The Paw Print - April 2022

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April Fool’s 2022 Volume IV Issue VI

Dripping Springs High School, TX 78620

The Paw Print sat Grading center Page 2

Bill Nye’s house Page 2

Mattress Firm Money Laundering Page 4

Labor of Baristas Page 5

world quidditch competition Page 8

April [Fool’s] Cover design by: Gabby Plasencia Photo by: Adobe Stock

The Paw Print April 2022


News Astronomical Asteroid An asteroid that is nearly the size of Earth will make Brooke Bousley an impact on human life. Staff Writer

Around 60 million years ago, the Chicxulub asteroid hit the Earth and wiped out around 80% of all animal populations, including dinosaurs. Although we have not seen such a monumental asteroid in ages, there is news that an even larger piece of space matter is coming toward our planet and expecting to enter the atmosphere on April 1, 2022. NASA has confirmed this news through several weeks of testing and research. The astronomers at NASA certified that this 5-million pound asteroid would land precisely in the Gulf of Mexico at around 4 pm CST. As members of the Dripping Springs community, we must help our community to survive the impact of this lethal object. The impact will obviously be immense, so we must take precautionary measures. Although there is not much we can do to avoid this substantial life-changing event, there are a few tips for survival. The first possible method to avoid the mass extinction of life on Earth is to discover where the wealthy celebrities are storing the keys to their bunker. After the keys are found, we can see the location of their bunker, use the keys to unlock it, and throw a massive party. NASA states that if you party hard enough, then the impact of the asteroid could be reversed, and the murderous asteroid may never enter our atmosphere. In other words, don’t be afraid to party it up. Partying it up will be what saves the human race from complete and utter extinction. To save the human race, we must party it up unless we want to end up like the dinosaurs… extinct. Everyone stay safe and be prepared for the possibility of the end of the world nearing us.

Bill Nye

Dear DSHS students and staff,

This is Bill Nye wanting to speak to you about the unfortunate asteroid hitting Earth. This relates to you because it is heading to the exact coordinates of Dripping Springs High School. Say goodbye to the classrooms and hello to an early summer…if Earth survives. Anyways, I was wanting to speak on this because I am a (quite famous I would say) scientist. I have studied this asteroid and visited the school. Unfortunately, some photos were taken of me by people all over the school. Now the students are posting me on the DSHS news Instagram. These pictures show me in multiple areas around the school. I don’t know how people saw me around the school because my plan was to blend in with the students…I don’t think that plan worked. Before I go on and on about the photos I will bring us back to the main concern…the asteroid. I hope you all stay safe and say a nice farewell to the classrooms. Now I will be evacuating myself from anywhere near the Dripping Springs area. Sincerely, Bill Nye the Science Guy

Breaking News! Truths about DSHS hidden by Student Leadership revealed, reported by Tia Davison and Hannah Caddell.

Every new moon, the math department forces the lowest scoring student to provide enough tears to water the trees in the courtyard. The cafeteria crew are actually aspiring actors hired by the school to pursue their acting career by method acting. The library was originally built as a student detention center in 1943 to detain students who acted out or mentioned communism. All of the trees on campus were planted after a school-wide science experiment went awry and all plant life within a twomile radius was destroyed. The numbering system of the classrooms in D hall was inspired by a French sorceress who believed that if these numbers were read aloud in this order they would summon the muffin man. The graduation announcements on teachers’ walls are lists of students they’ve failed. The school is shaped like a circle to promote conformity and make students dizzy. The stuffed tiger mascot is actually the carcass of the school’s first valedictorian who was REALLY into taxidermy. The 10-10 rule is set in place because in the last 10 minutes of class illegal street races take place in the hallways. J Hall was built to hide the district’s expansive money laundering schemes. Principal Gamez fled the country 5 years ago and her twin has been posing as the principal ever since.

SAT for All!

Texas requires all grades to take the SAT Rebekah Johnson Staff Writer

With the end of the 2021-2022 school year on the horizon, the DSISD school board decided to require all grades Pre-K through 12th to take the SAT in April and May to keep up with new requirements of Texas education. Though sudden and bold, the school board describes this as an “enlightening experience” for students to understand the stress of standardized testing that serves almost no purpose except for proving to colleges the worth of students through a number. The exam, happening sooner for many students, caused teachers to cram in calculus lessons and improve their student’s reading and writing levels to that of a college professor before the end of April. Uncertainty fills teachers’ minds about the board’s decision, but they try to make the learning experience as fun and engaging as ever. Teachers at the elementary schools developed lessons together to tackle the difficult task of teaching students calculus. They agreed that it’s nearly impossible since many younger students can only count to ten and know just half the alphabet. Middle schoolers face similar learning struggles since they focus primarily on developing their sense of self rather than producing adequate test scores for the district. High schoolers and teachers at DSHS have the least amount of problems as many of the students have accepted that a number dictates the rest of their lives. SAT and ACT testing, combined with AP exams in May, makes for an illogical end to the year for the high schoolers. A student, who stayed anonymous, explained how they haven’t slept in a week and contains a bloodstream made of 94% coffee and energy drinks. Others, with bags hanging below their eyes, lacked a response due to the one-hundred-yard stare they held for the last few days. So, students and teachers alike may thank the DSISD school board for the new announcement of testing, and they can thank society for adding more pressure to their shoulders to succeed in an already demanding life.

There are no windows in most of the classrooms and halls in order to dissociate the students and keep them at the school for days on end without them knowing. Tiger Time was created to shorten the lunches because teachers are prone to falling into a dangerous jigsaw puzzling addiction if left unattended. All members of student leadership programs are actually spies from California working to turn the school into a smaller version of the city of Los Angeles. The school wifi is actually a hacking device to infiltrate students’ college boards to control them for the rest of their lives. The school parking lots are intentionally too small to encourage dangerous driving skills and create an atmosphere for lethal car crashes. Anyone named Nick in the school is actually a school drone created by the

robotics club to monitor students.

Get your yearbook!


purchase now before they’re sold out! Minimal extras will be available at distribution.

The Paw Print

April 2022



World’s Hardest Cryptic Crossword

Reagan Otten Entertainment Editor

Only Solvable by Geniuses 1


Leave after finding nothing in big rambling empty space (4,6)

6 Tolerate swimming in sea that tastes of tarragon (9)

13 Exterminator has drink within Denmark's borders (5) 14 Round a great deal, turning out hit that's within hearing (7)

15 Some heat to cook rice, getting address in Spain back (7) 16 People fail to perform with that woman's leaderless energy (8) 17 Tiny bit hard, production being broadcast (6) 18 American uncle has left grand in Wimbledon (4)

21 Endless call to finish measurement system in the tube (6)

23 Tune has audible pause and it slows down (3,5) 25 Virtuoso pianist makes record, capturing mezzo's heart (5) 27 Car blockade has husband running from Bonn to Berlin (8)

29 Head of casting is apparent during whole film (4) 31 Force redhead to leave ales out for sugar supplier... (7)

35 ... while two presidents take one for water (5)

36 Borderless land with musical backing gets an F, say (9) 38 Mention missing British swimmer (5)

39 Lost message initially not appearing in court (7)

41 One wrapped in bacon, informally, often after chicken (4)

42 Lack of cover not applicable to holiday-making, old excepted (8)

44 Refrain, having renounced Catholic god (5) 46 Rarest natural thing in a situation outside (8)

48 The same time out taken by royal chief (6)

DOWN 1 2 3

Head (6)

5 7 8 9 1 11 12 19 20 22 24 26 28 30 33 34 37 40

foot (8)

44 45 47 49

51 Yorkshire flower of zero application (4)

Writer, say, coming back with papers (4)

During dance, he'll deploy carrier (7) Old rallying point in old TV series with no middle or end (5) 4 Dishonest, short of getting further at King's

52 Supermarket's first poster is a simple thing (6) 54 Renaissance figure reaches endgame with US subject (8)

Scholarship got one a lot of land, formerly (8)

58 Played role wearing top, wasting second getting seafood (7)

Antipodean took cover during deployment of cane (7) Tommy is no mod, getting work as leader (4,5)

59 Dance, taking drug, joining large set (7)

Rod in scrap to get Lombardy crown (4) Heard title more in Paris - too much (7)

60 Follower rejected conclusion and hit organised religion (5)

Platform has no space for student or new conciseness (4) The trouble with growth is protection (6)

61 Is transported and held inside devil's workshop (4,5)

Exploit terrible initial take-off during flight (8)

62 Jellyfish swallowed gem formation that's often crystallised (4,6)

Flirt, visiting first beach in the Costa Blanca (4,6) Going by coach with island head for professional purposes (2,8) What Nietzsche wrote about rates and capital (9) Cook foremost cuisine with leading playboy (4) Artist occupies avian property (5) Work hard to remove rut developing out of chaos (4) 32 Almost a return to Atari's ultimate computers (5) They're collected from border in record time (8) Night, without a current replacement weapon (4) English drink not registered as Dutch export (4) Pizza supplier finds time right to race round during song (9) 43 Drinking group gets rest to set broken Fuss about a large bear (6) Kane's last word to girlfriend (7) Number added to recipients of email that's stolen (7)

Everyone in Italy needing extremes, audibly disapproving (7) 50 Twisted descent, all so twisted, reaches bottom end (6)

53 55 56 57

Clip ends off negative that's found on the floor (4) Elizabethan has to get irregular start, not uniform (5) Swelling school terms' starts by six months (4) 24 having a drink (4)

Paw Print Playlist How to scan: 1. Open Spotify app 2. Click “Search” 3. Click the camera icon over the search bar 4. Scan the code above

Hailey Jarvis Photographer


The Paw Print

Dirty Money

April 2022


Thomas Daughtery & Harley Hunt

Acclaimed Teachers Involved in National Pyramid Scheme Scandal Over the past weekend, news shocked many at school about Mr. Overmyer and Mr. Knight, because who would ever think that they of all people would participate in a pyramid scheme! Nicolas Overmyer has been a history teacher at Dripping Springs High School for 4 years now, and was teaching for 6 years before that. Here at DSHS, he has become a favorite of all kinds of students under a laid-back, rock’n’roll vibe that made him seem fun and approachable. However, students have been so shocked by his recent scandal that it’s impossible to see just where the school stands. News came out this past Saturday of Overmyer and Knight’s involvement in the infamous Mattress Firm pyramid scheme that has plagued the country the past decade. Details have yet to be released from the Austin Police Department, however, officials received a tip from another DSISD Staff Member, Mr. Knight. The Mattress firm located in the popular Belterra shops was home to the crimes, and served as a home base for Mattress Firms around the country. Begging the question, why Belterra? But even more confusing is Mr. Overmyer’s involvement in the scheme. He served as the ring leader for the operation, controlling all money flows into the location, who was hired and fired, and where their next locations would pop up: conveniently right across the street. This made Overmyer’s criminal discovery all the more painful to the student body, as it has come to light that all of this was, in fact, a cover. You may

Staff Writers

be wondering what Mr. Knight did to be involved in such a case, and it’s deeper than you might think. At first glance, Knight was an informant to the police helping bust this whole operation, but some research into Knight himself brings up a darker truth. Almost a decade ago, he had been working for Overmyer in the schemebecoming his right-hand man. It isn’t clear when, but a falling out occurred and, according to filed police reports, Overmyer had sent poisonous snakes to Knight’s house as a warning of sorts back in 2016. As of today, Knight serves as the local hero who finally busted (and confirmed) the Mattress Firm pyramid schemes, but this isn’t the end. Nicolas Overmyer’s trial is still ongoing and it is unknown how deep his involvement is with Mattress Firm’s alleged tax fraud strategy. However, it is known that the government officials will continue prosecution, even though it is unlikely to meet a verdict before the asteroid hits DSHS and the world is plunged into chaos and destruction. Admin would like to remind all students that the counselor’s center is available for grief counseling, as well as the upcoming mandatory assembly this week. More information will be available daily, and this story will be updated as the newspaper is electronic and wifi-compatible.

Map of Laundering Shops in Austin Metro Area

Once a praised teacher at DSHS, Overmyer has now been publically defamed by students for his involvement in the news that shook the entire town. Pictured above is Overmyer after graduating high school, just a little bit older than DSHS students today. The picture has now been vandalized by an anonymous student who had some conflicting views on the situation.

Students are left questioning just who their history teacher is after discovering his theiving nature in the Mattress Firm money laundering scandal. But can anyone decode who the real Overmyer is? Until we know more about the details regarding the investigation, the question will lay up in the air for all to answer.

The Nuclear Option

Alec Stuart

Humanity’s Best Means of Solving Oncoming Catastrophe In light of the oncoming asteroid set to hit Earth, we are at a forked road. Three options are at our disposal. First, simply let our society devolve into anarchy; the complete loss of law and order, accompanied by the dissolution of all world governments. Second, to simply live out our lives as normal, spending our last days with our loved ones. Finally, the chance to sow even more chaos and discord. Now, what would be the best option to take? In order to spare countless amounts of heartbreak and agony of time with your beloved for the end, I heavily encourage the US President to commence a full scale nuclear strike on Russia and China, using every single nuclear weapon at our disposal. Now, why is this the best option? As explained above, rather than having to endure the agony of waiting for death at the hands of a space rock, why not simply get it over with? With over 5,600 warheads in the US nuclear stockpile, we have the capability to completely obliterate at least half of the global population. Not only will most major cities be destroyed by a hundred million degree temperatures and overpressure upon impact, but radiation will pick off rural inhabitants. To finally cleanse the world of the plague that is humanity is a dream we should finally fulfill, no matter how unnecessary it may seem. This plan will also ensure that no adversary carries on in the event humanity survives the meteor. For carrying out the plan, we shall divide the preemptive strike into sections. Upon the President’s orders to launch, we shall deploy all 450 LGM-30 Minuteman missiles in the arsenal, each equipped with 475 kiloton W87 thermonuclear warheads. As our land based missiles are en route to their

Staff Writer

city targets, the ballistic missile submarines will provide support using their Trident II D5s, with the same payload as the LGM-30. Lastly, the bomber wing of the triad, consisting of over a hundred B52 Stratofortress bombers and 20 B2 Spirit stealth bombers. These aircraft will drop B61 and B83 gravity bombs on Russian and Chinese military targets, each munition capable of a yield up to 1.2 megatons. You may be worried about retaliation. Reading my reasons for this plan, provoking a retaliatory second strike from the enemy is the exact idea. With all of their major cities and most of their assets gone, the Russians and Chinese will strike back with everything they have, primarily Sarmat and DF-41 missiles. The former can have an explosive yield of up to 50 megatons each, equivalent to the Tsar Bomb. In short, retaliation will ensure the total annihilation of both the attacker and the defender, as well as their allies. Not only will this end the emotional agony of the populace prematurely, but will also ensure no humans survive the coming catastrophe. That way, the Earth won’t have anyone to pollute it once the world recovers. This whole apocalypse is the planet’s way of filtering out the germs and garbage. With mutually assured destruction, we have the means of doing the right thing, and fulfilling our part so nature won’t have to worry about anything. Without it, the chances of humanity surviving the asteroid and continuing to pollute the world are too great.

The Paw Print

April 2022




Tiger Shack Burns Efforts At Unionizing to Smithereens

Student employees’ attempts to impose fairer working conditions lead to no prevail Gabby Plasencia Feature Editor Are unions making a comeback? What was once a prominent force within American culture, has now faded with big companies, such as Apple, Google, and Amazon, just to name a few. However, a predicament has risen within none other than a local high school business class’s coffee shop, at our beloved Tiger Shack. Open every school day except for Fridays, the Tiger Shack sells school spiritoriented merchandise as well as beverages ranging from coffee to superb chai lattes, it has it all. Besides the customers, the other individuals benefiting from this enriching endeavor are the students themselves who are learning how to run a business. That was until students shared their unfiltered personal experiences working at the shop and its unethical management. As a culmination of social and educational unrest amongst the students of the business department, a collective initiative to create the Labor of Baristas Organization, also known as LBO was formed. It all started on March 10th, right before the beginning of spring break, when Earlgreyson Grande, a senior, posted a 60-second video expressing her discontent at the workload that is required to gain credit for the class, all for the sake of profit. “I could be brainstorming my own multi-level marketing scheme, but instead I have to dedicate the majority of my disposable time working overtime,” Grande continues,” there are only so many people that can accomplish what is expected of us.” Grande has her own business ideas that she wishes to pursue and agrees that a change is in order, and it’s not just her. A week after A day old artificial intelligence her video was posted, two more students programmed by an anonymous

QA &

With With A.I. A.I.

posted a video as well, vocalizing their discontentment with the status of the Tiger Shack workplace. The three videos on average gained 1053 views. “Eventually it became well known amongst classes that no one was happy, so we came up with a mockup name for a group of organizers to speak on our behalf, the Labor of Baristas Organization,” Honey Citrus, junior said.” Consequently, the idea spread to Carissa Malone, business teacher and overseer of the Tiger Shack. Her only response to the proposition from the students was “no.”

programming 1 student speaks on the quandaries of life Q:WHAT'S A LIFE LESSON YOU’VE LEARNED?



The Average Antics of a Barista At The Tiger Shack


Gabby Plasencia Feature Editor


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March 2022 Volume IV Issue 5

The Paw Print

Circulation: 500

Letters The Paw Print encourages the student body to submit letters to the editor. Letters, guest columns, and all material submitted for publication must include the writer’s name and stay under 400 words. The Paw Print does not guarantee to print or online publish work submitted. The meaning of any submission will not be altered, however The Paw Print reserves the right to correct spelling, grammar and punctuation when necessary, as well as condense. Additionally, The Paw Print refuses to print criticism which is not constructive or unsupported by credible evidence. Email submissions to

Editorials, Columns, and Letters my_dshs_news

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dshsstudentmedia Dripping Springs High School, Dripping Springs, TX 78620

Meet the Staff

Co-Editor in Chief Co-Editor in Chief Sophia Portillo Tia Davison Sports Editor Mallory Neff

Features Editor Gabby Plasencia

Entertainment Editor Online Editor Reagan Otten Dominc Bruini News Editor Tia Davison Creative Editor Sierra Trbovich

Opinion Editor Alec Stuart Social Media Editor Gabi Molinar

Staff Writers

Brooklyn Hagblom, Jakob Becker. Brooke Opinions expressed in editorials, columns, and letters are those of an individual Bousley, Rebekah Johnson, Hannah Caddell, and not The Paw Print, Dripping Springs High School, or its faculty.

For more information on The Paw Print and its policies visit The Paw Print is a member of the following organizations: CSPA, NSPA, ILPC, and ASPA.

The Paw Print’s core purpose is to serve the students and staff of Dripping Springs High School, as well as the surrounding community, with the most meaningful news and content regarding our school’s culture and the student body that influences it. From students, to students.

Awards NSPA Best of Show 2020 ILPC 2018-2019 Honor CSPA 2018-2019 Second Place ASPA 2018-2019 First Place

Thomas Daugherty, Harley Hunt, Kailey Nutt, and Lydia Bradley.

Advisor: Emily Purvis The Paw Print is inserted inside the Century News, and distributed to racks next to the front office, CL&I, and the student media room, J229

The Paw Print


April 2022


The unmotivated student Judah Greene: the epitome of mediocre?


What’s the first word that comes to your mind?




What motivates you?


What’s your favorite season? Why?


Winter. It’s cold

Mr. Overmeyer


What’s your ideal date?


A beautiful, Sunday night, 69 degrees, on top of the Eiffel Tower, in Paris.


Are you involved in any clubs or extracurricular activities? No


Who is your favorite Spice girl?



Is your fingerprint in the system?

Umm. I don’t think so.

What are your aspirations for the future? Uh... next question

The Paw Print

April 2022


Player Spotlight

Mallory Neff Sports Editor

Nerissa McAdams, Speedwalking Sophomore, Nerissa McAdams is the sole member of the DSHS speedwalking team. She is an aspiring athlete, with her sights set on international accomplishments. While her sport may be unconventional, it is globally recognized and she hopes it will provide a great opportunity for her in the future.

How long have you been speedwalking?

Some may say I’ve been speedwalking my entire life. I’ve always been very quick, and would often race my sister, Lucie. I’ve been doing it competitively now for three years, and it has got to be the best three years of my life.

Why do you compete?

I compete because I have always been very fast, and I never really fell

in love with any of the more traditional sports. This has been something I am really good at, and I just love this sport. It keeps me in shape, and in a competitive circle.


long race. You get tired easily, and your body has to do something it’s not used to. That’s why I train. Also, the danger quotient for disqualification is much higher than in any other sport, so you really do have to be careful.

What inspires you to keep going?

Well, the competition and thrill of racing are enough to keep me in it, What’s your favorite part about but what I think inspires me to be speedwalking? better is my mom. She is always Honestly, my favorite part has got to be how pushing me and cheering me on. I hilarious it is. We all look so funny when we walk, as it’s obviously not something everyone want to do better for her, and I want sees every day. It might be clichè, but that’s the to make her proud however I can. truth.

What are your goals?

My goals this year are to join a national team and attend bigger, more important competitions. I really want to go professional, and compete in the Olympics. That’s the dream.

How much have you improved mentally and physically since you started?

I used to really struggle mentally, especially in long races, but I have since trained my mental and physical endurance. Patience is also something I improved, so I can be What is The hardest part about it? The hardest part about speedwalking has to be cautious not to be disqualified for being too eager. Physically, I have the physical stress we put ourselves through. lost weight and become a lot stronIt can actually be very taxing, especially in a ger, and more disciplined.

Dripping in Magic Mallory Neff Sports Editor

Sophomore Nerissa McAdams during a race-walking practice on 3/13/21. She had a competition the next day. Photo by: Goo Gle

April Calendar

Mallory Neff Sports Editor

Real, Not Fake

3/31-4/1 Tennis District (V) @ Annemarie TC 3/31-4/2 Girls Soccer Regional QF 4/1 Baseball (9th/JV/V) @ Home/Home/Tivy 4/1 Softball @ Champion 4/2 Boys Lacrosse @ TMI 4/2 Softball (JV) Tourney @ Home 4/4 Baseball (9th, JV) v Johnson 4/4 Tennis District (Flex) @ Alamo Heights TC 4/5 Baseball (V) @ Johnson 4/6 Girls Lacrosse v Bowie 4/7 Boys Lacrosse v Vandegrift 4/8 Baseball (9th/JV/V) @ Canyon/Canyon/Home 4/8 Softball v Alamo Heights 4/8-9 Girls Soccer Regional Tourney 4/9 Baseball (9th/JV/V) @ Home/Home/Champion 4/11 Softball @ Veterans Memorial 4/12 Baseball (JV) v Pieper 4/12-13 Tennis (V) Region @ Blossom TC 4/12-13 Track and Field District @ Canyon 4/14 Baseball (9th/JV/V) Alamo/Alamo/Home 4/14 Boys Lacrosse @ Austin 4/14 Softball v Lehman 4/14-16 Girls Soccer State Tourney 4/19 Baseball (JV/V) @ Home/SA Vets 4/19 Softball @ Seguin 4/20 Track and Field Area (V) @ Canyon 4/22 Baseball (JV/V) @ Lehman/Home 4/22 Softball v Tivy 4/23-24 Boys Lacrosse Districts 4/25 Baseball (9th/JV) v Seguin 4/26 Baseball (V) @ Seguin Smoky Joe 4/26-27 Tennis (V) State @ A&M 4/29 Baseball (9th/JV/V) @ Tivy/Tivy/Home 4/29-30 Track and Field (V) Regionals @ San Antonio Note: Sports schedules are subject to change.

Quidditch Comes to Town, Replaces Girls Lacrosse

The most well know fictional sport is entering Dripping Springs in full swing. The girls’ lacrosse team is fed up with having a maximum of 5 people attend their games, so they have opted for a much more well-known sport, Quidditch. The sport first made its debut in the Harry Potter series and has since inspired fans all over the world to create their own Quidditch teams, such as the late girls’ lacrosse program. “Throughout my years on this team, the only people that ever come to our games are my parents,” sophomore Alyssa McLain said. “Honestly, that hurt, because I put so much effort into this sport, and while we may not win every game, it’s still important to be supported and to go support.” The lack of support from peers and staff at DSHS has forced the players to turn to another athletic outlet. They had decided on Quidditch because of its popularity and also its similarity to lacrosse, as both include sticks and goals. The girls had hoped to pique student interest and keep expenses low. Senior Lucy Tyo said, “I have always secretly been a diehard Harry Potter fan, so when I overheard the girls’ disappointments, I immediately thought to suggest it. It was also the most accessible option. We already had goals, brooms, and balls. It was the perfect solution. While I love lacrosse and really wish we were still playing it, maybe this will get people to finally see us.” Quidditch has provided a fun game for the girls to play, and they are adapting very well. The imaginative side of quidditch has allowed the team to express creativity and challenge themselves like never before. A few of the midfielders and attack players have attempted a Quidditch style draw by fusing both sports together. (Pictured on page 8.) “It’s really intersting, and definitely different. It’s actually kind of hilarious when you look at it from an outside perspective. We obviously don’t have magic of flying broomsticks, but I think that’s what makes it so fun,” junior Piper Price said. The question of whether or not lacrosse will come back, or remain Quidditch is still unknown, even to the players. This may have been a rash decision by coaches and the board, but as the girls season was already nearly over, it seems as they hadn’t missed out on much. However, when this switch was made to the team, there were a few girls who had quit, because of the seemingly obvious irrationality of this decision. Freshman Carly Austin said, “when my parents and I found out this was happening, we thought it was a joke. What even is a Quidditch team? It is ridiculous to ask a group of only 20 lacrosse players to play a fictional sport, and forfeit any future competitions in lacrosse through the school. That’s why I had to quit.” While this drastic change has turned many girls away, the few that stayed have hopes that the sport’s reputation will draw in more members and rebuild this club, which in reality is not the same club at all. While the girls lacrosse team has officially dissolved we wish the Quidditch players well on their adventures into the Dripping’s own wizarding world. *Pictures on back cover.


The Paw Print

Sports Gallery It’s Quidditch Season

April 2022


Hailey Jarvis Photo Editor

Sophomore Alyssa McLain and Junior Mallory Neff face-off. Junior Piper Price Presents the game ball. Photo by: Aubrey Neff

Players scrimmage on 3/10/22. Players left to right: Piper Price, Grace Richardson, Sara Rothermel, Alyssa McLain. Goal Holders left to right: Maya Garcia, Sienna Garcia, Aubrey Neff. Photo by: Mallory Neff

Players set up scrimmage on 3/10/22. Players left to right: Piper Price, Grace Richardson, Sara Rothermel, Alyssa McLain. Photo by: Mallory Neff

Juniors, Piper Price and Mallory Neff fly towaards eachother on their flying lacrosse sticks, almost resulting in a collision. Photo by: Aubrey Neff

Junior Piper Price flies down the field, carrying the ball to the goal. Photo by: Aubrey Neff

Junior Harper Peterson and Sophomore Alyssa McLain go 1v1 to the goal during a practice on 3/10/22. Photo by: Mallory Neff

Mallory Neff, Piper Price, Alyssa McLain, and Maya Garcia attempt to combine both lacrosse and Quidditch by setting up a draw on 3/10/22. Photo by: Aubrey Neff

Junior Mallory Neff and Sophomore Alyssa McLain fly around the field befor Quidditch practice on 3/10/22. Photo by: Aubrey Neff

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Proud to support Dripping Springs HS Junior Maya Garcia, Freshman Sienna Garcia, and Sophomore Sara Rothermel set up makeshift goals for a Quidditch match on 3/10/22. Photo by: Mallory Neff


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