Youth debating society knowledge

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“for the the students...” Ramadhan 1434 / July 2013





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Knowledge Team

HMBS News......................................................... 2 HMGS News........................................................ 3 DS- Boys News.................................................... 4 DS- Girls News.................................................... 6 Carrot cake........................................................... 8 Ya Mahdi................................................................ 9 Interview............................................................. 10 DS Pics.................................................................. 12 Bibi Khadija....................................................... 15 Leadership.......................................................... 17 3D Prinitng........................................................ 19 Staying fit in Ramadhan............................. 20 Instilling Modesty inChildren................. 22 So now I ask...................................................... 24

Shaneali Arif Meghji Chief Editor/Chairman Ali Fayaz Jaffer Cover Designer / Sub-Editor Suhail Fayaz Jaffer Secretary Daniaal Deviani Associate Justice Kumail Mohammedali Member Murtaza Bhanji Member Farheen Dhalla Girls Coordinator

CHAIRMAN’S NOTE: Salaam Alaikum Dear Readers, The Knowledge Bulletin wishes all it’s readers a very happy Ramadan! In this time of the year it is vital for us to remember that the doors of mercy and destiny are open. It’s a month we get a clean slate and we can re-write our destiny. However, that is not possible until or unless we ask for it by doing Istighfaar. Lets all raise our hands and pray to Allah (s.w.t) to forgive our sins and all shortcomings done by us. We also have to remember that for us to get forgiveness, we should also forgive others. This makes life in the month of Ramadan much more fruitful. The quiz placed in the middle of this magazine is amazing! Its an easy way to gain knowledge and a good prize for it. 1st place is rewarded Tshs. 30,000/=, 2nd Place - Tshs. 20,000/= and finally, 3rd place – Tshs. 10,000/= Enjoy! Wasalaam, Shaneali Yusufali – Chief Editor/Chairman.

HUSAYNI MADRASAH BOYS’ SECTION (HMBS) NEWS • The Husayni Madrasah Boy’s Section successfully conducted the first round of Parents’ Teachers’ meeting between the 6th and 22nd May 2013. The total turnout was about 80% and the Management appreciates the parents’ cooperation and anticipates their continued support. • The Second Modular examinations were conducted between 27th May and 8th June 2013. Students were also examined on Qur’an Recitation to collect feedback on the newly introduced exercise of incorporating Qur’an Recitation as a core subject in the Madrasah. • The Madrasah organized a Teacher’s seminar on 7th June with Dr. Batul Ladak (Pediatrician, USA) on the topic “Understanding, assessment and intervention of Disruptive Behaviors in Children”. This was a very informative session which equipped teachers with better techniques of Class Management. • The Madrasah will be holding its Ramadhan programs in the Tabligh Building and this will include Qur’an recitation, Qur’an Understanding, Dua recitation, Lectures and other indoor activities. • The Madrasah concluded its first term on the 8th June 2013 and classes will resume after the Holy Month of Ramadhan on Wednesday, August 14th 2013.


HUSAYNI MADRASAH GIRLS’ SECTION (HMBS) NEWS • Teachers Appreciation Day was held on 4th May. This day was held to mark the wiladat of our Lady of Light Janabe Fatema tuz Zahra (AS). The Debating Society Girls arranged a short program. Girls from various classes participated and spoke on the “Importance of a Teacher” and video clips were shown. The Guest of Honor for the Program was, BatulBai Fazal for classes 1 – 5 and Razia Bai Janmohamed for classes 6 – 11. After the program all the teachers, assistants, office staff and support staff were awarded with a token and a certificate. • On 1st and 8th June 2013, the Second Module exams were held. This is where we Mark the end of first term and completion of two subjects, namely, Dinyaat and Islamic History. Second term will see a beginning of other 2 modules, Akhlaaq and Salaah. • Madrasah shall remain closed for the first term holidays and shall resume on 13th July 2013.


Debating Society of Husayni Madrasah Boys News Managing Committee Events: Mothers Day: The Debating Society of Husayni Madrasah had organized a “Mothers Day” event on the wiladat night, 30th April 2013/19th Jamadi ul Aakhar 1434 AH, of the Holy Lady of Light, Bibi Fatimah (as), the ideal mother and Leader of the Women of the Worlds. There was a sale of items that

people could buy for their mothers. Items such as gift hampers, sweet dish packages, bouquets, cakes, roses and more were sold to the community members. The aim was to promote love and affection towards mothers which was achieved as all items were sold out.

Sub-Committee Events: Water Polo: The Sports Sub-committee of the Debating Society had organized a, ‘Water Polo’, event. It was held on Sunday, 19th May 2013 at Br. Mohammed Somji’s residence. The event was for classes 8 and 9 only. The bus departed from the Mosque Compound at 08:00 AM. Upon reaching the destination, the Sports Sub-committee made preparations for the tournament which began at 08:30 AM and ended at 10:00 AM, after which the students were brought back to the Mosque Compound. The aim of this event was to increase unity and brotherhood among students in a fun and interactive manner and this was achieved. The Debating Society would like to thank Br. Mohammed Somji for his continued support. Teachers/Fathers Day: The Spiritual Sub-committee of the Debating Society organized a, ‘Teachers Day’ for all the Maalims in the Husayni Madrasah who work tirelessly. The aim was to thank all the Maalims for taking time off of their 4

busy schedules to teach us, the students and to remind ourselves that teachers are our second parents and therefore command a certain level of respect from us. A video was shown on what the students thought of the impact of the Maalims in this institution. After that, Maalims and senior volunteers were called up to be honored with a small token of appreciation from the students. All the afore mentioned took place immediately after the Maghribayn prayers at the terrace. Visit to the Deaf and Dumb school: The Welfare Sub-committee organized a visit to the Buguruni Deaf and Dumb school on the 12th of May 2013. The purpose of this event was to serve the students and play with them so as to foster brotherhood and cooperation among ourselves as well as help enlighten the Madrasah students on the importance of welfare in a community at grass roots level. Following the games and activities, the students gathered in the main hall once again to bid farewell to the participants, thanking them for a good time.


Debating Society of Husayni Madrasah Girls News Fun-afternoon: Big Sis’ Lil’ Sis. Keeping the occasion of the birth of the Holy Lady Zainab (a.s) in mind and the title of ‘Shareekatul Hussain’ that she was honored with, the Debating Society’s FIRST Fun Afternoon for the year 2013 was “Big Sis’ Lil’ Sis’” whose main objective was to strengthen the sisterly bond between 2 sisters. The sisters came in pairs and were given badges of ‘Big Sis’’ and ‘Lil Sis’ which were worn throughout the program. The program was held on 20th April 2013 in Mehfil e Abbas (a.s). The program started off with a few games that were played with great enthusiasm by the pairs. After the games, a hilarious drama was arranged for by the DS MC members themselves depicting sibling love and the importance of having sisters. Coming towards the end of the program, DS organized the sale of personalized pens, key chains, badges and magnets for the sisters to buy for each other. Sports and Science event: Swimming and water aerobics Sports and Science committees of the Debating Society had organized swimming gala and water aerobics on Sunday the 28th of April 2013. It was held at Br. Kumail Somji’s residence. As the participants came in, the science coordinator gave them a few facts on water aerobics. After the small talk Misriyabai Kassam led the participants in the pool for their water aerobics session which after the competition began. The winner of the swimming gala was Aliya Hirji. Mothers’ Day On the occasion of the Wiladah of the Holy Lady of Light, Lady Fatimah Zahra (a.s), The Debating Society organized a table top sale on the eve of the wiladah and the day of the Wiladah in Mehfil e Abbas. This was held in both the Ladies and Gents Imambarah. The sale included items suitable for any motherly figure that touched our lives, inspired us and watched us grow and develop into responsible Muslims. We had healthy cakes, masalo, wooden spoons and a number of other items. This year, DS introduced something very special. We gave a chance to the managing committee members to learn to make all the edible items for the sale such as the 6

date balls, cakes, cake pops and other items. This was very inspiring for some of us as it opened our minds as well as teaching us new techniques. Teachers’ Day. On Saturday the 4th May, following the wiladat of the Lady of Light, the students of Husayni Madrasah held a special program to honor their teachers under the Debating Society. This program was held in both girls wing and boys wing. The program mainly consisted of a video compiled with students saying a little something for their teachers. The teachers were then appreciated with a personalized certificate and a small token of appreciation. Month of Rajab Supplications To make the most of the abundant amount of blessings received in the Holy month of Rajab, the Debating Society introduced the recitation of Dhikrs during this whole month. On week one we had the recitation of ‘Astaghfirullaha rabbi watubu ilayk’, which the total count of dhikrs recited, were 5,574. The next week we had the recitation of ‘Laillaha ilallah’ whose total was 3150 and on the third week we had the recitation of ‘subahanallahi wal hamdulillahi wallah illaha illalahi wallahu akbar’ whose total count was 4960. On the occasion of the wiladah of the Holy Lady of light, the Debating Society managing committee members were given a chance to make items for the sale as well as to learn how to make those items. Amongst those items was the scrumptious carrot cake whose recipe was generously shared by one of our patrons, Sofia bai Bharwani. Below is the recipe of how to make the carrot cake.


Carrot Cake sold on Mother’s Day Ingredients 1-1/2 cups all-purpose flour 3/4 cup granulated sugar 1/2 cup packed light brown sugar 1-1/4 teaspoons baking soda 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon 1/2 teaspoon salt 3 eggs 3/4 cup vegetable oil 1-1/2 teaspoons vanilla extract 2 cups shredded carrot 1-2/3 cups chocolate chips 1/2 cup chopped walnuts Cooking white chocolate (available at supermarkets) and (optional) Additional chopped walnuts (optional)

Directions Heat oven to 350°F. Grease and flour a baking pan. Stir together flour, granulated sugar, brown sugar, baking soda, cinnamon and salt in large bowl. Stir together eggs, oil and vanilla in small bowl; stir into dry ingredients, blending well. Stir in carrot, peanut butter chips and 1/2 cup walnuts. Pour batter into prepared pan. Bake 35 to 40 minutes or until wooden pick inserted in center comes out clean. Cool completely in pan on wire rack. Frost with melted cooking white chocolate.


YA MAHDI! Oh how I wish for enough air to outlive these days, To be able to see his face appear at Mecca’s grace, Oh how I wish to be one of those great men, Who will be there that day, fighting with sword and pen.

Hope is gone from me, for pure I am not, Deserve to see that beauties face I do not, Though Allah knows that ready I’ll be, you’ll see! Countless my sins are, yet from the battlefield I will not flee. 313 they are counted for they say and tell, 314 I wish to be, my soul to the Shaytan I will not sell, By the Owner of time I will stand, either close or far, He would do the same for Allah, travel to any pointed star.

He is what time has grown old to see, You are promised the highest sky, what becomes of us and me? Without you free from worries we are, By Allah, that feeling is counterfeit, imprisoned we are. Wherever you are now at this state, Tell Allah we are sorry, that while you wait, we are late, Stuck to the sugar of this worlds honey we are, Tell Allah we are sorry, for what we have become to be. Farewell oh friend of Allah, for we die and you live on

May Allah keep you from grief, that we on this earth sewed upon, Inshallah we will meet one day, here or there May Allah forgive us, for not being sincere 9

INTERVIEW WITH A MOTHER IN A TEACHER’S SHOES They say, the mother is a child’s first teacher. This month, Debating Society Girls’s Secretary General, Sayyada Master interviewed a Madrasah teacher of Class 8B who is also a mother. Sayyada: Please introduce yourself to our readers. Kaneez Bai: I’m Kaneez-e-Fatima .S. Dharamsi and a mother to 3 kids, student at Madrasah- tuz -Zahra and a teacher at Husayni Madrasah. Alhamdulillah HIS help does wonders! Sayyada: How does studying in Hawza help with your teaching and how does it feel having an opportunity to study again at this age? Kaneez Bai: Studying at hauza has definitely played a big role in teaching at madrasah. As the exposure to different subjects learnt help in sorting queries of the students. As when we link different learning it’s easier to understand. Well studying at this age, it’s absolutely an amazing experience.... As the Hadith of the prophet says; seek knowledge from cradle to grave. And again another Hadith says seeking knowledge is incumbent upon every Muslim. So we Become obliged to learn.... at least I can tell God I tried to learn and share it with others (through teaching) it. Zakatul ilm wanshurhu. Sayyada: For how long have you been teaching Madrasah and doesn’t it seem like a tiring job? Kaneez Bai: This is my third year at madrasah and I totally enjoy it! Well this year with more responsibilities, it does become tiring as teaching takes place on Saturday but its preparation has to be done earlier…in the end it gives a very satisfying feeling. I can just say ... Hadha min fadhli rabbi. Sayyada: I have heard that teaching is one of the most satisfying jobs in the world. How do you know that your teaching has been successful? Kaneez Bai: I feel my students are my mirror! When students enjoy learning and look forward to learning. Again next week is like mission accomplished. When students can relate to what has been taught is another sign of success. I believe a teacher helps the student in their thought process and enhances their capabilities. Sayyada: Kaneez Bai, we know you are a busy woman but yet gave us a portion of your valuable time. Thank you very much, we really appreciate it. 10


DS PICS Visit to Deaf and Dumb school

Trainging in:

Graphic Design Photography Kids Camp Follow us on DPITanzania for our latest schedule and regular updates

5% discounts available on selected classes by 31st July 2013. City Center: Neelkanth Tower, Chusi St near Hindu Mandal Hospital Mikocheni: DTP Building, Mwai Kibaki Rd opp TMJ Hospital t: +255 754 786301 | 713 090909 e:


DS PICS Mother’s Day

Teacher’s Day



DO YOU KNOW ONE OF THE FIRST LADIES TO ACCEPT ISLAM? BIBI KHADIJA Title: Umm-ul-Momineen / Tahira Death: 10th Ramzan 3 years before Hijrah at the age of 64 years. Buried in: Makkah ( Jannatul Maala cemetery) Birth and Genealogy Bibi Khadija(a.s.) was the first wife of the Holy Prophet(pbuh&hf). She was born in Makka. Her father’s name was Khuwaylid bin Asad and he was a wealthy trader. The Genealogy of both Prophet Mohammad(pbuh&hf) and Bibi Khadija(a.s.) was the same reaching up to Qusayy. Early Life Her mother and father both died within 10 years of each other. Their wealth was divided amongst the children but it was bibi khadija(a.s.) who took over the family business and expanded it. With the profit she made she helped the poor, widows, orphans, sick and the disabled people of Makka. She had a cousin called Waraqa bin Naufal who was very learned man and who was not an idol worshipper. Both Waraqa and Bibi Khadija were monotheists and believed in one Allah. First contact with Prophet Muhammad (pbuh&hf) Because of her excellent Akhlaq the Arabs (who at that time used to look down upon women) called her Tahira - the pure one. She was also known as the ‘Princess of Makkah’ because of her wealth. A lot of Arab nobles and princess wanted to marry her but she refused all of them. In 595 AD, Bibi Khadija was looking for someone to be in charge of her caravan to Syria. Hazrat Abu Talib (a.s.) suggested the Prophet Mohammad(pbuh&hf) to her. She had heard of his trustworthiness and agreed to employ him although he did not have much trading experience. To help him she sent her slave Maysara. The trading caravan was a great success and when Bibi Khadija (a.s.) heard of the Prophet’s skills and excellent conduct, she became his admirer. Marriage with Prophet Mohammad(pbuh&hf) Soon it was arranged for Bibi Khadija(a.s.) to be married to the Prophet Mohammad(pbuh&hf). At that time, Prophet Mohammad(pbuh&hf) was aged 25 and Bibi Khadija(a.s.) was 40 years of age. According to Shiite tradition, this was her first marriage and that she was not a widow as is narrated by non-shiite sources. Hazrat Abu Talib(a.s.) read the Nikah on behalf of the Prophet whilst Waqara bin Naufal read it for Bibi Khadija. Hazrat Abu Talib(a.s.) paid the mehr for his nephew and fed the people of Makka for 3 days in celebration. Bibi Khadija too fed the people. The marriage was a very happy one and their first child was 15

a son called Qasim. The second was Abdullah. Both died in infancy. Their third and last child was Bibi Fatema Zahra(s.a.). Her services for Islam When the Prophet used to go to meditate in the cave of Hira on Jabel-e-Noor, it was Bibi Khadija(a.s.) herself who would climb up there to give him his food and necessaries. She was the first person to accept Islam as taught by the Prophet(pbuh&hf). In 616 AD, the Quraish isolated the Bani Hashim (the family of the Prophet) and they took refuge in a ravine called Shib-e-Abu Talib. Bibi Khadija(a.s.) was there too and it was her wealth (which she donated for Islam) that sustained the Muslims at that time. The siege lasted for 3 years during which time they experienced hunger, thirst, and the cold and heat of the desert.

Her Death: Bibi Khadija(a.s.) was married to the Holy Prophet(pbuh&hf) for 25 years. Shed died in 619 AD on the 10th of Ramadhan 3 years before the Hijrah. When she died nothing was left of her wealth - all of it was served for the propagation of Islam. She was buried in Makkah in a cloak of the Holy Prophet(pbuh&hf). Hazrat Abu Talib(a.s.) died in this year too. The Prophet(pbuh&hf) called the year Aam-ulHuzn (the year of grief). While Bibi Khadija(a.s.) lived, the Holy Prophet(pbuh&hf) did not marry another woman and in later years he always said that she was the best of his wives. He also said that she was one of the four perfect women who had ever lived. The other three are Bibi Aasiya, the wife of Firaun, Bibi Maryam, the mother of Prophet Isa(a.s.), and Bibi Fatima Zahra(s.a.).


LEADERSHIP TRAITS – Part 3 “A leader is one who knows the way, goes the way and shows the way” – John Maxwell –

We have learnt four major traits that a leader possesses from our part one which are as below: • Take every day as a new one • Thinking about others • Thinking Positive • Lead by Example As soon as Zagrum left for his meeting Mr. Fogg realized that he has been at fault by treating Ms. Donna badly as far as the boardroom was concerned and decides to go back find her. He goes back to office and asks for her realizing that she is in her office he goes there and meets her apologizing for the mishap having happened in the past. He also informs her that the boardroom shall be open for use when she requires it and she is more than welcome should she require his help at any point in time. • A ccept Mistakes and Apologize: Nobody is born perfect in this world and all of us have our bad days and good ones. We all are bound to make mistakes some days and a good leader would accept them and apologize with correcting themselves appropriately After the lapse of an hour Mr. Fogg returns to the boardroom to find Ms. Sandy (She 17

has been working for the company for many the past 10 years and has been part of the great mentors in the company); she informs him that Mr. Zagrum has been caught up for the meeting and she shall continue from herewith. She informs him that when the company had begun she was part of the team but left the company after she had fought with Mr. Zagrum. She explains him that he always had his own way and used to share a good Ego resulting into many staff leaving the company. Mr. Zagrum used to be the same at home and had his strict rules due to which the son always being scared and them never sharing a good relation. His son started taking drugs due to this and on having gone extreme had to be taken to rehab where Mr. Zagrum went frequently to visit the son and used to see how the people help to revive people on drugs. • P resent yourself with Love and Affection to all: When you see others always show the love and affection to them and present yourself in warmth so that they feel welcome towards you and be ready to share everything without fear. Mr. Zagrum learnt this and put into practice and realized that due to him having his way in life always had resulted into so much distance from his people and staff and thus he wanted to change lives of all those who were part of his earlier team. He thus went on his journey to apologize most of his staff and brought them back into the company to lead it in the right direction. This way began the long journey of I C Computers and itself being a changed place where all wanted to work. These values then became the pillars of all managers at the company and have been continuously shared by all to become great leaders in the company. Mr. Fogg leaves the meeting and makes a decision of planning to implement all these great teachings in life to then start a changed life and making a difference to all in his life!! Leadership is the capacity to translate vision into reality. —Warren Bennis


3D Printing Many people use 2D printers as part of their daily life’s, but has anyone heard of 3D printers? 3D printers are very different from 2D printers, 2D printers print on solid to produce an image, text and etc. A 3D printer doesn’t print on solid but it produces a certain shape from bottom to top that the user has asked for. 2D printers use ink to print while 3D printers use many materials to produce a shape for example: ABS Plastic, Titanium, Steel, Metal and so much more. 3D printing is a process of making a three-dimensional solid object of virtually any shape from a digital model. 3D printing is achieved using an additive process, where successive layers of material are laid down in different shapes. 3D printing is considered distinct from traditional machining techniques, which mostly rely on the removal of material by methods such as cutting or drilling like CNC Machines do. So what can a 3D printer be used for? It can be used to make specific parts for buildings, cars, planes and even Guns! 3D printing can make whatever you tell it to make no matter how crazy looking it is, it is still a work of art. 2D printers are generally very cheap with a 70-dollar price tag for a nice, efficient and small printer while 3D printers are mainly used in factories with a huge price tag, some companies are making it for office and home friendly that is compact and efficient for around 2000 dollars! They may sound (and they are) expensive but with this kind of new innovation it is really worth it. 3D printers use modeling software and each varies from different manufactures, to make your desired shape/thing and make it a reality. 3D printers mostly use a computer or SD Card to print your desired item while 2D printers mostly use a computer to make your desired item. I know the feel of excitement to see what it can make so here you go!



Each year, many people aim to use the month of Ramadan for a variety of self-reforming habits, including spiritual, mental, and physical changes. Fasting clearly places an emphasis on spiritual reform by gaining mastery over natural appetites. But some people also see it as an opportunity to stop smoking, overeating, and starting exercise regimes. When fasting in summer, the stresses on the body are more extreme. There is less time for eating, praying, and sleeping in the night hours, and completing required tasks during the day can be more difficult due to heat and extended hours without sustenance. Unfortunately, many Muslims abuse their bodies in the month of Ramadan by eating unhealthy foods and overeating and/or by abandoning all exercise due to fasting and time constraints. In addition to getting less sleep, this leads to weight gain, muscle loss, illness, and lack of energy. Nevertheless, with careful planning, it is possible to start, maintain, or improve eating and workout habits during the month of Ramadan. A plan should incorporate both exercise and nutrition. First of all, one needs to have a proper frame of mind that food is for energy first, and we should choose what we eat to provide our body with what it needs for energy. There are definitely social and pleasure aspects to eating that we also need to accommodate, but these should not be allowed to override all consideration of healthy eating. Exercise in the month of Ramadan should include strength training to help minimize muscle loss due to fasting. This applies to men and women of all ages, as strength training helps maintain or improve bone density, increases metabolism, improves body shape and posture, and may reduce depression symptoms. Aerobic or cardio exercise is necessary for health of the circulatory system and burning excess calories. One good method for planning your eating and fitness regime for the upcoming month of Ramadan is to use or adapt an existing program. One program designed particularly for use in the month of Ramadan, although it can also be used at any time, is Fit4Ramadan (http://www. This program is detailed in an 80 page manual (a pdf e-book download available for purchase at a reasonable price) that provides everything from a strength training workout plan, complete with pictures, that does not require a lot of special gym equipment, to a detailed daily meal plan and even a grocery shopping list. This list will not include samosas, but there is information on how to allow a limited amount of the special and rather unhealthy foods you may desire during the month. It provides quality information on what is healthy to eat and what a good meal for Suhoor and Iftar ought to consist of. If you are already a fitness guru, you will not find a lot of new information in the Fit4Ramadan program, but it does provide a logical, doable program for a variety of fitness levels. If you want a ready-to-go program so that you do not have to reinvent the wheel, then this is a sound option. A very much less-detailed but similar plan was written by Rehan Jalali, C.S.N. There are a few minor differences of opinion between the two programs on matters such as


caffeine and timing of workouts, but the general nutrition and exercise advice are quite alike. Both recommend consuming a daily multivitamin especially during the month of Ramadan, and both recommend that workouts take place before Suhoor or after Iftar, and not during the fasting day. Cardio exercise may be best done before Suhoor, while strength training may be good either before Suhoor or after Iftar. Both suggest nutrition shakes as a reasonable option for Suhoor. Neither discuss enough around getting proper sleep. Sleep deprivation is likely in the month of Ramadan, but it is still necessary to try to make allotments of time for sleep in order to maintain health, avoid weight gain, and maintain ability to perform required daily tasks while fasting. In the month of Ramadan, this may best be accomplished through a nap before Maghrib whenever possible. Doing most meal preparation one day a week on a weekend day, simplifying meals, and limiting unnecessary extra work and tasks for this month may help make this possible. A third option is to adapt your existing fitness regime or, if just starting, to adapt one that may not be specifically for the month of Ramadan. If you are an avid exerciser, particularly if you are a cardio-fanatic, you may want to scale back the intensity of workouts and focus on maintenance while fasting. But it is not necessary or healthy to avoid exercise during the month - the regular guidelines in terms of time for exercise still apply (such as the oft-recited 30 minutes a day for all adults). One example of an easy-to-adapt realistic program is the 10-Minute Total Body Breakthrough by Sean Foy. It is an extremely reasonable, adaptable, well-researched program that can easily be incorporated into your routine during the month of Ramadan. It discusses nutrition, but its focus is on a variety of simple, adaptable workouts that provide strength training and cardio benefits in a short amount of time. These workouts could easily be accomplished prior to Fajr prayer without having to drastically reduce sleep time. One could also adopt a walking routine with a bit of strength training on alternate days, or adapt an exercise video or book one already has or that is readily available on the Internet. One of the best Internet resources for fitness is Sparkpeople. It is an excellent free community resource where you can find workouts, nutrition information, moral support, and track your food and fitness. A well-researched, nonfad, quality nutrition program like Weight Watchers can also be started or maintained during the month of Ramadan to help you make proper eating choices and avoid weight gain. Some people see the month of Ramadan as an opportunity to turn over a new leaf, but starting a whole new program during a summer fast can be intimidating and unrealistic. It is a common saying that it takes 40 days for a new habit to be created or a bad one to be destroyed, and the month of Ramadan, which already requires change, may be a good beginning for many. Even if you are not interesting in making big changes in the month of Ramadan, everyone should want to avoid abusing their body in this month and gaining weight, and some will want to make fitness and nutrition gains. These goals can only be accomplished through planning. The above options provide tools for that planning so that you can have your healthiest month of Ramadan yet, which should also make it easier for you to achieve your spiritual goals during this blessed month. Source:


INSTILLING MODESTY IN CHILDREN Children’s fashion is a billion dollar market with movie stars and other media figures endorsing the latest and hippest trends. Not only is there more emphasis on name brands when it comes to children’s clothing, but the standard of acceptable clothing and behavior has been lowered immensely. It is disheartening to see that despite Islam being the greatest proponent of modesty, many Muslim parents consciously or unconsciously fail to teach our children that modesty is an important part of a person’s character. Establishing What Modesty Is It is important to note that modesty is not measured solely based on how long a person’s shirt is or how loose their clothing is. In the simplest and most sensible terms, a person’s conduct, speech, entertainment, and clothing are all components of modesty. A great number of parents are caught in a battle of wills with their children solely based on clothing or outer appearance. However, modesty is directly related to an individual’s sense of worth. Instilling in children the notion that they are above watching certain programs, listening to music, wearing tight and revealing clothing, and using profanity is the real essence of teaching them modesty and self-respect. Embracing Modesty in Early Childhood There is no religious, moral, or human justification for dressing a young child in shapehugging and skin-revealing clothes. Our children teach us what we have not taught them. How can we teach our children that it is acceptable to wear shorts and sleeveless clothes up till a certain age, and then expect them to accept the standard of Hijab when they come of age? While toddlers have different standards, a general rule of thumb to keep in mind: if the child shouldn’t wear it as a teenager, (s)he shouldn’t wear it as a second or third grader either. Developmentally speaking, children learn most habits by the time they enter elementary school. These years are also incredibly critical for children, since they begin to establish selfconfidence. A child who is dressed immodestly and fixated on wearing names brands from a Disney channel show will have trouble finding self-worth intrinsically. When we think of the word modesty, other words come to mind, such as decency, reservation in speech, behavior, and dress, and humility. These are all essential attributes that children should be taught at an early age, so they grow up to become well-adjusted adults and Muslims. The Negative Effects of Immodesty There is a not-so-subtle campaign aimed at having young girls dress in short, revealing clothing. In fact, a trip to a department store will quickly remind us that modesty is not the number one priority when designing children’s clothes. However, modesty is an essential foundation when it comes to raising children into believing Muslims. For the girls, adjusting into the expectations of Hijab is a much smoother transition if they have dressed modestly since childhood. We have witnessed the struggles many girls have when they go from 22

wearing t-shirts and shorts to long sleeves and pants, and this can be easily avoided by encouraging modest clothing from a very young age. Young boys need to also be taught and see through modeling the importance of modesty. Plenty of people have become fixated on the fact girls have Hijab and boys don’t. This, however, is not true. Hijab is obligatory on both genders in Islam; however, it takes different forms for them. Society doesn’t measure the worth of a man by his waistline or beauty like it does for a woman. It is important to instill in young children of both genders that our worth as human beings extenders further than our looks. With young boys, it is important to teach them at a young age that their bodies also need to be properly, and that it is not respectful to wear skin-tight clothing or to take off their shirts off in front of others or in public places. Many young children go through a phase during preschool and kindergarten where they like to experiment with taking clothing off. It is important that adults are understanding but firm towards this phase. Helpful Tips for Teaching Modesty Parents, family members, and other adults in a child’s life can make a huge impact on how a child views modesty. Some helpful advice for introducing and maintaining modesty in a family are: Set standards and stick to them. Children thrive on consistency and routine. If one day you don’t allow your child to wear shorts because they are too short, and the next day you do, your child is going to think, “Mom and dad don’t care, why should I?” Think Length: how short is too short? Many parents neglect to have their daughters wear leggings or tights under dresses or skirts that are too short. Establish with your daughters what length is too short and why tights or leggings are needed. Swimwear: a good number of families will take their children to the beach or have a swimming pool at home. Even around family members, two-piece bathing suits are not appropriate for young girls, and boys should have age-appropriate swimwear as well. Read the writing: these days there are shirts that say “smoking hot” or “too hot for you” marketed towards young girls. Similar products exist for young boys and teens that promote un-Islamic terms, profanity, or other behaviors that are inappropriate. Lay a foundation of self respect and preservation. Modesty is a thematic approach to life, and if a person is modest in speech, gestures, and conduct, the clothing will reflect this. Modest clothing can be hip, chic, and popular! With a little extra effort, nice modest clothing can be found or put together. There are many outlets specifically out there just to sell you modest clothing. Don’t let some of the latest trends to discourage your family from adopting modesty for your children. Consider a simple question: do you want your children and family to embrace what society values or to embrace what Allah values? 23

SO NOW I ASK… whine, I did not lament for love I ask, He gives

It is what I desired

I asked Allah for a pious man

Silly nafs, again.

A man to keep my faith strong with

And my Lord gave me love

He, who will give me children worthy of the army of my Imam

Unconditional, undying, unimaginable

A pious man Compassionate, respectful

Love intelligent,

Allah is closer to you than your jugular, the Qur’an says

I did not ask for love

And so, even as I tried to hide it from even myself, Allah knew


He who knows what was and what will be

I thought: What if everything I worked so hard for disappears?

He who was knowledge of everything

Love does crazy things, doesn’t it?

He who is the Lover of lovers

What if that nafs because of whom I bore so many trials and difficulties gets away again?

So now I ask I ask because I can do nothing else

What if this love blinds me of faith?

I ask, I pray, I supplicate.

And though I did not pray, I did not

I make Du’a with my heart.


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