David Walker
An eclectic series of photo art this month. For any artist, the choice of subject is all but endless, the execution of the final work is down to the feeling for that day, the same subject on another day may be represented in an entirely different manner. As a digital artist I often start with a vision of what I want to produce in my mind…however that does not always “come off” and is replaced by another series of visions. The greatest artists of the past often felt this way as evidenced by the number of works that
were overpainted, canvasses being expensive, as they are today. The big advantage for the digital artist is that he can experiment with the only “cost” being the artist’s time. My photography mentor has prevailed on me that I should experiment both in the photography and the photo art. I intend to become more experimental over the coming months…I await the outcome with trepidation! See more artwork on my website: https:// artboja.com/art/9zpbui/
Crosby Beach with Liverpool Docks
The majesty of the horse 22