Mycreativeimages February 2021 (Issue 35)

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My Creative Images Promoting Digital Photo Artistry and Digital Photography

Issue 35 (February 2021)

Welcome to the Mycreativeimages Magazine Issue 35 of the magazine introduces a new artist to the Mycreativeimages family, Sue Waterhouse. Please take some time to enjoy her work. Over the last 3 years of creating photo-art I have met many other artists on the same journey of discovery as me. Some have found their path and flourished, others have developed cross over skills and blend photography and physical art, some have found the additional artistic insight help helped them further their photographic career, others have used their digital artwork to create opportunities to help business’s create artwork and websites and some continue to create just for the sheer pleasure of it.

Featured artists Bernie Tuffs 4 Claude Trew 12 David Walker 16 James Hurley 22 Norma Slack 26 Susan Jones 30 Sue Waterhouse 32 Vivien Capper 38

In short, photography and photoart mean different things to different people. For me personally, I have a favourite quote from Ansel Adams, which keeps me focused and have recently adopted the daily attitude of “What you focus on becomes your reality”. No matter the reason for creating art, no matter the artists underlying purpose, one thing they all have in common is the desire to create something meaningful, something beautiful, something that tells a story. So today all I ask is that you take time to view all the artwork in this magazine and share this magazine with your friends and relatives. James Hurley Photo Artist / Magazine Editor

Cover Artwork by James Hurley

All images in this publication are sourced / created by the artists, unless otherwise stated on their websites or social media pages and as such must not be copied or sold without the express consent of the artist. This publication is created and owned by James Hurley, © 2020. Please feel free to share the magazine but do not make changes to any of the content.

International Garden Photographer of the Year Awards Margarets Rainey “In the Greenhouse” - Commented Award Some Photographers and Photo-artists enter competitions and gallery events to help promote their work. During 2020 two contributors to the magazine, Margaret Rainey and James Hurley both entered images in the International Garden Photographer of the Year - “Captured at Kew”. Both artists work was short listed and the results were announced on the 6th February 2021. Margarets image “In the Greenhouse” received an award and is displayed on the IGPOTY website, click here to visit it. You can also see more of Margerts work on her website by clicking here. Both images are shared here for you to enjoy.

James Hurley “Broken” - Shortlisted

Bernie Tuffs Hello! I’m Bernie and I live in the little seaside town of Margate and having lived here all my life, I couldn’t live anywhere else now! I’m continually inspired by the scenery here, with skies and light that so excited famous artist J.W.Turner, who said of this area, “…the skies over Thanet are the loveliest in all Europe”. Apparently, a love of the sea stayed with him all his life and I can well understand that! Painting with light holds a real attraction for me - the gentle light that is still strong enough to dispel darkness. I’ve always been arty, progressing from childhood sketching, through gouache and then oil painting, then paper crafting and scrapbooking which led me to digital scrapbooking and finally to Sebastian Michaels and Photo Artistry. Now I feel I’m home and am having so much fun with my art! 4

Act With Kindness

Cherish Your Freedom

Fairy Pools Are Only For Fairies

The Gift

Find Your Peace

The Discover

Engage In Happiness

Keep Your Calm

Claude Trew I am a retired lady who is a keen photographer and I belong to a local camera club. However, while I enjoy entering the competitions organised by the club, I feel that the style of photographs that are most successful in club competitions is inhibiting my creative output. I am following some online courses to try to improve the artist in me. So far I have enjoyed every course I have done and hope to share my work with a bigger audience. This is an ongoing process.


Clown Joiner


Praying for a cure

Under Attack

David Walker Sports photography is a skill and art in its own right. I would never claim to be an expert in that field, but the occasional photograph on a field trip can help to tell the story of the sport. Over time, I have learned that when taking a photograph, whether shooting sport, or for that matter any other subject, you should bear in mind the intended finished product. My attempts at PhotoArt on the theme of sport are the subject of this month’s collection in My Creative Images magazine. I have not created ‘over the top’ art for this collection, I wanted to stay near the subject matter…but bearing the finished product does make working with the original photograph that much easier! I enjoyed the experience in venturing into a new area for my art, I hope that people who view these pages take some enjoyment from the works.


Cricket Test Match

Cross Country

Dog Agility


The Bunker Shot

Show Jumping

The Long Shot

The Rugby Line Out

The Rugby Tackle

James Hurley James is a Photo Artist that captures landscapes photographs as well as painterly portraits either in the comfort of his home or on location. He is based in Huntingdon, near Cambridge, and has a passion for incorporating his emotions and frustrations into surreal artwork and painterly landscapes. James is a self-taught photographer and Photo Artist he loves photography and the digital mixed media approach to artwork. His artwork ranges from simple colour corrections in landscape photographs to enhance an image, to a complex piece of art that is made up of multiple images blended together with textures and masked out with brushwork. This month James continues to exploring the fun side of photo-art which and is presenting a set of images that tell Fairy tales and emotional artwork. “You don’t take a photograph, you make it.” Ansel Adams


Norma Slack I am an artist from Northern Ireland who enjoys working with a variety of mediums and experimenting with new techniques. This includes photography - digital and alternative such as cyanotype, paint, collage and a variety of mixed media. My work is driven by emotion and a sense of connection to place, people and life events. When you view it my hope is that you will get a sense of my love for what I do and that certain pieces may remind you of connections and events in your own life. The art I share here all includes a elements of a digital or photographic processes. More of my work including a sample of my illustrated poetry book, Thunder In My Soul can be viewed on my website


One More Mountain To Summit


Soft Day In The Mournes

Susan Jones My name is Susan Jones, I am a frustrated photographer. I have a full time job and am looking after my mum, so I don’t get much time to get out with my camera. Yesterday mum said the sky was full of balloons and I thought I would create something showing what she sees going on at the bottom of the garden. ‘They’ are putting on a play and taking over her garden. Its very busy down there. The girl is a constant in our lives, she makes it into the kitchen sometimes at dusk. I don’t have any time to dedicate to my hobby during the day, so I created this image in the wee hours of the morning. It’s called “At the bottom of the garden through the eyes of dementia”.

At the bottom of the garden through the eyes of dementia

Sue Waterhouse I was bought my first digital camera for Christmas in 2013 and very quickly became addicted! – fortunately, I was lucky enough to take early retirement at the same time. From 2013 to 2019 my husband and I split our time between Spain and Portugal in the winter, travelling in our motorhome, and the UK and France in the summer. This provided lots of opportunities for many styles of photography. I am very new to the world of Digital Art and 12 months ago I had only ventured into Photoshop to remove unwanted items from my photographs. When the first lockdown was introduced in March, I decided that I would spend some of the extra time at we were spending at home working to improve my Photoshop skills. Discovering the Photo Artistry course and more recently the AWAKE training has made me appreciate and enjoy creating digital art as much as I enjoy digital photography. I enjoy using photographs I have taken over the last few years and creating digital art from them. As I am still at the start of my creative journey I have not yet found one particular style that I prefer‌.maybe I never will!


Rua the Rescue

Smoke and Steel

Picture Purr-fect

Tools of the trade

Vivien Capper Hello my name’s Vivien and I’m from the beautiful county of Kent, England though currently living on the coast near Rome in delightful Italy with its exciting, lively way of life and vibrant colours and designs. I started out as an artist in 1982 developing Indian ink artwork of a variety of subjects especially figurative artwork and abstract floral designs, then progressed into creative photography and digital artistry thanks to Sebastian Michael’s amazing courses at ‘Photoshop Artistry’ and the advanced courses ‘Awake’ and ‘Kaizen’. My inspiration is drawn from my love of nature, figurative artwork and Italian design using many textures, patterns and colours. I’m thrilled to have some of my artwork in various publications including: Living the Photo Artistic Life, My Creative Images and have had various artworks mentioned in the Shift Art Challenge and was thrilled to win the challenge with a piece called ‘The Mysterious Cobbled Street’ in 2018. Now in 2020 I am concentrating on a series of Fresco-style Art taking my inspiration from Italian Frescos. This involves a lot of patterns, swirls, designs and colours and adding them to the model. Most of my models are from my Photoshop Artistry and Awake courses and the Colby Files.


Doorway to a dream place

Un seul chapeau


An oriental aura

Turquoise Delizia

My Creative Adventure - ‘Vivien’s Creativity Lab’ You probably know me through this fabulous magazine ‘My Creative Images’ founded and edited by the amazing James Hurley. This month he asked me to write an article on my creative journey and my new project! I started ‘Vivien’s Creativity Lab’ last year – a creative hub and online school for visual artists who would like to take their art and crafts to a new level online. I describe it as a creative place where creative folk can find all sorts of ideas and tips and learn how to get their work ‘out there’ and noticed in the crowded online sphere. I had so many problems getting my work online so thought it might be a good idea to write a creative online course to help fellow visual artists or crafters, who are going through the same problems, learn how to get their work online and not just sitting pretty on a computer or Ipad. Well after much ado (!!) I finally managed to upload and launch the course in the autumn of last year. ‘Selling your art and Crafts online ‘The Essentials’ beginners course’. Delighted if you take a look, click here. Setting up an online course is not easy. Things got even trickier as time went by, not easier! The more I delved in, the more I found there was to do, and the more I did the more complicated it became! Layout, pricing, learning platform, privacy, writing content, finding images, copyrights, etc. Anyway pleased to say that I now have three creative online courses to date for visual artists, crafters, and hobbyists to help get their products noticed online and selling. Often as visual artists and crafters (me included) we love designing our next masterpiece, but very often forget that someone might like to buy it and hang it in their home and beautify their special space, and I’ve tried to shed some light on how to go about it in a very practical step by step way. Someone said once that it’s not difficult coming up with ideas, the difficult part comes later when you have to put the work in! As a teacher the easiest part was preparing the lessons and syllabus. I spent a lot of time mulling over the best ways to present things in the course and make it as simple as possible for students to follow and implement the ideas.

I hope this course gives visual artists the confidence to take the plunge to be noticed online and is full of practical ideas on how to do just that! Thank you for your patience and reaching the end of the article! Next month I’ll be talking about branding (you can download my free mini-guide to branding here) and marketing your artwork or craft items. In the meantime enjoy viewing this lovely creative magazine. You can also follow my blog, if you like, for more creative ideas and tips or just to ask me a question – the link is here

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