Early Bird Newspaper 011319

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Fair board accepts $500,000 donation from Cargill RYAN BERRY

MANAGING EDITOR editor@earlybirdpaper.com

GREENVILLE – With an 8-2 vote, the Darke County Fair Board raised 20 percent of the proposed funding it will need to replace the Swine Barn and build a goat barn and dog barn. A special meeting was held Wednesday to discuss the new barn/ fundraising kickoff and the board agreed to accept a $500,000 donation from Cargill in exchange for lifetime naming rights of the building. The Agricultural Society’s legal counsel advised the board to wait until he had an opportunity read through the terms and conditions before accepting the proposal. Jerry Marker and Jim Zumbrink voted against accepting the grant. While the majority of the board agreed to accept the donation, questions remained regarding the scope of the project. Marker and Zumbrink expressed an interest in moving the barn(s) to the south end of the fairgrounds to alleviate some of the congestion in the north end. Zumbrink

argued that erecting the new buildings close to the old buildings would put them in the situation they were in when the Swine Barn caught fire. Some of the other nearby buildings sustained damage, including the Beef & Dairy Pavilion that will need $50,000 in repairs. Another option that was mentioned was to have one building that would house the swine, goats and sheep. Moving the barns to south end or erecting one building was speculation by those in attendance as board member Richard Delk pointed out the board hasn’t decided what it is going to do. Board member Dave Singer urged board members to be united going forward. However, the board may need to stick to the scope of the project they outlined in their request for the half-million dollar grant. The proposal to Cargill included the following: * Demolition of the existing Goat Barn, Dog Barn and FFA Building; * Construction of a 140’x200’x18’ (28,000 sq. ft.) metal framed Swine Barn and Community

Gettinger, Libert chosen to lead Greenville BOE SUSAN HARTLEY

STAFF WRITER shartley@earlybirdpaper.com

GREENVILLE – Greenville Board of Education held its 2019 organizational meeting Thursday and unanimously selected Brad Gettinger to serve a second year as its president. Mark Libert will serve as the board’s vice-president for 2019. As its first order of business, board members elected to change their monthly meeting time from 7 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. the third Thursday of each month, beginning with the Feb. 21 meeting. The board also held its regular January meeting on Thursday and approved a contract with Garmann Miller Architects and Engineers in the amount of $42,050 to provide design drawings for several athletic exterior projects at the K-8 facility. The contract includes designing fee, plan approvals, advertising, and printing fee as well as construction contingency. The designs will include a baseball and a softball field as well as goals/goalposts for a soccer/football field. The additions will be used, Gettinger said primarily for junior high teams and physical education classes. At its February meeting, the board will approve

the school calendar for the 2019-20 school year. Some discussion concerning the calendar was held after a classified employee in attendance Thursday spoke up stating she would like to see all district employees be able to give input and vote on the calendar. Board member Fred Matix also spoke concerning the calendars, letting administrators and board members know he’d heard that an employee was telling other employees that one of the two calendars being considered had already been approved. Superintendent Doug Fries shared how the district asks for input from building principals, who in turn may get input from their individual staff members, but that it was the board’s responsibility to actually vote and approve a yearly calendar during public session. The two calendars being considered, Fries said, differ only by two days. One gives the district an extra two days for Christmas break. Those two days would be added to the end of the school year. Although having two extra days at the holidays would be preferred by most, Fries explained how it results in two less days for students to be in the classroom just prior to the end-of-semester testing.

Center of fully insulated construction, with complete HVAC service, and will also include a prep kitchen and restroom facility. This building will serve as a multi-use community. This facility would be available for business meetings, trade shows, weddings and receptions, and community events throughout the remainder of the year; * Construction of an 80’x240’x18’ (19,200 sq. ft.) metal framed Goat Barn in the location of the old Swine Barn; * Construction of a 72’x220’x14’ (15,840 sq. ft.) wood framed Dog Pavilion, which will be broken into 72’x90’ enclosed and concreted section,

with the remaining as a covered show arena. Bids on the current scope of the project are expected on Feb. 1. The proposal to Cargill estimated the cost of the project at $2.3 million. The board expects to receive approximately $1 million from the combination of the insurance settlement from the loss of the previous swine barn and public grants. The remaining $1.3 million will need to be raised through corporate, small business and individual donations from the community. Prior to the meeting, a quorum of the board met behind closed doors in an unadvertised meeting. One board member left the

meeting and called it an “illegal meeting.” The board of directors of an agricultural society is specifically listed in Ohio’s Sunshine Law as a public body that must adhere to its rules, including 24-hour notice of a special meeting. Board members not present for

the unadvertised meeting were Zumbrink, Thomas Shaw, Ed Erisman and Dave Niley. Niley was absent from the advertised special meeting. The press release regarding the donation can be read at www.bluebagmedia.com.

Baumle to serve as Arcanum mayor SUSAN HARTLEY

STAFF WRITER shartley@earlybirdpaper.com

ARCANUM – Arcanum’s new mayor is vowing to maintain “a good line of communication between myself and council.” On Tuesday, village council unanimously approved council member Gregory Baumle as president pro tem during its 2019 organizational meeting. In turn, Baumle accepted the nomination, resigning his council seat to become the village’s new mayor. Baumle will serve the remaining year of outgoing mayor Judith Foureman’s term, which will end Dec. 31 of this year. Foureman submitted her resignation to council last month, originally to become effective Dec. 31, 2018. After learning council president pro tem Vanessa Delk was not interested in serving as mayor, Foureman extended her resignation date to the end of Tuesday’s organizational meeting. Baumle spoke with The Early Bird between council’s organizational and regularly scheduled meet-

ings on Tuesday. He acknowledged there had been some issues between the former mayor and village council, but encourages Arcanum residents to move forward. “We’re done,” Baumle said of recent issues. “We’re turning the page.” Baumle, who works as a battalion chief with the Huber Heights Fire Department, was appointed to council in May 2017, to fill a spot vacated by Julie Willis. Baumle holds a master’s degree in public administration and has worked for both the cities of Dayton and Huber Heights for the past 19 years. “It makes sense for me to take it,” he said, pointing out the mayor’s position requires a specific number of hours in the office, which his work schedule allows. Baumle also admitted there had been “informal discussion” between village council members about his nomination to the position prior to the organizational meeting. “It’s an exciting time for Arcanum right now,” Baumle said, naming for one the village’s new administration and police department facility, slated to be constructed this year on

Arcanum solicitor Nicole Pohlman swears in new mayor Gregory Baumle at the start of Tuesday’s regular village council meeting. (Susan Hartley photo)

Albright Street. Baumle said one of his goals was to “move Arcanum into the digital age” as far as the village’s technology and communication options. Baumle also said he had yet to decide if he would run for the mayor’s position, which will be on the ballot this coming November, but is considering this coming year as “a good trial run.” During the regular meeting Tuesday, council formally accepted Foureman’s resignation. They also approved Bonnie Miller as 2019 council president. Miller was not present Tuesday, with council unanimously excusing her absence. Those wishing to meet with the new mayor should

email him at gtbaumle@ villageofarcanum.com. The village is now looking to fill Baumle’s council seat. An ad ran recently seeking a replacement for what council believed would be Delk’s seat – a one-year term. The village has received three applications and will be contacting those applicants to let them know of the change. Council also will be seeking applications for a new fiscal officer and on Tuesday approved a pay range for that position between $40,000-$50,000, depending on skills and experience. For more information, contact the village offices at 692-8500. Read more about this meeting at www.bluebagmedia.com

Wayne Baker chosen as fair’s parade marshal GREENVILLE – The Board of Directors of the Darke County Agricultural Society is pleased to announce that Wayne Baker has been selected to be the 2019 Great Darke County Fair Parade Marshal. Throughout the 163-year history of the fair, so many people have put in countless hours to ensure the safety and enjoyment of each fair attendee. Many have worked behind the scenes. This year’s parade marshal is one of these.

Wayne’s association with the fair began in 1964, working with Bill’s Electric helping with electrical maintenance. From there he went to watering down and conditioning the race track. Wayne remembers a fact unknown to many, that at one time there was a tunnel under the track where officials and others could walk to get to the other side. Sometime in the late 1960’s, Grant Delaplane came to Wayne and told him he had an offer he

couldn’t refuse. Wayne then began the 45-year stint of spraying insecticides in the livestock buildings. Special sprays were utilized in some barns. Wayne’s knowledge of the chemicals came from his experience working at Amoco Oil, Crop Mate, and Landmark. Much of the spraying was done prior to opening day. During the fair, Wayne was responsible for insect control throughout the fairgrounds. In recent years, the spraying was done us-

ing a vintage Allis Chalmers D15 tractor. The sprayer that Wayne utilized was previously owned by a Mr. Crawford, who had done the spraying before Wayne. After relinquishing his job in 2018, the Agricultural Society purchased the sprayer. Wayne took pride in his job – knowing he was helping to make the fair more sanitary for the animals, exhibitors, and visitors. Read more at www. bluebagmedia.com.


PAGE 2 January 13, 2019-The Early Bird, www.bluebagmedia.com

EMS revives man using six units of Narcan OVERDOSE

On Jan. 5, an officer was dispatched to the 300 block of North Gray Avenue on the report of a possible overdose. Joshua Johnson was found not breathing in

CLUES ACROSS 1. Homestead 5. More (Spanish) 8. Type of notification 12. Approves 14. Mandela’s party 15. “Mom” actress Faris 16. Predatory insects 18. Where honey goes 19. Canadian flyers 20. Of an earlier time 21. Indigenous people of Australia 22. Organize 23. All over 26. Made it through 30. Between-meals food 31. A quantity upon which an operation is performed 32. German mythological god 33. “Heavy” type of rock music 34. Pharmacy chain Duane __ 39. First responders 42. Mysterious 44. Leisurely stroll 46. Most naughty 47. Plant tissue 49. Small fish 50. Men’s fashion accessory 51. Distant planet 56. Destroy 57. Location in Norse mythology 58. One who is deliberately cruel 59. __ Romeo, car 60. Of the ear 61. Former name of Tokyo 62. Male children 63. French/Belgian river 64. Tide

an upstairs bedroom of the residence. EMS used six doses of Narcan on Johnson. When he regained consciousness, he agreed to be transported to Wayne HealthCare. While officers

CLUES DOWN 1. Grave 2. Alright 3. Sharp tooth 4. Bird genus 5. Important 6. One who studies carefully 7. Not very big 8. Astronomy unit 9. A way to open up 10. Trap 11. Handle of a knife 13. Indicates one from a part of W. Africa 17. Lucky number 24. Doctor of Education 25. Legendary Cubs broadcaster 26. Female parent 27. Mimic 28. Connects to the rim 29. Small constellation 35. Indicates near 36. Consumed 37. Criticize 38. Shock therapy 40. Type of cigarette 41. The fashionable elite 42. Shed tears 43. Arm or branch of a bone 44. Quell anger 45. Where rock and rollers play 47. “The Alchemist” author Coelho 48. Choppers 49. Lacks brightness 52. Port in Yemen 53. Brood of pheasant 54. Approves food 55. A type of sign


were searching the defendant prior to placing him in the ambulance, they noticed he put his hand inside his pocket as though he was trying to search for something. An officer told Johnson to take his hand out of his pocket. He quickly brought his hand to his mouth, attempting to swallow something. For Johnson’s safety, the officer took him to the ground to keep him from ingesting the item. Another officer pulled out his Taser and Johnson stopped struggling. No contraband was found. He was transported to Wayne HealthCare. Adult parole was contacted and they issued a hold on Johnson. Once he was medically cleared from Wayne, officers placed him under arrest and he was transported to the Darke County Jail. Johnson was issued a citation for disorderly conduct. DRUGS

On Jan. 6 an officer was called to the Sunoco station on Martin Street on a possible overdose. The caller said a female was sitting in a vehicle and had her hands stuck in her hair. She was unresponsive. Upon arrival, officers located the vehicle parked on the east side of the building facing west. As they approached, officers noticed the vehicle was starting to pull out of the parking space. When the driver, Lindsey O’Neal saw the officers she got out of the vehicle and told them she just had a headache, but according to the report she seemed to be in an excited state of mind. When asked, O’Neal told officers she did not take anything. Officers asked if they could conduct a search of the vehicle. O’Neal would not give permission because she said the vehicle was not hers. She also said she didn’t know if there was

Review Your Fixed-income Strategy as Interest Rates Rise

When interest rates rise, the value of your fixed-income investments, such as bonds, will typically fall. If this happens, how should you respond? First of all, it’s important to understand this inverse correlation between interest rates and bond prices. Essentially, when interest rates rise, investors won’t pay you full price for your bonds because they can purchase newly issued ones that pay higher rates. So, if you sell your bonds before they mature, you could lose some of the principal value. You may be seeing a price drop among your bonds right now, because interest rates generally rose in 2018 and may continue to do so in 2019. While you might not like this decline, you don’t necessarily have to take any action, particularly if you’re planning to hold these bonds until maturity. Of course, you do have to consider credit risk – the chance that a portion of the principal and interest will not be paid back to investors – but unless the bond issuers default, which is usually unlikely, particularly with investment-grade bonds, you can expect to receive the same regular interest payments you always did, no matter where rates move. Holding some of your bonds – particularly your longer-term ones – until they mature may prove useful during a period of rising interest rates. Although long-term bond prices – the amount you could get if you were to sell these bonds – tend to fall more significantly than shortterm bond prices, the actual income that longer-term bonds provide may still be higher, because longer-term bonds typically pay higher interest rates than shorter-term ones. To preserve this income and still take advantage of rising interest

rates, you may want to construct a “bond ladder” consisting of short-, intermediate- and longer-term bonds. Because a ladder contains bonds with staggered maturity dates, some are maturing and can be reinvested – and in a rising-rate environment such as we’re currently experiencing, you would be replacing maturing bonds with higheryielding ones. As is the case with all your investments, however, you must evaluate whether a bond ladder and the securities held within it are consistent with your objectives, risk tolerance and financial circumstances. You can build a bond ladder with individual bonds, but you might find it easier, and perhaps more affordable, to own bondbased mutual funds and exchange-traded funds (ETFs) that invest in bonds. Many bond funds and ETFs own a portfolio of bonds of various maturities, so they’re already diversified. Building a bond ladder can help you navigate the rising-rate environment. But you also have another incentive to continue investing in bonds, bond funds or ETFs – namely, they can help diversify a stock-heavy portfolio. If you only owned stocks, your investment statements would probably fluctuate greatly – it’s no secret that the stock market can go on some wild rides. But even in the face of escalating interest rates, bond prices generally don’t exhibit the same sharp swings as stocks, so owning an appropriate percentage of bonds based on your personal circumstances can help add some stability to your investment mix. As an investor, you do need to be aware of rising interest rates, but as we’ve seen, they certainly don’t mean that you should lose your interest in bonds as a valuable part of your investment strategy.

This article was written by Edward Jones for use by your local Edward Jones Financial Advisor.

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anything illegal inside the vehicle. One of the officers observed a film canister behind the driver’s seat of the vehicle. Officers checked and found the contents resembled meth. The sheriff’s office canine deputy was called to the scene. O’Neal was advised the container had been found and the canine unit was on its way. She told officers a male was in the car the night before and the canister was possibly his. O’Neal admitted to using meth the week of Christmas and smoking pot a few days earlier. The sheriff’s deputy arrived and deployed the canine, which gave a positive indication for the presence of an odor of narcotics at the driver’s door. O’Neal said there were no narcotics or needles that she was aware of inside the car. After conducting a search of the vehicle, no other contraband was located. Officers transported O’Neal to her residence and the film canister to the police department. A small sample of the canister’s contents tested positive for meth. Samples also were sent to BCI for testing and charges are pending lab results. UNRULY JUVENILE

On Jan. 1 at 1:54 a.m., an officer saw a 17-year-old male juvenile he recognized walking with four subjects on Front Street. The officer stopped all the subjects, realizing all were juveniles. The 17-year-old male had been cited for curfew violations on four previous occasions. He also received a citation for the Jan. 1 incident. Three of the juveniles are currently on probation, so Greenville PD notified their probation officers. The juveniles were released to family members.


On Jan. 5 an officer ob-

served a vehicle being operated without a rear license plate light on West Main at Elm Street. A traffic stop was conducted and the driver of the vehicle was identified as Brandon Mills. While speaking with Mills, the officer smelled a strong odor of an alcoholic beverage and noticed he had bloodshot eyes. Mills admitted to having just left Danny’s Bar, where he said he had two beers. The officer asked Mills to step out of the vehicle to perform standardized sobriety tests. He agreed and performed poorly on the tests. Mills was placed under arrest for operating a vehicle under the influence of alcohol. He was transported to the GPD, where he agreed to take a breath test and was placed under an administrative license suspension. He was charged with operating a vehicle under the influence and was released to a friend. WANTED PERSON

On Jan. 6 officers were checking a residence in the 5400 block of State Route 49 for a subject who was known to have an outstand-

ing warrant. Officers were aware the subject may have recently been inside a vehicle parked in the driveway. An officer knocked on the door of a residence and saw subject Bradley Hummel through a window. Hummel opened the door and an officer made entry into the residence to make an arrest. Hummel had a warrant through the GPD for a charge of criminal damaging and must serve 89 days with no bond. Hummel’s identification was confirmed and he was transported to the Darke County Jail. EARLY BIRD POLICY The Greenville Police Beat is prepared from public records available at the Greenville Police Department. Every effort is made to balance the public’s right to know with the rights of the individuals involved. Readers are encouraged to contact Greenville Police if they have information or concerns regarding these or any other incidents they see. The Early Bird notes all suspects are innocent until proven guilty and welcomes comments and concerns regarding this community service.

January 13, 2019-The Early Bird, www.bluebagmedia.com PAGE 3

Businesses support signage amendment BY RYAN BERRY MANAGING EDITOR editor@earlybirdpaper.com

GREENVILLE – Greenville’s downtown businesses may soon have another tool to attract customers if council approves a zoning amendment recommendation. Main Street Greenville (MSG) with the support of downtown businesses asked for an amendment to the sign regulation to allow for pedestrian signs to be erected in the Downtown Enterprise and Architectural Review Overlay District. On Tuesday, council chambers were ďŹ lled with representatives from downtown businesses who were there to show support for the amendment. The pedestrian signs would be commissioned by the building or business owner, at no cost to the city, and would be visible to pedestrians walking on the sidewalks. The signs would be 8- to 10-feet above the sidewalk and would be no more than 5-square feet in size. Crysta Bloomingdale, executive director of MSG, said, “We feel that including the pedestrian signs in the downtown enterprise district is beneďŹ cial for businesses, particularly when we get visitors that come through that may not know where our staple stores are. Pedestrian signs do allow for businesses to attract shoppers and restaurants to attract people to come in and eat.â€? Bloomingdale pointed out this issue has come be-

fore council previously and concerns were expressed. “We did work with city administration, safety service director, to make some amendments to the language of the zoning text that would make it more speciďŹ c for size limits, height requirement and number of signs per building. We’ve really tried to make it as speciďŹ c as possible in order to protect the historicity of our downtown while serving our businesses.â€? Kirsten Berghoff, owner of Sadie Grace Boutique, believes there is a need for the signs and quoted a 10 percent sales growth for businesses with “those small, little signs.â€? Amber Garrett, co-owner of the Coffee Pot, said, “Anything we can add to be a tool for our small businesses that are locally owned and operated – it is a walkable district, that’s one of the beneďŹ ts of our downtown district.â€? Chad Henry, planning & zoning director, explained the current sign ordinance remains in place, but the amendment allows for pedestrian signs. Businesses wanting a sign would be required to submit plans to the Architectural Review Board to get a certiďŹ cate of appropriateness, which is needed to get a sign permit from the city. “The legislation is written pretty tight,â€? he said. “Nothing is to be lower than 8-feet that matches Ohio Revised Code - and nothing is to be higher than 10-feet. We also put in legislation where

Worch has busy month planned VERSAILLES – Worch Library has something for everyone to enjoy, whether it is eating healthy or getting out for some exercise. The library has it all. On Monday, Jan. 14, 3:15 p.m., the Push Your Shelf book club meets. This book club is for third through ďŹ fth grades. New members are always welcome. On Thursday, Jan. 17, 6 p.m., Kathy Wespiser will be at the library to talk about healthy eating and the Keto diet. She will help you learn how to eat healthy and provide a few sample recipes to try. The adult book clubs also meet on that day. The Lunch Bunch group meets at noon and the Book Ends meet at

6:30 p.m. These book clubs are always accepting new members. On Friday, Jan. 18, 3:15 p.m., is the Winter Frost Warm-up. At this event, participants can enjoy a Nerf obstacle course, play board games, do a craft and have some pizza. This event is for school aged children. The story times resume after the holiday break on Wednesday, Jan. 22, 10 a.m., with Wee Read. Preschool Power begins again on Monday, Jan. 28, 6:30 p.m. For more information about any of these programs or anything else at the library call 526-3416 or visit at www.worch.lib.oh.us.



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these things wouldn’t be too closely spaced as to not present any sort of clutter.� Council will be able to vote on legislation at its Jan. 15 meeting. In other business, council: * Accepted the resignation of Councilman Doug Schmidt as council president pro-tem and elected John Hensley to that position. Schmidt will retain his seat on council; * Learned Roxanne Beck has been appointed as clerk pro-tem; * Heard a rezoning request from Wayne HealthCare for 12-acres fronting Sweitzer Street to go from Neighborhood Business and Urban Residential to Special Use for Healthcare. A public hearing will be held Feb. 19 during the regular meeting of council.

PAGE 4 January 13, 2019-The Early Bird, www.bluebagmedia.com

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January 13, 2019-The Early Bird, www.bluebagmedia.com PAGE 5

Medicare scam hits local residents DARKE COUNTY – Residents in Darke County have reported getting a phone call from someone saying they are with Medicare and want to send out a new card, but need information. Local residents should know this is a scam. According to the Federal Trade Commission (FTC), Consumer Information department, scammers pay attention to the news and know Medicare is sending new cards to everyone who gets Medicare beneďŹ ts. The cars replace your Social Security number with another number. The scammers may ask you to verify your information or claim there’s a fee for the new card, which there isn’t. Locally, scammers tell the Medicare recipient they want to send out a new plastic card, but need their Medicare number. There are no legitimate plastic cards for Medicare. The cards are paper. You can avoid these scams by remembering

these tips from the FTC: * Don’t give personal information to get your new Medicare card. If someone calls claiming to be from Medicare, asking for your Social Security number, bank information, or other information to get your new card, that’s a scam. Hang up. Medicare will never ask you to give personal information to get your new Medicare number and card. * Don’t pay for your new card. It’s yours for free. If anyone calls and says you need to pay for it, that’s a scam. Hang up. If you’ve already given out your bank account information over the phone, talk to your bank immediately. You’ll want to deal with any unauthorized activity on your account as soon as possible. For more information about the new Medicare cards, go to go.medicare. gov/newcard. And if you’re a victim of a scam, report it to the FTC.

County receives ďŹ rst insurance payout for swine barn BY SUSAN HARTLEY STAFF WRITER shartley@earlybirdpaper.com

DARKE COUNTY – Darke County Commission on Monday accepted an insurance check in the amount of $93,566.15 – one of several payments expected as a result of the loss of the swine barn at the Darke County Fairgrounds. The ďŹ re, which completely destroyed the swine barn in October, also damaged fencing and a couple other buildings on the fairgrounds. According to Commissioner Mike Stegall, the amount approved Monday will cover demolition of the site as well as fencing destroyed by the ďŹ re. An insurance check for

approximately $750,000 to help cover the cost of a new swine barn, also is expected, commissioners say. The fair board is expected to accept bids on a new swine barn in early February. Also on Monday: * Commissioners approved a vehicle maintenance agreement between the county and the city of Greenville. The agreement allows county garage personnel to provide preventive and mechanical maintenance, repairs and general service of the city’s police vehicles. * Commissioners heard a report from Sam Custer, Darke County Extension Educator concerning local agriculture programs.

Dine to Donate for Knapke Scholarship CELINA – On Wednesday, Jan. 23, 2019, CJ’s HighMarks and JT’s Brew & Grill (St. Marys and Greenville, respectively) will donate 25 percent of sales to the Tom & Ann Knapke Scholarship with the Western Ohio Educational Foundation (WOEF). WOEF scholarships are in place to assist Wright State

Open house for Vehre

GREENVILLE – Join the Greenville Public Library on Jan. 18 from 3-6 p.m. for an open house in honor of Director John Vehre’s retirement. John had been director since 1991 and accomplished many major undertakings such as the building expansion and renovation in 2007 and the passing of their levy in 2010. Cards would be appreciated.

Heritage Goodhew

University - Lake Campus students in their pursuit of higher education in the local area. Dr. Knapke was a former Dean of the Lake Campus, WOEF Board Member, Professor Emeritus, and member of the Grand Lake St. Marys Restoration Committee. He and his wife Ann were advocates for the arts, and teaching was very important to both of them. Ann passed away in 2013 and Tom unexpectedly in 2018. Their legacies will live on through their generous contributions to students attending Wright State University - Lake Campus. Please contact Gretchen Rentz, coordinator for Development and Community Relations, 419-586-0336, with any questions or to make a donation to WOEF Scholarships.

GREENVILLE – Each year the Darke County Park District is forced to spend over $1,000 in taxpayers’ money to clean up and remove trash dumped on park property. Recent-

UNION CITY, Ind. – Union City Jr.-Sr. High School Athletic Director Mike Thornburg, has announced that nominations for this year’s Athletic Hall of Fame are now being accepted. To be eligible, candidates must have graduated from Union City ďŹ ve years prior to nomination. To be nominated, they must be a Union City alumni or staff member who served the Athletic Department. A maximum of two individuals may be inducted each year. Due to over-sites the last few years, they will induct four members this year to get caught up. This committee shall consist of the principal, athletic director, two members appointed by the principal, president of the Athletic Booster Club and vicepresident of the Athletic Booster Club. Nominations may be submitted by any patron of the community. Nominations must be submitted by using the nomination form which can be obtained at the high school ofďŹ ce or online at sports. resc.k12.in.us. A form can be received by an e-mail request to Athletic Director Mike Thornburg at mthornburg@resc.k12. in.us. Nominations must be received in the Athletic

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ly, Turkeyfoot Preserve on Bishop Road, just south of Greenville off State Route 121, was the victim of yet another dumping. A pile of trash was dumped near the parking area. This

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Trash dumping at DCP costs taxpayers

OfďŹ ce by Jan. 31. The Hall of Fame night is scheduled for Feb. 16, at the boys JV/Varsity basketball game. The Indians will be playing the Southern Wells Raiders. The Hall of Fame induction will take place at halftime of the varsity game. The junior varsity game is scheduled to tip off at 6 p.m.

dumping was in direct violation of not only Darke County Park District rules and regulations, but also of the Ohio Revised Code. It is illegal to dump trash, household goods, yard waste, construction materials, or other refuse on park property. Each time an issue like this arises, every attempt is made to locate, charge, and prosecute the person responsible. Director of the Darke County Park District Roger Van Frank said, “We need the general public’s help in matters like this. If you see any suspicious activity in the parks during business hours, please call the Nature Center at 5480165 or the Darke County Sherriff’s ofďŹ ce after hours

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at 548-2020.â€? Van Frank continued saying that “tips leading to the arrest and conviction of the person or persons responsible may carry a reward.â€? As a reminder, the Darke County Park District, in conjunction with the Darke County Solid Waste Management District, is offering their Christmas Tree Recycling program again through Thursday, Jan. 17. Please bring your live, undecorated trees to Shawnee Prairie Preserve and follow the signs to the drop off location. The Darke County Park District requests that if anyone has information on this trash dumping to please contact the park ofďŹ ce at 548-0165.

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PAGE 6 January 13, 2019-The Early Bird, www.bluebagmedia.com

Greenville Lady Wave overpowers West Carrollton BY GAYLEN BLOSSER SPORTS WRITER gblosser@earlybirdpaper.com

WEST CARROLLTON – The Greenville Lady Wave took advantage of a strong Wednesday night second half to earn 46-29 road win over the West Carrollton Lady Pirates. “The most proud that I am of the girls is; we didn’t shoot the ball very well in the first half and still went in with an eight point halftime lead,” said Greenville coach Rachel Kerns. “For us not to be able to shoot well and still find a way to lead, it says a lot of where we’ve come from.” The Lady Wave took the opening period with Jada Garland sinking two 3-pointers good for 6-points and six Haleigh Mayo points by way of three baskets to give the Greenville a 12-10 lead after one period of play. After a devastating injury and lengthy rehabilitation, Morgan Gilbert, the Lady Wave’s 20172018 leading scorer and

assist leader made her first appearance of the 20182019 season minutes into the opening period. “Just the energy, the confidence that everybody has just because she is out here,” Coach Kerns noted of Gilbert’s return to the lineup. “She is feisty and quick. She does so many great things for us but the biggest aspect about having her back is just the confidence everybody else has now.” “Unfortunately for Morgan, it was game number one and there were a lot of game number one things,” Kerns added. “Still working to get more confident that she is physically ok to go.” Gilbert got on the board with her first bucket of the season at 3:58 in the second with a driving layup to the hoop. Mayo led Greenville in second period scoring knocking down two 3-pointers with the Lady Wave taking the period 12-6 before the teams headed to the break with

GHS holding 24-16 advantage. “Jada (Garland) hit back-to-back threes in the first and Mayo come in and hit back-to-back threes in the second,” noted Kerns. The Lady Wave put the game away in the third outscoring the home team 16-3 to take a 40-19 lead to the final period of play. “I told the girls everything was great in the first half,” Kerns said. “We executed defensively fine, gave up a few transition baskets and the looks we were getting were awesome in the first half. At the end of the game, the third quarter we hit our shots – the first and second quarter we didn’t.” Greenville got balanced third quarter scoring with Mayo, Lani Shilt and Saki Nakamura each knocking down a pair of baskets and Natea Davidson and Koryann Elliott each adding a bucket. The Lady Pirates took the final period 10-6 while Coach Kerns cleared her

Tri-Village Lady Patriots perfect at line in win over Preble Shawnee BY GAYLEN BLOSSER SPORTS WRITER gblosser@earlybirdpaper.com

NEW MADISON – The Tri-Village Lady Patriots hung on for a 45-41 win over the visiting Preble Shawnee Lady Arrows taking advantage of 10-10 at the line while Shawnee was hitting 6-11 at the stripe for the four point difference in the final score. A slow start had the Lady Patriots trailing 7-0 with 5:05 in the opening period before battling back to close out first quarter play trailing by a 10-6 score. The Lady Patriots bounced back in Period No. 2 outscoring the visitors 16-4 sending the teams to the break with Tri-Village holding a 21-14 advantage. Emma Printz knocked down two 3-pointers, Maddie Downing added a basket and went 3-3 at the line and Lissa Siler ac-

counted for two field goals to lead TV in second quarter scoring. The Lady Patriots extended their lead to 37-25 after three periods of play with Siler drilling two triples, Andi Bietry knocking down a 3-pointer, Printz a bucket and free throw, Maddie and Meghan Downing each adding a basket to account for the 16 third quarter points. The Lady Arrows battled back in the fourth cutting the Tri-Village lead to 43-41 with 1:46 showing on the game clock. Emma Printz stepped to the line with seconds left in the game to sink back-to-back free throws to seal the four point Tri-Village win. Siler led the Lady Patriots with a game high 12-points while Maddie Downing (5-5), Printz (3-3) and Andi Bietry (2-2) made it a perfect night at

Emma Printz hits a 3-pointer for Lady Patriots in win over Preble Shawnee. (Gaylen Blosser photo)

the line for Tri-Village. TRI-VILLAGE – L. Siler 12, E. Printz 11, Maddie Downing 9, Meghan Downing 8, A. Bietry 5 – TOTALS 10 10-10 5 45 PREBLE SHAWNEE – J. Lovely 12, B. Woodard 12, L. Hollon 8, N. Sims 6, K. Campbell 3 –TOTALS 7 6-11 7 41

bench giving valuable varsity experience to her younger players. “With the addition of Morgan (Gilbert), I get to bring Mayo out a little bit,” Coach Kerns said. “We are just a better shooting team but it always helps when you hit a few shots, especially 4-threes in the first half.” Haleigh Mayo led Greenville and all scorers with a game high 18points. GREENVILLE – H. Mayo 18, J. Garland 8, S. Nakamura 6, L. Shilt 4, N. Davidson 4, K. Elliott 4, M. Gilbert 2 – TOTALS 16 2-8 4 46 WEST CARROLLTON – J. Seege 12, K. Champaco 10, E. Liva 2, H. Bertke 2, T. Dewberry 2 – TOTALS 8 4-6 3 29

Haleigh Mayo drives the lane for two of her game high 18-points for the Lady Wave in win over West Carrollton. (Gaylen Blosser photo)

Franklin Monroe Lady Jets win big over Tri-County North BY GAYLEN BLOSSER SPORTS WRITER gblosser@earlybirdpaper.com

PITSBURG – The Franklin Monroe Lady Jets defeated the visiting Tri-County North Lady Panthers 70-23 in a Thursday night CCC match-up. “It was one of those grit it out team efforts again,” said FM coach Abbey Moore. “It seemed like at times when someone was struggling on the offensive end their teammates picked it up and then they came down and gave a great effort on the defensive end.” “That’s was Belle’s (Cable) story of the night tonight,” Moore added. “Some of her shots weren’t falling but she was giving her all on the other end and that made up for that effort.” FM grabbed a 19-6 lead after one period of play with Stella Shellabarger scoring 7-points including a 3-pointer and two baskets each from Corina Conley, Kennedy Morris and Chloe McGlinch. The Lady Jets put 26 second quarter points on the board while holding

the visitors to six points. Conley led the period with 9-points including a triple, Belle Cable hit for 6-points, Skylar Bauman 4-points including 2-2 at the line, Chloe Peters 3-points and Morris and Shellabarger each with two points sending the teams to the break with FM holding a 45-12 advantage. “It’s about the fundamentals and doing things the right way, executing our offense and sitting down on defense,” said Moore. “At times tonight we didn’t do that. We were a little too aggressive on the defensive end and we didn’t make that adjustment. Going forward I think we’ll make that adjustment.” The Franklin Monroe girls took the third period 14-4 and the closing quarter 11-7 to earn the 47point victory. With the team heading into the second half of the season, Coach Moore is pleased with her team’s play at this points in the season. “I think we are going in the right direction and we’ve been able to rebound

Stella Shellabarger drives to the basket for the Lady Jets in win over Tri-County North. (Gaylen Blosser photo)

from our early season injuries,” Moore stated. “We have a tough stretch coming up so we are looking forward to it – it will be a good test.” Conley led Franklin Monroe and all scorers with a game high 22points. FRANKLIN MONROE – C. Conley 22, S. Shellabarger 12, B. Cable 10. S. Bauman 9, K. Morris 8, C. McGlinch 6, C. Peters 3 – TOTALS 24 10-15 4 70 TRI-COUNTY NORTH – S. Jackson 13, S. Baker 5, L. Delong 4, M. Bacher 1 – TOTALS 9 2-6 1 23


January 13, 2019-The Early Bird, www.bluebagmedia.com PAGE 7

Arcanum Trojans gets 2-point win over Ansonia GAYLEN BLOSSER

SPORTS WRITER gblosser@earlybirdpaper.com

ARCANUM – The Arcanum Trojans and the Ansonia Tigers battled to the final buzzer to settle the outcome of the Tuesday night Cross County Conference game with the Trojans defeating the visiting Tigers 40-38 to stay undefeated at home on the season. “The kids battled hard,” said Arcanum coach Jim Melton. “That was tough one. Ansonia is a nice ball club – well coached.”

“We expected this,” Tigers coach Devin Limburg stated. “Arcanum is a good team, they are well coached and they have some really good weapons.” Arcanum took the opening period 12-9 led by a pair of Evan Atchley 3-pointers, Hunter Muir put 6-points on the first quarter board for Ansonia, knocking down three field goals. The Trojans held a 2113 lead with just seconds remaining on the second quarter clock before Reece Stammen hit a last

second Ansonia basket to send the teams to the break with Arcanum taking Period No. 2 by a 9-6 score with Wade Meeks scoring 4-points and Stammen accounting for 4-Ansonia points. “We let them drive to the basket right there before the end of the first half,” said Melton. “We had them 21-13 until the end.” Ansonia battle back in the third to take the quarter 12-8, cutting the Trojans’ lead to 2-points with the teams heading to the final period of play

Versailles tops Franklin Monroe in non-conference play BY GAYLEN BLOSSER SPORTS WRITER gblosser@earlybirdpaper.com

VERSAILLES – The Versailles Tigers defeated the Franklin Monroe Jets 63-39 in a Saturday night non-conference game. “Our defense came to play,” said Versailles coach Travis Swank. “Held another team under 40 here tonight – was the goal. We are working as a team right now.” Versailles took a 13-10 lead after one period of play led by Evan Hiestand with 6-points and five Ryan Martin points including a 3-pointer. Ethan Conley score 6-points for FM including a triple. Period No. 2 went to the Tigers 17-7 with Michael Stammen leading the way with 6-points sending the teams to the break with Versailles holding a 30-17 advantage. “I thought our kids really responded in the first half,” Swank stated. “A lot adversity with a lot of foul problems which we haven’t had all year. Had a lot of kids step up to the plate and did their job which they are asked to do in practice. They did their job here tonight.” The Tigers took advantage of 11 Hiestand points to push their lead to 52-25 after three periods of play adding 22 points to the board while holding FM to eight points, all coming from the Jets’ Conley. “He was a beast tonight,” Swank said of 6’2” Versailles senior forward, Evan Hiestand. “A lot of good things happen because we are willing to share the ball. He was on the end of a lot of good passes from a lot of guys as

come up and help. Their ‘bigs’ are really skilled and good enough to go up and catch the ball and finish.” “If we could play with a lead and spread them out – we’re pretty good when we have a lot of space to operate in,” Melton noted. “Our guards are pretty good at dribbling off the attack with some space. We spread some people out it makes it tough to guard.” The difference on the night came at the free throw line with Arcanum shooting Arcanum freshman Jake Goubeaux brings the ball up-court for the Trojans in win over Ansonia. (Gaylen 7-of-10 at the Blosser photo) charity stipe while Ansonia connected Meeks 10, C. Gray 9, J. on 4-of-10 at the line. Goubeaux 7, E. Atchley “Games are won and 6, Z. Smith 4, A. Cutarelli loss at the charity line,” 2, B. Lane 2 – TOTALS 12 said Coach Melton, “that’s 7-10 3 40 for sure.” ANSONIA – H. Muir Hunter Muir led Anso- 14, M. Farrier 8, H. Bucknia and all scorers with a ingham 6, R. Stammen 4, game high 14-points. M. Shook 3, A. Rowland 3 ARCANUM – W. – TOTALS 14 4-10 2 38

Greenville Lady Wave JV downs Lady Pirates BY GAYLEN BLOSSER SPORTS WRITER gblosser@earlybirdpaper.com

Evan Hiestand scores two of his game high 19-points for Versailles in win over Franklin Monroe. (Gaylen Blosser photo)

well, so his shot chart is all probably within three feet of the basket and somebody has to give him the ball in there.” so we are working as a team right now The final quarter went to Franklin Monroe by a 14-11 score with the Jets Ethan Conley coming out of the game with 6:05 on the fourth quarter with an injury. “I hate that he got his eye poked there at the end,” Swank said of FM’s Conley. “He’s a good player. We had to face guard, we doubled him at times and when you are a good

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with Arcanum holding a 29-27 advantage. Hunter Buckingham drilled a 3-pointer at 7:48 to open fourth quarter scoring giving Ansonia a 30-29 advantage only to have Carter Gray drill a triple at 6:57 to put Arcanum back on top by a 3230 score. “We adjusted at halftime and tried to keep the ball out of the paint as much as possible,” Coach Melton said. “I think we did a nice job on Buckingham. He’s a nice shooter, nice player and he only got two threes…a nice job on him.” A Hunter Muir free throw with 0:52.7 showing knotted the score at 38-38 bringing a timeout from the Trojans bench. Arcanum freshman guard Jake Goubeaux weaved his way through the lane to lay-in a layup with seconds remaining giving the Trojans a 4038 lead in what would be the final score with Ansonia turning the ball over with 3.8 seconds remaining in the game. “Those guards (Meeks and Goubeaux) are really good,” said Limburg. “They’re quick and they are so skilled with the ball. When they get that half step on you it’s so hard to recover and that throws our post off because they are forced to

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player like that, we have to do that in order to get ball out of his hands. He’s averaging 31 for a reason. Great offensive player, but we wanted to really make him work here tonight.” Saturday night marked the halfway point in the season for the Tigers. “We’ve grown but we still have a lot of growing up still left to do,” said Swank. “With our inexperience at the beginning of the year, I think our gap was kind of wide but these guys have really bought in and have shortened that gap by a lot.” Hiestand led Versailles and all scorers with a game high 19-points. VERSAILLES – E. Hiestand 19, M. Stammen 13, C. VanSkyock 8, A. Toner 8, R. Martin 7, B. Ruhenkamp 4, C. Naftzger 4 – TOTALS 23 8-10 3 63 FRANKLIN MONROE – E. Conley 16, C. Crist 7, J. Rhoades 4, L. Booher 4, K. Cool 3, G. Vance 2, Sargent 2, T. Kreitzer 1 – TOTALS 11 14-19 1 39

WEST CARROLLTON – The Greenville Lady Wave JV basketball team defeated the West Carrollton Lady Pirates 32-23 in a Wednesday night road game. “It wasn’t necessarily the prettiest but they always say that good teams find a way to win no matter the situation or the circumstances,” said Greenville JV coach Laura Swigart. “I truly believe we are a pretty good team and we did what we had to do to find a win tonight.” The Lady Wave took the opening period 8-4 with Emalee Bowling, Layne Claudy, Libby McKinney and Abbie Yoder each hitting a field goal for a balanced first quarter. Period No. 2 went to West Carrollton by a 6-5 score sending the teams to the break with the Greenville Junior Varsity squad holding a 13-10 lead. Grace Shaffer nailed a 3-pointer and Yoder added a bucket for the Lady Wave in the second. “We were still on the bus the first half for sure,” Swigart noted. “Not necessarily bad offense, we got some looks and didn’t finish some underneath. De-

fensively we only gave up 10-points so it’s not like we played bad defensively – we just didn’t have the spark to go.” The Greenville girls battled back in third period play taking advantage of five McKinney points including a triple, Shaffer’s second trey of the night, a Taylor Yates bucket and a Yoder free throw with the Lady Wave taking the period 11-8 to lead 24-18 heading to the final period. “The second half kind of started like the first half,” Swigart said. “It just helped that we knocked down a few shots in our offense. That separated the score a little bit.” Greenville added to its lead in fourth quarter play, taking the final period 8-5 to earn the GWOC victory. “That was a pretty good team win,” stated Swigart. “Libby McKinney made a few shots for us that helped – but that was pretty much just a team win.” McKinney led the Lady Wave with 9-points. GREENVILLE – L. McKinney 9, A. Yoder 7,



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Libby McKinney nails a 3-pointer for the Lady Wave JV in win over West Carrollton. (Gaylen Blosser photo)

G. Shaffer 6, L. Claudy 4, N. Wright 2, T. Yates 2, E. Bowling 2 – TOTALS 10 3-6 3 32 WEST CARROLLTON – T. Dewberry 10, C. Robinson 5, R. White 4, T. James 2, T. David 2 – TOTALS 9 2-6 1 23


PAGE 8 January 13, 2019-The Early Bird, www.bluebagmedia.com

SULLENBARGER – Vernon “Dale” Sullenbarger, Sr., 81, of New Paris, passed away on Sunday, Jan. 6, 2019 at 1:11 a.m. at State of the Heart Hospice Care Center. He was born June 25, 1937 in New Madison, the son of the late Vernon B. & Nellie Louise (Marshall) Sullenbarger. He married his wife of 58 years Altha (Allread) Sullenbarger of New Paris in 1960; he is also survived by his children to whom he was a good father: Suzy (Rick) Orbik of Richmond, Teresa Sullenbarger of Kettering, and Dale Sullenbarger, Jr. of Union City, Ohio; he was known as Big Tall Grandpa by his grandchildren: Jessica Anderson, Courtney (James) Hernandez, Zak Anderson, and Drew Sullenbarger; great grandchildren: Jackson, Thatcher, and River Thompson, Junie Gross, Abraham and Theo Hernandez; his brother: Darrell Sullenbarger; his sisters: Donna (Dave) McCallister, Darlene (Bob) Comer, Delores (Norm) Scholl, Mary (Mike) Wise; brother in law: Dave Moore; and sister in law: Linda Sullenbarger. He is preceded in death by his parents; his brothers: Duane & Bill Sullenbarger; and his sister: Doris Jane Moore. He served his country in the United States Army from 1957 to 1959; he retired from Fram Honeywell after 45 years where he worked as a Tool & Die Maker; he was also a beekeeper and enjoyed every minute of it. He was one of the hardest working men and made it look easy. He was a 1955 graduate of New Madison High School; he was a dedicated blood donor having donated over 150

pints; he was a very caring person and touched many people’s lives; he loved the outdoors especially hunting and fishing; he loved to put out a garden large enough to feed several families; he had a great sense of humor and also had a little bit of a stubborn side. Services were held Thursday, Jan. 10, 2019 at Zechar Bailey Funeral Home, Greenville. Burial is in Greenmound Cemetery, New Madison. Memorial contributions may be made to State of the Heart Care. He will be dearly missed by everyone and left this world a better place. Condolences for the family may be expressed through www.zecharbailey.com. HOUSE – Naoma Ruth House, 89, of Greenville, passed away Saturday, Jan. 5, 2019 at Brethren Retirement Community in Greenville. She was born September 1, 1929 in Bradford, to the late Emmert and Mary (Landis) Brewer. In addition to her parents, Naoma was preceded in death by her husband, William House, whom she married September 22, 1947; her great-great grandsons, Daniel Whittington II, and Samuel Millheim; and her sister, Evelyn Mitrione. Naoma and Bill had many passions in life; they enjoyed polka dancing and raising and showing Belgian draft horses. They owned and operated House’s Custom Butchering shop for 43 years. Bill was the love of her life. Naoma had a strong faith in the Lord and served her church and community. While at Beamsville Church, she taught Sunday school and directed the junior choir and is currently a member of Ansonia United

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Methodist Church. She was a proud republican and was a member of the Darke County Republican Committee, “GO TRUMP!!!” Naoma always thought of others. Everyone, and I mean everyone, got a birthday and Christmas card. You couldn’t escape her hugs and kisses. She enjoyed her time at Brethren Retirement Community tried to get to know everyone there. She loved her family and adored her grandchildren. Naoma is survived by her children and their spouses, Leanna and Greg Whittington of Gettysburg, and John and Stephanie House of Greenville; her grandchildren, Doug Whittington of Greenville, Darin (Carey) Whittington of Versailles, Meagan Wampler of Springfield, Ohio, Natalie House of Greenville, and Maggie House of Greenville; her great grandchildren, Dan (Renee) Whittington, Ashley (Chris) Gaynor, Marcus Grisez, Macy (Matt) Millheim, Reid Whittington, Emma Whittington, Anna Rohrer, Preslie Wampler, Mia Wampler, and Emerson Wampler. Naoma also leaves her great-great grandchildren, Jenna, Mitchell, Emily, and Claire Whittington, Aubrey Gaynor, and Ellie Millheim; and her sisters-in-law, Marjorie Darding, and Sue Rhoades-Christian; countless nieces and nephews. A Celebration of Naoma’s life was held Wednesday, Jan. 9, 2019 at Tribute Funeral Homes, Greenville Campus, with Pastor Roger Emerson officiating. Burial is in Beamsville Cemetery. Memorial contribution may be made to State of the Heart Care, 1350 N. Broadway Street, Greenville, Ohio 45331. Online condolences may be shared with the family by visiting www.tributefuneralhomes.com. PAUL – Gregory J. Paul, 54, of Greenville, passed away on Wednesday, January 9, 2019 at his residence. Greg was born on June 26, 1964 to Larry Paul of Greenville and the late Wanda (Bolyard) Paul of Greenville. He is survived by his wife of 33 years, Brenda (Gibbons) Paul, whom he married on June 29, 1985; his children, Kristin (Rob) Price of Englewood, Ohio, and Jeffrey (Jacquelyn) Paul of Chicago, Illinois; his grandson, Westley Price; his brother, Rodney (Carol) Paul of Greenville; his sisters, Cindy (John) Ash-

worth of Greenwood, South Carolina, Jennifer (Tim) Moore of Delaware, Ohio, and Peggy (Steve) Schultz of Greenville. Greg was a 1983 graduate of Greenville High School where he played on the school’s football and track teams. His love for sports allowed Greg to coach his children’s sports teams as they were growing up. Greg served as Greenville’s varsity assistant football coach from 2002-2007. He worked for KitchenAid for 32 years as a Project Analyst. He was a proud Papa to Westley, especially when he could sneak him chocolate chip cookies. During his free time, Greg enjoyed golfing and watching the Ohio State Buckeyes, UD Flyers Basketball, and the Cincinnati Bengals. He was known as the “Grill Master” of the Paul family. A Mass of Christian Burial will take place Monday, January 14, 2019 at 10:30 a.m. at St. Mary’s Catholic Church in Greenville with Father John R. White officiating. Burial will follow at Oak Grove Cemetery in Fort Jefferson. Family and friends may visit on Sunday, January 13, 2019 from 4-7 p.m. at Tribute Funeral Homes, Greenville Campus and from 9:30-10:15 a.m. on Monday at the funeral home. In memory of Greg, the family request that memorial contributions be made to Friends of Harmon Field, 100 Green Wave Way, Greenville, Ohio 45331. Online condolences may be shared with the family by visiting www.tributefuneralhomes.com. POPE – David O. Pope, 71, of Arcanum, passed away at 1:33 p.m. Monday, Dec. 31, 2018 at the Promise Hospital of The Villages in Florida. Dave was born November 13, 1947 in Newark, and the son of the late Charles M. and Evelyn (Frankenberry) Pope. He was a partner of TXI Corporation of Greenville and a veteran of the Vietnam War serving in the U.S. Marine Corp. He was an avid sports fan, enjoyed fishing and playing golf and spending time with his family, particularly his grandchildren. In addition to his parents he was preceded in death by an infant daughter Meghan. Dave is survived by his wife Imelda A. (Wilder) Pope of Arcanum. They were married Feb. 20, 1971; also son and daughter-in-law Chris and

Tiffany Pope of Greenville; grandchildren Carson, Callie and Charlie all of Greenville; sister Dian Johnson of Newark, as well as a nephew Eric (Lori) Johnson and a niece Amy Johnson. Mass of Christian Burial will be held at 10:30 a.m. Tuesday, Jan. 15, 2019 in the St. Mary’s Catholic Church, 233 West Third St., Greenville, with Father John R. White as celebrant. Burial with full Military Honors by the Greenville Veteran’s Honor Guard will follow in the St. Mary’s Church Cemetery. The family will receive friends on Monday from 5-7 p.m. in the Zechar Bailey Funeral Home, Greenville. In lieu of flowers the family would like Memorial Contributions be given to the St. Mary’s Catholic School of Greenville. Condolences for the family may be sent to www.zecharbailey.com. TIPPLE – Linda Jo Tipple, of Greenville, passed away on Wednesday, Jan. 9, 2019 at Miami Valley Hospital in Dayton. She was born August 20, 1946 in Union City, Ohio, to the late Norman Keith and Dorothy (Stemmer) Passmore. Linda was a Registered Nurse for 50 years and retired from Rest Haven Nursing Home. She was passionate about cooking and baking and she was known for her blue ribbon winning apple pies. She enjoyed using her iPad and following her friends and family on social media. She loved spending time with her family and friends and going on road trips. She is a member of EUM Church. Linda is survived by her husband of 51 years, Rex Tipple; her children, Krista (Bill Jr.) Nix of Piqua, Ohio, Julia (Harry) Farver of Galena, Ohio, and Aaron (Maura Poetsch) Tipple of Vandalia, Ohio; her grandchildren, Kendra (Tyler) Thompson of Piqua, Ohio, Bill III “Buddy” (Taesha) Nix of Piqua, Ohio, Lauren, Rachel, and Garrett Farver all of Galena, Ohio, Allison and A.J. Tipple and Avery Poetsch of Vandalia, Ohio; her great-grandchildren, Raelynn Nix and Elliana Thompson; her sister, Karen Ramsey of Bellevue, Nebraska; her niece, Michele Johnson of Wheatland, California; and her beloved pets, Midnight and Woody. A Celebration of Linda’s life will be held on Monday, Jan. 14, 2019 from 4-7 p.m. at Tribute Funeral HomesGreenville Campus. In lieu of flowers memorial contributions may be made to the Darke County Humane Society, 7053 OH- 49, Greenville, Ohio 45331. Online condolences may be shared with the family by visiting www.tributefuneralhomes.com. VANBEBBER – Dolores (Dee) VanBebber, 89, of Valparaiso, Ind. and formerly from Crystal River, FL and Greenville, died Jan. 5, 2019.

As per her wishes, there will be no formal services. SNYDER – Martha Jane Snyder, 102, of Greenville, passed away on Wednesday, Jan. 9, 2019 at the Oakley Place in Greenville. She was born on November 30, 1916 to the late Thomas S. and Mildred (Beare) Lickel, of Ansonia. In addition to her parents, Jane was preceded in death by her husband, Charles Robert Snyder, whom she married on April 6, 1940; her children, Thomas and Bobbe Snyder; her grandson, Chris Prosyk; and her great-great grandchild, Alayna Hanlin. Jane was a graduate of Ansonia High School. She loved spending time outside tending to her flowers and gardens. She was a member of the African Violet Society and the Redbud Garden Club for many years. She was an active golfer and bowled until her mid-80s. Jane instilled her love of reading to her children. Jane is survived by her children, James M. (Gail) Snyder of Greenville, Diane (Walt) Scarloss of Dublin, Karen Printz of Rossburg, Jean (Denny) Cool of Arcanum, and June Prosyk of Greenville; her grandchildren, Troy (Kim) Blumenstock of Corydon, Ind., Jim Mendenhall of Greenville, Craig Blumenstock of Union City, Ind., Ben (Angie) Blumenstock of Greenville, Jaime Snyder of Florida, Tracy Zeller of Palestine, Michelle (Patrick) Popp of Kettering, Chad (Sam) Zeller of Ansonia, Eric Mendenhall of Greenville, Todd (Darla) Printz of Ansonia, John (Joy) Printz, and Amy Prosyk of Lewis Center; her 24 great grandchildren and 14 great-great grandchildren. A Celebration of Jane’s life will take place on Tuesday, Jan. 15, 2019 at 11 a.m. at Tribute Funeral Homes, Greenville Campus with Rev. Eric Fee officiating. Burial will follow at the Greenville Township Memorial Gardens. Family and friends may visit the Snyder family on Tuesday from 10 a.m. until the time of services. Memorial contributions may be given to the State of the Heart Care, 1350 North Broadway St., Greenville, Ohio 45331. Online condolences may be left for the family at www. tributefuneralhomes.com. HOLE – Rebecca J. Hole, 68, of Versailles, died Monday, January 7, 2019. A funeral service will be held at noon on Saturday, Jan. 12, 2019, at Bailey Zechar Funeral Home, Versailles. Burial will follow in Greenlawn Cemetery in Versailles. The family will receive friends on Saturday from 10 a.m. to noon at the funeral home. Memorial contributions may be made to State of the Heart Care. Condolences for the family may be expressed through www. zecharbailey.com.

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January 13, 2019-The Early Bird, www.bluebagmedia.com PAGE 9

Schmitz teaches life-skills with applesauce BY LINDA MOODY CORRESPONDENT lmoody@earlybirdpaper.com

Shown are Margaret Craig, Faith Food Pantry Chairman and Sharon Troutwine, Faith Food Pantry Volunteer with food donations.

Faith Food Pantry receives donation

ARCANUM – Faith United Methodist Church thankfully accepted bags and bags of non-perishable food for their Food Pantry. This wonderful Christmas gift was donated by the Community of Faith Church, also located in Arcanum, under the new

leadership of Pastor Justin Wiegard. Faith United Methodist Church is a mission-minded church located at 101 East South Street, Arcanum, with weekly services at 10 a.m. and Adult Sunday School at 9 a.m. All are welcome.

Northmen & Cathy coming to TCC GREENVILLE – The Northmen and Cathy will be coming to Greenville for an appearance at Triumphant Christian Center on Sunday, Jan. 20 at 6 p.m. The group from Fort Wayne area was founded by Alan Godsey, and has been singing Southern Gospel style music for more than 25 years. Although Alan went to live with Jesus last year, his wife Cathy Godsey and singer/comedian Brad Luzadder have determined

Legion will host fish fry GREENVILLE – American Post #140, on Ohio Street in Greenville, will host an all-you-can-eat fish fry on Friday, Jan. 18. The meal begins at 5 p.m. The cost is $8. For more information, contact Fred Dean at 417-7414.

to continue sharing the gospel through their music. A new lead singer will join them in their travels. They host The Northern Gospel Singing Convention, annual Winter Singfest and Homecoming Anniversary Concerts as well as sponsoring several Gospel Cruises. They have had 12 top 40 singles and have appeared in concerts in 40 states including Alaska and Hawaii. Pastor Shilot and the congregation of Triumphant Christian Center invite the Greenville community to this free evening of praise and worship at 1129 South Towne Court.

2nd Sunday Breakfast set GREENVILLE – The Greenville Elks, 214 W. Third St., will host its 2nd Sunday Breakfast on Jan. 13, 9 a.m. until 12:30 p.m. They will serve eggs and omelets to order, sausage, bacon, biscuits & sausage gravy, hash browns, waffle bar and more. The cost is $9 for adults, and $5 for children under 12. The event is open to the public.


Rachel L. Osterloh – Chey D. Kramer

Osterloh and Kramer to wed VERSAILLES – Luke and Sharon Osterloh, of Versailles, announce the engagement and approaching marriage of their daughter, Rachel Lynn Osterloh, to Chey David Kramer, son of Kelly and Sheryl Kramer, Arcanum, Ohio. The bride-elect is a 2015 graduate of Versailles High School and will be a 2019 graduate of Bowling Green State University with a bachelor of science in Inclusive Early Childhood Education. The prospective groom is a 2012 graduate of Arcanum High School and a 2016 graduate of Ball State University with a bachelor of Science in Elementary Education. He is a fifth grade teacher at Arcanum Schools. The couple is planning a June wedding.

Phyllis Marlene Rhoades Pouder 5-30-1932 1-16-2014 5 Years Gone By Wife, Mother & Grandmother We thought of you with love today, but that is nothing new. We thought about you yesterday, and days before that, too. We think of you in silence. We often speak y our name. Now all we have is memories and your picture in a frame. Your memory is our keepsake, with which we will never part. God has you in his keeping. We have you in our heart. A raindrop landing on your cheek is a kiss from something that lives in Heaven and is watching over you. Those we love don’t go away; they walk beside us every day. Unseen, unheard, but always near, still loved, still missed, and very dear. Chester, Dennis & Lee, Duane & Lynn and Deborah & Steve Manning and grandchildren

BRADFORD – Tina Schmitz, special education teacher in the Bradford School District, never stops teaching her students life skills. One of her most recent projects was for the students to make applesauce. And, she was satisfied with the outcome, and apparently so were they. “This is a project that is very fun and informative,” Schmitz said. She showed her students how to use various pieces of equipment to prepare the apples for this special dessert, and she explained the types

Dean’s List VALDOSTA, GA – Clayton Guillozet, of Greenville, has earned a spot on the Fall 2018 Dean’s List at Valdosta State University. Students who achieve a semester grade point average of 3.50 or higher on nine or more semester hours with an institutional grade point average of 3.00 or higher are recognized by being placed on the Dean’s List. Developmental studies, transients, and graduate students are not eligible for Dean’s List status.

Village Green plans events GREENVILLE – The Village Green will present its Wine & Paint event on Thursday, Jan. 31, 6-8 p.m., at the Village Green Health Campus. Come out for an evening of great conversation and bring your creativity. The cost is $45 per person and includes canvas and pain supplies. All proceeds will go to Fish. Jessica Hester will share her special talent that evening. To RSVP by Jan. 25 or to get more information, call (937) 548-1993. Village Green will also host a Pastoral Breakfast on Thursday, Feb. 7, 8-10 a.m. The pastoral appreciation breakfast is being held to thank pastors for all they do throughout the year. RSVP by Feb. 4 or for more information, call (937) 548-1993.

of apples that were being used in the recipe. They then put the apples in a Crockpot. “We ended up using about 20 pounds of apples and made close to six quarts of applesauce,” she said. “The kids loved eating it. We only added a bit of water when cooking it. After mashing the apples, we did a quality check. The students decided that it did not need any sugar added to it. A few students did add some cinnamon but no one added any sugar. We ate the applesauce warm with a scoop of vanilla ice cream.”

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The project, she said, was shared with others. “We did this with very positive comments back,” she said. “Most folks said that they had never eaten warm applesauce with ice cream before but really liked the combination.” Schmitz has been teaching at Bradford since August 2013.

Special Education Teacher Tina Schmitz, left, assists fifth-grader Destiny in peeling apples in preparation of making applesauce in class. (Linda Moody photo)

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PAGE 10 January 13, 2019-The Early Bird, www.bluebagmedia.com

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Green announces run for law director RYAN BERRY

MANAGING EDITOR editor@earlybirdpaper.com

Molly Hunt

Hunt to be inducted into 4-H Teen HOF LINDA MOODY


GREENVILLE – Molly Hunt, a 2017 graduate of Greenville High School, has been selected as one of the 2019 Ohio 4-H Teen Hall of Fame inductees. “Shocked and humbled are just two feelings of many,” said Hunt on social media after she learned about the honor. “Completely jazzed to join friends and mentors into this incredibly elite group. I can’t wait to get inducted in March! Darke County Proud!” The Ohio State University student was nominated by Extension Educator, 4-H Youth Development, in Darke County Rhonda Williams, and selected by Ohio 4-H Extension Professionals. “I was very pleasantly surprised to find out I was being inducted,” Hunt said. “It is incredibly humbling to know I have made an impact in the 4-H community that has given me so much love and support and I am incredibly thankful to my family, friends, mentors especially Rhonda Williams, Theresa Ferrari, and Kayla Oberstadt (and many others). Without them, nothing I have achieved could have been possible. I am proud to bleed green and represent Darke County with this prestigious honor.” Hunt, an earth science major with focus in geological sciences, paleontology, and Antarctic polar science with a minor in archeological anthropology, now lives in Columbus. The daughter of Brian and Teresa (Luce) Hunt of Greenville has been an active member of The OSU community for the past two years, and “truly loves going to school here.” “While I am no longer a 4-H member as I aged out as of Jan. 1, I have remained involved,” she said. “I recently published ‘Geology Can You Dig It?’ a selflearning project book for Ohio 4-H (first 4-H member ever to write a project book in the state of Ohio). I

served on the Teen Leadership Council last year, also on the National 4-H Youth Summit Series Design Team for the past two years, I was named the 2018 Ohio 4-H Teen of the Year, and National 4-H Youth in Action honorable mention. In 2018, I was named Ohio 4-H Achievement Winner for Personal Development and was able to attend National 4-H Conference and National 4-H Congress.” Over the summer, she said she was a camp counselor at 4-H special needs camp. “I also was the Georgia 4-H liaison for Ohio 4-H, working with their state officers for the sharing of ideas and information,” she added. “I am the current Collegiate 4-H National Conference co-chair, and member at-large. I work part-time for the State 4-H office as a research assistant focusing in healthy living. I write a monthly column in the Early Bird about 4-H.” Hunt said outside of 4-H involvement, she spends her spare time researching historic fossils as a student researcher for the School of Earth Sciences, a member of Sigma Gamma Epsilon National Geological Honorary, American Institute of Professional Geologists student chapter, Guiding Eyes for the Blind dog trainer, and Alpha Sigma Upsilon SHARP Chapter the Smithsonian Institute in Washington D.C., agricultural sorority philanthropy chair, and OSU Department of Dance student assistant. I have served as an intern for Congressman Davidson, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, and OSU Extension. I have also been a recipient of several scholarships in the past two years.” She plans on earning a Ph.D. in paleontology and eventually being a research paleontologist at a major U.S museum the Smithsonian Institute in Washington D.C. “I have wanted to be a scientist since I was 5 years old,” she said. She’s living her dream.

Council plans special meeting GREENVILLE – Greenville City Council will hold a special meeting Jan. 24, 6 p.m., in the Council Room, Municipal Building, to rise to a Committee of the Whole to review 2019 Appropriations. No action will be taken at this meeting. A public hearing will be held on Tuesday, Feb. 19, 7:30 p.m., in the Council

Room, regarding a zoning amendment recommendation to rezone approximately 12-acres fronting Sweitzer Street, known as Wayne HealthCare from NB (Neighborhood Business) and UR (Urban Residential) to SU (Special Use) for healthcare. The zoning amendment was requested by Wayne HealthCare.

GREENVILLE – With a deadline of Feb. 6 to file to run for election, candidates are beginning to come forward for the different positions that will be available in the 2019 election cycle. Lt. Col. Jesse J. Green (U.S. Army – retired) announced this week he is seeking the position of law director for the City of Greenville. Green is an experienced attorney and assistant prosecutor with 25-years of service to the Darke County Prosecutor’s Office, as well as 34 1/2 years in the military. Originally a U.S. Marine, Green joined the U.S. Army when he left active duty in 1993. He served humanitarian relief efforts in Nicaragua in May 1999 following Hurricane Mitch and in Mississippi following Hurricane Katrina. In April 2008, Green began a oneyear tour of duty in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom

where he served as the Brigade Command Judge Advocate for the 371st Sustainment Brigade at Al Asad Air Base in Al Anbar Province, Republic of Iraq. He was the senior legal advisor for the western portion of Iraq. The highly decorated serviceman earned a Bronze Star for his work during that tour. He retired from the U.S. Army in April 2017. With Greenville City Council authorizing the pay for the Law Director’s office to increase to $95,000, Green said he would consider this a full-time position and has asked for an office in the city building, if elected. “I’ll be there 40-hours a week or more. I think there’s a need for that,” Green said. He also revealed that by statue, the city’s law director also serves as counsel for the local school district. He pointed out the city’s law director has been considered a part-time position in the past and the school district would spend the money to hire outside counsel. “That’s a waste of money in

Jesse J. Green

my mind,” he said. Green believes his experience in the Darke County Prosecutor’s Office lends itself well to transitioning to serving in city government. “We’re such a small office; we have to do a little bit of everything. We’ve been a jack-of-all-trades for a long time,” he said. Green said he discussed the possibility of running for the position with his wife and felt now was the right time. Eric Brand, current law director, has expressed that he would not run again. “Now that he is

stepping down it creates an opportunity. I feel that it is a calling. It’s something new. It’s a challenge. And I feel that I am more than qualified to fill the obligations of that office.” He does believe there is a need to keep the assistant law director’s position and has discussed the issue with the current assistant law director and Green doesn’t foresee a change. Green earned his Juris Doctor degree from the University of Dayton School of Law and his Bachelor’s Degree from the Honors College at Ball State University. He is admitted to practice law in Ohio, Court of Criminal Appeals for the Armed Forces, U.S. Tax Court, U.S. Supreme Court, U.S. Court of International Trade, U.S. Court of Federal Claims, U.S. Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit, U.S. Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit, U.S. Court of Appeals for Veterans Claims and U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Ohio.

ACES moves from city to country setting SUSAN HARTLEY

STAFF WRITER shartley@earlybirdpaper.com

DARKE COUNTY – The former Darke County Home has found another new tenant. The county’s ACES program – Achievement Center for Academic Success – started the new year off in the north wing of the facility, which also houses the county’s Michaels Group Home. “It seemed like a natural fit, with the Michael’s Home taking up residence in the county home last fall,” said

Jeff Vaughn, ACES manager for programs in Darke and Miami counties. ACES serves high school students in grades 9-12 who are credit deficient or who are looking for an alternative learning environment. The Michaels Home serves male youth ages 12-17 through Children’s Services. The ACES program is part of Gateway Youth Programs and is a collaborative effort between Council on Rural Services and the Darke County Education Service Center. Students from all Darke County schools, as well as

Locals celebrate King of Rock & Roll’s birthday LINDA MOODY


GREENVILLE – Elvis Presley was in the building at the VFW in Greenville on Monday afternoon. Yes, the (late) King of Rock and Roll was memorialized on what would have been his 84th birthday the following day at the weekly gathering of the Memory Lane Monday Dance at the VFW. Tom Everhart, who provides the music at most of these gatherings and an enthusiast of rock and roll, said a side entrance near the front door of the hall was closed off until the “king” (Bill Drew) made his appearance at the beginning of the afternoon event. “At that moment, I played the Space Odyssey (Elvis’s opening number) when he walked out,” Everhart said. “Then, he sang six of Elvis’ songs, starting with Teddy Bear.” All the while, Elvis was throwing out scarves to those in the audience. “After he got done singing, I played some more Elvis tunes and then I went

Melissa Anderson of Person Centered Services was one of the recipients of Elvis’ scarves thrown out at the birthday party. (Courtesy photo)

to my regular music like I usually do,” Everhart said. “We had 58 in attendance. It was really a lot of fun.” He said Drew also appeared at last year’s dance in honor of Elvis’ birthday and impersonated the popular singer, who was one of rock’s music’s dominant performers from the mid1950s until his death. Elvis Aron Presley was born Jan. 8, 1935, in Tupelo, Miss., and died Aug. 16, 1977, in Memphis, Tenn. Upcoming themeddances Everhart hosts weekly will include the Valentine’s Dance on Feb. 11 from 1 to 3:30 p.m.

Miami, Preble and Mercer counties attend ACES, Vaughn said. “The Michaels Home being connected is a good thing,” Vaughn said, explaining how currently there are three students from the group home currently enrolled in ACES. Vaughn said ACES staff had been looking for an alternative to their former location on East Third Street in downtown Greenville, but purchasing a building “was not financially feasible.” Upon hearing county commissioners were working with Michaels Home to take up residence in the former county home, Vaughn said he approached the group home director Scott Lind. “I asked what the likelihood was of ACES moving into the county home. The timing was right,” he said. Although the facility is owned by the county, Vaughn said the ACES agreement is with Michael’s Group Home. ACES being located in the same facility will offer Michaels Home the opportunity to market “an educational component” as they work with juveniles and

their families who are considering the facility. The new location offers ACES students additional classroom space as well as room for tutoring, physical education classes, including a new yoga class. Students may study independently or in a traditional class setting for specific subjects like math for example. The students remain enrolled in their home school and participate in graduation exercises with their school. This year, Vaughn said, ACES will assist with approximately 60 students working to earn high school credits, with 25 on target to graduate in May. A couple of the home’s former residential rooms have been renovated to make workable classroom space and rooms were given a coat of paint, Vaughn said. “We’re super excited to be out here. The space is more conducive for both the kids and the staff. And from the public’s perspective, it’s a win-win,” Vaughn said of the former county home, which was closed by county commissioners in late 2017.

Edison State Campus at Eaton ribbon cutting EATON – Edison State Community College President Dr. Doreen Larson invites community members and supporters to help commemorate the opening of the Edison State Campus at Eaton with a ribbon-cutting ceremony at 450 Washington Jackson Road. The dedication will take place on Jan. 23, 2 p.m. Earlier this year, Edison State Community College announced they would be partnering with the Preble County Youth Foundation (PCYF) to bring accessible and affordable higher education to the region.

Since the announcement, the college has been working to create a campus location that supports the opportunity for credit and non-credit programs, including College Credit Plus coursework, degree and certificate courses, transfer pathways to both in- and out-of-state four-year institutions, expanded articulation agreements, and support to regional businesses with response to workforce training and apprenticeship opportunities. RSVP to attend the event by January 18, 2019, by emailing jslattery@edisonohio.edu.

PAGE 12 January 13, 2019-The Early Bird, www.bluebagmedia.com

A Taste of Wine & Jazz Arcanum Athletic HOF induction set GREENVILLE – Darke County Center for the Arts will present “A Taste of Wine and Jazzâ€? on Friday, Jan. 18 at Montage Cafe in downtown Greenville; doors open at 6:30 p.m. The wine tasting party, a fundraiser for the local arts organization, will feature food and music in addition to a selection of ďŹ ne wines. Deron Bell and his “Jazz For Youâ€? band is sponsored by Geoff and Jessie

Surber and Zechar Bailey Funeral Home. Funds raised are directed towards Arts In Education. Seating is limited for this highly popular event, which is already nearly sold out. “Tickets to “A Taste of Wine and Jazzâ€? are $40 each, and can be purchased online at www. darkecountyarts.org or by contacting the DCCA ofďŹ ce (937) 547-0908.

ARCANUM – On Saturday, Jan. 19, three new members will be inducted into the Arcanum Athletic Hall of Fame. Richard O’Dell graduated from Arcanum High School in 1957. He participated in basketball (4 years), baseball (2 years), cross country (3 years) and track (3 years). He was the starting forward on the 1956 State Championship team under the coaching

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of Glenn Harter. Shawn Hein is a 1988 graduate of Arcanum High School. He participated in football (4 years), basketball (4 years), and baseball (4 years). Shawn still holds the record for punting average at Arcanum. He was part of the football program when the team made the state football playoffs for the ďŹ rst time ever. In basketball, Shawn scored over 900 points and had over 300 rebounds. John Stephens graduated from Arcanum High

School in 1994. While a student, he participated in basketball (4 years) and baseball (4 years). John averaged 20 points per basketball game as a guard his senior year. He currently shares the 3-point season record at Arcanum High School. He currently holds the baseball records

BPL events planned

Hi! I'm Danielle Thompson. Originally from Cincinnati, I'm a transplant to Greenville and I couldn't be happier! I adore all that Greenville has to offer and enjoy the small-town feel embedded in a country setting. I began selling real estate in 2017 after leaving my 20year career in the mortgage industry. My passion is helping people and making their life easier, so helping you sell your house and ďŹ nd that new home is my #1 priority. I'm here to listen and be your guide, and I can't wait to take this journey with you! Leis Realty Company is a family owned business with 44 years of experience and ofďŹ ces in Ohio and Indiana, which enables them to be the area's premier real estate resource. With almost 30 agents, our company is able to serve all aspects

BRADFORD – Visit Bradford Public Library for exciting events, call 937-448-2612 or stop by. Cardio Drumming, free, Mondays, 7-8 p.m. and Wednesdays 9-10 a.m.; GRO garden club, ďŹ rst Wednesday at 6:30 p.m.; Cozy Hen Quilt Club, 1st Thursday at 6:30 p.m.; STEAM Workshop for Homeschoolers grades 1-8, 2nd Thursday from 10:15-11:30 a.m.; Knit and Crochet Group, 4th Tuesday at 6:30 p.m.; Weekly non-denominational Bible Study meets Sundays at 6 p.m.; the Sisters-n-Spirit Book Club, 2nd and 4th Monday at 10 a.m.; and the Board of Trustees, 4th Monday of every month at 5:30 p.m.

Worship Guide



Solid Rock Apostolic 8991 Old US 36, Bradford, 937-718-0351 CAC of Greenville 630 Pine, Greenville 937-730-1313

Oakland Church of The Brethren 8058 Horatio-Harris Creek Rd. Bradford * 448-2287 Pitsburg Church of Brethren 8376 Pitsburg Laura Rd., Arcanum 937-692-8772 Greenville Church of the Brethren 421 Central Ave., 548-3583


Greenville First Assembly of God 7219 State Route 118N Greenville, Oh 937-548-5445


Favorite Hill Baptist Church 1601 South Street, Piqua, 773-6469 First Baptist Church 7233 Ohio 121-North, Greenville 548-7616 Faith Baptist Church 740 E Russ Rd., Greenville, 548-1808 Greenville Baptist Temple 4689 Childrens Home Bradford Rd., 548-7283 Union City First Baptist Church 225 S. First St., Union City, OH 937-968-6163 Cornerstone Historic Baptist Church 933 N Howard St, Union City, IN 765-964-3119


Beech Grove Church of the Brethren 3420 Harrison Rd., Hollansburg 937-997-4895 Bradford Church of The Brethren 120 West Oakwood St., 448-2215 Castine Church of the Brethren 624 State Route 127, Arcanum 678-9945 Cedar Grove Church 373 Love Rd., New Paris, 997-3675

Wieland Jewelers Fine Jewelers Since 1907 Marriage Symbol Necklace 414 S. Broadway, Grenville




St Mary’s Catholic Church 233 W Third St. Greenville 548-1616 St Denis 14 E Wood St, Versailles 937-526-4945 Holy Family (Frenchtown) 11255 St Rt 185, Versailles 937-526-4945 St Louis 15 Star Rd, North Star 419-582-2531 Immaculate Conception 5874 N. Buckneck Rd., Bradford, 937-526-4945 St Mary 425 W Hickory St, Union City, IN 765-964-4202


Coletown Congregational Church 2876 State Route 571, Greenville 548-6590 East Zion Church 6171 St. Rt. 36, Greenville First Congregational Church 115 W. 5th St., Greenville, OH 937-548-3575 Woodington Congregation Church 8978 N State Route 49, Greenville 548-9441 Stelvideo Christian Church 6808 Church St., Stelvido, Greenville, OH 316-8198

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St Paul’s Lutheran Church 13495 Greenville St. Marys Rd Vers., 419-336-7111 St. Matthew’s Evangelical Lutheran Church 6825 State Route 722, Ithaca, 678-8584 Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church 8520 Oakes Rd., Pitsburg 937-692-5670 Trinity Lutheran Church 1470 W. State Route 28, Union City, IN 765-964-5712 Trinity Lutheran Church 204 E. Wood Street, Versailles 937-526-3091

Family of God 310 W South St., Arcanum, 692-8521 Lighthouse Christian Center 5256 Sebring Warner Rd., Greenville, 548-7464

Abbottsville United Methodist Church 3145 St. Rt. 49, Arcanum Ansonia United Methodist Church Corner of Pearl and High St., Ansonia 337-5781 EUM Church 1451 Sater Street, Greenville, OH 45331 Faith United Methodist Church 101 E. South St., Arcanum, 692-8934 First United Methodist Church 202 W 4th St. Greenville, 548-3075 Fort Jefferson United Methodist 3856 Church St., Greenville 548-4410 Gordon United Methodist Church 311 East St., Gordon, OH 937-884-5129 Ithaca Grace United Methodist 750 Arcanum-Ithaca Rd 678-9062 Nashville United Methodist 5984 Palestine Union City Rd. Greenville 548-1421 New Madison United Methodist 149 N. Main St., New Madison 937-996-5341 Rossburg United Methodist 117 Ross St., Rossburg, 937-338-4765 Trinity United Methodist Church 112 West South Street Arcanum, OH 692-8530 Versailles United Methodist 122 W Wood St, Versailles 937-526-3855 Webster United Methodist Church 8849 Seibt Rd., Versailles 526-3855



Teegarden Congregational Church 2753 State Route 47 W., Ansonia 337-4249 CMA Church 306 Devor St., Greenville, OH 937-548-4955


Greenville Church of Christ 4599 Chldrns Hm Brdfrd Rd., Greenville, 937-548-4467


Ansonia First Church of God 750 S Main St., Ansonia, 337-3945 The New Beginning Church of God 802 East 4th St.,Greenville, 937-214-6502 Triumphant Christian Center 1129 South Towne Ct., Greenville 548-0300


St Paul’s Episcopal Church 201 S Broadway St., Greenville 548-5575


St. John Lutheran Church 7418 State Route 121, Greenville 548-5404 St Paul Lutheran Church 131 E. 4th Street, Greenville 548-5770

Pray for Our Country and Our People!

Helen’s Flowers 937-548-3008 1146 Sweitzer St. Greenville, OH 54331 www.helensflowersgreenville.com

Greenville Missionary Church 1110 N. Broadway, Greenville 937-548-1842 Pleasant View Missionary Church 5231 Gettysburg Pitsburg Rd. Greenville, 447-3885

Beamsville Christian Church 6102 Beamsville-Union City Rd. Greenville 547-0009 Calvary Bible Church 9462 State Route 571, Arcanum 947-1978 Friendship Community Church 1005 Eaton Fort Nesbit Rd. New Paris, 997-3592 True Life 5990 State Route 36, Greenville 548-3558 Living Waters Ministries 102 W Main St., Versailles, 526-4567 Bible Fellowship Church: 7757 Grnv-Celina Road, Greenville 937-547-1952 Northside Community Fellowship 8135 St. Rt. 127 N., Greenville, 548-8965 Rosehill Country Church St. Rt. 49 and McFeeley-Petry Rd, Rosehill Versailles Christian Church 105 W Ward St., Versailles 937-526-4194 Hillgrove Federated Church 1009 Hillgrove Woodington Rd., Union City, 968-6332 Congregation Anshe Emeth Jewish Synagogue Caldwell St., Piqua, 937-623-1234 Arcanum Community of Faith 109 W. George St., Arcanum


Faith Apostolic Lighthouse 332 W Payton St, 765-628-3299


First United Presbyterian Church 114 E. Fourth St., 937-548-3188


St. Paul United Church of Christ 129 W. Third St., Greenville, 548-4506


First Universalist Church 331 E. Washington St. New Madison, 996-3403


Trinity Wesleyan Church 1400 E Main St., Greenville, 547-0337 Greenville Wesleyan Holiness Church 201 Hall Street Greenville, OH 45331 Bethel Long Wesleyan Church 255 Stingley Road, Greenville

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for stolen bases and triples. An induction ceremony will be held at 5 p.m. in the small gym with a reception immediately following in the library. The formal induction ceremony will be conducted between the reserve and varsity boys basketball game.


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January 13, 2019-The Early Bird, www.bluebagmedia.com PAGE 13


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FOR RENT Greenville 2br, 2ba 1/2 double. No Pets or Metro. $485 mo/deposit. 937-564-4126 Possible Rent to own: 3 BR, 1 bath. Attached garage. Located near Union City, OH. No Pets. $675/mo + deposit. 937-418-9510 Greenville 3 br house. 1 car detached garage. No Pets or Metro. $550 mo/deposit. 937-5644126

Arcanum: Large 2 bedroom apartment with patio, appliances provided, water paid, no pets, $500/mo. 937760-1110 1 BR upper apt. Garage. Storage. Stove/ fridge furnished. W/d hookup. $485 deposit/ rent. 417-6225 Storage for personal & business use. Penske Truck Rentals. Call Greenville Stor & Lock. 548-1075, 5328 Michelle St

HELP WANTED PART TIME GENERAL CONSTRUCTION MUST HAVE • General Construction Knowledge • Valid Driver’s License • Drug Test Required Please send resume to: Bill Hawkey & Associates P.o. Box 1011 Greenville, Ohio 45331 VILLAGE OF ARCANUM


The Council for the Village of Arcanum is seeking individuals who would be interested in serving as a council member for three (3) year term expiring on December 31, 2021. A letter of interest should be forwarded by January 18, 2019. Interviews will be conducted the evening of January 22, 2019. Submit letter to Village of Arcanum, Attn: Mayor Gregory T Baumle P.O. Box 398, Arcanum, OH 45304.

FOR RENT 2 BR ranch double in Rolin Acres. Central air, garage, appliances. NO Pets or Smoking. $525 mo. 937-5482397 Willow Place Apartments - We’re better than ever! 3 bedrooms, 1.5 baths. Call 937316-8489. Equal Housing Opportunity 3 Bedroom ranch home with 1 bathroom, 2 car garage on a 1/2 acre lot. Newly updated. In country, Greenville area. No Metro, No Pets, No Smoking. $750/month plus deposit. Call for appointment 937-216-2107

Large Studio apartment, 3rd floor view of Downtown Greenville, includes washer/dryer, refrigerator, & stove. Rent $550/ deposit and references required. Call 937-459-2616 or 937-459-2615 after 5pm Greenville, 2br 1/2 double, 1.5 bath, No Pets/ No Metro. $485 dep/ $485 mo. 937-5644126 Grnvl. 3BR, 2 bath home in country, for land contract or rent. Cental air, gas fireplace, walk out basement, garage. $2700/$659 mo. For rent $725mo. 5485053 benanzer.com

Community Job Coach Are you looking for a great job with a great company helping individuals find employment, learn specific job skills, and connect with their community? CA Group wants you! Join our fast growing business where you will work independently to make a difference in people’s lives. Come join our fun, fast paced work environment. Full-time career with competitive benefits package. Please send resumes to aniekamp@cagroupinc.org or call 419-586-2137 to request an application.


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FOR RENT 1 BR furnished upstairs apt in Greenville. Tub/ shower combo. Water & appliances provided. $300/mo. No Pets. No Smoking. 937-5482397 Greenville, 2 BR house w/attached garage. All appliances included. $650/mo. 937-4233318 GREENVILLE 2 bedroom, 1 bath apartment, kitchen appliances & washer/dryer included. 1 car garage. 547-3051

Looking for motivated individuals

• Office Administrator • Clerical • Welders-willing to train • Production • Assembly • Manufacturing

1324 Wagner Ave Greenville, OH 45331 Call 937-547-5627


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Arcanum. 2000 sq ft, 2 BR condo. Dishwasher, 1 car attach garage, patio. $750/mo. 937692-5035 Ansonia. Very nice 2 BR apt. Stove, fridge, w/d unit. No pets/smoking. $395/mo. 407 Smith St. 548-5053

FOR RENT 2 bedroom downtown Greenville apartment includes washer/dryer, refrigerator, and stove. Rent $400 deposit and references required. Call 937-459-2616 or 937-459-2615 after 5pm

1 BR downstairs apt, furnished. All utilities paid. $400/deposit, $146/weekly. Union City, IN. 937-968-6804 Nice 2 BR ranch style house in Greenville park. No Pets. $675. 447-7845

NOTICE OF PRIVATE SALE OF TWO (2) TRACTS OF VACANT FARM REAL ESTATE BY SEALED BIDS Magrace Fair, The Liquidating Partner of The General Partnership of Berlyn Leon Fisher, Magrace Fair and Marcia Y. Nixon shall offer at private sale by sealed bids two (2) tracts of vacant farm real estate described as follows: TRACT ONE Situate in the County of Montgomery and State of Ohio. The following real estate, viz: (Lot No. 1) Part of the Nortwest Quarter of Section Number Six (6) of the Township Number Six (6) of Range Number Four (4) East, in Montgomery County, Ohio, and bounded and described as follows, to-wit: Beginning on the North line of Section 6, Township 6, of Range 4 East at a point 770.88 feet East of the Northwest corner of said section; thence South 87 1/2˚ West 770.88 feet along the North line of said section to the Northwest corner thereof; thence South 2 1/2˚ East 774.84 feet to a corner; thence North 87 1/2˚ East 770.88 feet to a stone set for a corner, witness a stone placed at right angles to the East line 24.6 feet from corner; thence North 2 1/2˚ West 774.84 feet to the place of beginning, and containing 13.71 acres of land more or less. Parcel No: C09-00406 0001 TRACT TWO Situate in the Township of Harrison, in the County of Preble, and State of Ohio: Being a part of the Northeast Quarter of Section One (1) Township Seven (7) of Range Three (3) East, in Harrison Township, Preble County, Ohio, and bounded by beginning at the Northeast corner of Section No. 1; thence South 87 1/2˚ West 19.58 chains along the North line of said Section; thence South 2 1/2˚ East 11.74 chains to a corner; thence North 87 1/2˚ East ;19.58 chains to a corner; thence North 2 1/2˚ West 11.74 chains to the place of beginning, containing 23 acres of land more or less, and also known as Lot Number Two (2). Engineer’s I.D. D14730120000001000 Said real estate is located at the southwest corner of the intersection of Darke Preble County Line Rd./North County Line Rd. and Pitsburg-Verona Rd./N. Preble County Line Rd. in Preble County and Montgomery County Ohio.


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Both tracts are subject to all leases, easements and rights of way of record. Said farm real estate is being offered as follows: The subject tracts are being sold “As Is”. Magrace Fair, as Liquidating Partner, reserves the right to accept or reject any and all bids. Said sealed bids may be delivered to the Law Office of Dynes & Dynes, LLC, 2840 Alt. St. Rt. 49 N, Suite B, Arcanum, OH 45304 prior to the date of bid opening or may be submitted on date of bid opening but prior to bid opening. Bidders may bid on separate tracts or on both tracts together. If bidding on separate tracts, bidder shall submit a bid for each such tract. If bidding on both tracts together bidder may submit one total bid for both tracts. All bidders who have submitted sealed bids may be present at the opening of the bids. Said sealed bids shall be opened on the 30th day of January, 2019, at 10:00 a.m. at which time any bidder may increase his/her bid. Said bids shall be opened at the Arcanum Wayne Trail Historical Society, Inc. Building located at 123 W. George St., Arcanum, OH 45304. The successful bidder(s) shall execute a non-contingent contract for the purchase of said real estate. The successful bidder shall make a ten percent (10%) earnest money deposit of the purchase price on date of sale. The balance of said purchase price shall be due and payable upon delivery of Deed within thirty (30) days. Successful bidder(s) shall be responsible for installment of real estate taxes and assessments which are due in June, 2019 and all such taxes and assessments due and payable thereafter. Seller shall not pay any CAUV Recoupment charges. Possession of each tract shall be given upon delivery of Deed. Any statements made on day of sale shall take priority over any statements made in this advertisement. Bid packets are available at the Law Office of Dynes & Dynes, LLC, 2840 Alt. St. Rt. 49 N. Suite B, Arcanum, OH 45304 telephone 937-692-5712.

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$750 Sign-on Bonus for STNA’s VHRCC will sponsor 3 individuals to go through STNA classes 5-Star Nursing Home with friendly, & home-like environment To apply please call 937.526.5570 or stop in at 200 Marker Rd. Versailles OH 45380 for an application 200 Marker Rd. • Versailles OH 45380 (937) 526-5570 • www.versailleshealthcare.com



PAGE 14 January 13, 2019-The Early Bird, www.bluebagmedia.com

FOR RENT Very nice 1 BR apt. in Grnvl. park. Appliances, AC. No pets/smoking. $400/mo. 548-5053 VERSAILLES SENIOR CITIZENS HOUSING, INC., 110 Marker Road, Versailles, Ohio 45380 is currently taking applications for one bedroom apartments. We provide government assisted housing designed for those who are 62 years of age or older, handicap or disabled regardless of age. Income eligibility guidelines must be met. For more info, call Voice/ TDD 937-526-5555, please leave a message if not in the office. This institution is an equal opportunity provider and employer. Equal Housing Opportunity LAURA, 2 BR, 1 bath house. Stove & fridge furnished. No Pets. Smoke-Free. Trash & water, yard work & snow removal provided. $525/mo. Available now. 937-947-1574

Greenville. Upstairs Studio Apt. gas, electric & water paid. No pets! $500 plus $500 deposit. Call 937-621-3717 New Madison, 1 BR apt w/appliances, water & trash included. $400/ mo. 937-423-3318 3 bedroom, 2 bath downstairs apt in Gettysburg. $650/mo, $650 deposit. No Pets. 937417-6856 2 and 3 bedroom houses available for rent from Thompson Rentals. Call 937-621-5036 WANTED TO BUY BUYING Flutes, Saxophones, Trombones, Trumpets in good condition, Yamaha, Selmer, King, Conn. ALSO buying OLD GUITARS, Banjos, Mandolins & Amplifiers. Bring them to Bach to Rock Music, 334 S. Broadway, Greenville, OH for an offer. 937-547-1970, email: bachtorock@ earthlink.net


The Village of New Madison, Darke County, Ohio, will accept sealed bids until 6:00 p.m. on the 21st day of January, 2019 for the rental of a total of approximately 28 acres of farm ground, more or less (Parcel # G280-110-14-00-00-20102). 28 acres of this farmland is located approximately one and one-half miles west of the Village of New Madison. Previous year’s crop was corn on all parcels. Bidders shall state the bid price per acre. No bid less than $250.00 per acre will be accepted. Bidders should submit a price per acre bid for a lease term of one (1) year. Bidder must have equipment to spread dry biosolids on land. All bids shall be submitted in a sealed envelope to the New Madison City Building, P.O. Box 15, New Madison, Ohio 45346. Envelopes shall be marked “FARM LEASE BID.” No bid shall be accepted after 6:00 p.m. on January 21, 2019. Bid opening will begin at 6:00 p.m. on Monday, January 21, 2019. Bidders need not be present at bid opening. The Village of New Madison reserves the right to accept or reject any or all bids.

OPEN SUNDAY JAN 13 – 1 – 2:30 pm 601 Maple Ln, Arcanum EXPECT TO BE IMPRESSED! Tudor-style home offering formal entry & DRM. Great rm has stone-surround gas fireplace. Gourmet’s KIT w/stainless appliances, gas cooktop & wall oven. 3 BR, 2½ BA – owners’ BA has whirlpool tub + a spacious glass enclosed shower. Nestled on corner lot. MLS 742644 #4547 _________________________________ WAITING FOR A HANDYMAN’S ATTENTION! Spacious 5 BR home w/LRM, FRM & DRM. Items included are: some interior replacement doors, new natural gas furnace, most duct work & some bath fixtures still need to be installed. Electric service has been updated. Affordably priced! MLS 781593 #4571 NEW LISTING! 1.5 acre lot w/barn in Gordon. Great building site if Health Dept. approves. MLS 782179 #4582

WANTED TO BUY Cars/Trucks, running or not UP TO $500. Free pick-up. 937-423-2703 or 937-621-5809 NO SUNDAY OR HOLIDAY CALLS SPECIAL NOTICES Do you owe more than $5000 in Tax Debt? Call Wells & Associates INC. We solve Tax Problems! Personal or Business! IRS, State and Local. 30 years in Business! Call NOW for a free consultation at an office near you. 1-855-725-5414 AGRICULTURE WANTING TO RENT OR BUY FARMLAND, CASH OR SHARES. 937-423-4967

OPEN HOUSE Sunday Jan. 13 1:00-2:30 p.m. 201 S. High St., Arcanum Price Reduced!!! $88,500 Here’s a charming older home priced right for your family. Situated on a corner lot, you’ll enjoy this large open floor plan. One bedroom downstairs with 3 bedrooms upstairs. Close to everything in downtown Arcanum! Come and take a look!

LIVESTOCK SERVICES OFFERED Brown egg laying pul- Just Like Home Elderly lets. 937-526-4541 Care located in LewisSERVICES OFFERED burg, Ohio offers 24/7 care for your elderly SNOW REMOVAL, large loved one for a fraction or small jobs. Also Mow- of the cost of a nursing ing, Landscaping, Shrub home. We are a state Trimming, Spraying/ certified residential class Fertilizing. Reasonable 2 home. We accept perrates. References avail- sonal pay as well as long able. Very dependable. term care insurance. Call 548-1716, ask for Justin 937-583-5159 Behind on your MORT- Suffering from an ADGAGE? Denied a Loan DICTION to Alcohol, Modification? Bank Opiates, Prescription threatening foreclosure? PainKillers or other CALL Homeowner Pro- DRUGS? There is hope! tection Services now! Call Today to speak with New laws are in effect someone who cares. that may help. Call Now Call NOW 1-855-9011-866-928-5204 2049

REAL ESTATE LAND CONTRACT available for 3 BR, 1 bath. Large fenced in yard. Located outside of Union City, OH. 937418-9510

HOUSEHOLD Whirlpool one year old front loader washer & Husqvarna Viking mega quilter table top machine priced reasonable Call 765-964-7767


HOUSEHOLD Freestanding vent-less gas fireplace. Pro Com. Oak traditional style. 2 yrs old. $650. 937-4754907 FURNITURE SHOPPE, 901 E Elm St, Union City, OH. Good condition used Furniture & Appliances. 30-day warranty. Now Open 11am-5pm Tues.-Fri., or call for appointment. 937-968-6804, 937423-5397

WANTED TO RENT Wanting to rent 2 BR house/apt in Greenville. Needs to be pet friendly. 937-621-3880

Fox Run Senior Apartments

Becoming a Home Owner Need Not Be Just A Dream


2&3 Bedroom Homes Available Check our our selection of FREE handyman homes. Rental Homes Available Too! Sherwood Forest Mobile Home Community 937-548-9898 www.parkbridgehomes.com

Serving with honesty and integrity

Professional Realty

511 E. Main St. Greenville, OH 45331 Cell 937-329-1952 Office 937-547-0064 buyorsellwithdane@gmail.com www.danedriver.com

A member of the franchise system of BHH Affiliates, LLC



You Can’t Go Wrong With Long


CIC of Darke County Annual Meeting

The Community Improvement Corporation of Darke County, Ohio will hold regular monthly meetings on the third Wednesday of each month at 7:30 a.m. at Edison State Community College, Greenville Campus, 601 Wagner Ave., Greenville, Ohio. The Annual Meeting for 2019 shall occur on March 20, 2019 at 7:30 a.m. at Edison State Community College, Greenville Campus, 601 Wagner Ave., Greenville, Ohio. Special meetings may be scheduled from time to time. Anyone wishing to be notified of special meeting times must request notification by contacting the Secretary / Matt Kolb c/o Darke County CIC, 537 S. Broadway, Suite 201, Greenville, Ohio 45331.

As Top Producer For December 2018

OPEN HOUSE TUESDAY, JAN. 15TH 5:00-7:00 P.M. 227 & 229 Gray Ave., Greenville Nice investment property or live in one side and rent the other to help make your house payment. One side has living room, dining room, kitchen, 2 bedrooms, 1 bath, carpeted throughout, very clean and well maintained. Second side is huge with a living room, dining room, kitchen, 4 bedrooms, 1.5 baths and a super large walk up attic with original windows, also carpeted throughout, very clean and well maintained. Each side has access to its own unfinished basement. Relax and enjoy sitting on the nice front porch that wraps around to the side.

PRICED REDUCED 103 Rebecca Circle, Englewood

First Choice Realty

The Right Choice 1400 Wagner Ave. Greenville, OH 45331


GREENVILLE 217 Laurel St. $65,000. 3 Bed, 1 bath, fenced in yard, 2 sheds. Newer furnace and water heater. (778619) 7542 Ravenwood Dr. $229,900. 4 Bed, 2 bath, 4 car garage, 2000 sq. ft. living space, patio with hot tub. (772053)


MANUFACTURING FLEXIBLE SHIFTS STARTING WAGES • $1300/ Hour 1st Shift • $1350/ Hour 2nd Shift • $1400/ Hour 3rd Shift


“OPEN TODAY! 1-2:30” 602 MAGNOLIA - Split bedroom design in this 3 bedroom, 2 bath brick ranch! Gas fireplace; stainless steel appliances; oak cabinets; walk-in closets in 2 bedrooms. $235,000. ___________________________________ IN PITSBURG - this 3 bedroom home at 222 Lumber Street has 24x9 enclosed porch; 18x11 utility building. Mid 50s. IN BRADFORD - this 1½ story home at 135 E. Church Street has 2 bedrooms; 2 car detached block garage. Miami county. Mid 40s. 5 ACRES M/L - with this 3 bedroom, 2 bath brick ranch at 3433 Stingley Road! 4 car attached garage PLUS 24x30 building! Scenic creek running through property! $250,000. COMMERCIAL BUILDING - at 1185 Wayne Avenue has over 7,000 sq. ft. that features 5 units with offices! Ample parking! Previously used as a medical building. $365,000. TRI-LEVEL near park and shopping! 2 fireplaces; hickory cabinets and Corian countertops; hardwood floors in 3 bedrooms; heated garage and MORE at 104 Belair! $169,000. IN WAYNE LAKES great business opportunity! This commercial building at 1052 Main Drive has over 2700 sq. ft. M/L with open space for showroom and retail! Metal roofing and siding; concrete floors; half bath; totally insulated; 20x30 garage with 14’ overhead door. 2+ acres. $129,900. IN NORTH END OF GREENVILLE this 3 bedroom brick ranch at 1229 Northmoor has 2 car attached garage. $115,000 IN BRADFORD this 3 bedroom home at 130 W. Keller is ready to move into! New floor coverings; newer oak cabinets; newer vinyl windows and 2 year old furnace! 2 car attached garage; carport and privacy fence! $62,000.


CALL US TODAY 937-316-3782


Jim Shuttleworth Evelyn Shuttleworth Joe Shuttleworth Greg Shuttleworth Richard Edwards


2 & 3 Bedrooms for Seniors 55 and Over This institution is an equal opportunity provider and employer


Truck Rentals


We are here to meet your storage and moving needs! 5328 Michelle Rd. Greenville

937-548-1075 Dane Driver REALTOR®

MISC. FOR SALE NEW PRICE! Mid1970’s 1816 Case UniLoader, gas powered, needs serviced, $2500 OBO. For more info call 937-417-8027 Couch for sale, light gray, good condition, $50. Call 270-724-2855

1230 Adrien Avenue Greenville, OH 937-316-8025


Sam Schwartz

WANTS ANY TYPE OF: • Carpentry Work • Room Additions • Garages • Siding • Foundation Replacement • Crawl Space Work • Restoration • Roofs/Re-Roofs FREE ESTIMATES


OPEN HOUSE SUNDAY 1:00-2:30 201 MACKINAW ST. ANSONIA 3 bedroom, 2.5 bath, full basement, 1 acre, barn, Generac generator, big 2 car garage. 101 ROYAL OAK, GREENVILLE, OH 4 bedroom, 3.5 bath, 3000+ sq ft, 2 ensuites, stone fireplace, second kitchen in garage. 3726 MAPLE LN. GREENVILLE Move in ready 3 bedroom, 2 bath, gas fireplace, 1800 sq ft. 928 WASHINGTON AVE. GREENVILLE Nice 3 bedroom, 1 bath, basement, 1 car detached garage.

3:00-4:30 203 E. WATER ST. GREENVILLE 2 or 3 bedroom, 1.5 bath, corner lot, deck, new metal roof and carpet. 1303 Chippewa Dr. Greenville


January 13, 2019-The Early Bird, www.bluebagmedia.com PAGE 15

HELP WANTED IMMEDIATE OPENING FOR THE POSITION OF DIRECTOR OF THE DARKE COUNTY BOARD OF ELECTIONS: Please visit the Darke County Board of Elections website: darke. ohioboe.com, or the Board office for an application packet. Applicants must provide a resume, Darke County Employment Application, and Secretary of State Form 307. All applicants are subject to a criminal background check. Completed applications may be emailed darke@ohiosecretaryofstate. gov, or mailed, Darke County Board of Elections, Attn: Director Application, 300 Garst Avenue, Greenville, HELP WANTED OH 45331. Applicants Full or part-time Car- must have all docupenter. Minimum 2 ments submitted by years experience. 548- Monday, January 14, 2019 4:00 pm. 2307

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MISC. FOR SALE PROFESSIONAL SOUND SYSTEM Rental, Sales & Installation. Free quotes to your business, church or home for sound system updates & improvements. JBL, EAW, QSC, PEAVEY, CROWN. Bach to Rock Music 547-1970, email: bachtorock@earthlink. net. Also Renting sound systems for Weddings, Graduations, Business Meetings, or any other engagements! Dish Network-Satellite Television Services. Now Over 190 channels for ONLY $49.99/ mo! HBO-FREE for one year, FREE Installation, FREE Streaming, FREE HD. Add Internet for $14.95 a month. 1-800-219-1271

ďƒŞ ďƒŞ ďƒŞ ďƒŞ ďƒŞ ďƒŞ ďƒŞ ďƒŞ ďƒŞ ďƒŞ ďƒŞ ďƒŞ ďƒŞ ďƒŞ ďƒŞ ďƒŞ ďƒŞ ďƒŞ ďƒŞ ďƒŞ ďƒŞ ďƒŞ ďƒŞ ďƒŞ ďƒŞ ďƒŞ ďƒŞ ďƒŞ ďƒŞ ďƒŞ ďƒŞ ďƒŞ ďƒŞ ďƒŞ ďƒŞ ďƒŞ ďƒŞ ďƒŞ ďƒŞ ďƒŞ ďƒŞ ďƒŞ ďƒŞ ďƒŞ ďƒŞ ďƒŞ ďƒŞ ďƒŞ ďƒŞ ďƒŞ ďƒŞ ďƒŞ ďƒŞ ďƒŞ ďƒŞ ďƒŞ ďƒŞ ďƒŞ ďƒŞ ďƒŞ ďƒŞ ďƒŞ ďƒŞ ďƒŞ

AIRLINES ARE HIRING - Get FAA approved hands on Aviation training. Financial aid for qualified students - Career placement assistance. Call Aviation Institute of Maintenance 877818-0783 Glick’s Construction, Inc, locally owned & operated construction company with over 20 years in business, looking for reliable, self-motivated, hardworking individuals who are willing to learn & grow with our company. Skills beneficial but not required. Must have valid driver’s license. Call 547-3051 or 937-603-2007 CDL DRIVER needed at local warehouse. Must have class B license and HAZMAT endorsement. Excellent customer service skills required. Great pay and benefits. Submit resume to: helpwanted@simoniz. com or call 937-5641250 Responsible & dependable individuals needed to deliver Early Birds. Walking routes in Hollansburg and Greenville. Motor routes available in the West Manchester and Arcanum areas. If you are interested, please contact Becky at 937-547-0851, 937548-3330 and leave your name, address & phone number, if no answer.

HELP WANTED Bach To Rock Music is looking for an energetic person interested in a Part-Time Position to work on weekends and possibly more during peak times of the year. Person should have some knowledge of Musical Instruments and have the ability to work with customers, operate a computer and cash register. General duties include selling, taking inventory, and cleaning. This position would be perfect for a retiree who is wanting to earn some extra cash. DO NOT APPLY IN PERSON! ONLY Mailed in Resumes WILL BE CONSIDERED. No Phone Calls, Please. Send resume to: Bach To Rock Music, 334 South Broadway, Greenville, OH 45331 or e-mail bachtorock@earthlink. net Experienced Hairstylist needed in southern Darke County. Send replies to: Help Wanted Hair, c/o The Early Bird, 100 Washington Ave, Greenville, OH 45331 AUTOMOTIVE 2007 Dakota, 72,000 $6995. 2011 Equinox $8495. 2006 Colorado crew $7995. 2006 Rendezvous $4995. 2003 Yukon $5995. 2012 Escape 4x4 $8995. 2010 F150 $11,995. Buy - Sell - Trade! CountryAutoSalesGreenville. com 548-1337

January events at the Arcanum Library ARCANUM – It’s a brand new year, and the Arcanum Public Library can help you get off on the right foot. Come in to ďŹ nd a book to help you get organized, start an exercise routine, plan healthy meals, learn a new hobby, and lots more. Patrons can utilize the computers to start genealogical research or work on homework. Need a great story to read or movie to watch during a cold spell? The library is the place to go. The library has several programs planned for January. StoryTime for preschoolers is held on Tuesdays at 10 a.m. Children listen to stories, sing songs, make a craft, and more. Kids in grade school can come to SPARK after school on Tuesdays from 3:45– 4:45 p.m. to play games, meet with friends, and learn something new. On Thursday, Jan. 24, the Winery at Versailles will be giving an informative presentation

about wine at 6:30 p.m. Registration is required for this educational event and patrons are asked to call or come in to the library to sign up. The adult winter reading challenge

has begun and will and run through March 31. Each title a patron reads will be an entry to monthly drawings and a grand prize. Come in to the library for details and to get an entry

log sheet. Patrons can call the library for more information at (937) 692-8484, or visit www.arcanumpubliclibrary.org. The library can also be found on Facebook and Twitter.

Scholarship honors ofďŹ cer EATON — The Larry A. Hart Memorial Scholarship Committee is pleased to announce they are accepting applications for the Larry A. Hart Memorial Scholarship. This scholarship is funded by the Ohio Wildlife OfďŹ cers’ Lodge 143 of the Fraternal Order of Police and Twin Valley Rod and Gun Club of Preble County. Hart was a 30year veteran of the Ohio Division of Wildlife. For most of his career, Larry served as a wildlife ofďŹ cer assigned to Preble County. Later, he worked as a Wildlife OfďŹ cer/Field Supervisor in southwest Ohio. The legacy of integrity and com-

mitment to Wildlife Management and Law Enforcement set by OfďŹ cer Hart is still remembered by those in the communities he served, and serves as the gold standard today’s young ofďŹ cers strive to attain. To receive the $1,000 scholarship, applicants must be Ohio residents who have, or will graduate from an accredited high school, or, any person who is or will be enrolled in an accredited college, pursuing a career in the ďŹ eld of law enforcement or natural resources. Interested applicants can obtain the scholarship application by contacting the Larry A. Hart Scholarship Committee,

174 Briarwood Drive, Mount Vernon, Ohio 43050. Applications can also be obtained by calling (740) 326-6751 and leaving the applicant’s name, address and phone number on the answering machine. To obtain an application by email please send a request to randyt@ reagan.com. The deadline for applications and recommendations is March 15, 2019.

CAP closed on Jan. 21

GREENVILLE – Community Action Partnership will be closed on Jan. 21 in observance of Martin Luther King Day. The ofďŹ ce will reopen on Jan. 22 at 8 a.m.


www.facebook.com/newmadisonsupermarket FOR A COMPLETE LISTING OF OVER 80 SALE ITEMS!

Copy of entire ad available at the store starting Monday morning. AD PRICES IN EFFECT MON., JAN. 14 - SAT., JAN. 19, 2019 HOURS: Mon.-Sat. 8-9, Sun. 10-8 WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES - NO DEALER PURCHASES *Additional purchase requirements do not include the item, 24 pack soft drinks, tobacco products and alcohol products*


PRODUCE ................................................ 4 lb. Seedless California

NAVEL ORANGES 2.99ea ................................................ Anjou or Bartlett

PEARS .59ea ................................................ GREEN ONIONS 3/1.49 ................................................ Pint Sweet Grape

CHERRY TOMATOES 1.99ea ................................................ 8 oz. Whole White

MUSHROOMS 1.49ea ................................................ SWEET POTATOES .69lb ................................................

DAIRY ................................................ Smith Dairy Gallons Pure

reg. 4.19 ORANGE JUICE 3.49 ea ................................................ Smith Dairy 16 oz. reg. 2.69 COTTAGE CHEESE 1.99ea ................................................ Yoder’s 8 oz. reg. 2.59

SHREDDED CHEESES 1.69ea ................................................ Essential Everyday 8 oz.

reg. 2.49 1.69ea

CHUNK CHEESES ................................................ Essential Everyday 8 oz.

reg. 2.99


(Sorry no Swiss) ................................................ Essential Everyday 8 oz.

reg. 1.29 SOUR CREAM .89ea ................................................ Brummel and Brown 15 oz. reg. 3.29

SPREAD WITH YOGURT 2.49ea ................................................ 8-16 oz.

I CAN’T BELIEVE reg. 2.99 ITS NOT BUTTER 2.49ea ................................................ Essential Everyday 1 lb.

reg. 3.99 BUTTER QUARTERS 2.99 ea ................................................ Pilsbury 8-13.9 oz. reg. 2.79 Crescent Rolls, Orange Rolls or CINNAMON ROLLS 1.99ea ................................................ Essential Everyday 4 Count reg. 2.39 BISCUITS 1.79ea ................................................

FROZEN ................................................ 8 oz. Essential Everyday

reg. 1.39 WHIPPED TOPPING .99ea ................................................ Ruggles 48 oz. reg. 3.99 Frozen Yogurt, Sugar Free or Regular ICE CREAM 2.99ea ................................................ Stone Ridge 35 oz. 20 Count reg. 3.99

JUNIOR POPSICLES 2.99ea ................................................ New York 13.5 oz.

reg. 3.99

TEXAS GARLIC CHEESE TOAST 2.99ea ................................................ Swanson 13.1-17 oz.

reg. 3.89

HUNGRY JACK TV DINNERS 2.79ea ................................................ 7 oz., 9 Count

reg. 2.59-2.79 BAGEL BITES 1.99ea ................................................ White Castle 6 Count reg. 4.49 CHEESEBURGERS 3.99 ea ................................................ Shopper’s Value 5 lb. reg. 3.99 FRENCH FRIES 3.49ea ................................................ Essential Everyday 12.3 oz. reg. 1.99 WAFFLES 1.29ea ................................................ Pillsbury 11.7 oz. reg. 2.79 TOASTER STRUDEL 1.99 ea ................................................

In Store Made, Bulk or Stuffed Italian

PORK SAUSAGE 2.79lb ............................................... Colby Longhorn or

CO-JACK SLICED 3.99lb CHEESE CHUNK 3.79lb ............................................... In Store Made, Lunch Meat and

HAM SALAD 3.49lb ............................................... Carolina 96% Fat Free

TURKEY BREAST 2.19lb ............................................... Blue Grass

PICKLE & PIMENTO LOAF 3.99lb ............................................... Blue Grass

PEPPER LOAF 3.99lb ............................................... Blue Grass

DUTCH LOAF 3.99lb ............................................... Store Brand

BAKED HAM 2.99lb ............................................... Wilson’s

HARD SALAMI 5.29lb ............................................... Troyer’s

CHOPPED HAM 2.69lb ............................................... Kentucky’s Best

BOLOGNA 1.39lb ...............................................

Bob Evans Family Sides reg. 4.49 20 oz. Oven Baked Mac & Cheese or Oven Baked

SCALLOPED POTATOES 3.69ea ................................................

Armour 14 oz. Homestyle

reg. 3.69

Arctic Shores 16 oz.

reg. 3.49

MEATBALLS 2.49ea ................................................ POLLOCK FILLETS 2.99ea ................................................ Boneless, Skinless, 3 lb. or Larger

CHICKEN BREASTS 1.49lb ................................................ Center Cut or Butterfly Cut, Boneless

PORK LOIN CHOPS 1.99lb ................................................ Cubed

PORK CUTLETS 2.99lb ................................................ Whole, Boneless, Avg. 8-10 lb.

PORK LOINS 1.69lb ................................................ 73% Lean In 3 lb Pkgs or Larger

GROUND BEEF 2.49lb ................................................ Beef Boneless

SHOULDER SWISS ROAST 3.49lb ................................................ Beef Boneless

STEW MEAT 3.99lb ................................................ Whole Boneless 12-15 lb.

NEW YORK STRIP LOIN 4.99lb ................................................ Beef Boneless

NEW YORK STRIP STEAKS 6.99lb ................................................

GROCERY Frito Lay 9½-10 oz.

reg. 4.29

Ragu 16-24 oz.

9½-10 oz. Fritos or

reg. 3.79

Kraft 5.5-7.25 oz. reg. 1.49-1.89 Flavored or Blue Box

POTATO CHIPS 2.29ea ................................................

CHEETOS 2.29ea ................................................ Kelloggs’s 13.5-18.7 oz. reg. 3.99-4.69

RAISIN BRAN CEREALS 1.99ea ................................................ Kelloggs’s 15-18 oz.

MACARONI LIMIT 4 & CHEESE DINNER .75ea ................................................ Marzetti 16 oz.

reg. 3.69

New York 5 oz.

reg. 1.99

reg. 4.69

SALAD DRESSINGS 1.99ea ................................................

reg. 3.19

TEXAS TOAST CROUTONS .99ea ................................................

MINI-WHEATS CEREALS 1.99ea ................................................ Kelloggs’s 12 oz.

reg. 2.89

PASTA SAUCE 1.69ea ................................................

CORN FLAKES 1.99ea ................................................

General Mills reg. 3.79-4.39 8.9-15.2 oz. Cheerios or Honey Nut CHEERIOS 2.49ea ................................................ General Mills reg. 3.79-3.99 10.5-12 oz. Reeses Peanut Butter Puffs, Cocoa Puffs, Lucky Charms or

CINNAMON TOAST CRUNCH 2.49ea ................................................

Essential Everyday 18 oz. reg. 1.79 Old Fashioned or QUICK OATMEAL .99ea ................................................ Nature Valley 6.7-8.94 oz. reg. 3.39 GRANOLA BARS 2.49ea ................................................ Swiss Miss 10 Count reg. 2.49 HOT COCOA 1.79 ea ................................................ Kraft 18 oz. reg. 2.19 BBQ SAUCE .99ea ................................................ Keebler 8.8-13.7 oz. reg. 3.29 CLUB CRACKERS 2.49ea ................................................ Essential Everyday 64 oz. reg. 2.79 TOMATO JUICE 1.99ea ................................................ Mueller’s 12-16 oz. reg. 1.99 Spaghetti, Macaroni and Assorted PASTA .99ea ................................................

Essential Everyday 17 oz. reg. 5.49 Extra Virgin OLIVE OIL 3.99ea ................................................ Orville Redenbacher reg. 2.49 3 Pack

MICROWAVE POPCORN 1.49ea ................................................ 4.3-8.75 oz. Chex Mix, Bugles or

reg. 2.89-3.19

GARDETTOS 1.49ea ................................................ Keebler’s 11-14.8 oz. reg. 2.99-3.29

CHIPS DELUXE COOKIES 2.49ea ................................................ Keebler’s 11.2-11.3 oz.

reg. 3.69

PECAN SANDIES 2.49ea ................................................ Essential Everyday 15 oz. Kidney or

reg. .99

CHILI BEANS .69ea ................................................ Randall 48 oz. Pinto or

reg. 3.79

Essential Everyday 14.5-15 oz.

reg. 1.09

GREAT NORTHERN BEANS 2.99ea ................................................ TOMATOES .69ea ................................................ Assorted 2 Liters

COCA COLA .99ea ................................................

PAGE 16 January 13, 2019-The Early Bird, www.bluebagmedia.com


January 13, 2019-The Early Bird, www.bluebagmedia.com PAGE 17




937-548-7113 Crankshaft Grinding Block Boring Aluminum Welding Flywheel Grinding Connecting Rod Service Pressure Testing Cylinder Head Service Engine Parts

DCP hosts Winter Day Camp on January 21 GREENVILLE –Register your child for Darke County Parks Winter Day Camp at Shawnee Prairie Preserve on Jan. 21, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Children from kindergarten through sixth grade are invited to spend the day exploring the park. Park naturalists will lead

the activities. The fee is $15 and can be made by cash or check upon registration. Please make sure your child dresses for the weather. Register by calling Darke County Parks at 937-548-0165 or info@ darkecountyparks.org.

Welcome to

HAMILTON Auto Sales, LLC 141 N. Broadway, Greenville (next to Maidrite)


1.6 Ltr., 4-Cyl., Wagon, FWD, Remaining Factory Warranty, 27,XXX miles


1.5 Ltr., 4-Cyl., FWD, Hatchback, 40 mpg



2015 JEEP PATRIOT LATITUDE 2013 GMC YUKON DENALI 2.4 Ltr., 4-Cyl, 4X4, 33,XXX miles


6.2 Ltr., V8, AWD, Sunroof, DVD, Loaded

$15,995 2010 HONDA ODYSSEY

3.5 Ltr., V6, Touring Edition, Sunroof, 4 New Tires

$25,995 2001 PONTIAC GRAND PRIX 3.1 Ltr., V6, FWD, Maroon


$12,995 WAS $2,795 $2,995 2017 Kia Soul, 1.6 ltr., 4-cyl., FWD, remaining factory warranty, only 27,XXX miles .............................................................................. $14,688 2016 Honda Fit, 1.5 ltr, 4 cyl., FWD, Hatchback, 40 mpg ........................... $14,995 2015 Jeep Patriot Latitude, 2.4 ltr, 4 cyl., 4x4, 33,XXX miles.................... $15,995 2015 Chevy Trax LT, 1.4 ltr, Turbo, 4 cyl., FWD, white, only 27,XXX miles, WAS $15,995.................................. NOW $15,495 2015 Chevy Trax LT, 1.4 ltr, Turbo, 4 cyl., AWD, New Tires, red, WAS $16,995 .............................................................................. NOW16,495 2015 Honda CR-V Touring Edition, 2.4 ltr, 4 cyl., AWD, loaded, only 40,XXX miles, WAS $23,995 ............................................ NOW $23,495 2013 GMC Yukon Denali, 6.2 ltr, V8, AWD, sunroof, DVD, loaded ............ $25,995 2013 Chrysler Town & Country, 3.6 ltr., V6, touring edition, FWD, DVD, loaded, very clean, blue, WAS $14,995.......................... NOW $14,750 2012 Chevy Malibu LT, 2.4 ltr., 4 cyl., FWD, sedan, 55,XXX miles, silver, WAS $11,995 ................................................................. NOW $10,995 2010 Honda Odyssey, 3.5 ltr, V6, Touring Edition, sunroof, 4 new tires ..... $12,995 2009 Chevy Malibu, 3.5 ltr., V6, FWD, Local Trade...................................... $5,995

2007 Chevy HHR LT, 2.4 ltr., 4 cyl., sports wagon, FWD, only 91,XXX miles WAS $7,495 ......................................................................................... $6,995 2006 Buick LaCrosse CXS, FWD, new tires, sunroof, only 66,XXX miles ................................................................................ $7,995 2005 Dodge Neon, 2.0 ltr., 4 cyl., FWD, local trade, WAS $2,995 .... NOW $2,495 2003 Jeep Liberty, 3.7 ltr., V6, 4x4, new tires, 128,XXX miles One Owner, WAS 6,495 ............................................................. NOW $5,995 2002 Pontiac Montana, 3.4 ltr, V6, FWD, 7 Passenger................................ $2,995 2002 Dodge Ram 1500, 5.9 ltr, V8, 4x4, short bed, Quad Cab .................... $4,495 2001 Pontiac Grand Prix, 3.1 ltr, V6, FWD, WAS 2,995.................... NOW $2,795 2000 Ford Ranger-Super Cab, 3.0 ltr., V6, 4x4, Local Trade, only 15,XXX miles ................................................................................ $7,995 1999 Chevy 2500 HD, 5.7 ltr., V8, long bed, regular cab, 4X4, 131,XXX miles ...................................................................................... $6,995 1995 Buick LeSabre, 3.8 ltr., V6, custom sedan, local trade, 132,XXX mi... $2,495 1963 Buick Riviera, 430 Cubic Inch, 2 owners, very well maintained........ $39,995 ALL PRICES PLUS TAX, TITLE & FEES


Detail Service Available - Gift Certificates


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141 N. Broadway, Greenville 937-548-1175 website: hamiltonautosalesllc.com

Hours: Mon.-Fri. 9-6 Saturday 9-3

All vehicles checked for open factory recalls






2018 CHEVY ½ TON SUBURBAN LT 4WD, 5.3L V8, leather, all power, super nice, silver, 34,389 miles......................................................................................................................... $44,995 .........$43,900 2018 CHEVY TAHOE LT 4X4, 5.3L V8, leather, all power, like new, blue, 45,670 miles......................... $45,995 .........$44,500 2017 CHEVY ½ TON DOUBLE CAB LT 4WD P.U., 5.3L V8, one owner, loaded, like new, red, 15,463 miles ........................................................................................................................... $33,995 .........$32,500 2017 CHEVY EQUINOX PREMIER FWD, 2.4L 4 cyl., heated leather, loaded, like new, gray, 38,202 miles .......................................................................................................................... $23,995 .........$22,500 2017 DODGE GRAND CARAVAN GT,, 3.6L V6, leather, loaded, exc. cond., gray, 48,378 miles .......... $19,995 .........$18,500 2017 CHEVY EQUINOX LT FWD, 2.4L 4 cyl., one owner, loaded, super nice, gray, 41,156 miles .......................................................................................................................... $19,995 .........$18,900 2017 CHEVY EQUINOX LT FWD, 2.4L 4 cyl., one owner, loaded, like new, black, 27,111 miles ........................................................................................................................ $20,995 .........$19,900 2017 CHEVY TAHOE LT 4WD, 5.3L V8, leather, loaded, exc. cond., black, 56,673 miles ..................... $39,995 .........$38,500 2017 DODGE GRAND CARAVAN GT,, 3.6L V6, leather, loaded, super nice, black, 47,084 miles ........................................................................................................................ $22,995 .........$21,500 2016 CHEVY ½ TON SILVERADO LT CREW CAB 4X4 P.U., 5.3L V8, all power, one owner, exc. cond., blue, 42,918 miles ....................................................................................................... $30,995 .........$29,900 2016 JEEP CHEROKEE LATUTUDE FWD, 2.4L, 4 cyl., loaded, exc. cond., white, 56,786 miles ........................................................................................................................ $17,995 .........$16.900 2015 CHEVY ½ TON SILVERADO LT CREW CAB, 4X4 P.U., 5.3L V8, one owner, loaded, exc. cond., red, 38,156 miles ......................................................................................................... $31,995 .........$30,500 2015 NISSAN ROUGE SV AWD, 2.5L 4 cyl., one owner, all power, exc. cond., silver, 77,849 miles......................................................................................................................... $17,995 .........$16,900 2015 GMC ½ TON SIERRA SLE EXT CAB 4X4 P.U., 5.3L V8, Z71 Suspension, one owner, loaded, like new, black, 33,792 miles ......................................................................................................... $31,995 .........$30,900 2015 CHEVY ½ TON SILVERADO CREW CAB LT 4WD P.U., 5.3L V8, leather, one owner, loaded, super nice, silver, 44,363 miles ...................................................................................................... $31,995 .........$29,900 2014 GMC ½ TON SIERRA SLE CREW CAB 2WD P.U., 4.3L V6, all power, very nice, black, 100,757 miles ...................................................................................................................... $22,995 .........$21,900 2014 CHEVY ½ TON SILVERADO LT DOUBLE CAB 4X4 P.U., 5.3L V8, one owner, loaded, super nice, black, 41,386 miles...................................................................................................... $27,995 .........$26,900 2014 CHEVY ½ TON SILVERADO LT CREW CAB 4X4 P.U., 5.3L V8, one owner, leather, loaded, exc. cond., red, 45,561 miles ......................................................................................................... $30,995 .........$29,500 2014 GMC ½ TON SIERRA SLE REG CAB 4X4 P.U., 5.3L V8, Z71 package, loaded, sharp, red, 74,266 miles ........................................................................................................................... $25,995 .........$24,500 2014 CHEVY EQUINOX LTZ FWD, 3.6L V6, leather, one owner, loaded, super nice, crystal red, 53,627 miles ................................................................................................................ $20,995 .........$19,500 2014 CHEVY EQUINOX LTZ FWD, 2.4L 4 cyl., leather, sunroof, loaded, exc. cond., blue, 73,764 miles.............................................................................................................................. $17,995 .........$16,900 2014 CHEVY EQUINOX LTZ FWD, 2.4L 4 cyl., leather, loaded, exc. cond., crystal red, 73,013 miles .. $18,995 .........$17,900 2014 CHEVY EQUINOX LT FWD, 2.4L 4 cyl., one owner, sunroof, loaded, super nice, white, 71,441 miles ........................................................................................................................ $18,995 .........$17,500 2013 GMC TERRAIN SLE FWD, 2.4L 4 cyl., one owner, all power, exc. cond., black, 60,758 miles ..... $13,995 .........$12,900 2013 GMC TERRAIN SLT AWD, 3.6L V6, leather, sunroof, loaded, exc. cond., white, 110,314 miles ...................................................................................................................... $14,995 .........$13,500 2013 CHEVY ½ TON SILVERADO LT EXT. CAB 4X4 P.U., 5.3L V8, all power, exc. cond., maroon, 109,583 miles .................................................................................................................. $19,995 .........$18,900 2013 FORD EXPLORER XLT FWD, 3.5L V6, leather, loaded, one owner, sharp, gray, 78,898 miles .......................................................................................................................... $18,995 .........$17,500 2011 CADILLAC SRX LUXURY AWD, 3.0L V6, leather, sunroof, all options, super nice, black, 90,041 miles ........................................................................................................................ $13,995 .........$12,500 2008 CHEVY UPLANDER EXT. LS VAN, 3.5L V6, auto, fair cond., silver, 121,275 miles ....................... $5,995 ...........$4,500 2008 FORD ESCAPE XLT FWD, 2.3L 4 cyl., loaded, good cond., beige, 111,705 miles ......................... $6,995 ...........$5,900 2007 CHEVY ½ TON SILVERADO LT CREW CAB 2WD, P.U., 5.3L V8, all power, good condition, black, 199,709 miles ...................................................................................................................... $10,995 ...........$9,900 2007 CHEVY ½ TON SILVERADO LT, EXT. CAB 2WD, P.U., 5.3L V8, leather, sunroof, loaded, very nice, maroon, 141,575 miles .................................................................................................. $11,995 .........$10,500 2006 DODGE RAM 2500 CREW CAB SLT 4X4 P.U., 5.7L Cummins Diesel, Big Horn Edition, lift kit, sharp, silver, 151,582 miles............................................................................................................ $21,995 .........$20,500 2006 GMC ENVOY XL DENALI 4WD, 5.3L V8, leather, sunroof, loaded, very nice, gray, 199,889 miles....$8,995 ...........$7,500 2006 CHEVY COLORADO Z71 4X4 CREW CAB, 3.5L 5 cyl., all power, good cond., white, 228,586 miles ..............................................................................................................................$8,995 ........... $7,900 2006 CHEVY ½ TON SILVERADO LT CREW CAB 4X4 P.U., 5.3L V8, all power, very nice, black, 102,187 miles ...................................................................................................................... $13,995 .........$12,500 2005 BUICK TERRAZA CXL VAN, 3.5L V6, leather, loaded, exc. cond., brown, 81,548 miles ............... $7,995 ...........$6,900





2005 BUICK RENDEZVOUS FWD, 3.4L V6, all power, good cond., blue, 139,557 miles........................ $5,995 ...........$4,900 2005 CHEVY ½ TON SUBURBAN LT 4WD, 5.3L V8, leather, loaded, good cond., beige, 261,369 miles ........................................................................................................................ $8,995 ...........$7,500 2005 CADILLAC SRX AWD, 3.6L V6, leather, sunroof, loaded, exc. cond., diamond white, 154,592 miles ....................................................................................................... $10,995 ...........$9,500 2004 CHEVY TAHOE Z71 4X4, 5.3L V8, leather, sunroof, loaded, good cond., beige, 224,739 miles..... $6,995 ...........$5,500 2004 CADILLAC SRX AWD, 4.6L V8, leather, loaded, good cond., beige, 105,466 miles ...................... $7,995 ...........$6,900 2004 CHEVY TRAILBLAZER LS 4WD, 4.2L, 6 cyl., all power, exc. cond., blue, 148,224 miles ............. $6,995 ...........$5,900 2004 CHEVY ½ TON SILVERADO CREW CAB 4X4 P.U., 5.3L V8, one owner, loaded, fair condition, black, 342,618 miles .................................................................................................. $8,995 ...........$7,900 2003 CHEVY TRAILBLAZER LT 4X4, 4.2L 6 cyl., loaded, good cond., blue, 135,132 miles .................. $5,995 ...........$4,500 2002 CHEVY ½ TON SUBURBAN LT 4WD, 5.3L, V8, leather, loaded, good cond,. red, 231,470 miles ........................................................................................................................... $7,995 ...........$6,500 2002 CHEVY TRAILBLAZER LTZ 4X4, 4.2L, 6 cyl., leather, sunroof, loaded, very nice, maroon, 215,294 miles .................................................................................................................... $6,995 ...........$5,900 2002 CHEVY TRAILBLAZER LT 2WD, 4 dr., one owner, cloth seats, loaded, exc. cond., beige, 182,686 miles ........................................................................................................................ $9,995 ...........$8,900 2001 CHRYSLER TOWN & COUNTRY LXI VAN, 3.8L V6, leather, loaded, very good cond., maroon, 165,697 miles .................................................................................................................... $3,995 ...........$2,500 2001 DODGE DAKOTA SPORT REG CAB 4X4 P.U., 3.9L V6, loaded, fair cond., red, 171,545 miles ... $4,995 ...........$3,900 2001 FORD F150 XLT SUPER CAB 4X4 P.U., 4.6L V8, 5 speed, loaded, good cond., red, 146,376 miles ........................................................................................................................... $5,995 ...........$4,500 2000 CHEVY TAHOE LS 4X4, 5.3L V8, leather, loaded, good cond., beige, 192,922 miles .................... $5,995 ...........$4,900 2000 DODGE DAKOTA SPORT EXT. CAB 4X4 P.U., 4.7L V8, loaded, very nice, white, 167,762 miles ........................................................................................................................ $6,995 ...........$5,900 2000 MERCURY VILLAGER ESTATE VAN, 3.3L V6, leather, loaded, fair cond., maroon, 150,889 miles .................................................................................................................... $2,995 ...........$1,900 1999 PONTIAC MONTANA VAN, cloth seats, all power, nice cond., green, 160,151 miles..................... $6,995 ...........$5,900


2017 CHEVY CRUZE LT, 4 dr., 1.4L 4 cyl., loaded, exc. cond., silver, 46,522 miles .............................. $16,995 .........$15,500 2017 CHEVY MALIBU LT, 4 dr., 1.5L 4 cyl., all power, exc. cond., silver, 43,214 miles.......................... $17,995 .........$16,500 2017 CHEVY IMPALA LT, 4 dr., 3.6L V8, all power, exc. cond., pepperdust, 40,800 miles .................... $19,995 .........$18,900 2016 CHEVY CRUZE PREMIUM, 4 dr., 1.4L 4 cyl., leather, loaded, super nice, white, 52,338 miles...................................................................................................... $16,995 .........$15,500 2016 CHEVY MALIBU LT, 4 dr., 1.5L 4 cyl., all power, exc. cond,. black, 44,973 miles ......................... $17,995 .........$16,500 2014 CHEVY MALIBU LT, 4 dr., 2.5L, 4 cyl., one owner, loaded, exc. cond., champagne silver, 54,491 miles ..................................................................................................... $15,995 .........$14,900 2012 CHEVY IMPALA LT, 4 dr., 3.6L V6, all power, very nice, gold, 117,523 miles ................................. $8,995 ...........$7,900 2010 CHEVY IMPALA LT, 4 dr., 3.5L V6, leather, sunroof, loaded, exc. cond., blue, 118,206 miles ........................................................................................................................ $11,995 ...........$9,900 2008 CHEVY IMPALA LS, 4 dr., 3.5L V6, all power, very nice, red, 159,466 miles .................................. $5,995 ...........$4,900 2008 CHEVY IMPALA LT, 4 dr., 3.9L V6, sunroof, loaded, very nice, maroon, 167,922 miles ............... $10,995 ...........$9,500 1989 CHEVY CAMARO IROC Z28 COUPE, 5.7L V8, T-Tops, loaded, show car, white, 63,899 miles ........................................................................................................................ $18,995 .........$17,500 1979 CHEVY CAMARO SHOW CAR, 5.7L V8, nicely equipped, super nice, red, 833 miles since restoration ..................................................................................................... $18,995 .........$17,500


2018 CHRYSLER 300 AWD, 3.6L V6, leather, loaded, super nice, black, 28,612 miles ........................ $23,995 .........$22,500 2017 HYUNDAI SONATA, 4 dr., 2.4L 4 cyl., nicely equipped, exc. cond., gray, 49,823 miles ................ $14,995 .........$13,900 2017 BUICK VERANO, 4 dr., 2.4L 4 cyl., loaded, exc. cond., white, 52,584 miles ................................. $16,995 .........$15,500 2013 BUICK REGAL T-TYPE, 4 dr., 2.0L 4 cyl., leather, loaded, super nice, silver, 39,014 miles .......... $13,995 .........$12,500 2009 BUICK LUCERNE CX 4 dr., 3.8L V6, all power, exc. cond., white, 68,639 miles ............................ $7,995 ...........$6,900 2008 CHRYSLER SEBRING LIMITED CONVERTIBLE, 3.5L V6, leather, loaded, sharp, maroon, 112,081 miles .................................................................................................................... $7,995 ...........$6,500 2008 MERCURY MILAN PREMIER, 4 dr., 3.0L V6, leather, sunroof, loaded, super nice, beige, 69,814 miles ........................................................................................................................ $10,995 ...........$9,500 2004 DODGE NEON SRT, 4 dr., 2.4L Turbo 4 cyl., 5 speed, loaded, sharp, blue, 90,112 miles .............. $6,995 ...........$5,900 2002 VOLKSWAGON PASSAT STATION WAGON, 1.8L 4 cyl., sunroof, loaded, good cond., gray, 151,325 miles .......................................................................................................................... $4,995 ...........$3,900 1999 FORD MUSTANG GT CONVERTIBLE, 4.6L V8, leather, loaded, sharp, gray, 68,000 miles ........ $10,995 ...........$9,900 1995 CADILLAC DEVILLE, 4 dr., 4.9L V8, leather, sunroof, loaded, good cond., white, 146,338 miles ........................................................................................................................ $3,995 ...........$2,900 1994 JAGUAR XJS CONVERTIBLE, 4.0L 6 cyl., leather, loaded, show car, maroon, 52,066 miles .................................................................................................................... $17,995 .........$16,500

CORNER MAIN & GEORGE, ARCANUM SERVICE HOURS: Mon. 8am-8:30 pm/Tues.-Fri. 8-5:30/Sat. 8-12 SALES HOURS: Mon.-Fri. 8am-8pm/Sat. 8am-5:30pm

CALL 692-8373 OR 692-8360

View our used inventory at: www.troutwineautosales.com

PAGE 18 January 13, 2019-The Early Bird, www.bluebagmedia.com


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