CNSTC: Nov. 7. 2012

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November 7, 2012

Vol 14

July 13, 2011

No 45

Vol 13 No 28

Lake Saint Louis Plans Veterans Day Observance

Honoring Those Who Served

IN this Issue

Arrangements are nearing completion for the Lake Saint Louis Veterans Day observance. Ralph Barrale, chairman of the Veterans Volunteer Committee, said the ceremony will be held at 11 a.m. on Monday, November 12, because Veterans Day falls on a Sunday this year. The event will be held at the Lake Saint Louis Veteran’s Memorial Park, adjacent to the Lake Saint Louis Civic Center (city hall and police department) at the intersection of I-64/U.S.40 and Lake Saint Louis Boulevard. The ceremony is free and the public is invited and encouraged to attend. Veterans who attend are encouraged to wear their uniforms, if available. As part of the program, commemorative bricks purchased since the last ceremony at the park (Memorial Day this year) will be dedicated. To date, almost 400 bricks honoring veterans have been installed at the park. Those attending will have two opportunities to support the ongoing development of the park. First, to honor a special veteran or veterans in your life, commemorative bricks may be ordered at the ceremony. The bricks will be placed in the park at locations around the circle of flags representing branches of the armed services. Each brick is $100, which includes three lines of engraving for the veteran’s name and the emblem of the veteran’s branch of service. Engraving also may be used to offer a tribute to all veterans. A locator guide is available at the park so that people may find “their” brick. Second, a unique and stirring photograph will be available in four sizes, framed or unframed, for donations ranging from $5 to $50. The picture, captured during the Vietnam Veterans Commemorative Service in O’Fallon in 2007, shows the emblem found on the POW/MIA flag superimposed in the center of the American flag. It is not a “trick” photograph, or one that has been created through manipulation of computer software. The ceremony took place during rainy

and windy weather; the wind blew the POW/MIA flag into the national colors where it stuck momentarily. The photographer, who wishes to remain anonymous, snapped the picture at just the right instant. All proceeds – 100 percent – from donations to acquire a copy of the photograph, will go towards the upkeep and improvements of the Lake Saint Louis Veteran’s Memorial Park. To date, donations for photos have raised almost $1000 for the park. The full-color photos will be offered in 5” x 7” ($10 donation), 11” x 14” ($20 donation); 16” x 20” ($35 donation) and 24” x 36” ($50 donation). All sizes will be available with either a black or a white frame. Orders for both donation items may be placed at the park after the conclusion of the Memorial Day ceremony. Also, brick orders may be made in person at Lake Saint Louis City Hall, or online at Type “brick order form” into the search window on the home page and then download the form in PDF format. Photo orders may be placed with Jim Frain at jimfrain@

Around Town . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-8 Lincoln County Life . . . . . . . . . . . 9 School . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-11 Business . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-13 Barrale, a veteran of the Battle of the Bulge in World War II, said the event will be held rain or shine. “Our veterans answered the call to duty in all kinds of weather,” he said.

“We can, and should, salute them in all kinds of weather. We hope everyone will take a little time out of their day to be with us.” See HONORING page 4


Learn & Play / Pet Adoptions . . . . Movie . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Joe Morice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Shelly Schneider / Recipe . . . . . .

See MOVIE page 15

“‘Wreck-It Ralph” - Photo courtesy of Walt Disney Pictures

14 15 16 17

Sports . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Health . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 What’s Happening . . . . . . . . . . . 20-21 Classifieds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22-23

2139 Bryan Valley Commercial Dr. • O’Fallon, MO 63366 P: 636.379.1775 F: 636.379.1632 E:

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