CNSTC: August 12, 2020

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August 12, 2020

Masking up St. Charles County

Around Town

Optimist Club of St. Charles awards scholarships. Pg.3 Renaud Center closure extended. Pg.2


Streets of St. Charles soon to welcome the Café Napoli tradition . Pg. 7


Photo by Brett Auten St. Charles County Public Health’s (from left) Michael Killian, Jillian Lumley, and Karen Browner hand out some of the 30,000 masks passed out at the first Mask Up Pick-Up drive-through event held last week at Liberty High School.

St. Charles County government distributes thousands of masks at drivethrough events around the county By Brett Auten St. Charles County is making it as easy as possible to get you and those you love a mask. St. Charles County’s free mask distribution program to help stop the spread of the COVID-19 virus started last week with a Mask Up Pick-Up event and there is another slated for this week. “Masks can get lost, dirty or worn out,” Molly Dempsey, St. Charles County Community Relations Manager, said. “Our Public Health Department recommends that

everyone has multiple masks available to use as needed. And, for those who do pick them up but don’t need their full allotment from St. Charles County, we encourage them to share the masks with other family members and neighbors who may not be able to attend our events.” The first “Mask Up Pick-Up” drivethrough event was at Liberty High School in Lake Saint Louis. Approximately 30,000 masks were distributed on the parking lot near the school’s main entrance; residents remained in their vehicles while picking up their masks. Each resident received 10 free

disposable masks which have been placed in bags by workers wearing personal protective equipment (PPE). Those distributing them at this event will be wearing masks and gloves as well. “The drive-through set-up worked really well, and we appreciate Liberty and the Wentzville School District for allowing us to use their parking lot,” Dempsey said. St. Charles County’s second free mask distribution program continues this week with a drive-through event is scheduled See ‘MASKING’ page 2

Serving St. Louis, St. Charles and Lincoln Counties | FREE Online at | Vol.22 No.33 | 636-379-1775

Recipe, Movie & Sudoku. Pg. F-1 CLASSIFIEDS AND HOME & GARDEN. Pg. F-2 /F-3 Moore On Life, Yeggs & Crossword. Pg. F-4

Weather FRIDAY Scattered Thunderstorms 87/71 SATURDAY Partly Cloudy 90/72 SUNDAY Partly Cloudy 87/67

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