Michelle Whitmore
I have been a professional photographer for over 10 years, specialising in floral art and insect photography. I’ve never really been a hands-on arty person but over the past few years I have fallen head over heels in love with the digital darkroom – big time! I can spend many hours brainstorming an idea, shooting models, insects, flowers et al. Then create unique and unusual pieces of art. There’s something very special about taking a subject out of its natural environment, infusing some additional images, adding textures and applying some digital wizardry to create something unique; and all whilst trying to maintain a natural look. Some of my pieces are embellished with Gold leaf and acrylic paint to add to the magic. I’ve heard my work described as “Fine Art meets Contemporary Surrealism meets illogical contemplation with a touch of fairy dust.” I like that description - a lot!! www.michellewhitmore.co.uk/artgallery
Cleopatra wasp 4