Neupsyco2013 Preliminary Program

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International Congress ADVANCES IN PSYCHIATRY AND CLINICAL NEUROSCIENCES: BRAIN AND MIND La Habana (Cuba), November 18th-20th 2013 Hotel Palco, Palacio de las Convenciones de Cuba

Preliminary Program November 18, 2013 Monday 8:00 - 9:00


9:00 - 9:30

Opening Ceremony Opening Lecture : Prof. Pedro A. Valdes-Sosa:

9:30 - 10:00

“The use of Neurotechnology for protecting Mental Capital” 10:00 - 10:30

Coffee Break

10:30 - 13:30

Morning Symposia 1- Room A: Topics related to:


Brain endophenotypes and classification and subtyping





Genetics of Mood and Psychotic Disorders

Lectures 1. 2.


Giuseppe Bersani (Rome, Sapienza): Brain endophenotypes and Psychotic and Mood Disorders subtyping and treatment. Beatriz Marcheco Teruel, MD, PhD: Director of the National Center for Medical Genetics. Havana, Cuba: Genetic markers linked to Schizophrenia in the Cuban Population. Andrea De Bartolomeis (Un. Federico II, Napoli) Translational psychiatry in post-genomic era.

Oral presentations a) Raúl Mendoza Quiñones. MD,MSc. Havana, Cuba Searching Neurocognitive markers in Schizophrenia: Evidence from a Cuban family study 2- Room B: Topics related to: -

New neurotechnologies in clinical Neurophysiology and Neurosciences


Advances in neuroimaging for diagnosing and treating mental disorders


1. Mitchell J. Valdés-Sosa, MD, PhD: Director of the Cuban Neuroscience Center. Havana, Cuba: Decoding cortical maps with functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging. 2. Rosalyn Moran, PhD. Institute of Neurology, University College London.London, UK: Understanding Neurodegenerative Diseases at the intersection of neurobiological theory and model-based analysis. 3. Giuseppe Chiarenza, MD, PhD. President of the International Organization ofPsychophysiology. Director of the International Center for learning, attention and hyperactivity disorder. Milan, Italy. Pathophysiology of ADHD: the contribution of qEEG and source localization. 4. Daniel Botero Rosas, MD, PhD. “La Sabana” University. Bogota, Colombia. Linear and Nonlinear Analysis of EEG and EKG signals during general anesthesia. 5. Mariano Rivera, PhD. Center for Research in Mathematics (CIMAT). Guanajuato, Mexico. Advance methods in neuroimage analysis. 6. Anne Gallagher, PhD. (Montreal University, Canada). EEG and neuropsychological studies on preterm babies. 7. Eduardo A. Garza Villarreal, PhD. (Monterrey, Mexico) t. b. d. Oral presentations

a. Rafael Rodríguez Rojas, PhD. Havana, Cuba. Graph theoretical analysis of disrupted anatomical and topological connectivity in Parkinson’s disease. b. Ana Calzada Reyes, MD, PhD. Forensic Medicine Institute. Havana, Cuba. Temporal polar and anterior cingulate cortical thinning in violent psychopath offenders. c. Gertrudis Hernández González, MD, MSc. Havana, Cuba. Early markers for subclinical hypertensive brain vascular damage and cognitive decline. 13:30 – 14:30


14:30 – 16:30

Afternoon Symposia 1- Room A: Topics related to:


DSM V impact in diagnostic and clinical practice New psychostimulant abuse drugs and new dual pathology in Mental Disorders

Lectures 1. Alberto Siracusano (Rome, Tor Vergata): DSM V impact in diagnostic and clinical practice. 2. Paolo Girardi (Rome, Sapienza): Concept evolutions in the classification of Mood Disorders. 3. Antonio J. Caballero Moreno, MD, PhD. Havana, Cuba Assessment questionnaires in Neuropsychiatry: Changes in the light of DSMV.


Oral presentations Room B: Topics related to: - New insights in etiology and mechanisms of Alzheimer’s disease and other Dementias - Clinics and treatment of psychiatric symptoms in Dementias Lectures 1. Chryslaine Rodriguez-Tanty, PhD: Head of Neurodiagnostic Department; Cuban Neuroscience Center, Havana Cuba. New compounds as markers for diagnosing Alzheimer’s disease. 2. Tania Valdés González, PhD. Havana, Cuba: Changes of major human brain gangliosides in Alzheimer disease: Molecular scanning by a combination of TLC-Blot and MALDI-QIT-TOF-MS. 3. Giuseppe Bruno (Rome, Sapienza) Neuropsychiatric symptoms in Alzheimer disease. 4. Ivo Cilesi (Bergamo) The “ Doll Therapy” A non pharmacological therapy for the Care of People with dementia. Oral presentations a. Gretel Sanabria Díaz, MSc. Havana, Cuba. Exploring the morphological and functional brain networks in Mild Cognitive Impairment and Alzheimer’s disease using FDG-PET and MRI techniques: influence of the ApoE4 genetic risk factor. b. Sara Fascendini (Bergamo) A different approach in helping People with dementia: "The Person Centred Care".


- 17:00

Coffee Break


- 18:00

Poster Session 1 and Discussion


- 20:00

Welcome Cocktail

November 19, 2013 Tuesday 09:00 - 11:00

Morning Symposia Room A: Topics related to: - New drugs and new targets in the treatment of Psychotic and Mood Disorders Lectures

1. Alessandro Rossi (L’Aquila): Cognitive remediation in the treatment of psychosis. 2. Donatella Marazziti (Pisa): Biological bases of attachment and potential effects of antidepressant drugs. 3. Ignacio Zarragoitia Alonso, MD, MSc. “Hermanos Ameijeiras” Hospital.Havana, Cuba: Diagnosis and Treatmentof Depression. Facilitationwith theuse of algorithmsintheperformance protocols. 4. Keith Kendrick, PhD. Professor University of Electronic Science and Technology. Chengdu, China: How does oxytocin influence human social and affective behaviors and what is its therapeutic potential for psychiatric disorders. 5. Graciela Onofrio, MD, PhD.Member of Executive Committee of APAL. Argentina. With the current adolescence´s diagnosis, we receive the future. 6. Ferdinando Nicoletti (Sapienza, Roma) t.b.d. 7. Franca Aceti, Nicoletta Giacchetti (Sapienza, Roma) t.b.d. 8. Maria de los Angeles Robinson-Agramonte, MD, PhD. International Center for Neurological Restoration. Havana, Cuba. Clinical trial and neuroprotection in Autism Spectrum Disorder. Oral presentations

Room B: Topics related to: - The bridge between neurological and psychiatric symptoms in Epilepsy: clinics, mechanisms, treatment Lectures

1. Anna Teresa Giallonardo (Rome, Sapienza): Epilepsy and emotions. 2. Lilia Morales Chacón, MD, PhD. International Center for Neurological Restoration. Havana, Cuba. Multimodal imaging in Nonlesional DrugResistant Focal Epilepsy. 3. Jose Luis Ascencio, MD, MSc. Neurological Institute of Colombia. Bogota, Colombia. Imaging in Epilepsy: Advances and research. 4. Nestor Perez Lache, MD, PhD,DSc. Havana, Cuba. Estesiometric Neurodynamics Method (ENM): A new neuropsychological method Oral presentations 11:00 - 11:30

Coffee Break

11:30 - 13:30

Special Session

(Room A – Plenary)

New Technologies to assess and manage neurological and psychiatric disorders 1. Vivian Reigosa Crespo, PhD: Director of Research, Cuban Neuroscience Center. Havana, Cuba: Program for Prevention of Neurodevelopmental Disorders at School Age. Optima automated system. 2. Jose Antonio Gaya, MD, MSc: Director of Clinical Neuroscience, Cuban Neuroscience Center. Havana, Cuba: Screening Neurodevelopmental Disorders in the first 5 years of life (NPED automated system). 3. F. Saverio Bersani (Rome, Sapienza): The Clinical Interactive Multimedial Algorithm Project for Unipolar Depression (CIMAP-UD). 4. Francesca Pacitti (L’Aquila). On line educational programs in clinical neuropsychopharmacology.

13:30 - 14:30


14:30 - 15:30

Keynote Lecture (Room A – Plenary)

15:30 - 16:30

Round Table “Applications of Neuroscience research in understanding different psychiatric disorders” Miriam de la Osa Oreilly, MD; Sara Gilda Argudín Depestre, MD; Milagros Marot Casañas, MD; Ana Irina Padrón García, MD; Ignacio Zarragoitía Alonso, MD; Carmen Acosta Enríquez, MD. Havana, Cuba. Applications of neuroscience research in understanding different psychiatric disorder.

16:30 - 17:00

Coffee Break

17:00 - 18:30

Afternoon Symposia

1- Room A: Symposium (collaboration with the Italian Society of Social Psychiatry)

“ The Development of Communitary Psychiatry” (program on construction) Antonello Bellomo (Univ. Foggia) t.b.d. Carmen Borrego, MD; Paola Lomba, MD; Mario Leon MD Havana, Cuba Ascanio Vaccaro (Farigliano, CN). Psychosocial Treatment for schizophrenia: evidences in Residential Mental Health Services. 215:30 - 17:00

Room B: Topics related to: Clinics, psychiatric symptoms, mechanisms and treatment in Major Neurological Disorders: Multiple Sclerosis and Stroke Lectures and treatment of psychiatric symptoms in Multiple Sclerosis

1. Carlo Pozzilli (Rome, Sapienza): New insight in the etiology, diagnosis and treatment of MS. 2. Carlos Sanchez Catasús, PhD: International Center for Neurological Restoration. Havana, Cuba. Brain tissue volumes and perfusion in Neuromyelitis optica. 3. Alina Gonzalez-Quevedo, MD, PhD. Institute of Neurology and Neurosurgery. Havana, Cuba.Usefulness of S100B as a blood protein marker in short-term depressive symptoms of patients with ischemic stroke. 4. Otman Fernandez Concepción, MD, PhD. Institute of Neurology and Neurosurgery. Havana, Cuba. Update in the management of acute stroke. 5. Pippa Tyrrell, MD, FRCP. (Manchester University, UK) t.b.d 6. Anthony Jones, PhD. (Manchester University, UK) t.b.d Oral presentations 17:00 - 17:30

Coffee Break

17:30 - 18:30

Poster Session 2 and Discussion

November 20, 2013 Wednesday 09:00 - 11:00

(Room A – Plenary Session) SYMPOSIUM - Bioethical issues in Psychiatry Lectures

Prof.Ricardo González, MD, PhD. President ofthe Ethics Committeeof the Ministryof Public Health. Havana, Cuba. Positive and negative values in the management a health team. Domingo Pérez González, MD, MSc. Professor “Hermanos Ameijeiras” Hospital. Havana, Cuba. The Informed Consent in patients with neuropsychiatric disorders. René Zamora Marín, MD, MSc. Professor “Hermanos Ameijeiras Hospital”. Founding Director of Bioethics Center “Juan Pablo II”. Havana, Cuba. Persistent vegetative state versus permanent vegetative state and bioethical-philosophical implications. Zuleika Navarro Galí, MD, MSc. Professor “Hermanos Ameijeiras” Hospital. Havana, Cuba.Brain death: death ofthe human person. Giuseppe Bersani (Sapienza, Rome) Ethical and psychiatric critical issues in assisted suicide. Paolo Fiori Nastro (Sapienza, Rome) The diagnosis of “psychoticrisk”. among ethics and stigma Gianfranco Buffardi (Napoli) Integration and mind models: an ethical approach. Padre Gonzalo Miranda. (University Regina Apostolorum, Rome) 11:00 - 11:30

Coffee Break

11:30 - 12:00

Closing Lecture: Giuseppe Bersani (Rome, Sapienza)

12:00 - 12:15

Photographic review of the Congress

12:15 - 12:30

Best posters awards

12:30 - 12:45

Presentations of projects of scientific cooperation

12:45 - 13:00

Presentations of projects and agreements of academic cooperation

13:00 - 13:15

End of the Congress

13:30 - 15:30

Final Lunch Restaurant “Rancho Palco”


NeuPsyCo 2013, La Habana - Cuba


Estudio Clínico mediante Sistema SCAN de pacientes esquizofrénicos en Hospital Psiquiátrico de La Habana. Lic. Danys de las Nieves Milian Cocho; Lic. Jaime Valenti Alonso; Dra. Gina Madelin Galan Beiro (Especialista de Primer Grado Psiquiatría, Profesora Instructora); Lic. Yasmany LLanes Basulto; Dr. C. Antonio J. Caballero Moreno Titulo:

Impulsividad en pacientes Adictas a Drogas y Alcohol en la Unidad de Adicciones Galigarcía Dr. Mario Raúl Carballoso Acosta (Especialista de Primer Grado en Psiquiatría Profesor Instructor); Dr. C Antonio J. Caballero Moreno; Lic. Iraklys Salazar Guerra Titulo

Estudio de Comorbilidad en pacientes Adictas a Drogas y Alcohol en la Unidad de Adicciones Galigarcía. Lic. Iraklys Salazar Guerra; Dr. Mario R. Carballoso Acosta; Dr. C Antonio J. Caballero Moreno Titulo:

Estudio Citogenético en pacientes esquizofrénicos clasificados mediante Sistema SCAN. Msc. Enny Morales Rodríguez, Investigador Auxiliar Titulo:

Estudio del tripófano sérico en pacientes esquizofrénicos clasificados mediante Sistema SCAN Dra. Zoe Robaina Jiménez, Especialista de Segundo Grado en Genética Médica Profesor Asistente

NeuPsyCo 2013, La Habana - Cuba


Alteraciones de las funciones ejecutivas en niños con trastorno por déficit de atención y/o hiperactividad (TDAH). Martha Rodríguez Hernández; Juan Manuel Rojas de Dios; Yaquelín López Hernández; Rodney Jiménez Morales; Yelena Segredo Bravo; Laura Luís Bombino Titulo:

Modelo Teórico para el Estudio Clínico de los Sistemas Cognitivos en el Contexto Deportivo a partir de la Neurotecnología aplicada a la Psicología del Deporte. MSc. Osvaldo León Bravo; Dr. Pedro A. Valdés-Sosa; Dr.C. Francisco García Ucha Titulo:

Alteraciones del sueño de movimientos oculares rápidos en portadores presintomáticos del gen de la ataxia espinocerebelosa tipo 2. Roberto Rodríguez-Labrada; Luis Velázquez-Pérez; Nalia Canales Ochoa; José M. Laffita-Mesa; Lourdes Galicia Polo; Reyes Haro Valencia; Jacqueline Medrano Montero; Luis E. Almaguer Mederos; Yanetza González Zaldívar; Arnoy Peña Acosta; Tania Cruz Mariño Titulo:

Eficacia de la rehabilitación neuropsicológica mediante el empleo de recursos informáticos. MsC. Elízabeth Fernández Martínez; DrCs. Jorge Bergado Rosado; DrC. María Luisa Bringas Vega; Tec. Sonia Salazar Santana; Lic. Daymí Rodríguez Pérez; MsC. Maydané Torres Aguilar Titulo:

El diagnóstico de la disfunción ejecutiva en el niño muy bajo al nacer. DrC. Anai Guerra Labrada; DrC. Luis F. Herrera Jiménez; DrC. Pedro Fernández Olazábal; Lic. Maday Morales Bernal

NeuPsyCo 2013, La Habana - Cuba


Cuestionarios para la Evaluación Clínica en Neuropsiquiatría a la luz del DSM-5. Antonio J. Caballero Moreno. MD. PhD. Titulo:

Programa de prevención el deterioro cognitivo en adultos mayores Centro Habana, 2007-2011 - Cuba. Dra. Miladys Martin Labrador; Dra. Marisol Monteagudo Torres; Dr. Nelson Gómez Viera; Dra. Marisabel Semanat Martínez; Lic. Israel Perez Vila Titulo:

Interacción de factores genéticos y ambientales en el Autismo. Estudio de caso de gemelos. Dra Leyani Ramos Hernández; Dra Mabel Whilby Santiesteban Titulo:

Deterioro cognitivo leve y demencia: Aspectos epidemiológicos y propuesta de estrategia de intervención. Dr. Ernesto Cruz Menor; Dr. Jose Nelet Rodriguez García; Yunit Hernández Rodríguez Titulo:

Hipersomnio Evaluación clínica y polisomnográfica. Dra. Msc. Justa Elizabeth González Naranjo, Especialista en Neurofisiología Clínica Titulo:

Caracterización de los trastornos cognitivos en mujeres con dependencia alcohólica. Servicio de adicciones, 2013 – 2015. Dra. Amaray Cabrera Muñoz; Dr. C.M. Antonio J. Caballero Moreno; Dr. Mario Raúl Carballoso Acosta

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