Map of Iceland - summer 2024

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Sub-glac al s ratovolcano Snæfellsjökull s the entrance to a passage eading to the centre of the Earth according to Jules Verne's

Acco ding to the Icelandic Book o Settlements, Reykjavík was home to Iceland's first permanent se tlers: the Vik ng coup e Ingólfur Arnarson and Hallveig Fróðadótt r who settled in 874 AD

Two out of three Icelanders reside n the cap tal area

Þingvellir National Park is where Alþing the Ice and c parl ament, was founded in 930 AD

The park lies in a ri t valley that marks the boundary between two tectonic plates

According to some, Hveravellir boasts “the best natural hot tub” in Iceland

Hal the town on Heimaey in the Vestmannaeyjar archipe ago was cove ed by lava in the amous Eld el eruption in 1973 The community was ebui t and now boasts one of the largest fishing harbours in celand

Reykholt was the home of egendary Icelandic h stor an poet and polit cian Snorri Sturluson (1179-1241 He was the author o the Prose Edda and Heimskring a

The Geysir geothermal area and he nearby waterfal Gul foss rank among Ice and's mos popular tourist a tractions

Hekla is Ice and s most famous (and most active) volcano

During the M ddle Ages Europeans referred to Hek a as the “Gateway to He l ”

The volcanic crate lake Kerið was formed approximately 3,000 years ago

Landmanna augar lies at the northern end of the Laugavegur hiking trail and is known for its geothermal hot springs and surround ng andscape

The Eyjaf allajökull volcano erup ed in 2010, eaving hund eds of thousands of a r passengers stranded on both sides of the A lantic (many a news anchor a so struggled to pronounce the vo cano's name)

rture ús ice tunnel Langjökull gla A RAR ONCIN-A- FET ME OPPORTUN TY u eyri e c p o the sunny north ” is Iceland s argest munic pa ity outside the capital area The area around the stratovolcano Askja is where NASA astronauts t a ned for the first
sure Laki erupted 786, creat ng one of gest lava flows in human history
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Herðubreið is often cal ed the “Queen of Icelandic Mountains” and was voted Ice and s “national mounta n” in 2002
novel Journey to he Centre o the Earth (1864) The e are housands o slands islets and skerr es in Bre ðafjö ður Bay The only nhabited island in the bay and the bigges , is Flatey (meaning “flat island”) 96% of those who vis t Iceland pass hrough Keflavík International A rport The area around Hvammstangi s one of the best seal-watching areas in Ice and úsAR ONCN-A- FE ME OPPORTUNIT Skálholt Due to recent volcanic eruption activity on the Reykjanes peninsula, the village of Grindavík has been evacuated and locked down for the time being. Dyrhó aey the southernmost tip o Icelandic mainland, is sur ounded by black beaches Dyrhólaey was formerl by seamen as Cape Port and To order more free copies contact What’s On, Tourist Information, Laugavegur 5, 101 Reykjavík • +354-551-3600 FREE COPY Lyfjaval pharmacy Aðaltorgi Reykjanesbæ Open every day from 9am - 9pm WWW.GJTRAVEL.IS GJTRAVEL@GJTRAVEL.IS YOUR JOURNEY OUR EXPERTISE Breathtaking Experience is a A journey into RAUFARHÓLSHELLIR For more information and bookings: +354 519 1616 +354 760 1000 LOW with Orkan card to your Apple/Google wallet Scan QR code to getyour Orkan card or visit PRI CE FUEL Stations around Iceland 72 THE ONLY LIVE LAVA SHOW IN THE WORLD Realmolten lava! BOOK NOW AT LAVASHOW.COM Experience Iceland’s first new old town • 13 historic Icelandic buildings brought back to life • 10+ stores for shopping • 10+ dining options Visit A destination on the Golden Circle passionate about ICeland EastWest provides exceptional small group tours and private tours in a prime fleet of Mercedes-Benz Sprinters with USB connectors and onboard WIFI.
M ES.IS 354 587 99 G a c ie Wa k s Ou do d A ONCIN- - ET OPPO UN A u yri th a ta o the unny nort is Ice and gest munic a ity outsid the apita are V p s a mo Ic th The are ound e tovol ano skja is where NA A ast onaut ra ned for the first moon and g At 1,069 met es (3,507 Búlands nu py mid sh pe m k s one o h mo shapely mounta n n and s a eat pla e or sp ng e de The vo cano Katla un ern a th Mý al jöku cec p la erupted in 191 Sc enti e ve anoth eru tion may e imminent The Geysir geotherma area and h n ar y wate al Gul fos ank amon Ice and s mo opula touri a ction Acco ding to egend e a ia canyon Ásby wa formed when the hoo Óðinn' e Nors God eight-l gged hor e eipnir touched down om h h a ens Þing ellir Nation Park is wh e Alþing the Ic and parlment was ounde n 930 AD he p rk e in a ri v lle at ma ks the bound ry between two ctonic plates Icebe g om atnajöku alv nt th unique glac er agoon Jökulsárlón the ene many Ho ywood mov e h yja llajökull volc no erup ed in 2010 eaving hund ed housands o a pa se ger and d on both ides o the A antic (many news a chor so trugg ed to p onounc th vo cano' n me Hö n Horn fjö u w h it beauti harbou is known s the lobster ca ita e and he volcanic fi s re Laki erupted betw en 17 3-1786 c at ng one o the la gest lava flow in human history he Kverkfjöl mounta n ang wh h partly un ern ath h Vatnajö u cecap is one o e ew p aces on Earth wh e one can w tne hot sp gs n a glac R ykholt wa the hom o egendary Ic landic h stor an poe and po it c an Snorr Sturluson 1179-1241 He was he author th P se Edd and Heim kr ng Two out o h e Icelanders e e n h ap al re A co ding to he Ice an Book o e tl ments Reykjavík was home to Iceland's first perman nt e tle e Vik ng oup Ingólfur Arnarson nd Hall e F óðadó w o se tled in 87 AD B gt nga is he wes rnmos point o Eu ope excluding the zo es) Nearby is he 14 km (9 mi on á abja g e cli which is home to million bi ds and is he a ges bi d cli n Eu pe Ac o ng to ome H e v llir bo sts “the bes natu al hot tub in Iceland h De fo wat rfa s eputed to be he second mos powerfu wa erfa E ope a e e hin a s n Sw tzer and Stöð a jö ður is mous or Pet a s Stone Co eon (sh als coll ted mar ed pens ups eggs sh ll an conch s) Vatnajö u Eu ope a gest g cie covers 8% Ice nd A 2,1 0 me e 6,9 1 Hvanna a shnjúkur and gh s peak Hekla Ice and mo amous nd mo act ve olc no During e M ddle ge u op a s efer ed to H k s the “G tew y to H T e volc nic ate k K ið was formed approximately 3,000 e rs a o andm nn augar lie e north rn nd o e Laugavegur h king a nd s known for its geoth rmal hot sp ngs an ur ound ng andsca e He ub ð is o ten ca e h “Queen of Icelandic Mountains” and wa vote Ice and “nat on mounta in 002 Mývatn h acterized by its g e n b n s and ch b dlife In he vic ty a Hverfjal a tu ng volcano e Dimmub gi lava field; and th Hv a önd eotherma area Sub-glac al to olcano Snæfellsjökul the nt a ce to a pas age eading to he cent o he Eart acco ding to Ju es Verne's no e Journey to he Cent e o the Eart 1864) The e a housands o s ands lets and err s n e ðafjö ður Ba he onl nhabited s nd in the ba and th bigg s is Flatey (meaning “flat island”) 96% thos wh vis eland pa oug Keflavík International A rport Ha ahvammagljú ur magnificent can on ca ved out b gl cia rive he area ound H amm tang s on o the be s al-w tchin re in Ice ndN- - M OPP RTUNI álholt Dyrhó e he southernmos ip o e Ice nd c ma nland is ur ound d b distinct b ck b ach Dyrhó ae was former known by s amen a Cap Port and H the town on Heimae in the estm nn e jar a ch pe go was cove ed y la a n the mou Eld e eru tion in 197 h community was ebui an now boasts one o the la gest fishing a bour n e and LEGEND NATIONAL PARK COUNTRY PARK NATURE RESERVE NATIONAL MONUMENT MAIN ROAD SECONDARY ROAD OFF-ROAD TRACK ROAD NUMBER MUSEUM PLACE OF INTEREST HIKING PATHS ORKAN GAS STATION To order this map & for questions & comments email: Although every effort has been made to ensure that the information published on this map is accurate, it should not be followed blindly. What’s On accepts no liability rising from reliance upon the information. CAUTION This small-scale map is suitable for travel What’s On (Open from 8:30 every day) Laugavegur 5 What’s On (Open from 9:00 every day) Laugavegur 54 TOURIST INFORMATION IN REYKJAVÍK MÝ VAT N N ATURE B ATH S pre-book online at n a tureb at hs s Check Call 1777 Drive safely Best have ever experienced! – Tripadvisor VOLCANO & EARTHQUAKE EXHIBITION 63.7531° N, 20.2364° First stop on the south coast of Iceland @geoseaiceland - Vitaslóð 1, 640 Húsavík BOOK YOUR TICKET HERE Krauma is a natural geothermal bath & spa at Deildartunguhver Eu ope’s most powerful hot spring E X P ER I E N C E N ATU R E FROM ITS C O R E w w w .k r a u ma. i s Reykjavík Akureyri Seyðisfjörður Pay toll within 24 hours at Akureyri EYJAFJÖRÐUR Tunnel 28k Víkurskarð 8 k Visit the World’s Only Beluga Whale and Pu n Sanctuary! Book Online & Save! WITNESS THE HISTORY In the world's largest ice tunnel Discover Iceland's only floating pools 5 m nutes dr ve from downtown of Eg lsstað r, East ce and Find your nearest supermarket

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