CNSTC: October 28, 2020

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October 28, 2020

Staying COVID-safe this Halloween

Around Town

House calls bring the Jewish Holiday of Sukkot to homebound. Pg. 3

Diaper drive a success. Pg. 3

Special Section November Sample Ballot. Pg. C1-C4

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Photo courtesy Bigstock

The St. Charles County Department of Public Health offers tips on how to enjoy the holiday in the middle of the coronavirus pandemic By Brett Auten Like pretty much everything else this year, Halloween will have a different feel to it. With COVID-19 infection numbers still at the forefront in the minds of many, the St. Charles County Department of Public Health wants everyone to enjoy the festivities safely. The St. Charles County Department of Public Health joins the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in issuing recommendations focused on reducing the risks for spreading illness. St. Charles County Department of Public Health Director Deme-

trius Cianci-Chapman says that following recommended precautions during Halloween festivities will help to make the risk of spreading COVID-19 less scary. “Parents need to have conversations with their kids about the importance of following the recommendations to socially distance, wash hands, avoid commonly touched surfaces and wear masks,” Cianci-Chapman said. Mixing and matching and interacting with many people over the course of a night out and about can create a high risk for disease spread and parents should establish trick-ortreating ground rules.

Doug Bolnick is the St. Charles County Department of Public Health Public Information Officer. He suggests alternative activities like decorating neighborhood homes for the holiday and hosting a drive-by parade to view the decorations or planning a photo scavenger hunt around the neighborhood, virtual costume contest or stay-in scary movie night with your family. It is safer to gather with your immediate family or a small group of individuals that you know have successfully practiced social See ‘SAFE’ page 2

Serving St. Louis, St. Charles and Lincoln Counties | FREE Online at | Vol.22 No.44 | 636-379-1775

Recipe, Movie & Sudoku. Pg. F-1 CLASSIFIEDS AND HOME & GARDEN. Pg. F-2 /F-3 Moore On Life, Yeggs & Crossword. Pg. F-4

Weather FRIDAY Mostly Sunny 52/37 SATURDAY Sunny 59/44 SUNDAY Sunny 53/38

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