www.MyCounty-Line.com --- March & April 2013
Take One!
Volume 6 Issue 69
National News and Opinions mixed with Local Small Town History and Story Telling. Representing the small-town conservative viewpoint of what makes this country great!
~Mike Norris, Owner & Publisher
Published by Mike W. Norris dba Wolverine Design ● PO Box 1156 ● Eastland, Texas 76448 ● http://www.mycounty-line.com
Monthly Issue
March & April , In This Issue:
3 Growing Up Small Town
4 Texas Conservative 5 Michael Ramirez 7 @The Ranger Library 8 Treasure Hunters 10 Tumbleweed Smith 12 Special Announcement
12 Good Neighbors 13 Eastland County Tea Party
14 Love Lessons
Learned So Far
15 Huddle Up! 16 Breckenridge
Community Page
18 Distribution Map 18 Word Search 19 Cisco Community Page
19 Rising Star
Community Page
20 This Week In Texas History
21 B.C. 23 The Wizard of Id 24 In Sickness and In Health
The resurrection of our Saviour, the design for the large altar piece for the chapel at Chelsea College, c.1715 by Sebastiano Ricci (1659 - 1734)
2013 John 11:25~26
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vol.6 Issue 69
“I am the resurrection and the life...whoever lives by believing in me will never die.”
www.MyCounty-Line.com The County Line
Published by Mike W. Norris dba Wolverine Design PO Box 1156 Eastland, Texas 76448 Phone: (254)433-2693 mike@mycounty-line.com
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We appreciate your support! Mike &rris Ruth No
I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with Liberty and Justice for All. B:510-152550100200
Published by Mike W. Norris dba Wolverine Design ● PO Box 1156 ● Eastland, Texas 76448 ● http://www.mycounty-line.com
3Growing Up Small Town
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, Mike W. Norris
A Touchy Subject...
The Debate Over Same Sex Marriage by Mike W. Norris
fashion as well. Monday, March 18th, 2013 Could you imagine how funny the movie Potential 2016 Presidential Candidate, Hillary Clinton “The Hangover” would have been if it had “came out” today endorsing same-sex marriage. been set in the times of the Old Testament those poor dudes ran off to Sodom for Before you start loading up your arms with sticks and and their party time -- and it just happened stones and getting ready to hurl them in my general to belittle the night that God rained fire and direction, I just want to make it perfectly clear -- it’s the brimstone down those pour souls! Man, Democrats who keep bringing up all these touchy, politcal that would haveonbeen funny -- but “The correct issues and bold-faced daring conservatives to take Hangover 2” would have been set in the an honest stance on them. Well grab hold of your knickers, depths and far reaches of Hell -- woot! ladies and gentlemen, because I’m taking a stand....right I’m sure that would have been “two here, right now. thumbs up!” I suppose that for several thousand years, all the way I’m sorry, but for as long as I can back to the Old Testament, there have been homosexual tendancies within the scope of human existence. Let’s remember, plus going back a few thousand see, if I recall correctly, the Greeks had a tolerance for years in recorded history, it doesn’t end well homosexuality; the Romans had few problems with for societies that forego morality in favor of homosexual activities; and of course, there were the hedonistic carnal pleasures. inhabitants of Sodom and Gomorrah...we can’t forget about them can we? “But Mike, you’re just a homophobe! You You can spend just a few hours watching the History hate gay people! Shame on you! You’re a Channel and learn how Roman and Greek society embraced bad person!” communal bathing and social experimentation. Both of No I’m not. No I don’t. And whatever these ancient cultures embraced a hedonistic lifestyle floats your boat, buddy, aren’t I entitled to -- kind of like an entire lifetime of Spring Break for all an opinion just as much as you are??? those youngsters out there who don’t know the meaning I’ve known gay people, I’ve worked of “hedonism.” According to the Wiki, the ancient Egyptians enjoyed a little bit of hedonism as well and if my memory serves; the Druidic cultures in ancient England practiced some good old nature lovin’ back in the day. So what’s the problem? Right? Well...I suppose if you want to just be a smarty pants, you could just encourage any one of today’s youth (or old) who wanted to just kick back and enjoy the pleasures of the flesh with reckless abandon, and you could point them in the general direction of the cultures and societies that I just mentioned and wish them “good luck” and send them on their merry little way. (After all, everyone needs a vacation from the “real world!”) If you really want to go on a “no holds barred” sexual perversion tour of the modern day world, I’m sure you can find a travel agent that would be willing to book you a trip -- double, or triple occupancy, of course! Coming back to reality here; I suspect that it will be a little bit difficult to experience the kinds of physical pleasures that our ancestors of thousands of years ago practiced freely. The reason for that is possibly because those civilizations were almost utterly wiped off the face of the planet! In some cases, it was done so in truly Biblical
with gay people and I’ve had intelligent conversations with gay people about how the world reacts to and handles their openess, and/or lack thereof depending on their situation. I’ve seen gay people go absolutely batcrap crazy over someone’s comments like as if they are the “queen” of the entire gay community and to simply disagree with them is a declaration of war! No offense, but some of you gay folks need to man up and just accept the fact that we don’t all have to agree with you or your lifestyle or your choice to make your lifestyle a political issue. It’s kind of like a member of a gang who decides to wear the “colors” and then gets his panties in a twist when the rival gang drives by and peppers his house with bullets. Just what exactly did you expect to happen? So basically, as far as I’m concerned, if you are gay and you say you are gay and you identify yourself as gay -- then guess what! You’re gay! How exactly does that become ~my~ problem?? I don’t care if you’re gay or not, I really don’t care...it means nothing to me. Continued on page 11...
Published by Mike W. Norris dba Wolverine Design ● PO Box 1156 ● Eastland, Texas 76448 ● http://www.mycounty-line.com
4Texas Conservative ■
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, Chuck Norris - The Man
In God We Trust United We Stand
By Chuck Norris
Follow Chuck Norris through his official social media sites, on Twitter @chucknorris and Facebook’s “Official Chuck Norris Page.” He blogs at http://chucknorrisnews.blogspot.com.
Why You and I Would Be Arrested in Iran The Telegraph, a newspaper in the United Kingdom, noted how Catholicism has spread its wings by appointing Pope Francis as its first non-European pope since A.D. 741. Yet countries such as Iran are still clamping down on religion by incarcerating Christians and putting them on trial for their faith. According to Fox News, “five men were among seven arrested in October when security forces raided an underground house church in the city of Shiraz during a prayer session.” And Christian Solidarity Worldwide, a religious persecution watchdog organization, elaborated that they are being tried in Islamic Revolutionary Court on charges of “disturbing public order, evangelizing, action against national security and ... (Internet) activity against the system.” Tiffany Barrans, international legal director at the American Center for Law and Justice, explained to Fox, “House churches are growing because the converts have nowhere else to go.” Barrans and the ACLJ are also the legal defenders for Pastor Saeed Abedini, who has been held in Iran’s inhumane Evin prison since September, when he was arrested for helping to build a state-run secular orphanage. He is serving an eight-year prison term, which is why the ACLJ is gathering more than a half-million signatures in an online petition seeking his release. Abedini’s wife and two young children fear for his life while they anxiously await his return to their Idaho home. In similar news, 3,000 Muslims armed with sticks, clubs and stones burned at least 150 houses of Christians, a church and shops in Pakistan over allegations that a single Christian had made critical comments about the Prophet Muhammad. The News International reported: “The history of persecution of Christians in Pakistan is not very old. Just 15 years ago, a Christian Ayub Masih was the first to be convicted of blasphemy and sentenced to death.” (Blasphemy is still punishable by life in prison or even death in Pakistan.) Fox News further explained: “Under Shariah, or Islamic law, a Muslim who converts to Christianity is on a par with someone waging war against Islam. Death sentences for such individuals are prescribed by fatwas, or legal decrees, and reinforced by Iran’s Constitution, which allows judges to rely on fatwas for determining charges and sentencing on crimes not addressed in the Iranian penal code.” Contrast those laws with Americans’ First Amendment rights: “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press, or the right of the people peaceably to assemble,
and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.” The First Amendment was intended to not only secure the fundamental rights and freedoms of religion and free speech for every American but also make a statement to the whole world about the model everyone should follow. James Madison, the principal drafter and so-called father of the Bill of Rights, explained the original intent of the First Amendment to Edward Livingston: “We are teaching the world the great truth that Govts. do better without Kings & Nobles than with them. The merit will be doubled by the other lesson that Religion flourishes in greater purity, without than with the aid of Govt.” It’s no coincidence that in 1789, after being urged by Congress on the same day it finished drafting the First Amendment, President George Washington echoed a similar universal and obligatory sentiment in his Thanksgiving proclamation: “It is the duty of all nations to acknowledge the providence of Almighty God, to obey his will, to be grateful for his benefits, and humbly to implore his protection and favor.” America still serves as a beacon of light for the world regarding its unique freedoms. That is why we shouldn’t fear diversity or differences; rather, we should be proud of them. We must not hinder others’ opinion or be intimidated
Religion in Iran is dominated by the Twelver Shia branch of Islam, which is the official state religion and makes up 90% to 95% of the population. About 4% to 8% of Iranians belong to the Sunni branch of Islam. The remaining 2% are non-Muslim religious minorities, including Bahá’ís, Mandeans, Hindus, Yezidis, Yarsanis, Zoroastrians, Jews, and Christians. Christians make up approx. 0.5% of the population.
by the sharing of our own. We must question everything with boldness yet be willing to agree to disagree agreeably even on the most controversial subjects. That is why I state categorically that I agree with Benjamin Rush -- a signer of the Declaration of Independence and a member of the presidential administrations of John Adams, Thomas Jefferson and Madison -- who wrote: “I had rather see the opinions of Confucius or (Muhammad) inculcated upon our youth than see Continued on page 11...
©CHUCK NORRIS DISTRIBUTED BY CREATORS.COM - Reprinted under license by Mike Norris
Published by Mike W. Norris dba Wolverine Design ● PO Box 1156 ● Eastland, Texas 76448 ● http://www.mycounty-line.com
5Michael Ramirez ■
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, Political Cartoonist
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Published by Mike W. Norris dba Wolverine Design ● PO Box 1156 ● Eastland, Texas 76448 ● http://www.mycounty-line.com
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E HERE!!! IS T R E V D A Published by Mike W. Norris dba Wolverine Design ● PO Box 1156 ● Eastland, Texas 76448 ● http://www.mycounty-line.com
7@The Ranger Library ■
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, Diana McCullough
By Diana McCullough
Sometimes angels drive pickup trucks. Such was the case last Friday afternoon. It was nearly 6 PM, time for the library to be closing. The last two young boys were leaving and I had trash to carry out—a funeral meal was scheduled in our Community Room on Sunday and that trash needed to go away. The two young boys were dismayed, and soon I was, too. Not only were their bicycles knocked over, one bicycle’s kickstand had been bent, making that shiny Christmas bike impossible to ride. Within the minute, a window was rolling down in a passing-by pickup, and a man’s voice hollered out, “Do y’all need help?” And I hollered back, “Yes!” The driver stopped his truck, and walked over to survey the damage and I continued my trek to the green dumpster. By the time I returned to “the scene of the crime”, the kickstand had been bent back to its rightful position. I was so thankful. That man was a hero to those boys and me. The boys’ grandmother, who they live with, doesn’t want them riding their bikes to the library any more, and that makes me sad, but I certainly understand. Thank God for angels and heroes and the good people who step up when they are needed. Yesterday our library was abuzz with the happy sounds of people. I counted 29 adults and 15 children, and that doesn’t include all of the Girl Scouts and their families on the OTHER side of our building. At one point, I walked outside with my camera and captured the younger troop planting bulbs in our flowerbed. The older Girl Scout troop lined up for a moment to get their picture made too, then before I knew it, a Girl Scout tagged me “It”! I apologized to their leader as I tagged HER, and dashed back inside to the safety of our library. Leaving our library, I was astonished at how many kids were playing in the park and on the tennis court. I stopped my car, took my camera out of my black bag and snapped a few pictures. I’ve learned that when you “miss the shot”— the OPPORTUNITY—you miss that shot FOREVER. One of the boys told me that ALL THESE KIDS in the park was just a random thing. I should have tried to COUNT them—it’d been like trying to count calves! It took an extra day, but today I returned Gwen Jones’s phone call. Gwen Jones lives in Amarillo and she is interested in “Beautiful Food”, the cookbook that was recently published by the Ranger Beautification Committee. Gwen grew up in Eastland and lived in Ranger from 1959 – 1962, working for Morris Newnham at the Ranger Meat Locker. Her sister worked for a doctor, across the street. Gwen’s memories are vivid, and she told me how much she enjoyed seeing the remodeled Adams Grocery Store building picture in the newspaper. After the library closed this afternoon, I bought Gwen a copy of “Beautiful Food” and she will reimburse me for the book and for the postage. Her support of Ranger is VERY much appreciated. She, too, MIGHT be an angel… Lastly, I’ll tell you about today’s most unusual phone call, which I counted as a “reference question”. The lady didn’t identify herself, but I recognized her voice. “Diana,” she began, “my poetry books are boxed up but I want to know…who is the author of the poem that reads ‘If Winter comes can Spring be far behind?’” Her kind voice repeated the line a mite slower as I typed it into Google and immediately learned the answer: the author is Percy Bysshe Shelley. As I was shutting down my computer at the end of the day, I pulled that poem back up to the screen. It’s called “Ode to the West Wind” written in 1819 near Florence, Italy and the last line reads “The Trumpet of a Prophesy: O Wind, if Winter comes, can Spring be far behind?” I join this poet in optimism. May Spring follow Winter in Ranger. May we rebuild what needs rebuilding; may we fix what is broken; may we do the best with all we have; and may God bless Ranger and the angels and the heroes among us. Please take care, and as always…ENJOY READING! Published by Mike W. Norris dba Wolverine Design ● PO Box 1156 ● Eastland, Texas 76448 ● http://www.mycounty-line.com
8Treasure Hunters ■
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, Jerry Eckhart
By Jerry Eckhart To see more of Jerry’s treasure finds, search Facebook for “Jerry Eckhart” Random Thoughts on Treasure Hunting
Treasure hunting is an interesting and diverse hobby that often becomes sort of an obsession. It encompasses many different aspects, but the one thing in common is that you must have an interest in history if you are going to succeed. No one gets lucky and finds a lot. Sure, you may occasionally stumble on to a nice find, but if you are going to do it consistently, you must be interested enough in history to get out there and research areas. Old houses out in the country, although picturesque and interesting do not produce as many nice coins as do those in urban areas. There was less human traffic around them. About one in ten will produce a nice find. The beauty of rural homes is that many interesting relics turn up. It is those old artifacts that give us a sense of what took place in years gone by. We all like for others to tell us about what they are finding and where it is found. That is one of the reasons that treasure hunting clubs are so popular. Folks like to feed off that information. The important thing about treasure hunting clubs is that we also learn from them. We learn how to hunt from the club meetings. We learn about various aspects of treasure hunting from the programs, and we have the companionship of others with like interests. Museums can be treasure troves of information about where you live. The displays in museums show us what artifacts look like. Those same displays may tell you where a particular item came from, thus giving us a nudge in the right direction. Museums often feature dioramas as to how people lived in the past which helps us when we go out to a place where there are only minute clues. Don’t pass up the multitude of letters and written material on display in the museum. It often holds information to locating old places not found anywhere else. Treasure hunt when you can. Conditions will not always be perfect so whenever you can. If you are not out there searching, you cannot find anything. Often the best finds are made under the worst of conditions. The secret of a successful treasure hunter is that he is out there searching whenever he can. A treasure hunter must be skeptical. He must always try to prove something wrong. If he cannot prove it wrong, he will probably find something good. When talking with another person, remember that the other person has personal memories that might not be completely accurate, but because of their memory, it is accurate to them. Consider every story from several different aspects. Respect other people’s permission. Just as you should never go onto a property without the owner’s permission, you should never go onto a property without the person who obtained permission. Just because you were invited to search a certain place by a friend, you should respect that friend and avoid searching that property without them along. That is the same as if you were taken to a special fishing spot by a friend then went back without them. It is rude and discourteous. It will often ruin a good friendship.
An old patchbox plate from a flintlock rifle, found by a ten year old boy.
Never borrow a person’s books or research material unless they offer it. Don’t even ask and you won’t be told no. Go buy your own. Over the course of 50 years, I have lost many useful and irreplaceable books and items of research because someone borrowed them and never returned them. It took me a long time to learn this lesson and I have paid the price many times over. Think outside the box. That is kind of a trite expression. Everyone uses it and it is overused, but it is still true. Look for the odd and unusual when searching. Is something out of place? Where would the most likely place for lost items to be? Often, when you take the time to look at things from a different aspect you will find the clues.
Not all items are underground. Keep your eyes open to what lies atop the soil as you swing your metal detector. Since I have started using a metal detector, I have found many more arrowheads than when I searched for them alone. The detector does not find stone artifacts, but because your eyes are concentrated on the ground directly ahead of you instead of roaming all over the place, you will be more likely to spot them. You will also sight marbles and other stuff just lying in plain view. As the title of this little article states, these are just some of the random thoughts on treasure hunting I have from time to time. Maybe they will help you in your quest. Send Comments to: treasure@mycounty-line.com
Published by Mike W. Norris dba Wolverine Design ● PO Box 1156 ● Eastland, Texas 76448 ● http://www.mycounty-line.com
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Published by Mike W. Norris dba Wolverine Design ● PO Box 1156 ● Eastland, Texas 76448 ● http://www.mycounty-line.com
10Tumbleweed Smith ■
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, Bob Lewis
The Motley County jail in Matador was built in 1891, the year the county was organized, and was in use until 1984. The old stone building has seen better days and a group is trying to raise funds to renovate it. Carol Campbell, who grew up in Matador and went back there after a justice department career in Dallas, says the jail could be turned into a museum or at least a place to visit. “In a lot of places, residents put a building over fifty years old in a hole and cover it up. We don’t want to do that here.” Her mother, who served as Motley County clerk for 27 years, was a member of a study group that was interested in the jail. That got Carol to thinking about the structure and she is helping with fundraising and updating. She got a grant from the Texas Historical Commission to make some repairs to the stonework. “Although the jail has a gallows, it was never used,” says Carol. “The state decided that counties couldn’t hang people any more, so they sealed the gallows. It does provide some interest to people who tour the jail.” The jail had some fascinating inmates. One of them saturated himself with rose hair oil and slipped through the bars to freedom. Another prisoner whose nickname was Digger was on the jail’s death row. “Digger was the only person in the county who could witch for water,” says Carol. “They’d set a hanging date for Digger then somebody would move into the county and need a water well, so they’d let Digger out, let him dig the well, then they’d bring him back to death row in the jail. This went on for sometime and they really didn’t want to hang Digger because his services were so valuable. Legend says he escaped on one of his outings.” Prisoners communicated with the public. Carol says they would hang out the windows and yell to people coming down the street. “They would say, ‘hello, out there,’ and ask passersby for cigarettes or beer or other things. William Saroyan wrote a play about the jail in Matador and called it HELLO OUT THERE. Matador is mentioned several times in the play.
The first four Motley county sheriffs died from bullet wounds. The first sheriff is known as the outlaw sheriff because he gambled with taxpayer money and got in trouble for it. A group of spirit seekers from Fort Worth investigated the jail and determined it has ghosts. “They were practically jumping up and down, they were so excited because they found so much activity in the jail. They told is there were three ghosts in the jail, two males and one female. They were able to get the female ghost to respond to them.” The spirit seekers said they could detect a faint smell of rose hair oil. “We’re trying to figure out ways to get people to come to our jail if for no other reason than to visit with our resident ghosts that are here,” says Carol. HAMILTON HAS A PARTY BARN
Dorothy Schoedel (pronounced Shaydel) grew up in Aleman, a small place near Hamilton. She walked to school and church and just about everywhere else. Her 1952 graduating class at Aleman had four students. “I was born in the house my grandfather built,” says Dorothy. “My great grandfather came over from Germany in the 1800’sand bought all that land around Aleman for twenty-five cents an acre. It sells for around three thousand dollars an acre now.” One big event when she was growing up at Aleman was hog killing time. “It had to be cold. We’d start about noon. Everybody had a job. Somebody killed it, somebody else scalded it, my grandma caught the blood for the blood sausage and by four thirty or so we had cracklings going in the kettle and sausage ready for hanging in the smokehouse. We cooked sausage patties in a skillet and made fresh sausage sandwiches with mustard on them and it was a wonderful time. We soaked the pig’s feet. We didn’t waste anything. Someone always had some grape wine and we had a blast.”
Dorothy still has the table that was used during hog-killing time. “O, yeah. It’s moved every time I’ve moved. It’s the family table that has been with us forever.” She loves antiques. In 1994, Dorothy and her husband John bought a 230-acre farm just outside Hamilton that had a 40 by 80 feet three story barn on the property. It was built in 1910 to store corn and hay that were farmed with horses. The Schoedels, who were married in 1992, restored the barn and it is now a venue for weddings, corporate events and senior proms. “We took out a big opening on the second floor where they used to either put crops up there or bring them down, so now we have twenty-four hundred square feet of dance floor with a beautiful chandelier above it.” The barn is in excellent shape with thick beams. To build the barn today would cost a fortune. “We replaced the two big upstairs doors”, says Dorothy. “That was the beginning of the preservation. We added floors and updated the electricity.” They host one or two large events a month in both indoor and outdoor spaces, with decorations, food, flowers and entertainment arranged to the customer’s specifications. Sometimes John will cook barbecue for the group. He can handle three cookers at once. John and Dorothy had no intention of starting a business with their place. They bought it simply because it was pretty and had lots of storage space. Then Dorothy’s granddaughter was looking for a place to have her wedding. She told Dorothy she would like to have it on their farm. So Dorothy and John got busy looking into chair rentals and all the other things involved with hosting large events. The barn itself has three or four places for them, including an area with a slanted roof called an overhang that has farm tools as a backdrop. The website is schoedelbarn.com.
Published by Mike W. Norris dba Wolverine Design ● PO Box 1156 ● Eastland, Texas 76448 ● http://www.mycounty-line.com
11Growing Up Small Town
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, Continued...
Now here’s a newsflash for you! Do you know why it’s not my problem? Here’s why: Leviticus 18:22 ~ “Do not have sexual relations with a man as one does with a woman; that is detestable.” Leviticus 18:24 thru 30 ~ “Do not defile yourselves in any of these ways, because this is how the nations that I am going to drive out before you became defiled. Even the land was defiled; so I punished it for its sin, and the land vomited out its inhabitants. But you must keep my decrees and my laws. The native-born and the foreigners residing among you must not do any of these detestable things, for all these things were done by the people who lived in the land before you, and the land became defiled. And if you defile the land, it will vomit you out as it vomited out the nations that were before you. Everyone who does any of these detestable things—such persons must be cut off from their people. Keep my requirements and do not follow any of the detestable customs that were practiced before you came and do not defile yourselves with them. I am the Lord your God. Leviticus 20:13 ~ “If a man has sexual relations with a man as one does with a woman, both of them have done what is detestable. They are to be put to death; their blood will be on their own heads.” So you see...basically, as far as I’m concerned, according to the word of God, if you want to proclaim to the world that you are gay or lesbian, then you are responsible for that claim and it’s
between you and God. Back in the old days, you could be put to death for that...and in some parts of the world today the same thing will happen (For example you don’t see very many Gay Pride Parades in predominantly Muslim countries -- I wonder why?) But I tell you one thing -- based on what it says in the Bible, it would never be the “Christian” thing to do to elevate same-sex marriage to the same level as traditional marriage. It goes against the word of God... His quoted word...The Word. There is no grey area here for feel-good, political correctness. A politician who publicly supports same-sex marriage is openly pandering for feel-good votes from the gay and lesbian community. They couldn’t care less about your lifestyle, all they want is your vote. If you’re so stupid that you can’t see that then I suppose you might as well believe that a state or federal law will carry more weight than the Bible or God’s Word does. That’s fine if you want to take your own eternal life into your own hands, but seeing as how history has proven well that hedonistic cultures are short-lived, I have to vote against you on this issue. You may not like the fact that I don’t support same-sex marriage, but frankly you’re going to have about as much chance of changing my opinion on this issue as I have of changing your sexual orientation. There is no debate to be had here. Next question? Send Comments to: smalltown@mycounty-line.com
■ Texas
Conservative, Continued...
them grow up wholly devoid of a system of religious principles. But the religion I mean to recommend in this place is that of the New Testament.” Right around the corner is Holy Week, the time when Christians around the world commemorate the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus Christ, and my wife, Gena, and I passionately profess that we believe in Jesus Christ as our personal Lord and savior, yet we respect those who differ with us. And in so doing, we believe in the collection of beliefs stated almost poetically in the Apostles’ Creed: “I believe in God the Father Almighty, Maker of heaven and earth; and in Jesus Christ His only Son, our Lord; who was conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of the Virgin Mary; suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, died, and buried; he descended to the grave: the third day he rose again from the dead; he ascended into heaven, and sits on the right hand of God the Father Almighty; from where he will come to judge the quick and the dead. I believe in the Holy Spirit; the holy Christian church; the fellowship of saints; the forgiveness of sins; the resurrection of the body; and eternal life. Amen.” Isn’t it strange to imagine how that simple profession could get you arrested in Iran or your house burned down in Pakistan? It’s time to wake up and shake
up the governments of the world to reconsider the power and exemplary nature of the U.S. Constitution and challenge them to follow suit by allowing all people to experience the freedoms of speech and religion. And if you think the U.S. is immune from jarring down on our own religious rights and enforcing subsequent penalties, next week I’ll convey roughly two dozen examples of how that has happened in just the past two years, and I’ll let you know what you can do to fight against those unconstitutional tides. For more information on how faith is persecuted around the world, go to Voice of the Martyrs’ website, at http://www.persecution. com. Follow Chuck Norris through his official social media sites, on Twitter @ chucknorris and Facebook’s “Official Chuck Norris Page.” He blogs at http:// chucknorrisnews.blogspot.com. To find out more about Chuck Norris and read features by other Creators Syndicate writers and cartoonists, visit the Creators Syndicate Web page at www.creators. com. COPYRIGHT 2013 CHUCK NORRIS DISTRIBUTED BY CREATORS.COM
Published by Mike W. Norris dba Wolverine Design ● PO Box 1156 ● Eastland, Texas 76448 ● http://www.mycounty-line.com
12Special Announcement
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, Kathy Spencer
Introducing: Kathy Spencer
One of the more difficult assignments that you can tackle is a self-introduction. In a room full of strangers you stand, nervous, embarrassed, at a loss for words, you stumble through a few statistics about yourself. The deer in the headlights feeling begins to subside. Adrenaline and relief begin to flood through your system. With all of this in mind....... I would like to thank Mike Norris, owner and editor of this publication, for the opportunity to be a part of the County Line. I am no stranger to small town life. My childhood was spent in rural West Texas in towns such as Noodle, Nolan, Blair, Trent, Sylvester and Anson. You may need to Google some of those to see how small they really are. Some may not even be on Google Earth. Small towns, or in my experience,
communities, make for a tightly knit group of people who consider themselves friends and neighbors with everyone in the vicinity. Communities that shared each others joys as well as their sorrows, and their accomplishments and lent a helping hand to ones with needs because we cared for one another. On a more personal level; My Daddy is a retired Methodist Pastor and remains to be, as always, a stock farmer and cattleman and also my HERO. My Mother, whom I miss so very much, was a retired Math and Science teacher for the Abilene Independent School District. She and my Daddy touched the lives of many different people throughout their service to others. I aspire to emulate their examples. With the encouragement from them and our background of holding to our faith in God and unending belief in His goodness, all things are possible. Although I was widowed at 30 years
■ Good
of age, I got to marry the Love of My Life and spend 13 of the sweetest years with my late husband Bobby Ray Spencer. We have 2 children who now have children of their own, finally. Have you ever known a woman so determined to be a grandmother? Well, I am there. It’s like falling in love with your children all over again, without the maintenance. Sometimes our destination is just that, a destination, a place. But, the journey you take is what makes life interesting and flavorful. Some of my other experiences have involved working as a Special Education Teacher, Substitute Teacher, Sales Rep.,Cashier, Bookkeeper, Telemarketer, Owner/Operator, Over The Road Driver, Oilfield Pneumatics, Belly Dump, Reporter, Commercial Seamstress and when I was younger I helped my Daddy break horses. I love to hunt for fossils and artifacts. Our area around Ranger certainly has some interesting geology to be
explored. At times, I enjoy playing or jamming with a few friends on the guitar, harmonica or keyboard. What really makes me happy is to spend time with my growing family. It also interests me to explore local past history of places and people. I am certainly in the right area. Eastland County and surrounding areas are ripe with colorful histories. If you have some local past history about places or people near forgotten slip me an email at kathyspencer02@gmail.com. When Mike Norris and I met it was heartwarming to know that My CountyLine is a faith driven endeavour. The graphic reads, “We The People” and “In God We Trust”. This banner is not just for design or decoration, it is a truth. God has spared my life on more than one occasion because of prayer. Try it. It Works. In closing, is a beginning. I am excited about joining MyCounty-Line and look forward to being a part of and serving our community of readers.
Neighbors, Clint Coffee CLU ChFC State Farm Insurance® Agent
How Can I Save Money On Renters Insurance? With renters insurance, cutting costs doesn’t have to line discounts. mean cutting back. Here are a few easy ways to save money on your renters insurance without skimping Choose The Right Deductible on coverage. A deductible is the amount of a covered loss or liability that you pay out of your own pocket. In other Reduce Your Risk, Reduce Your Rates words, it is the amount “deducted” from any payout Where you live will play an important role in by your insurer. For example, if a fire causes $1,500 determining your renters insurance rates. In general in insured damage to your personal property and your terms, prices will vary based on your state, city, and deductible is $500, then your insurer will pay you neighborhood. Safer locations mean lower rates, so $1,000. renting in a low-crime area near a fire station may Your renters insurance premiums will reflect the save you money. deductibles that you agree to pay. Lower deductibles Your rates will also reflect the safety of the rental mean higher premiums; higher deductibles mean property itself. For example, an older, unrenovated lower premiums. Keep in mind that an insurer will building has a higher risk of electrical and plumbing not reimburse you for a loss amount that is lower issues, and that means higher rates. Fortunately, than the deductible. This means if your deductible is steps as simple as installing smoke detectors and $2,000 and you suffer $1,750 in losses, then you are fire extinguishers in your apartment can mean real entirely responsible for those costs, even if the cause savings, even if you do rent an older property. Ask of the loss is covered by your policy. your agent about available safety discounts for your When choosing a deductible, think carefully about renters insurance. the out-of-pocket costs that you are willing – and able – to pay. A disciplined saver may be able to offset the Bundle And Save greater risk of a high deductible with cash reserves. Many insurers offer significant discounts if you Others, however, will have to balance the benefit of buy more than one policy with the company. For a higher deductible against the risk of greater out-ofrenters, this usually means bundling auto insurance pocket expenses. with a renters policy, but life, business, and other plans may also qualify. If you have several insurance Comments: neighbors@mycounty-line.com needs, be sure to talk to your agent about multiple Published by Mike W. Norris dba Wolverine Design ● PO Box 1156 ● Eastland, Texas 76448 ● http://www.mycounty-line.com
13Star Pride ■
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, by Ginger Tobin
“Fun In The Springtime” Open-Air Market & Musical -- April 6th -- Downtown Rising Star, Tx
Star Pride is a group of local and area citizens who are committed to volunteering and working to improve Rising Star and make it a more beautiful and pleasant town in which to live. The wonderful support which local citizens have given Star Pride in its mission is greatly appreciated by members. Anyone who wishes to become a member is welcome to attend meetings which are usually held on the 2nd Tuesday of each month at the Rising Star Library at 4:00 p.m. By Ginger Tobin Rising Star Downtown Open-Air Market
The Rising Star Economic Development Corporation has joined with The Rising Star Market Building owner(Jo Sledge) to give visitors and local citizens alike a fun-filled, bargain-shopping day topped off with an “Open Mike” musical this coming Saturday, April 6. Nancy Bostick, President of the Rising Star Economic Development Corporation reports that she has made plans for returning vendors as well as new vendors to celebrate the return of Spring and days of enjoyment shopping in this small and picturesque town in the “Heart ‘O Texas.” The Open-Air Market in Rising Star began in November, 2012 and has been open each “first” Saturday in December, January, February and March. The purpose of the Market is to bring customers to Rising Star; and the Market is very successful. Local area folks are incredulous when, on the first Saturday, they see the number of parked cars on Main Street as well as other streets and see four times that number of people walking from vendor to vendor, enjoying the day, looking for that “just right” item and … for an unrecognized “treasure” at bargain prices. New vendors and businesses come to Rising Star as well; for instance, rumor has it that a vendor will be on the street with roasted corn, sausage wraps, and funnel cake…won’t it be wonderful if that happens? The EDC President has started this week off preparing for visitors and vendors; she was located this morning at a new antique business on South Main Street. In an early morning telephone call with her, this reporter was told that a CHECK-IN TABLE will be located near the corner of Hwys. 183 and 36 near the antique store. This is a new service for vendors so they can get checked in quickly and also pick up NEW INFORMATION regarding their setup areas, hours for the market, and pick up other items from the EDC. She requests that each vendor check in prior to set-up in case of changes and other information they may need. She would appreciate a business card from each, if available. So, make plans to enjoy what Rising Star has to offer; things are changing in this small town, but changes never move as fast as we would like…but they DO HAPPEN! A musical will be presented from 6-11 PM on Saturday night (April 6) at the Rising Star Market Building (a restored local landmark) which will have an “open mike” and will benefit Ruth Norris and Lindsey Woods with donations.
Rising Star Group To Have Bake Sale In Conjunction With Downtown Open-Air Market
STAR PRIDE, a local communitybased Rising Star group will have their “SWEETS FOR THE SWEET” Springtime Bake Sale this Saturday, April 6, 2013 during the RISING STAR DOWNTOWN OPEN-AIR MARKET. The group, headed by President Barbara Medley, raises funds to use in Rising Star for small projects that benefit the entire town. In the past, the group has furnished materials and labor for the downtown “light show” of Christmas lights and Christmas trees in windows since about 2008. Prior to that, the group spent donated money to mow vacant lots so the town would look better. Those lots are now mowed by the City of Rising Star. Many thanks from Star Pride! In 2006, the group bought and installed barrels along Main Street and planted the barrels with bright flowers. In recent years, various city and area individuals have planted the barrels. Plans have not been announced for the plantings this year, but should be soon. Some of the delay is due to expected construction sites along Main Street. A current collaborated project is underway with Rising Star EDC to pay for labor and materials to repaint white/black painted corner areas of downtown NO PARKING zones. Star Pride is covering the labor charge and the EDC is furnishing the paint and other required materials. The “Street Sign Project” was initiated about 2011; new blue street
signs were purchased by STAR PRIDE for streets needing a sign; and installation is now being completed by Rising Star City workers, among them, Clay Ireland. Barbara Medley says the Saturday, April 6 bake sale will be short and will begin around 9:00 AM. Set-up will be near the Downtown Park in front of the building known as “Joe’s Café.” She says the baked items will be limited due to warmer weather which can melt the baked goods, so be sure to come early for the best selection. At their recent March 12th meeting, the following items were mentioned for the bake sale: Mississippi Mud cake; pecan pies; “cake pops on a stick”; peanut brittle furnished by Bill Medley; cherry pineapple cakes; and bread pudding. Buyers need to be aware that these suggestions were made at Star Pride’s meeting a couple of weeks ago and the cooks may have changed their minds! STAR PRIDE will also be selling some very unusual bird feeders at discount prices. Discussed at their meeting was a memorial given to St. John’s Church in Brownwood in memory of longtime and much loved STAR PRIDE member, Laura L Garrett, who recently passed away. Before adjourning the meeting, members decided they will NOT be having their usual day-beforeMother’s Day bake sale due to other obligations. ~Ginger Tobin
Rising Star Market Building Musical -- Saturday April 6th -- 6pm to 11pm -- Donations to benefit Ruth Norris & Lindsey Woods
Published by Mike W. Norris dba Wolverine Design ● PO Box 1156 ● Eastland, Texas 76448 ● http://www.mycounty-line.com
14Love Lessons Learned So Far
www.MyCounty-Line.com ~ April 2013 v6.69 ~ www.Facebook.com/mycountyline
, Vicki Stiefer
Let it be known right from the beginning that I am the gabbiest woman on record! I can talk until wheezing and dry mouth set in. After that I can talk some more. In middle school during the crazy teenage hormone movement Dad installed my own private phone line because he was tired of picking up the phone and hearing my squeaky teenage voice say, “…really? Does he like me? I like him. What was she wearing? Leg warmers are so cool!!!” I talked on that phone incessantly! Morning, noon and night that phone was glued to my ear. Dad used to say I would get cauliflower ear if I didn’t put it down every now and then. I just giggled until I found out what cauliflower ear was and then on the phone (yet again) I told my best girlfriend, “Yes, can you believe it, cauliflower ear? That is so gross! Gag me with a spoon. Dad is so un-cool!” My love affair with the phone continued throughout high school and into college. The conversations never changed much, just different catch phrases like, “That’s a pretty dress-NOT!” I have never grown out of “That sucks” or “That is so cool!” I worked for the college radio station back in the day that played jazz and “Hey Cool Cat” or “What’s up Daddy-O” was forever burned into my brain. The microphone became an extension of the phone. I played jazz tunes and carried on a conversation through the microphone. I educated about jazz music and jazz history, I played requests and gabbed until I was blue in the face. I took a swig of water and started talking again. Until I saw an article in USA Today by Byron Acohido that said Men are gabbier on their cell phones than women. What?!? Back the truck up for a second! I did a double take and then had my husband look it over. He put down his cell phone and nodded and then resumed ordering the latest video game. The Article in USA today says that men order more, make more reservations and talk faster than women do. The margins are really close-something like 57 seconds but that doesn’t change the fact that men are at the top of the list.
Nielsen Cellphone Usage Stats Reveal Some Interesting Trends.
I took a very un-scientific poll amongst friends and family and 9 out of 10 women agreed that men talk on their cell phones more and only 2 out 10 men agreed. Who’s in denial here? I just recently visited Memphis, Tennessee to see Graceland and Elvis had a phone in every room, a phone in his limo and a phone on his plane that could call anywhere in the world. Was he gabbier than Priscilla, maybe? Does my husband stay on his phone? Most of the time he is not talking but
he does stay glued to sports updates and the latest happenings from his news reel. You would think he had never watched the 10 O’ clock news in his life! For more on Byron Acohido article you can click: http://www. usatoday.com/story/tech/2013/02/14/ men-talk-more-than-women-on-cellphone/1919549/ Send Comments to: lovelessons@mycounty-line.com
Published by Mike W. Norris dba Wolverine Design ● PO Box 1156 ● Eastland, Texas 76448 ● http://www.mycounty-line.com
15Huddle Up! ■
www.MyCounty-Line.com ~ April 2013 v6.69 ~ www.Facebook.com/mycountyline , Matt Swinney
The month of March is here, and spring is right around the corner. March means to me is: “March Madness”, which is the NCAA Collegiate Basketball Tournament. With the tournament on the horizon, I have realized that you don’t see many white basketball stars. So, I thought is there racism in college basketball or is it simply that “White Men Can’t Jump”? In the 1966 NCAA National Championship game, Adolph Rupp’s-led Kentucky Wildcats faced Don Haskins and his Texas Western Miners. Texas Western is now the University of Texas at El Paso (UTEP) Miners. Kentucky started five white basketball players, as the Miners starters were all black. The Miners won that game, and that started the change in college basketball. Fast forward to current day as you see that the majority of college basketball players are black athletes. Kentucky’s basketball program has gone 180 degrees in that the Wildcats, under head coach John Calipari, roster is entirely filled with black athletes. Is there an explanation to this? It might be genetic. There have been studies to find out why this happens. They call it, “Black athletic superiority”, which is the belief by some people that black people possess certain traits that are acquired through genetic and/or environmental factors that allow them to excel over other races in athletic competition. Whites are more likely to hold these views; however, some blacks and other racial affiliations do as well. A 1991 poll in the United States indicated that half of the respondents agreed with the belief that “blacks have more natural physical ability”. Thus, the notion of “black brawn vs. white brains” is prevalent in sports commentary in the United States. Despite the high rate of participation in the NCAA amongst black athletes, the rates of on-court success have not necessarily translated to the classroom. A racial divide has come to exist in terms of graduation. A University of Central Florida study of 2011 NCAA Men’s Basketball Tournament teams indicated that only 59 percent of black players graduated, a stark contrast to the 91 percent of white players who completed their undergraduate studies. As poor as the overall numbers are, they can be much more alarming at the individual level.
In Ohio State, one of the star player is their starting point guard, Aaron Kraft, who is white. Some sports reporters think that he’s in the minority. Even though he might be the best player of his team, reporters after the Buckeyes game, win or lose, seem to want to interview the African-American players. Does that seem right? Maybe, but time and better talent will only tell if white athletes can be better in sports than black athletes. Finally, in my next month’s article, I
will preview the upcoming Major League Baseball season and how will the Houston Astros do in their first season in the American League, and how can the Texas Rangers rebound from last year’s collapse and cope without Michael Young and Josh Hamilton. Also, can the San Francisco Giants repeat as champion. Have a great month and Keep Reading!!!!! Send Comments to: huddleup@mycounty-line.com
No matter which team you’re rooting for, you can create your own custom team sports apparel and accessories! No Minimum Orders! Quantity Discounts! Shipped Straight to Your Door!
Published by Mike W. Norris dba Wolverine Design ● PO Box 1156 ● Eastland, Texas 76448 ● http://www.mycounty-line.com
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If you do business in Breckenridge, contact The County Line to advertise here for an unbeatable low, monthly cost!
Published by Mike W. Norris dba Wolverine Design ● PO Box 1156 ● Eastland, Texas 76448 ● http://www.mycounty-line.com
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Independent Reps New Medical Clinic to Open in Cisco Hendrick Health System is pleased to announce, through joint efforts with Eastland Memorial Hospital, the opening of a family medical clinic in Cisco. Larry Maples, DO, a Family Practice physician in Eastland, will run the clinic and continue to serve on Eastland Memorial Hospital’s medical staff. He will begin seeing patients April 15.
Do you enjoy speaking to people face to face, getting to know them, learning what goes on behind the scenes in their small businesses and helping people who spend every day trying to make their living while helping support their community, friends and families?
There are thousands of small businesses in our area that would benefit from getting to know The County Line. And we’re looking for people like you to help spread the word and introduce The County Line to them and their customers!
Several months ago, Eastland Memorial Hospital approached Hendrick Health System with the idea of establishing a clinic in Cisco. The hospital was concerned that a neighboring community did not have access to local healthcare. To alleviate this problem, Eastland Memorial Hospital collaborated with Hendrick by approaching Dr. Maples with the concept of opening a practice in Cisco. Dr. Maples agreed to do so, and the plans for a clinic were in motion. The building is located at 1619 W. Hwy 206 and is owned by Hendrick Medical Center. Renovation is currently underway.
The County Line doesn’t look for “onetime” ad sales...we want to partner with businesses who are going to make it through hard work and sweat, crazy hours and stubborn determination to succeed. The last thing they need is more hassles and the last thing they can afford is advertising that never gets seen or heard from!
Dr. Maples received his Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine from the University of North Texas Health Science Center and completed his Family Practice residency at the University of Texas Health Center in Tyler. He is board certified by the American Board of Family Medicine.
We Believe in Small Business because we ARE a small business!
They need advertising professionals who listen, who have the talent and skills to bring their ideas to life, and a devoted readership that is eager to get its hands on every issue -- all at a price that is affordable and reasonable.
If you’re interrested in being part of something that will truly value your efforts and reward you accordingly, then what are you waiting for? Contact us on:
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Published by Mike W. Norris dba Wolverine Design ● PO Box 1156 ● Eastland, Texas 76448 ● http://www.mycounty-line.com
18The County Line
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■ , Mike W. Norris The County Line Distribution Area
■ The
County Line Word Search
Published by Michael W. Norris d.b.a. Wolverine Design P.O. Box 1156 Eastland, Texas 76448 http://www.MyCounty-Line.com info@mycounty-line.com
Find the hidden words and decipher the secret message!
Published by Mike W. Norris dba Wolverine Design ● PO Box 1156 ● Eastland, Texas 76448 ● http://www.mycounty-line.com
www.MyCounty-Line.com ~ April 2013 v6.69 ~ www.Facebook.com/mycountyline
Visit www.MyCounty-Line.com Published by Mike W. Norris dba Wolverine Design ● PO Box 1156 ● Eastland, Texas 76448 ● http://www.mycounty-line.com
20This Week In Texas History
www.MyCounty-Line.com ~ April 2013 v6.69 ~ www.Facebook.com/mycountyline
, by Bartee Haile
Passing through a West Texas town on Mar. 27, 1901, the most dangerous member of the Wild Bunch shot a stranger for no reason at all and left him to die. Orphaned at an early age, the three Logan boys were raised by a loving aunt in Missouri. But Harvey, the oldest and least receptive to her Christian teachings, eventually led brothers Lonie and Johnny astray. In 1884 the teenagers ran away from home to the wilds of Wyoming, where they learned the rustling racket from the hoof up. In four years, the Logans had enough cash and stolen cattle to start their own ranch. But the youths soon learned that hard work was not nearly as much fun or as profitable as the outlaw life. Using the ranch only as a hideout, they resumed their criminal careers. By the savage standards of the times, the Logans were strictly small fry in a land teeming with cutthroats. But the brothers suddenly lose their amateur status in 1894, when hot-tempered Harvey killed his former father-in-law. While on a Christmas Eve drunk in Landusky, Montana, the boys crashed a party at a local saloon. Harvey spotted Pike Landusky, town founder and father of his ex-wife, and the fight was on. Fists gave way to guns, and Landusky took a fatal slug in the chest. Full-fledged fugitives with a price on their heads, the Logans headed straight for the Hole in the Wall, the impregnable headquarters of the Wild Bunch. Although leader Butch Cassidy prided himself on having never taken a life, he always had a place for a cold-blooded gunhand and instinct told him Harvey Logan filled the bill. The Logans had been riding with the Wild Bunch for a couple years, when they heard that a rancher named Winters had snitched on them to the authorities. Well-prepared for his uninvited company, the cowman put a bullet through Johnny Logan. Harvey and Lonie briefly returned fire before retreating with the body of their dead brother. Following a bank robbery at Belle Fourche, Montana, a posse captured Kid Curry, Harvey’s new alias, and two accomplices. The three spent six weeks behind bars before breaking jail and making a clean getaway. In the summer of 1899, the Wild Bunch looted a train, divided the proceeds and split into small groups to confuse pursuers. Despite this clever strategy, lawmen surrounded the camp of Harvey Logan and the Sundance Kid. In the ensuing battle, Logan dropped his first sheriff and escaped again. The Wild Bunch fled to Texas in 1900 and wintered in the red-light district of San Antonio. While Harvey was letting his hair down, brother Lonie was slain by the Pinkertons at the Missouri homestead. Returning to the Rockies ahead of Butch and Sundance, Harvey went on a one-man rampage. He refused to be taken alive, and two more sheriffs died in the line of duty. Cutting short a second vacation in Texas, Logan was in his usual ugly mood when a hapless stranger crossed his murderous path in Paint Rock east of San
Angelo. Without even pausing to ask the victim’s name, the callous killer added another notch to his smoking six-gun. After five long years, the rancher who sent Johnny Logan to an early grave thought he was safe from harm. But Harvey secretly slipped into Montana, caught Winters by surprise and took his revenge. For old time’s sake and traveling money, the Wild Bunch pulled one last train robbery in 1901 before breaking up for good. Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid headed south for their date with destiny in South America, while Harvey Logan went into hiding in Tennessee. Wherever he ran, however, trouble was never far behind. Venturing out of his Knoxville hotel room for a quiet game of poker, he was soon embroiled in a barroom brawl. The sudden appearance of three policemen activated Logan’s hair-trigger reflexes, and he shot the trio down at the door. Slowed by a serious shoulder wound, Harvey Logan was caught, convicted and sentenced to a long prison term. But a not so funny thing happened on the way to the penitentiary, and once more he was on the loose. Recruiting a pair of rank amateurs, Logan tried to organize his own gang. But when it came to planning, the gunslinger was no Butch Cassidy. A daylight train job barely covered expenses, and the
ill-conceived escape wound up in a steep-walled canyon with the outlaws pinned down by a Colorado posse. Hearing Logan cry out in pain, a sidekick shouted, “Are you hit?” “Yes,” he answered in agony. “And I’m going to end it right here.” Seconds later the sound of a single gunshot echoed across the canyon. Harvey Logan, alias Kid Curry, was his own last victim. Interested in collections of Bartee Haile’s columns? Visit the “General Store” at twith. com or request a list from P.O. Box 152, Friendswood, TX 7754 Send Comments to: texashistory@mycounty-line.com
Published by Mike W. Norris dba Wolverine Design ● PO Box 1156 ● Eastland, Texas 76448 ● http://www.mycounty-line.com
21B.C. ■
www.MyCounty-Line.com ~ April 2013 v6.69 ~ www.Facebook.com/mycountyline , by Mastroianni & Hart
ADVERTISE NOW -- In Print & Online!!!
Published by Mike W. Norris dba Wolverine Design ● PO Box 1156 ● Eastland, Texas 76448 ● http://www.mycounty-line.com
www.MyCounty-Line.com ~ April 2013 v6.69 ~ www.Facebook.com/mycountyline
Published by Mike W. Norris dba Wolverine Design ● PO Box 1156 ● Eastland, Texas 76448 ● http://www.mycounty-line.com
23The Wizard of ID ■
www.MyCounty-Line.com ~ April 2013 v6.69 ~ www.Facebook.com/mycountyline
, by Parker & Hart
ADVERTISE NOW -- In Print & Online!!!
Published by Mike W. Norris dba Wolverine Design ● PO Box 1156 ● Eastland, Texas 76448 ● http://www.mycounty-line.com
March Update -- One Step Forward, Two Steps Back
Since last time, we have had another set back. Ruthie was just getting into a routine and on Saturday the 16th, she had one of the best days she has had since coming home from her stay at rehab in Abilene. It was a beautiful day and Ruthie enjoyed sitting outside on our little patio reading a few magazines. We invited a few folks to drop by and visit and Ruthie enjoyed chatting with some friends under the sun. That was a great day, and for several days Ruthie was doing really well. Except for a few days of being tired or a little weak from her blood glucose rollercoaster, she was making some serious progress! One day, we were here at the house and I was getting a little upset with her because I felt like she wasn’t trying very hard to be more independent in getting up from her wheelchair to and from the couch. We argued for a few minutes and I ended up walking away from her -- leaving her sitting on the couch with her wheelchair several feet away. I told her “When you’re ready to really try, I will help you to your chair -- but I’m not going to bring it to you!” After several minutes of both of us staring at the tv and not saying a word, she finally said “Come here.” I helped her stand up from the couch and then I handed her the walker that she was given in rehab. I coached her step by step, a little at a time, “OK, put the walker here. Now move this foot. OK, now move that foot. Take the step!” Without my touching her or without me providing any support whatsoever, she walked across the room and sat down in the wheel chair! Awesome, awesome!!! After a short rest, I coached her through walking the full length of the living room...from the tv to the dining room, then back to her chair! I was so proud of her I can’t even describe how happy I was. But her confidence was still lacking so I knew it wasn’t enough just to succeed the one time. I set it in my mind that we would have to walk back and forth through the living room every day for quite a while before she will have the confidence to do so on her own. Ruthie has a serious confidence problem, she doesn’t believe she can do things by herself much anymore -- she is not the same woman she used to be. I miss her independent spirit and from time to time I sit quietly in my own thoughts daydreaming about all the years we had together and so many of the things that we planned on doing but never got
around to it. I can’t help but wonder how many of those dreams are lost. I’m sure anyone would be experiencing these same thoughts...but that hardly makes it easier. A part of her is gone and may never be returned...but Ruthie is still here, still with us...in heart, mind and spirit. Tuesday, March 26th
In the midst of our hectic schedule, we did find the time to run off to Stephenville on Tuesday the 26th. Ruthie was having a great day, she was riding along with me, bobbing her head and singing with the radio...laughing. It was great! After supper, while we were doing some grocery shopping, she suddenly complained about feeling ill and said she was ready to head home. It cut the night short and when we got home she went to bed. Wednesday she refused to go to therapy because she wasn’t feeling good and we slept late until time to go to Abilene for dialysis. After dialysis, we came home and she went straight to bed again. On Thursday, she was still in dire straights, achy all over, feeling nauseous, refusing to eat. We took her by the clinic here in town and they sent us to Eastland Memorial to get her on a fluid IV and possibly transport her to Abilene overnight. Well -- that seemingly simple task turned into an hour and a half emergency room visit; then a helicopter flight to Hendricks followed by about 12-hours laying in the middle of an emergency examination room. Ruthie was transferred to the Hendrick Critical Care Unit early Friday morning after we had left her there alone under the watchful care of Ramona, a wonderful trauma nurse! She then spent the day in the CCU and had dialysis at her bedside. By Saturday morning, she was transferred to the monitoring floor and was finally getting some rest. She has been diagnosed with the flu on top of everything else and as of this writing she has gone 6-days without eating a meal. She looks like she is wasting away and we could use all the prayers you can spare to ask for her appetite to return so she can regain her strength. She was just starting to make some real progress physically and emotionaly and this unexpected detour is weighing on all of us extremely heavily. Mom had the entire family poised to get together for Easter Sunday for the first time in over 10 years, and with my new nephew barely 6-weeks old, the family had extra special reason for all of us to get together.
Follow Ruthie’s Progress online:
Donations may be made to: Farmers & Merchants Bank
Ruth Norris Benefit Fund
930 East Main Eastland, TX 76448 (254) 629-3282 Credit Card donations can be made online at:
www.PeachyTurtle.org But that didn’t happen. Mine and Ruthie’s spirits are both broken, and we are both lonely -- she is isolated by her illness and I am missing the woman she once was. Back in January, one of the therapists told me that the spouse has the roughest road. She said, “You have the toughest job, Mike, because you have to help her get past her disability while at the same time you have to learn to accept it...and you have to mourn the loss of the woman that she was.” I’m starting to understand what she was saying. I’ll be glad to get you home, Ruthie -- because I miss you more than you know.
Follow Mike & The County Line:
Published by Mike W. Norris dba Wolverine Design ● PO Box 1156 www.facebook.com/mycountyline ● Eastland, Texas 76448 ● http://www.mycounty-line.com www.facebook.com/sherriesmom