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Trading Spaces: West Jordan Swaps Property With Salt Lake County By Sherry Sorensen
he West Jordan Arts Council needs a permanent home. The Salt Lake County Health Department needs land for a new health clinic in West Jordan. With those goals in mind, West Jordan Mayor Kim Rolfe and Salt Lake County Mayor Ben McAdams devised a plan to make both dreams possible. In October, the two men signed an interlocal agreement to exchange properties for the mutual benefit of both entities. “I met with Mayor McAdams from the county and told him some members of the arts council had expressed interest in using the old West Jordan Library as a home,” Rolfe said. McAdams was intrigued and supportive of the idea.
“We came to the conclusion that we could trade land on our municipal campus of like value for the property on 7800 South that the county library system had,” Rolfe said. “It’s been about 11 months in the making, but we finally have a deal.” When the transaction is complete, West Jordan will own the old library building across from Veterans Memorial Park (1985 West 7800 South). The county will acquire 2.06 acres of property on 1825 West, directly west of Fire Station 52. The land is currently being used as a parking lot by the city. Part of the agreement allows for joint use of parking
Trading Spaces continued on page 4
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“This has been a phenomenal outpouring of love and support for a boy who I call my superman.”
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