CN: November 18, 2020

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November 18, 2020

Giving back to the homeless

Around Town

COMMUNITY VOICES By Dr. Art McCoy . Pg. 2 New monthly charity raffle STL 50/50 launches in St. Louis Dec. 1. Pg. 3 Gittemeier House to host private holiday house tour. Pg. 4 Ferguson Winter Market open monthly through April. Pg. 4

Special Section Senior Living. Pg. 6-7

Features (FLIP) Submitted photos

Left and bottom: Recipients of a backpack from BACK@YOU, a nonprofit that distributes backpacks specially designed for people living on the streets. Top right: BACK@YOU founder Kathy Acre stands with a representative from Restoration House STL.

The nonprofit BACK@YOU makes and distributes backpacks specially designed for people living on the streets By Charlotte Beard Homelessness has not taken a backseat to COVID-19 and neither has the efforts of the organization BACK@YOU. In St. Louis, it may have appeared most common to see distributions of backpacks filled with school supplies to children; however, since 2014 BACK@YOU has been distributing backpacks specially designed for people living on the streets. “We just finished out distribution for 2020,” stated Kathy Acre, Founder and President. “Since we could not risk the health of our volunteers or our homeless guests, my husband and I stuffed all of the backpacks in our basement over the course of three weeks and then had our partners pick them up at various days and times.” This year the nonprofit worked with the following partners to get the backpacks dis-

tributed to the homeless: Mission STL Volunteers, St. Louis Winter Outreach, Calvary M. B. Church, Harbor Community Church, Jefferson Rescue Mission, Places for People, Restoration House STL, Reach Church, Missouri Network for Opiate Reform and Recovery, AmeriCorps St. Louis and Youth In Need. Prior to this year, in addition to partners, volunteers would include adults, families, and teenagers. Acre shared that she kept 15 backpacks to personally hand out throughout this winter. “(Normally) we use volunteers two days out of the year, one weekend,” stated Acre of past years. “On a Saturday at the end of October we have 35-45 volunteers who help us fill over 500 backpacks with thermal socks, a knit hat, ski gloves, knit gloves, water bottle, t-shirt, flashlight, notepads and pen, 18- and

10- hour hand and body warmers, hygiene bags, snack bags, and of course a scarf handmade with love. We (would) then have our nonprofits and winter outreach groups pick up 300 (backpacks) for distribution throughout the winter. The next day, we would have about 100 volunteers at one event location distribute 200 backpacks. There (would be) a process where the volunteers take our guests and help them pick out a backpack according to the scarf they like. They then take them to a long row of tables with new folded hoodies, separated by size and color (just like at the Gap) where they choose one they like.” In addition to Acre’s passion partially driven by a previous career, she shares what inspires her to keep BACK@YOU going. “Knowing that those who are experiencing

Recipe, Movie & Sudoku. Pg. F-1

See ‘HOMELESS’ page 2

SUNDAY Rain 52/37

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CLASSIFIEDS AND HOME & GARDEN. Pg. F-2 /F-3 Moore On Life, Yeggs & Crossword Puzzle. Pg. F-4

Weather FRIDAY Partly Cloudy 72/53 SATURDAY Cloudy 69/49

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