 South and 4800 South from State Street to Atwood will receive slurry seals on the roadway surface.
Murray Water will be completing work on 500 West’s waterline replacements on Century Drive (north of 4500S) and then replace failing 6” water main with a new 8” mainline on Harwood Lane from Pontiac Drive to 900E, improving both capacity and re ow. Later in the spring, Murray Water will be upgrading the 6” cast iron main in Murray Boulevard from Vine Street to Hunter’s Woods Apartments with 12” ductile iron to improve capacity, re ow and reliability.


City Council District #1
Paul Pickett
Council District 2
Pam Cotter
Council District 3
Scott Goodman
Council District 4
Diane Turner
City Council District #5
Adam Hock
Executive Director
Jennifer Kennedy Office: 801-264-2622

Telephone Agenda Information 801-264-2525

In addition to the city-controlled projects, Lumen is beginning expansion of its Quantum Fiber in Murray City and recently completed work in the Germania neighborhood. Their contractor, Fugal, is planned to begin work in the Walden Glen in March and then will move to the Potomac and Halcyon/Lucky Clover neighborhoods between April and July. While they are coordinating with Murray City Public Works for work within the right-of-way, the city does not give permission for their work on private property. Rather, this is permitted through existing easements and through permission of the a ected property owner. Maps will be posted on both the Murray City Public Works Facebook and Instagram pages. Any questions or concerns regarding this work should be directed to Fugal at fugal.com/neighbor or at 801-796-5046.

APRIL 2025
Murray Senior Recreation Center
10 E 6150 S, Murray, Utah 84107 • 801-264-2635 mcreg.com • seniorrec@murray.utah.gov murray.utah.gov/140Senior-Recreation-Center
Mon-Fri 8:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
Thurs 8:00 a.m. – 9:30 p.m. • Closed Sat and Sun
Check our website for updated information.
Date: Tuesday through Friday
Time: 11:30 a.m. – noon
Cost: Cost is $5; prior reg. not required CLASSES
Date: Tuesday and Thursday
Time: 9:00 a.m. – noon
Cost: $1.50 each class plus cost of supplies GRIEF SUPPORT
Date: Friday, Apr. 4 and 18
Time: 10:30 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.
Cost: Free
Date: Friday, Apr. 25
Time: 1:00 p.m. – 2:00 p.m.
Cost: Free
SCIENCE CLASS: The Year in Science – 1896
Date: Thursday, May 1
Time: 10:30 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.
Cost: Free
Date: Tuesdays
Time: 1:15 p.m. – 1:45 p.m.
Cost: $5 for the month; register now
Live Music provided by Tony Summerhays
Date: Thursdays
Time: 7:00 p.m. – 9:30 p.m.
Cost: $5
DAILY FITNESS CLASSES – check our current newsletter for the schedule and fees
Date: Wednesdays and Fridays
Time: 12:45 p.m. – 2:45 p.m.
Cost: Free, donations are appreciated
Date: Mondays
Time: 1:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m.
Cost: Free
Date: Mondays
Time: 12:30 p.m. – 4:00 p.m.
Cost: Free
Date: Thursdays
Time: 12:30 p.m. – 4:00 p.m.
Cost: Free
Date: Wednesdays
Time: 9:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.
Cost: $12; advance appointment required CLUBS
Date: Thursday, Apr. 10
Time: 12:30 p.m. – 2:00 p.m.
Cost: Free


Friday, April 11

April 7-May 12
Monday Evening Games
Ages 3-6 at Grant Park
$40 res / $50 non-res April 9-May 14
April 12-May 3


Tues Coed Ages 6-7

Giving back: Murray community can donate shoes for students in need

Murray Education Foundation launches footwear drive through “Step up for Students” campaign.
By Julie Slama j.slama@mycityjournals.com
ThisApril, the Murray Education Foundation will host the “Step Up for Students” campaign to support Murray students in need of footwear.
“We’re encouraging people to donate a new pair of shoes or boots and pairs of socks to help kids in need,” Doug Perry said, Foundation executive director. “We have a large number of kids who come in new every year at poverty levels so we have a pretty significant need. This would take some of the burden off them and their families.”
The Murray community can simply drop off new shoes at designated collection sites
or donate funds to purchase the necessary footwear. More information on collection sites and how to participate is available on the Murray Education Foundation’s website (murrayeducationfoundation.org) and the Murray School District’s site (www.murrayschools.org).
This initiative follows a month-long fundraiser called “Step Up for a Cause,” hosted by Intermountain Healthcare in March, to provide shoes for Murray students.
“Intermountain Medical Center is teaming up with Murray Education Foundation to go the distance and make a difference,” Perry said. “Some of these kids come to school and what they’re wearing is not adequate, either clothing or footwear. In some cases, it’s not conducive to them to be able to focus on learning. We’re wanting to help this population that is socially, economically underserved.” l
Murray Education Foundation offers new career training and education scholarships
Three $2,000 scholarships for training in a trade profession, culinary art, hospitality management or game design will be awarded this year to Murray High seniors.
By Julie Slama j.slama@mycityjournals.com
MurrayHigh School seniors now can apply for a $2,000 scholarship aimed at students looking to pursue further education or vocational training.
The Murray Education Foundation recently introduced this scholarship program and will be awarding three scholarships to students interested in trade professions, culinary arts, hospitality management or game design.
“We’re keeping it simple; we want a lot of students to apply who are interested in these fields,” said Doug Perry, Murray Education Foundation executive director.
Continued from front page
tial $6 million bond in 2026. The city is also actively pursuing state and federal grants to help finance infrastructure projects, particularly for the Winchester well development.
“Is there any way to avoid the bond if we can get a grant for the well?” Councilmember Adam Hock asked.
City officials confirmed that a grant application is being managed through the mayor’s office.
The council’s decision to approve the rate hikes and impact fee changes underscores
“We ask they file a short essay on their career plans and how they arrived at that, and then a list of activities they’ve participated in (both within and outside of school). They can use the scholarships anywhere they can once they demonstrate they’ve been enrolled in and have a schedule.”
The application deadline is April 13. More details are available on the Murray Education Foundation’s website (murrayeducationfoundation.org) and the Murray School District’s site (www.murrayschools.org).
Applications will be reviewed by a three-person selection committee before a decision is made. Perry also said the scholarship can be deferred for up to three years.
Furthermore, the Foundation will award two teachers with $1,600 scholarships to help cover the costs of earning their gifted and talented endorsement.
“This is an area we, as a school district, are wanting to elevate and make stronger,” Perry said. “This endorsement benefits all teachers, not just those who are teaching gifted and talented students.”l
a growing need for cities to modernize aging infrastructure amid rising costs. While the financial impact on residents is undeniable, officials maintain that these measures are necessary to sustain the city’s water system for future generations.
“We’re raising rates because we’re saving water. Everybody’s doing their thing in their yard and that’s where we get our revenue from; from the water and people are doing xeriscaping,” Councilmember Pam Cotter said.
The motion for the new rates passed unanimously and will go into effect April 2025. l

The Murray community can drop off new shoes at designated collection sites or donate funds to purchase the necessary footwear. (Photo by Jakob Owens on Unsplash)
Murray High School seniors now can apply for a $2,000 scholarship aimed at students looking to pursue further education or vocational training. (Photo by David L/peopleimages.com AdobeStock)
Major schools’ overhauls begin with $125 million bond approval
Murray School District will break ground this April on new Riverview school, in June for Murray High expansion.
By Julie Slama j.slama@mycityjournals.com
This April, Murray residents will begin to see the impact of the $125 million general obligation bond they approved in November 2024.
Construction will start on the new Riverview school on the campus of the current junior high.
“They’re going to start moving dirt on the play field that’s there mid-April,” Doug Perry said, Murray School District spokesman. “Construction for the high school will begin in June.”
In addition to the Riverview rebuild, Murray High will undergo an expansion which includes a new classroom wing and a secure entrance. The district is working closely with VCBO Architecture and Hogan Construction on the plans.
Approximately $90 million of the bond will go toward rebuilding Riverview, bringing modern technology, updated wiring and new learning spaces to the facility. The project will be handled by Naylor, Wentworth, Lund Architects, with Hughes leading the construction.
Both the new Riverview school and the expanded Murray High are projected to be ready for students by the fall of 2027.
Along with the opening of these new projects,
the district also will undergo a grade reconfiguration. Sixth-graders will move into Riverview, which will be transformed into a middle school, while about 500 ninth-graders will transition to high school. This change was unanimously approved by the Murray School Board last spring.
Murray School District Superintendent Jennifer Covington and Murray Board of Education President Jaren Cooper expressed their gratitude after the bond passed: “We are deeply thankful to voters for partnering with the district to support future generations. Your investment in our schools is an investment in our children’s future, and we are committed to using these funds responsibly and transparently.”
Perry noted the community has responded positively to the bond.
“It was a positive dialog in the community, very favorable to passing the bond,” he said. “We’re excited to usher in this new era of one and a half new schools and the grade reconfiguration that will give opportunities for our kids.”
To stay updated on the projects, go to the district’s website: www.murrayschools.org/bond-information. l

Riverview Junior High’s 64-year-old school building is showing its age; construction for a new school building will begin in April. (Julie Slama/City Journals)
Cottonwood football suffers a setback this winter when one of its players has a stroke
Sophomore Christian Gonzalez was partially paralyzed in late February from a stroke at his birthday party, but survived and is on a slow road to recovery.
By Brian Shaw b.shaw@mycityjournals.com
Christian Gonzalez was celebrating his birthday party with some of his friends Feb. 22. These included Cottonwood High classmate Conner Beckstead and some members of Gonzalez’ family.
That’s when, according to Conner’s mother Rochelle Beckstead that Gonzalez suffered “a stroke and was LifeFlighted to Primary Children’s Hospital.”
Despite such devastating news, everyone including Christian’s own mother is staying #coltstrong during a difficult time for all members of the Cottonwood High family.
“Christian’s mom has been reaching out to coaches and players giving us updates,” said Cottonwood head football coach Tui Satuala, who just completed his first year leading the program. “I can’t imagine what she is going through. Hoping and praying for him.”
Many have been in this tight-knit com-
In the days following Gonzalez’ hospitalization, his friends, particularly some of his wrestling and football teammates, have kept the Cottonwood sophomore in good spirits.
In many cases, families for better or for worse tend to close ranks fast and only allow their own flesh and blood into a hospital room.
That circumstance often depends on the health of the individual in question, but one person that has kept things together when the Gonzalez family has overextended their own time and resources is Rochelle Beckstead, Conner’s mom.
Rochelle not only arranged some of the visits from fellow teammates and CHS students—she set up a GoFundMe that reached its $2,000 goal within days.
On March 7, Rochelle was able to report some good news on the GoFundMe page she set up.
“Thank you all again!! I will be presenting Christian’s family 1,758.50!! This is after the fees charged though go fund me!!,” she wrote. “I appreciate all of you!! Christian we are so proud of you!”
To have that sort of relief after such a terrible ordeal must be a big help to the Gonzalez family that is doing all it can in an impossible situation.
Students shine in musical performances this spring
Viewmont students dive into “Finding Nemo” performance while students at Longview and Grant find magic in “Seussical” and at Murray High in “Puffs” productions.
By Julie Slama
About 85 Viewmont fourth- through sixth-graders will take the stage in April to perform the kids’ version of “Finding Nemo.”
The free performances, open to the community, will be held at 7 p.m. from April 22 to April 25 at the school, located at 745 W. 5720 South.
“It’s fun, the kids are familiar with it and there are a lot of parts for the kids,” director Bryn Swain said. “I have two casts, so everyone’s in the shows as leads in one cast and ensemble in another so more kids can have an opportunity to lead.”
This is just one of several productions happening across the district. On April 10-11, Jai-Dee Riches will direct “Seussical the Musical” at Longview Elementary, located at 6240 S. Longview Dr., and in mid-April, Emily Hartvigsen will direct another production of “Seussical” at Grant Elementary, 662 Bulldog Circle.
Murray High students are set to perform “Puffs,” or “Seven Increasingly Eventful Years at a Certain School of Magic and Magic.” The 2015 play written by New York playwright Matt Cox is a parody of the Harry Potter book series by J. K. Rowling and is directed by Alexie Shaffer. The show will be at 7 p.m., May 7-10 and again, May 12 in the Little Theatre at Murray High School, 5440 S. State St. Ticket information will be on the school’s website, mhs.murrayschools.org.
Last month, around 60 seventh- through ninth-grade students from Hillcrest Junior High performed “Frozen” from March 19-22, with assistance from a 15-member stage crew under the direction of Kali Blimes. Additionally, Riverview Junior High students performed “High School Musical, Jr.” from March 6-8.
Viewmont held its auditions in December and began rehearsals in January.
“They’re learning how to put together a big production and at the end of it, and I think they’re also learning how to perform,” Swain said. “They’re learning how to speak in front of people and besides learning theatrical skills, they’re learning teamwork. They’re set into groups by their parts, and each has a team lead so they can practice together. Some of the kids are choreographing for it so there’s a lot of responsibility, too.” l
The stroke suffered by Gonzalez marks the second serious injury suffered by a Utah high school football player over the past 12 months. Bear River student-athlete Cameron West played on both offensive and defensive lines and passed away on July 5, 2024 due to cardiac arrest.
Gonzalez, a 5-foot-7, 235-pound football player and wrestler in the heavyweight division for Cottonwood, played in similar positions to West.
The Cottonwood sophomore Gonzalez was a force according to Coach Satuala, appearing on the offensive line at guard, and played in two positions last year on the Colts’ D-line, getting action at both nose guard and defensive tackle.
One highlight came at the Colts’ game at Stansbury when Gonzalez shed his blocker, burst through the Stallions’ offensive line and brought down the ball carrier for a loss. The big play has already earned Gonzalez dozens of views on his Hudl page while several more plays from other games stand out.
On that note, everyone including Gonzalez himself is crossing their fingers for a return to what will be his junior year at The Wood.
Just recently, his mother offered some words of encouragement on the Colts’ football Instagram page. That could be the sign of
Grief is an individual journey with a path as unique as each one of us. To o er support and hope, we provide various Grief Support Services for those who are mourning a recent or past loss.

more little victories to come for a young man who could deadlift 345 pounds and squat 315.
“Great news—Christian was able to stand up today, get into a wheelchair, and even use the bathroom on his own. Goal No. 1 accomplished! His strength and determination are incredible,” she wrote. “He’s feeling a little pressure in his head, so he’s resting now, but nothing is slowing him down. While his arm isn’t working yet, standing up is a huge step forward.” l

Sophomore Christian Gonzalez was partially paralyzed in late February from a stroke at his birthday party, but survived and is on a slow road to recovery. (Photo courtesy Tui Satuala)

Murray boys soccer shooting for another title opportunity
The Murray boys soccer team is coming off a Class 4A runner-up season. In 2025, the team wants to bring home a state championship trophy.
By Josh McFadden
Last season, the Murray boys soccer team got a taste of what playing for a state championship is like. Now, the team wants to quench its thirst.
The Spartans had a terrific year in 2024, making it all the way to the Class 4A finals before falling to Ridgeline 4-3 in a heart-stopping, high-scoring contest. The Spartans were 15-3 a year ago. Though the team was thrilled with its postseason run, coming up just shy of the top prize left the players wanting more.
“Last year was exciting because of the success we experienced,” head coach Bryan DeMann said. “Making it all the way to the state championship game is something we are all proud of. At the same time, you want that final step. The boys want another shot. I think they feel like they have some unfinished business.”
The talent and experience are there to make another run, but DeMann recognizes the Spartans have a lot to work on. He wants to take last year’s achievements and continue them in 2025.
“Our goal is to build off of last year,” he said. “We want to use the strengths we have but also be smart enough to see the things that need to be better. We need to be honest and mature enough to recognize areas that need improvement and then put in the work to change those things.”
To achieve the team goals, DeMann said the Spartans need to put in the effort each day at practice. He is convinced that addressing the areas where the team is struggling will lead to a memorable season for Murray boys soccer.
“We need commitment, honesty and work,” he said. “If we are mature enough to look for the things that we can do better and commit to doing the work to improve, this will be a special year.”
A few of the areas DeMann wants to work on are free kicks and meshing a wide array of talents into a cohesive unit.
“Every team has to find a way to blend together and become comfortable with their responsibilities,” he said. “We need to be better at set pieces. Scoring off of and defending set pieces was not one of our strengths last year.”
DeMann said the players are familiar with one another and everyone’s style of play, abilities and tendencies. A lot of the Spartans have not only been on the same club teams, but they’ve played against excellent competition, which has given the

players tremendous experience.
“These boys have been playing for a long time, most since they were 7 or 8,” DeMann said. “Many have had some high-level experience through their clubs and tournaments they have played in.”
The Spartans have several veteran players who were part of the state runner-up team and been through many ups and downs with the program. There is also no shortage of talent on the squad. Still, it’s a long season, and DeMann knows it can be mentally tough to stay focused for more than three months of practices and games. He is drilling into his players’ heads to not let their guard down and stay hungry for the ultimate prize: winning state.
“Winning a few games can make you complacent,” DeMann said. “Hunger for improvement every day at practice can get lost and it is too easy to just float. The coaches and team captains have to keep everyone focused on the goal for the end of the season.”
Murray has multiple starters on this year’s team who were in the starting lineup a year ago. Jason Adams, Colton DeMann, Ryan Diaz, Preston Lawson, Axel Lopez, Carlos Nieto-Rosales, Bracken Overby and Easton Toone are all players the Spartans count on for leadership and production. Some younger players have joined the fray and are expected to be major contributors like Anthony Guerra, Manny Lopez, Mikey Martinez, Jack O’Bryan and Jake Riches.
Murray’s 2025 season started off on the right foot.
The Spartans won their first three matches, prevailing in different types of
victories each time. First, in the March 4 season opener, the Spartans had an impressive 3-1 win at home over Class 6A foe
Corner Canyon. On March 8, Murray blew out Logan at home by the count of 6-0, as the Spartans scored three times in each half. Then, on March 11, Murray showed it could win a close game in the clutch when it defeated Orem on the road in a shootout. After a 4-4 game following two overtime periods, Murray outlasted Orem 6-5 in penalty kicks.
Through three contests, Nieto-Rosales had tallied a team-high 4 goals and three assists. Riches had 3 goals and an assist during this span, while O’Bryan had found the back of the net twice while dishing out an assist.
DeMann is grateful for his players and for his staff, all of whom have done their part to make the Murray program the success that it is today.
“I have Steve Christensen, Alvaro Omiste and Bryce DeMann, who have all helped with coaching for 12 years or more,” he said. “We all love seeing these boys grow and improve. Sharing in the excitement and enthusiasm of their accomplishments is awesome. We appreciate these boys and their parents for the Murray soccer family that they are. Not everyone gets their name in the paper, but every one of them is necessary for the success of the group.” l

Murray’s Ryan Diaz controls the ball during state tournament action last season. Diaz is one of the team leaders for the Murray Spartans. (Photo courtesy Steve Christensen)

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Peri Kinder Life and Laughter
Russia is our ally. Canadians are the enemy. Tariffs will make us richer but we’re cutting staff at national parks. Measles is back. Gaza is the new Riviera. The economy is crashing and it’s tax season when I pay thousands of dollars to the government so it can purchase Tesla Cybertrucks to send to Jupiter.
The newspeak and doublethink we endure each day can be a bit overwhelming, but I’ve found a way to get through the endless cycle of breaking news: denial.
Denial is a beautiful, hazy way to spend your day. Instead of crying through a CNBC report, denial allows you to drift on a cloud of puff pastry surrounded by cherry trifle and savory scones.
This specific form of denial is “The Great British Bake Off” and it saved me during March when I was knee-deep in tissues, cough syrup and tariff wars. There’s only so much idiocy one can endure while healing from pneumonia.
Unlike American reality shows that foster cruelty and conflict, GBBO features a dozen creative bakers who just want to make

Let them eat cake

the best Victoria sponge cake or sticky toffee pudding. The contestants are kind, positive and willing to offer a helping hand.
I love British television because everyone looks real. There are no plastic surgery junkies or steroid-addicted chefs, just regular people doing something they love. When the judges, Paul Hollywood and Dame Prue Leith, make a criticism, it’s done with a British accent so it doesn’t sound so awful.
When Prue tuts and says, “This bake is a disaster,” she could easily be tucking a blanket around your shoulders and handing you a steaming cup of Earl Grey.
Instead of watching Elon Musk wield a chainsaw, I tune into GBBO which is filmed on the grounds of an English manor. Bunnies and squirrels scamper through grassy meadows like a Disney movie. There’s even a fanbase dedicated to identifying the different bird songs heard during the show.
The pastel-colored set, with its matching counters, ovens and fridges, distracts me from personnel cuts at federal agencies including

the CDC and FAA. GBBO hosts Alison Hammond and Noel Fielding wander through the competition, amusing bakers with their British humor and offering pep talks to stressed cooks.
Each episode has a specific theme. There’s bread week or pastry week or biscuit week, and each chef creates a signature bake, completes a technical challenge and makes a jaw-dropping showstopper. It’s a heartwarming alternative to the 24/7 chaos of the Trump administration.
Who knew there were so many British bakery items? But I have to admit, there are things they make I would never eat, including black pudding and chorizo buns topped with mustard custard. Nope.
Instead of worrying about the breakdown of our country’s system of checks and balances, I worry about whether my favorite
baker can create a pie crust that doesn’t have a soggy bottom. The judges hate soggy bottoms. I’ve also learned to worry about fallen focaccia, overcooked tarts and croissant dough that’s not properly laminated. Even the mistakes feel cozy.
I’m impressed at how quickly chefs can whip up a batch of pistachio macarons, ginger tarts or spanakopita (a spinach and feta pie my husband would NEVER eat) with minimal tears or tantrums. It’s a reminder things can get done without fits of temper, vengeance or manipulation.
Denial is not a permanent solution but it’s a tool when messages from Big Brother and the Ministry of Truth get to be a bit much. Just turn on the TV and float away in a delicate orange buttercream or raspberry whipped cream. It’s some sweet positivity in a decidedly bitter time.


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