See ‘YEGGS’ page 2 Weather FRIDAY Cloudy 70/60SATURDAY Partly Cloudy 85/61SUNDAY Cloudy 78/54 Community News cartoonist retires ‘Yeggs’ comic strip after eight light-hearted years A MOMENT.SENIOR Pg. 6

Recipe, Movie & Sudoku. Pg. & GARDEN. Pg. F-2 /F-3

St. Charles cartoonist John Hanna will stop running his comic, in the Community News. put unique spin on holidays and ran for eight years.

“I appreciated having the freedom to do what I wanted,” Hanna said. “There were a
artistic skills as part of my job. I may try and submit something in the future, but for right now, I’m stopping.”
By Brett Auten
“Yeggs” focused on Robert and Bill, two rabbits who have opened their own egg franchise. Hanna entertains readers with the day-to-day lives of the duo and what makes “Yeggs” unique is that Robert and Bill are two Easter rabbits. As the story line grew, so did the characters as other holiday mascots popped up from time-to-time.
“I need to focus on a more steady in come,” Hanna, who also works at a local restaurant, said. “It would be nice to use my
September 21, 2022 BusinessFeatures

Photo by Brett Auten
few, ‘please don’t,’ and I thought maybe a couple of times I skirted the line or maybe the humor went over (the readers’) head. But I really enjoyed working with the pa per.”Hanna, who served two years in the mil itary and is a Desert Storm veteran. has spent most of his life in the St. Charles area. He was fascinated with comics from an early age and absorbed all of the Charles Schultz he could get. As he grew up, he discovered other art
Drawing a conclusion
Moore On Life, Yeggs & Crossword. Pg. F-4
Habitat for Humanity of St. Charles County celebrates anniversary with Gala. Pg. 3

Around Town Serving St. Louis, St. Charles and Lincoln Counties | FREE Online at | Vol. 24 No. 38 | 636-379-1775
It’s like a family member who has moved out of town. It’s not that you won’t see them again, it’s just that, they won’t be around as often.This issue of the Community News marks the end of “Yeggs,” the John Hanna creation that has been running in this paper for eight years.
St. Charles County Public Health and partners to offer free, drive-through flu shot clinic . Pg.
Lendmark Financial expands Missouri Presence with St. Charles branch. Pg. 7

You can view some of Han na’s older work at caysdaze. com, and he can be reached via email at jmhyeggs@hotmail. com.
felt like you got to know the personalities of the characters. ‘Yeggs’ will be missed.”
more serious storyline thrown into the “Whenmix.John dropped off a batch of comics, it was always fun to see the new directions he would take the characters,” DeKinder said. “His drawings are so expressive, you really
The first “Yeggs” comic ran in the Community News in 2017.

ists, not just commercial, but underground artists that helped ignite ideas. In 2014, Hanna became involved with the Community News after his sister Catherine, who worked here at the time, suggested that he take a crack at creating a cartoon that ran on a regular basis.Hanna got some ideas to gether, and for the first two years, he produced a monthly cartoon that touched on a vari ety of lightheartedofcilsored,weremonthsoutmercialfirstthematchesichaverareDeKinderassetproved,appearances.alreadyaroundaerpublisherapproachednaty-relatedseasonal-and-communitopics.Astimewenton,andHanbecamestuckforideas,heCommunityNewsMathewDeKindaboutuppingtheoutputtocartooneveryweekbasedtworabbitswhohadmadesemi-regularDeKinderapand“Yeggs”wasborn.“JohnhasbeenatremendoustotheCommunityNews,”said.“It’sincrediblyforalocalnewspapertoanexclusive,regularcomstrip–especiallyonethatJohn’sartistictalent.”Hanna’sinvolvementwithCommunityNewswashisexcursionintothecomlandscape.Hannasaidhemappedthestoryarcfor“Yeggs”inadvance.Theworksallhand-drawnandcolusuallywithcoloredpenandblackinkpens.Mostthecomicsarefunnyandwithanoccasional
St. Charles cartoonist John Hanna will stop running his comic, “Yeggs” in the Community News. “Yeggs” put a unique spin on the holidays and ran for eight years.

September 21, 2022 • Community News - St. Charles County • www.mycnews.com2 Around Town Get your event or good publishednewsin Community News: email editor@mycnews.comcalendarinformationyourinandarticleformatsto
‘YEGGS’ from cover
An early pre-”Yeggs” comic by John Hanna for the Community News.
Photo by Brett Auten
“One of my hopes was that someone would see the pa per and think that this guy is onto something and that this is a nice, original idea,” Hanna said.

In the coming weeks, CDC also expects to recommend updated COVID-19 boosters for other pediatric groups, per yesterday’s discussion and evaluation of the data by ACIP. When data is available and FDA authorizes these other types of COVID-19 boost ers and CDC provides use recommen dations, the CDC and DHSS will work to quickly make them available in Mis souri with the help of COVID-19 vacci nators throughout the state.
Habitat for Humanity of St. Charles County marks its 25th anniversary by building on its annual countywide holiday tradition with the Frame the Fu ture Gala on Nov. 19, at 6 p.m., at Ameristar Casino Resort Spa St. Charles in St. Charles.
“We encourage those who are eligi ble to receive this new booster dose as it will greatly help protect individuals from the variant most commonly de tected today and for the past several months,” said State Epidemiologist Dr. George Turabelidze with the Missou ri Department of Health and Senior Services (DHSS). “As we head into the fall and winter months, this added pro
Bivalent COVID-19 boosters are be coming available among some provid ers in Missouri beginning as early as this month with additional providers adding these boosters to their inven tory. A list of providers who pre-or dered these booster doses is available at,CDC Director Rochelle P. Walensky, MD, MPH, endorsed the CDC Advisory Committee on Immu nization Practices’ (ACIP) recommen dations for use of updated COVID-19 boosters from Pfizer-BioNTech for peo ple ages 12 years and older and from Moderna for people ages 18 years and older.The Moderna and Pfizer bivalent boosters both target two strains of SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19 – the original strain of the
The evening’s “25th Birthday Party” theme in cludes:•A
tection becomes even more important since viruses generally tend to circulate at a more rapid pace during this time.”
Visit to purchase a ticket or table, become a sponsor, decorate a holiday tree or wreath or donate a basket for auction. RSVP by Oct. 31. For more information, call 636-978-5712 extension 123.
All proceeds from the Frame the Future Gala di rectly benefit Habitat for Humanity of St. Charles County to continue its mission to bring people to gether to increase the number of families it serves in St. Charles County to build hope, homes and com munities.“OurHabitat St. Charles County families go through our rigorous process to qualify for and pay an affordable mortgage on a safe, healthy home that we build or improve,” said Michelle Woods, exec utive director, Habitat for Humanity of St. Charles County. “Attendees and donors that support the ‘Frame the Future Gala’ have the opportunity to make a transformative impact on the lives of local families.”
Habitat for Humanity of St. Charles County marks its 25th anniversary by building on its annual countywide holiday tradition with the Frame the Fu ture Gala on Nov. 19, at 6 p.m., at Ameristar Casino Resort Spa St. Charles in St. Charles.

If you have not been vaccinated or have not completed your primary se ries, visit to find a location offering vaccines. The original formulations of Pfizer, Moderna, J&J and Novavax will continue to be used. • Community News - St. Charles County • September 21, 2022 Around Town 3
Booster doses use reduced amounts of the original Individualsvaccines.areeligible for the biva lent booster two months since their last primary or booster dose of Pfizer, Mod erna or Johnson & Johnson. The previ ous monovalent booster will no longer be available to persons 12 and older; the FDA is removing authorization for those boosters to reduce provider con fusion for staff administering vaccines.
• The annual holiday tree auction. Artificial hol iday trees, as well as wreaths and tree toppers – professionally decorated by local artists, in terior design and decor experts – will be on display and available to the highest bidder. Sponsorships of the auction items are avail able. Winners of a holiday tree may schedule its delivery to a home or place of business. De livery is provided at no charge by the Habitat St. Charles County staff.
Habitat for Humanity of St. Charles County celebrates 25th anniversary with Frame the Future Gala
virus and two of the Omicron subvar iants (BA.4 and BA.5), which are cur rently the most widespread variants globally. Only individuals who have completed their primary vaccination series (two doses of Pfizer or Moderna or one dose of Johnson & Johnson) are eligible to receive the bivalent boost er. Those who have recently received Novavax are not yet eligible for any booster at this time.
New COVID-19 boosters targeting currently circulating strains becoming available in Missouri
For the latest information on bivalent boosters, visit
• Sponsorships. Sponsorships for the evening make a tangible, lasting difference in the lives of those in desperate need of a home. The names of sponsor companies, organizations

festive live auction. Hosted by emcee Toney Thornhill of Higher Calling Auctions, auction items will include a wide array of high-quality travel experiences, appealing dining options and themed gift baskets. Thornhill currently serves as 2022-2023 president of the Missouri Professional Auctioneers Association.
or individuals are prominently featured in the evening’s program and presentation.
Submitted photo
Habitat for Humanity of St. Charles County has hosted an annual holiday fundraising gala for more than two decades. This year’s special 25th anniversa ry Frame the Future Gala invites participation from individuals, businesses and organizations that wish to play a critical role in the nonprofit organization’s continuing efforts to create quality, affordable homes where families partner, build and buy.
The Pfizer bivalent booster is cur rently authorized for ages 12 and older while Moderna’s is currently authorized for 18 years of age and older. Individuals may choose to receive either the Pfizer or Moderna bivalent booster, regardless of which primary series vaccine or orig inal booster dose they had previously.

Virgin Mary Parish in O’Fallon.
• Covering your nose and mouth when cough ing or sneezing.
Assisting the Department of Public Health with this vaccination event are BJC Health Care (Barnes-Jew ish St. Peters Hospital and Progress West Hospital), SSM Health (St. Joseph Hospitals in St. Charles, Lake Saint Louis, and Wentzville), St. Charles Commu nity College, St. Charles County CAPS, and the St. Charles County Ambulance District.
St. Charles County Public Health partners with area organizations for free, drive-through flu shot clinic
• Staying home if sick until fever and symptoms are gone for at least 24 hours.
with vaccination, individuals can protect themselves against catching and spreading the flu through everyday preventative actions that include:
Each year across the United States, vaccination prevents millions of illnesses; reduces the number of medical visits, hospitalization, and death from flu illness; and saves money through decreased medi cal costs and improved productivity. Recent studies have reported that flu vaccination reduced the risk for serious illness by more than 50% and the risk

• Washing hands regularly with soap and water or using an alcohol-based sanitizer.
• Cleaning commonly touched surfaces with soap and water or an EPA approved disinfec tant .
For those unable to participate in this free event, the St. Charles County Immunization Clinic will administer flu vaccinations throughout the sea son by appointment at 1650 Boone’s Lick Road in St. Charles. Flu shots through the clinic are $36 for the quadrivalent vaccine and $62 for the high-dose vaccine. To schedule an appointment, call 636-9491857.Along
The St. Charles County Department of Public Health will partner with area organizations to pro vide free flu shots for those ages six months and old er during a drive-through vaccination clinic from 2:30 – 7 p.m., Oct. 21, on the Yellow Parking Lot at St. Charles Community College at 4601 Mid Rivers Mall Drive in AppointmentsCottleville.arenecessary
Two types of vaccinations will be offered:
Individuals or groups interested in assisting with event operations as a volunteer or sponsor should contact the St. Charles County Emergency Planner at 636-949-7554 before Oct. 1.
• Avoiding close contact with others, especially ones who are sick.
gether for the benefit of the school and the children. The PTO organizes nu merous fundraising efforts through out the year to support the school with classroom materials, playground equipment, and other needed items.
• High-dose influenza vaccination – Provides additional protection for those ages 65 and older. It contains four times the amount of an tigen than the standard vaccine to strengthen the body’s ability to create antibodies against the illness. A study reported in the New En gland Journal of Medicine indicated this vac cine was 24 percent more effective against in fluenza in those ages 65 and old-er than the traditional vaccination.
• Contacting your personal medical provider if you develop flu-like symptoms (fever, cough, sore throat, head and/or body aches, fatigue, and nausea/diarrhea).
For more information and tips on preventing the flu, visit and
• Practicing good health habits, including prop er sleep, nutrition, exercise, and hydration.

The Assumption School Parent Teacher Organization (PTO) is host ing one of the largest outdoor craft fairs in St. Charles County on Oct. 2, and shoppers of all ages are welcome toBrowseattend. through a variety of hand-crafted items, one-of-a-kind gifts, holiday décor, and so much more from 9 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. on the park ing lot of at Assumption of the Blessed
• Quadrivalent influenza vaccination – Protects against the four most prevalent flu viruses ex pected this season: H1N1, H3N2 and two in fluenza B viruses. It is appropriate for those ages six months and older.
for flu-related death by 31%. Along with protecting the recipient, vaccination reduces the risk for illness across the entire community — including vulnerable neighbors who are not able to receive the shot due to age, health conditions or other restrictions.
to receive these vac cinations and may be scheduled online at https:// or by calling 636-949-1899.
Why get a flu vaccination?
Mega outdoor craft fair held Oct. 2 at Assumption Parish in O’Fallon
cated at 403 North Main Street, and food trucks will be on site. For more information about the craft fair, or if you are a vendor interested in having a booth at the event, contact Krystal Mills at 636-345-0522 or email as A lim ited supply of electricity will be avail able.Assumption’s PTO consists of parent and teacher volunteers who work to
“Countries in the southern hemisphere are report ing increased influenza activity during their winter,” says Sara Evers, Acting Director of the Department of Public Health. “In anticipation of the potential that this year may be more disruptive for us than the past several, the Department of Public Health rec ommends getting a flu shot now to allow protective antibodies to fully develop before the traditional flu season begins this fall.”
Admission is free to attend the craft fair being held on the church lot, lo
September 21, 2022 • Community News - St. Charles County • www.mycnews.com4 Around Town

For more information about As sumption School PTO, visit assump or call 636-240-4474.
Additional ways to prevent the flu
“With 50-70 exhibitors participat ing, the Annual Assumption PTO Craft Fair has become one of the mustsee exhibits happening in the fall,” says Krystal Mills, Assumption PTO Craft Fair Coordinator. “If you’re seeking unique and specialty gifts, you won’t want to miss it.” • Community News - St. Charles County • September 21, 2022 Around Town 5

The St. Peters Rec-Plex will have normal hours of operation on Co lumbus Day. However, the Regis

Jukebox Saturday Night: A Tribute to the Big
Sponsors: Centene, FasterHouse, Miracle-Ear, Seniors Helping Seniors, and Spencer Place Assist ed Living help make this event possible. Say yes to prom! Tickets are $25 and include admission and hors d’oeuvres. A cash bar with be available. Park ing is free. For more information and to purchase tickets, visit Autumn-Memories-Senior-Prom.

incorrect, and the outcomes of the appeal process are certified. Set ting tax rates normally occurs in September. While the county only collects property tax for Road & Bridge and Dispatch & Alarm, to gether, these two taxes would have collected an additional $810,000 in revenue created by the increase in used car values required in the statutory calculation used by all taxing“Thejurisdictions.propertytax the county collects for roads and emergency communications is important to support the county’s infrastruc ture and public safety,” Ehlmann said. “But we are set to maintain a trajectory of support and growth for these areas that is by no means negatively impacted by our volun tary effort to eliminate the revenue windfall that will result if we take no action.”
St. Peters’ Earth Centre is open for yard waste drop-off only on Columbus Day. Recycle City of fices and aluminum can buy-back will be limited to 8 – 11 a.m., with
Animal Control will be on call during Columbus Day. For emer gency calls only after hours or on the holiday, call Police Dispatch at 636-278-2222.
Autumn Memories Senior Prom takes place in St. Charles
Bill proposes adjusted tax rate for St. Charles County to negate windfall created by increased vehicle values
Prom isn’t just for teenagers! Take a trip back in time with us at the Autumn Memories Senior Prom in St. Charles on Oct. 2 from 6 – 10 p.m. at the Foundry Art Centre at 520 North Main Centre in St. Charles.Withblast from the past music by Jukebox Satur day Night, hors d’oeuvres, and a night of sweet ro mance, this will be a fun and memorable event for any and all seniors, age 55-and-up, in the St. Charles County and St. Louis Metropolitan area.

A bill was introduced at the Sept. 12 St. Charles County Council meeting that proposes maintain ing the amount of tax the county collects in 2022 compared with tax year 2021 to address the effects of vehicle value inflation arising from vehicle shortages. The bill could be read for final passage Sept. 26 to establish the tax rates for the county’s Road & Bridge and 911 Dispatch & Alarm taxes.
values and assesses motor vehicles based on trade-in value published the previous October by the Na tional Automobile Dealers’ As sociation (NADA) Official Used Car Guide, pursuant to Missouri statutory requirements. While it is unusual for used vehicles to great ly increase in value, supply chain shortages have affected new vehi cle availability and price, and used vehicle values have, on average, in creased nearly 30%. The assessor’s final assessed values on vehicles submitted to county administra tion on Aug. 1 reflect an increase of 29.98% over vehicle assessed values in 2021, largely due to the rise in used car values created by the shortage of new cars available. This ordinance to set tax rates is required by statute after the Board of Equalization reviews and rules on taxpayer claims that their per sonal property assessments are
tration Desk and Administrative Offices will be limited to 9 – 11 a.m. and 4 – 7 p.m.
September 21, 2022 • Community News - St. Charles County • www.mycnews.com6 Around Town FACEBOOK.COM/MYCNEWS

Band Era will have you up and dancing to music of the great Big Bands of the 1930’s, 40’s and 50’s. They celebrate the Swing Era performing the greatest hits of Tommy and Jimmy Dorsey, Glenn Miller, Duke Ellington and many more. For more information on the band, visit
City of St. Peters Announces holiday hours for Columbus Day
St. Peters City Hall, Municipal Court, Cultural Arts Centre, and Police Records Division will be closed Oct. 10, in observance of Columbus Day.
Break out your cocktail attire and party like royal ty! After votes have been placed, we will crown Se nior Prom King and Queen.
“This is our way of attempting to negate the burden on taxpayers caused by inflation and a drasti cally increased value of used ve hicles,” says St. Charles County Executive Steve Ehlmann. “This is one small piece of your property tax bill, as there are several other taxing jurisdictions, but we en courage other municipalities and entities to consider the same ap proach.”TheSt. Charles County Assessor
regular hours for trash disposal. Solid waste collection will be un affected by Columbus Day.
• Monthly bill comparisons to track how adjustments have contributed to savings.

extended C2C participation to its cus tomers, who now have the option of donating $1 when closing their loan; Lendmark matches the donation.
To access Energy Manager insights, recommendations and the home sur vey, customers should visit Ameren, or log in to their Ameren Missouri Online Ac count via desktop or mobile device.
Over the last seven years, C2C has raised $4.73 million for CURE Child hood Cancer, a nonprofit dedicated to funding targeted pediatric cancer re search that is utilized nationwide.
Spotlight on O’Fallon Plaza: KT Laundry
expansion of our geographic footprint shows many consumers need addition al financial service options to manage planned and unplanned life events without depleting their savings,” said Bobby Aiken, CEO of Lendmark Fi nancial Services. “Our team will bring our customer-first approach to the Show-Me State, delivering personal ized and convenient household credit solutions that meet the respective fi nancial needs of St. Charles residents.”
Lendmark Financial Services, a leading provider of household credit and consumer loan solutions, contin ues to expand its Missouri footprint, opening a branch in St. Charles. It is located at 1602 Country Club Plaza Drive.Lendmark anticipates serving be tween 500 and 600 customers in St. Charles in its first year. The company will complement its in-person cus tomer service with strong digital and online offerings. Jay Johnson will serve as branch manager.
locals. As of this year, we have had three couples meet while doing their laundry, and were laterWemarried.havesome of the big gest washers in St. Charles County. They will do up to three king size comforters at one time. We’ve recenlty added new dryers and will continue to add equipment ot keep that fresh new look.
nancing solutions for their customers should contact their nearest branch.
Once in Energy Manager, custom ers can complete a short survey about their home and appliances so Ameren Missouri can provide even more accu rate usage data, including:
• Recommendations on how to reduce energy use.

KTLaundry has been cleaning O’Fallon laundry for over 17 years and is still cleaning strong!

customers want to save where they can, and it can be difficult to know which steps can make the biggest impact,” said Tara Oglesby, vice president of cus tomer experience for Ameren Missou ri. “With Energy Manager, customers can see the cost of running each appli ance, down to the dollar. It also pro vides practical recommendations for saving energy and money that are spe cific to your home and lifestyle.”
• How your energy use compares with other homes your size.
small! Boat covers, comfort ers, tents and sleeping bags, it does not hurt our washing machines, but please remem ber to read washing tags.
What’s the monthly cost of running the washer and dryer or watching TV? With Ameren Missouri’s new Energy Man ager dashboard, the guessing game is over. Customers can see how much energy each ap pliance uses, giving families the power to adjust usage habits, along with custom energy-sav ing

From the account dashboard, cus tomers can also sign up for special alerts that notify customers of their energy usage throughout the month. This helps customers adjust usage habits in real time to control costs and better anticipate upcoming energy statements.
St. Charles marks Lendmark’s fifth branch in Missouri, following the re cent branch openings in Columbia, Independence, Jefferson City and Springfield.“Lendmark’s branch growth and the
We take credit/debit cards (also google and apple pay) right at the washers and dry ers so you don’t have to raid any piggy banks for quarters! Stop by in the winter, spring, summer or fall, to do all your laundry big and
New tool helps Ameren Missouri customers save money and track energy costs • Community News - St. Charles County • September 21, 2022 Business 7
Photo courtesy Bigstock
• Charts that show how much en ergy you use at different times of the day, as well as weekly, monthly and annual usage.
Lendmark Financial expands Missouri Presence with St. Charles branch
Started in 2002 by Kevin and Tammy (that is where the KT comes from); right after Tammy lost her job with TWA after 17 years of being a flight attendant, we had a clean take-off in the laundry business.Being local, and family owned, we try our best to provide a clean and comfort able experience while doing your wash. We offer music and internet and provide a comfortable place where you can meet and talk with other
“Now that customers can see exact ly how much energy each appliance is using, they’ll have a better idea of how to make adjustments to cut costs while maintaining comfort,” said Tony Lozano, director of energy solutions at Ameren Missouri. “Using energy more efficiently can be as simple as swapping out old lightbulbs for LEDs, turning your air conditioner up a de gree or two or waiting until your dish washer is full before starting a cycle.”
In addition to serving consumers directly, Lendmark provides financ ing solutions for 11,000-plus retailers and independent auto dealerships, al lowing these businesses’ customers to apply for Lendmark financing. Local businesses that are interested in part nering with Lendmark to provide fi
Lendmark Climb to Cure (C2C) is the company’s signature cause-related initiative. Each year, Lendmark em ployees, their family and friends, and business partners commit to raising money and awareness for pediatric cancer research, and financial support of families with children and teens battling cancer. In 2021, Lendmark
Candlelighters Women in Re covery meets every Tuesday at 7 p.m. at Dardenne Prairie Presbyterian Church (enter at Adam Lamb pre-School, turn left) at 7400 South Outer 364 at the corner with Bryan Road.
Mondays: St. Charles County Council of the Blind meetings
The Collector Car Trivia Night, hosted by the Arch way Oldsmobile Club, will be held at the American Legion 312 at 2500 Raymond Drive in St. Charles. Trivia begins at 7 p.m. and ends at 11 p.m. Price is $160 per table of eight or $20 per person. The event benefits the St. Louis Hon or Flight Program, and the Open Door Animal Sanctu ary. For more information or to reserve your table, please call 314-825-2980, or email Make checks payable to the Arch way Olds Club, 350 Ashfari Drive, Florissant, MO 63034.
A diabetes support group meets on the fourth Tuesday of each month except Novem ber and December from 6:307:30 p.m. at 400 Medical Pla za, Suite 102 in Lake St. Louis. A new speaker each month. Questions? Call Amanda Meyer at 636-625-5447.
Cottleville Weldon Spring Kiwanis Club meets the first Monday of the month at noon at The Breakfast Club, 991 Waterbury Falls Dr., O’Fallon, MO 63368. New club look ing for new members who want to better our commu nity. Contact Christy at 314583-0538.
What’s Happening
Oct. 1: Quilt show
Oct 30: Quilt bingo
Nov. 5-6: Quilting event
Mondays: Optimist Club meetings
Mondays: American Le gion Post 388 Meets Meets the fourth Monday of the month at 6:30 p.m. at American Legion Hall, 607 Westridge Dr., O’Fallon, 636219-0553
Tuesdays: Cribbage
12:05 p.m. at Ginghams Homestyle Restaurant, 1566 Country Clcub Plaza Drive, in St. Charles. Kiwanis is a global organization of vol unteers dedicated to improv ing the world one child and one community at a time. The group is looking for new members who want to better our community and help its youth. If you are interested in making a positive impact in St. Charles for generations to come, please come for lunch. For more information call 636-206-2483. You can also visit http://stcharleskiwanis. com.
Every Monday and Wednes day a Tai Chi for arthritis
Oct. 2: Brass band con cert
Mondays: St. Peters Rota ry Club
Tuesdays: Diabetes sup port group
Looking for an evening out? Come and play cribbage Tuesdays at 6 p.m. at Rookies at 15358 Veterans Memori al Pkwy in Wentzville. Win prizes and awards with semi annual tournaments. ACC sanctioned. For more infor mation contact Dee at 636233-8032.
Loose Threads Quilt Guild presents Celebrate With Quilts 2022 Nov. 5, 9 a.m. – 5 p.m. and Nov. 6, 10 a.m. – 4 p.m. at St. Charles Communi ty College at 4601 Mid Rivers Mall Drive in Cottleville. An $8 donation for admission (cash only). There will be over 300 quilts, vendors, and quilt and sewing machine raf fles. Proceeds support Crisis Nursery. Facebook updates @ LooseThreadsQG.
The Cornerstone United Methodist Women and the Cover Girls Quilting Circle are sponsoring a quilt show and sale at the Cornerstone United Methodist Church at 1151 Tom Ginnever Ave. in O’Fallon from 10 a.m. – 3 p.m. The show will feature the quilts of local quilter Clifdel Dowler. Items avail able for sale are baby quilts, throw quilts, table runners, and other handmade items.
In 1997, the Defense Depart ment closed the Aviation and Troop Commands located at 4300 Goodfellow Blvd. in north St. Louis. A 25-year reunion picnic is being orga nized for these fellow workers and colleagues at Pavilion #3 at Blanchette Park at 1900 Randolph Street in St. Charles at 11 a.m. The event is open to all former employees, their families and friends. This is a bring your own food and beverage affair. For further information please contact Mary Ann Chorney at Chor
Meets every Tuesday, 12:30 – 3:30 p.m. at The Falls Golf Course Clubhouse. Relaxed, friendly play and is open to all. Call 314-954-3364 for info.
Oct. 29: Trivia night
Tuesdays: Kiwanis Club of St. Charles
The St. Louis Brass Band is scheduled to perform at Zion Lutheran Church at 3866 S. Old Highway 94 in St. Charles at 3 p.m. Tickets may be pur chased at the door the day of the event. Ticket prices are $15 general admission; $5 for children in grades one thru 12; free for children ages five and under. This event is part of the Music at Zion concert series for 2022-2023. For more information and direc tions, log on to www.zion or contact Mark Thoelke, Director of Worship and Music at 636-441-7425.
Grace United Church of Christ (at 8326 Mexico Road in O’Fallon) will have a fall rummage and bake sale in the church’s lower level from 8 a.m. to noon. Shop the “trea sures” for a freewill offering. Baked goods will be available for purchase.
Business meetings are held on the first Monday of each month unless otherwise spec ified. Currently, during the COVID pandemic, meetings are held via conference call, starting at 6:45 pm. For more information, contact Beverly Kaskadden at 636-561-6947.
Admission is free (donations accepted). All donations will support the Cornerstone UMW and the Cover Girls Quilting Circle. Visit corner for more in formation.
Mondays: Alcoholics Anonymous
Take Notice
Mondays: Measurement
Tuesdays: Women’s AA weekly meeting
Mondays: Choral Arts Singers practice
The Wentzville/Lake St. Louis Optimist Club meets on the second and fourth Monday of each month at 6:30 p.m. at the Wentzville IHOP, 10 Layla Lane, Wentzville, MO.. For more information contact Ed Jurotich at 314-560-1868.
Sept. 23: Business re union
Mondays: Parent support group
Noon at St. Peters City Hall, One St. Peters Centre Blvd.
Because I Love You, (BILY), Gateway parent support group meets every Monday at 7:30 p.m. at First United Methodist Church at 801 First Capitol Dr. in St. Charles. For information and directions, please contact the helpline at 314-993-7550 or email meetingsentsarebledself-helpcom.way_parent_help@yahoo.gateBILYisaprogramofforparentsoftrouchildren(allages).Wenotprofessionals,butparhelpingeachother.Thearefreetoattend.
Mondays: Cottleville Weldon Spring Kiwanis Club

class, sponsored by the city of St. Charles Parks and Recre ation, takes place from 9:1510 a.m. at Webster Park across from the Family Arena. This is a class that is taught nation ally to manage arthritis and to prevent falls. For more infor mation call 636-949-3372.

Mondays: 10 a.m. - 12 noon at the ST. Charles Health Deparment in the Upper Level Confer ence room. Measurement Mondays is a family-friendly breastfeeding support group. We are open to all moms and moms-to-be who are breastfeeding or interested in breastfeeding. The group is supported by the St Charles County WIC program so there will be information about the program available at each meeting. Each meet ing will be a little different than the last. There will be baby weigh-ins, introduc tions, games, interactive ed ucation, group conversation, and even snacks.
Oct. 21: Dinner/dance fundraiser
Tuesdays: Cribbage Club
A fall festival of dinner/dance and a silent auction will take place from 6:30 to 10:30 p.m. at the Christy Banquet Center at 9000 Veterans Memorial Parkway in O’Fallon, to ben efit Crossroads Clinic. The clinic provides medical care to qualified individuals be tween the ages of 18 and 64 in St. Charles, Warren, Lincoln, and Montgomery Counties who do not have Medicare/ Medicaid or any insurance. Every visit is completely free. The dinner/auction will be held tickets at $60 per person. To purchase tickets please contact Leslie Held at 636399-6636.
Dardenne Prairie. New sing ers (high school and older) are welcome. Auditions are not required. See www.con
Mondays and Thursdays: Bridge St. Peters Senior Center plays bridge from 9 a.m. to noon on Monday and Thursdays, and would love to have any player, regardless of skill level, to join in. Call Mary Ann at 636-397-0866 if you are inter ested in playing on Monday or Thursday morning.
Meetings are held from 9 to 11 a.m. at the St. Charles Se nior Citizens Center at 1455 Fairgrounds (near the Bass Pro Shop). Visitors are al ways welcome. For more in formation visit atcom/stcharlesareawoodcarvers.
. . . The events listed in this section are the latest up dates as of press time, please check with individual sites for the most up to date cancellations and re schedule info.
Quilt bingo takes place at the VFW Auxiliary Post 2866 at 66 VFW Lane (and South Hwy 94) in St. Charles. Doors open at 11 a.m. and bingo be gins at 1 p.m. Plated lunch is available. For more informa tion contact Earline at 636697-8157.
Mondays: Seasoned eye carvers meeting
Choral Arts Singers practice on Mondays, from 7-9 p.m. at Connection Christian Church, 1332 Feise Road in
Mondays and Wednes days: Tai Chi for arthritis class
Oct. 8 Rummage and bake sale
If you want to drink, that’s your business. If you want to stop, we can help. Call Alco holics Anonymous at 636970-0013.
September 21, 2022 • Community News - St. Charles County •
If you have mental health concerns and need support, please come on Mondays at 6:30 p.m. at Friedens Unit ed Church of Christ at 1703 Old Highway 94 South in St. Charles.
Tuesdays: Optimist Club meeting
The St. Charles Optimist Club meets Tuesdays at noon at Pio’s Restaurant. For more information contact Jack Ross at 314-287-0569 or
Mondays: NAMI St. Lou is Connection Recovery Support Group
Mondays: Take off Pounds Sensibly TOPS meet every Monday at Holy Cross Lutheran Church at 8945 Veterans Memorial Hwy in O’Fallon. Meetings at 9:30 a.m. with weigh in be ginning at 8:30 a.m. For more information please call Linda Wilcox at 636-447-9056.
Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays: Fitness First Exercise Class 9:30-10:30 a.m., American Legion Hall, 504 Luetkenhaus Blvd., Wentzville. 314-3696521.
SUDOKU answers from page F-1

The group meets on third Tuesday of every month from 10-11:30 a.m. at the Alzhei mer’s Chapter Office at 9370 Olive Blvd. For more infor mation about Alzheimer’s disease, support, or the Male Caregiver Experience, please call the Alzheimer’s Associ ation’s 24/7 Helpline at 800272-3900 or visit www.alz. org/stl. Registration is re quested before the first meet ing.
The Cavesprings Toastmas
Tuesdays: Cancer sup port group
Veterans from all branches of service are invited to the Wentzville Green Lantern Senior Center at 506 S. Linn Ave. in Wentzville on the
On the first Thursday of each month, American Legion Post 323 meets at 7:30 p.m. at the American Legion Hall at 504 Luetkenhaus Blvd. in
Wednesdays: Monthly veterans coffee
ters Club will transform your speaking ability and offers in person and online meet ings every Wednesday from 8 – 9 a.m. at the St. Charles Ambulance District at 2000 Salt River Road in St. Peters. RSVP at aremasters@gmail.comcavespringstoastasguestsfree.
Every Fourth Wednesday from January to October, the Loose Threads Quilt Guild meets at 6:45 p.m. at the Cul tural Arts Centre at the St. Peters City Hall on Mexico Road in St. Peters.
Wednesdays: Charity Bingo
Tuesdays: St. Louis Chap ter of the Alzheimer’s As sociation Male Caregiver Experience
CROSSWORD answers from page F-4

Tuesdays: Dardenne Presbyterian Church Basketball
Tuesdays: Toastmasters Meeting
1-4 p.m. Free. Quilt for local charities. No sewing experi ence required.
Meets at 6:30 p.m. on the fourth Tuesday of the month at Sunrise Methodist Church, 7116 Twin Chimney Blvd. Info: Barb at 636.978.5930. Club does not meet in May or November.
Wednesdays: Men’s Golf League
Tuesdays: Central Mis souri Railroad Associa tion meeting
Wednesdays: St. Charles Area Wood Carvers Meetings are held from 6:30 – 8:30 p.m. at the Hollen beck Middle School at 4555 Central School Road in St. Charles. Visitors are always welcome. For more infor mation visit atcom/charlesareawoodcarvers.
Wednesdays: TOPS (Take Off Pounds Sensi bly) Club
7 p.m. at the Midwest Bank Centre Board Room at 2299 Technology Blvd., O’Fallon, MO 63368. Info: 636-3792505.
Food pantry open Wednes days to the public from 9:30 to 11:30 a.m. at Cornerstone UMC at 1151 Tom Ginnev er Ave. in O’Fallon. Bread, canned goods other necessi ties.
Wednesdays: Senior citi zen luncheon
bers and
Third Tuesday: Luncheon for seniors
Every first Wednesday of the month (except January and July), St. Robert Bellarmine Church at 1424 First Capitol Drive, South in St. Charles will hold a luncheon for men and women 55 and up. Doors open at 10:30 a.m. Lunch served 11:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. Games (activities) held 12:30 -2 p.m. Cost is $10 per per son. Reservations required by the Friday prior to the luncheon by calling 636-9466799. All are welcome.
This heart patient support group provides hospital vis itation support for people with any type of heart issues. The group meets at 6:30 p.m. the second Tuesday of each month at the Spencer Road St. Charles Library, at the corner of Boone Hills Dr. and Spencer Rd. For additional information please call 636639-0875.
Thursdays: St. Charles
Wednesdays: Toastmas ters Club
Thursdays: Lions Club
Tuesdays: NAMI St. Lou is Family Support Group
Wednesdays: Quilt guild
8-9:30 p.m., in the Christian Life Center, 7400 South Out er 364 in Dardenne Prairie. Open to high school and adult men.
St. Charles Rotary Club meets at noon at The Moose Lodge at 2705 Veterans Memorial guests are welcome and to gain a better insight into our community.
Tuesdays and Thursdays: Get Fit Exercise Classes 9-10 a.m. at Immaculate Heart of Mary Church Hall, New Melle. 314-369-6521.
TOPS 502 Wright City meets every Wednesday morning at First Baptist Church at 104 Hedeman Ave. in Wright City. Weigh-in 7 - 8:30 a.m. Meeting starts at 9 a.m. For more information call 314504-5202
On the first Wednesday of each month the St. Charles County Marine Corps League meets at Pezold Banquet Center, 5701 Hwy N, in Cot tleville at 7:00 p.m. All Ma rines and FMF Corpsmen are welcome. For more informa
Wednesdays: Yoga at The St. Charles County Fami ly YMCA 6-6:55pm Any level. Info:
tion visit www.stcharlesma
Wednesdays: Marine Corps League meeting
Tuesdays: Mended Hearts
a support group for you. It meets on the third Tuesday of each month at 7 p.m. at Grace United Church of Christ at 8326 Mexico Rd. in St. Peters.
What’s Happening • Community News - St. Charles County • September 21, 2022

Wednesdays, April - October. 5 p.m., tee off at 5:30 p.m. at Heritage of Hawk Ridge. For more information, contact the Lake St. Louis Commu nity Association at 636-6258276.
Tuesdays: O’Fallon Gar den Club
On the third Tuesday of every month there is a luncheon for seniors from 11 a.m. – 2 p.m. at Transfiguration Episcopal Church at 1860 Lake St. Lou is Blvd. For more information call 636-561-8951.
Tuesdays and Thursdays: Tai Chi at the St. Charles County Family YMCA 10:15-11:15 a.m. No expe rience necessary. 636-9281928.
On the first and third Tues day of each month a social club for widows and widow ers meets from 1:00 - 3:30 p.m. at St. John’s United Church of Christ at Fifth and Jackson Streets in St. Charles. On the first Tuesday there are refreshments and on the third Tuesday there is either a speaker or entertain ment. The group also goes to breakfast, lunch and dinner monthly, and has a pot luck dinner each month.
Tuesdays: Quilting Guild at the O’Fallon Family YMCA
6:45pm, Doors open at 5 p.m. VFW Post 5077 sponsors, at VFW Hall, 8500 Veter ans Mem. Pkwy., O’Fallon. 636-272-1945 or www.vfw
Take Off Pounds Sensibly meets every Wednesday at 10 a.m. in the parish hall of Chapel of the Cross Lutheran Church at 907 Jungermann Rd. in St. Peters. TOPS is a national non-profit weightloss organization that sup ports its members in attain ing their goal weight. There is no cost for the first meeting. All are welcome. Weigh-ins begin at 9 a.m. Contact Judy Bauer at 636-541-2263 for further information. or contact Charles Sapp.
If you have mental health concerns and need support, please come on the third Tuesday of each month at 7 p.m. at Grace United Church of Christ at 8326 Mexico Rd. in St. Peters.
This unique organization is for railroad modelers, rail fans, photographers and rail road retirees with layouts in O, HO, N hoping to add G scales. Meetings are on sec ond Tuesdays of the month from 7 to 9 p.m. at the War renton Masonic Lodge. For more info call 636-279-5522 or 636-456-0776 or visit our Facebook page.
If you have a family member or friend who is having men tal health concerns there is
Wednesdays: Women’s fishing club
Cancer Companions Support Group is a support group for any cancer patient in treat ment or post treatment, their caregiver and their loved ones that meets on the sec ond Tuesday of each month at Dardenne Presbyterian Church at 7400 South Outer 364 in Dardenne Prairie at 7 p.m. in the parlor. Registra tion is not required.
Wednesdays: Food pan try
Wednesdays: Take Off Pounds Sensibly
Tuesdays: NAMI St. Lou is Connection Recovery Support Group
Tuesdays: Social club for widows and widowers
Gateway Bass ‘n Gals all women’s bass club has monthly meetings the first Wednesday of every month at JJ’s Restaurant at 1215 S. Duchesne Dr. in St. Charles at 7 p.m. Women of any fish ing level please come and check out our women-only fishing club.
10 Sports September 21, 2022 • Community News - St. Charles County •
Ambush head coach Jeff Locker said, “Kevin El lis has had a standout career both in the MASL and MLS. We’re counting on his talent, experience and veteran leadership to help move the Ambush to the next level over the next three seasons.”
The professional St. Louis Ambush soccer team play in the Major Arena Soccer League (MASL) with their home games at the Family Arena in St. Charles for the 2022-2023 season.

The Ambush have signed veteran Kevin Ellis to a three-year contract, the team announced recently.
Most of the play during the opening half took place in the middle of the field as both defensive units put together a strong defensive effort with both teams combining for just six shot attempts. Feho Sabot ic had the only shot on goal for either team, in the 24th minute, but it was stopped by the USI keeper. The St. Louis native recorded another shot late in the opening half, but it went just wide. Lindenwood earned four corner kicks in the opening half, while the Screaming Eagles had one.
kept making a push throughout the half to take the lead as each squad traded scoring chances. The Lions took the lead with less than five minutes left in the game when Roland Dearborn took a pass from Smajlovic and buried the ball into the back of the net for the first time this season. Lin denwood held onto the lead for the final minutes, earning its first victory at the Division I level.
The upcoming 2022-23 season is the tenth for the Ambush. Their home opener is slated for Black Fri day, Nov. 25 at 5:05 p.m. at The Family Arena in St. Charles. It is the first of a two-game series against the Kansas City Comets to open the MASL season. The Comets host the second game the next night, Nov. 25, at Cable-Dahmer Arena in Independence.
~~~Exciting times
The Lindenwood men’s soccer team playing their fifth game, picked up its first win at the Division I
Gary Baute, a St. Louis native, may be educated in business but he lives and breathes sports. As a fan or an athlete, Gary is all sports all the time. He hosted a radio sports program on KFNS, emceed the River City Ras cals’ inaugural season, and co-hosted, and is current ly hosting a Health show on 97.1 FM, ‘Prime Time Health’ It broad casts Saturday nights at 8 and Sunday mornings at 9.

level after defeating Southern Indiana by a score of 2-1 on Friday night from Evansville, Indiana.
Ambush ink deal for veteran
Get your event or good news published in Community News: email your information in calendar and article formats to

The 31-year-old defender is a native of Kansas City, Missouri. He appeared in 34 regular season games with the Comets over three seasons from 2018 to 2022, tallying 36 goals, 11 assists and blocking 21 opposing shots. In 89 career MLS games, Ellis scored seven goals and added nine assists.
Sports you see with Gary B . . .
USI found the back of the net less than a minute into the second half, heading home a cross to take a 1-0 lead. The Lions responded shortly after, as they earned a penalty kick after a Screaming Eagle hand ball in the box. Anis Smajlovic calmly buried the at tempt from the spot, knotting the game, 1-1 in the 56thLindenwoodminute.
Ellis comes to the Ambush with a wealth of experi ence in both professional indoor and outdoor soccer. He played four seasons with the rival Kansas City Comets in the Major Arena Soccer League (MASL) and six seasons with three different teams in Major League Soccer (MLS).
Lindenwood breaks ice in new division
~~~The first of many
1/2 cup ranch dressing

By Steve Bryan
2 cups shredded mozzarella cheese

Plus, the cooking time is only 16 minutes, which makes this a quick and delicious solution to defeat.
Over the next seven days, I would think about what happened in the episode and would anticipate what was going to happen next. With that viewing model, I was more excited when the next episode was broadcast.

There’stwists.also an argument in favor of
Drizzle ranch dressing on flatbread and sprinkle with cilantro leaves.

Place parchment paper on baking sheet and add flatbreads. Sprinkle cheese on flatbreads. with garlic, chicken and tomatoes. Season with salt and pepper, to taste. 16 minutes until cheese is melted.
Is binge watching a favorite series a good thing? The “Book & Film Globe” website, for instance, pointed out that the Netflix hit “Stranger Things” doesn’t spark as many con versations as it once did. That has been at tributed to individual viewing habits of fans and the pace in which they watch a series. Because Netflix dropped all the “Cobra Kai” Season 5 episodes at one time, there was con cern about spoilers leaking onto the message boards. Moderators on Meta/Facebook had to police the discussion boards and remove key plot
To binge watch or not to binge watch
When dining outside with your loved ones, there are few things better than a tasty dish the whole fam ily can enjoy. This Chipotle Chicken Flatbread makes for a perfect al fresco meal.Prepared along with a fresh salad or simply enjoyed by itself, this flatbread is simple to make and even kids will love adding the toppings and sauce. It’s colorful and fresh, making it a perfect addition to get-togethers on the patio.

2 flatbreads
Played by Yuji Okumoto, Chozen Toguchi, Daniel’s former enemy from “Karate Kid Part 2,” came to the states to help stop Terry Silver (Thomas Ian Griffith), a ruthless busi nessman and Karate champion who wants to shut down Miyagi-Do Karate.
No matter if its “Stranger Things,” “Cobra Kai” or other shows, fans will watch their favorite shows at their own time and pace. Die-hard viewers also love to talk about shows online, so keep that in mind when you go to online discussion boards.
Recipe: A flatbread
1 pint cherry tomatoes, quartered salt, to pepper,tastetotaste
Long delays between seasons can be troublesome as well. The fourth season of “Cobra Kai” dropped on Dec. 31, 2021, and I treated myself to a nice New Year’s binge of karate. The early arrival of Season 5 this September also was a nice surprise, but the show’s creators haven’t mentioned a release date for Season 6, so it may take some time for “Cobra Kai” to return. Additionally, the young cast has been getting older and that may affect the dynamic of the series.

4 chicken tenders, cooked and cubed
P opular streaming ser vices such as Netflix can “drop” a complete season of a series or parcel out episodes oneat-a-time. For Season 5 of “Cobra Kai,” however, Netflix made all 10 episodes available on Sept. 9. Based on the 1980’s “Karate Kid” movies, series creators Josh Heald, Jon Hur witz and Hayden Schlossberg picked up the classic storyline 34 years lat er. Daniel LaRusso, played by Ralph Macchio, now has his own car dealer ship while a struggling Johnny Law rence (William Zabka), his former karate nemesis, reopened the Cobra Kai dojo to train new generations of students.Before Season 5 was available, I rewatched the fourth season to make sure I was ready for the new episodes. I resisted as best as could but, ultimately, I watched all 10 ep isodes over one weekend. “Cobra Kai” re mains a popular series and online conversa tions about the series typically are very lively.
streaming services dropping just one episode per week on a specified day until that season is over. I am, for ex ample, a huge fan of the late, lament ed TV series “Chuck,” but that series broadcast only one episode per week.

Feature • Community News • September 21, 2022
Fill in the blank squares in the grid, making sure that every row, column and 3-by-3 box includes all the digits 1 through 9.
Directions: Preheat oven to 375 F.
In small bowl, mix ranch and chipotle seasoning.
1 clove garlic, diced
1 1/2 teaspoons chipotle seasoning

2 tablespoons cilantro leaves, chopped
Formorealfrescorecipeideas, Chipotle Chicken Flatbread ‘Cobra Kai’ photo courtesy Counterbalance Entertainment
Born and raised in South St. Louis, Steve Bryan is now based in Anaheim, California, and has been allowed access to movie and television sets to see actors and directors at work. Though his writing has taken him far from St. Louis, Steve is, at heart, still the same wide-eyed kid who spent countless hours watching classic movies at theaters.neighborhood

over 4,000 pet burials; over 6 acres; over 60 yrs old. 314-576-3030
It has never been known to fail.

Thank you, St. Jude. R.H.
September 21, 2022 • Community News • www.mycnews.comF-2 Feature Check it Out! FOR SALE HELP WANTED HELP WANTED 2x2 c w/color Call 636-379-1775Brooke $ per46run REAL-ESTATESPECIAL For Garage Sales, Moving Sales, Yard Sales, or Sale of Items 636-379-1775CLASSIFIEDSPECIAL!CALL$45 $15 each additional week after that. $30 for a 1.5” x 2” for the first week (1.5” x 1” ad) COLLECTIBLES SERVICES

May the Sacred Heart of Jesus be adored, glorified, loved and preserved throughout the world, now and forever. Sacred Heart of Jesus, have mercy on us. St. Jude, Worker of Miracles, Pray for us. St. Jude, Helper of the Hopeless, Pray for us.
Say this prayer 9 times a day for 9 days, then publish. Your prayers will be answered. DanneggerContracting,BrothersInc Insured | Experienced | Local | Quality • Foundation & Basement Repairs • ConcreteStressMudjackingPieringWaterproofingBracingFlatwork 314-993-1833 CLASSIFIEDS Feature • Community News • September 21, 2022 EveryPublishedWeekSince1921 Family-Owned & Operated Our FREE publications are AREAS OF CIRCULATION

Me: “I’d like to return this shower rod. It didn’t quiteClerk:fit.”“I’m sorry, we can’t return this particu lar piece of merchandise unless it’s in its original packaging.”
He grabbed the container; he twisted; he tore; he grunted and groaned and after ripping a ten don and receiving multiple plastic cuts he said some words the other man upstairs would not appreciate. He then threw the shower rod to the floor and grumbled, “I’ll be back.”
1. Relating to Vatican’s
Cindy Moore is the moth er of three superlative kids, servant of two self-indulgent felines and wife to one nif ty husband. Her ficticious occupation? Archeological Humorist: someone who unearths absurdity and hi larity in strange and unusu al places including public restrooms, the lint fil ter, and church meet ings. Most recently, she excavated a find in her neighbor’s bird feeder.
He returned with a pair of garden cutters used to lop off large branches from trees – no result. He put it under a blow torch and only singed his eyebrows off and melted the first layer of skin
Buying anything in a package nowa days can be a chal lenge. I remember a day when pack aging came in two choices – paper or plastic. Not so much anymore. I bought a simple item the other day – a show er rod. I brought it home and three hours later I was still attempting to remove it from its container.

“I’m so sorry,” I said. “You must think this is a silly request.”
CROSSWORD: Outdoor Fun

Yeggs’ is a comic series about Robert and Bill, two rabbits who have opened their own egg franchise in the Midwest (St. Louis area). We follow their day to day lives, watching as they go about the hectic task of preparing for their one big day every year. Along the way they have adventures filled with fun, comic doings and pathos.

September 21, 2022 • Community News • www.mycnews.comF-4 Feature
This time they could. The rod stubbornly popped out. Unfortunately, it didn’t work out in my shower. I took it back the next day.
The opinions expressed in this column are Cindy Moore’s alone and do not reflect the opinion of the owners or staff of Community News.

The thing was packaged as though it held the nuclear missel passcodes. It was encased in a thick plastic cylinder as dense as a politician’s thought process, so of course, there was no get ting through it.
“This calls for emergency mea sures,” he wailed.
from his face.
Moore on Life
“Call for an emer gency.” He dialed 911 and shortly af ter an EMT came to the door with the Jaws of Life.
“Not at all ma’am. We get this a lot, but most of the time we can’t help.”
I first used my own brute strength by trying to rip it manually. I ripped a tendon and came away with some nasty paper cuts only they were plastic cuts – much ouchier! Next, I tried cutting it with scissors; the blades broke. The only thing left was to swallow my pride and ask the man upstairs for help – my husband, not God, but He was next on theSoonlist. my husband came downstairs with a smirk and some snark and said, “Here little help less lady, let me put my manly muscles to work.”
By Cindy Moore”40.member39.,e.g.DistressingacronymAcrylicfiber*Outinginawagon*Overnightingoutdoors“____TeChing”RCorJoltTaxproLowestbrassinstrument*AlfrescomealKaa’swarningThisandthatExtendedfamily“TheSunis____aNamely(2words)“TheParentTrap”childRenter’spaperH.H.Munro’sSnakyswimmersGeisha’sgarbKids’constructionblockCausticchemical 53. Display displeasure 55. Blunder 57. *S’more cooker 61. *U-Pick destination 65. Yahoo! message 66. Hyperactivity acronym 68. Relating to hilum 69. To the point 70. Make a pigeon sound 71. Silly 72. Ancient eternal life 73.symbolHin British HMS 74. Socially inept DOWN 1. *Promenading route 2. Atlas stat 3. Small and weak 4. Cut short 5. Cowboy’s catcher 6. Additional 7. Opposite of paleo 8. “Xanadu” music genre 9. Village, mostly in South 10.AfricaTangerine plus 11.grapefruitColloquial “Follow me!” 12. NASA’s orange drink 15. Master’s area 20. Meryl Streep/Philip Seymour Hoffman 2008 movie 22. *Climbing peak 24. Fashion week stage 25. *Sidewalk artist’s 26.mediumMushroom caps 27. Indian black tea 29. Unwelcome reception, Give a quote 32. Handrail post 33. In an unfriendly manner 34. Incense without prefix 36. Comme ci, comme ça 38. *Nature walk 42. Detroit mascot 45. Store as fodder 49. Not their 51. Lady Slipper, e.g. 54. “Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous” host 56. Horny odd-toed ungulate, for short 57. Between Phi and Kappa 58. Bad luck predictor 59. Police informer 60. *Angling reward 61. O in b.o. 62. Having wings 63. Military status 64. Squirrel’s nest 67. Rudolph’s Clarice, e.g. SEE ANSWERS PAGE 9 John HannaYeggs Boxed in
“What are you go ing to do?” I asked.