www.MyCounty-Line.com --- MAY Issue, 2011
w w w. M y C o u n t y - L i n e . c o m
Volume 4 Issue 48
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The County Line Business & Community Journal ● P.O. Box 1156 ● Eastland, Texas 76448 ● http://www.mycounty-line.com
Monthly Issue
May ,
In This Issue: Presidential Papers of George W. Bush
Growing Up Small Town by Mike W. Norris
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vol.4 Issue 48
President Bush National Address Following the 9/11 Trade Center Attack Good evening.
Texas Conservative
Today, our fellow citizens, our way of life, our very freedom came under attack in a series of deliberate and deadly terrorist acts.
@Ranger Library
The victims were in airplanes or in their offices -- secretaries, businessmen and women, military and federal workers. Moms and dads. Friends and neighbors.
by Chuck Norris
by Diana McCullough
Star Pride
by Ginger Tobin
Good Neighbors by Clint Coffee
Texas Traveler
Simmons Photo Montage by Mike W. Norris
Tumbleweed Smith by Bob Lewis
Daily Devotional
by Wanda Lee Beck Skinner
Love Lessons
by Vicki Stiefer
Treasure Hunters by Jerry Eckhart
The Breckenridge Wall Local Advertisers
Out of the Box
by Joellen Hodge
Rising Star Bulletin Board Local Advertisers
Out of the Past
by Luther Gohlke
This Week In Texas History by Bartee Haile
From the Backside
by Henry J. Clevicepin
Thousands of lives were suddenly ended by evil, despicable acts of terror. The pictures of airplanes flying into buildings, fires burning, huge structures collapsing, have filled us with disbelief, terrible sadness and a quiet, unyielding anger. These acts of mass murder were intended to frighten our nation into chaos and retreat. But they have failed. Our country is strong. A great people has been moved to defend a great nation. Terrorist attacks can shake the foundations of our biggest buildings, but they cannot touch the foundation of America. These acts shatter steel, but they cannot dent the steel of American resolve. America was targeted for attack because we’re the brightest beacon for freedom and opportunity in the world. And no one will keep that light from shining. Today, our nation saw evil, the very worst of human nature, and we responded with the best of America, with the daring of our rescue workers, with the caring for strangers and neighbors who came to give blood and help in any way they could. Immediately following the first attack, I implemented our government’s emergency response plans. Our military is powerful, and it’s prepared. Our emergency teams are working in New York City and Washington, D.C., to help with local rescue efforts. Our first priority is to get help to those who have been injured and to take every precaution to protect our citizens at home and around the world from further attacks. The functions of our government continue without interruption. Federal agencies in Washington which had to be evacuated today are reopening for essential personnel tonight and will be open for business tomorrow.
The County Line Published by Wolverine Design Mike Norris - Owner
P.O. Box 1156 Eastland, Tx 76448 Phone: (254) 433-2693 mike@mycounty-line.com
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Thanks to our readers in:
Abilene Albany Baird Breckenridge Brownwood Carbon Cisco Comanche Cross Plains DeLeon Desdemona Dublin Eastland El Paso Gordon Gorman Irving Olden Lingleville Lubbock Ranger Rising Star Stephenville Strawn Thurber Weatherford
We appreciate your support! Mike &rris Ruth No
Our financial institutions remain strong, and the American economy will be open for business as well. The search is underway for those who are behind these evil acts. I’ve ~ continued on page 7
Published by Mike W. Norris d.b.a. Wolverine Design ● P.O. Box 1156 ● Eastland, Texas 76448 ● http://www.mycounty-line.com
3Growing Up Small Town ■
www.MyCounty-Line.com ~ May Issue, 2011 v4.48
, Mike W. Norris
Inside the Raid That Killed Bin Laden WASHINGTON – Helicopters descended out of darkness on the most important counterterrorism mission in U.S. history. It was an operation so secret, only a select few U.S. officials knew what was about to happen. The location was a fortified compound in an affluent Pakistani town two hours outside Islamabad. The target was Usama bin Laden. Intelligence officials discovered the compound in August while monitoring an Al Qaeda courier. The CIA had been hunting that courier for years, ever since detainees told interrogators that the courier was so trusted by bin Laden that he might very well be living with the Al Qaeda leader. Nestled in an affluent neighborhood, the compound was surrounded by walls as high as 18 feet, topped with barbed wire. Two security gates guarded the only way in. A thirdfloor terrace was shielded by a seven-foot privacy wall. No phone lines or Internet cables ran to the property. The residents burned their garbage rather than put it out for collection. Intelligence officials believed the million-dollar compound was built five years ago to protect a major terrorist figure. The question was, who? The CIA asked itself again and again who might be living behind those walls. Each time, they concluded it was almost certainly bin Laden. President Barack Obama described the operation in broad strokes Sunday night. Details were provided in interviews with counterterrorism and intelligence authorities, senior administration officials and other U.S. officials. All spoke on condition of anonymity to discuss the sensitive operation. By mid-February, intelligence from multiple sources was clear enough that Obama wanted to “pursue an aggressive course of action,” a senior administration official said. Over the next two and a half months, Obama led five meetings of the National Security Council focused solely on whether bin Laden was in that compound and, if so, how to get him, the official said. Normally, the U.S. shares its counterterrorism intelligence widely with trusted allies in Britain, Canada, Australia and elsewhere. And the U.S. normally does not carry out ground operations inside Pakistan without collaboration with Pakistani intelligence. But this mission was too important and too secretive. On April 29, Obama approved an operation to kill bin Laden. It was a mission that required surgical accuracy, even more precision than could be delivered by the government’s sophisticated Predator drones. To execute it, Obama tapped a small contingent of the Navy’s elite SEAL Team Six and put them under the command of CIA Director Leon Panetta, whose analysts monitored the compound from afar. Panetta was directly in charge of the team, a U.S. official said, and his conference room was transformed into a command center. Details of exactly how the raid unfolded remain murky. But the Al Qaeda courier, his brother and one of bin Laden’s sons were killed. No Americans were injured. Senior administration officials will only say that bin Laden “resisted.” And then
the man behind the worst terrorist attack on U.S. soil died from an American bullet to his head. It was mid-afternoon in Virginia when Panetta and his team received word that bin Laden was dead. Cheers and applause broke out across the conference room. Associated Press writers Kimberly Dozier, Adam Goldman and Julie Pace in Washington contributed to this report; Kathy Gannon contributed from Islamabad. From www.foxnews.com 05/01/2011 My Thoughts and Concerns
Ever since the president announced that our military forces had brought down our arch nemesis, Usama bin Laden, there has been an ongoing debate about whether or not the administration should release photos and video of the raid, or if releasing such evidence would somehow sway international opinion of the American people. Well let me just speak for myself: There are countless numbers of individuals and groups around the world who will flatly refuse that bin Laden has been brought to justice. No amount of official photos, videos or eye witness accounts will sway those people from their beliefs. They are completely distrustful of government in almost
any capacity and not much more trustful of any single media outlet. So if the purpose of releasing photos and video is to provide irrefutable proof that bin Laden is dead, then I believe that is a lost cause. So in my mind, I can justify the administration not wanting to release photos and video right now simply because it would not serve its ultimate purpose. It should be enough for now that our national leadership is standing before the world and saying unequivocally that the United States has brought bin Laden to justice. The fact that bin Laden is dead will certainly be revealed in the actions of those who have followed his terroristic plans against the United States. In the back of my mind, I’m a bit more cautious about the possibility of a terrorist attack since bin Laden’s death was announced. As his followers confirm America’s claims, they will most certainly fall into some measure of instability...if nothing else, there will be those that insist on immediate retaliation while others wish to pursue a planned route. In any event, America stands as strong as ever and nothing will bring Americans together faster than an outside threat. So if bin Laden’s followers decide to take action, they will most certainly meet the same fate as he has. My advice to them: tread lightly. Thank you to both Bush and Obama, and God Bless Our Troops. Job well done. Send Comments to: smalltown@mycounty-line.com
Published by Mike W. Norris d.b.a. Wolverine Design ● P.O. Box 1156 ● Eastland, Texas 76448 ● http://www.mycounty-line.com
4Texas Conservative ■
www.MyCounty-Line.com ~ May Issue, 2011 v4.48
, Chuck Norris - The Man
Gun Owners’ Guide to the 2012 Election
This week, the picture is finally complete. First, the Obama White House decided to leap headfirst into the gun control debate. Then came the response from Congress, which is far more interested in investigating the “Fast and Furious” scandal, in which federal agents allowed thousands of guns to be “walked” into Mexico and furnished to drug cartels. And now the final piece: President Barack Obama has filed his papers to run for re-election. That in a nutshell is all gun owners need to know about the 2012 presidential election. After two years of avoiding the gun control debate (and violating his own campaign promises to push for additional restrictions), Obama finally is showing his true colors on this important issue. Let’s not forget that this is the same candidate who once espoused a total ban on handguns and more recently supported a nationwide ban on right-to-carry laws. And if he couldn’t get that done, he said he would support increasing the taxes on guns and ammunition by 500 percent. Now he is trying to be measured about his gun control objectives, using vague and gauzy rhetoric that his handlers hope will be difficult to hang around his neck. But can there be any doubt that during a second term, Obama would unleash the full power of the presidency toward destroying our Second Amendment rights? He already has appointed two Supreme Court justices who are now on record opposing the opinions that confirm that the Second Amendment guarantees an individual right to keep and bear arms. And those opinions both came down on the thinnest possible margin, 5-4. If even one justice retires or otherwise departs from the court, Obama will have a clear path to install another opponent of our freedoms and tip the balance against us. Meanwhile, unbelievably, even while the White House pursues new restrictions on our rights, the bureaucratic apparatus of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives has been allowing known smugglers to arm drug cartels in Mexico. By encouraging honest gun dealers to consummate the sales of thousands of guns to shady characters and then allowing the smugglers to move the guns into Mexico unimpeded, one of our own federal law enforcement agencies has been fueling cartel violence in Mexico. These shocking revelations have been brought forward by courageous whistle-blowers in ATF field offices, and the official reaction has been to divert attention and stonewall all inquiries. But the diversion tactics haven’t worked; even mainstream media outlets are catching on to this appalling scandal. But the stonewalling continues. Congressional investigators gave the ATF until March 30 to turn over the documents they requested. But the deadline flew by, ignored in flagrant bureaucratic defiance. Now the heat is really on because the ATF defied the one committee that can do something about it. The House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform has issued a subpoena for the documents it is seeking. Officials at the ATF will have to furnish the requested documents and appear in person to answer questions or risk their own incarceration. How bitterly ironic is that? These are the guys who are supposed to be enforcing our
laws, not being jailed for their contempt of them. Some observers of this scandal believe that these documents will confirm the darkest suspicions over “Fast and Furious” -- that the illicit gun smuggling was allowed and encouraged in order to drive up the number of guns recovered in Mexico that could be traced back to U.S. gun stores. Anyone interested in driving up those numbers could have only one reason: to justify new restrictions on our Second Amendment rights. Finally, this past week saw the official filing of papers for the Obama re-election campaign. Decidedly de-emphasized by the White House, this moment nonetheless marks a turning point in the administration. Now the accounting begins. The Obama machine is detecting a profound buyer’s remorse in the ranks of its original supporters -- and who could blame them? This president campaigned to end the war in Iraq, but now he’s started a new one in Libya. He campaigned to close down Guantanamo, but now he’s cleared the way for accused terrorists there to face military tribunals. He campaigned to push for more gun control but didn’t bother until it was evident that his administration instead was defying international law and arming drug cartels. About the only thing this president promised and did force through was a massive nationalization of health care, but now he’s handing out waivers to political cronies so they don’t have to comply. Despite all this, Obama could easily win re-election as it stands today. And he will be spending the next year and a half working feverishly to guarantee this result. It may well be that the best strategy to defeat him is to ask his supporters whether they have gotten what they bargained for. Send Comments to: chuck@mycounty-line.com
To find out more about Chuck Norris and read features by other Creators Syndicate writers and cartoonists, visit the Creators Syndicate Web page at www.creators.com. COPYRIGHT 2011 CHUCK NORRIS - DISTRIBUTED BY CREATORS.COM - Reprinted under license by Mike Norris for The County Line. Published by Mike W. Norris d.b.a. Wolverine Design ● P.O. Box 1156 ● Eastland, Texas 76448 ● http://www.mycounty-line.com
5@The Ranger Library ■
www.MyCounty-Line.com ~ May Issue, 2011 v4.48
, Diana McCullough
Texas Library Conference
“Chasing Fire” is the newest work by author Nora Roberts, so aptly named, and timely. But I can hear distant thunder on this cool night, and praying that by the time you read this, Texas flames will be quenched in a soaking rain.
Last week I was extremely fortunate to be able to attend the Texas State Library Conference in Austin. Because of our library’s participation in the University of North Texas’s PEARL grant, ALL of my expenses (including my substitute’s pay) were covered. It was a great trip! If you want to keep reading, I’ll tell you about it. I flew to Austin, from Abilene Regional Airport, and I love to fly! I told former City Administrator AJ Ratliff once upon a time, that I could travel ANYWHERE in the WORLD because I could fly out of Abilene.
stint—working with the authors. I LOVE that job! The two sessions I attended that afternoon were “Professional Development on Your Own Terms” and “Big Brother IS Watching”, the latter being a practical choice as our Ranger Citizens Task Force is learning to manage a 501c3 non-profit. The whole conference shut down for a 4:00 Rally at the Capitol. The “Drum Café” set the beat and it was a very boisterous time with a couple of thousand librarians chanting, clad mostly in red. John Pecoraro, Big Country Library System Coordinator, happened to ride my bus to the Capitol, and he encouraged me to stop in at the newly refurbished Texas State Library and Archives, and I told him I would “just walk in to get the FEEL”. Well…they were serving refreshments and giving 12 minute tours, and so I got a real good “feel” of this distinguished building. The night concluded with the President’s All Conference Party from 8:00 – 10:30 PM. The band was too loud, but when they took a break, I enjoyed visiting with the librarians from Beaumont. They were very kind to this “Lone Ranger”.
Everyone associated with the PEARL grant stayed at the Sheraton near the state Capitol and 8:30 Thursday morning found me in the “Skype we rode the conference shuttle buses to and fro. We Across Texas” session and we had a “Surprise also did a LOT of walking in that huge convention Author” Skype—Toni Buzzeo. It was a GREAT! center! That was followed by “Texas Authors Live”—and all of the authors autographed and gave away books The Welcome Party was hosted at the LBJ at the end. They were Sarah Bird, Dixie Cash, Library and Museum on that first night, and it was David Hilton, Mari Mancusi, Anna Mitchael, and GREAT. I enjoyed the exhibits, a 20 minute film, Antoinette Houghton. Dixie Cash especially cracks and the tasty food. me up! The book that she gave away was “I Can’t You Love Me, but I CAN make You Leave”. Registration began at 7 AM the next morning, Make Dixie and her sister are co-authors and she spoke and that was about the time I arrived. Several of about “humor”—you either get it or you don’t. She us PEARL participants sat together to listen to kept us laughing! Jamie Lee Curtis in the first General Assembly— she was SO motivational. Then I hiked to the The “Community Outreach” session was required huge Exhibit Hall to do my two hour “volunteer” of PEARL participants so I wasn’t able to attend the Bluebonnet Luncheon, but I did overcome my disappointment. Sometimes you just can’t do EVERYTHING no matter how bad you want to. I LOVED the session “Authors of Mystery for Adults”, and once again the authors signed and gave away their books at the end of the session. Greg Mortenson, author of Three Cups of Tea and co-founder of Pennies For Peace was the keynote speaker in the second General Assembly.
PEARL participants had the privilege of attending the University of North Texas Reception and Dinner that evening, then some of us took a walk on the “wild side” down Sixth Street and saw things we don’t see in Ranger! On Friday morning, I left my luggage with the hotel concierge and took the final shuttle ride to the convention center. First attending “Learn Frontline Fundraising” presented by ALA President, Roberta Stevens—and if this “Frontline Fundraising” interests you, the “toolkit” can be found on the American Library Association’s webpage; and lastly, attending “Reaching Out With Rebecca Stead: Newberry Award-Winning Author”. I returned to the Sheraton, enjoyed a salad and a club sandwich in the hotel restaurant, waiting for the Super Shuttle to pick me up for the airport. Due to high winds at DFW, my flight was delayed. News of nearby wildfires started arriving on my phone. For example, “Gorman school evacuated.” THAT is news. My flight out of DFW was delayed as well—it’s a good thing because I would have missed it if it had been on schedule. I sat down by a seemingly ordinary man who wasn’t so ordinary after all. He was a firefighter from New Mexico, and he was informative. He discreetly pointed out another man, “He’s a firefighter, too.” “How do you know?” “The pants.” There were probably eight firefighters on this plane to Abilene, all strangers, but they recognized each other because of their PANTS. $165 flame-retardant pants. And they talked to me like I “belonged”—I wanted to pull out my little spiral and take notes, but I didn’t dare. It’s their JOB to “chase fire”, and fight fire with FIRE. As we flew 22,000 feet high in the nighttime sky, we could see the bright flames dancing in the dark at Possum Kingdom, then at Cisco. Because of the winds, we were cautioned to keep our seat belts fastened, but we didn’t. As one side of this small 33 passenger plane saw flames, some passengers would unbuckle to peer through the window across the aisle. A bunch of strangers with so much concern in common. I pulled into my garage at 10:52 that night, so thankful to be home. What a trip! And today? The Fed Ex man delivered the big box of books that I mailed to myself from Austin! I’ll leave you with words from Jamie Lee Curtis: “Have the courage to change what you can”; “Nodding your head does not row the boat. Go row the boat!”; “Be the change you want to see” (Gandhi); and lastly, crediting Eleanor Roosevelt, “Do the thing you think you cannot do”. Please take care, and as always…ENJOY READING! Send Comments to: rangerlibrary@mycounty-line.com
Published by Mike W. Norris d.b.a. Wolverine Design ● P.O. Box 1156 ● Eastland, Texas 76448 ● http://www.mycounty-line.com
6Star Pride ■
www.MyCounty-Line.com ~ May Issue, 2011 v4.48
, Ginger Tobin May Clean-Up Efforts
DOWNTOWN FLOWER BARRELS-Spring is really bursting out all around the downtown area as more and more citizen-volunteers plant one or more of Star Pride’s flower pots with colorful and varied flowers and plants. Several citizens who have recently completed their planting are Judy Jones and Arla Hill, who were recently seen busily planting three flower pots with an array of Spring flowers; Lisa McGinn and Denise Eggers; and Mike McGinn. The frost forecast for May 2 presented a real threat to newly planted flowers; Mike McGinn actually picked up his flowers and kept them overnight in his vehicle for protection and returned them early the next morning to their location in front of the former drugstore. Thanks for your gallant efforts, Mike.
A special Star Pride committee met recently and established guidelines to be used by local residents as well as the judges in preparation for our awards for Best Looking Yard and Most Improved Property. BEST LOOKING YARD GUIDELINES ARE: • Resident does not need to register to be in this contest. • Grass should appear in good condition, mowed, edged & trimmed. • Shrubs should be shaped or trimmed. • Flowers in yard would be a plus.
Published by Mike W. Norris d.b.a. Wolverine Design ● P.O. Box 1156 ● Eastland, Texas 76448 ● http://www.mycounty-line.com
Continued on page 18...
7Presidential Papers ■
www.MyCounty-Line.com ~ May Issue, 2011 v4.48
, George W. Bush (continued from page 2)
directed the full resources for our intelligence and law enforcement communities to find those responsible and bring them to justice. We will make no distinction between the terrorists who committed these acts and those who harbor them. I appreciate so very much the members of Congress who have joined me in strongly condemning these attacks. And on behalf of the American people, I thank the many world leaders who have called to offer their condolences and assistance. America and our friends and allies join with all those who want peace and security in the world and we stand together to win the war against terrorism. Tonight I ask for your prayers for all those who grieve, for the children whose worlds have been shattered, for all whose sense of safety
and security has been threatened. And I pray they will be comforted by a power greater than any of us spoken through the ages in Psalm 23: “Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I fear no evil, for You are with me.” This is a day when all Americans from every walk of life unite in our resolve for justice and peace. America has stood down enemies before, and we will do so this time. None of us will ever forget this day, yet we go forward to defend freedom and all that is good and just in our world. Thank you. Good night and God bless America. The “Bullhorn” Speech at Ground Zero: President Bush: Thank you all. I want you all to know -- it [bullhorn] can’t go any louder -- I want you all to know that American today, American today is on bended knee, in prayer for the people whose lives were lost here, for the workers who work here, for
■ Good
the families who mourn. The nation stands with the good people of New York City and New Jersey and Connecticut as we mourn the loss of thousands of our citizens Rescue Worker: I can’t hear you! President Bush: I can hear you! I can hear you! The rest of the world hears you! And the people -- and the people who knocked these buildings down will hear all of us soon! Rescue Workers: [Chanting] U.S.A.! U.S.A.! U.S.A.! U.S.A.! U.S.A.! U.S.A.! U.S.A.! U.S.A.! President Bush: The nation -- The nation sends its love and compassion -Rescue Worker: God bless America! President Bush: -- to everybody who is here. Thank you for your hard work. Thank you for makin’ the nation proud, and may God bless America. Rescue Workers: [Chanting] U.S.A.! U.S.A.! U.S.A.! U.S.A.! Send Comments to: president@mycounty-line.com
Neighbors, Clint Coffee CLU ChFC State Farm Insurance® Agent
Wildfires are the most destructive natural disaster on Earth. We’ve all seen the pictures. The wildfires that plague our neighboring states, burning up debris and houses that stand in their path…that lash of orange flame that begins as a spark and ends in a fire out of control. If you live in foothills, grasslands or mountains, you are at risk! Each year thousands of wildfires burn across millions of acres of land, mostly west of the Mississippi River. In 2004, it cost nearly $890 million to fight these fires, according to the National Interagency Fire Center (NIFC). Fires play a vital role in nature, helping revitalize forests and prairies by clearing out underbrush, dead trees and other debris. However, more and more people are moving into areas that were once considered remote, where wildfires now pose greater risk to homes and personal safety. In the past decade, NIFC indicates that annually on average more than 2,600 homes were damaged, more
than 100,000 fires were reported and approximately 4 million acres burned. Wildfires are often started by lightning. But more - four out of every five fires - are started by people, according to FEMA. In the past few years, new techniques have been developed to help combat these devastating fires. Controlled or prescribed fires are used in many places to remove the fuel that feeds a fire. Areas close to homes are given extra attention in an effort to keep the fire away from buildings. There are also things homeowners can do to help protect their property, possessions and family: Install fire detection and sprinkler systems inside your home. Use fire resistive building materials outside your home. Create a “defensive space” of at least 30 feet by removing dry grass, brush, dead leaves and downed trees. Maintain an emergency water supply.
Provide ready access to your home and be sure your street name and house number are identifiable. Practice emergency preparedness in case you need to evacuate the area. Be sure your family has a plan of how to escape a fire. If you are caught in a fire, stay low to the ground where the smoke is not so heavy. Never hide during a fire always get out of the house. And once out, do not go back inside. Alert emergency personnel if someone is trapped inside. We can live in forested areas, as long as we understand that there are risks in doing so. If a fire does flare up in your area, remain vigilant to changing conditions and follow instructions from emergency personnel. For more information on this and other safety related matters, please visit statefarm.com.
Send Comments to: neighbors@mycounty-line.com
Published by Mike W. Norris d.b.a. Wolverine Design ● P.O. Box 1156 ● Eastland, Texas 76448 ● http://www.mycounty-line.com
8Texas Traveler ■
www.MyCounty-Line.com ~ May Issue, 2011 v4.48
, by Jeff Clark, Freelance Writer and Historian
Gordon Cotton Gins Profited From Perfect Storm “Times were hard for the family,” Dovie Gailey Hunt wrote of her childhood, “so dad raised cotton. When the first bale was sold, we all went into Gordon on the cotton in a wagon. I remember that long ride.” The Gaileys were traveling from the Harding Place at Simms Valley in Erath County, five miles south of Gordon in Palo Pinto County. “We did not take our Model T Ford with us whenever we (went) to Gordon. Then when we got there, we sold the cotton and Dad took me to see the cotton ginned, etc. Now he had money to buy gasoline, so he went and got our car so we would have a way to go to town instead of all riding in the wagon.” Five Gordon cotton gins once served several counties. These included the Wilbar Brothers, Huffaker, Terry and two others. Over 19,000 bales were ginned in Gordon one year, according to an unconfirmed report. “I remember getting up early one morning in the late 1920s and traveling with Dad to the Terry Gin,” R. N. “Skeeter” Pierce said. The Pierce Place was at Lake Creek, about nine miles north-northwest of Gordon. The mulepowered trip took an hour. Farmers knew to get in line at the Terry Gin early. “Some farmers who lived several miles from the gin would drive in at night, catch a few hours sleep in their cotton and be first in line to get their cotton ginned,” Pierce said. “This allowed them plenty of time to sell their cotton to local merchants, shop a bit and get home by dark.” Skeeter was then four-years-old. “My dad insisted on showing me just how the gin worked. The cleaned cotton was compressed, then wrapped in burlap and steel bands. We picked up the finished bale and carried it to the wagon yard where most cotton was stored until shipment by rail.” The cotton platforms and cattle yards were located west of Gordon’s train depot. Cotton delivered, the Pierces bought groceries at Oden Mercantile and then a large block of ice before heading back to Lake Creek. “Dad carefully wrapped the ice in an old quilt and covered it with a wagon sheet (canvas cloth),” Pierce said. “I knew we would have homemade ice cream the next day and
Gordon cotton waiting at the depot platform for loading. The postcard was printed around 1919-20 by the Eaton - Blewett Mercantile in Gordon. (Postcard courtesy of Shanon Hunt)
iced tea.” Gordon was blessed to have four creeks running through its cotton ginning trade area. Palo Pinto Creek flowed a little over a mile to
the north, Lake Creek eight miles north of that, Barton Creek a mile and a half east of Gordon and Sunday Creek still farther east and south. These rich creek valleys were then fertile. “My mother said as a kid she picked cotton
Farmers’ wagons waiting their turn at the gin. (Photo courtesy of Shanon Hunt)
Published by Mike W. Norris d.b.a. Wolverine Design ● P.O. Box 1156 ● Eastland, Texas 76448 ● http://www.mycounty-line.com
9Texas Traveler ■
www.MyCounty-Line.com ~ May Issue, 2011 v4.48
, Continued...
near Barton Creek that was so tall a youngster couldn’t reach the top of the cotton stalk,” Pierce said. Farm families were large back then, each able-bodied member helping out with the harvest. “Stories were told of young men who could pick four to five hundred pounds of cotton in a day,” Pierce said. “That day was usually dawn till dusk.” Jim Rice, John Oden, John Harlin and Eaton-Blewett Mercantile bought cotton, “but most of the cotton money went to pay off the yearly debt the farmer owed the businesses,” Pierce said. All the cotton that farmers wrestled into town wasn’t immediately ginned. Some was stored un-ginned in big barns, processed later when prices rose. Farmers raised oats to feed their mules and horses, and a lot of wheat, but cotton was their core cash crop. The Pierces raised 15 acres in cotton on their place. Skeeter’s older brother Red Pierce told of their dad sitting down on the bed with tears in his eyes after a hail storm wiped out their crop, saying “Well, I’ll have to ask John
Oden to carry us another year.” Meaning the Pierces would charge everything for another full year, Skeeter added. Boom years, cotton was like gold. Bales could sell as high as 50 cents a pound in the late teens and 1920s. “Two or three bales could buy a Model T Ford,” Skeeter Pierce remembered. The boll weevil killed cotton production in these parts in the 1920s. The last gin, the Terry Gin was shut down and finally scrapped in the early 1930s. Today cotton gins in Gordon, Texas are a distant memory to a small handful who still remember. The late Dovie Gailey Hunt took a few minutes and wrote down memories from her life. Because she made that time, less than we spend watching one TV movie, we have special insight into our history. Special thanks to Dovie Gailey Hunt, R.N. “Skeeter” Pierce, Shanon Hunt, J. B. Harlin and the amazing Gordon Community Library & Museum (once again). Jeff may be reached at www.texastabernacle.com
The County Line is looking for part-time advertising and circulation representatives for our Summer Sales Drive! Work from home on the phone or get out and visit with businesses and people that you know in your community.
Lazy types need not apply. (I’ve got that part covered)
No phone calls, please. Computer and Internet use is required, so if you are interested, please send your resume to my email address below: workfromhome@mycounty-line.com
Send Comments to: txtraveler@mycounty-line.com
Published by Mike W. Norris d.b.a. Wolverine Design ● P.O. Box 1156 ● Eastland, Texas 76448 ● http://www.mycounty-line.com
www.MyCounty-Line.com ~ May Issue, 2011 v4.48
Published by Mike W. Norris d.b.a. Wolverine Design ● P.O. Box 1156 ● Eastland, Texas 76448 ● http://www.mycounty-line.com
www.MyCounty-Line.com ~ May Issue, 2011 v4.48
Published by Mike W. Norris d.b.a. Wolverine Design ● P.O. Box 1156 ● Eastland, Texas 76448 ● http://www.mycounty-line.com
12Tumbleweed Smith ■
www.MyCounty-Line.com ~ May Issue, 2011 v4.48
, Big Spring
BEWARE OF PICKPOCKETS Every time we leave the country we are advised to watch for pickpockets in areas where there are large crowds. Travel books and brochures tell travelers not to carry any loose cash, wallets or passports in front pants pockets or in purses without secure locks. A friend of mine has had his pocket picked two different times. Once was on a bus in Budapest during the winter when he was wearing an overcoat. He was lucky. All the perpetrator got was a notebook that had a list of expenses. Another time he was in Rome and had put about 30 dollars worth of Italian currency in his pocket for some walking around cash he had planned to use for lunch and incidentals. Someone came up to him and asked if he needed help finding his way around town. Suddenly my friend noticed he was minus his walking around cash.
arms were busy holding the infant and his attention was diverted to it, he didn’t notice when his pockets were picked. He lost his wallet, passport and cash and had to go to the US embassy to start the long procedure to get a new passport. When he reported the incident to police, he was told he should have dropped the baby.
Over the years I have bought some money belts and pouches that hang around the neck underneath a shirt. On my most recent trip out of the country I noticed several men in airports and in cities wearing the pouches on the outside their shirts. That made it convenient to use, but a skilled criminal could cut the cord without the owner being aware of what was happening. I keep mine Pickpockets are well trained and start learning their out of sight. It has pockets for passports, trade at an early age. Small children suddenly appear out credit cards and cash, things you want to of nowhere and stand by your side without you noticing keep and use only for yourself. them. I have some travel vests that I use when I leave the My wife took our five-year-old grandson on a train country. They have large inside pockets with zippers trip from Dallas to Texarkana. While she was buying and I feel secure putting valuables in them. I don’t ever the tickets at Union Station in Dallas, she put her wallet take the vest off and leave it on the back of a chair while on the shelf by the ticket office. She was distracted by I have a meal. her grandson who needed a drink of water. When she Losing cash, passports and wallets are real downers turned back to the ticket office, her wallet was gone. It took weeks to get the drivers license, credit cards and and could ruin a trip. You don’t want to walk around full other items back in order. Luckily she had purchased the of fear about losing your valuables. Put them in a safe tickets and got to take the train ride. A woman nearby place and enjoy your travels. saw that she had lost her wallet and gave her a few dollars. The worst pickpocket incident I know about happened to a young man in India. A woman went up to him in a train station and put a baby in his arms. Since his
John Adams lives on a farm just outside Cross Plains. He has been a fan of Ben Franklin for a long time. It started when he went to a schoolhouse opening in McCamey and saw a book on a table. “It was the first book of a series of books on Franklin,” says John. “I picked it up and looked at it and told my wife Bettye Sue I hoped we could afford to buy that book.” He bought the book. Over the years, when a new volume came out, he bought it and now owns the entire 40-volume set, which is published by the American Philosophical Society and Yale University. John has read all of them. “It’s all about Franklin,” says John. “The books have his papers and letters from him and to him.” John
Colorado City. After serving in the military, he worked in the post office, then had a long career with Shell Oil. His first job with Shell was in Wink. “Everybody needs to live in Wink for awhile,” John says with a smile. “But from there we worked all over the country, out in the Gulf, McCamey, New Orleans, Midland, I made them all. I was superintendent, but not at first. I was just a laborer to start with.” John says Franklin didn’t have much formal education. “His daddy decided that Ben was learning a little too much in school because he was learning to read. He pulled Ben out of school in the second grade. Whatever education Ben got after that he got on his own.” John learned a lot from reading about Franklin and put it to good use. “I was impressed that Franklin didn’t have a formal education, but was able to do things. I didn’t have much of an education, either, but with Shell I was responsible for seventy employees when I retired. I don’t think I could have done that without reading Ben’s papers and finding out how he handled his business. Very straight forward. Nothing hidden in the bushes.” Like Franklin, John does a lot of things. He collects clocks (he used to repair them when he worked for a jewelry store), works with stained glass, built a golf green behind his house, built an elaborate water-saving system and has a collection of wood working tools. He even tried his hand at carving. Two of his pieces are in his living room. His son Douglas is a world-class carver of duck decoys. John told me, “You oughta see the inside of my barn. I’ve got an airplane and part of another one in there.” He learned to fly just for the fun of it. John and his wife have traveled to Europe a few times, concentrating on areas near the Mediterranean. Betty Sue is just as active as John and they’re both in their 80’s. She crochets, paints, collects toy sewing machines and does embroidery. She also has a collection of candle snuffers. One of the most unique things about their house is a lap pool built just a few feet from the kitchen table. It’s 25 feet long, 5 feet wide and 5 feet deep. Keeps them young. Sometimes they skinny dip. Send Comments to: tumbleweed@mycounty-line.com
Published by Mike W. Norris d.b.a. Wolverine Design ● P.O. Box 1156 ● Eastland, Texas 76448 ● http://www.mycounty-line.com
13Candidate Biography ■
Tabitha Jordan
www.MyCounty-Line.com ~ May Issue, 2011 v4.48 ■ Daily
Devotional, Wanda Lee Beck Skinner
Jesus is Lord. Today we need to realize that Jesus is Lord. He alone is able to remain in our world. He works things out for us and those we love. He is the ultimate God of the universe. He can make life good when we obey. He can make life miserable when we refuse to obey. We have to take time off occasionally to find What it is He is trying to teach us. Have you had times when it just seemed All your friends and your family Simply were not there. Maybe Jesus wanted you to be alone with Him. Maybe He had something for you to do that meant Time for you to be alone, just you and Him.
Many friends have asked me to introduce myself to Eastland voters for the upcoming school board elections. However, I believe the best form of advertising is word of mouth, ask someone who knows me. With that said, my name is Tabitha Hutton Jordan and I am running for Place 4 on the EISD School How Long Has It Been Board. Some of you may know me from How long has it been since you expressed your gratitude to other people and to the Lord. serving on the Siebert Elementary PTO, If you are honest it will probably embarrass you for your atitude toward the good, ordinary, thing in life that you fail to acknowledge. Our appreciation skills need some seriours work. from church, civic league, chamber or small I wasn’t very gratful for my vision until my cataracts caused it to be difficult to perform every day from my early years in Eastland County task, like reading or driving. Now I have had surgery and can once again see as I could years ago. me I am grateful that once again I can see very well. 4-H. My husband and I own and operate Believe Thing about this and take time to count your blessings every moment of every day. a small business in Eastland as well. Harmony Baptist Chruch April 24, 2011 We have lived in Eastland County for Sunday began with a wonderful class of adults meeting for Sunday School and the young people the majority of our lives. My husband of 17 years, Michael Jordan, having a time of fun and fellowship by hunting eggs outside where is was pleasantly warm. The School lesson was about Mary Magdelene going to Jesus’ tomb in order to take the time to graduated from Eastland High in 1988. The main reason we left the Sunday annoint His body. How surprised she was when the stone over the tomb entrance was rolled away. metroplex was to be able to rear our children in a school system where She took little time to look inside but went to find Peter and John. They were shocked that the had been moved but ran to see what had happened. When they got there they were surprised parents can make a difference. For the short time we were away, we stone that the cloth that had been on His head was folded neately and laid on a bench. The linen cloth longed to be back home in Eastland County and are so proud to an that had been on His body was lying in a pile. Peter and John left to go tell the disciples what had happened. Mary stayed in the garden. active part of this community. Then two angel appeared and talked with her. She heard someone behing her and assumed it We have two children currently attending Siebert Elementary. Active was the garderer. She asked him if he knew where Jesus had been taken. Jesus called her by name as He does every one of us. Will you answer as she did. involvement with the PTO over the last 5 years has given me a great Church was indeed interesting and Ray told the children the story of the three bears. Red opportunity to serve and work with our committed teaching staff. One Riding Hood had gone into their house ate their food, sat in their chairs and even laid down for a nap. They came home and were very surprised that someone had been there, in fact she still was of our top priorities is to support our children in receiving the best there. He hushed and said “I will tell the rest of the story” Many times we do not hear a story but he wanted the childred and adults to hear the rest of the story. Jesus had died on the education possible and providing them with the tools to accomplish through corss and laid in the tomb now for three days. But like He promised it was time for His real job this goal. to begin. He came alive and told Mary to go and tell everyone she knew what had happened to That is the real meaning of the Scripture. Jesus had to take our place and face death so that The Eastland Voters need people who are not only willing to serve, Him. He could pay for our sins. Now He lives in Heaven with God. He had the power to send the Holy but also have a vested interest in the school system, a love for our Spirit to each of us to talk to us and tell us what we need to do. We must go and tell community and teachers and also have an active record of successful what we have seen and heard. Are you ready? volunteer work. I will devote myself to this capacity and may call on several of you for advice and help to be a school board member you can be proud of. I have no agenda other than to serve you with an honest integrity that has lead me through my life to this point. I am asking for your vote during the election to have a mothers voice speaking for our youth of tomorrow within our school board system. It takes a village, please make a difference by casting your vote for me with early voting May 2nd through the 10th at the courthouse or election day on May 14th. Pol.Adv. by Tabitha Jordan
Published by Mike W. Norris d.b.a. Wolverine Design ● P.O. Box 1156 ● Eastland, Texas 76448 ● http://www.mycounty-line.com
14Love Lessons Learned So Far ■
www.MyCounty-Line.com ~ May Issue, 2011 v4.48
, Vicki Stiefer
The Man Crush
the world? What if their Dad is a no-show in their early life? Gloria Steinem put the focus on women nationwide, but what man has stood up seriously on the world’s stage to say young boys need good role models. Young boys need a Dad to show them the way. A father of 5 boys told me raising a man is ugly and challenging, but the end result is a man with dignity. A man who is able to respect his life and his surroundings; one who can influence every man around him. The character that Tom Selleck plays is Commissioner of the New York Police Department and widower who stands tall in the face of adversity and takes care of his family. He is a gentle giant who doesn’t have all the answers and is not afraid to say so. He’s not egotistical, but knows when and how to stand up for what is right. So is it hero worship that leads a number of men, in my very unscientific poll, to man crush on My friend John likes Tom Selleck for an entirely other men? different reason. He says the fatherly figure that I think men in today’s society are crying out Selleck portrays in his latest TV show is the kind of father he wishes he had and the kind of father for good leadership. Even as adults in their adult he hopes to be to his kids. He’s got a man crush. lives they are searching for good men in a female He admires the integrity and character of the man dominated society. I know my husband has made Selleck is portraying. My husband feels the same several comments in our marriage about my Dad way. I spoke with several men and only one of and how he’s the patriarch of the family. My Dad them had a man crush on their biological dad. didn’t have a good role model. My Grandfather Other men looked up to Presidents, Wrestlers, was there for him in the formative years but in my Founding Fathers, Military Heroes, and throw in Dad’s late high school years and early college, one who liked John Gotti and you are well rounded. Grandfather became an alcoholic. Dad watched He said he liked John Gotti because regardless of alcohol tear his family apart. He has recovered his crimes he protected his family and took care of though. One thing you have to remember about business. Taking care of business seems to be the strong patriarchal men. They are far from perfect. man crush’s modus operandi. What do all these However, they have owned up to their trials and men have in common? They take care of business. tribulations, worked through the damage and are Society is filled with all of the talk about father self aware. Don’t be afraid of that word-self aware. daughter relationships, but what about father son It is not a new age word for the likes of Shirley MacLaine or Tom Cruise. Being self aware is a relationships? state of mind. You learn what your vices are and You hear all the time that the father daughter then you figure out how to live with them. relationship is the most important relationship of I think a man crush is a very big deal. Bigger all. If a daughter does not have good strong father figure she turns to drugs and men in search of her than being someone’s homie or would-be Dad. She will be pregnant at 14 and pal or buddy. Having a man crush live a most tumultuous life in the forever search makes a man examine himself and for a good father figure. What about the sons of pick out what he does not like. A I’ve been talking to a couple of guy friends of mine, husband included, and there are so many new terms that men use these days. It’s not just buddy or pal anymore. Those descriptions have graduated to bro and homie and on to man friend and bromance. One word has been popping up lately that caught my attention and that is man crush. The definition is one man having a crush on another in an affectionate way that is not sexual. For example, one friend of mine likes Tom Selleck and watches his current TV show. When I look at Tom Selleck I see him as the sex symbol he most undoubtedly is. The only man who can wear the same mustache through the decades and it looks even cooler and sexier with each passing decade.
Tom Selleck in Blue Bloods from CBS.com
man has a choice once the realization happens. He can pick and choose what he wants to change or he can keep on barreling down the path he currently rides down. The choice is ultimately up to him.
Send Comments to: lovelessons@mycounty-line.com
Published by Mike W. Norris d.b.a. Wolverine Design ● P.O. Box 1156 ● Eastland, Texas 76448 ● http://www.mycounty-line.com
15Treasure Hunters ■
, Jerry Eckhart
Trash or Treasure
Treasure hunters love to talk about all the goodies they find. Seldom do they mention that they also find trash. The trash aspect is almost an unmentionable. In spite of that, everyone who searches with a metal detector will find trash objects. Metal detectors have improved tremendously since I began searching with one some 50 years ago. The first metal detectors were developed in the 1930’s as huge bulky things designed to find large metal objects. Some required two men to operate, one to carry the detector and another to carry the car battery that provided power. By World War II, the metal detector had been refined enough that it was a one man operation, still using large batteries, but small enough for one man to carry. These were primarily designed for the military as mine detectors. After the war, those who used them were aware that they could also be used to find metal objects other than land mines. Anyone fortunate enough to get their hands on a used mine detector often made some great finds. They also found tin cans and scrap metal of all sorts. By the 1970’s when I first began using a metal detector, they still responded to all metals, but were improved enough that a person could tell by the sound whether it was magnetic or nonmagnetic metal. A good operator could sort out the different sound and had a greater chance of digging good material rather than trash. Over the years, improvements continued until now a metal detector will not only tell the difference between coins and trash, almost. Many trash objects are still detected, although in many cases it is up to the operator to decide whether he wants to dig a particular signal or not. The biggest problem now is the pesky
www.MyCounty-Line.com ~ May Issue, 2011 v4.48
Editor’s note: To see more of Jerry’s treasure finds, visit his Facebook profile. Just search Facebook for “Jerry Eckhart”
aluminum pull tab and the aluminum soft drink can. Those are still almost impossible to tune out without losing some valuable items as well. The biggest loss is in the category of jewelry, especially rings. Because aluminum and gold are so close in conductivity, the metal detector has a hard time separating them unless the ring is especially large. Most wedding bands fall into the same category as does the aluminum pull top. That means if a person wants to find gold wedding bands, he must also dig many a pull tab. The nickel coin also falls into that same range so our take on nickels also drops. A careful metal detector user will soon develop a second sense and improved hearing to the point he can tell the difference between good stuff and aluminum. Still some trash is found. Certain iron objects such as rusted tin cans and washers with a hole in the middle will read as a coin. That is because of the thickness and size of the trash object. If that is the case, what does the treasure hunter do with all the trash he digs? Careless, irresponsible hunters will dig the trash, then toss it aside and go on. As a result the places he hunts quickly become a scene similar to a trash dump. Nothing irritates a professional metal detector user than to come upon a place where some lout has tossed the trash everywhere. They will often spend their hunting time cleaning up where someone else has gone before. Woe unto one of these careless hunters when they are caught by someone who cares. The responsible
treasure hunter picks up every item he digs up, placing it into a pouch or nail bag strapped around his waist. When he leaves an area, it is cleaner than when he started. Some treasure hunters save every aluminum pull tab he picks up. When enough accumulates, he will sell it for scrap aluminum. Some will also set up separate collection buckets at their home, tossing aluminum in one, brass in another, lead in a third and copper in a fourth bucket. It is amazing how quickly that trash accumulates. Copper has risen in price as has lead which means there is a secondary market for that trash. This last year, I sold $38.00 worth of fishing sinkers and other lead trash as scrap lead. That paid for my batteries and a little left over for soda pop on my hunts. Trash? Nope, that so-called trash turned out to be treasure. Send Comments to: treasure@mycounty-line.com
Published by Mike W. Norris d.b.a. Wolverine Design ● P.O. Box 1156 ● Eastland, Texas 76448 ● http://www.mycounty-line.com
www.MyCounty-Line.com ~ May Issue, 2011 v4.48
If you do business in Breckenridge, contact The County Line to advertise here for an unbeatable low, monthly cost!
Published by Mike W. Norris d.b.a. Wolverine Design ● P.O. Box 1156 ● Eastland, Texas 76448 ● http://www.mycounty-line.com
www.MyCounty-Line.com ~ May Issue, 2011 v4.48
Angel Food Ministries Ordering Cut-Off Date Friday May 13th
Go online to Order: www.angelfoodministries.com
Distribution Saturday May 21st **NOTE** Ranger orders can be made online or at designated locations and can be picked up in Cisco or delivered by Church of God of Prophecy. Call Ilene for more information
Benefit Brisket Supper & Auction May 14 5:30pm to 8:00pm Donation Only
Carbon Community Center To Benefit Ruth Norris Medical Expense Fund
Rising Star Trade Days April through October 4th Weekend each month Call 254-643-1611 for details
Business For Sale
Established downtown bookstore and gift shop with complete inventory, display shelves and cases. Turn-key. I’m ready for retirement and would like to see someone continue this enjoyable and social business. Call for details: (254)559-2770
Published by Mike W. Norris d.b.a. Wolverine Design ● P.O. Box 1156 ● Eastland, Texas 76448 ● http://www.mycounty-line.com
18Out of the Box ■
www.MyCounty-Line.com ~ May Issue, 2011 v4.48 ■ Star
, Joellen Hodge
A Smile Not Forgotten
“Hey, Jo…how are you? Good to see you back!” That’s how I remember Greg Simmons. A great big smile across the buffet at the China Café on Main Street. Holding a big plate of something. I had been out of the hospital for about a month, lost my job and dreading more questions about what happened. And here was Greg Simmons, just being himself. No questions, no probing look, or even worse, no pity filled stare coming at me. Just a big old Greg smile and welcome back. I did not know him well. I did know some things about him though. He always knew you, no matter who he was with or where you were. He was polite and he held the door for old ladies. Greg was at the fire station a lot, and always at their fundraisers. Somewhere along the way, I missed out on the most important part of this fellow. This nice guy who gave up a lot of his time to the community was something more than just a decent smile and a nod on the way into the grocery store. I missed that he was the kind of man willing to lay down his life for others. How are you supposed to know the fellow dishing up your fish is not just the cook? What marker is seen that means one who goes the distance for everybody when they can’t go any forever? What do I look for when I see my neighbor or my co-worker…or the stranger behind the badge? We just drift through life, totally unaware that someone is standing over us, behind us, in front of us ready to take on the worst. They are out there all the time…doing jobs that keep my reality safe. Most of the time, I do not even see them. The odd thing is this; I do not think I will look for heroes. I believe Greg did not look for heroes, because he knew if the time came, they would step up to that lofty status. I know he understood this, because he did just that. Greg Simmons stepped up for everybody. My heart goes out to Carrie, Kateland, and Karley. I have nothing but respect and love for you. May you find some peace in your hearts. Your husband and father gave us more than we can ever give back to you. All of us are indebted to you always. From here, I guess we just go on. There is one less smile in our world. I will miss that smile in a way I did not think was possible. Behind that smile was Greg Simmons…the hero.
• •
Pride, Continued...
Area to be judged is what is visible from the street. Area should be in good repair (sidewalk, fence, etc.).
The winner of the month for Best Looking Yard will have a photo in the newspaper along with an article and a sign which will be in their yard for one month. They also will be eligible for a special award at the end of October. Judging will be accomplished during the last week of the month. So, Rising Star residents: the weather is beautiful, so spend a few hours each week getting your yard ready for the contest and help make our town beautiful. MOST IMPROVED PROPERTY GUIDELINES ARE: • Resident needs to complete form (in this article) in order to be judged. • Judges would appreciate before & after photographs. • Trash & junk should be removed. • Unlicensed & unused vehicles should be removed. • Unused appliances or household furniture stored outside should be removed. • Weeds should be cut.
If a resident wants to be considered for this award, they can call Barbara Medley at 254-643-1977; or call Nancy Bostick at The Antique Mall 325-203-0311. Star Pride encourages Rising Star residents to enter the Most Improved Property contest. Monthly winners will have their photo & an article in the paper, as well as a sign in front of their property. Judging will be accomplished during the last week of each month. Winners will also be eligible for a special award at the end of October. Remember that unwanted metal items can be taken to our local recycling center and a check received for them. If your property could use a clean-up, Star Pride urges you to enter the contest and SHOCK YOUR NEIGHBORS…imagine the looks on their faces! Send Comments to: starpride@mycounty-line.com
Send Comments to: outofthebox@mycounty-line.com
Published by Mike W. Norris d.b.a. Wolverine Design ● P.O. Box 1156 ● Eastland, Texas 76448 ● http://www.mycounty-line.com
If you do business in Rising Star, contact The County Line to have your business card posted here for an unbeatable low, monthly cost! Published by Mike W. Norris d.b.a. Wolverine Design ● P.O. Box 1156 ● Eastland, Texas 76448 ● http://www.mycounty-line.com
20Ol’ Doc’s Homespun Yarns ■
www.MyCounty-Line.com ~ May Issue, 2011 v4.48
, Luther & Pat Gohlke
Tougher Then A Nail
Alice Calvert was a regular patient of mine for many years. She was a sweet lady, a Christian who seldom missed church, a widow who lived alone just about 2 miles south of Ranger, Texas. She was in her 80’s and a hardy woman who was seldom sick and never complained. Of short stature, she had a history of a broken leg and a hip fracture that orthopedic Dr. Alfonso Pino and I had surgically repaired several years in the past. A. E. Pino, M. D. was a Cuban physician ousted by Castro in the early 1960s. When he left Cuba he could speak very little English. He brought with him his wife and children and $300.00. In Cuba he was a board certified orthopedic surgeon and was on the teaching staff of the Havana Medical School. After a tough struggle with the language and American ways, he worked himself back up over a period of 8 to 10 years in family practice and back into orthopedic surgery. He is an excellent surgeon and has performed many orthopedic procedures in this whole area since the 1970s. The story unfolds when Mrs. Calvert took a bus tour to Tennessee in the early ‘80s. The tour was sponsored by a local savings and loan company. While visiting a historic house in Nashville, she took a fall, injuring her good hip and was taken by ambulance to a large hospital in Nashville. After an evaluation, x-rays, etc it was determined that Mrs. Calvert had a broken hip. The doctors there advised her to have immediate surgery. She said “No! I’m going home to my doctors in Texas.” The injury took place in the morning and after an hour or two of pleading, threats, explanations of the urgency of the situation by doctors and friends. Mrs. Calvert stood firm on her decision – “No pain
Send Comments to: outofthepast@mycounty-line.com
medicine and no surgery here!” She insisted. About 2:15 p.m. the same day a physician called me from the hospital. Mrs. Calvert had my name, address and phone number. He informed me of his and Mrs. Calvert’s dilemma. He was exasperated to say the least. He told me they had one of the finest facilities in the nation. Also he told me of Mrs. Calvert’s intentions, her demands to come home with nothing else to be done there. Also he informed me that the hospital was taking her to the airport, helping arrange a ticket for her and that she would arrive at DFW airport that evening. Would we have an ambulance there to pick her up? I said we would take care of that. In parting from the phone he asked “Where is Ranger, Texas?” I told him. “What is your name again?” “Luther Gohlke” I replied. “I’m in family practice here. The orthopedic surgeon is Dr. A. E. Pino.” His parting words were, “You must be one heck of a good doctor. I hope it all goes well. I’ve never seen a situation like this.” Mrs. Calvert was secured in a wheel chair, made the flight okay with no pain medication. She was picked up and brought to Ranger General Hospital the same day by Ranger EMS. As I recall, she had a subcapital fracture, and a prosthetic devise was inserted the next morning by Dr. Pino and myself. Mrs. Calvert had an uneventful surgery and a full recovery. Tough as a nail, that was Mrs. Alice Calvert. Her daughter is Marge Lamb who lived in Ranger for many years. She now lives in the metroplex.
Benefit for Ruth Norris
We’re “cookin’ up a storm” for our friends and neighbors to honor sweet Ruth Norris – kidney and pancreas recipient – who continues to do well, but needs financial assistance. Please come eat supper with us, enjoy visiting and participate in our live auction. Menu will include delicious barbecued brisket (cooked by Hardin’s Barbecue of Eastland) and all the trimmings plus – wonderful homebaked desserts. The feed is on May 14th, 2011, at the Carbon Community Center – fun starts at 5:00pm – auction planned for 8:00pm or thereabouts. Please come eat, enjoy fellowship and show your love and assistance for Ruth and the Norris family. Thank you so much for your support – not only for this event, but for all those sponsored by the Carbon Community Center.
Published by Mike W. Norris d.b.a. Wolverine Design ● P.O. Box 1156 ● Eastland, Texas 76448 ● http://www.mycounty-line.com
21This Week In Texas History ■
www.MyCounty-Line.com ~ May Issue, 2011 v4.48
, by Bartee Haile
May 6th, 1930 -- Deadly Day of the Twisters
A freak storm swept across Texas on May 6, 1930 spewing tornadoes from the Red River to the Gulf of Mexico and leaving a trail of broken homes, broken dreams and broken bodies.
The first twister of that terrible day touched down near Childress on the southeastern edge of the Panhandle. Two farmhouses were flattened, and four people were treated for minor injuries. As the boiling, black tempest rolled east, gale-force winds wreaked havoc from Bowie to Brownwood. Tornadoes danced through the wide-open countryside, where settlements were few and far between, without taking a life.
from the southwest,” a merchant remembered. brother-in-law were plowing a field, when “It hung for a moment over a small lake and the clear sky suddenly darkened. The helper then was on us with a burst of fury.” went indoors with Garcia’s wife, six children and mother-in-law, but Saragoza ignored their The tornado tore the heart right out of Frost shouts and kept on working. reducing everything to rubble except the local jail. The pharmacist and a teenaged customer, A snake-like finger shot out of the clouds and who was sipping a soda at the counter, perished struck the ramshackle residence dead center. in the drug store. A delivery driver dashed The house exploded scattering the remains of inside the grocery just in time to die, while his the nine occupants over a quarter-mile radius. truck sat untouched at the curb. A baby was Though seriously hurt in a collision with a snatched from its mother’s arms never to be flying plow, Saragoza Garcia forced himself to seen again. attend the mass funeral for his family two days later. Both banks were completely destroyed, but a thick vault shielded employees and customers Dirt-poor sharecroppers accounted for nearly from flying debris. A like-minded butcher found half the deaths in the devastated area. Seven similar sanctuary in his walk-in refrigerator. members of a second tenant clan were killed three miles south of Runge.
But it was a different story in the more densely populated counties south of Dallas. Twisters With the funeral parlor wrecked, a private killed three at Ennis and Ensign in Ellis County home was pressed into service as a temporary and 19 more next door in Hill County at Bynum, morgue. Before graves could be dug for the 22 Irene and Mertens. victims, shattered tombstones had to be cleared away at the cemetery. The merciless monster then invaded Navarro County. At Frost, a farming community of 800 The pessimistic mayor of Frost predicted, sixteen miles due west of Corsicana, frightened “I doubt if the town will ever be rebuilt to the inhabitants sought shelter in the brick business extent it was before the storm.” Fortunately his district. For many that snap decision was a constituents were made of stronger stuff. fatal mistake. The ferocious front moved south growing in Recognizing the distinctive roar of the size and strength by the minute. Twisters struck approaching tornado, the superintendent as far east as the Louisiana border claiming two hurriedly herded students into the basement. lives in Bronson and as far west as San Antonio, The funnel cloud passed directly over the school where one fatality was recorded. But the worst ripping off the roof, but his quick thinking was yet to come. saved the children. A tornado split the seven-mile difference A father felt his boy would be safer at home between Nordheim and Runge, agricultural and came to fetch him moments before the centers which straddled the DeWitt-Karnes evacuation. The man lost his son as well as his county line. Thirty-six died in a kill zone 300 wife in the collapse of their frame dwelling. yards wide and 15 miles long. “It looked like a long plume of smoke coming
Tenant farmer Saragoza Garcia and his
The dead and injured shared the same room in Nordheim. On one side of a sheet hanging from a wire was the makeshift morgue, while on the other was the first-aid station. As always, there were incredibly close calls and miraculous escapes. The Frost twister picked up a home, carried it several hundred yards and returned it to earth without cracking the paint. Three individuals in the living room were badly shaken but unscathed. A couple and their small daughter had just sat down to supper, when the Nordheim-Runge tornado blew their house away but left them unharmed at the table. At least 30 counties sustained significant property damage from high winds and tornadoes unleashed by the storm of May 6, 1930. A dozen small towns and hamlets contributed to the final body count of 86, a death toll surpassed only by the tornadoes at Goliad in 1902 and Waco in 1953. Send Comments to: texashistory@mycounty-line.com
Bartee Haile lives in Friendswood, TX and is the author of one of the most long established Texas History newspaper columns in the state. Column collections available at twith.com or request list from Bartee Haile, P.O. Box 152, Friendswood, TX 7754
Published by Mike W. Norris d.b.a. Wolverine Design ● P.O. Box 1156 ● Eastland, Texas 76448 ● http://www.mycounty-line.com
www.MyCounty-Line.com ~ May Issue, 2011 v4.48
Published by Mike W. Norris d.b.a. Wolverine Design ● P.O. Box 1156 ● Eastland, Texas 76448 ● http://www.mycounty-line.com
23From The Backside ■
www.MyCounty-Line.com ~ May Issue, 2011 v4.48 , Henry J. Clevicepin
Thank You, Greg Simmons & All Firefighters & Obama, Trump, and all that silliness! By Henry J. Clevicepin Collaborated by Nellie Frecklebelly and Agnes & Ophilia Fudpucker
Well, Buzzard’s Roost escaped being burned up by all of them fires but our thoughts and prayers go out to everyone who lost property and especially to the family of Greg Simmons who gave his life fighting the fire near Gorman. It is people like this that put their life on the line to try to protect us folks that don’t get near enough credit for what they do. God Bless all of you !!!!!!! It’s been so dry around Buzzard’s Roost that the Baptist started sprinkling, the Methodists are using wet-wipes and the Catholics are praying the wine turns back into water !!!!! Now the only thing that hasn’t dried up is all of the BS going on in Washington. Ol Donald Trump has had the Prez pretty stirred up over that little birth certificate deal. OL Estee K. bibbles, my mulebarn partner, said ol Trump looks like he’s got a possum sleeping on his head. Anyway, he’s pattin his self on the back, taking all of the credit for shaking Obama up so much he finally come up with his birth certificate. And Obama come out and made his little speech about all of the silliness over his birth certificate and that he was so busy with other problems of this country that he didn’t have time for all of that silliness. It kinda occurred to me and ol Estee K. that if he didn’t have time for all of that silliness, why in the cornbread world didn’t he just release that sucker a couple of years ago….. huh ????? Course after scolding us about all of that silliness that the birth certificate put him through he had to cut his little speech short cause him and ol Mooshell had to go jump on Air Force 1 and fly to Chicago to be on the Oprah TV Show and then on to New York for a big Democratic fund raiser. With all of our problems in this ol country I’m shore glad he has his priorities straight….Oprah TV Show and then Democratic fundraiser…..I shore don’t see no silliness there….do any of you’ll ????? That’s some more of that “change we can believe in BS” !!!!!
Me and ol Estee K. are about tired of them suckers living high on the hog up there while our US of A is going to hell in a hand basket. One of the sapsuckers, Alan Simpson, even said senior citizens was greedy and Social Security was like a milk cow with 310 million teats. Well, most of them Washington leeches has been on the public dole for years while we been paying into Social Security all of our life. Social Security was in a trust account for years until them political thieves stole all of it and turned it into a Ponzi scheme. And now that millions of Americans are nearing retirement and think they may get some of it, they change the retirement age. Why do them thieving sapsuckers not understand that Social Security is our money….not theirs ????? And now them idiots have screwed up the rest of the government so they are going to start stealing out of the Medicare Fund to help pay for those screwups.
here…..I guess that would be some of that silliness !!!!!! And while me and ol Estee K. got our panties in a wad….what about Obama & the feds denying Texas any Federal Disaster Relief for all of the losses from our wildfires and he is running around over in Alabama tellin them folks that they will send in their FEMA team and make funds available but the Lord only knows, with all of the red tape, when that will happen. Look what happened when Japan had their earthquake and tsunami, the US sent billions of dollars in just a few days…no FEMA, No red tape, just sent money. Ol Estee K. has been studying geology & weather conditions to see if he could create us a Japanese earthquake & tsunami here in Buzzard’s Roost so we could get a little government relief. The only relief we get around here is down at the Buzzard’s Roost Bar & Grill. Ol Boliver Kegass, the bar owner, has relief by the pint, fifth or six pack down there. Now, all of you folks settin around hollering “right on Henry J.” get off of your fat butt and call or write your congressman and tell them we are tired of this bull (half word). And you silly sapsuckers that voted for Obama & the rest of them kniving suckers email me and tell me how proud you are of them now that we are borrowing 180 million dollars an hour to keep this country going & most of it from the Chinese….and don’t tell me it is Bush’s fault…. Obama has had 2 ½ years to straighten it out and all he has done is got it messed up worse than a Chinese rickshaw cooley in a typhoon. Another 1 ½ years of this and we are going to be eating rice, riding bicycles and speaking Chinese.
And those lying sapsuckers say they can’t cut the budget. Well, me and ol Estee K. can tell them where they can shore start. All them Arab/Islamic states that hate the USA and that are in the United Nations and get foreign aid from us and then vote against us, could shore be a good start. Here are the nations that receive foreign aid yet vote against us over 70% of the time: Kuwait, Qatar, Morocco, United Arab Emirates, Jordan, Tunisia, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Algeria, Oman, Sudan, Pakistan, Libya, Egypt, Lebanon, India, Syria, and Mauritania. For example Egypt gets 2 billion annually, Jordan gets $192,814,000 annually, Pakistan nearly 7 million annually, and India gets $143,699,000 annually. There is 6 billion they could cut and Whew….me and ol Estee K. got to go down that is just 4 countries….can you imagine how much all of the other countries is getting….. to the Buzzard’s Roost Bar & Grill and get our let’em go buy their own camel feed !!!!! And panties out of a wad…….maybe drink us a little then to top it off , them camel ridin suckers rape “silliness”. !!!!! us on oil prices. And then, the head camel ridin Words of wisdom from Henry J : If your dog sucker up in Washington won’t let us drill over is barking at the back door and your wife is screaming at the front door….let the dog in first…at least From the Backside Sponsor From the Backside Sponsor he will shut up when you let him Life Settlement Investments in !!!!!! Fencing, Metal Buildings, Dirt Hauling Average return for 18yrs = 14.07% You can email Henry J at : $50,000 minimum investment Low, Low Risk Motorgrading Roads henryjclevicepin@aol.com
Joe Bond Construction Call: 254-631-2658
Call: 817-228-7745
Send Comments to: backside@mycounty-line.com
Published by Mike W. Norris d.b.a. Wolverine Design ● P.O. Box 1156 ● Eastland, Texas 76448 ● http://www.mycounty-line.com
Please donate to the
Eastland High School Memorial Fund in memory of Greg Simmons P.O. Box 31, Eastland, Texas 76448
Hello everyone!! I am finally home and I am back at work. That is a wonderful feeling. It is really good to be back at work. My coworkers did a great job while I was gone. A big Thank You to Carrie, Donna Leigh, Eddie, Marvin and Ms. Carolyn! If you haven’t been by Goodwill lately, you need to come by. It has totally changed. I think for the best, but that’s just my opinion. Come by and see me and my team. There are so many people to thank. First, and foremost, is Michael for being so supportive during my 2-1/2 months in Dallas. My in-laws for taking care of Sherrie and to Sherrie for not being too much trouble for Nana and Pa. My neighbor for checking our mail and taking care of our dogs, Saxon and Drover (even in the snow!) All the friends that came to see me in the hospital and everyone that called and checked on me. Thanks for all the cards that were sent and for all the donations that were given in such generosity. Everything was very much appreciated! I have to tell you, these last 14 weeks have been wonderful, well except for the first 6 weeks when I was so sick. I no longer have to take shots and with my new pancreas, I am no longer diabetic. I don’t have to do dialysis anymore at night and no more tubes in my stomach. And
best of all, I can eat anything I want! Having these new organs, I am leading a normal and new life, which is wonderful! If you are not an organ donor, please think of how my life has been changed and consider how you might help someone else experience a wonderful life as well. Don’t let that go to waste! I would like to thank everyone for purchasing a t-shirt! (see them down below) I still have plenty more so please contact me if you are interested in buying one. I also wanted to let everyone know that on May 14th, from 5:30 to 8:00pm, there will be a Benefit Supper and Auction held for me and my family at the Carbon Community Center. There will be plenty to eat - brisket, beans, potato salad and desserts. Please come out and enjoy a good meal and good company. Thank you all again for the thoughts and prayers. My family and I are truly blessed by our wonderful community and it is greatly appreciated.
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Donations may be made to:
Farmers & Merchants Bank
Ruth Norris Benefit Fund 930 East Main Eastland, TX 76448 (254) 629-3282