June 2, 2021
North to the future
Around Town Bicentennial Time Capsule needs public’s help to document Missouri history. Pg. 3 Optimist Club of St. Charles awards scholarships. Pg. 4 St. Charles Lions Club Farmers Market returns. Pg. 4
Talulah’s Scents, Décor & More celebrates opening with ribbon cutting . Pg. 7
Photo courtesy Francis Howell School District Members of the Francis Howell School District Board of Education, Superintendent Dr. Nathan Hoven, and Francis Howell North Principal Dr. Nathan Hostetler are shown here at the groundbreaking ceremony held for the new school.
Ground is broken on the new Francis Howell North High School, funded by the $244 million Proposition S bond issue
CLASSIFIEDS AND HOME & GARDEN. Pg. F-2 /F-3 Moore On Life, Yeggs & Crossword. Pg. F-4
By Brett Auten Anticipation and enthusiasm was in the air. With a goal to open to students in the fall of 2023, ground was broken on the new Francis Howell North High School. The project, funded by Proposition S, is expected to cost roughly $90 million and hopes are that the full campus, including athletic fields, will be completed by the end of 2024. At $244 million, Prop S is the largest bond issue in the state of Missouri and the Howell North project is one of more than 100 across the district that will be completed with Prop S funds.
Recipe, Movie & Sudoku. Pg. F-1
“Though work has been going on behind the scenes for months, we are excited to be here at the groundbreaking today to officially mark the start of the new North,” FHSD Superintendent Dr. Nathan Hoven said. In 2020, St. Charles County voters approved Proposition S. The new school will be paid by funds created by Proposition S. Propostion S allows the district to borrow money now to address pressing facility needs. According to the district, the projects funded through Prop S are detailed in the Compre-
hensive Facilities Master Plan (CFMP). The CFMP calls for major updates at the older schools in the district, including Henderson, Fairmount, Becky-David, Hollenbeck and Barnwell. Nearly 80 percent of county voters approved the proposition, which did not include a tax rate increase. It is the largest bond issue in Missouri history. “We would not be here without the tireless See ‘FUTURE’ page 2
Serving St. Louis, St. Charles and Lincoln Counties | FREE Online at mycnews.com | Vol.23 No. 22 | 636-379-1775
Weather FRIDAY Partly Cloudy 84/65 SATURDAY Partly Cloudy 87/69 SUNDAY Partly Cloudy 88/70
Around Town
June 2, 2021 • Community News - St. Charles County • www.mycnews.com
‘FUTURE’ from cover efforts of our PTOs, boosters, friends, and the Citizens for Francis Howell committee who spearheaded the effort to pass Prop S,” FHSD board member Mary Lange said. “Today, the future of our facilities looks bright for our students and our district, and none of this would have been possible without the commitment and expertise of so many dedicated volunteers across the district. To the teachers, principals and staff members who went above and beyond – off the clock – to help, thank you. And to the Citizens for Francis Howell committee, thank you.” North High School opened in 1981 as Henderson Middle School. In the decades that followed, there were six additional phases with no single master plan guiding the placement of additions. According to the district, the result is a building structure that presents challenges for the appropriate supervision of students and creates potential student and staff safety issues. The current FHN has a variety of roof structures and HVAC systems. The ceiling leaks despite patching and implementing different roof surfaces. Mold has been an ongoing problem along with many other major systems, like HVAC, plumbing, and electrical, have reached the end of their useful life and are so old that it is now difficult to find spare parts when systems break down. The new high school will be built on the southwest part of the current property while students still use the old school. The plan is to build a new comprehensive high school that is comparable to the other high schools in FHSD. The district encompasses over 150 square miles in the southeast corner of St. Charles County and is one of the largest school districts in Missouri. The cities within the district’s boundaries include St. Peters, Cottleville, Weldon Spring, Harvester, New Melle, southern portions of St. Charles City, and eastern parts of O’Fallon. The district currently provides education for an estimated 18,000 students preschool through twelfth grade, and an additional 8,000 students in its early childhood education programs.
Photo courtesy Francis Howell School District The Francis Howell North High School administrative team is shown here at the groundbreaking ceremony held for the new school. The goal is to have the new Francis Howell North opened by 2023.
Treat dad and make memories at Boone Home Father’s Day Grill Out June 19 Is the dad in your life also a history buff? If so, he’ll love our Father’s Day Grill Out June 19 at The Historic Daniel Boone Home at 1868 Highway F in Defiance. Guests will enjoy prepackaged pulled pork sandwiches, root beer floats in souvenir glass mugs, and receive a coupon for a half price tour of the Boone Home to use that day or on a future visit. At this popular outdoor event, there will be two sessions for lunch under The Grand Pavilion in the park: 11 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. and 1 – 2:30 p.m. Attendance is limited to 50 guests at each session. Participants of all ages are invited to tour the scenic village grounds before or after lunch, where history interpreters will
guide them in popular activities from Daniel Boone’s era, such as townball, tomahawk throwing and crosscut sawing. A keepsake tomahawk will be raffled off at each session by St. Charles County Parks staff. Tickets for the raffle are $1 each or six for $5 and can be purchased under The Grand Pavilion; guests must be present to win. Tickets are $8 per person and all ages are welcome; pre-registration is required. Children four and under must be registered to receive a meal ticket. To make a reservation, contact the park at 636-798-2005 or visit http://bit.ly/2021FathersDayGrillOut to register online.
Wentzville School District hosts ‘Drive the Bus’ hiring event This summer, the Wentzville School District Transportation Department will host ‘Drive the Bus', a unique recruitment and hiring event. At ‘Drive the Bus,’ participants will have an opportunity to learn about a career in student transportation at the Wentzville School District during a brief presentation. Afterward, participants will be given an opportunity to drive the bus while accompanied by a trainer who will provide guidance and support on a closed course. Participants who wish to pursue an employment opportunity as a bus driver or bus aide will be invited to fill out an online ap-
plication and participate in an on-the-spot interview. The WSD’s Drive the Bus Event will be held on June 18 and June 19 at the Wentzville School District Transportation Department, located at 100 Logistics Center Drive in Wentzville. Interested applicants are asked to RSVP by June 16. Visit wentzville.k12.mo.us/Page/9853 to RSVP online or call 636-3273860. All participants must be at least 21 years old and have a current valid driver’s license.
www.mycnews.com • Community News - St. Charles County • June 2, 2021
Around Town
Celebrate largest national Go Skate- New Sunset Fridays season begins with virtual boarding Day in region June 19 At performances on SPTVnow.net Kinetic Park Each week through July 9, SPTVnow.net will unwind after a long week. 2019 brought hisGet ready to set your skateboard, roller blades, bike, or scooter in motion. The St. Charles County Parks and Recreation Department is hosting the region’s largest national Go Skateboarding Day celebration from 12–5 p.m., June 19, at Kinetic Park (formerly Youth Activity Park) at 7801 Town Square Avenue in Dardenne Prairie. Kinetic Park is home to the largest outdoor skatepark in Missouri and the 33,000-square-foot state-of-the-art course is the place to be to celebrate. Guests of all ages are invited to attend this free event where skateboarding participants can show off their best moves for a chance to win a variety of prizes. The day includes tons of outdoor fun, demonstrations and contests, and giveaways from Wood and Wheels Skate Shop in O’Fallon. Spectators are encouraged to attend. After the celebration, guests are invited to stay and enjoy the park until it closes at 10 p.m. The park’s course is open to skateboards, roller blades, bikes, and scooters. It features nighttime lighting; beginner, intermediate and advanced bowls with several roll-in features; a street course with trick rails; and a snake run scattered with ramps, gaps and hubbas. A helmet and parent-signed waiver are required to participate. Children under 12 years of age or not in the 6th grade must be accompanied by an adult. The park also features the nation’s largest asphalt pump track, a 30-foot indoor rock climbing wall, sand volleyball court, halfcourt basketball, tetherball, game room, and café, which will be open during the event. Admission to the park and activities are free. For a schedule of activities, list of park rules, or to download a participation waiver, please contact Kinetic Park at 636-561-4964 or visit sccmo.org/KineticPark.
air a new Sunset Fridays “On the Road” performance from Sunset Studios, so kick back, relax, and enjoy fresh local music every weekend. Other featured artists in the lineup include Pete Sigmund, Jackson Stokes, and Acoustik Element. Each artist will be featured twice, with a unique setlist for each concert. Each concert will air live on SPTVnow.net as well as on Charter Spectrum channel 992 and AT&T U-Verse channel 99. After their air dates, each concert will be available for anyone to view at any time on demand at SPTVnow.net. Since 2013, St. Peters has provided live, local music to thousands each year through the free Sunset Fridays concert series. Even in the face of huge obstacles, the Sunset Fridays tradition continues so everyone has the perfect way to
Bicentennial Time Capsule needs public’s help to document Missouri history The Missouri Bicentennial Time Capsule is seeking submissions from clubs, schools, community groups, businesses and government agencies to commemorate Missouri’s bicentennial this year. The deadline to submit to the time capsule is Aug. 10, Missouri Statehood Day. All Missouri-based profit and nonprofit organizations are eligible to participate. The time capsule is sponsored by the State Historical Society of Missouri and the Saint Louis Ambassadors with a goal to collect items that document Missouri’s past, present and future. The two organizations are asking for public participation in this project. Organizations and businesses are invited to participate by contributing three items: one to represent their past, one to represent their present, and a note to future Missourians. Items should measure no larger than 8.5 x 14 inches – i.e., no larger than legal size paper – and combined be no more than a quarter-inch thick. All submissions need to be in printed form and not electronic. An online registration form on missouri2021.org is required for all submissions and items should be mailed to the following address: The State Historical Society of Missouri, Attn: Time Capsule, 605 Elm Street, Columbia, MO 65201. All participants will be notified of their successful submission and receive a certificate for participating in the time capsule. Contributions will be accepted through Aug. 10, and an event to commemorate the time capsule will be held Aug. 27 in St. Louis. Once sealed, the time capsule will be housed at the State Historical Society of Missouri until Aug. 10, 2046, when it will be reopened and shared with the public 25 years later.
toric flooding at the 370 Lakeside Park venue. Instead of cancelling, fans followed the series “On the Road” as it toured locations around St. Peters. Last year, the shows brought virtual entertainment during the COVID-19 pandemic on SPTVnow.net. This year is starting out inside St. Peters’ Sunset Studios for eight great virtual performances before a planned return to 370 Lakeside Park. Sunset Fridays’ first on-ground performance in 2021 is planned for Aug. 20. This will be the first of four concerts at the Corporate Pavilion on Fridays through Sept. 10. The list of entertainers will be published soon. For a full schedule of Sunset Fridays “On the Road” virtual concerts, visit www.stpetersmo.net/sunset.
Around Town
June 2, 2021 • Community News - St. Charles County • www.mycnews.com
Optimist Club of St. Charles awards scholarships
Submitted photo (From left) Bob Beckman, president-elect of the Optimist Club of St. Charles, stands with Isabell Boschert (Duchesne), Sam Papin (SCWest), Claire Mosher (SCHS), Conner Asbell (SCHS) and Mike Ebert - Event Chairman. Unable to attend the award ceremony were, Hannah Baune (Orchard Farm) and Erin Turner (Lutheran- SC).
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The Optimist Club of St. Charles awarded scholarships to six high school seniors at the Annual Awards Ceremony on May 18. The awardees and their parents were guests at the regular Optimist Club noon meeting. This year’s awardees are: Conner Asbell – St. Charles H.S.; Isabelle Boschert – Duchesne H.S.; Hannah Braune – Orchard Farm H.S; Claire Mosher – St. Charles H.S.; Sam Papin – St. Charles West H.S.; Erin Turner – Lutheran St. Charles H.S. Event chairman, Mike Ebert, introduced each student, shared their high school and community accomplishments, their
plans for college and intended field of study. “Friend of Youth” is our organization’s motto and it was an honor for our members to be “friends” with these outstanding young people. Club president-elect, Bob Beckman, expressed his appreciation for the efforts of the students, parents and the educational programs offered by the St. Charles School District, the Orchard Farm District, Duchesne High School and Lutheran High School-St. Charles. The St. Charles Community can be proud of the efforts of the local schools to prepare their students for the future.
FZSD hosting job fair Fort Zumwalt School District is hosting a job fair for a wide variety of job categories. Interested parties should register now to make their appointment for an interview with a member of the district administrative team. Slots are available from 4 - 7 p.m., June 9. All candidates must pre-register for the in-person interviews, to be held at DuBray Middle School at 100 DuBray Dr. in St. Peters. No walk-up candidates will be interviewed. The district is the largest public employer in St.
Charles County and offers employer-paid health, dental, vision and life insurance to full-time employees. Candidates interested in part-time opportunities have several options, including a ninemonth schedule that allows employees to work school hours on school days. This schedule eases childcare needs for young families during the school year and offers summers off. Learn more at fz.k12.mo.us/work_for_FZSD or make an appointment for your interview today atbit.ly/2SOo6mo
St. Charles Lions Club Farmers Market returns
May 22 was the opening day for the St. Charles Lions Club Farmers Market. This annual Farmers Market takes place at the Foundry Art Centre parking lot and will now occur every Saturday through the month of October. The Lions Club has sponsored this event for over forty years and, each year, has provided fresh produce, baked goods, and homemade treasures to visitors and residents of St. Charles, along with entertainment and live music. The St. Charles Fire Department also gets involved and will bring their fire truck on the last Saturday of each month. Firefighters will be
speaking on fire safety and providing tours of the fire truck for children in attendance. Master Gardeners from the University of Missouri will also be in attendance. Master Gardeners are volunteer horticulturists that provide in-depth training to help others learn how to grow their own gardens. These experienced gardeners will be at the St. Charles Farmers Market on the last Saturday of every month. Stop by the St. Charles Farmers Market on Saturdays, 7 a.m. to noon, at the Foundry Art Centre at 520 N Main Center in St. Charles.
www.mycnews.com • Community News - St. Charles County • June 2, 2021
Wentzville students named finalists at International DECA competition
Photos courtesy Wentzville School District (Left) Arthi Kondapaneni from Liberty High School took second place in Principles of Marketing at the International DECA Career Development Conference. Center) From Timberland High School, Sydney Tucker and Nolan Tucker took eighth place in Business Services Operations Research at the International DECA Career Development Conference. (Right) From Timberland High Schoo,l Ashley Reiter and Regan Hilleman placed in the Top 20 in Buying and Merchandising Operations Research at the International DECA Career Development Conference.
Five WSD marketing students were named finalists at the International DECA Career Development Conference held virtually April 22-27 this year due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Arthi Kondapaneni from Liberty High School took second place in Principles of Marketing. From Timberland High School, Sydney Tucker and Nolan Tucker took eighth place in Business Services Operations Research, and Ashley Reiter and Regan Hilleman placed in the Top 20 in Buying and Merchandising Operations Research. Students earned the opportunity to compete at the International Conference by placing at the State Conference, held virtually earlier this spring. Forty WSD students from Holt, Liberty and Timberland qualified to compete at the DECA International Career Develop-
ment Conference. Kondapaneni is the first to be named a Finalist, and the first International winner for Liberty DECA. “We are extremely proud of Arthi and her success in her first year as a DECA member. She has worked very hard this year for this achievement,” shared Liberty DECA sponsor Robyn Taylor. “Arthi competed with over 100 students at the International level for the first round of competition, scoring in the top 15 on her exam and then became Top 20 in the finals to continue in the competition. We can’t wait to see what next year brings for Arthi and Liberty DECA.” Holt DECA is sponsored by Jolene Wofford, and Timberland DECA is sponsored by Michael Oliva. Nearly 13,000 DECA members from
WSD students selected to attend American Legion Boys State Eight students from the Wentzville School District have been selected to attend the American Legion Boys State of Missouri. The American Legion Boys State of Missouri is an eight-day, hands-on experience in the operation and fundamentals of government, and draws together the best and brightest high school students to help lead them down the path in individual success and leadership. Since its inception in 1938, Missouri Boys State has provided over 40,000 high school students with the privilege of attending this practical laboratory in citizenship and leadership training. Those selected to attend from Holt High School are Ethan Dunsworth and Dylan Powers-Cody. Those selected from Liberty High School include Bret Stuerman and Brennen Kohlman. Those selected from Timberland High School include Kamden Hill, Tyler Powell, Nathan Smith and Marshall Wiater. The 81st session of Missouri Boys State is scheduled to be held on the campus of the University of Central Missouri (UCM) June 12-19. Local sponsors include American Legion Post 323, the Wentzville Community Club, the Wentzville Rotary Club, and the Timberland All-Sports Boosters Club.
around the world competed during the virtual conference. Students competed as individuals or teams in a variety of categories and presented case study solutions and presentations through recorded videos, with approximately the top 20 competitors in each event earning the opportunity to deliver a final presentation in a virtual meeting with a business or industry professional. DECA’s industry-validated compet-
itive events are aligned with National Curriculum Standards in the career clusters of marketing, business management, finance, and hospitality and tourism. DECA prepares emerging leaders and entrepreneurs for careers in marketing, finance, hospitality and management in high schools and colleges around the globe. For more information, visit www.deca.org.
June 2, 2021 • Community News - St. Charles County • www.mycnews.com
BCI observes 10 years of serving adults with disabilities in Lincoln County
Rabies (1 Year) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $12 Rabies (3 Year) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $20 St. Charles Co. License . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $6 (Not Neutered or Spayed) . . . . . . . . . . . . . $12 DHPP (Dog Vacc) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $20 RCP (Cat Vacc) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $20 Heartworm Test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $28
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Boone Center, Inc. (BCI) – a nonprofit that improves the lives of adults with disabilities through employment opportunities – recently celebrated the 10th anniversary of its facility in Moscow Mills. The facility currently employs 44 adults and opened on May 16, 2011, with 21 charter employees – seven of which still work there today. “We are so proud of this this team and facility,” said BCI CEO Troy Compardo. “In its first decade, 124 people have experienced how working can positively affect their lives. What they do is important too, packaging and assembling products for national brands.” In addition to jobs at its Moscow Mills facility, Lincoln County residents with disabilities may also choose BCI for employment services, vocational training and follow-along services in order to secure competitive employment in the community.
Submitted photo Pictured at the anniversary event are BCI team members, executives, and board members as well as community dignitaries including Moscow Mills Mayor Patrick Flannigan and Community Opportunities Executive Director Mary Sullivan-Thomas. Other special guests included Wayne Summers of the Moscow Mills Lion’s Club and former BCI Program Manager Jessica White.
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“While our main facility is in St. Charles County, our employment services are not limited,” said BCI Skills Center Executive Director Todd Streff. “This year, we welcomed the first Skills Center students from Lincoln County. After targeted training and soft skill development, they advance into full-time, competitive jobs with hourly wages starting as high as $16.” CARF International has accredited all of BCI’s programs and services. This assures quality with a focus on the satisfaction of those served. “We are committed to innovative employment opportunities for people with disabilities,” Compardo said. “Celebrating this milestone in Lincoln County reminds us how far we’ve come and how much more we can do to inspire and support these very able individuals.”
Talulah’s Scents, Décor & More celebrates opening with ribbon cutting Talulah’s Scents, Décor & More commemorated its opening with a ribbon-cutting ceremony on May 21. Located at 5501 St. Charles Street in Cottleville, Talulah’s offers candles, home décor, and men’s grooming items, including mustache and beard products. The store is owned by two-time cancer survivor Jerrilyn Smelser. “I am beyond excited, blessed, and honored to have a place that I pray blesses and comforts customers when they step foot into my store,” said Smelser. The store features comfortable and inviting seating areas where community members can relax, or sit and talk awhile. Smelser says she is planning annual contests and promotions, including a men’s beard and mustache contest. She also plans to “pink out” the store during the month of October, and “lend our love, giving, and help” to members of the community
Submitted photo
who are battling breast cancer. “I am a lover of Cottleville and I am overjoyed to become a part of reviving Historic Old Cottleville,” said Smelser. “Thank you to the Cottleville-Weldon Spring Chamber for all of your help, encouragement and excitement in getting my store going.”
www.mycnews.com • Community News - St. Charles County • June 2, 2021
The Wellness Connection launches new giveback program The Wellness Connection, a premier natural health care center in O’Fallon, is launching a new giveback program involving a St. Louis nonprofit, Ten by Three. The Wellness Connection’s giveback efforts will focus on purchasing “blessing baskets” through Ten by Three with every new patient visit, either virtual or in-person (U.S. patients only). The new patients will then receive a basket as a welcome gift. “We’re proud to start giving back to such an inspirational nonprofit organization by partnering with Ten by Three,” said Dr. Bryan Joseph, co-owner of The Wellness Connection. “It’s our hope for us to weave the world with wellness together through their blessing baskets, ultimately assisting them in their mission to reduce poverty.” These one-of-a-kind baskets are handmade by artisans in developing countries, such as Bangladesh, Ghana, Indonesia, Kenya, Madagascar, Papua New Guinea, Uganda, and Togo, who are paid a fair wage for their work. With every basket purchased, Ten by Three uses their Prosperity Wages model to pay their artisans. This portion of the profit is significantly higher than fair trade
wages, in some countries reaching more than six times fair trade. The Ten by Three Prosperity Wages model ensures that the nonprofit’s artisans are paid more for their products than by anyone in the world. The idea is to empower entrepreneurial minded artisans by providing them access to the global market and access to sufficient wealth to start their businesses. Prosperity wage earnings are paid to the artisan right in their home village, which means they never go searching for a market. These are paid in full for the artisan’s products at the time they are collected. Never does an artisan wait for their products to sell in order to get paid. The Wellness Connection’s goal is to work together with new patients to address their health concerns and get them back to optimal health – all while helping to make the world a better place. To receive a “blessing basket,” new patients must schedule an appointment online or call 636-9780970 to make an appointment. Blessing baskets are available to new patients in the United States only.
West Community Credit Union announces 2021 scholarship winners
Submitted photo West Community Credit Union has announced its 2021 scholarship winners. This year’s recipients are: Vanessa Palmero (Fort Zumwalt West High School), Benjamin Greiner (Brentwood High School), Rossana Rojas (Parkway South High School), Neleh Hopper (Clayton High School) and Andrew Hartle (Northwest High School).
West Community Credit Union has announced its 2021 scholarship winners. This year’s recipients are: Vanessa Palmero (Fort Zumwalt West High School), Benjamin Greiner (Brentwood High School), Rossana Rojas (Parkway South High School), Neleh Hopper (Clayton High School) and Andrew Hartle (Northwest High School). 2021 marks the 26th year West Community Credit Union has given out scholarships to well deserving high school seniors. “Each year we are amazed at the quality of the candidates. Every application is filled with merit,
community service and exceptional recommendation letters from teachers and community leaders, says Lori Hudson, Community Outreach Specialist at West Community. “It’s challenging to narrow it down to the final five, which is a good testament to the potential of our future work force!” West Community Credit Union scholarships are awarded base on a short essay, financial need, GPA, curriculum, recommendations and extracurricular activities. Applications are available in January each year.
What’s Happening
June 2, 2021 • Community News - St. Charles County • www.mycnews.com
Take Notice . . .
Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays: Fitness First Exercise Class
Tuesdays: Optimist Club meeting
The events listed in this section are the latest updates as of press time, please check with individual sites for the most up to date cancellations and reschedule info.
9:30-10:30 a.m., American Legion Hall, 504 Luetkenhaus Blvd., Wentzville. 314-369-6521.
The St. Charles Optimist Club meets Tuesdays at noon at Pio’s Restaurant. For more information contact Jack Ross at 314-287-0569 or jack-ross@att.net.
Mondays and Thursdays: Bridge
Tuesdays: Cribbage
EVENTS May 29: Virtual concert
The Choral Arts Singers presents their virtual spring video concert “An American Quilt” (three traditional folksongs) and “Until We Sing Again.” Video recordings will be available at www.concertarts.org on May 29 for Memorial Day weekend. Please visit the website, or Facebook “Choral Arts Singers” for the video links and donation options.
June 16: Historical presentation
Join the interpreters of First Missouri State Capitol State Historic Site at 200 S. Main in St. Charles at 7 p.m. when they host authors Vicki Berger Erwin and James W. Erwin and explore crimes, criminals and victims from the violent history of the last 200 years in the Show-Me State.
June 27: Golf tournament
Mondays: Take off Pounds Sensibly
TOPS meet every Monday at Holy Cross Lutheran Church at 8945 Veterans Memorial Hwy in O’Fallon. Meetings at 9:30 a.m. with weigh in beginning at 8:30 a.m. For more information please call Linda Wilcox at 636-4479056.
Mondays: Parent support group
Because I Love You, (BILY), Gateway parent support group meets every Monday at 7:30 p.m. at First United Methodist Church at 801 First Capitol Dr. in St. Charles. For information and directions, please contact the helpline at 314-993-7550 or email gateway_parent_help@yahoo.com. BILY is a program of self-help for parents of troubled children (all ages). We are not professionals, but parents helping each other. The meetings are free to attend.
Jr. Service League of St. Charles County will host a golf tournament fundraiser at the Golf Club of Incline Village in Foristell. Professional score keeping is always provided. A four person scramble with a shotgun start at 1 p.m. The cost will be $95 per person that includes lunch at noon and a steak dinner following play. Drink tickets will be distributed. Attendance prizes will be awarded. For more information contact Carol Weaver at 636-639-1497 or stevetheweave1@juno.com.
Mondays: NAMI St. Louis Con nection Recovery Support Group
Sept. 25: Craft fair
Mondays: Seasoned eye carvers meeting
Tri County Citizens Advisory Board to Probation and Parole, Probation and Parole District 17, Missouri Department of Correction invites you to their eighth annual Christmas in September Craft Fair at Calvary Church at 3998 Mid Rivers Mall Drive from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Crafters are needed for more information please contact Esther Angelos at marlofan@charter.net or 636-4410329 or 314-477-5096.
ONGOING EVENTS Mondays: Optimist Club meetings
The Wentzville/Lake St. Louis Optimist Club meets on the second and fourth Monday of each month at 6:30 p.m. at the Wentzville IHOP, 10 Layla Lane, Wentzville, MO.. For more information contact Ed Jurotich at 314-560-1868.
Mondays: Take off Pounds Sensibly
Take off Pounds Sensibly (TOPS) meets every Monday from 9:30 - 10:30 a.m. Weigh-ins begin at 8:30 a.m. We meet at Memorial Hall in Blanchette Park at 1900 Randolph St. in St. Charles. For more information contact Joyce at 636206-5306.
If you have mental health concerns and need support, please come on Mondays at 6:30 p.m. at Friedens United Church of Christ at 1703 Old Highway 94 South in St. Charles.
Mondays: Alcoholics Anonymous
If you want to drink, that’s your business. If you want to stop, we can help. Call Alcoholics Anonymous at 636970-0013.
Meetings are held from 9 to 11 a.m. at the St. Charles Senior Citizens Center at 1455 Fairgrounds (near the Bass Pro Shop). Visitors are always welcome. For more information visit http://www. stcharlesareawoodcarvers.com/ or contact Charles Sapp at cwsapp@charter. net.
Mondays: practice
Choral Arts Singers
Choral Arts Singers resume practice on Mondays, at 7 p.m. at Transfiguration Episcopal Church, 1860 Lake St. Louis Blvd. in Lake St. Louis. New singers are welcome. Auditions are not required. See www.concertarts.org.
Mondays: St. Charles County Council of the Blind meetings
Business meetings are held on the first Monday of each month unless otherwise specified. Currently, during the COVID pandemic, meetings are held via conference call, starting at 6:45 pm. For more information, contact Beverly Kaskadden at 636-561-6947.
Mondays: St. Peters Rotary Club
Noon at St. Peters City Hall, One St. Peters Centre Blvd. www.stpetersrotary. org.
St. Peters Senior Center plays bridge from 9 a.m. to noon on Monday and Thursdays, and would love to have any player, regardless of skill level, to join in. Call Mary Ann at 636-397-0866 if you are interested in playing on Monday or Thursday morning.
Mondays: American Legion Post 388 Meets
Meets the fourth Monday of the month at 6:30 p.m. at American Legion Hall, 607 Westridge Dr., O’Fallon, 636-2190553.
Mondays: Measurement Mondays:
10 a.m. - 12 noon at the ST. Charles Health Deparment in the Upper Level Conference room. Measurement Mondays is a family-friendly breastfeeding support group. We are open to all moms and moms-to-be who are breastfeeding or interested in breastfeeding. The group is supported by the St Charles County WIC program so there will be information about the program available at each meeting. Each meeting will be a little different than the last. There will be baby weigh-ins, introductions, games, interactive education, group conversation, and even snacks.
Mondays and Wednesdays: Tai Chi for arthritis class
Every Monday and Wednesday a Tai Chi for arthritis class, sponsored by the city of St. Charles Parks and Recreation, takes place from 9:15 - 10 a.m. at Webster Park across from the Family Arena. This is a class that is taught nationally to manage arthritis and to prevent falls. For more information call 636-9493372.
Tuesdays: Women’s AA weekly meeting
Candlelighters Women in Recovery meets every Tuesday at 7 p.m. at Dardenne Prairie Presbyterian Church (enter at Adam Lamb pre-School, turn left) at 7400 South Outer 364 at the corner with Bryan Road.
Tuesdays: Cribbage Club
Meets every Tuesday, 12:30 – 3:30 p.m. at The Falls Golf Course Clubhouse. Relaxed, friendly play and is open to all. Call 314-779-6892 for more information.
Tuesdays: Seniors group
Please join us on the third Tuesday of each month from 11 a.m. - 2 p.m. for a gathering for senior adults. There will be lunch (no charge), cards and bingo (no charge), community program referrals, occasional health and wellness presentations and clergy available upon request. The event takes place at Church of the Transfiguration at1860 Lake St. Louis Blvd. in Lake Saint Louis. For more information call 636-561-8951.
Looking for an evening out? Come and play cribbage Tuesdays at 6 p.m. at Rookies at 15358 Veterans Memorial Pkwy in Wentzville. Win prizes and awards with semiannual tournaments. ACC sanctioned. For more information contact Dee at 636-233-8032.
Tuesdays: Cottleville Spring Kiwanis Club
Cottleville Weldon Spring Kiwanis Club meets the first Tuesday of the month at 6:00 p.m. and the third Tuesday of the month at 11 a.m. Both meetings are at Rack House Kitchen Wine Whiskey. New club looking for new members who want to better our community. Contact Christy at 314-583-0538.
Tuesdays: Diabetes support group
A diabetes support group meets on the fourth Tuesday of each month except November and December from 6:30 - 7:30 p.m. at 400 Medical Plaza, Suite 102 in Lake St. Louis. A new speaker each month. Questions? Call Amanda Meyer at 636-625-5447.
Tuesdays: Kiwanis Club of St. Charles
12:05 p.m. at Ginghams Homestyle Restaurant, 1566 Country Clcub Plaza Drive, in St. Charles. Kiwanis is a global organization of volunteers dedicated to improving the world one child and one community at a time. The group is looking for new members who want to better our community and help its youth. If you are interested in making a positive impact in St. Charles for generations to come, please come for lunch. For more information call 636-206-2483. You can also visit http://stcharleskiwanis.com.
Tuesdays: Quilting Guild at the O’Fallon Family YMCA 1-4 p.m. Free. Quilt for local charities. No sewing experience required.
Tuesdays: Toastmasters Meeting
7 p.m. at the Midwest Bank Centre Board Room at 2299 Technology Blvd., O’Fallon, MO 63368. Info: 636-3792505.
Tuesdays: St. Louis Chapter of the Alzheimer’s Association Male Caregiver Experience
The group meets on third Tuesday of every month from 10-11:30 a.m. at the Alzheimer’s Chapter Office at 9370 Olive Blvd. For more information about Alzheimer’s disease, support, or the Male Caregiver Experience, please call the Alzheimer’s Association’s 24/7 Helpline at 800-272-3900 or visit www. alz.org/stl. Registration is requested before the first meeting.
Tuesdays: Social club for widows and widowers
On the first and third Tuesday of each month a social club for widows and widowers meets at 7 p.m. at St. John’s United Church of Christ at Fifth and
Jackson Streets in St. Charles. On the first Tuesday there are refreshments and on the third Tuesday there is either a speaker or entertainment. The group also goes to breakfast, lunch and dinner monthly, and has a pot luck dinner each month.
Tuesdays: Monthly veterans coffee
Veterans from all branches of service are invited to the Wentzville Green Lantern Senior Center at 506 S. Linn Ave. in Wentzville on the second Tuesday of each month from 9 – 10:30 a.m. for coffee, pastries and camaraderie. Come meet with fellow veterans who served our country and share your experience.
Tuesdays: NAMI St. Louis Connection Recovery Support Group
If you have mental health concerns and need support, please come on the third Tuesday of each month at 7 p.m. at Grace United Church of Christ at 8326 Mexico Rd. in St. Peters.
Tuesdays: NAMI St. Louis Family Support Group
If you have a family member or friend who is having mental health concerns there is a support group for you. It meets on the third Tuesday of each month at 7 p.m. at Grace United Church of Christ at 8326 Mexico Rd. in St. Peters.
Tuesdays: Dardenne Presbyterian Church Basketball
8-9:30 p.m., in the Christian Life Center, 7400 South Outer 364 in Dardenne Prairie. Open to high school and adult men.
Tuesdays: Central Missouri Railroad Association meeting
This unique organization is for railroad modelers, railfans, photographers and railroad retirees with layouts in O, HO, N hoping to add G scales. Meetings are on second Tuesdays of the month from 7 to 9 p.m. at the Warrenton Masonic Lodge. For more info call 636-279-5522 or 636-456-0776 or visit our Facebook page.
Tuesdays: Cancer support group
Cancer Companions Support Group is a support group for any cancer patient in treatment or post treatment, their caregiver and their loved ones that meets on the second Tuesday of each month at Dardenne Presbyterian Church at 7400 South Outer 364 in Dardenne Prairie at 7 p.m. in the parlor. Registration is not required.
Tuesdays: O’Fallon Garden Club
Meets at 6:30 p.m. on the fourth Tuesday of the month at Sunrise Methodist Church, 7116 Twin Chimney Blvd. Info: Barb at 636.978.5930. Club does not meet in August or November.
Tuesdays: St. Charles American Legion Post 312 spaghetti dinner.
5pm, St. Charles American Legion Post 312, 2500 Raymond Drive in St. Charles on the last Tuesday of the month. $6 per person. For more information call Post 312 at 636-947-7666.
www.mycnews.com • Community News - St. Charles County • June 2, 2021 Tuesdays and Thursdays: Tai Chi at the St. Charles County Family YMCA 10:15-11:15 a.m. No experience necessary. 636-928-1928.
Tuesdays and Thursdays: Get Fit Exercise Classes 9-10 a.m. at Immaculate Heart of Mary Church Hall, New Melle. 314-369-6521.
Wednesdays: Food pantry
Food pantry open Wednesdays to the public from 9:30 to 11:30 a.m. at Cornerstone UMC at 1151 Tom Ginnever Ave. in O’Fallon. Bread, canned goods other necessities.
Wednesdays: St. Charles Area Wood Carvers
Meetings are held from 6:30 – 8:30 p.m. at the Hollenbeck Middle School at 4555 Central School Road in St. Charles. Visitors are always welcome. For more information visit http://www. stcharlesareawoodcarvers.com/ or contact Charles Sapp at cwsapp@charter. net.
Wednesdays: Marine Corp League meeting
On the first Wednesday of each month the St. Charles County Marine Corps League meets at the American Legion 313 old town St. Peters at 7:30 p.m. All Marines and FMF Corpsmen are welcome. For more information visit www. stcharlesmarine.org.
Wednesdays: club
Gateway Bass ‘n Gals all women’s bass club has monthly meetings the first Wednesday of every month at JJ’s Restaurant at 1215 S. Duchesne Dr. in St. Charles at 7 p.m. Women of any fishing level please come and check out our women-only fishing club.
Wednesdays: Crossroads Cribbage Club
Meets at 1380 Boone St., at 12 p.m. in Troy. 636-528-8379.
Wednesdays: Take Off Pounds Sensibly (TOPS)
Take Off Pounds Sensibly meets every Wednesday at 9:30 a.m. in the United Methodist Church at 725 N. Wall St. in Wentzville. TOPS is a national non-profit weight-loss organization that supports its members in attaining their goal weight. There is no cost for the first meeting. All are welcome.
Wednesdays: Men’s Golf League
Wednesdays, April - October. 5 p.m., tee off at 5:30 p.m. at Heritage of Hawk Ridge. For more information, contact the Lake St. Louis Community Association at 636-625-8276.
Wednesdays: Charity Bingo
6:45pm, Doors open at 5 p.m. VFW Post 5077 sponsors, at VFW Hall, 8500 Veterans Mem. Pkwy., O’Fallon. 636272-1945 or www.vfwpost5077.org.
Wednesdays: Yoga at The St. Charles County Family YMCA 6-6:55pm Any level. Info: 636-9281928.
Wednesdays: Hope & Healing
5-6pm, Dardenne Presbyterian Rock Church, 7400 South Outer 364 in Dardenne Prairie on the first Wednesday of the month. Unique service of music, worship, and prayer for those in need of hope and healing.
Wednesdays: St. Charles Area Wood Carvers
7 p.m. – 9 p.m. Meetings are held at the Hollenbeck Middle School at 4555 Central School Road, St. Charles, Missouri on the first and third Wednesday of the month. Visitors are always welcome! For more information check the club web site: www.stcharlesareawoodcarvers.com/ or contact Charles Sapp.
Wednesdays: Take Off Pounds Sensibly
Take Off Pounds Sensibly meets every Wednesday at 10 a.m. in the parish hall of Chapel of the Cross Lutheran Church at 907 Jungermann Rd. in St. Peters. TOPS is a national non-profit weightloss organization that supports its members in attaining their goal weight. There is no cost for the first meeting. All are welcome. Weigh-ins begin at 9 a.m. Contact Judy Bauer at 636-541-2263 for further information.
Thursdays: meeting
On the first Thursday of each month, American Legion Post 323 meets at 7:30 p.m. at the American Legion Hall at 504 Luetkenhaus Blvd. in Wentzville. For more information call 636-3276060.
Thursdays: Lions Club meeting
Wentzville Outreach Lions Club meets the second Thursday of the month at Schnucks at 1960 Wentzville Pkwy in Wentzville at 6 p.m. Contact Jimmy Butler at 314-780-5629 or Lisa Alexander at 314-258-1069 for more information.
Thursdays: TOPS meeting
TOPS (Take Off Pounds Sensibly) Club 661 Wentzville holds meetings every Thursday in room 21 at The United Methodist Church of Wentzville, 725 Wall Street. Weigh ins at 9:30, meetings begin at 10 a.m. For more information call 314-650-1014.
Thursdays: O’Fallon Rotary Club meetings
O’Fallon Rotary Club meets from 7:30 - 8:30 a.m. at Rendezvous Café & Wine Bar at 217 S. Main St. in O’Fallon every Thursday. Visitors are always welcome. For more information, call President, Lisa Muncy at 636-240-0912.
Thursdays: Optimist Club meetings
The O’Fallon Optimist Club meets on the second and fourth Thursday of each month at 7 p.m. at Bank of Old Monroe T.R. Hughes Blvd. in O’Fallon. For more information, contact CyndySchwab at 636-544-0102.
Thursdays: Lions Club meetings
St. Charles Lions Club meets every second and fourth Thursday of the month at 7 p.m. at 1144 S Benton Street in St. Charles. Contact Art for more info at
636-441-1831. New members are welcome.
3rd Thursday: Fleur de Lis Garden Society
Meets third Thursday of the month, 6:30 pm at the McClay Library in St. Charles. Info: www.fleurdelisgardensociety.org;
3rd Thursdays: Vietnam Veterans of America Chapter 458 Meeting
7pm, Amvets Post 106, 360 Brown Rd in St. Peters. Those who served in any branch between 1962 and 1975 are welcome.
Every Thursday: Dardenne Presbyterian Church Quilters
9am-2pm, Dardenne Presbyterian Church, 7400 South Outer 364 in Dardenne Prairie. Members do hand quilting to quilts of any size for donation that is given to various church supported charities. No experience is necessary to join the group. For more information, contact Brenda Kenny at 636.240.3753.
1st and 2nd Thursday: Kiwanis Club of O’Fallon Meets at JJ’s Restaurant in O’Fallon at 12 noon Info: www.ofkiwanis.com.
Every Thursday: Rotary Club meeting 7:30am, The Rendezvous Café at 217 South Main St. in O’Fallon. We welcome existing and potential members to visit and have breakfast with us. www.ofallonmo.rotary-clubs.org
Every Thursday: Active Older Adults Game Day at the O’Fallon Family YMCA 10a.m. - 2 p.m. in the Family Hall. Free for members. Bring a favorite snack to share. Anybody welcome.
2nd and 4th Thursdays: Alexander Chapter #242 Order of the Eastern Star Meetings
7:30pm, St. Charles Masonic Lodge, 2051 Collier Corporate Parkway in St. Charles.
3rd Thursday of each month: Vietnam Veterans of America Chapter 458 meetings 7pm, Amvets Post 106, 360 Brown Rd in St. Peters.
2nd and 4th Thursdays: Lions Club meetings
St. Charles County Lions Club meets second and fourth Thursday of each month at 7 p.m. at 1144 S Benton in St. Charles. New members welcome.
Every Friday: Moms Play Group
10am at LSL Community Association, 100 Cognac Ct., Lake Saint Louis, MO 63367. 314.479.0306, andreacrislip@ gmail.com or www.lslmothersclub. com.
Every Friday: VFW Fish Fry
3-8pm VFW Post 2866. 66 VFW Lane. Call Bill Sams, 636.724.9612.
Fridays: Bingo
The American Legion Post 312, locat-
What’s Happening
ed at 2500 Raymond Dr. in St. Charles hosts bingo, every Friday night. This is a non-smoking hall with games starting at 6:15 p.m. and includes two progressive bingo games per night. See more at www.alpost312mo.org
Every Saturday: Chess
9-12 at Middendor-Kredell Library on Hwy K.
ent reason? Is your weight affecting the way you live your life? Contact Overeaters Anonymous. No dues. No fees. No weigh-ins. No diets. There are meetings every day of the week. Please call 314638-6070 or email bistateoal@prodigy. net. SUDOKU answers from page F-1
Every Saturday: Veterans Learn guitar for FREE 9:30am in Historic St. Charles. Info: Bill Dennis at 314.479.5750.
Every Saturday: Peaceful Puppy Mill Protest 11am - 12:30pm at Petland, 6131 Ronald Reagan Drive, Lake St. Louis. banmo.puppymills@yahoo.com.
Second and Fourth Saturday of the month: Charitable bingo
Bingo starts at 6:30 p.m., doors open at 4 p.m. at the Wentzville Community Club located at 500 West Main in Wentzville. For more information visit www.wentzvillecommunityclub.com or www.facebook.com/wentzville-community-club
CROSSWORD answers from page F-4
Saturdays: Fruehschoppen Samstag Verein (FSV)
Last Saturday of every month Fruehschoppen Samstag Verein (FSV) meets at 11 a.m. at Bar Louie in St. Charles. Wir treffen uns auf ein Bier (und vielleicht Mittagessen), und geniessen ein Gespräch auf deutsch. We’re meeting for a beer (and maybe lunch), and enjoying a conversation in German. April, June and September meetings are held at different locations. See https://www.facebook.com/groups/472022532983525/
1st & 3rd Saturday: St Peters Square Dance Club Dances
Pre ropund dance fom 7 - 7:30 p.m., dancing from 7:30 - 10 p.m. 1st United Methodist Church, 801 First Capital Dr. www.squaredancemissouri.com/ Missouri/St.Louis
3rd Saturdays: Restore St. Charles Work Day.
8am, Dardenne Presbyterian Church, 7400 South Outer 364 in Dardenne Prairie. Volunteer labor needed to provide the needy in our community with adequate living accommodations. Continental breakfast, safety instructions, and job assignments provided before work begins.
Every Sunday: Wentzville Community Club Flea Market
5:30 a.m.-1pm, 500 West Main St. in Wentzville. For more information, call 636.357.4328.
Sundays: group
Alzheimer’s support
The group meets the second Sunday of the month from 1:00-2:30 pm. Everyone is welcome. We meet at Clarendale Senior Living at 10 Dubray Drive in St. Peters. For more information, please call Nancy Young at 636-875-3457.
Sundays: Overeaters Anonymous
Do you eat when you’re not hungry? Do you go on eating binges for no appar-
Get your event or good news published in Community News: email your information in calendar and article formats to editor@mycnews.com.
June 2, 2021 • Community News - St. Charles County • www.mycnews.com
Sports you see with Gary B . . . Former baseball Cardinals to compete in home run derby The O’Fallon Hoots are members of the Prospect League, playing in the West-Prairie Land division and began play in O’Fallon in May 2020 after relocating from Hannibal, Missouri following the 2019 season. The Hoots announced that former MLB players Jim Edmonds and Rick Ankiel would headline a part of the Home Run Derby on Saturday, June 5 at CarShield Field. “After the year that was 2020, we wanted to start off our summer with an event that got the community excited,” General Manager David Schmoll said. “Having two players of their caliber at CarShield Field will be a great way to kick off the 2021 baseball season.” The Home Run Derby event will begin at 7 p.m. and fans will have the opportunity to purchase limited specialty autograph passes to go on the field to meet and get autographs from Edmonds and Ankiel. The autograph session will run for two hours beginning at 4:30 p.m. Additional players added are Brandon Moss and Adam Kennedy to the MLB Alumni Home Run Derby. Moss played 11 seasons in the Big Leagues including part of the 2015 season and the 2016 campaign with the Cardinals. The Georgia-native hit 160 home runs in his 1016-game MLB career. His three most powerful seasons came from 2012-2014 in Oakland where he hit 76 home runs in that span. Moss hit 32 home runs for the Cardinals during his time with the club. Kennedy broke into the Major Leagues with the Cardinals in 1999 and returned to the Redbirds for two seasons from 2007 and 2008. The California-native spent the majority of his MLB career with the Angels, winning a World Series in 2002. Kennedy retired from baseball in 2014 after a 14-year career where he hit .272 with 80 homers and 1,641 games played. Rounding out the celebrity filled event, will be
the rivalry between the Rizzuto Show and The Fast Lane. The group of on-air talent from FM 105.7 The Point and 101.1 ESPN will join the former St. Louis Cardinals for the event. “The ballpark has had a relationship with The Rizzuto Show for years and we’re excited to continue that tradition,” O’Fallon Hoots and CarShield Field General Manager David Schmoll said. “When we started discussing what we could do together for 2021 and this idea was pitched, it was a no-brainer for both sides. We can’t wait to play host to another competition in this radio rivalry.” While the former Cardinals will go head-tohead with members of the CarShield Collegiate League, The Rizzuto Show and The Fast Lane will compete in a slow pitch softball Home Run Derby throughout the night as well. A full schedule of the derby will be available at www.OfallonHoots.com The Hoots and CarShield Field are committed to providing a safe and responsible environment for friends and families to enjoy entertainment this summer. They will continue to comply with federal, state and local government health mandates and recommendations. ~~~Exciting day of sports
Gary Baute, a St. Louis native, may be educated in business but he lives and breathes sports. As a fan or an athlete, Gary is all sports all the time. He hosted a radio sports program on KFNS, emceed the River City Rascals’ inaugural season, and co-hosted SportsRadioSTL.com, and is currently hosting a Health show on 97.1 FM, ‘Prime Time Health’ www.PrimeTimeSTL. com It broadcasts Saturday nights at 8 and Sunday mornings at 9.
www.mycnews.com • Community News • June 2, 2021
Tolerate hot days with a tasty tart
Fill in the blank squares in the grid, making sure that every row, column and 3-by-3 box includes all the digits 1 through 9.
Strawberry Cream Cheese Tart Serves: 8
Directions: Heat oven to 375 F. To make crust: In food processor, add flour, sugar and salt; pulse until combined. Add butter, egg and vanilla extract; pulse until combined and crumbly. Lightly flour surface then form dough into ball. Slightly flatten to form thick disc. Wrap dough in plastic wrap; refrigerate 1 hour. Flour surface then roll dough to 11-inch circle. Place dough in 9-inch tart pan with removeable bottom. With rolling pin, roll over top to trim excess dough around edges. Ingredients:
1 pound strawberries, halved Filling: 8 ounces reduced-fat cream whipped cream (optional) Crust: cheese 1/4 cup sour cream 1 1/4 cups flour 2 tablespoons extra-fine 1/4 cup granulated sugar 1/4 teaspoon salt sugar 1 tablespoon lemon zest 1/2 cup cold butter, cut into small cubes 1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract 1/2 cup strawberry fruit 1 large egg 1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract spread 3 teaspoons lemon juice uncooked rice (optional)
Cover dough with plastic wrap and freeze until firm, about 30 minutes. Press aluminum foil against crust, covering edges to prevent burning. Fill and distribute uncooked rice evenly. Bake 20 minutes. Cool completely. To make filling: In medium bowl, beat cream cheese, sour cream, sugar, lemon zest and vanilla extract until blended and smooth. Spread cheese mixture evenly over crust. Refrigerate 1 hour. In small bowl, microwave fruit spread and lemon juice, if desired, stirring often. Arrange strawberry halves around tart. Drizzle heated fruit spread over strawberries. Top with whipped cream, if desired.
Find more sweet summer recipes at Culinary.net.
1980’s financial films: greed, bicycles and insider trading
Movie: By Steve Bryan
Born and raised in South St. Louis, Steve Bryan is now based in Anaheim, California, and has been allowed access to movie and television sets to see actors and directors at work. Though his writing has taken him far from St. Louis, Steve is, at heart, still the same wide-eyed kid who spent countless hours watching classic movies at neighborhood theaters.
In 2021, stocks such as GameStop and AMC saw wide swings in their stock prices. The reason was smaller investors putting their money on beaten-down stocks to thwart institutional traders “short-selling” those same securities. A short seller believes that a stock’s price will go down and makes money if that happens, but if the price goes up, they stand to lose money. On May 26, Reuters News reported that short sellers lost $754 million on AMC and GameStop while smaller investors profited. The stock market, bitcoin and other investments are fascinating stuff and, in the 1980’s, theaters played host to a handful of financial-themed films. Eddie Murphy and Dan Aykroyd starred in 1983’s “Trading Places,” a classic comedy featuring one of the best trading floor scenes ever filmed. Aykroyd plays Louis Winthorpe, the managing director for Duke & Duke Commodity Brokers in Philadelphia. As an experiment, the Duke brothers replace the well-groomed Winthorpe with a hustler named Billy Ray Valentine (Eddie Murphy). Valentine gets the big office and paycheck while the pampered Winthorpe is out of work and homeless. “Footloose” star Kevin Bacon trades his
learning the ropes by “cold calling” prospective clients. Bud has his sights set on Gordon Gekko (Michael Douglas), a huge Wall Street player. Gekko, who utters phrases like “Greed is good,” is not quite on the upand-up and draws his young protégé into a world of big money, insider trading and deceit. The 2010 sequel “Money Never Sleeps” focuses on what Gekko is doing after being released from prison. Before teaming up with the aforementioned Charlie Sheen on “Two and a Half Photo courtesy Paramount Pictures Men,” Jon Cryer dabbled in finances during the comedy/drama “Hiding Out.” Cryer dancing shoes for a slick bicycle in “Quicksil- plays Andrew Morenski, a broker who inadver,” an uneven 1980’s drama. Bacon plays Jack vertently becomes involved with mobsters. To Casey, a cocky stock trader who loses money protect himself, Andrew heads to Delaware to for both his company and his loving parents. hopefully stay with his aunt. Re-christening Unemployed and depressed, Jack becomes himself as Maxwell Hauser, Andrew enrolls in a bicycle messenger and is soon surrounded high school and starts a relationship with Ryan by a new group of friends. Jack also takes a Campbell (a charming Annabeth Gish). Those young woman name Terri (Jami Gertz) under mobsters are still looking for him, however. Cryptocurrencies didn’t exist in the 1980’s his wing when she’s targeted by a gang. This film has interesting moments, but Roger Dal- and 401K’s were relatively new at that time, but try singing “Quicksilver Lightning” on the the financial films of the 1980’s still offer an interesting look at stock trading and greed. The soundtrack is its only redeeming quality. “Wall Street,” the “Godfather” of financial Gordon Gekko character was fond of insider films, was released in 1987 but set two years trading and disgraced financier Ivan Boesky earlier. Oliver Stone directs the story of Bud became his real-life counterpart. Greed may Fox (Charlie Sheen), an ambitious stockbroker be good, but 401K’s are lot safer.
June 2, 2021 • Community News • www.mycnews.com
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June 2, 2021 • Community News • www.mycnews.com
John Hanna
Crossword: 1970’s Lyrics
‘Yeggs’ is a comic series about Robert and Bill, two rabbits who have opened their own egg franchise in the Midwest (St. Louis area). We follow their day to day lives, watching as they go about the hectic task of preparing for their one big day every year. Along the way they have adventures filled with fun, comic doings and pathos.
Moore On Life The COVID restrictions have lightened up and just in time. I had a few extra bucks burning a hole in my purse and heaven knows I needed to get out of these old holey PJ’s. A good day of shopping would do. It would be nice to go out without a mask and see the bottom half of people’s faces. I drove to the Shoe-o-Rama store to check out their spring fling sale. After being stuck inside for the last year and only wearing my giant furry cat slippers, it was like the shoe gates to Paradise had opened. Such lovelies everywhere, I grabbed an armful and headed to the checkout counter. That’s when the grilling began. Whatever happened to pay and be on your way? I received more questions than on my SAT test. Clerk: “Did you find everything okay today ma’am?” Me: “Yes, thanks.” “Would you like to add a pair of socks with your purchase? They’re buy-one-get-one free.” “How about I just take the free pair?” Stoney stare then, “Would you like to donate to our, feed the homeless horses, campaign?” “No, I have cats that eat twice as much.” Stoney stare. “Would you like to join our rewards program? Every purchase earns points.” “What do I get for it?” “Umm…points.” “Can I turn those points in for shoes?” Roll of the eyes. “No Silly, it’s just fun to see how many points you can build. So would you like to open a store credit card and save 80%?” “Oh, now that I might do. That would save me so much today.” More giggling. “Sorry, not today. Only on leap year and for merchandise that is mismatched or out of stock.” Stoney stare from me. “Would you like a print or email receipt and
By Cindy Moore
Next question paper or plastic?” “Print and plastic. Can I leave now?” “Almost done, would you like to add a tip today and help fund my future aspirations?” “And just what are your future aspirations?” Blank stare. That’s when I stuck my tongue out at her and realized I wasn’t wearing a mask. I now understand why shopping online is so popular. You bypass all the nonsense from the comfort of your home and don’t have to change out of your old holey PJ’s. Cindy Moore is the mother of three superlative kids, servant of two self-indulgent felines and wife to one nifty husband. Her ficticious occupation? Archeological Humorist: someone who unearths absurdity and hilarity in strange and unusual places including public restrooms, the lint filter, and church meetings. Most recently, she excavated a find in her neighbor’s bird feeder. The opinions expressed in this column are Cindy Moore’s alone and do not reflect the opinion of the owners or staff of Community News.
ACROSS 1. *Carole King: “But you’re ____ ____ away” 6. “I Thee ____” 9. Ring practice 13. Hacienda brick 14. *Billy Joel: “I love you just the way you ____” 15. What speakers do 16. Leg of lamb 17. Styling goo 18. Spooky 19. *Rod Stewart: “Oh, Maggie, I couldn’t have tried ____ ____” 21. *Stevie Wonder: “Very superstitious, writing’s on ____ ____” 23. Type of constrictor 24. Can of worms 25. *”____ Cola, what a beautiful drink” 28. Capital of Peru 30. *Carly Simon: “I had some dreams, they were ____ in my coffee” 35. Bad luck precursor 37. Swing seat, possibly 39. Macaroni shape 40. Capital on the Baltic Sea 41. Figure with vertex and rays 43. Venetian magistrate 44. Not fitting 46. Sealed with a handshake 47. Wise man 48. Annotator and commentator 50. Facts and figures 52. Bambino 53. Chinese monetary unit
55. International Labor Organization 57. *The Knack: “M M M My ____” 61. *Sister Sledge: “We are family, get up everybody ____ ____” 65. Last European colony in China 66. Pastrami’s partner 68. Sheik’s bevy 69. Movie premiere, e.g. 70. Gunk 71. Ancient assembly area 72. Used to be wild? 73. Attila, e.g. 74. Part of mortise joint DOWN 1. Long story 2. War god in Norse mythology 3. Same as fogey 4. J. Robert Oppenheimer’s project 5. Reorganize or modify 6. $7.25/hour, e.g. 7. Old fashioned ‘before’ 8. Nile’s mouth 9. Boatload 10. What paralegal and parachute have in common 11. Seed covering 12. Angler’s spool 15. Punch buggy car 20. Indian cuisine yogurt staple 22. Drunkard’s sound? 24. Enter uninvited (2 words) 25. *Bruce Springsteen: “Tramps like us, baby we
were born ____ ____” 26. ____ acid 27. “And Seth.... ____ Enos” 29. *Eric Clapton: “Darling, won’t you ease my worried ____” 31. Oldsmobile founder 32. Lusitania’s destroyer 33. Grown-up pupper, in social media 34. *ABBA: “Dancing queen, young and ____, only seventeen” 36. Back of the neck 38. Dashing style 42. Spritelike 45. Test (2 words) 49. *Terry Jacks: “We had seasons in the ____” 51. One tritely familiar 54. Frustration, in print 56. Missouri River tributary 57. Old World duck 58. *Creedence Clearwater Revival: “____ you ever seen the rain?” 59. They’re hidden up a sleeve? 60. Goes with rave 61. Eon, alt. sp. 62. *Black Sabbath: “I am ____ man” 63. Infamous Roman emperor 64. J. Edgar Hoover’s man 67. *Queen: “Scaramouch, Scaramouch, will ___ do the Fandango” SEE ANSWERS ON PAGE 9