Traditionally, Mardi Gras is an observation of the beginning of Lent and the observance of the Easter season. Since Lent is on some level about giving something up in order to prepare the right mindset heading toward Easter Sunday, Mardi Gras is a last chance to enjoy the pleasant things in life.
While that enjoyment can obviously go in one direction in the case of something like Spring Break in New Orleans, it can also go in the much calmer direction of choosing to enjoy warm, delicious food and the company of good friends and neighbors. The Luncheon tradition at the Presbyterian Church in Soda Springs is the latter sort of affair, with members of the community coming together in the spirit of the season to anticipate the coming of spring and the rebirth of the year.
According to Marilyn Kukachka of the First Presbyterian Church in Soda Springs, “the soup luncheon went well! We had good weather, good turnout. We didn’t run out of anything, blew no fuses, and everyone had a nice time and good lunch, hopefully. The Mardi Gras decorations added a lot of festivity!”
In addition to being an opportunity for many people to find their way outdoors again after months of being shut inside, and to meet face to face with people they may have only spoken with over the phone in recent months, the luncheon is also a fundraising event. In the past, funds raised during the lunch have been used for a variety of service projects around the area, and indeed the world. Over past years, the church, due to its connections with a member from Africa, has donated funds toward various aquaculture and well projects on that continent. Marilyn Kukachka explained that the money raised “will go toward developing another well in Ghana in the near future.”
In developing counties such as Ghana, access to clean water for drinking and other needs is critical to health and
economic prosperity, especially for families with children. Over the years, the church has found that supporting such projects is way that they can reach out to help those in need all the way on the other side of the world.
The luncheon once again in the books, Easter season starts in full. Those who left the luncheon last week also left full, and ready to make a difference around them.
As Marilyn said, “It is always a fun time with hearty homemade soups, but it’s the spirit of friendship and community that really makes it a great day. I would like to thank everyone who helped to make the day a success: the makers of yummy soup, the bakers of desserts, the dishwashers and dryers, the decorators, the efficient take out ladies, the guys who moved tables and helped us carry in our heavy pots, those who helped to get the word out, our greeter Pastor Nathan, our two friends from St. Mary’s who helped out, everyone who helped clean up and all the many people who joined us for lunch.”
Every boys basketball team in the state starts their season with the same goal in mind, qualify for state and get some extra games in the Treasure Valley the first weekend of March. The Cardinals and Grizzlies were lucky enough to be numbered among the small group of teams that accomplished this goal. To qualify for the tournament each team first had to make it through their district tournaments which each of them did by beating the number one team in their respective conferences.
Qualifying for state is a great accomplishment, but after the dust from districts has settled a new journey begins. Sure each team was able to celebrate one accomplishment and all that came with it. The pep assemblies and town send offs are fun and exciting but as that decorated bus rolls into the Boise Valley the teams realize that they are on a business trip and not just a vacation from school. The Cardinals and Grizzlies went into the tour-
nament perhaps being overlooked. Each team had spent little if any time near the top of the rankings in their classification. Perhaps they used that fact as some motivation going into the tournament. Caribou County locals that have followed the teams knew what each of them were capable of and how underrated each team was. As dozens of 3C license plates crossed the Idaho desert the excitement and anticipation grew for the fans of each team. Would the hours of practice and the years of support and work put in by the players and their families pay off?
The local fan base certainly hoped so. As Thursday rolled around the two teams made their way to their state locations. Soda Springs played at Capital High School while the Grizzlies were at Vallivue High School. The two teams were about to write their state stories and just how did those stories end? We break it all down in this week’s edition.
Tension with Canada escalates
Against the backdrop of on-again off-again tariffs on Canadian products, what had started as a purely rhetorical battle has begun to inflict real damage. A number of Canadian businesses have reportedly begun to pull American products from their shelves and replace them with domestic alternatives, or imports from other countries. Energy producers in Ontario have announced that they will raise the cost of energy to the United States in a continuing trade war as a response to threatened 25% import tariffs on Canadian products, which will for the most part be passed on to consumers. The markets have reacted negatively to the tariffs themselves, but many analysts expressed the opinion on Monday that the market implosion was as much a reaction to an unclear and changing U.S. policy as the specifics of the plans. As markets are generally conservative in their risk aversion, the potential for a U.S. recession affecting global markets, compounded by inflation resulting from tariffs, is causing a sustained panic in stocks across the board.
Utah to ban
Fluoridation is a process whereby the element is added to drinking water supplies to help prevent cavities and strengthen teeth. Since the process was introduced, it has greatly improved the dental health of Americans ,especially children. A recent episode in Utah where a malfunctioning fluoride pump released excess fluoride into the water supply led to medical issues for hundreds of people. A bill in the Utah legislature is on its way to Governor Cox, who has said he will sign it. The bill does not ban fluoride, but it does prohibit municipalities from choosing to add it into their water supplies. The reasons cited were the foregoing pump malfunction, the cost of the process, and “personal choice and freedom.” The saving to municipalities were not specifically estimated, and neither was the potential cost to residents as a result of reduced dental health. At present, only 66 of the state’s 484 municipalities choose to fluoridate their water. Those 66 will lose the option to choose to do so after passage.
While there’s always “something going around,” anecdotal reports of a range of contagious illnesses have been increasing over the last few weeks, with schools in southeast Idaho reporting larger than usual numbers of absences due to cold, flu, and similar diseases. There are some limited reports of rotovirus, as well as some respiratory ailments. The influenza season is typically seen to last from November to May, with the majority of cases occurring in January and February. This is the likely culprit for recent spates of illness across Caribou, Bannock, Franklin, and Oneida counties, though flu may also be aggravating other conditions. In any case, Southeastern Idaho Public Health officials advise residents to make sure to clean their environments, wash their hands, and avoid spreading infections with common sense safety measures.
The Soda Springs Library’s mini golf event was held on Monday after a great deal of anticipation. The event was a success by any metric, which is especially impressive given that it is the first year the event has been held.
There were a total of nine holes for participants to play through, each one with a specific literary theme.
Title sponsor Ireland Bank headed up Hole number one, which contained a barnyard layout and an array of spider hazards. Ronda Lutz and Jennifer Squires were on hand to explain the hole to the more than 30 groups of golfers that made their way through the Charlotte’’s Web course.
Did you know that there is a Rocky Mountain Tolkien Society? According to member Trent Clark, it is potentially the largest such group in the western United States. The hole was a “hard 3” par featuring imagery from Tolkien’s works, and required some banking skill and finesse to navigate.
The Very hungry Caterpillar is a very popular children’s book, and near and dear to the hole’s creators Alan and Cindy Erickson. Erickson retired last year as the longtime Library Director of the Soda Springs Library, but she couldn’t possibly have stayed away from this event.
NPI Home Inspections and the Fullmer family created an Alice in Wonderland hole, with a deep cut “mome raths” hazard. The phrase is from the poem “the Jabberwocky,” which is perhaps the peak of nonsense rhyme in English literature.
It wouldn’t be a library event with out Dr. Suess, and the Rotary Club set up a Suessian course to celebrate the author’s works.
The Dr. Preston Christensen family went all out for the Curious George hole, complete with a pair of Georges and a Man in a Yellow Hat to bring it to life.
Fulldraw Archery and the Vedder family took the road less traveled with a Pippi Longstocking course.
Perhaps in a nod to real life, Cejay Golightly represented the Soda Springs Police Department at a Busytown course through the stacks in the lower floor of the library.
The hole shared space with a Where the Wild Things Are course put together by members of Fish and Game.
Friends of the Library President Beth Cherriett and Vice President Kate Lauck brought their own kids through the round of nine holes, as well as the upstairs dining accommodations that kept people’s energy up during the event!
This past week at the Capitol was a reminder that the legislative process is often a long and winding road, but one that can ultimately lead to better solutions for Idaho.
House Bill 345 came forward this week, as a compromise alternative to House Bill 138.This is a more balanced reform bill. It was very informative to hear from healthcare providers and citizens back home with questions and concerns about this bill. I firmly believe that this bill represents a more sustainable compromise, and long term will improve both the fiscal responsibility and the healthcare needs of our citizens. I’m encouraged to be serving on the Medicaid Review Panel, where I can have direct input into the implementation and contracts that will be necessary following the passage of this bill.
What a wonderful Idaho Day, celebrating the creation of the Idaho Territory in 1863. We heard a wonderful vocal performance, and great remarks about the history of our state. One of the quotes that rang most true with me was, “Idaho embodies independence.”
I was able to advance my electrical licensing streamlining bill forward in the Senate. And I was very grateful at the end of the week to see two of my bills advance. One incentivizing more medical rotations, and the other providing a pathway for virtual ASL interpreters to work more easily in the state.
I was disappointed to see a bill fail on the floor that would have updated the State’s procurement process to provide added consistency and transparency. This is a conversation that we must continue, as our current system exposes the state to unnecessary potential litigation.
One of the best bills of the week
was HB 338, which created an additional funding stream for rural school facility funding and allocates $50 million for facility updates in rural public schools. In addition, House Bill 25 invests $1 billion in transportation projects over three years by leveraging the state’s strong credit rating.
So encouraged to see the largest Tax relief bill in state history signed into law by the governor this week. I was also glad to have 3 of my bills move out of committee this week, dealing with sudden cardiac arrest awareness in student athletes, expanding access to virtual ASL interpreters in the state, and incentivizing medical preceptorships via award of continuing medical education credits. Hard to believe we are already into the thick of March. It’s nice to see some warmer days when I am home on the weekend. Thank you for your hard work, and for always helping me believe in and value the family of Idahoans.
In an example of a situation that is very uncommon but not unheard of, a citizen who is technically a resident of Franklin County was recently selected to serve on a jury in Caribou County due to the jury notification system using P.O. Box addresses rather than physical home addresses.
Caribou County Prosecutor Doug Wood was recently representing the county in a jury trial for DUI charges. The case ended in a hung jury, which means that it will either be dismissed or retried. After the fact, however, Wood had a report that one of the jurors may possibly have been a citizen of Franklin county, which turned out to be the case.
Obviously, a juror from another county would represent a problem with any verdict that was arrived at, and most likely grounds for a mistrial if not more. The fact that the jury could not reach a verdict was not affected by the juror in question, who is reported to have been under the impression that he had standing as a juror in Caribou County for a number of reasons, and lives essentially on the border of the county.
The issue was raised at Monday’s County Commission meeting, and is something most people have probably never considered, as it is unlikely
to affect many individuals outside of the perfectly aligned circumstances as in this case.
County Clerk Jill Stoor noted that the juror system in Idaho uses P.O. Boxes, and the individual has a P.O. Box in Grace in Caribou County. She explained that this is a very rare issue, and the individual expressed a clear unawareness of having made the error. Prosecutor Wood was convinced that the individual was honestly confused. The trial will need to be retried in any case, due to the hung jury.
Residents are advised, however, to consult court officials if they believe they have received a similarly incorrect jury summons, as it can have a serious effect on any court case in which it becomes an issue.
The Idaho State Police also recently reported on a phone scam in which callers with “spoofed” numbers (which appear local) cold call individuals and inform them that they are in violation of federal law for failure to appear as a juror. The scam is complicated, but boils down to the callers trying to acquire the victim’s credit card information or even signature. ISP advises residents that no such phone calls would ever be made by law enforcement.
e Idaho Enterprise - Caribou County Edition P.O. Box 331 Soda Springs, Idaho 83276 (U.S.P.S. -- 090-560) ISSN: 2997-1004
The Idaho Enterprise - Caribou County Edition is published weekly at 76 South Main Street, Ste. 207, Soda Springs, Idaho. Postmaster, please mail address corrections to:
The Idaho Enterprise, P.O. Box 331, Soda Springs, Idaho 83276.
Entered as “periodicals” at the Soda Springs, Idaho Post Office.
Subscription rates are strictly in advance -- $55.00 per year delivered in Caribou County, and $67.00 per year delivered outside of Caribou County within the United States.
The Idaho Enterprise reserves the right to refuse publication of any or all materials.
Brandon Hall
Editor brandon.h@thecityjournals.com
Bryan Dean Scott Publisher bryan.s@thecityjournals.com
Dear friends and neighbors —
The Senate has been busy this week as we have been going to the floor twice a day to hear and debate bills. Some notable bill passed this week involve taxes, water, and firing squads.
The Senate passed a $250 million income tax reduction bill earlier this week. House Bill 40 (H40) reduces the corporate and individual rate from 5.695% to 5.3% in the State of Idaho. The bill also includes an income tax exemption for disabled military veterans under the age of 62 and removes capital gains taxes and loses on precious metals from State income taxes. H40 will now go to the Governor.
The other significant tax bill we debated on the floor this week was House Bill 231 (H231). This tax bill increases the grocery tax-credit Idahoans receive at the end of the year. This is an interesting issue as I have received many calls from individuals asking for the elimination of grocery taxes all together. Many of these calls are spurred by texts and a flyer sent out by a special interest group from Texas. This raises the question of why a special interest group out of Texas is so interested in Idaho politics? Who is funding them, and why? Regardless, the grocery tax repeal has little support in the legislature as the tax-credit returns more money to Idaho taxpayers.
H231 increases the grocery tax-credit from $120 per person to $155 per person. Using numbers provided by the Associated Taxpayers of Idaho, an average family of four pays about $515 in sales tax on groceries. The same family would get $620 back with the grocery tax-credit, giving them a $105 annual saving on food. The other plus with the tax-credit is all the tourists and visitors that travel throughout Idaho and purchase food. They contribute to the State by paying sales tax on groceries. This is a tax out-of-Staters and nonresidents pay. They put wear-and-tear on our roads, use our parks, and enjoy our State without getting a tax-credit back. This money helps us fund Idaho services that benefit Idahoans. H231 also has a provision in it that if a person chooses, they can itemize their grocery receipts and apply for a $250 per person refund in addition to getting the tax-credit. H231 provides approximately $50 million more to Idahoans. I voted in favor of both these significant tax bills. Senate Bill 1128 (S1128) provides for $30 million in ongoing money for water infrastructure across the State. Some
of the projects include aquifer recharge, groundwater management, development, and rehabilitation of storage, delivery improvements, and supply. These funds are to be allocated by the Idaho Water Resources Board and used across the State. This legislation is especially important for Eastern Idaho and the future of the water agreement that was made last year to prevent any future curtailment in water usage. S1128 passed the Senate and is currently in the House Resources Committee waiting for a hearing.
The Senate also passed House Bill 37 (H37) this week which makes the firing squad the primary method to execute an inmate on death row, and lethal injection is the secondary method. This bill naturally garnered quite a bit of attention. We are finding it difficult to acquire the components for lethal injections so the firing squad method is now closer to being an option with the Senate vote to pass H37.
The EMS legislation, House Bill 206 (H206) and House Bill 207 (H207) have passed out of the Senate State Affairs Committee with a “Do Pass” recommendation and are now on the Senate floor waiting to be heard and debated. I am pleased that these bills are moving through the system, and I have high hopes they will pass and be sent to the Governor. We will hopefully know early next week.
Thank you again for giving me the privilege and honor to serve the good people of Legislative District 35. I look forward to hearing from you with any questions or concerns you have about State government. You can email me at mharris@senate.idaho.gov or call me at 208-332-1308.
THE ISSUE: Scotch thistle
Scotch thistle (Onopordum acanthium) is a biennial native to Eurasia. It was introduced into the U.S. as an ornamental and as a contaminate in feed. It invades rangeland, pastures, cultivated fields and other disturbed sites. Its sharp spines deter livestock and wildlife, giving it an advantage over more palatable species.
Scotch thistle stems can grow up to 8 feet tall, have a bluish-green appearance, and are covered in wooly hairs. Stems also have vertical ridges giving them a ‘winged’ appearance. Leaves are toothed to slightly lobed and can be up to 3 feet long when mature. Flower heads can be up to 2 inches in diameter, with sharp spiny bracts, and are purple to pink in color. Unlike musk thistle, scotch thistle flower heads remain upright instead of nodding. Scotch thistle spreads by seed, which is easily transported by animals (on fur) and humans (on clothing and equipment). Integrated Pest Management (IPM) Options:
and tillage are all effective forms of mechanical control that can be used. Mowing needs to be done early and often to be effective.
• Cultural— Plant beneficial perennial plants that will compete with weed seedlings. Minimize soil disturbance and use proper grazing techniques to benefit beneficial plants.
• Chemical— There are several herbicide options available to use on this weed species. For more information on products and rates visit: https://pnwhandbooks.org/ weed. Then search “thistle”. Always read and follow herbicide label directions!
Sherrie Wise Advertising sherrie.w@thecityjournals.com
Phone: 208-766-4773 www.cariboucountynews.com
• Prevention— Learn to identify this plant. Never transport unknown plant material. Clean clothing, pets, and vehicles of debris when leaving infested areas.
• Mechanical— Hoeing, pulling,
Justin Hatch, University of Idaho Extension Agriculture Educator in Caribou County. 208-547-3205 JLHatch@uidaho.edu
The spring theatrical production at Soda Springs High School proceeded on schedule, with “The Lightning Thief” being staged on Monday and Tuesday. The musical is an adaptation of the plot of the “Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief” book by Rick Riordan, which is the first in what has become a long series of popular books. Percy Jackson initially came along during the Harry Potter phenomenon of the late 90s/early 2000s, featuring coming of age stories of kids whose parentage is unclear but ultimately reveals itself to be supernatural or rarefied in some fashion.
Percy Jackson is a bit of an nth level iteration of that theme, as (spoilers for a decades old book and movie and play you should have seen!) Jackson discovers that he is the son of Poseidon while at a summer camp full of demigods. Along with his newly discovered friends and some hidden enemies, Percy takes on a quest to recover Zeus’ stolen lightning bolt and earn his father’s favor and mother’s life.
For many of the actors in the play, the book was a part of their childhood experience, so bringing it to life on stage probably comes with a bit of coming of age wish fulfillment. Like many works
that take up the idea of “growing into yourself,” the plot moves us through the main character’s path from false bravado to true confidence as he learns more about himself and his place in the world.
As a book, and even a film, the focus is strongly on the internal life of protagonist Percy Jackson. In the musical version, the action shifts focus to the strength of the relationships that populate Percy’s life. Percy, played with an appropriate confidence by Tilden Warner, quickly becomes team up with an initial foil, Annabeth Chase, played by India Galloway, and his friend Grover, played by Rachel Hansen, who turns out to be a satyr sent to protect him.
In order for this particular play to work, the three leads have to have a strong sense of their characters and have a good sense of timing with each other. In this case, the energy between the three was spot-on, and their friendship was as believable as their personalities were distinct. Warner, Galloway, and Hansen also had good comic timing, which makes a lot of the scenes in the script work well.
Since it’s a musical, it would be an oversight not to mention the abilities of the main players on that front, each of
whom grew stronger as the play went on and did an excellent job of projecting and inhabiting characters while they sang. Many of the songs are in the autobiographical/confessional mode, and the connection between the character and the actor needs to be convincing in order for that to work, which it very much did.
There were a number of other great solo and lead performances throughout, but the highlights were the large group numbers. The full cast songs were very dynamic, heartfelt, and well-executed. Ranging from melancholic to rousing, the chorus (it’s based on Greek mythology, after all!) added a fantastic narrative layer to the play.
There were also a number of acting standouts, including Macie Clegg as Luke, Samantha Lowry as Ms. D (Dionysis), Sierra Muir as Hades and the Oracle, Jaymyn Chandler as Ares, and Elizabeth Beutler as Sally Jackson. There may be no natural way to segue to this, but the scene between Rachel Hansen’s Grover and Mollie Renfroe and Courtney Call’s squirrels with Warner and Galloway heckling from a distance was especially entertaining.
In fact, there were no scenes without some sort of highlight, whether
the effectively DIY stage design, musical performances, stage business, or acting itself.
A full cast list includes Tilden Warner, India Galloway, Rachel Hansen, Macie Clegg, Elizabeth Beutler, McKay Inskeep, Sara Fryar, Samantha Dickhaut, Jaymyn Chandler, Isacc Richardson, Samantha Lowry, Mollie Renfroe, Sierra Muir, Calvin Renfroe, Courtney Call, Audry Norris, Lorelei Richardson, London Galloway, Rylie Watkins, Kylee Fullmer, Mariah Richardson, Ruth Allen.
The musical was directed by Kimberly Mumford, who put on a fantastic show with a lot of moving parts. Lights (including new LEDs!) were supervised by Rebecca Fryar, with the spotlight operated by Charles Fryar, Kelly Moore was the Stage Manager and Minotaur-R-Us operator, Austin Moody ran the soundboard, and everyone (except maybe Percy…) worked on scene painting and worked as stagehands. With a good mix of humor, action, drama, and real emotion, The Lightning Thief was a great time for audiences of most ages. (There’s always someone…). Congratulations to everyone involved, who worked so hard to entertain the rest of us!
This report is adapted from the approved minutes recorded by City Clerk Debbie Swensen
A regular meeting of the Bancroft City Council was called to order on February 10, 2025
Truck Repairs-Two Ton Truck Mayor Spencer asked maintenance if they were able to get the transmission in the 2-ton truck pulled. Maintenance will start pulling it as soon as possible. Moreland explained that it was separated from the motor. Mayor Spencer explained that while maintenance was plowing this winter, the 2-ton truck completely stopped driving. Mayor Spencer had maintenance pull the top off , and they
found broken bolts from the bell housing and that the clutch was separated from the engine. Mayor Spencer suggested possibly hiring someone to put in a new clutch when they put a new transmission back in, and that if the cost of replacing the transmission is too high the city consider purchasing a different truck.
Resident James Ackerman offered the use of a transmission jack if needed. He informed council that the county may also have a clutch that will work in the truck. Mayor Spencer asked maintenance to contact the county regarding the clutch. Mayor Spencer informed council that a transmission will cost between S 1500 and $ 1800.
The city’s IT technician ran tests and checked the computers for compatibility before the new software programs are integrated. He reported that one of the computers is not compatible with the new software and the other is just barely going to run the programs if it stays up and running. Both computers are over ten years old, and it was suggested to replace both systems at the same time. There is a concern that if one of the systems goes down and needs repairs, the city will need to a way to continue with daily and critical functions. Clerk Swensen gave council members a copy of the estimate for
two new systems. Councilmember Eric Christensen made a motion to replace both systems due to age, which passed.
Kennel License Applications and Fees
Council reviewed the Kennel License Applications that were returned. The majority of applications have come back and the residents are in good standing with their neighbors. Council hopes to have all fees and applications for 2025 in and books closed in the next couple weeks.
On Page 8
It's easy to see that I’m very proud to be a part of the agriculture industry. Each week I share stories, topics, news or information I find interesting and moving about the industry that provides the most basic needs for society. I’m proud of the heritage I was raised with by farmers and ranchers that loved the land, the livestock and the good Lord that provides it all. I didn’t really think it was possible to love a lifestyle and work more, until I went on vacation outside of the country and I realized what a truly incredible industry I get to be a part of.
Idaho desert relied on Mother Nature to provide the irrigation and were happy to have only one go grazing their various pastures.
By JoAnn Derson
This small example quickly taught me how operations in the same industry producing the same end product could go about it in various ways based on what resources they had. I learned to expect differences, variations, and adaptations within the industry and even appreciate the differences. And even still, I was surprised to find just how different it can be a whole world away.
In life we often believe that what we experience is the norm. We assume that the way we do everything from cooking dinner to putting on our pants is not only the normal way, but the way that everyone does it. But that couldn’t be farther from the truth and until we experience life in another way, we never really appreciate what we have. I was just coming out of high school when I realized that while ranchers in Montana and Idaho both raise cattle for beef, they could do it so differently. I grew up in an area criss-crossed with rivers and creeks that allowed for season long irrigation. Our rotational grazing meant we would return to previously used pastures once they had grown up again. I was surprised to learn that my counterparts on the
Recently visiting the small country of Costa Rica, I have the fortunate opportunity to experience agriculture half a world away. The developing country depends on their agriculture industry for 6.5% of their GDP and 14% of their labor force using only 10% of the land. This might not seem like much, but in a country whose lifeline is tourism, these small numbers are actually quite significant.
These producers are quite literally farming and ranching in the jungle, waging war against the dense wilderness that constantly threatens to take over their operations. The very posts they use to build fences, soon sprout and grow into new trees as they are constantly watered and nourished.
Outside the few major cities of Costa Rica, the infrastructure and roads are very primitive. The narrow, potholed roads may connect the rural country to-
gether, but certainly limits what sort of vehicle can make the drive from point A to point B. This in turn meant that their equipment, anything from tractors to horse trailers to big trucks, was small and limited.
Large operations of Costa Rica were more similar in size to what we might consider a large hobby farm here in the US. And not only could they sustain a family or two, but even gave the family a status of being wealthy.
I could go on and on describing the differences of agriculture between the two countries but I think you get my point. We wake up each day with the same type of work to carry out, but the way we go about that work- the scale of the work, the tools at hand, or the miles to cover- are vastly different.
So many of the differences we experience in our two industries is due to the advancements in technology, constant research and refined innovation. And through all these advancements, we have created an industry that has the ability to help feed the world in a highly efficient and sustainable way.
In a time when it seems like our practices, ideals, and livelihood are under constant attack, I am so proud of how far our industry has come, the challenges we have overcome, and the reach our products have around the world. I’m not just proud to be a producer, but I’m extremely proud to be an American producer.
• Have your carpets cleaned. High-traffic areas may require it as much as every three or four months, but bedrooms can go as long as 18 months. Use runners and area rugs to safeguard spots that may be vulnerable, like under a vanity or by your sofas.
• “I had some residue on my bathroom ceiling from hard water condensation. I happened to have a set of crutches lying around. I used a hair elastic to secure a hand towel to the arm rest of one crutch. Then I sprayed it with water and used it to scrub the ceiling. It worked really well. I was done in no time.” — A.A. in Florida
• A baking soda and water mix is great for tile floors if you want a quick mop up. If a lot of your floors are tile, do yourself a favor and invest in a steam mop. They clean and sanitize, leaving your floors brilliant.
• “One of the things I do each spring (and fall) is to go through my makeup and toss the old items. I also freshen up my first aid kit, and get new bottles of sunscreen and bug spray to keep in my car kit, so I will always have it around.”
— E.A. in California
• Be sure you use a trivet or other protectant when placing flowerpots on wood floors. Also, purchase felt pads for the bottoms of furniture. This will eliminate divots or other kinds of depressions or scratches in the floor.
• “Tiny tears in your window screen can be secured with clear nail polish. I dab the spot, then use tweezers to line up the tiny wires, then dab again. Just make sure the window is open, or the screen might stick to the windowpane.”
— T.T. in Indiana
Send your tips to Now Here’s a Tip, 628 Virginia Drive, Orlando, FL 32803.
© 2025 King Features Synd., Inc.
Friday- March 14
Catholic Daily Mass (9am)
IDAN-HA Movie –Debate @ State
Saturday- March 15
IDAN-HA Movie –
Debate @ State
Catholic Daily Mass (3pm)
Sunday- March 16
Presbyterian Services
Caribou Bible Church Services
Catholic Mass (8:30am) Open Arms Church Services
LDS Services
Hope Lutheran Church
Monday- March 17
Catholic Daily Mass (9am) No School- Spring Break
Tuesday- March 18
No School- Spring Break
Wednesday- March 19
Catholic Daily Mass (9am) No School- Spring Break
Thursday- March 20
Library Story Time (10am)
Catholic Daily Mass (6:30pm)
Addition Recovery Program (7pm)
IDAN-HA Movie –No School- Spring Break
Friday- March 14 LL BB Tournament
HS Track "Dirty Grizz Olympics"
Saturday- March 15 USA Wrestling
Sunday- March 16
LDS Services
Caribou Bible Church (2 pm)
Wednesday- March 18
City Council (6pm)
HS Track @ Preston
Thursday- March 20
Library Story Time (10 am)
Monday- March 17 5th District All-Star Basketball
Thursday- March 20 Track at Malad Little League Wrestling
Andrea Wells, Montpelier, speeding, $33.50, costs $56.50
Eric Akornor Boatey, Rexburg, speeding, $33.50, costs $56.50
Jody Marie Fullmer, Inkom, speeding, $33.50, costs $56.50
Daniel Nicole Hill, Soda Springs, fail to register vehicle annually, $10.50, costs $56.50
Mark Hess Jackson, speeding, $33.50, costs $56.50
Brecken Ridge Okerlund, Grantsville, speeding, $33.50, costs $56.50
Seth O Barnes, Downey, speeding (16 mph or over), $98.50, costs $56.50
Kailee Ann Gardner, Shelley, speeding, $33.50, costs $56.50
Kelsey Elizabeth Kelly, Jackson, speeding, $33.50, costs $56.50
Sidney Thompson, March 6
Helen Christensen, March 8
Charlie Gentry, March 10
Terre Lakey, March 10
St. Patricks Day, March 17
Carol Steffensen, March 17
SueAnn Turner, March 21
Matt Swope, March 22
Ann Hamm, March 23
Wendy Lewis, March 23
Tanae Kole Crump, March 24
Gayle Powell, March 26
Robbie Lamarr, March 26
Ty Oliver Barfuss, Soda Springs, driving under the influence, $1,000.00, costs $202.50, 180 days jail, 170 days jail suspended, 1 day credit time served, 180 days drivers license suspended, 24 months probation – Agency: CCSO
Treyson Harper Christiansen, Grace, reckless driving, $142.50, costs $207.50, 7 days jail, 7 days jail suspended, 30 days drivers license suspended, 6 months probation – Agency: CCSO
Richard Diaz, Cottonwood Heights, fish without license (not salmon steelhead, sturgeon or butt trout), $26.00, costs $165.00 – Agency: IDF&G
Mackenzie Toussaint, Palm Coast, resisting or obstructing officers, $42.50, costs $157.50
Peggy Gould, March 28
Jerry Bush, March 29
Carolyn Hunsaker, March 30
Charles Fryar, March 30
Kacelyn Kole Crump, March 31
Dorothy Cox, March 31
If you would like to add yourself, your kids, loved one, friend or family member to our weekly birthday list, contact Sherrie at 208-766-4773 or email sherrie.w@idahoenterprise.com
Lunches served with Milk
Milk and Choice of Bar Each Day
Monday, March 17
Biscuits and Gravy, Orange Chicken w/Rice, Deli Bar, Stir Fry Veggies, Pineapple Crisp
Tuesday, March 18
Hamburgers, Deli Bar, Baked Beans, Peaches
Wednesday, March 19
Sloppy Joes, Deli Bar, Roasted Carrots, Mixed Fruit
Thursday, March 20
Tator Tot Casserole w/Roll, Deli Bar, Chuckwagon Corn, Pears
Lunches served with Milk
Monday, March 17
FOOD CHOICES, Fresh Veggies, Mandarin Oranges Tuesday, March 18 PIZZA FOOD CHOICES, Salad, Pears
Wednesday, March 19
Grilled Cheese
FOOD CHOICES, Sunshine Carrots, Applesauce
Thursday, March 20
SUPER NACHOS Refried Beans FOOD CHOICES, Corn, Peaches
Every meal served with Juice/Milk/Coffee
Mar. 14 - Corned Beef, w/Cabbage, Red Potatoes, Kiwi, Dilly Bread, St. Patrick’s Dessert
March 19 - Pork Spare Ribs, Baked Potatoes, Cauliflower, Oatmeal Bread, Bread Pudding
*Birthday Cake and Ice Cream is served in-house only!
1852 Uncle Sam cartoon figure made its debut in the New York Lantern weekly
1877 America Chester Greenwood patents earmuffs after inventing them at age 15
1965 Beatles’ “Eight Days a Week” single goes #1 and stays #1 for 2 weeks
1970 Digital Equipment Corp introduces PDP-11 minicomputer
1980 American John Wayne Gacy receives the death sentence in Illinois for the murder of 12 people
1982 ABC TV crime drama “T.J. Hooker” premieres, starring William Shatner
1989 27th shuttle, Discovery 8, launched, first woman to do the countdown
1991 Exxon pays $1-billion dollars in fines and cleanup of Valdez oil spill
1997 Phoenix lights seen at night over Phoenix, Arizona by hundreds of people, and aby millions on television. Now a hotly debated controversy.
2003 The journal Nature reports that 350,000-year-old footprints of an upright-walking human have been found in Italy
2012 Encyclopedia Britannica announces that it will no longer publish printed version of its encyclopedia
2023 Vinyl records outsell CDs in the U.S. for the first time since 1987 (41 million records vs 33 million CDs), according to new report
The following stories are summarized from past issues of the Caribou County Sun over the last fifty plus years. The Enterprise thanks Mark Steele for permission to use the contents, and the Grace Public Library for access to the archives.
2020 Council member Jon Goode of Soda Springs suggested that city employees receive cyber risk training. He noted that cyber risks are present for every city, county, school district, and business in the country. He asked if the city’s insurance carrier covers cyber loss, and what exactly is covered by any insurance protections that are in place. Later during the council meeting, JoAnna Ashley of the Planning and Zoning Commission, suggested that the city start an agreement regarding the city Impact Zone, especially in light of ongoing changes to the comprehensive plans in both the city and the county.
The Grace boys basketball team wrapped up their season by playing in the 2020 Boys Basketball Real Dairy Shootout. The Grizzlies began their play in the tournament against the Liberty Charter Patriots at Vallivue High School. Grace never trailed in the game, and ended up winning 63-51. Grace defeated Lapwai 57-48 in the second game to advance to the state championship for the first time since 2003.
The Grizzlies faced the Ambrose Archers in the 1A D1 State Championship game at the Ford Center on March 7. Ultimately, Ambrose ended Grace’s 11 game winning streak by defeating them 49-27, giving Grace the runner-up title, and ending a difficult 16-11 season where they had gone undefeated in the conference with their only loss to a 1A school.
Governor Brad Little announced the creation of a new team to assist in Idaho’s preparation for the 2019 novel coronavirus. The governor and officials have been monitoring and preparing since the first case came to the U.S. The governor’s new “Coronavirus Working Group” will support Idaho’s public health agencies and increase coordination and communication around the multiple aspects of the planning and response effort. “While the individual risk for coronavirus in Idaho is still low, the situation is rapidly evolving and we do expect confirmed cases in Idaho at some point,” Governor Little said. “Idaho is prepared, and we all must do our part to prevent the spread of coronavirus by washing your hands frequently, staying home if you are sick, and avoiding others who are sick.”
Police Chief Jon Bunderson said he had good news for the city of Soda Springs. According to the Chief, crime statistics for 2014 had been finalized, and they showed that the city had an 83 percent clearance rate. “Our goal is to prevent crime, and if we can’t, we will attempt to solve it,” Bunderson said. He explained that the data shows that other locations are having much less success in their clearance rates. Nationwide in 2013, for cities under 10,000 people, the rate was listed as 37 percent. The Caribou County Sheriff was noted as above that average at 51 percent, Montpelier at 49 percent, Bear Lake at 16 percent, Preston PD at 57 percent, Oneida County SO at 17 percent, Bannock County as 60 percent, and in 2013 Soda Springs at 72 percent. According to the chief, the higher clearance numbers for 2014 “reflect the changes we’ve made and the group of guys, and the team work. I’m proud.” The Chief presented Sgt. Scott Shaw with a commendation for superior work in his administrative assignments, in addition to his normal duties.
Farmers Land and Irrigation notified the City of Soda Springs that they would soon close the Soda Screek dam in order to begin filling it. The city administrator and city attorney will review the past water rights and agreements. The city loses generation capabilities at
its hydro plants when the dam fills, but games some of the back during the summer from additional water flow capacity.
The Soda Springs Cardinals fell just short of the 2A championship in basketball, falling to Firth in the title game 52-39. The Cards made it to the championship by clobbering Nampa Christian in the first round and slipping past St. Maries in the semi finals. While Nampa Christian scored first, their lead was short lived when Soda went up 16-9 in the first quarter. The lead doubled in the third to 48-21, and ended 63-31. In the championship game, Soda played from behind. Although the team mounted a comeback to within seven, they ultimately fell to the Cougars.
Rain and warm temperatures affected Idaho’s mountain snowpack, as measured by Natural Resources Conservation Service snow surveyors at the end of February. Precipitation for the month was about 50-90 percent of average for most of Idaho; the water year to date precipitation is 70 to 105 percent of average. Experts noted “This year the jet stream pattern has taken abundant moisture and arctic cold to the central and eastern United States. In Idaho, we’ve seen a larger percent of the moisture falling as rain rather than snow. A ‘snow drought’ is the best term to describe this year’s unique weather pattern.’” Across the region, snow packs increase from west to east, standing from only 28 percent of average in the Owyhee Basin to 115 percent in several Snake River headwater drainages in Wyoming. The Bear River Basin is at 77 percent of average.
Celtic Night III will be returning to the Allinger Community Theatre in Montpelier as part of the 2015 concert series. The St. Patrick’s Day celebration will feature Inishfre Irish Dance, An Tus Nua Irish Dance Academy and Celtic band Leaping Lulu collaborating in an engaging mix of Celtic songs, reels, jigs, and impeccable Irish dancing.
Soda Springs resident William Loran Christensen was among 1,703 students named to the fall semester 1999 dean’s list at Boise State university. Christensen, a freshman psychology major, received honors designation. Jodi Ballard Hale, also of Soda Springs, daughter of Bruce and Glenda Ballard Larson, made the Dean’s List for the winter session from the ISU department of Biological Science/Chemistry. Jodi, the wife of Ryan J. Hale, is in her third year at ISU and has earned several scholarships. Ryan graduated recently from the ISU School of Technology in diesel electronics and started work Monday morning at the Smokey Mine.
The Girls Little League Booster Club and the 4th, 5th, and 6th grade girls extended a thank you to all the businesses that supported them with this year’s first annual basketball tournament. The tournament was a great success, and brought in several teams from the area, including Soda, Grace, Bancroft, West Side, Preston, and Malad. A special thanks was extended to the coaches of each team for their support and willingness to get their teams to the tournament. Jon Harris and the City o Soda Springs were thanked for promoting the program. Other thanks were given to Agrium Solutions, FMC Credit Union, Lott Builders, Caribou Dental, Hometown Hardware, Lallatin Food Town, Lew and Dan’s Thriftway, Caribou Ford, Jack’s Arctic Circle, Ireland Bank, Smith Paving, and Subway. Referees included Brian Vranes, Jared Johnson, Jerry Swenson, Jon Harris, Jim Smith, Kevin Knauth, Dwight Lloyd, Jon Oglesby, Ed Maynard, Billy and Mitzi Rasmussen, and Angie Cooper.
The Grace School District was awarded over 100 computers from the Albertson Foundation. The Albertson Foundation is providing a grant of $250,000 in computers and other technology to each of Idaho’s school districts. However, in order to obtain this new tech -
nology, each school district had to write a detailed five-year plan for how the technology was to be used in the school district. During the past year, a technology team made up of school district faculty and patrons wrote the five year plan for the Grace District. The tech committee was led by Duane Peck, District Technology Coordinator. In the high school, the computer lab received 20 computers, the mini-lab received 10 computers, and the library received 10. The music department also received 5 computers, as did the English department. Grace Elementary and Thatcher Elementary also received new computers. The computers are Micron 400 MHz, equipped with Zip drives. The grant also includes HP scanners, Sanyo digital cameras, HP laser jet printers, color inkjet printers, and TVs that will connect to the computers. The computers are all connected to the internet. In the high school, they are being used in many areas of the curriculum.
The Caribou County Sheriff’s reported that in 1999 they opened 4,424 cases and incidents. There were 465 inmates booked into the Caribou County Jail, with all long term inmate housing accommodated in Bannock, Bingham, and Bonneville County Jails. Caribou County direct and indirect costs to house inmates are figured at $33.42 per day. This figure is one of the lowest in the state, with the 3,985 prisoner days at the rate totaling the amount $133,178. Investigations for the year included the following: eight death or injury, seven sexual assault, 15 assault, 18 burglary, 32 theft, three stolen vehicle, one forgery, 15 fraudulent activity, 32 damage to property, 26 controlled substance, 21 family offenses, 50 liquor law violations, 24 DUI, five obstructing police, and nine weapons offenses. 113 traffic accidents were investigated, 498 traffic offenses, and 44 total traffic citations. Deputies logged 145,451 patrol miles on county roads. 41 juveniles were booked on detention orders.
Last month, a very unique and special gift found its way to the home of Lynn and Allyne Crossley and their family for Valentine’s Day—a piece of the Berlin Wall. It was sent to the Crossleys by lifelong friend of Mrs. Crossley, Kaye Pfister of Salt Lake City. The story behind this little piece of the wall is very interesting and begins in the early 1950s, when Mrs. Pfister, then Faye Millfred, left Germany, as we very young child, along with her parents and older sister Susan for a new homeland in America. It wasn’t long and Mrs. Millfred’s sister and her family, their mother and younger sister and brother, left Germany and found their way to America and the small neighborhood of Dooley Court, in Salt Lake City, hoping that someday they would be able to return to Germany, if only for a visit, to once again find it unified and free. Then all hope seemed to be dashed forever when in the summer of 1961 Nikita Khrushchev began the construction of a 28-mile long wall in the dead of night to separate East and West
Berlin. As we all watched and read of the event with shock as disbelief—as was the Millfred family and President Kennedy—everyone was asking “why?” and “What can be done to get rid of the wall?” Then we soon came to realize, as did the president, that the wall would stay until the Soviets tired of it. The following year, President Kennedy was able to view the wall first hand and his words ‘Ich Bin Ein Berliner’ will be remembered for all time. As much as we have all hoped and dreamed for the day that the Wall would go—28 years later we watched in disbelief and joyous shock as new spread that on Nov 9, 1989 at the stroke of midnight the wall would indeed be open—a miracle, it seemed had finally happened! But another miracle would also happen. Faye, now married and with three children of her own, would be able to return to Germany, along with her husband and children, for Christmas, and Klaus would be able to visit his mother and his children could see their grandmother and other relatives still living there. Faye took a piece of the wall that was in the process of being dismantled, and noted “I just hop as American citizens we will not take our freedom for granted to the point where we could lose it.”
Grace High School students Angela Bassett and Tracy Findlay were chosen to participate in the All-State Music Conference. Angela will participate with the band, and Tracy will participate with the mixed choir. The girls will go to Rexburg in April, and they will rehearse prior to the Gala Concert with other students form the state selected to attend. They will be accompanied by their music teacher, Byron Shaw. The movie for this week is the Sylvester Stallone and Kurt Russell team-up “Tango and Cash” which is sure to become a buddy-cop classic.
Lead Deputy Attorney General
450 W. State St., 10th Floor Boise, Idaho 83702
Telephone: (208) 332-7984
ISB No. 9508
Electronic Service: tammy. laveauxhayes@dhw.idaho.gov
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned, State of Idaho, Department of Health and Welfare, has been appointed personal representative of the above-named decedents. All persons having claims against the decedent, or the estate are required to present their claims within four months after the date of the first publication of this Notice or said claims will be forever barred. Claims must be presented to the undersigned at the address indicated and filed with the Clerk of the Court.
DATED: 2/21/25
/s/ State of Idaho, Department of Health and Welfare
Chief Idaho Division of Medicaid #1077-3-6-13-20-25-T3
GIVEN that IDAWY Solid Waste District (District) has submitted to the Idaho Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) Groundwater Monitoring Programs for landfills servicing the Bear Lake County, Caribou County, and Oneida County areas. The purpose of these Groundwater Monitoring Programs is to provide updates to aquifer protection relevant to the areas served. This public notice is made pursuant to IDAPA, and as determined in Section 31819 of Idaho Code. These Groundwater Monitoring Programs may be reviewed at Local County libraries, details provided below:
Caribou County:
• Soda Springs Public Library 149 S Main Soda Springs, ID 83276. Phone: (208) 547-2606 email: https:// soda.lili.org/contact/ HoursMon-Thur 9:00am-7:00pm Fri 10:00am-5:00pm Electronic Copies can be downloaded at: http://swti.org/ CaribouGW Or at the IDAWY District office located at 241 S Main, Suite #3 Lower Left, Soda Springs, ID 83276 (208) 417-1625. Office hours are from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM, Monday through Thursday, except holidays.
Oneida County: Oneida County Free Library 31 N 100 W, Malad City, ID 83252. Phone: (208) 7662229 email: oclib3@hotmail. com Hours - Monday – Friday 11:30 AM – 5:30 PM Saturday 10am-1pm • Electronic Copies can be downloaded at: http://swti.org/ OneidaGW Or at the IDAWY District office located at 241 S Main, Suite #3 Lower Left, Soda Springs, ID 83276 (208) 417-1625. Office hours are from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM, Monday through Thursday, except holidays.
The public is invited to comment on this preliminary design application. The 30-day comment period commences with the first publication of this announcement starting the week of February 10, 2025. Written comments will be accepted during the public comment period and should be directed to: The Idaho Department of Environmental Quality, Pocatello Regional Office, Attn: Dustyn Walker, 444 Hospital Way #300 Pocatello, ID 83201.
Notice of Trustee Vacancy – Open to Residents of Vacant Zone Sections 33-501, 33-504, 74206(1)(a)
Due to the resignation of Trustee Jim Stoor , from Zone 5, on the evening of February 26, 2025, the Board of Trustees of Soda Springs School District declared a vacancy for Zone 5 on February 27, 2025 and is commencing the process to fill this vacancy.
• Zone 5 encompasses:
(Please contact the district office for boundaries)
• The individual selected to fill this term will serve the balance of the unexpired term, currently ending on December 31, 2027.
• The Board of Trustees has a period of 90 days from the declaration of the vacancy to fill this position with a qualified individual who resides within Zone 5. If this does not occur, the Board may appoint a person at-large from within the boundaries of the school district.
Otherwise, after 120 days, the appointment shall be made by the board of the county commissioners.
• The process that will be utilized by the Board of Trustees to fill this vacancy shall be: The Board will be taking applications for review and then conducting interviews.
On Friday, the 27th day of June, 2025, at the hour of 10:00 o'clock a.m. of said day at Alliance Title & Escrow, 71 E. 1st S. Soda Springs, in the County of Caribou, State of Idaho, Ryan M. Fawcett, as Successor Trustee, will sell at public auction, to the highest bidder, for cash, in lawful money of the United States, all payable at the time of sale, the following described real property situated in the County of Caribou, State of Idaho, and described as follows, towit:
Lot 12, Finlayson Subdivision, Soda Springs, Caribou County, Idaho, according to the official plat thereof, as filed in the office of the County Recorder of Caribou County, Idaho, under recorder’s Instrument No. 85617.
The Successor Trustee has no knowledge of a more particular description of the abovereferenced real property, but for purposes of compliance with Section 60113, Idaho Code, the Successor Trustee has been informed that the street address of 360 N. 7th E., Soda Springs, Idaho, is sometimes associated with said real property.
New Budget Line Item
CM Christensen updated council on the discussions that were held during the January council meeting regarding the importance of staff and employee recognition. Council would like to add a new line item to the upcoming budget as a reminder.
Building Permit-James Ackerman Shed Removal and Replacement Council asked Ackerman a few questions regarding materials type and placement. He informed council that the shed is heavy duty and l2xl2, each panel weighing 40 lbs. He is planning to wait until the snow melts to bring the shed in. CP Hatch will make a visit to the proposed site to check the setbacks. Council would like to table the permit until the site visit is complete.
Sewer Increase Meeting
Dates Discussion
Lane V. Erickson (ISB#: 5979)
P. O. Box 1391
Pocatello, Idaho 83204-1391
Telephone: (208) 232-6101
Fax: (208) 232-6109
Email: lane@racineolson.com
In the Matter of the Estate of:
JAMES CLEVE WEAVER, Deceased. Case No. CV15-25-0050
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that LARRY QUINN WEAVER has been appointed personal representative of the estate of the above-named decedent. All persons having claims against the decedent or the estate are required to present their claims within four (4) months after the date of the first publication of this Notice or said claims will be forever barred.
Claims must be presented to the undersigned at the address indicated and filed with the Clerk of the Court. DATED this 4th day of March, 2025.
Attorney for Personal Representative
P. O. Box 1391
Pocatello, Idaho 83204-1391 lane@racineolson.com
Said sale will be made without covenant or warranty regarding title, possession or encumbrances to satisfy the obligation secured by and pursuant to the power of sale conferred in the Deed of Trust executed by DON VERL ROSE and KAYLA ROSE, Husband and Wife, and DEBRA BROWNING, an Unmarried Woman, Grantor, to Ryan M. Fawcett, Successor Trustee, for the benefit and security of MORTGAGE ELECTRONIC REGISTRATION SYSTEMS, INC, recorded March 19, 2024, as Instrument No. 212596, Mortgage records of Caribou County, Idaho; and assigned to the IDAHO HOUSING AND FINANCE ASSOCIATION by Assignment of Deed of Trust recorded on December 23, 2024, as Instrument No. 213939, Mortgage records of Caribou County, Idaho. THE ABOVE GRANTOR IS NAMED TO COMPLY WITH SECTION 451506 (4)(a), IDAHO CODE. NO REPRESENTATION IS MADE THAT THEY ARE, OR ARE NOT, PRESENTLY RESPONSIBLE FOR THIS OBLIGATION.
Said sale is a public auction for which the bid price must be paid immediately upon close of bidding by certified funds in the form of cashier’s checks, certified checks, or valid money orders only. If the Trustee is unable to convey title for any reason whatsoever, the successful bidder’s exclusive and sole remedy shall be the return of actual monies paid to the Successor Trustee and the successful bidder shall have no further recourse.
The default for which this sale is to be made is the failure to pay when due, monthly installment payments under the Deed of Trust Note dated March 15, 2024, in the amount of $2,269.87 each, for the months of July, 2024 through January, 2025, inclusive. All delinquent payments are now due, plus accumulated late charges, plus all escrow advances, plus any costs or expenses associated with this foreclosure. The accrued interest is at the rate of 7.00% per annum from June 1, 2024, and the Beneficiary elects to sell or cause the trust property to be sold to satisfy said obligation. The principal balance owing as of this date on the obligation secured by said Deed of Trust is $289,179.75, plus accrued interest at the rate of 7.00% per annum from June 1, 2024.
DATED This 26th day of February, 2025.
RYAN M. FAWCETT, a Member of the Idaho State Bar, SUCCESSOR TRUSTEE
CP Hatch asked if the city should wait and see what happens with the sewer grant the city is applying for this fall before taking out a bond loan or increasing the utility rates. Mayor Spencer stated that the city has to raise the rates either way due to having to come up with the match for a grant and having to show intent to self-sustain the sewer system. CM Christensen commented that the city needs to increase the fees in order to get the grants and to cover the current fees and maintenance. The study performed by the engineers shows that the city will need a substantial increase in order to maintain the sewer system and properly self-sustain the system. Mayor Spencer stressed that the city was advised many times to show that they are taking the initiative to prepare for the high costs associated with re-lining the sewer ponds and bringing them into compliance with standards. CP Hatch agreed that raising the monthly rates is the best way to show that the city is actively doing what they can to prepare for the costs associated with the upcoming capital project. CM Nate Eiman asked how many meetings and public hearings the city will be required to hold before raising the rates and taking out a sewer bond. CM Christensen would like to contact SICOG and see if they would attend a meeting and answer a few questions regarding requirements for the grants. Clerk Swensen will contact SICOG and get more information on the legal process of making the increase. Mayor Spencer suggested having another meeting and then setting up the hearings.
Mayor Spencer informed council that the current fire chief is working out of town and cannot serve as the city’s fire chief due to time restraints. Council will start visiting with individuals in the community and
help find someone to fill the vacancy.
CM Vawser asked clerk Swensen about getting a notice put out to the public. Clerk Swensen has a recruitment flyer that can be posted on the city website and hung in public facilities. CM Vawser will post the notice on Facebook.
CP Rick Hatch had a resident approach him asking his property taxes increase being so high. Cp, Hatch stated that he had a difficult time knowing how to answer the questions. Council discussed how the city only received the amount approved by the county and the state.
Clerk Swensen suggested having the residents come to City Hall and review the reports that show the increase requested by the city and the state mandated formula including the changing levy rates and property values assessed by the county.
CM Vawser feels like the city has slacked off on collecting payments on the overdue utility accounts, and requested a current report of the account balances.
Clerk Swensen talked to the council about the time frame for submitting the requested list of reports and documents for the integration of the new Accounting, Payroll, and Utility programs. She explained that the process of getting the reports to the new software company has had to slow down due to this being the busiest time of year for end of month, quarter and end of year reporting. The city is also in the middle of auditing, preparing W-2’s and 1099’s but plans to resume sending the reports and documents as soon as possible. Jyll Kern, who oversees the bank and budget reports, explained to council that the conversion of new software is a massive undertaking and will take more time and preparation due to the current software being so old and requiring several reports for each requested document. CM Christensen expressed that the software company needs to be aware that there is only one person handling all of the daily operations and in order to have a smooth transition it will take some time. Cm, Christensen agrees that the daily duties and state reporting deadlines have to be met first.
Council discussed the options for going live with the new programs. One option would require all of the requested data to be submitted within a couple days. Council does not feel that it is reasonable and opted to wait a few more months for going live.
Maintenance worker, Jim Page reported that Alsco is not picking up their dirty clothes or leaving them clean clothing. Council advised maintenance to reach out to their representative with the issues. Maintenance will make the contact and get an arrangement for pick up and drop off set up. continued from page 4
July 7, 1947 ~ February 26, 2025
Did you hear a bell ring? It was Caren getting her wings.
Oh, she always had wings, but now the LORD has summoned her to come fly.
After a courageous two-year fight against liver cancer, Caren passed at home in her sleep, Wednesday, February 26th at 5:45 AM. She is finally at peace and in God’s embrace.
Caren was the daughter of Marlin Ellis and Emma Jean Lakey of Twin Falls, ID. She is survived by sons Chad D. Garrett, (Jerome ID), and Todd H. Garrett, (Felida - Vancouver WA), her sons were her most cherished and loved achievements. She is also survived by siblings Connie Willett, LaRee Holscher, Steve Lakey, Marty Lakey and husband Tom.
She was named Care’n for a reason, it may have been divine intervention. Caren wasn’t interested in hobbies or crafts; she was best at “loving on you”. She loved to visit with friends and family and rarely shared her lifelong struggle of pain and suffering. Life was never about her, but always about others, she’d say “enough about me, tell me about you”. Caren didn’t want a funeral service and wished to be buried near
family in Soda Springs Idaho, with a graveside remembrance only; all are welcome. A viewing will be held on Thursday, March 13, 2025, from 11:00 - 12:00 at Sims Funeral Home prior to the graveside.
She was so loved by everyone she met that a springtime Celebration of Life in Portland/Vancouver is being planned, details to follow. Donations can be made in her memory to local Humane Societies, and St. Jude’s Childrens Hospital.
The Friends of the Soda Springs City Park are proud to announce that installation of the professionally engineered shade covers on the swing sets at the Maverik Caribou CommUNITY Playground is set to begin on the smaller swing set in a matter of weeks, and the entire project is scheduled for completion by mid April. Area businesses and residents have shown great support for this project in the past couple of weeks.
A special thanks goes out to these companies and people for their generous donations: The Chadwick Foundation ($5,000), Caribou Medical Center ($2,500), Modern Woodmen of America ($2,500), Lion’s Club ($2,000), Jeff and Zan Coonce ($1,000), Ben and Erica Goode ($500), Reid’s Plumbing ($250), Rigby Plumbing ($250), Soda Springs Phosphate ($200), Peter Fillmore ($100), Cobblestone Inn & Suites ($100), Griff and Sonia Davis ($50), and Mark and Jean Lau ($50).
Erika Dannelly, Director of Development at Caribou Medical Center said the following regarding their $2,500 donation, “We’re super excited to support this project. I know that the hospital helped out a couple of years ago building the playground so we’re excited to keep helping out. My kids play there. We love the playground and we love the park. We love going there and we think it’s going to be really good to have shaded play areas!” Kent Loosle, CEO of CMC also said, “Well, we’re excited to support the Friends of the Soda Springs City Park where supporters of the hospital are also supporters of the city and supporters of the community. Along with donating towards this shade covers project at the playground, we’ve been able to bring new providers and new services to the hospital, and all those things are great for the longterm health of the community.”
As mentioned earlier, the Friends are grateful to announce they received the $2,500 matching grant opportunity from Modern Woodmen of America last month, and
they’re still applying for additional grants from various organizations to reach their goal. $45,000 is needed to pay for the shade covers and sponsorship placard, but any additional funds will be used to purchase more shade trees and commercial grade picnic tables which will be installed outside the playground on the East and Northern sides, to provide more areas for families and friends to gather and eat at during the good weather months of the year.
A committee of local artists has been organized to repair damaged paint throughout the play structures, fixing the wear and tear on the geyser mural under the rock climbing wall, painting new murals on the tee pee hut, and touching up paint on all other areas of the playground that need some TLC. The goal is to complete this work by the time the playground is formally opened for the season, but will be largely dependent on the weather.
If there is signage posted at the playground telling the public to refrain from entering during installation of the shade covers and while maintenance, painting or cleaning is underway, please respect those signs and refrain from using the playground during those times.
The Friends also received notice from the Soda Springs Police Department that the security cameras at the playground are now actively being monitored by their agency. Please make your teenagers and children aware that vandalism of any kind will be monitored and prosecuted by the police department from now on. This is especially relevant for unsupervised youth.
A ribbon cutting will take place sometime in May to formally celebrate the new additions of shade covers, trees, picnic tables, recently seal-coated rubber surfacing, outdoor lighting, security cameras, and new artistic murals that have all been introduced since the playgrounds initial dedication. More details will be announced in future articles regarding this endeavor
If you’d like to donate to this project or to sponsor a tree or picnic table, please reach out to Laura Lind at 208-604-0885.
March 22, 1939 ~ February 26, 2025
Elizabeth Ann Seamons Luthi was born in Soda Springs, ID, March 22, 1939, to Nelda Blackburn Seamons and Wendell David Seamons. Ann was a beautiful little girl who was a joy to be around. She was later joined by a younger brother, John (Jack). She attended school in Soda Springs. While attending high school, she worked at the Dairy Bar and Grant’s Tomb. She had many friends and graduated in 1957.
Ann met the love of her life on a “blind date.” She was hesitant to go, but her aunt insisted. She did go and the rest is history. Ann and Allen B. Luthi were married April 25, 1958, in the Logan, UT Temple.
The young couple lived in Salt Lake City for eight years and then returned to Soda Springs. Their children were Carey Ann, Karen, Janice, and Allen Jr.; another son, John, was stillborn. Her family was her pride and joy. When her kids were was in school, Ann worked in retail for Fargo’s and Mode O’ Day where she enjoyed visiting with the customers. She also worked at Quik Stop.
She was an active member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints and held many positions in the wards that she attended, including Primary and Relief Society presidents.
Ann and Allen were able to move to Freedom, Idaho to the Luthi family homestead; they were thrilled to make the move. Allen worked a few more years until his retirement; they would go to Overton, NV for the winter months. They enjoyed this very much and were very involved in the retirement community. Ann was the “official scorekeeper” for many winters of horseshoes, lawn golf, shuffleboard, and corn hole. After Allen passed away on November 5th, 2019, Ann continued to go south; although, she missed Allen very much. Her family and neighbors in the court checked in on her often. She enjoyed
these visits very much.
Ann was a very special person to her family, along with many friends and relatives. If you wanted an honest answer, you got it. If you didn't want an honest answer, you didn't ask. Her husband, children, grandchildren and great grandchildren meant the world to her.
Ann was preceded in death by her beloved husband, Allen, her mother and stepfather Nelda and Harold, father Wendell, brother Jack, daughter Carey Ann, son John, grandsons Ronald and Donald and two great-granddaughters, each named Charlotte. She is survived by two brothers, David Modersitzki and Raymond Seamons, son-in-law Jan Christensen, daughters Karen (Greg) Lowry and Janice (Bret) Campbell, son Allen (Liesl) Luthi, thirteen grandchildren plus spouses and twenty-six great-grandchildren. Funeral services will be held Saturday March 15th in Freedom, Wyoming at 12 noon with a graveside to follow in the Fairview Cemetery in Soda Springs at 2:30 P.M.
Thank you to Peg Seamons Sasser, her cousin and life-long friend, who knew Mom better than anyone for writing this tribute.
The cost for a standard obituary: $89 500 words with one color photo The cost for an ultimate obituary: $159 501 words plus and 2 color photos * additional photos $25 each
Protection of drinking water is everyone’s responsibility. You can help protect your community’s drinking water source in several ways:
• Eliminate excess use of lawn and garden fertilizers and pesticides – they contain hazardous chemicals that can reach your drinking water source.
• Pick up after your pets.
Drinking Water Quality Report 2024
Drinking Water Quality Report 2024
Spanish (Espanol)
Spanish (Espanol)
Este informe contiene informacion muy importante sobre la calidad de su agua potable. Por favor lea este informe o comuniquese con alguien que pueda traducir la informacion.
Is my water safe?
• If you have your own septic system, properly maintain your system to reduce leaching to water sources or consider connecting to a public water system.
• Dispose of chemicals properly; take used motor oil to a recycling center.
• Volunteer in your community. Find a watershed or wellhead protection organization in your community and volunteer to help. If there are no active groups, consider starting one. Use EPA’s Adopt Your Watershed to locate groups in your community, or visit the Watershed Information Network’s How to Start a Watershed Team.
Este informe contiene informacion muy importante sobre la calidad de su agua potable. Por favor lea este informe o comuniquese con alguien que pueda traducir la informacion.
We are pleased to present this year's Annual Water Quality Report (Consumer Confidence Report) as required by the Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA). This report is designed to provide details about where your water comes from, what it contains, and how it compares to standards set by regulatory agencies. This report is a snapshot of last year's water quality. We are committed to providing you with information because informed customers are our best allies.
Do I need to take special precautions?
Some people may be more vulnerable to contaminants in drinking water than the general population. Immuno-compromised persons such as persons with cancer undergoing chemotherapy, persons who have undergone organ transplants, people with HIV/AIDS or other immune system disorders, some elderly, and infants can be particularly at risk from infections. These people should seek advice about drinking water from their health care providers. EPA/Centers for Disease Control (CDC) guidelines on appropriate means to lessen the risk of infection by Cryptosporidium and other microbial contaminants are available from the Safe Water Drinking Hotline (800-4264791).
• Organize a storm drain stenciling project with your local government or water supplier. Stencil a message next to the street drain reminding people “Dump No Waste - Drains to River” or “Protect Your Water.” Produce and distribute a flyer for households to remind residents that storm drains dump directly into your local water body.
Additional Information for Lead
We are pleased to present this year's Annual Water Quality Report (Consumer Confidence Report) as required by the Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA). This report is designed to provide details about where your water comes from, what it contains, and how it compares to standards set by regulatory agencies. This report is a snapshot of last year's water quality. We are committed to providing you with information because informed customers are our best allies.
Where does my water come from?
Do I need to take special precautions?
Your water primarily comes from 11 springs. Eight of the springs are located in McPherson Canyon and three in Hawkins Canyon. The land surrounding the springs is United States Forest Service property. The city has a contract with the Forest Service to protect the land around the springs and restrict any activity that could contaminate it. The City fenced the springs in 2011 as part of the water project. The water system also has three wells. Well #3 is located east of City limits and South of #2 Well. It serves as a backup and comes on automatically when the storage level drops. Well #2 is located east of the city limits. It serves as a backup source of water and comes on automatically when the storage reservoir level drops. Well #1, serves as a primary source. The water comes out of the springs into two storage reservoirs where it is chlorinated before it goes into the distribution system. We chlorinate the water system on a daily basis with gaseous chlorination to keep the distribution system clean and free from bacteriological growth. Our source water has been determined to not be surface water impacted. A copy of the report is available at the City Office upon request.
Source water assessment and its availability Available at City Office upon request at 108 East Center Street
Why are there contaminants in my drinking water?
If present, elevated levels of lead can cause serious health problems, especially for pregnant women and young children. Lead in drinking water is primarily from materials and components associated with service lines and home plumbing. Grace City of is responsible for providing high quality drinking water, but cannot control the variety of materials used in plumbing components. When your water has been sitting for several hours, you can minimize the potential for lead exposure by flushing your tap for 30 seconds to 2 minutes before using water for drinking or cooking. If you are concerned about lead in your water, you may wish to have your water tested. Information on lead in drinking water, testing methods, and steps you can take to minimize exposure is available from the Safe Drinking Water Hotline or at http://www.epa.gov/safewater/lead
In order to ensure that tap water is safe to drink, EPA prescribes regulations which limit the amount of contaminants in water provided by public water systems. The table below lists all of the drinking water contaminants that we detected during the calendar year of this report. Although many more contaminants were tested, only those substances listed below were found in your water. All sources of drinking water contain some naturally occurring contaminants. At low levels, these substances are generally not harmful in our drinking water. Removing all contaminants would be extremely expensive, and in most cases, would not provide increased
Some people may be more vulnerable to contaminants in drinking water than the general population. Immuno-compromised persons such as persons with cancer undergoing chemotherapy, persons who have undergone organ transplants, people with HIV/AIDS or other immune system disorders, some elderly, and infants can be particularly at risk from infections. These people should seek advice about drinking water from their health care providers. EPA/Centers for Disease Control (CDC) guidelines on appropriate means to lessen the risk of infection by Cryptosporidium and other microbial contaminants are available from the Safe Water Drinking Hotline (800-4264791).
Drinking water, including bottled water, may reasonably be expected to contain at least small amounts of some contaminants. The presence of contaminants does not necessarily indicate that water poses a health risk. More information about contaminants and potential health effects can be obtained by calling the Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA) Safe Drinking Water Hotline (800-426-4791).
Where does my water come from?
The sources of drinking water (both tap water and bottled water) include rivers, lakes, streams, ponds, reservoirs, springs, and wells. As water travels over the surface of the land or through the ground, it dissolves naturally occurring minerals and, in some cases, radioactive material, and can pick up substances resulting from the presence of animals or from human activity: microbial contaminants, such as viruses and bacteria, that may come from sewage treatment plants, septic systems, agricultural livestock operations, and wildlife; inorganic contaminants, such as salts and metals, which can be naturally occurring or result from urban storm water runoff, industrial, or domestic wastewater discharges, oil and gas production, mining, or farming; pesticides and herbicides, which may come from a variety of sources such as agriculture, urban storm water runoff, and residential uses; organic Chemical Contaminants, including synthetic and volatile organic chemicals, which are by-products of industrial processes and petroleum production, and can also come from gas stations, urban storm water runoff, and septic systems; and radioactive contaminants, which can be naturally occurring or be the result of oil and gas production and mining activities. In order to ensure that tap water is safe to drink, EPA prescribes regulations that limit the amount of certain contaminants in water provided by public water systems. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) regulations establish limits for contaminants in bottled water which must provide the same protection for public health.
How can I get involved?
City Council meetings are the first and third Wednesday of each month. Meetings are posted at City office, Post office, Fast stop and on the city website
Description of Water Treatment Process
Your water primarily comes from 11 springs. Eight of the springs are located in McPherson Canyon and three in Hawkins Canyon. The land surrounding the springs is United States Forest Service property. The city has a contract with the Forest Service to protect the land around the springs and restrict any activity that could contaminate it. The City fenced the springs in 2011 as part of the water project. The water system also has three wells. Well #3 is located east of City limits and South of #2 Well. It serves as a backup and comes on automatically when the storage level drops. Well #2 is located east of the city limits. It serves as a backup source of water and comes on automatically when the storage reservoir level drops. Well #1, serves as a primary source. The water comes out of the springs into two storage reservoirs where it is chlorinated before it goes into the distribution system. We chlorinate the water system on a daily basis with gaseous chlorination to keep the distribution system clean and free from bacteriological growth. Our source water has been determined to not be surface water impacted. A copy of the report is available at the City Office upon request.
Your water is treated by disinfection. Disinfection involves the addition of chlorine or other disinfectant to kill dangerous bacteria and microorganisms that may be in the water. Disinfection is considered to be one of the major public health advances of the 20th century.
Water Conservation Tips
Source water assessment and its availability
Did you know that the average U.S. household uses approximately 400 gallons of water per day or 100 gallons per person per day? Luckily, there are many low-cost and no-cost ways to conserve water. Small changes can make a big difference – try one today and soon it will become second nature.
Available at City Office upon request at 108 East Center Street
• Take short showers - a 5 minute shower uses 4 to 5 gallons of water compared to up to 50 gallons for a bath.
• Shut off water while brushing your teeth, washing your hair and shaving and save up to 500 gallons a month.
• Use a water-efficient showerhead. They're inexpensive, easy to install, and can save you up to 750 gallons a month.
• Run your clothes washer and dishwasher only when they are full. You can save up to 1,000 gallons a month.
• Water plants only when necessary.
• Fix leaky toilets and faucets. Faucet washers are inexpensive and take only a few minutes to replace. To check your toilet for a leak, place a few drops of food coloring in the tank and wait. If it seeps into the toilet bowl without flushing, you have a leak. Fixing it or replacing it with a new, more efficient model can save up to 1,000 gallons a month.
• Adjust sprinklers so only your lawn is watered. Apply water only as fast as the soil can absorb it and during the cooler parts of the day to reduce evaporation.
• Teach your kids about water conservation to ensure a future generation that uses water wisely. Make it a family effort to reduce next month's water bill!
• Visit www.epa.gov/watersense for more information.
Cross Connection Control Survey
The purpose of this survey is to determine whether a cross-connection may exist at your home or business. A cross connection is an unprotected or improper connection to a public water distribution system that may cause contamination or pollution to enter the system. We are responsible for enforcing cross-connection control regulations and insuring that no contaminants can, under any flow conditions, enter the distribution system. If you have any of the devices listed below please contact us so that we can discuss the issue, and if needed, survey your connection and assist you in isolating it if that is necessary.
Boiler/ Radiant heater (water heaters not included)
• Underground lawn sprinkler system
• Pool or hot tub (whirlpool tubs not included)
• Additional source(s) of water on the property
• Decorative pond
• Watering trough
Source Water Protection Tips
For the first time since 2016 the Soda Springs Cardinals qualified to play games in the state tournament last weekend. The Cardinals made the trip to Boise where they would play at Capital High School in the 3A classification bracket. The recently combined fourth and fifth district conference was represented by three teams in the tournament with Declo and Wendell joining Soda Springs. All three teams had terrific tournaments with Declo and Wendell making it to the championship game where Wendell won the state championship. The Cardinals missed out on their chance at earning a spot in the championship by the slimmest of margins. The way that the tournament bracket is set up you must win your first game to have any shot at going to the title game. That is where Soda Springs slipped up.
The Cardinals entered the tournament as the number five seed and were matched up against the fourth seeded Ambrose Archers. Ambrose came into state as the defending champions. The Archers had a slight advantage in size underneath but the quickness of the Cardinals would help offset that throughout this round one game. It was evident early on in this game that the officials were going to let the players play, so to speak. In other words things were going to be physical. The aggressive play forced the players to play through contact and it kept the game close. The first two quarters of play saw the score almost mirror itself with Soda earning a two point lead after one and Ambrose coming back to take a one point lead into the halftime break. Out of the halftime break after trading baskets the Archers went on a nine to zero run and looked like they may pull away. The Cardinals were not going down easy however
as they would go on a run of their own eventually knotting the game up. Some late foul shots would end up giving the Archers the one point lead again going into the final period. The Archers first five shots would come from downtown, once again giving the Archers a solid lead. After giving Ambrose a large lead more disaster would strike for the Cardinals when starting post player Konner McWilliams was forced out of the game with a concussion at about the four minute mark. Now without their best inside weapon the Cardinals would have to dig deep to get back into the game with limited time remaining. Still trailing by double digits with just three minutes left in the game the Cardinals made one final push. Soda was able to get the lead to just two points with just seconds remaining and the ball in their hands. A last second drive by Thompson saw the ball get knocked away on a runner from the foul line. The Cardinals wanted a foul called but it wasn’t coming and Soda Springs dropped game one of the tournament 54-56.
The Cardinals were now eliminated from any chance at winning a state championship. Their only hope for bringing home any sort of trophy now relied on them winning their next two games. First up on the consolation side of the bracket for the Cardinals were the Orofino Maniacs. The Maniacs entered the contest as the lowly eight seed in the tournament. Though the Cardinals were the favorites in the matchup they did struggle some in the first half. After building a six point lead to end the first quarter the Cardinals stumbled in the second. The Maniacs outscored Soda Springs by ten in the second period and took the lead into the halftime break. The Cardinals battled back in the third period but the game remained close with Soda Springs retaking a two point lead to enter the final period.
The fourth period was a crucial one. The loser of this game would see their season end and be sent home. The scrappy Cardinals answered the call and outscored Orofino by seven taking the win 65-56. The Cardinals survived six lead changes in the game and advanced to the consolation championship.
The consolation championship featured the Cardinals and the New Plymouth Pilgrims. Ironically the two teams faced each other in the final game of the season after starting the season facing each other. The Cardinals were the Pilgrims first game of the year while it was just Soda’s second game of the season. Soda Springs handed the Pilgrims a seventeen point loss in that early season match up but things would be much different this time around. Both teams had seen significant growth over the season improving with each week. Unfortunately for the Cardinals in the season finale they were still without McWilliams who had not been able to return to play since the opening round concussion injury. That was a great advantage for the Pilgrims who featured the tallest pair of underneath players in the classification. The Cardinals would once again have to combat size with speed and quickness in this game. As things got rolling the Cardinals got off to a cold start. Their first points did not come until almost four minutes had ticked off of the clock. After the first period of play Soda Springs had managed to only make two field goals one each from Thompson and Hansen. The Cardinals were able to keep things close by adding six free throws but still trailed after the first by six points. The Cardinals started the second quarter off with a bang. By turning up the energy and applying a solid press the Cardinals earned their first lead of the game at the 5:10 mark of the second period. Even though the
lead did not last long the Cardinals were back into the game. Scoring struggles still hung around for most of the Cardinals. By halftime the duo of Thompson and Hansen had all but two of the Cardinals twenty-three points. Soda Springs headed to the halftime break trailing by four. Soda Springs kept up the intensity despite several big plays including some dunks from the Pilgrims. With 3:20 remaining in the third the Cardinals gained their second lead of the game. By the end of the quarter Soda had made their first three point shot of the game and had built a five point lead while adding two more players to the scoring column. The Cardinals would not look back in the fourth. They used foul shots to their advantage and hit a couple more three point shots. As the final buzzer sounded the Cardinals were up by seven and had earned their first boys state trophy in nine years. The Cardinals graduate four great players in Jacobson, Kirby, Stoor and Billman but have a strong group of juniors and sophomores returning for next season. Cardinal fans should be excited about the future of Soda Springs basketball.
Cardinals 11 8 16 19 54
Archers 9 11 16 20 56
K.Kirby 2, C.Thompson 25, G.Hansen 8, K.McWilliams 4, P.Ozburn 9, D.Billman 6
Cardinals 20 8 20 17 65
Maniacs 14 18 14 10 56
K.Kirby 10, C.Thompson 24, G.Hansen 14, D.Stoor 6, P.Ozburn 9, D.Billman 2
Cardinals 10 13 16 17 56
Pilgrims 16 11 7 15 49
K.Kirby 2, C.Thompson 26, G.Hansen 14, D.Stoor 2, P.Ozburn 10, D.Billman 2
After a one year hiatus the Grace Grizzlies were able to qualify for the state tournament for the eighth time in the last ten years. Though they are regular participants at the state tournament this season the Grizzlies appeared to be in real danger of missing out on state. It’s been an inconsistent season for the Grizzlies this year due to several players missing time for a variety of reasons. Luckily for the Grizzlies they hit full strength and settled into some consistency just in time for the district tournament. After winning districts and a play-in game the Grizzlies were primed for a good state tournament run. Due to several early losses during the season the Grizzlies entered state with a twelve and thirteen record and were given the number seven seed. Their opening game was against the Valley Vikings. Valley entered the tournament as the number two seed and boasted the only undefeated record in the whole state of Idaho from any classification. On paper this round one match up seemed to greatly favor the Vikings but those that followed the Grizzlies this season knew these two teams were much closer than their records showed.
Grace began the game with great energy and struck first on the scoreboard. The Grizzlies small early lead would not last however as the Vikings came back and took the lead finishing the first quarter up by six points. The second quarter got off to a slow start for both teams. Solid defense by both teams prevented any scoring through the first three minutes of play. It was at that point that the Grizzlies got things rolling again. With just under three minutes left in the first half the Grizzlies regrabbed the lead for the first time since being up five to three. The Vikings briefly tied the game up but in the end the Grizzlies would outscore the Vikings by ten in the quarter and take a four point lead into the halftime break. As the third quarter got underway the stifling Grizzly defense continued. Their defense led to offense and the Grizzlies put some distance between themselves and the Vikings. As the quarter ended Grace now held a fifteen point lead over the only undefeated team in the state. After an action packed three quarters from the Grizzlies the fourth quarter was fairly stagnant for Grace. The Grizzlies would only add three points in the final period but the Vikings nine points left them well short of mounting a comeback. The Grizzlies advanced in the tournament with one of the biggest upsets at any level. With the round one win the Grizzlies moved on to face the Kendrick Tigers. The Tigers were on an eleven game win streak and were the hottest team in the state going into the tournament. This semi-final game started with four three point shots, two from each team. The Grizzlies briefly took a two point lead before the Tigers hit their third three point shot. The Tigers finished the quarter with four three point shots and led the Grizzlies by six. Unfortunately for Grizzly fans the second quarter would not be pretty for Grace. The coaching staff’s inability to adjust to
the Kendrick offense resulted in the Tigers blowing out the Grizzlies in the second period of play. The Tigers outscored the Grizzlies by an astounding eighteen points in the second quarter alone. The Grizzlies now faced the daunting task of trying to make up for a twenty four point deficit with just a half a game left to play. The Grizzles came out of the half looking like a new team. After five quick points the Grizzlies forced the Tigers to take a timeout. Out of the timeout it was more Grace. Tough defense and fast offense cut the lead to fifteen and forced another Tiger timeout. In the last four minutes of the quarter Kendrick was finally able to answer some of the Grace scoring but when the quarter ended the Grizzlies had outscored the Tigers by sixteen and had cut the lead to just eight points. In the final period of play the Grizzlies continued to fight but failed to ever get over the hump. Some late foul shots helped the Tigers extend the lead and the Grizzlies went down swinging losing the semi-final by twelve points. The loss now sent the Grizzlies to the third place game against the Lakeside Knights.
Lakeside is a very fast action team that scores a lot of points in transition. Grace fans worried that with so much energy spent the previous day on the failed comeback attempt would the Grizzlies have enough left in the tank to win the third place game and bring home a trophy? As the game got underway the Knights did come out aggressive scoring in just a few seconds then putting on a full court press. After taking that initial punch from the Knights the Grizzlies punched back. Through the first quarter of play the Grizzlies were able to match the Knights fast pace step for step and finished the first with a three point lead. The game was physical and fast throughout. In the second quarter the Grizzlies took some of the momentum and outscored the Knights by six to extend their overall lead to nine at the halftime break. Underway in the second half the Grizzlies got somewhat complacent and allowed the Knights to fight back into the game. Late in the third Lakeside had completed the comeback and took the lead away from the Grizzlies. In the final minute of the third Grace was able to score five points to regain a slim two point lead heading into the fourth. The battle continued early in the fourth with the Grizzlies continuing to hold a small lead. As the period progressed the Grizzlies were able to flex their muscles just enough to pull away and win by eight points. The Grizzlies earned the third place trophy after entering the tournament as the seven seed. Their only loss during the weekend ended up coming to the eventual state champions who the Grizzlies gave the best game to in the semi-final.
The Grizzlies lose a very large and underrated senior class to graduation. Grace will bring back five solid junior players many of whom saw substantial varsity minutes. Next year’s Grizzlies will have to rely on a young inexperienced bench but should return plenty of talent to make another run next season.
Grizzlies 8 14 18 3 43
Vikings 14 4 7 9 34
D.Hill 2, J.Smith 7, B.Kimball 12, L.VanGass 4, C.Smith 9, C.Reeves 2, P.Yost 5, L.Moss 2
Grizzlies 8 3 26 17 54
Tigers 14 21 10 21 66
D.Hill 5, J.Smith 3, B.Kimball 11, G.Draper 3, L.VanGass 15, C.Smith 9, P.Yost 8
Grizzlies 13 19 13 18 63
Knights 10 13 20 12 55
D.Hill 7, J.Smith 4, B.Kimball 4, L.VanGass 23, C.Smith 14, C.Reeves 4, P.Yost 4, L.Moss 3
Senior Laexin VanGass takes a foul shot during the state tournament. VanGass played a big role in the Grizzlies earning a third place finish.