Early Bird eNewspaper 01-17-16

Page 1

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S U N D A Y, J A N U A R Y 1 7 , 2 0 1 6

Township has plans for Woodland Heights site RYAN BERRY

MANAGING EDITOR editor@earlybirdpaper.com

GREENVILLE – Greenville City Schools will soon face a dilemma. What will they do with the properties at Woodland Heights, East, South and the Junior High Schools? Greenville Township helped answer one part of that question last week when they presented a down payment to the district to purchase the Woodland Heights property. According to Greenville City Schools Superintendent Doug Fries, a contract was signed on the 20-acre site by the township for a cost of $175,000. Township Trustee Justin Hines pointed out the township put $100,000 down on the property this week and will pay the remaining $75,000 once the school building is demolished. The township is getting the property for $8,750 an acre. The Woodland Heights property is very near the center of the township. It will likely be another year and a half before the township will take

control of the property. The township hopes to eventually open a second fire and rescue station and move the township office and equipment to the new location. However, Hines pointed out it may take another 5-10 years before those plans are realized. Chief Steve Wenning, of Greenville Area Emergency Rescue (GAER), believes there is a need for a second and more centralized station. Their runs have been on a steady increase with 3,077 reported in 2014 and 3,227 in 2015. The current station is located in the southeastern corner of the township and the response time to the northwestern corner (corner of Coletown-Lightsville Road and Hillgrove-Woodington Road) is approximately 18 minutes. A station at the corner of Children’s Home-Bradford Road and State Route 118 would cut the response time in half. The fire department is evenly split on calls north and south of Greenville Creek, while GAER continues to have approximately 58 percent of calls on the

Greenville Township has plans for the Woodland Heights Elementary property once the school is torn down.

south side. “You’re covering 56 square miles and doing it from one station. We’re the largest township in the county,” said Wenning. Although the plans have not been drawn up for a new building, township officials have discussed how they envision the two station system working. Fire and rescue would split their equipment with half at each station. Fire volunteers could report to either station. GAER would have both stations manned. The northern station would be the first to respond to incidents north of Greenville Creek and the current station would respond to ev-

Weights & Measures checks protect consumer and business BOB ROBINSON

ASSOCIATE EDITOR brobinson@earlybirdpaper.com

GREENVILLE – The skimmer will pull up to the pump with a box truck or another vehicle designed to block the security camera, open the face of the pump with a generic key, insert an electronic device, return later, remove the device and pull out the credit card information of anyone using that pump… “Keys and skimmer parts can be bought on EBay,” said Darke County Weights & Measures Sealer, Jeff Surber. He noted a number of counties in Ohio that have already been hit and said it was a topic covered heavily in his most recent training session. “Darke County is fine, however,” Surber added. “The gas stations here have taken extra steps to assure the security of their pumps.” Still, if there is a question or concern he responds. Surber by law checks every one of Darke County’s 331 gas, diesel and propane devices at least once a year. “I check to make sure you get what you are paying for,” he said. “And it’s not just to protect the consumer...” There were times when he found consumers were getting more than they were paying for. “The business was actually losing money,” he added. Checking the pumps

Jeff Surber, Weights & Measures Sealer

is a time-consuming process. “Go into a gas station with four pumps – regular, plus and premium on both sides – that’s 24 delivery systems I have to check,” he said. He noted he also has to check each pump for ‘slow flow’ and ‘fast flow.’ According to Surber’s boss, Darke County Auditor Carol Ginn, his efforts are appreciated by both consumer and business. Surber, who has been on the job since May 2013, said he does a lot of evening and weekend checks so business isn’t interrupted. “Once a customer asked me, am I okay to pump here? Yeah, I said… thank you! Keep up the good work,” Surber added. Ginn said she has gotten calls from businesses thanking her and Surber for their consideration. Surber’s job also includes price verification and checking scales… Not

only at retail establishments but also livestock scales at the fair and high school scales for wrestlers. For price verification he takes a sampling of 50-100 products, depending on the size of the store, and verifies the price actually scans the same as noted on the shelf. “This is not an easy job,” Ginn said. “Not only is it hard work, you have to be good at math.” Both Surber and Ginn said they would like Darke County residents to be aware they are being well taken care of. “Typically it’s consistency in checking both scales and pumps,” Surber said. “Frequent checks keeps people honest. Infrequent? They get lax.” Anyone with questions or concerns may call the Darke County Auditor’s office at 547-7310 or reach Surber directly at 4177389.



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erything south. Hines felt it was imperative for the township to purchase the property at this time. By working with the school district they will be able to preserve some of the asphalt and sewer system. The school district will soon be bidding out the demolition project and they can write the township’s requirements into the specifications. This is ultimately expected to save the township money. According to Hines, money from the fire fund was used to purchase the


ASSOCIATE EDITOR brobinson@earlybirdpaper.com

GREENVILLE – The Darke County Adult Probation Office currently has 427 individuals on probation, up about 10 percent from the previous January. Most have been convicted of drug and property crimes, approximately 70 percent. “They go hand in hand,” said Chief Probation Officer James Mollette. “Fortunately we don’t have that percentage with violent and/or sex crimes,” he added. That number is about 20 percent. The remaining 10 percent are considered “catch-all”… non-support, failure to appear, protection orders. In addition the office deals with about 50 (plus or minus at any given time) pretrial investigations. The drug problem goes far beyond Darke County. “It isn’t just us,” Mollette said. “It’s across Ohio. It’s across the country.” At the same time, Darke County has some new tools to deal with the issue. Vivitrol has been in use for a year. “I’m glad we have it. It does what it’s supposed to do… blocks the craving the addict has for heroin. The problem is it isn’t magic. We still have to deal with behavioral issues… “Just because you take away the cravings doesn’t change the mindset,” Mollette said. Vivitrol is injected every 28 to 29 days through a licensed physician. It can’t be abused like

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aren’t new. It has been discussed off and on since 2010. The township is also working to speed up response times before it opens the new building. They have started training GAER’s staff as level 2 firefighters. The fire department currently has 32 members and rescue has 34 members. With GAER manning its station constantly, they will be able to get a fire truck on the road immediately without needing to wait for volunteers to arrive. A grant has been received to pay for the level 1 training (approximately $25,000) and the township, through the fire fund, will pay $15,000 to provide level 2 training. Approximately 80 to 90 percent of the department will be level 2 firefighters. Hines added there will be some additional costs to provide equipment for the new firefighters.

Probation gets new tools as the drug challenges continue

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property. “One-hundred percent of it will be under the Greenville Township Fire Department.” There is approximately $400,000 in the fund. These funds were acquired through the fire levy and is the money saved after the township broke ties with the city and established its own department in 2008. The department has a budget of $80,000 a year. The fund currently generates $170,000 to $200,000 a year. The plan will have the township pay its share of the cost for a new building out of its general fund while the fire department and rescue service will fund their portion out of their respective funds. Long range plans for the township will include vacating and selling its current office on State Route 571 once a building is built at the Woodland Heights site. Chief Wenning noted plans for a second station


Chief Probation Officer James Mollette

Methadone and Suboxone could. A resulting side issue is a portion of addicts will look elsewhere. “Once they realize they can’t handle heroin some will start chasing other drugs.” The probation office has a Community Service Program. “We partner with the Darke County Solid Waste District with many of its projects,” Mollette said. They also have their own, such as roadside pickup and other projects. “We completed over 8,500 hours of community service in 2015,” he noted. Mollette said he thought it helped, depending on the mindset of the probationer. “If he’s just filling out a sheet? No. But if he takes ownership of what he’s accomplishing, then it’s valuable.” Two new tools are a partnership with Job & Family Services (JFS) and the startup of probationfacilitated AA meetings. “We now have a dedicated case worker from JFS to work with us… just kicked it off this week,” Mollette said. “We expect big things

from that.” Probationers will receive training and hopefully gain employment. He noted that of the 113 probationers released in 2015, 46 were deemed successful. “Employment had a lot to do with that,” he said. “They were able to pay off fines, restitution… support their families.” The 67 deemed unsuccessful? According to Mollette they went to prison, back to jail or died. The probation department’s AA program is also new. They meet twice a week at a local countyowned facility. “We expect our probationers to participate,” Mollette said. This is in addition to other state and county services available to addicts in Darke County. They now have some additional options. Overall Mollette said the department had a good year in 2015. “I’ve no regrets on anything we’ve done,” he noted. “But the challenges are still continuing… I don’t expect them to go away anytime soon.”



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PAGE 2 Sunday, January 17, 2016-The Early Bird, www.bluebagmedia.com


Domestic Violence continues to be a major complaint On January 10 police were dispatched regarding an assault. The victim said she and the defendant, Donald Daniels, had gotten into an argument – she wasn’t even sure why – when he allegedly head butted her and threw her to the ground. They were in the living room

of the residence. The head butt caused a knot on her forehead and the fall injured both knees and elbows. Daniels then left the residence. The next day Daniels and the victim argued in the kitchen, during which he allegedly shoved her to the ground again, causing her

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to hit her knees and elbows. There was a witness this time. The victim was transported to the police station where photos were taken of her injuries. There was a knot on her forehead, an abrasion on her right knee, redness on her right knee and right elbow, and bruising on her left elbow. Daniels had a previous arrest for domestic violence but no disposition was noted. Attempts are being made to locate the defendant. On January 7 police were dispatched regarding a possible domestic violence complaint. Upon arrival police observed the victim standing outside the residence. As the officer approached, the defendant, Kimberly Frantz, came running out

of the house screaming, attempting to tell about the incident. Frantz was asked to go to the officer’s patrol vehicle while another officer spoke with the victim. Frantz told the officer she had caught the other person stealing medication to sneak into the jail for an inmate. The victim and a witness said Frantz was the aggressor. They told police Frantz was addicted to drugs; the victim said she found out Frantz was allegedly smoking crack and she flushed the defendant’s ‘crack’ down the toilet. The argument turned physical when Frantz attacked the victim near the couch. Frantz was found to be the primary physical aggressor and was arrested for domes-

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Dave McCartney, left, Dave Bush and John Baumgardner (not shown) offer service and “good food” at their newly opened Dairy King on Martin Street.

Every Day 2-5pm

Dairy King family owned and operated for the community BY BOB ROBINSON ASSOC. EDITOR brobinson@earlybirdpaper.com

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officer was advised the defendant, Tracey Harris, was in a black vehicle; the officer headed around the rear of the building. He was advised Harris was now in the front of the store. The officer was able to block Harris from the front; another officer blocked him from the rear. Harris had to be told multiple times to exit his vehicle. He was placed under arrest on a warrant of having to serve 29 days in jail. He was transported to the Darke County jail. The officer was later advised Harris had been trespassed from Walmart. He was issued a trespass citation. On January 12 police were dispatched to 109 Chestnut St. regarding the knowledge that Shawn Cooper resides there and has a warrant out of Montgomery County for failure to appear on a traffic offense. Cooper was placed under arrest and transported to Phillipsburg where he was released to a Huber Heights police officer.

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On January 7 police observed a vehicle on Jackson Street near Fair Street. The officer was aware the driver’s operator’s license was currently suspended, and a check with LEADS showed the license plate to be fictitious. It was also expired. The officer knew that the defendant (unnamed in the report) had been cited for driving under suspension and fictitious plates in September; the wife for fictitious plates in July. The defendant was unable to show proof of ownership of the vehicle, so it was towed at the defendant’s request. He was cited for driving under suspension and for fictitious registration.


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On January 10 police were dispatched to Walmart, 1501 Wagner Ave., regarding the possibility a wanted person might be in the store. Upon arrival the

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tic violence and transported to Darke County jail.

GREENVILLE – “One of the nice things about this is having a good place to eat on this side of town,” said Dave McCartney, one of the three partners starting the new Dairy King on Martin Street. “The baseball field is right down the street (Ohio Street)… used to come here before,” he added. After the former Dairy Queen closed they had to go across town. Now they don’t have to. McCartney, Dave Bush and John Baumgardner opened the Dairy King on Jan. 2. “It’s a real family affair,” said Bush. “Our wives help out… the families come in and help.” In addition, the partners have 11 girls on the payroll. The locally owned ice cream parlor is open 11 a.m. to 8 p.m. daily. “We have all new machines, new floor, walls, electric, plumbing,” said McCartney. “About the only thing that’s the same is the shell.” He added they’ve had great comments since they’ve been open. “Really good service, really good food.” He’d asked one of his customers how long it took to get his food… “About five minutes… great!” was the response. “We are re-

ally proud to hear that,” McCartney said. Bush also noted they still have the drive-through. “This is a family owned and operated business for Greenville and the surrounding communities,” he said. The menu currently includes multiple ice cream options from DK Tornados to cones and banana splits, to a $6 King Lunch with choice of cheeseburger, chicken strips or chili-cheese dog, plus fries, drink and a sundae. “We’re keeping it (the menu) open for our customers to let us know what they want,” McCartney said. He added menu additions will be based upon those requests.


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CLUES ACROSS 1. Women (French) 5. Hyrax 8. Distress signal 11. Trade 13. Large northern deer 14. The 3 Wise Men 15. Marten of N Asian forests 16. Hoover’s agency 17. Received an A 18. 2nd Islamic month 20. Light brown 21. Clarified butter used in Indian cookery 22. Frankness 25. ArgentinaÕs capital 30. Citizen of Kenya or Zimbabwe 31. Noah’s boat 32. Family of languages in So. Africa 33. Inappropriate 38. Scientific workplace 41. Hungriness 43. Say to talk about an annoying topic 45. Sing and play for somebody 47. Strike buster

49. A citizen of Thailand 50. Civil Rights group 55. Honest Company’s Jessica 56. ‘__ death do us part 57. Malarias 59. Claim against another’s property 60. Mined metal-bearing mineral 61. Dashery 62. Capacity unit 63. Primary color 64. Indian dress CLUES DOWN 1. Manuscripts (abbr.) 2. Netherlands river 3. Italian island 4. One’s own being 5. More adroit 6. Balkan country 7. Psychologist B.F. 8. Investment group Goldman ___ 9. Double curve 10. The plane of a figure 12. Ocean 14. Public presses 19. Civil Rights activist Parks

23. Cooking container 24. Arctic native 25. Founder of Babism 26. Bashkortostan capital 27. Bulky grayish-brown eagle 28. Louse egg 29. About sight 34. ___/Tuck: TV drama 35. Black tropical American cuckoo 36. Chest muscle (slang) 37. Expression of disappointment 39. One who assists 40. Antilles island 41. Served food 42. Egyptian Sun god 44. Performed successfully 45. Cavalry-sword 46. Abba __, Israeli politician 47. Jonas __, cured polio 48. The Muse of history 51. Express pleasure 52. Turkish leader titles 53. Castro country 54. Nobleman 58. ___ Lanka


Sunday, January 17, 2016-The Early Bird, www.bluebagmedia.com PAGE 3

Frame receives 12 years in prison for incest crimes BY CLINTON RANDALL STAFF WRITER crandall@earlybirdpaper.com

GREENVILLE – A week after being sentenced to four years in a Mercer County courtroom, Darke County Common Pleas Court Judge Jonathan P. Hein ordered 45-year-old Laverne W. Frame serve a concurrent 12 year sentence for charges involving incestuous crimes with a family member. Frame was indicted in September 2015 on two counts of Rape (F1) and three counts of Sexual Battery (F3) after it was discovered that he fathered three children with a close family member. Following an interview with the victim about the allegations, they discovered that Frame had allegedly forced her into having sex multiple times in 2007. The crimes reportedly occurred between 2007 and 2014 while the pair lived in Bradford. They moved to Mercer County prior to his arrest in October 2015. “I can’t be sorry for loving somebody… I’m just sorry for the circumstances,” Frame said in court. “Am I guilty? Yeah, because I love them (victim and kids). I can’t help what the law says… I’m just asking for a little mercy.” “I think what Mr. Frame seems not to realize is that the relationship was wrong. It would be wrong today and it will still be wrong 10 years from now or whenever he gets out of prison,” Darke County Prosecuting Attorney Kelly Ormsby stated. “It is statutorily prohibited for him to have this relationship with this young woman. If he really cared about her I think he would figure out a way to go on and not bother her in the future and to let her start her life over again.” As part of a plea agreement with the state, Frame pleaded guilty to the four counts of Sexual Battery. The state moved to dismiss one count of Rape and amend the other to Sexual Battery. Ormsby recommended a 15 year sentence, while Frame’s defense at-

Laverne Frame (left) appears in court with defense attorney Randall E. Breaden (right). (Clinton Randall photo)

torney Randall E. Breaden asked the court for a more lenient sentence of six years in addition to the Mercer County sentence. “The relationship was wrong and Mr. Frame knows it was wrong,” noted Breaden at Monday’s hearing. “It was not a forced relationship and the female victim was an adult at the time of the alleged offenses.” “I know it was wrong and she knows it was wrong, but I am the one losing out since I don’t get to see none of them no more,” Frame said before Judge Hein imposed sentence. The judge ordered three years for each of the four counts – totaling 12 years. He ran the time concurrent with the already four year sentence handed down by Mercer County. Frame will be required to register as a Tier III sex offender for the rest of his natural life. He was given 101 days of jail credit. He will be placed on post release supervision for 60 months once he completes the sentence. “Clearly you lost any sort of moral compass you might have ever had,” Judge Hein told Frame. “I can’t think of any civilization that I have ever studied or heard of that would condone or encourage predatory sexual conduct towards a family member. That is just aberrant and has always been immoral, illegal and wrong behavior… so anything you say to make it sound like there is no victim has to fall on deaf ears.” “I don’t have any clear

understanding of how you can get to this point. At any time during the 10 years of this conduct you should have known better,” concluded Judge Hein. According to Prosecutor Ormsby, the female victim is currently trying to gain custody back of the children in hopes of moving forward with their lives… minus Mr. Frame.


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PAGE 4 Sunday, January 17, 2016-The Early Bird, www.bluebagmedia.com


– Margie L. Young passed away peacefully on January 14, 2016 at the age of 92, at the Village Green Healthcare Center, with her son by her side. Margie was born in Union City, IN on August 5, 1923 to Clayton and Ruby (Flory) Buckingham. Margie worked in sales for many years at Krakoffs, Alice’s Boutique and the Boston Store and enjoyed playing cards. She was preceded in death by her husband of 42 years, Leo Chase Young, whom she married on April 24, 1943; and also a great granddaughter, Emma Elliott. She is survived by her son, Larry K. Young (Wanda); grandchildren, Joel Young (Stacie) and Alissa Elliott (Chad); great grandchildren, Alexander and Stella Elliott; step great-grandchildren, Isabelle and Xander Thanosack; one sister, Rhea Snook of Michigan; and four nephews. A graveside service

will be at 3 p.m. Saturday, January 16, 2016 at Union City Cemetery of Union City, IN. Family and friends may gather to share and remember from 12:30 to 2:30 p.m. Saturday at Fraze-Brooks Memorial Chapel of Union City, IN. Memorial contributions may be made to State of the Heart Hospice of Greenville, OH.

BREHM – Gertrude “Gertie” M Brehm, 86, of Arcanum, died Thursday, Jan. 7, 2016. Funeral services were held Tuesday, Jan. 12, 2016 at the Kreitzer Funeral Home, Arcanum. Burial is in Greenmound Cemetery. PRETHER – Edith E.

Prether, 85 of Greenville, died Friday, Jan. 8, 2016. A private graveside service will be held at the discretion of the family. A memorial service to celebrate her life was held Saturday, Jan. 16, 2016 at the Brethren Retirement Community Chapel, Greenville.


In memory of Phyllis (Rhoades) Pouder May 30, 1932 – Jan. 16, 2014

Phyllis, two years ago Jan. 16, went home to be with the Lord. God saw you were getting tired, so he put his arms around you and whispered, “Come with me.” With tearful eyes we saw you fad away, although we loved you dearly, we could not make you stay. A golden heart stopped beating, hard working hands to rest; God broke our hearts to prove to us He only takes the best! Gone are the days we used to share, but in my heart you are always there. The gates of memory will never close;

I miss you more than any one knows. Chester, Dennis & Lee Pouder, Duane & Lynn Pouder Debbie and Steve Manning Grandchildren, Great Grandchildren and Step Great Grandchildren

AULTMAN – Dennis Aultman, 76, of Geneva and formerly of Bradford, died Dec. 19, 2015. HARLESS

– Tom Martin Harless, 90, died in Greenville, on Jan. 7, 2016. Mass of Christian Burial was held Tuesday, Jan. 12, 2016 at St. Mary’s Catholic Church, Greenville. Burial is in the St. Mary’s Church Cemetery.


– William “Bill” A. Fox, 89, of Greenville, died Jan. 7, 2016. A celebration of Bill’s life was held Tuesday, Jan. 12, 2016 at Oliver Floyd Funeral Home, Greenville. Burial is at Greenville Township Memorial Gardens.


COLLINS – Kathryn Collins, 98, of Greenville, died Jan. 9, 2016. A celebration of Kathryn’s life will be held on Saturday, January 16, 2016 at 1 p.m. at St. Paul Lutheran Church, Greenville. Friends and family may visit on Saturday from noon until time of service. Burial will follow in the Teegarden Cemetery near Ansonia. OLIVER – Patsy Oliver, 80, of Greenville, died Sunday, Jan. 10, 2016. A celebration of Patsy’s life will be held Saturday, Jan. 16, 2016 at 2 p.m. at the Oliver-Floyd Funeral Home. Family and friends may visit from 1 p.m. until time of services also at the funeral home. Burial will be in Beamsville Cemetery. LEEPER – Karlynn Leeper, 56, of Rossburg, died Sunday, Jan. 10, 2016. A Memorial Mass was held Friday, January 15, 2016 at St. Mary’s Catholic Church, Greenville. Burial

is in Greenville Township Memorial Gardens.

STEPHENS – Clyde B. Stephens, 73, of Arcanum died Monday, Jan. 11, 2016. Funeral Services were held Friday, Jan. 15, 2016 at the Kreitzer Funeral Home, Arcanum. Burial is in Ithaca Cemetery. WILLS – Iris Jean Wills, 92, of Gettysburg, died Tuesday, Jan. 12, 2016. A service was held Saturday, Jan. 16, 2016 at Beamsville Christian Church, Beamsville. Burial is in the Greenville Township Memorial Gardens, Greenville. SHOFFNER – Marilyn June Shoffner, 76, of Bradford, died Tuesday, Jan. 12, 2016. A funeral service was held Saturday, Jan. 16, 2016 at StockerFraley Funeral Home, Bradford. Interment is at Gettysburg Cemetery.

ebration of Life was held Saturday, Jan. 16, 2016 at First Presbyterian Church, Greenville. Burial is in the Greenmound Cemetery, New Madison.

FOLAND – Jack Foland, Jr., 53, of Gordon, died Tuesday, Jan. 12, 2016. There will be a gathering of family and friends Monday, Jan. 18, 11 a.m.–1 p.m., at the Kreitzer Funeral Home, Arcanum followed by a celebration of life at 1 p.m. Burial will follow at Royal Oaks Memorial Gardens.


ter R. Mallonee age 88, of Greenville and formerly of Fairborn, died Thursday, Jan. 14, 2016. A funeral service will be held at 3 p.m. on Monday, January 18, 2016 at the Bible Fellowship Church, 7757 Greenville-Celina Road, Greenville. Burial will be in Abbottsville Cemetery in Darke County at the convenience of the family. The family will receive friends on Monday from 2-3 p.m. at the church.



SHIVELY – Richard E. “Dick” Shively, 84, of New Madison, died Tuesday, Jan. 12, 2016. A Cel-

Send in photos now for 2016 Baby Book GREENVILLE – Do you know a beautiful baby born between January 1 and December 31 of 2015? If so, we want to feature your little bundle of joy in our 2016 Baby Book. To have your baby included, simply send us a photo of the baby attached to an email to editor@ earlybirdpaper.com and make sure to add BABY BOOK in the subject of the email. Include the baby’s name, date of birth, parents’ and grandparents’ names and a phone number to contact you. Also, specify size you would like your submission to be. Large ($20), Medium ($10) or Small ($5). Payment can be made by including the credit card payment in the email or by calling 548-3330. Photos and payment can also be mailed or dropped off at The Early Bird, 5312 Sebring Warner Road, Greenville, Ohio 45331. The 2016 Baby Book will be published January 31. The deadline to enter your photos is Jan. 22 at 4 p.m. Keep watching The Early Bird for more information.

Rob Hutt

Mike Fenstermaker

Name: Rob Hutt Age: 40 Years Birthday: Jan. 21, 1976 Hometown: Bradford Spouse: Charity Children: Amber and Alex

Name: Mike Fenstermaker Age: 40 Years Birthday: Jan. 27, 1976 Hometown: Greenville Spouse: Katie Children: Samantha (Justin) Cox, Matthew and Chloe

Shown are some of the persons that took part in the Jesus Renews His Church retreat.

Rev. Myers’ 80th birthday celebration GREENVILLE – Those that enjoyed the Christian Retreat “Jesus Renews His Church,” which First Congregational Christian Church offered from 1991 through 2001 are cordially invited to attend the reception for Rev. Don Myers’ 80th Birthday. Others that were blessed by his ministry are also invited.

Rev. Myers was the pastor of this church for 24 years (1977-2001). This reception will be on Feb. 7, 2-4 p.m. It will be held at First Congregational Christian Church Activity Building, 115 W. 5th St., Greenville, Ohio 45331. His children are asking for a “card shower” only, no gifts please.

Catholic seminarians from the northern deaneries of the Archdiocese of Cincinnati recently received scholarships from the Darke County Foundation. Shown are (front row) Matthew Keller, Maria Stein; Melvin and Mary Ann Stucke, Versailles (donors); Peter Langenkamp, Coldwater (back row) Serra Club Chaplain Rev. Martin Fox; Elijah Puthoff, Russia; Patrick Blenman, Sidney; Adam Hoying, Russia; Ethan Hoying, Russia; Greg Evers, St. Rose; Aaron Hess, Coldwater; Adam Berning, McCartyville. Not pictured are David Doseck, Botkins; Zach Cecil, Piqua; Loren Hein, Maria Stein; Jared Kohn, Philothea; and Nicholas White, Greenville.

Scholarships given to local Seminarians MARIA STEIN – The Darke County Foundation recently awarded 14 scholarships totaling $10,500 to young men in the community who are studying to be Catholic priests. The North Deaneries Seminarian Fund supported every seminarian from the Sidney and St. Mary’s deaneries of the Archdiocese of Cincinnati. The awards were presented at the annual Serra Club dinner for priests and seminarians on Dec. 29 at the Maria Stein

Spiritual Center. The scholarship fund was established by Melvin and Mary Ann Stucke of Versailles, and it has grown with additional donations from the community. “We wanted to show seminarians that we support them and are so proud of their decision to serve the Church community,” said Melvin. “Becoming a priest requires so many years of study and discipline that we hope these scholarships give them a little boost,” he

added. As an endowment fund, the North Deaneries Seminarian Fund operates primarily from investment income, providing scholarships every year in perpetuity. Donations may be made to the Darke County Foundation, P.O. Box 438, Greenville, Ohio 45331. For more information, call 5484673. The Darke County Foundation receives, administers and distributes charitable gifts for the benefit of area residents.

Sunday, January 17, 2016-The Early Bird, www.bluebagmedia.com PAGE 5


ACT and Financial Aid Night is Jan. 19 GREENVILLE – Bridges to College is an organization that works with students from the Greenville, Ansonia and Franklin Monroe school systems to help navigate the college process. They work with both students and their families, because getting to college takes a commitment from both sides. The most often asked question they get from parents is “How can we find scholarships?” This presentation will help to answer that question because the biggest hurdle to cross when it comes to college is often how to pay for it. Many of you may be wondering how a student’s ACT score fits in with financial aid. The ACT composite score is one of the most important factors in a student obtaining scholarships and merit aid from colleges. This translates into what most would call “free money.” The best part is that these awards are given each year the student attends the college, as long as the student maintains the requirements set out within each scholarship. Research has proven that a student’s ACT score can be improved with preparation. Julie Goldschmidt and Shelly Poeppelman, teachers

from Fort Loramie High School, have recognized how important it is to provide students with an opportunity to learn how to improve their ACT score. Bridges to College is excited to have them share their program that they have built over the past few years in an ACT Prep Class format. On Jan. 19, 7 p.m., Chris Seger, a Bridges to College Board member, will present helpful information on Financial Aid and the FAFSA. The presentation will be held at the Greenville Senior High School Cafeteria. At the conclusion of the presentation, they will have a time for questions and also provide additional resources for getting help. Contact Anne McKinney, Executive Director of Bridges to College, with questions at 423-2442. Julie Goldschmidt teaches Algebra 2, PreCalculus, and AP Calculus at Fort Loramie High School. Shelley Poeppelman teaches the Senior English courses, including AP English, at Fort Loramie High School. They have been conducting the ACT prep workshops for students in the tri-county area for the past three years, with very positive results.

Candy Striper course scheduled for Jan. 20 GREENVILLE – Wayne HealthCare will again offer a Candy Striper Course for girls and guys (must have turned 16 by June 1, 2015). The course will be taught by Margaret Mote, R.N. The Candy Striper must work one day per week from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. or 4:30-6 p.m. A schedule is set up for the Candy Striper to follow. The main class will be Jan. 20, at the Wayne HealthCare third floor Conference Room #1, 6-7:30 p.m. The class must be attended if a person wants to become a Candy Striper. Current Candy Striper must also attend for yearly updates. The Candy Striper is then instructed for two weeks. They will learn the proper way to serve the food tray, feed and care for patients, deliver flowers and run errands for nurses and other hospital staff. The Candy Stripers assist in many of the hospital departments. They

may work on the medical and surgical floors, the Emergency Room, X-ray Department, Physical Therapy, Medical Records, Respiratory Therapy, Special Beginnings, Laboratory and Hospital Pharmacy. Many Candy Stripers have gone into the nursing profession or other related health careers. If there are any questions about the program, contact Margaret Mote via email at margaret.mote@ waynehealthcare.org.

Trustees will meet Jan. 21

GREENVILLE – The next regular meeting of the Greenville Township Trustees will be held Jan. 21, 7 a.m., at the Greenville Township Building, 5366 State Route 571 E., Greenville. The trustees normally meet the second and fourth Saturdays of the month at 7 a.m., but due to a scheduling conflict they will be meeting early.

I Don’t Like Growing Up Ryan’s World by Ryan Berry Managing Editor bluebagmedia.com

RYAN BERRY I have to admit MANAGING I’m EDITOR new to this dating thing. No, I’m not the one that’s actually doing the dating thing. My wife would do some very unmentionable things to me if I was trying to date again. I saw the glares she gave me when the Ashley Madison cheat on your husband or wife website was hacked. I have never been on that site, but I think she enjoyed envisioning what she would do to me if my name was one of those listed as adulterers. I wasn’t worried. Ashley Madison’s services don’t intrigue me at all. I would be more concerned if the Dolly Madison website was hacked. I might be on that one – I do love her snack cakes and Zingers. Please don’t confuse that Dolly Madison with the former president’s wife, Dolley Madison – that would make me a weirdo. I know my daughter dating is all part of the growing up process. Although I’m not sure if it’s part of her growing up process, my growing up process or both. I’m not too thrilled about it if I’m the one that needs to grow up. The boy she is dating is a good kid, smart, treats her right and makes her happy and I have no qualms with him – YET. They talk a lot, text a lot,

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and Skype a lot (for those of us that aren’t technologically advanced I learned this is when they can see and talk to each other via a computer or phone and not a reason for me to buy a shotgun). I’ve watched as their relationship developed. When they first became boyfriend and girlfriend my wife and I forced them to sit closer together. It was almost as if they were going to date Duggar Family style and not touch each other or hold hands until they were engaged. Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton were closer together on political ideology than they were sitting on the couch. It was cute to see how awkward they were with each other. They had a hard time putting together complete sentences when they talked. Now that we are a few

months into the relationship, my oldest daughter is back to being a goofball and doesn’t care if he knows she’s weird or not. He seems comfortable with her being that way. Instead of pushing them together, I feel like I should be sitting between them. I’ve become a huge fan of the Duggar Family dating style. My wife thinks I want to know every detail about this relationship. I DON’T! I see them being cute and flirting with each other. I don’t want to know anymore than that. I’m scared to know anymore than that. My wife will start to tell me something about them and my hands au-

tomatically cover my ears and I start singing la, la, la, la, la. I’ve had my fingers in my ears far enough to play the bongos on my ear drums. I’m very thankful that my daughter confides in my wife with details on how things are going. I’m worried she will lose that confidence they have between each other if she starts telling me stuff. Yep! I like that. That’s the reason I’m going with. I didn’t get it when I was dating my wife. I was a likeable guy. I was honest. She could have done worse (maybe). I didn’t understand why her dad didn’t like me. Now I know.

Views expressed on this page from guest columnists, cartoonist or readers voicing their perspective do not necessarily reflect the views/ opinions of the newspaper. Readers are encouraged to utilize our letters to the editor space to share their own views/opinions. The Early Bird and Bluebag Media reserve the right to not publish letters that are considered libelous, slanderous or unsigned. 5312 Sebring-Warner Rd, Greenville, OH 45331

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OFFICE HOURS: Mon.-Th. 8:30am-5pm, Fr. 8:30am-4pm President & Publisher: Keith L. Foutz klfoutz@earlybirdpaper.com Managing Editor: Ryan Berry rberry@earlybirdpaper.com Marketing Director: Rhonda Dorsten rdorsten@earlybirdpaper.com Production Manager: Shannie Denney sdenney@earlybirdpaper.com Webmaster: Clinton Randall crandall@earlybirdpaper.com

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Clay Guillozet breaks Green Wave scoring record GAYLEN BLOSSER

SPORTS WRITER gblosser@earlybirdpaper.com

GREENVILLE – Clay Guillozet stands alone atop the Green Wave Varsity Boys All-Time Basketball scoring leader board. “Everybody coming together… working hard. That is where it all come from,” Guillozet said of his new scoring record. “It really shows where the program has come since Coach Bashore got here… just how far our team has come along… everybody working hard in practice.” “We couldn’t be happier,” said Greenville varsity boys basketball coach Michael Bashore. “Very proud of a young man

who absolutely works his tail off. He puts the effort in all through the off-season… all through summer. Just an extremely hard worker… great teammate but quite possibly even a better human being than he is a basketball player.” Guillozet passed Tom Hozapfel’s second place mark of 1,171 on the Wave’s home court Tuesday night against Fairborn, ending the night with 1,177 points to nail down the No. 2 spot for the Wave. A four year varsity starter, Guillozet came into the Friday night home game against Piqua needing 26 points to tie and 27 points to set the Green Wave’s all-time scoring mark. In Friday night’s home

game, the Wave’s Clay Guillozet set the all-time scoring record at 1,204 eclipsing Jake Cook’s mark of 1,203 points. “I have been very fortunate to have been able to be his coach all through his high school basketball career,” said Coach Bashore. “That is something I am very proud of. Incredible young man and we are just so happy that he was able to break that record. It is something that he had put so much effort into, but it is more about him helping the team.” “Clay has been a part of such great success that we have had here in the last three years,” continued Bashore. “That couldn’t

have happened to a nicer kid… so proud of him”. “We wish him nothing but the best in the future,” added Bashore. “We are positive he is going to do great things going forward where ever he decides to play basketball at next year. I am just really happy that I could have been a part of this experience with him as his coach.” “It (scoring record) is just a bonus on top of what our program is trying to build from the beginning of the season to an end,” stated Guillozet. “I’m just excited to see where it takes me and how far I can go.” “Coaches believing in me. Guys on the team believing in me. Getting

Clay Guillozet sets all-time Greenville scoring record (Gaylen Blosser photo)

leadership roles from guys older than me when I was a freshman and sophomore coming up,” Guillozet said of those he wanted to thank. “My family. They have been a big part. My brother and

sister. They have made tips back here all the time. They come to every game. That really means a lot to me that they are there by my side and how the town and community is behind me.”

Wave 3-pointers stymie Coldwater BY GAYLEN BLOSSER SPORTS WRITER gblosser@earlybirdpaper.com

COLDWATER – Greenville lit up the Coldwater Cavaliers scoreboard with 12 threes in a Monday night 69-66 win over the MAC school. “That’s a big win,” said Grenville Coach Michael Bashore. “That’s a team that might win the MAC. They have some kids that can shoot the ball. They

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have good guard play and then the big guy (6’9” center Andy Brunet) down low… an absolute load to guard. That’s probably one of our best wins on the year right here tonight.” Isaiah Gable drilled three three-pointers in the opening two minutes hitting a torrid 3-3 to give Greenville an early 9-4 lead. Gable torched the nets for 11 of the Wave’s 13 first quarter points. Quarter No. 2 was the other half of the Wave’s scoring tandem with Clay Guillozet hitting a basket and drilling back-to-back three-pointers to give the Wave a 21-17 lead. Guillozet’s 12 second quarter points led the Wave sending the teams to the break with Greenville up 35-29. A Gable triple from the top of the key gave the

Wave an early third quarter 38-29 advantage. “We played extremely well tonight,” stated Bashore. “Every time they came back we had another run in us. They would cut it to one and we would push it back up to five or six.” Guillozet bombed a three from downtown at 0:01 sending the teams to the final period of play with Greenville holding a 51-48 lead. “It’s nice when you have two kids like that. If one’s not feeling it… pretty sure the other is going to be feeling it and they can kind of carry it until the other gets going,” said Bashore. “One of them is always probably going to have a good night. You have to kinda pick your poison. The first half they left Isaiah go and he torched them and

then they kinda let Clay go the second half and he torched them. He was really feeling it in that second half.” The fourth quarter would see two ties and four lead changes with both teams putting 18 points on the board including four Cavalier treys. “The little things we got tonight… Rich did a nice job and Russell did a nice job,” Bashore stated. “You’re only going to do so much against their big kid and I thought they did a fantastic job. Got some big rebounds when we needed to get them. It wears you out guarding a kid like that and I thought they both did a nice job defensively.” Guillozet was 6-9 from three-point range and 1115 overall from the field for an outstanding 73.3

Devin Hendrix brings the ball up-court for the Wave in win over Coldwater (Gaylen Blosser photo)

percent shooting on the night. Gable was right behind hitting 5-9 beyond the arc and 8-14 overall for an excellent 57.1 percent. Wave Scoring: C. Guil-

lozet 30, I. Gable 21, A. Rich 8, P. Pandy 4, D. Hendrix 2, C. Byrd 2, B. Russell 2 Guillozet’s career point total stands a 1,269 points.

MV Hawks host Ansonia Tigers for rivalry day BY CLINTON RANDALL STAFF WRITER crandall@earlybirdpaper.com

UNION CITY, Ohio – Saturday was a full day of scheduled rivalry matchups between Mississinawa Valley and Ansonia. The day started off at 10:30 a.m. with the first of three jr. high games between the two schools… followed by girls and boys junior varsity then varsity in the featured games. The Lady Tigers came out on top in the girls varsity contest. Led by senior Abby Helmke with game high 22 points, Ansonia kept the lead throughout

most of the game to get the 55-41 victory. The Ansonia defense held MV to just four points in the third quarter. Senior Leslie Dirksen was the only Lady Blackhawk to hit double digits in scoring with 10. “Our girls played well tonight… Abby (Helmke) had a great game, but we still need to work on some things… rebounding being one of them,” Ansonia girls varsity coach Jim Bolin said. “We made some adjust-

ments at halftime, but they (Ansonia) came out in the second half and found new ways to score on us,” added MV girls varsity coach John Hershey. In the boys varsity game, the Blackhawks defense held the Tigers to just 10 points in the first half of play. Offensively, junior Trent Perkins led with 13… while senior Devan Rinderle added 12 to help give Mississinawa Valley a 47-32 Cross County Conference win. Senior Dane



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Chad Cramer. The Ansonia girls traveled to Hagerstown, Ind. for a non-conference game Monday night, while the boys will host Tri-County North Tuesday for a CCC battle. Mississinawa Valley boys host Bradford Tuesday night as the Lady Hawks welcome Arcanum on Thursday.

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Wentworth led the Tigers with 13 points. “Overall I think our defense did great…keeping them (Ansonia) to 10 points in the first half… you can’t ask for much more than that,” said MV boys varsity coach Tim Barga. “We still have a lot of things to work on… but we will get there,” noted Ansonia boys varsity coach

Mississinawa Valley hosts rival Ansonia last weekend for a full day of boys and girls basketball. (Clinton Randall photo)

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Sunday, January 17, 2016-The Early Bird, www.bluebagmedia.com PAGE 7

Draw live models on Jan. 25 with Art Guild GREENVILLE – Looking for a fun evening or a new hobby? Want to brush up on a latent talent? The Greenville Art Guild is pleased to have three prominent citizens of our community consent to be models at its “Draw-

El Camino Real has unveiled some wonderful additions over the past few weeks including a new décor and menu.

El Camino Real has new décor and menu GREENVILLE – Tina Bandedo, manager of El Camino Real Mexican Restaurant takes pride in being a business woman. The business has been in Greenville for 15 years and Tina has managed the restaurant the past four years. She has made a lot of changes during her time as manager. She recently promised new décor and menu for her customers. Those promises have been fulfilled. The restaurant has all new hand carved wood furniture direct from Mexico along with a brand new menu featuring foods prepared with less oil due to a new fryer system.

The new fryer system also recycles the oil which is good for the environment. Tina says the food actually has more flavor, less sodium and is healthier for her customers. Along with these changes the staff has new uniforms and there will be better customer service due to the addition of more staff. She invites everyone to stop in and check out the new décor and menu items. Tina has other surprises for the restaurant coming this spring so keep watching for details. You can check out the new menu on the restaurant’s Facebook page.

Group Lifestyle Balance starts Feb. 3 GREENVILLE – Group Lifestyle Balance is a comprehensive, science based wellness program designed to provide tools, education, and support that equips individuals to take control of their health. During the program, you will track and learn about healthy eating and physical activity. You will also learn how to problem-solve and stay motivated. Group Lifestyle Balance focuses on several areas that play a key role in your overall health and quality of life: activity and nutrition, for a stronger body; education, for a stronger mind and; emotional balance for a stronger spirit. An experienced multi-disciplinary team will provide education and support to ensure your personal success. Now is the time to take control of your health and live a healthier more fulfilling life. Group Lifestyle Balance is ready to share this journey with you! Group Lifestyle Balance offers a positive change in lifestyle, where permanent weight loss and maintenance is a result of exercise and diet changes. By balancing food intake and exercise, you can work toward achieving your ideal weight. As a participant, you will spend time figuring out how you can increase your activity level and how to eat healthy for a lifetime. However, education alone is not enough. In order to keep off excess weight in the long term, it is important that you make manageable changes that you will be able to continue for the rest of your life. You still need behavioral

support to help change your behavior. Changing behavior is notoriously difficult and stumbling blocks often include encouragement. Weekly emails from the coach help to support the participants. The program works as a team because group participants are all coming together for the same reason. You’ll come to count on your fellow group members, and they will count on you. You’ll get individual feedback from your coach because no one will be facing exactly the same challenges as you. You and every member of the group will have ups and downs we share together, but by the time it is done, you will be having many more ups and the tools to quickly recover from the downs. The program consists of 14 core weekly sessions that transition into eight support sessions that meet every other week, each lead by a lifestyle coach. Most people who stay in the seven month program lose weight, lower their cholesterol, lower their blood pressure and improve blood sugar. The next program will meet on Wednesdays from Feb. 3-Aug. 31, 4 p.m. at Wayne HealthCare. Class size is limited to 25 participants. The Group Lifestyle Balance program costs $250 ($11 per session). Throughout the program, participants will receive a binder with class materials, a Calorie King and Carbohydrate Counter book, a pedometer, and an exercise band. Contact Karen Droesch at 547-5750 to learn more about the program.

Lions will host dinner BRADFORD – The Bradford Lions are having a BBQ Chicken and Pork Chop Dinner on Jan. 31. All dinners are carryout and presale tickets at $7 each are needed. Tickets are available at both Bradford banks, LittmanThomas Insurance, Bradford location, or from any Bradford Lion or Lioness members. You may also call Kathy Myers at 4482667 or Joanne Ferree at 620-7225 by the ticket deadline purchase date of

Jan. 24. Dinners may be picked up from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. at Clark’s Pizza, Bradford location. The dinners consist of one half BBQ chicken or two pork chops with applesauce, chips and roll with butter, provided by Romers. All profits will go toward purchase of eye exams and glasses, recognition of Bradford students, and ongoing Bradford community projects.

ing from Live Models” evening. Out of their usual roles in our community, the three will pose for several 20-minute periods as artist’s models. On Jan. 25, 7-9, the three will be posing in the Brick Room of the Brethren Retirement Center. Beginners as well as advanced artists are encouraged to try their hand at

Casablanca will be GREENVILLE EAGLES EVENTS screened RENTAL at GPL FACILITIES for your... GREENVILLE – Green-

ville Public Library’s Third Floor Film Series will kick off its 2016 season with one of the most beloved films ever made: Casablanca. This 1942 film is an all-time favorite among serious cinephiles and more casual viewers alike. The movie combines stylish visuals, wickedly clever dialogue, likable characters, and an exciting plot to provide a viewing experience that still feels fresh and lively seventy years after its initial release. Casablanca stars Humphrey Bogart as Rick, an American ex-pat running a night club in Casablanca, Morocco, during World War II. Casablanca serves as a sort of purgatory, a no-man’s-land between war-torn Europe and the freedom and safety of America, and Rick’s Cafe provides a place for displaced persons and those running from the Germans to try to broker deals to escape. Co-starring Ingrid Bergman, Claude Rains, Sydney Greenstreet, and Peter Lorre, Casablanca is a true delight. Join them on Jan. 21, 7 p.m., as they screen Casablanca. Coffee, soft drinks, candy, and popcorn will be available free of charge, and David Nilsen will be leading a brief discussion after the film.

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capturing likenesses of the three or using them as a springboard for a contemporary work of art. Onlookers are welcome as well as those wanting to brush up on skills. Refresh-

ments will be available so that all can munch while they create. Some supplies are available for those who do not have their own. For more information, call Jan at 548-1916.


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PAGE 8 Sunday, January 17, 2016-The Early Bird, www.bluebagmedia.com

Health, Mind and Body

It’s Dark and Cold – How to Keep Active Here we are, the beginning of a new year, colder weather and snow and freezing rain on occasion here in Darke County, Ohio. The combination of these and the lack of daylight later in the day makes it easy to stay inside, cuddled under a blanket, and not moving too much. I wear a pedometer (it measures steps taken daily) and my total steps per day is down about 20% from warmer weather months unless I take deliberate action to increase it. With New Year’s resolutions still fresh, and some of those involving wellness, it is more important than ever to find a routine that helps you make those lifestyle changes that work in your life without becoming your entire life. Come March and April, these lifestyle changes need to be part of your new routine to give the longterm effects many people are looking for from wellness goals in the new year. Here are some ideas to keep you moving during these darker, colder winter weeks: Try a fitness class.

Diana Unger

Personal Trainer Locally, we have many options available – small group, large group. Swimming is great if you want low impact. Yoga is an option for those new to exercise and for those who are more advanced. Martial arts schools can also be found locally – and some offer parent/child classes. Trying a dance class can be fun, too. There are also classes that are strictly cardio and some that offer resistance training as part of the class. If you need a place to go and want to meet people, classes are a great option. Find someone to meet for exercise. Going for a walk together is a great way

to catch up with a friend and keep moving. If you can, take a semi-private exercise class with a yoga studio, a personal trainer, dance class, or other fitness instructor/ school. Use YouTube to look up fitness videos and do them in your home. Set a time and the days of the week and commit to this time for your health like you would an appointment with a physician. You are that important! Have a friend join you. There are even home walking videos for those who don’t know where to begin but want to start with the basics. You won’t need equipment for these. Just search “walk at home” on Youtube.com (Leslie Sansone has videos online on this subject that are worth checking out). Use a pedometer. There are phone apps for this, and many fitness trackers include a pedometer feature. I like my Omron pedometer that is worn on the waist or pocket of my pants. A good goal is to try to average 10,000 steps a day. If you

are starting with a pedometer for the first time, wear it for several days, noting the daily totals, average them for 3 days, then increase each day from there by 500 steps until you reach 10,000. For example, if your 3 day average is 5,000 steps, then day 4 would be a target of 5,500, day 5 would be 6,000 and so on. A comprehensive exercise routine includes some days of resistance training, some cardiovascular activity, some flexibility training. This helps people of any age to feel stronger, move more and be more independent in the long-term. Remember that new results require doing something new, so get out there and move, even if it is winter. Be sure to consult with medical professionals before starting any new exercise program. Diana Unger is a certified personal trainer located in Darke County, Ohio. Follow her on Facebook at Warrior Strength Workouts, on Twitter at workoutwarriors and on Instagram at warrior strength workouts.

Roasted Carrots If you have not tried roasted carrots, they are delicious. This is one of my favorite winter side dishes, and it is very easy to make. It is also very adaptable – add more or less carrots and more or less parsley to suit your tastes.

5 to 6 whole carrots, peeled and rough chopped into large chunks Salt 1 to 2 tablespoons dried parsley flakes Preheat oven to 375 F. Lightly spray a large cookie sheet with spray oil. Place the carrots on the cookie sheet. Sprinkle with salt and parsley flakes. Bake for 30-40 minutes until tender. The time required will depend on the thickness of the carrots. Serve hot. Enjoy!

Anthony continues to keep resolution from three years ago BY RYAN BERRY MANAGING EDITOR editor@earlybirdpaper.com

GREENVILLE – We typically tend to mock or scoff at New Year’s Resolutions. Once 11:59 p.m. hits on Dec. 31 the countdown to a new year begins as does the countdown to see how long it will take to break your resolution. Occasionally you will find a person that is determined to change their life for the better and will fight through every obstacle to keep their resolution. Locally, Ami Anthony, of Greenville, is that person. Over three years ago, Ami was extremely overweight, angry all the time and was battling high blood

pressure and other health issues. She was tired of the expensive doctor visits and knew there would be many more if she didn’t do something to get her weight and health under control. Diabetes runs in her family and she didn’t want to go through the same thing many of her family members were already facing. Her New Year’s Resolution was to get healthy. BJ Paulus, owner of Snap Fitness in Greenville, said that is when she came to him. Shortly after the year began, Ami started going to Snap Fitness. She would get on the treadmill five days a week. At first she had her doubts and wanted to give up. She would have

Ami Anthony has spent a lot of time on the treadmills at Snap Fitness over the past three years.

her days when she didn’t want to go, but relented and forced herself to go – always feeling a sense of accomplishment and realizing it was worth it after she finished her workout. “Getting in the doors was the hardest part,” she said.

It only took about a month for Ami to start noticing a difference. She realized she was feeling better. “The first year was really hard,” said Ami, adding “After that I couldn’t do without it.” She now

The many benefits of reading Many people are avid readers, feeling that a good book remains the most entertaining form of escapism. But reading provides more than just an opportunity to leave the daily grind behind. While many people may read to immerse themselves in something other than a movie or a television show, they may not know about all the additional benefits they are enjoying when cuddling up with a good book. • Reading can improve brain function. A recent study from researchers at Emory University discovered that reading a novel can improve brain function in various ways. During the study, researchers found that reading fiction improves connectivity in the brain. In addition, reading fiction improved readers’ ability to put themselves in other peoples’ shoes, which might help them relate better to people in both the present

and future. • Reading can benefit long-term brain health. While readers engrossed in a great book might only be worried about what’s coming on the next page, the benefits to reading are much more long-term than the next chapter. Researchers at the Rush University Medical Center in Chicago found that reading is one of a handful of mentally stimulating activities that can benefit brain health in old age. In their Rush Memory and Aging Project, researchers examined nearly 300 elderly men and women, giving them tests of memory and thinking throughout the final years of their lives. When participants, who were surveyed as to how often they engaged in mentally stimulating activities such as reading, passed away, their brains were examined for signs of Alzheimer’s disease and dementia. Researchers discovered that the

participants who engaged in mentally challenging activities most often had slower rates of memory decline. In addition, even those who had symptoms of brain damage that are commonly associated with Alzheimer’s and dementia seemed to benefit from the stimulation that mentally challenging activities produced. • Reading can help reduce stress. Another big benefit of reading is its relationship to stress. According to a 2009 study from researchers at the University of Sussex in England, reading can reduce stress by up to 68 percent. In addition, reading might help relieve that stress even faster than other forms of stress relief because it allows for a more immediate escape from the stress of daily life. • Reading can help you

get a more restful night’s sleep. According to the National Sleep Foundation, engaging in a calming activity for an hour before going to bed can help your body wind down and ready itself for sleep. Some people may struggle to fall asleep after reading on an electronic device, such as a tablet or e-reader, as the light that emanates from such devices may be activating the brain. If need be, stick to reading traditional print books and magazines before going to bed. Reading is not only a favorite activity for many people, but it’s also something that can benefit the body in myriad ways.

understands this is something she wants to do for the rest of her life. Over the past three years, Ami has dropped 150-pounds, no longer takes high blood pressure medication and her coworkers have noticed she is no longer angry all the time. She has also been able to stay away from a diabetes diagnosis. Ami started running competitively in 2015. She noted she ran six 5k races last year and hopes to do a 10k race in 2016. “I never thought I would (run races), but running is addictive,” she said. Ami’s advice for anyone wanting to get healthy is to stick with it. “The first two months will be hard, but stick with it,” she said. “Don’t worry about the scales as much as how you feel.” She credits Paulus, his staff and other patrons at Snap Fitness for helping her push through the hard times. “They make me keep coming back. They are my motivation and everybody pushes you to keep doing more. Overall, it is a good environment,” she said. Ami has even started working out with Paulus

and Dave Nealeigh, another trainer at Snap Fitness, with some weight training. Paulus said she’ll watch what others are doing and starts doing it. “Ami is one of my examples,” he said. When others come in and make excuses he points to Ami and what she has been able to accomplish. “She’s done it the right way. She has had a slow and steady decrease.” He concluded, “She is this location’s biggest loser.” For more information on how you can keep your resolution to get healthy, contact Snap Fitness at 547-3311.

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Sunday, January 17, 2016-The Early Bird, www.bluebagmedia.com PAGE 9

BRC hosts Lunch & Speak Easy event will support museum Learn with Dr. Cain GREENVILLE – Dr. Sarah Cain, of Cain Chiropractic & Family Wellness, Versailles, will be the guest speaker for Brethren Retirement Community’s First Senior Health Lunch & Learn of 2016 on Feb. 2, 11:30 a.m. in the Private Dining Room at Brethren Retirement Community. The public is invited and encouraged to attend this educational event. If you are a senior and are interested in your health and wellness, you will appreciate Dr. Cain’s presentation, “The Most Powerful System of Your Body”. She is passionate about educating individuals of all ages about the importance of the delicate relationship between the spine and the nervous system and how it affects their

VERSAILLES – Each winter the Versailles Area Museum solicits support from the Community through its annual Historic

Boosters host Monte Carlo Night & Dinner

Dr. Sarah Cain

entire body. Dr. Cain is a graduate of The Ohio State University with a Bachelors in Nutrition. She then attended Life University in Marietta, Ga. where she graduated with distinction with her Doctorate of Chiropractic. Reservations are required for this event and seating is limited. RSVP to Holly Hill at 547-7655.

DCVB Citizen of the Year nominations GREENVILLE – The Tourism Citizen of the Year Award is the highest community recognition award given by the Darke County Visitors Bureau. It is presented annually by the Visitors Bureau at the Darke County Chamber of Commerce Annual Meeting to honor an individual who exemplifies the best in tourism to the community. Nominees are now being sought for the 2016 recognition. The criterion for the selection is as follows: * The nominee is a member of the Darke County community. They work in a business or volunteers in a group that brings people into our community to enjoy events, attractions, shops, accommodations

Worch hosts beer program VERSAILLES – Worch Memorial Public Library is pleased to announce Moeller Brew Barn will be visiting the library to talk about craft beers. On Feb. 1, 5:30 p.m., come into the library and learn about craft beers and the differences between each. In addition, learn about the craft beer business and how you can make your own at home; all from a local company that has 17 different flavors. For more information about this program or other programs at the library, call 526-3416 or visit www. worch.lib.oh.us.

and other aspects of the tourism industry. * The nominee is a person that is well-rounded in their commitment to tourism through community, employment and volunteerism. Above all, the nominee is a person who looks first at what they can do for Darke County and tourism within Darke County. * The nominee has demonstrated extensive and diverse participation, leadership and support in public and/or private tourism endeavors over a period of years. * The nominee is a leader capable of getting others involved in tourism within the community. * All selections are made without regard to race, color, creed, gender, age or national origin. Nomination forms are available at the Darke County Welcome Center, 421 S. Broadway, Greenville, by calling the office at 548-5158, or by email at mstaugler@visitdarkecounty.org. Nominations are due no later than May 1, 2016.

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PITSBURG – The Franklin Monroe Athletic Boosters will be hosting its inaugural Monte Carlo Night and Dinner on March 12, 6-11 p.m., at Romer’s Catering & Entertainment, 118 E. Main St., Greenville. The event will include dinner, 50/50 drawing, DJ entertainment, cash bar and plenty of Monte Carlo games, including Black Jack, Texas Hold ‘em, Chuck Luck and Showdown. Event tickets are $30 and available from any Franklin Monroe Athletic Boosters board member or by calling Ryan Berry at (937) 5463307. Sponsorships, donations and prizes are also being accepted. If you would like more information on how you can support Franklin Monroe’s athletes and athletic programs, call (937) 564-8059 or (937) 4597879.

Dinner. This year’s event will be held Feb. 6 at the Versailles K of C Hall and they are counting on the generous support of the community to assist us in raising funds for the museum and the many programs offered. In past years their dinners were more formal and provided history through the food and conversation of the evening. This year will be slightly different. They will be in a “speak easy” in rural Darke County in 1928. The music was jazz and the beverage of choice was illegal. These hidden away spots were welcoming to all the “regulars” who knew the password to get through the door. No one knew if the county Sherriff might drop in and arrest any one of the customers gathered. For your donation of $50 (or $45 if you are a museum member) you will enjoy a wonderful homemade appetizer table. This will be followed by a delicious catered dinner of the period, served at tables of eight which will allow guests to visit as well as be part of the fun atmosphere in our recreated Roadhouse. They will also offer a well stocked bar of the period to cater to your beverage needs for an

additional charge. Dessert of course will be part of your dinner along with coffee or tea. They encourage you to come dressed in the style of the 1920’s, but all are welcome regardless! Call your friends, get a table together but don’t let this opportunity for a fun evening pass you by. The VAHS thanks their friends at Towne & Country

Players, another longtime Versailles area organization for their generous help in this year’s dinner. As a reminder, the Versailles Area Historical Society (museum) is a 501c3 tax deductable charity. Order your tickets by contacting the museum at 526-4222. If no one answers leave a message and they will get back to you. All tickets are presale only.

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PAGE 10 Sunday, January 17, 2016-The Early Bird, www.bluebagmedia.com

Vickie Adams Matt Anderson Carol Apple Elizabeth Arnold Rebecca Artz Kathy Ayette Gary Ayette Randy S. Ayette Coleen Ayette Margaret Ayette Anna Mae Baker Darrell S. Baker Buena Baker Jana Baker Troy Baker Mark Baker Jeannie Baker David Barga Thelma Barga Pat Barga Debbie Barga Linda Barga Jennifer Barga Tom Barga Kaitlyn Barga Michael Barga Gwenn Barga Noah Barga Delaney Barga Levi Barga Eden Barga Liam Barga Bonnie Barga Michael Barga Patti Barga Jason Barga Mariah Barga Andrea Barga Jeanette Barga Mark Barga Melva Barga Diane Barga Jerry Barga Kornelia Barnett Eloise Barton Jennifer Bath Thomas Batty Gray L. Batty Karen Batty Roxanne Beck Andrea Becraft Gilbert Bemis Paul Benson Judy Benson Joseph E. Berger Treva J. Berger Keith Berger Janice Berger Treva Berger Joseph E. Berger Kim Berger Andrew Berger Brice Berger Marcus Berger Brandon Berger Stephen J. Berger Linda Berger Megan Bergman Amber Bergman Crist J. Bernholt Brenda J. Bernholt Helen Besecker Marissa Bettinger Michelle Beyke Jim Beyke Matthew Bischoff Naomi Bischoff Hannah Bischoff Marklene Bischoff Diana Bitner Gloria Blume Angela Boaz Mary Bonfiglio Ron Bonfiglio Brittany Booney Theresa Borchers Mark Borchers Debbie Brandt Tom Braun Vivian Braun Anna Braun Rachel Brock Stefanie Brock Steve Brown Debbie Brown Darcel Brown Connie Bruner

Gary Bruner Ron Bruner Norma Bruner Rachael Bruns Carl Brunswick Pauline Brunswick Denny Buell Sara Bugher Thomas Bugher Mark Burk Carol Burk Pete Bussey Danita Bussey Melissa Canan Alan Capasso Cynthia L. Carpenter Sara Casto Josh Casto Sara Casto Yira Castro Mark Chiacchiari Michelle Chiacchiari Jennel Chumney Cristal Chumney Mike Cigary Amy Clark Karen Cline Kelly Cline Richard Cline Scott Clum Jim Combs Virgil Combs Mary Combs Amy Condon Caitlyn Couch Shannon Couch Brent Coursey Marilou Coverstone Jenny Crandall Marvin Crawford Georgianna Crawford Todd Dammeyer Beth Dammeyer Betty Davis Alex Davis Kent Davis Dick Davison Carolyn Davison Cabrini de la Rosa Tom Deeter Cinda Deeter Kathleen Deland Judi Delay Jake DeMange Alyssa DeMange Caleb DeMange Abraham DeMange Ben DeMange Lexie DeMange Emmit DeMange Leroy DeMange Ann DeMange Helen L. Denney Chris Detling Mindy Didier Lindsey Didier Jeff Didier Deb Didier Lowell Dill Alan Dirksen Vickie Dirksen Kazlynn Douglas Andrew Douglas Eric Drees Ron Drees Bob Drees Judy A. Drees Macy Drees Susan Drees Tyler Drees Kylie Drees Kim Droesch Karen Droesch Kathy Dull Robert Dull Karyn Durbin Nick Eckstein Eileen Eckstein Jim Edwards Helen Edwards Katie Eilerman Joann Eilerman Ronnie Eilerman Pam Eley Andrew Elson Andrea Elson Pat Epperly

Bob Epperly Tom Evers Stephanie Evers Pat Evers Janet Evers Cory Farmer Mara Farmer Bennett Farmer Wilma Fellers Dan Fellers Fred Fellers Peggy A. Fellers Karolyn M. Fellers Marilyn K. Fellers Joseph V. Fisher Carol Flory Mary K. Floyd Sam Force Tammy Force Robert A. Foster Susan Fowble Ashley Frazee Rita Fritz Janet Fyffe Dorothy Gariety Susie Garrett Susie Garrett Ginger Gehret Urban Gehret Irene Gehret Joan Gehret Paul Gehret Bernice Gehret Lily George Falaeh Gerace Michael Gerace Dave Gerold Rebecca Gibson Mary M. Gigandet Jared Gilberg Ashley Gilpin David Gilpin Rachel Glass John P. Glenn Matthew Glenn Sharon L. Glenn Marcia Goettemoeller Evelyn C. Goubeaux Dale M. Goubeaux Brenda Goubeaux Gregory Goubeaux Jacob Goubeaux Michael Goubeaux Teresa Goubeaux Curt Goubeaux Monica Goubeaux Betsy Goubeaux Doris Goubeaux Curt Goubeaux Robert Goubeaux Doris Goubeaux Curt Goubeaux Monica Goubeaux Lydia Goubeaux Virginia Goubeaux Linda Goubeaux Diane Goubeaux Andrea Gray Jeff Gray Greg Greve Jude Grieshop Geneva Griffith Betsy Grilliot Rob Grilliot Lydia Grilliot Xavier Grilliot Elijah Grilliot Quentin Grilliot Amelia Grilliot Rick Grove Kathy Grove Chris Hadden Rich Hadden Alex Hadden Justin Hadden Amy Hadden Makayla Hadden Alyssa Hadden Rich Hadden II Barbara Halsey Rick Hammaker Bea Hammaker Larry Harman Aline Harman Ashley Harmon Arlene Harris Anthony D. Harris

Ruth Harris Vicki Harris Veronica Harrison Dennis L. Harrison Linda Harsh Beth Hatcher James Head Chuck Hemmelgarn Johna Hemmelgarn Edward C. Hemmelgarn Megan Hemmelgarn Deborah Hemmelgarn Ken Hemmelgarn Joyce Hemmelgarn Jill Hemmelgarn David Hemmelgarn Theresa Hemmelgarn Bob Hemmelgarn Ted Hemmerich Deb Hemmerich Laura Henderson Craig Hensley Devin Herchenbach Bryan A. Herchenbach Sandy Hernandez Kyle Herrmann Stacy Herrmann Bruce Hetzler Ellen Hetzler Deb Hickman Vicki Hicks Tony Hicks Sheri Hicks Tim Hicks Greg Hiestand Claudia Hiestand Jocelyn Hiestand Matt Hiestand Jerry Hiestand Irene Hiestand Erin Hines Josh Hines Gerldine Hodge Aimee Hoelscher Jackie Hofer Aireca Hogatt Mary Holzapfel Steve Homan Maria Homan Greg Homan Xavier Homan Hazel Homan Shaun Hoskins Lois Hossler Eileen Hoying Don Hoying Diana Huber Gary Huelskamp Donna Huelskamp Marie Hundley Jamie Hundley Teresa Hunt Molly Hunt Hannah Hunt Jason Huwer Katie Huwer Stella Huwer Vivian Huwer Gianna Huwer Kelly Isenbarger Tom Jackson Barb Jackson Kathy Jarrett Jim Jarrett David Jarrett Michael Jarrett Brylen Jarrett Briana Jarrett Arjel Jarrett Micah Jarrett Jeanette Jenkinson Emma Jennings Tom Jewell Mary K. Jewell Jason Jones Rachel Jones Shelby Joseph Jean Kaiser Norma Jean Kaiser John A. Kaiser Larry Kaiser Angie Kaiser James Kammer David Kaplan Marie Keaser Doris Keiser Sara Kelch

Sara Kelch Chad Kelch Joklahr Keller Virginia L. Keller Dianna G. Kightlinger Barbara Kimmel Maxine Kingrey Gary Kingrey Julie A. Klein Isaac T. Klein Karl A. Klein Heidi L. Klein Geoffrey M. Klein Joseph Klein Carol Kleman Kevin Kleman Carolyn Kline Ron Klosterman Kay Klosterman Ida Klosterman Sherrie Knight Carol Koenig Amy Kohlhorst Diane Kohlhorst Steve Kolb Ann M. Kolb Angela Kramer Tim Kramer Abigail Kramer Cole Kramer Eva Kramer Candy Kreitzer Nancy Kremer Dan Kremer Ben Kremer Rose Kremer Rita Kremer David Kremer Joe Kremer Susan Kreusch Aubrey Kreusch Gretchen Kuhbander Rhonda Kuhbander Dan Kuhbander Al Kuhbander Charles Kunkler Carol Kunkler Elizabeth Kunkler Samantha Kunkler Melissa Kunkler Amanda Kunkler Barbara Lachat Kylie Langstaff Brad Langstaff Barbara Legault Craig T. Leland Susie Leland Michael Lemon Lori Lemon Kari Lemon Julia Lemon Courtney Lephart Brent Lephart Mary Leugers Cheryl Leugers Tammy Leugers Eileen Lochtefeld Mindy Locker Bob Long June Long Demarcus Lowe Albert Luis Mena Luis Joe Luthman Ashley Luthman Bradley Luthman Janet Luthman Mindy Luthman Marge Luthman Jerry Luthman Randy Luthman Kevin Luthman Brenda K. Luthman Kelly Luthman Danielle Luthman Wilbert Luthman Jordan Luthman Joyce Luthman Ed Luthman Greg Luthman Kristi Luthman Lauren Luthman Sarah Lutz Emily MacKenzie Tony MacKenzie Gene Maker Jacob Maker

Amy Maker Hayley Maker Joe Mangas Joyce Mangas David Mangen David Mangen Joy Marchal John Marchal Don Marchal Janice Marchal Alicia Marker Jared Marker Angela Marshall Justin Marshall Ally Marshall Elaine Marshall Louie Masso-Rivetti Monica Masso-Rivetti Francesca Masso-Rivetti Anthony Masso-Rivetti Lewis May Alma May Frank May Justin May Bernard May Heidi May Lizzy May Troy May Ava May Dan May Becky May Adam May Bob Mayo Brenda McCoy Tom McEldowney Rita M. McEldowney Monique McGlinch Kendra Mckee Betty Meade Cathy Melling Dan Mertz Kaye Mertz Conner Mertz Ken Mescher Karen Mescher Ken Mescher Eugene Mescher Eileen Mescher Karen Mescher Ginny Metzcar Ed Metzcar Carl Meyer Linda Meyer Carla Meyers Russell Meyers Chris Miller Terri Miller Jeff Miller Margaret Mitchell Jerry Monnin Nancy Moody Ron Moody Tim Moore Sheila Moore Rod Moore Grace Moore Rick Moores Jean Moores Jim Morehouse Kim Morrison Scott Morrison Kayla Morrison Tyler Morrison Shirley Morrow Amber Mote Jonathan Mote Rebecca Muhlenkamp Amanda Muhlenkamp Doris Muhlenkamp Tom Muhlenkamp Rita Myers Paul Myers Sherry A. Myers Valerie Myers Jim Myers Sherry Myers Alexandra Myers Kathy Myers Sue Myers Paul Myers Thomas T. Nealeigh Katheleen Nealeigh James Nicodemus Kelli Nicodemus Matt Nieport Nicole Nieport Stephanie Nisonger

Ann Obringer John Obringer Lee Obringer Amy Obringer Jensen Obringer McKenna Obringer Austin Obringer Bella Obringer Dorothy Oda Jeff O’Dell Laura O’Dell Aidan O’Dell Betty Lou Oliver Larry M. Oliver Corey D. Oliver Marcia Oser Gary Oser Teresa Oswalt Angel Pankratz Sarah Pankratz Sam Pankratz Melanie Parin Lisa Parker Gloria Patrick Rose Mary Paulus Jerald F. Paulus Kenneth Pence Robert D. Penrod Sharon Peters Steve Peters Gary Pierron Sandy Pierron Brett Pierron Brandon Pierron Brooke Pierron Mary Pierron Matt Pitsenbarger Emily Pitsenbarger Ben Pitsenbarger Blake Pitsenbarger Makayla Pitsenbarger Stanley Pitts Constance Pitts Victor Poeppelman Chad W. Pothast Janet E. Pothast Donald R. Pothast Brooke M. Pothast Betty Pothast Carol Price Tonya Price Lawrence Raffel Michelle Raffel Pam Raffel Chris Raffel Lisa Ralston Katie Rammel Bill Rammel Gabe Rammel Sophia Rammel Isabelle Rammel Luke Rammel Anne Rammel Clair Rammel Luke D. Rammel Wyatt Rammel Trey Rammel Nathan D. Rammel Virginia M. Rammel Cheryl Ranly Lisa Rench Paul Rethlake Barb Rethlake Ashley Reynolds Dustin Reynolds Donald Rieman Marsha Rieman Cherri Riffell Larry Riffell Josh Riffle John J. Righi Hannah Riley Abigail Riley Angie Rindler Aron Roberts Amber Robinson William Rohr Brian Romie Wanda Romie Lori Romie Kristy Romie Ben Romie Dick Root Tim Royer Angie Ruhenkamp Lee Ruhenkamp Emily Ruhenkamp

Steve Ruhenkamp Jeff Runner Linda Rutschilling Nick Rutschilling Reymond Sargenti Roseann Schieltz Stephanie Schieltz Mark Schieltz Jordan Schlamb Madison Schlamb Melissa Schlamb Jane Schlater Nicholas Schlater Jane Schlater Nick Schlater Shirley Schlater Roger Schlater Matthew Schmitmeyer Elizabeth Schmitmeyer Blake Schmitmeyer Lucy Schmitmeyer Sylvia Schmitmeyer Anne Schmitmeyer Cathy Schmitmeyer Nathan Schmitmeyer Mitchell Schmitmeyer Alex Schmitmeyer Isaac Schmitmeyer Linda Schmitmeyer Andrea Schmitmeyer Connie Schmitmeyer Ted Schmitmeyer Michael Schmitmeyer Leah Schmitmeyer Rachael Schmitmeyer Todd Schmitmeyer Susan Schmitmeyer Douglas Schmitmeyer Theodore Schmitmeyer Katerri Schmitmeyer Brenda Schmitmeyer Lianne Schmitz Adi Schmitz Don Schmitz Tina Schmitz Tom Schmitz Emily Schmitz Joe Schmitz Amy Schmitz Sam Schulze Eileen Schulze Louise Schulze Michelle Schulze Linda Schwieterman Mike Schwieterman Katie Schwieterman Mona Seebach Roger L. Seebach Steve Selhorst Jane Selhorst Patty Shanks Charles Shanks Elsie Shappie Joan C. Shearer Andrea Shellabarger Lysa Shellabarger Brooke Shellabarger Susan Shields Elizabeth Shields

Deb Shiverdecker Patricia Showalter Cathy Shue Scott Shuff Jeanette Shuff Richard T. Shumaker Rebecca Shumaker Dennis V. Siefring Diana E. Siefring Jarad Simpson Tiffany Simpson Jamie Sink Rusty Sink Colt Sink Ruth Sinnes William Sinnes Jr. Sable Six Debra Smith Scott Smith Julie Smith Mike Smith Linda Snyder Mary Snyder Mari Lou Sparklin Patty Spencer Greg Spencer Midge Spettel Alvin Spraley Barney Stachler Linda Stachler Chris Stameoff Sharon K. Stammen Alan J. Stammen Linda Stebbins Theresa A. Stephen Alice Stephens Ronald Stephens Donna J. Stickler Rita Stockslager Tom Stockslager Kevin Stockslager Becky Stockslager Penny Strawser Mike Strawser Carl R. Strobel John Studabaker Tim Subler Jodi Sutherland Teresa Tedder Lindsey Terrace Aiden Terrace Anita Tesch Darrell Thayer Judy Thayer Lee Thieman Justine Thieman Cheryl Thompson Joe Topp Mary Lou Topp Norma Trask Chris Traxler Amy Traxler Penny Treon Chad Treon Grace Trobridge Ruthie Trobridge William Trobridge Dee Trobridge Chris Trobridge

Dave Troutwine Sharon Troutwine Jacob Troutwine Glenn Turner Kay Turner John Unger Diana Unger Rachel Unger William Unrast Jim Vanden Bosch Mary Vanden Bosch Sharon Vanden Bosch Sandy Vanden Bosch Shirley J. Vanden Bosch Kent Waller Gloria Waller Katalina Ward Diana Ward Valeri Ward Jonathan R. Ward Sharon Warner David Warner Jerry Wasson Sheree Wasson Steve Waybright Doug Webb Leo Wehrkamp Linda Wehrkamp Sara Wehrkamp Janet Weimer Gene Weimer Linda Welch Meg Westerheide Mike Westgerdes Mary Westgerdes Ali Westgerdes Kelsey Westgerdes Lindsey Westgerdes Kyle Westgerdes Alex Westgerdes Robyn Whitaker Jeff Whitaker John R. White Renee Wilcox Brad Wilcox Kaylee Wilcox Alexis Wilcox Crissy Williams Jianna Williams Mary Williams Debbie Wilson Tim Wilson Toby Winner Madonna K. Winner Troy Winner Robert Winner Amber Winner Lisa Winner Briana Winner Mary Irene Wirrig Tony Wirrig Cierra Wolfe Elizabeth Wolford Jessica Wombold Brandon Wombold Nihla L. York Marquez Young



Weaver honored for years of senior care performance CLINTON RANDALL

STAFF WRITER crandall@earlybirdpaper.com

Darke County children compete in Greenville Elks Hoop Shoot (Gaylen Blosser photo)

Greenville Elks Lodge host HOOP SHOOT GAYLEN BLOSSER

SPORTS WRITER gblosser@earlybirdpaper.com

GREENVILLE – Greenville Elks Lodge 1137 held their annual HOOP SHOOT Saturday morning in the Grenville High School gym. “I would like to thank all the participants... thank the parents and grandparents that brought the young people here to shoot this morning,” said Fred Matix. The free-throw shooting contest was open to every school in Darke County for children in three age groups; 8-9, 9-10 and 1213 with the local winners moving on to compete in the Elks District Hoop Shoot on January 16th at Wilmington College. “We are trying to get all the county schools represented,” Matix stated. “We had great numbers this year. We hope it will increase next year.” Winners of the District will advance to the state with the state winners competing in the Nationals to be held April 16, 2016 in Chicago. The program is free to all contestants. One boy and one girl from each division will win a national title at the National Finals and have their names inscribed in the Naismith

Memorial Basketball Hall of Fame. The Elks Hoops Shoot provides a character-building, competitive experience for all contestants. Contestants learn about the importance of respect and good sportsmanship. Through each level of competition, contestants support one another and learn to win or accept defeat gracefully. “Thanks to my fellow Lodge members that helped out today,” said Matix. “That’s what it’s about. We do things for the community, the veterans and for young people. We do a lot of different things trying to help out in the community… to make it better.” Established in 1928, the Elks National Foundation is the charitable arm of the Benevolent and Protective Oder of Elks. Their mission states: “Our mission is to help Elks build stronger communities by investing in communities where Elks live and work and provide tomorrow’s leaders, our youth, with lifelong skills. Honoring the Elks’ pledge to never forget our veterans. To follow all of the Hoop Shoot action as contestants get closer to the foul line in Chicago, visit www.elks.org/hoopshoot for more information.

GREENVILLE – A local woman was recently honored for her years of dedication as an outstanding senior care provider at the Oakley Place of Greenville. Kathy Weaver was chosen out of several submissions to represent the entire Midwest Division for the Enlivant senior assisted living company. She will travel to their corporate office in Chicago on Jan. 27 to be formally recognized for the honor. Weaver has been with the assisted living facility for nearly 19 years. She has held nearly every position available and told The Early Bird she chose the career path in May 1998 after helping take care of her own mother. “When I came to work here I fell in love with it. It really feels like home,” Weaver said about working at Oakley Place.

Kat, as most call her, is married to Dennis Weaver and is a mother of four children with nine grandchildren. She is a graduate of Greenville High School. In a statement from her Oakley Place colleagues, “Kat always goes above and beyond to make sure all the residents and her fellow team members understand how much she cares about them. Kat’s demonstration of integrity and teamwork is demonstrated through her training of new staff and knowledge of every resident and their families… even from when she began her employment at Oakley.” Weaver was selected to represent the region by the way she exemplifies Enlivant’s core values – Integrity, Humility, Compassion, Teamwork and Fun. “I was very excited and happy,” Weaver said about being recognized. “This is what I love to do and never expected anything like this.”

Pictured from left to right are Debbie Baker -Executive Director, Rhonda Hieber -Regional Director of Operations, Kathy “Kat” Weaver, Alania Dittmar – Clinical Services Manager, Sandy Baker – Community Relations Manager, Molly Beck – Regional Director of Sales. (Clinton Randall photo)

She is now eligible to be nominated for the ALFA Hero Award which annually recognizes individuals who are ideal representatives of the hundreds of thousands of people serving in the senior living field. After being nominated, the public will then

vote to determine the five national Hero Award winners. The Oakley Place is located at 1275 Northview Dr. in Greenville. You can contact the facility for a tour at 937-423-6011 or learn more at www.enlivant.com

Commissioners look back on 2015; ahead to 2016 BOB ROBINSON

ASSOCIATE EDITOR brobinson@earlybirdpaper.com

GREENVILLE – Darke County Commissioners looked back on their ‘positives’ from 2015, and ahead to the challenges in 2016. At the top of the positives, according to Commissioners Diane Delaplane and Mike Stegall, were job retention and expansion and the overall economic outlook. Also high on the list was confirmation last year that Darke County is going to get the World Plowing Contest in 2019. According to Commissioner Mike Rhoades that will bring in from 250 to 500,000 people over a two and a half week period. The biggest challenges according to all three re-

volve around technology and drugs. Delaplane noted communications and 911. Rhoades expanded… “We have to upgrade radio systems to MARCS (MultiAgency Radio Communication System) in order to communicate better with the agencies around us. What we are using now is done.” All emergency agencies – fire, EMS, law enforcement and others will need the upgrade. Delplane noted a huge problem to address is drugs in the county. “I don’t have exact numbers but I know it’s been increasing each year. We have to try to get people off drugs.” Stegall added there are plenty of programs out there to help them. Other positives from 2015, according to Commissioners, are the im-

provements on Wagner Avenue, airport improvements, Career Tech opening, the Taking Charge of Your Life program and the continued success of the Darke County CIC (Community Improvement Corporation)… “The way we’re working to keep everyone involved,” Stegall added. “We’ve solidified our partnerships (within the county).” Challenges for the coming year include new steps to the courthouse, sheriff’s (jail) upgrades, space (making best use of what they have), paying down debt and possible required elections upgrades. “It’s a wait and see on that,” said Delaplane. Funding provided? “That’s a wait and see also.” One important challenge to Stegall and Dela-

plane is continuing on the path – growth and expansion – the county has had. “Darke County is a great place to live, work and socialize,” said Delaplane. “I don’t think people know how good it’s been here,” Stegall added. “How lucky they are to be here… We’re recognized around the state. People should be proud!” At the commissioners regular meeting Jan. 11, annual reorganization and staff appointments were completed. Stegall took over as Chairman, Delaplane moved to Vice Chairman and Rhoades moved to Member. Robin Blinn and Patty Harter were reappointed as Administrative Clerk/Secretary and Assistant Clerk/Secretary respectively.

State of the Heart expands services; changes name RYAN BERRY

MANAGING EDITOR editor@earlybirdpaper.com

GREENVILLE – Over 35 years ago, a little hospice agency in Darke County began doing what no other agency in the country was doing. It was the first to dedicate its services entirely to a rural community. From that first day as Darke County Hospice to today the agency has continued to serve and provide the best care possible to rural residents. Not content to sit back as the healthcare system changed, that little agency continued to grow, changed its name and adapted its services to meet the needs of the people it serves. State of the Heart Hospice, as it was most recently known, is a hospice unit that serves 15 counties in West Central Ohio and Eastern Indiana. While the organization has been a source of comfort for many individuals facing the end of their life and has provided help for those

grieving their loss, State of the Heart refuses to let opportunities to provide additional care pass it by. With the start of 2016, State of the Heart is pleased to announce the expansion of its services and a new name to reflect the change. While the agency will continue to offer superior hospice services, their newest focus is on continuity of care from early in a diagnosis until hospice services are needed and beyond. To reflect the emphasis on caring for patients and their families, the organization has changed its name to State of the Heart Care, which includes four programs of care – enLIGHTEN, enABLE, enCOMPASS and enCOURAGE. According to Laura Retter, Director of Business Development, with the addition of the new services State of the Heart Care is better able to care for patients earlier in their diagnosis. The enLIGHTEN program is designed to help a patient understand



and navigate the diagnosis they’ve received. Retter pointed out a lot of times patients get the diagnosis from the doctor and are too shocked to ask questions, or they have too many thoughts running through their mind and can’t concentrate on the answers they are receiving. A Nurse Practitioner will be available to sit down with the patient and their family to answer questions and help guide them through the diagnosis, and understand what their next steps might entail. And to support continuity, the same

nurse practitioner will be able to follow the patient and their family through the remaining phases of the program. The enlighten program will also rely on volunteers to help with non-medical care as well as connecting the patient with helpful community resources. The enABLE program adds a palliative care service to what State of the Heart Care is able to offer. This program focuses on giving care that helps a patient better manage the symptoms and pain they may be experiencing from

the disease or the treatments they are receiving while not requiring them to cease receiving curative care—a requirement for hospice care. Most people are already familiar with the outstanding hospice care offered by State of the Heart, but the enCOMPASS program will take that service to a new level. Much has been done already in this area with the opening of the State of the Heart Care Center at Wayne HealthCare. Retter pointed out they are going to make a concerted effort to be with a patient as much as possible and provide a stronger presence, especially at the end of life. State of the Heart Care has also made great strides in establishing the fourth program of care they give, enCOURAGE. From its trained bereavement counselors to music therapy and a camp for young people grieving the loss of family members, State of the Heart Care realizes a life-changing diagnosis extends far





Doors Open @5pm Band Starts @7pm


beyond the person who has received the diagnosis. Not only does the agency offer grief counseling to hospice patients and their families, the agency has also helped schools that have experienced the loss of students. Retter pointed out there is no charge for these services and hopes schools and companies that may be dealing with loss will take advantage of the care and counseling that is available to help co-workers and fellow-students grieve. Although the expansion of services to this magnitude may seem overwhelming, State of the Heart Care is consistently looking ahead and has already started to work on plans to expand the services available in these four programs. “We want people to know that despite these changes, our main focus is still on providing exceptional patient care,” Retter said. “Now, we’ll simply be able to provide more care, to more patients, for a longer time. And that has been our goal from day one.”

Doors Open at 11am / Bingo at 1pm



7@$500 1@$255 HOTBALL $0


PAGE 12 Sunday, January 17, 2016-The Early Bird, www.bluebagmedia.com




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Lighthouse Christian Center

5256 Sebring Warner Rd., Greenville, 548-7464 ---------------------------------------------

LUTHERAN St. John Lutheran Church

7418 State Route 121, Greenville 548-5404

St Paul Lutheran Church St Paul’s Lutheran Church 13495 Greenville St. Marys Rd Versailles, 419-336-7111

St. Matthew’s Evangelical Lutheran Church

6825 State Route 722, Ithaca, 678-8584

Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church

8520 Oakes Rd., Pitsburg 937-692-5670 ---------------------------------------------

METHODIST - UNITED Abbottsville United Methodist Church 3145 St. Rt. 49, Arcanum

Ansonia United Methodist Church Corner of Pearl and High St., Ansonia 337-5781

Faith United Methodist Church

6808 Church St., Stelvido, Greenville, OH 316-8198

Teegarden Congregational Church 2753 State Route 47 W., Ansonia 337-4249

Woodington Congregation Church

8978 N State Route 49, Greenville 548-9441 ---------------------------------------------

CHURCH OF CHRIST Greenville Church of Christ

CHURCH OF GOD Ansonia First Church of God

750 S Main St., Ansonia, 337-3945

The New Beginning Church of God

1451 Sater Street, Greenville, OH 45331 101 E. South St., Arcanum, 692-8934

First United Methodist Church 202 W 4th St. Greenville, 548-3075

Fort Jefferson United Methodist 3856 Church St., Greenville 548-4410

Gordon United Methodist Church 311 East St., Gordon, OH 937-884-5129

Ithaca Grace United Methodist 750 Arcanum-Ithaca Rd 678-9062

Nashville United Methodist 5984 Palestine Union City Rd. Greenville 548-1421

New Madison United Methodist 149 N. Main St., New Madison 937-996-5341

Rossburg United Methodist

117 Ross St., Rossburg, 937-338-4765

Trinity United Methodist Church 112 West South Street Arcanum, OH 692-8530

802 East 4th St.,Greenville, 937-214-6502



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102 W Main St., Versailles, 526-4567

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The Hillgrove Federated Church

1009 Hillgrove Woodington Rd., Union City, 968-6332

Congregation Anshe Emeth Jewish Synagogue

Caldwell St., Piqua, 937-547-0092 ---------------------------------------------

PENTECOSTAL Faith Apostolic Lighthouse

332 W Payton St, 765-628-3299 ---------------------------------------------

PRESBYTERIAN First United Presbyterian Church

114 E. Fourth St., 937-548-3188 ---------------------------------------------

UNITED CHURCH OF CHRIST - UCC St. Paul United Church of Christ

129 W. Third St., Greenville, 548-4506 ---------------------------------------------

UNITARIAN UNIVERSALIST First Universalist Church

331 E. Washington St. New Madison, 996-3403 ---------------------------------------------

WESLEYAN Trinity Wesleyan Church

1400 E Main St., Greenville, 547-0337

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Sunday, January 17, 2016-The Early Bird, www.bluebagmedia.com PAGE 13


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Truck Rentals

5328 Michelle Rd. Greenville



On December 22, 2015, the City of Greenville, Ohio adopted the following legislation: • Ordinance #15-136 Supplemental Appropriations This legislation can be read and examined in its entirety at the office of the City Auditor, Room 200, Municipal Building, Greenville, Ohio, between the hours of 8:00 A.M. and 4:30 P.M., Monday through Thursday and 8:00 A.M. and 1:00 P.M. on Friday. Vicki Harris, Clerk Greenville City Council Approved: Eric Brand, Law Director 1/10, 1/17 2T



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TO CAROL BROWN, INTERESTED IN THE ESTATE OF ELVIN E. HITTLE, DECEASED, DARKE COUNTY PROBATE COURT, CASE NO. 15-1-268, otherwise whose name and last known place of residence is unknown, and whose present place of residence is unknown. You are hereby notified that the decedent died on August 15, 2015, and you were named a beneficiary and that the decedent’s Will was admitted to probate on September 2, 2015, by the Probate Court of Darke County, Ohio. You must bring an action to contest the validity of the Will within four months after the Executor files an affidavit stating the Executor has given this notice. JANET L. FEURER, Executor ESTATE OF ELVIN E. HITTLE By: Margaret B. Hayes Attorney for The Estate of Elvin E. Hittle 127 West Fifth Street Greenville, OH 45331 937-548-8995 1/17, 1/24, 1/31 3T



Wayne Industries, Inc. an Ohio Nonprofit Corporation (the “Corporation”), which maintains its principal office at 5844 Jaysville-St. Johns Road, Greenville, Ohio 45331, has dissolved, effective December 31, 2015. You must present the Corporation any claim against the Corporation, including any claim by a creditor or any claim that is conditional, unmatured, or contingent upon the occurrence or nonoccurrence of future events, pursuant to the following: 1. All claims shall be presented in writing and shall identify the claimant and contain sufficient information to reasonably inform the Corporation of the substance of the claim. 2. The mailing address to which the person much send the claim is: Wayne Industries, Inc. 5844 Jaysville-St. Johns Road Greenville, OH 45331 3. The deadline by which the Corporation must receive the claim is sixty (60) days after the date this notice is given (the “Deadline”). 4. The claim will be barred if the Corporation does not receive the claim by the Deadline. The Corporation may make distributions to other creditors or claimants, including distributions in accordance with the provisions of the Ohio Revised Code, without notice to the claimant.

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Defendants William Hartzell, Richard Hartzell, Larry Hartzell, Jackie Sue Hartzell, and the Unknown Heirs, Creditors, Devisees, Legatees, Administrators, Executors and Assigns of Doris Eileen Hoskins aka Eileen Hoskins, Deceased, whose last place of residence is unknown, and whose present place of residence is unknown will take notice that on January 8, 2016, Annette Randall, Alice Collins, and Bruce Hoskins, Co-Executors of the Estate of Doris Eileen Hoskins aka Eileen Hoskins, filed their Complaint by Executors to sell real estate in Case Number 2015-1-388 in the Probate Court of Darke County, 300 Garst Avenue, Greenville, Ohio 45331, questioning the Court for authority to sell Decedent’s, Doris Eileen Hoskins aka Eileen Hoskins, real estate and for such other relief as the Court determines proper and applicable. Defendants William Hartzell, Richard Hartzell, Larry Hartzell, Jackie Sue Hartzell, and the Unknown Heirs, Creditors, Devisees, Legatees, Administrators, Executors and Assigns of Doris Eileen Hoskins aka Eileen Hoskins, Deceased, have or may claim an interest in the real estate described below: Situated in the County of Darke, State of Ohio, and Township of Jackson and bounded and described as follows: Being a 2.00 acre tract of land situated in the Southwest quarter of the Southeast quarter of Section 23, Township 13 North, Range 1 East, Jackson Township, Darke County, Ohio, and more particularly described as follows: Commencing in the Southeast corner of the Southeast quarter of Section 23, aforesaid township and range, thence West 1326.10 feet along the centerline of the Union City - Elroy Road to a railroad spike for a place of beginning; thence continuing West 265.04 feet to a railroad spike; thence North 328.71 feet to an iron pipe; thence East 265.04 feet to an iron pipe; thence South 328.71 feet to the place of beginning containing 2.00 acres more or less subject to an easement for highway purposes. The above description was taken from a survey made the 29th day of August, 1969, by E.R. Brown, Registered Surveyor #279. Engineer’s I.D. H32-0-113-23-00-00-204-00 (2 Acres) The Defendants named above are required to answer within 28 days of the date of the last publication of this Notice. By: Joseph J. Latas, Esq. Attorney for Plaintiff 116 West Fourth Street Greenville OH 45331 937.548.1125 1/17, 1/24, 1/31, 2/7, 2/14, 2/21 6T

PAGE 14 Sunday, January 17, 2016-The Early Bird, www.bluebagmedia.com


Cal-Maine Foods, Inc

Full time positions available for processing department. Positions are responsible for assembly and distribution of product for shipment to customers. Position reports to Processing Manager. Very Competitive Pay Paid Vacation Paid Holidays Health Insurance Dental Insurance Vision Insurance KSOP and 401(k) Apply in person: 3078 Washington Rd Rossburg, OH Or Call 937.337.9576 Hrs. 8 am-5:00 pm EEO/M/F/V/II

FOR RENT Greenville - 1 BR upstairs apt. Stove, refrig. & water included. $400 deposit. $400 mo. 937564-4126

2 BR, 1 1/2 bath townhouse, n. side of Greenv. Seconds from Wagner Ave., No pets. Range, D/W, central A/C, lawn care & snow removal provided. Private patio. W/D hook-up. Tenant pays utilities. $500 mo. 937-459-2269 COMMERCIAL SPACE for rent. Great location on E Main St, high visibility. For more details 548-5264 4 BR, 2 full baths, detached garage. Just remodeled. $700/mo. Pitsburg. 937-4592779 1203 Ft Jefferson Rd, Greenville. Small 2 BR house, 3 car garage. Total electric. $450/mo + deposit. 937-4597377

LAND CONTRACT 3708 North Dr. 4 BR, 2ba, spacious home in Wayne Lakes. Central heat/air. Laundry room. Newer windows, siding, and cabinets & tiled kitchen. Beautiful high ceiling & 2nd story deck. $2K down, $585.24/mo. Purchase includes $4K towards remodeling. 548-5053 benanzer.com 2 BR, 1 bath house close to Broadway. Stove, fridge, water, sewer included in rent. Washer/dryer hookup. No smoking. No pets. $500/mo + security deposit. 937-548-6495 3 BR, 2 bath apt. Gnvl. No Pets. No Metro. $465/mo. 937-5489302 or 417-0360


Executive Secretary

Must be proficient with computer and have people skills. Benefits include participation and employer match in Simple IRA program, paid vacation, and paid holidays. Please send resume and salary requirements to: Box: Executive Secretary % The Early Bird 5312 Sebring Warner Rd. Greenville, OH 45331


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FOR RENT Greenville, 2 BR half double. No pets. Completely remodeled. $475 deposit, $475/mo. 937-564-4126

Nice 2 BR apt at 917C Gray Ave, Greenville, by South Park. Offstreet parking, mowing & snow removal provided. $450/mo + electric & water. $400 deposit. No pets. Call Dave 621-4726 735 Wayne Ave., 3 br downstairs apt., appl., C/A, garage, small pet. $575 + utilities + deposit. No Metro. 548-2233 Sleeping room. Available Soon! Close to uptown Greenville. Rent by the week or by the month. Call 621-1732 2 BR house in Arcanum. $550 monthly + security deposit. Includes appl, 1 car garage. No pets. No smoking. 937-4590180

2 BR apt, Castine. $475/mo + deposit & utilities. No pets. 937533-1687 REAL ESTATE Beautiful large log home, 2.4 aces w/3 BR, loft, pellet boiler, pond, much more. On SR 571E, edge of Greenville. NEW PRICE $292,000. Trump Realty 678-5687 REPOSSESSED LAND BARGAINS! Cooperstown Lakes Region & Catskill Mountains! 5 acres - $19,900. 11 acres - $39,900. Streams, lake access, mountain views! Clear title, fully guaranteed transaction! Owner financing! Call 888738-6994. NewYorkLandandLakes.com AUTOMOTIVE 2006 Jeep Commander, 4x4, fully loaded, 3rd row seating, great condition! 937-623-1195


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FIREWOOD - Delivered & stacked. 937467-4397 Digital Grand Piano, CASIO’S Best, on Sale! See Bruce or Todd, Bach to Rock Music, 334 S Broadway, Greenville, 937-5471970 for more details Safe Step Walk-In Tub Alert for Seniors. Bathroom falls can be fatal. MISC. FOR SALE BEER & WINE MAK- Approved by Arthritis TheraING Supplies. Orme Foundation. peutic Jets. Less Than Hardware, 210 S. Main, 4 Inch Step-In. Wide Arcanum, 692-8282 Door. Anti-Slip Floors. American Made. Installation Included. Call 1-800-906-3115 for $750 Off Acorn Stairlifts. The For the City of AFFORDABLE solution Greenville, Ohio to your stairs! **Limited time -$250 Off Your Salary range Stairlift Purchase!** $39,624. Buy Direct & SAVE. $55,868. Please call 1-800-4107127 for FREE DVD Medical, and brochure.


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These positions are responsible for the PM, repair, and trouble shooting of production as well as plant equipment. Desired skills include Electrical from 3 Phase to low voltage controls, PLC, Hydraulic, Pneumatic, CNC, Robotic, Plumbing and Welding. This is an excellent opportunity, with rates for a Mechanic (promotable to Technician) starting at $18.00/hr. Technician rates are from $21.50/hr. up to $25.00/hr. and is promotable to a Master Technician starting at $26.00/hr. With our new pay and training program, the opportunity is better than ever and the limit is in your hands! Apply in person from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. or send resume to: Fort Recovery Industries, Inc. 2440 State Route 49, Box 638 Fort Recovery, Ohio 45846-0638 applications@fortrecoveryindustries.com




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Sunday, January 17, 2016-The Early Bird, www.bluebagmedia.com PAGE 15

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FFA hosts annual social BPL hosts groups throughout the month

HOUSEHOLD Maytag washer, $150; Whirlpool dryer, $100; Frigidaire 18 cu ft refrig, $150; Magic Chef smooth top, $200; King BRADFORD matt & boxes, $125; – The Bradford Queen matt & box Public Library is $100; Full matt & box, host to several $75. 937-423-5397 groups throughout SPECIAL NOTICES the month. There HOUSEHOLD DONATE YOUR CAR, might be somePILLOWTOP 14 INCH TRUCK OR BOAT TO thing there that THICK MATTRESS & HERITAGE FOR THE interests you. Every Sunday BOX SPRINGS: FULL BLIND. Free 3 Day VaSET $237; QUEEN cation, Tax Deductible, at 6:30 p.m. – The SET $259; KING SET Free Towing, All Paper- Sunday Night Bi$399. NEW IN PLAS- work Taken Care Of. ble Study meets. TIC WITH WARRAN- CALL 1-800-895-7416 First WednesTY. 937-884-5455 We IF YOU USED THE day of every month deliver BLOOD THINNER – The GRO GarVery nice used Rain- XARELTO and suffered den Club meets at Public bow vacuum sweeper. internal bleeding, hem- Bradford Warranty. Call 548- orrhaging, required hos- Library at 6:30 pitalization or a loved p.m. 0870 First Thursday New, warehouse one died while taking Xarelto between 2011 of every month liquidation, queen and the present time, – The Cozy Hen $169, king $219, full $149, twin $79. you may be entitled to Quilt Club meets We deliver. Call 937- compensation. Call At- at the library at torney Charles H. John- 6:30 p.m. You 884-5455 son 1-800-535-5727 will learn the art of quilting from experienced quilters. The second and fourth Mondays at 10:30 a.m. – The Sisters- in-Spirit Book Club will meet. Books to be read are chosen by the group and UNION CITY, St. these books are Ind. – The Wesley Chili, sand- ordered for your United Methodist wiches, desserts convenience and Church of Union and drinks are will City will host a be available for Basketball Chili free, in addition to Extravaganza at special giveaways the Union City In- throughout the GREENVILLE dians vs the Lin- evening. – Darke County coln Golden Eagles To learn more Center for the Arts basketball game about Wesley (DCCA) recognizes Jan. 22 starting at United Methodist Edward Jones In5 p.m. The event Church, visit their vestment Represenwill take place at website at ucwes- tatives Dave Conthe Union City Jr/ ley.com and like nelly, Todd Subler, Sr High School, lo- them on Face- Andria Haworth, cated on N Walnut book. Bill Wolke and Ryan Carpe for their contribution to DCCA and the arts in Darke Becoming a County including Home Owner Need sponsorship of the Not Be Just A Dream fundraising event A Taste of Wine & 2&3 Bedroom Homes Available Jazz XXIV. Check our our selection of According to FREE handyman homes. Rental Homes Available Too! DCCA Executive DiSherwood Forest rector Andrea JorMobile Home Community dan, DCCA thanks 937-548-9898 local Edward Jones www.parkbridgehomes.com Investment Representative for their continued support of the arts in Darke

Wesley UM Church to host Basketball Chili Extravaganza

are free. The second and fourth Thursdays from 1–3 p.m. – The Bradford Area Senior Citizens meet to play cards and other games. The third Sunday the Bradford Area School Alumni meet at 2 p.m. in the Community Room of Bradford Public Library. If you are interested in this school organization, please come to give your ideas to the other members. The third Monday the Bradford Historical Society meets at BPL at 7 p.m. If you love history and are interested in learning more or if you have artifacts that might be from the Bradford area, please come. The fourth Monday of every month is the Bradford Library Trustees meeting at 5:30 p.m. Anyone is welcome to

attend. These groups are open to new members or perhaps you just want to find out additional information. You can contact the library at 448-2612 for further information or just come to one of the meetings. Bradford Public Library is closed every Wednesday and Sunday. Visit the library at www. bradfordpubliclibrary.org or email bradfordpublic@ gmail.com. Library hours are Mondays from 9 a.m.–7 p.m., Tuesday and Thursdays from 10 a.m.–7 p.m., Fridays from 10 a.m.–5 p.m. and Saturdays from 10 a.m.–1 p.m. The Bradford Public Library is located at 138 E. Main Street and staff may be reached at 448-2612 during regular hours.

VERSAILLES – Versailles FFA & FFA Alumni Soup and Sandwich Social is set for Feb. 13 and will be during the Versailles and Greenville basketball games and junior high boys’ basketball tournaments at Versailles. The Versailles FFA Alumni & FFA Chapter will conduct its 21st annual Soup and Sand-

wich Social in the Versailles Schools Cafetorium, 280 Marker Road. Serving begins at 11 a.m. and continues until 9:30 p.m. All proceeds benefit the Versailles FFA Alumni Activities and Scholarships including the Doug and Craig Meier Memorial Ag Production Grant. The menu for Soup and Sandwich

DARKE COUNTY – January is designated “National Blood Donor Month” because it is often a challenging time for maintaining the area blood supply. Winter weather can disrupt travel and seasonal illnesses can also interfere with donating. If you must miss an appointment to donate please reschedule as soon as you are able. They especially encour-

age the continued support of type O whole blood donors and type A/B platelet and plasma donors. The following are local blood drives are open to the public. Appointments are encouraged. Jan. 18 – Versailles K of C Hall, 8440 St. Rt. 47, Versailles, 12:30–7 p.m., sponsored by Versailles Knights of Columbus Jan. 22 – Franklin Monroe High

Social will consist of Homemade Chicken Noodle Soup, Chili Soup, Hot Chicken Sandwich, BBQ Pork Sandwich, Hot Beef Sandwich, Sloppy Joe Sandwich, Coney Dog Sandwich, Hot Dog Sandwich, Nacho and Cheese, Pies, Cakes, Cookies, Brownies, Salad, and Drinks. Carryout is available.

January Blood Drives in Darke County School, 8691 Oakes Road, Pitsburg, 8 a.m.–noon, sponsored by Franklin Monroe High School National Honor Society Learn more at www.GivingBlood. org Get all the updates in the CBC/ CTS newsroom, find quick links to our social media pages, or schedule your next appointment to donate by connecting to www. DonorTime.com.

Edward Jones reps sponsor fundraisers


829 Harrison, Greenville OH, 3 bedroom 2 bath home with enclosed front porch & side sunroom, partially finished basement. Large 2 ½ car garage with lots of off street parking. Stop in for details.

County, as one of the first sponsors for this event they truly started the party that has become DCCA’s most anticipated fundraising event. “The monies generated will help enable our organization to bring high quality performing artists to our community,” concluded Jordan. Deron Bell and the Jazz For You Band returned to bring the party to life. The band’s performance was made possible by the following sponsors: Merry Lee Cross and Shaun Hayes of BHHS Pro Realty; Edward Jones In-

Treaty City Seniors Dance GREENVILLE – The Treaty City Senior Dance will begin Jan. 18, 1-4 p.m., and will con-

ARCANUM 208 S. Sycamore $69,500. 2 bed, 1 bath, det. 4 car garage, many updates inside and out. (111474) GREENVILLE 5439 Requarth Rd. $348,500 5 bed, 4 bath, 3 car att. Garage, full finished walk out basement, just outside of city limits. (111354) 1325 Greenville Nashville Rd. NEW LISTING $243,500. 4 Bed, 2 Bath, attached garage, 5 acres. (701268) 5653 Grvl- Palestine Rd. 154,000. 3 bed, 2 bath, 2 car att. Garage, 1 acre, remodeled. (111396) 2820 St. Rt. 571 $106,900. 3 bed, 1.5 bath, barn, .43 acre. (110635) 6971 Requarth Rd. NEW PRICE $86,500. 3 Bed, 1 bath, 2 car att. Garage, just outside of town, updated roof, windows and kitchen. (111668) 1127 Central Ave. $89,900. 4 bed, 1 bath, 1 car attached garage, sun room, clean basement, utility shed. Realtor Owned (111672) 316 Wayne Ave. $77,900. 3 bed, 1.5 bath, lots of storage. (109431) 633 Harrison Ave. $69,900. 3 bed, 1 bath, 1 car detached garage, unfinished basement, move in ready. (111193) UNION CITY 102 Bon Bon $54,900. 3 Bed, 1 bath, 1 car att. Garage converted to storage and bonus room. (111729) 788 Beamsville UC Rd. $64,900. 2 bed, 1 bath, 2.88 acre Priced to sell. (110835) 209 N. Grandview St. $249,900. 4 bed, 2 bath, 2 half bath, finished basement, 2.5 car att. Garage, 3100 sq ft living space. (111254) COVINGTON 9625 W. Greenville Falls Rd. NEW LISTING $65,000. 3 Bed, 2 bath, home sits on small branch of Creek.(373522)

tinue every Monday at the Eagles 2177, 113 E. Third St., Greenville. Music will be provided by Tom Everhart. The cost is $3 for singles and $5 for couples. Food and soft drinks will be available for purchase. No children will be allowed. For more information, call Lynn Newbauer, 6212546.

R&S Reck Mobile Home Park New Paris, Ohio

Mobile Homes for Rent Or Rent to Own Call


DCCA recognizes Edward Jones Investment Representatives Dave Connelly, Todd Subler, Andria Haworth, Bill Wolke and Ryan Carpe for their contribution to DCCA and the arts in Darke County.

vestment representatives Ryan Carpe, Dave Connelly, Andria Haworth, Todd Subler, and Bill Wolke; Fry & Company; and Kent and Melinda Myers. DCCA presents a taste of Ireland in

Darke County when Irish Wave returns to the Montage on March 11. Music will be performed by returning favorite Lone Raven, a group that DCCA Artistic Director Keith Rawlins describes as one

EASILY MAINTAINED VINYL SIDED RANCH! 3 BR, 1 1/2 BA. Gas F/P in LRM. Oak KIT cabinets. FRM. 2-car attached garage. MLS 616734 #4483 IN GREENVILLE! 1-ST home w/LRM & DRM. 2 BR w/hardwood floors. Updated nat. gas furnace, bath, wiring & roof. 1-car det. garage. MLS 622828 #4466 COMMERCIAL BUILDING! Centrally located in Arcanum w/large parking area! MLS 110114 #4420 ANXIOUS SELLER! Price Reduced! 3 BR brick ranch in Arcanum north area! LRM, DRM & FRM. Wood burning fireplace w/ heatilator. 2 BA. Large deck. Immediate Occupancy! MLS 626280 #4476

of the top bands in the Midwest. “Lone Raven performs an eclectic blend of traditional music as well as their own originals,” Rawlins explained. Attendees can count on a diverse choice of beers; six tastes and a commemorative beer glass are included in the price of admission. Irishthemed food prepared by Montage

proprietors Aaron and Michele Cox will also be provided. Tickets for the event are $35 each, and are available at Montage, online at www.centerforarts. net, or by contacting the DCCA office at 547-0908. For more information on DCCA contact Executive Director, Andrea Jordan at 5470908.


1288 Old Country Lane, Dayton Motivated Seller!!! Beautiful 1/2 acre setting on a quiet cul-de-sac within minutes of restaurants & shopping. This is the place for you. Bi-level home features 4 bedrooms, 2.5 baths, and lower level family room with fireplace.

First Choice Realty

The Right Choice 1400 Wagner Ave. Greenville, OH 45331



OPEN HOUSE TODAY! 1-2:30PM 109 WELLSLEY CT-GREENVILLE WOW! 4 BR 2.5 Bath home on large fenced lot in Greenville. Separate living areas make this a great home for entertaining. 112 E. MAPLE-GREENVILLE This 3 bedroom brick ranch home is over 1400 sq. ft. with many updates is located near park and school. 109 E. PARK DR-GREENVILLE

IN NORTH END OF GREENVILLE this 2 bedroom, 2 bath ranch home is in a Planned Unit Development at 750 Berkshire! Call Jim for additional information! $112,000 7 ACRES ZONED COMMERCIAL on Wagner Avenue across from LOWE’S! Can be divided! NEWLY REMODELED this 2-3 bedroom home at 329 E. Water has new inside and new vinyl outside! Seller will pay closing costs for qualified buyer! $55,000 16 ACRES BARE GROUND IN Section 13 of York Township! $10,500 per acre. IN SOUTH END OF GREENVILLE this 2 bedroom home at 617 Fair Street has 1 car detached garage. NOW offereed at $49,900 FAMILY SIZED HOME at 754 Washington has 4 bedrooms; 1½ baths; 1½ car detached garage. Mid 60’s DUPLEX at corner of Central and Front Street. $22,000 BRICK RANCH DOUBLE at 4044-4046 US RT 127! 2 bedrooms each side; 1½ baths; family room; 1 car attached garage. Both occupied. Mid 90’s IN WAYNE LAKES this 2 bedroom home at 1180 East Drive has corner fireplace; attached garage. WOODED, CORNER LOT! Mid 40’s


Jim Shuttleworth Evelyn Shuttleworth Joe Shuttleworth Greg Shuttleworth Richard Edwards


Love the Park? Check out this 2 bedroom 1.5 bath home with full basement. Home has many updates. 453 MEDALLION-GREENVILLE 3 BR 1.5 Bath Brick ranch with sunroom on a cul-de-sac street in Greenville north end!

OPEN HOUSE SUNDAY JANUARY 24TH 1-2:30PM 305 PLUM ST-GREENVILLE This nice home on a large lot is ready to move in to! Many updates. Immediate possession! 6357 OLIVER RD., GREENVILLE 4 BR, 1.5 bath brick ranch with over 1700 sq. ft. plus a 2 car attached garage on 4.1 acres close to Greenville. Call today!

NEW TO THE MARKET! 1036 E. 4TH ST-GREENVILLE Here you will find a well maintained property that offers a variety of different living options with the way the rooms are designed. Take time to come see this home, you will be glad you did! 1303 Chippewa Dr. Greenville


PAGE 16 Sunday, January 17, 2016-The Early Bird, www.bluebagmedia.com

Realeyes at local library Museum VERSAILLES – Worch Memorial Public Library has teamed up with the Ohio Optometric Association and a Realeyes kiosk is on display for a month. The kiosk has fun interactive visuals for everyEXCELLENT

one to enjoy. If your new year’s resolution goal is to be healthier, don’t forget your eye health. In addition to the display there are brochures for eye health of all ages. The kiosk will be



At the Assembly Bldg, Miami Co Fairgrounds, 650 N. Co Rd 25A. From northbound I-75 take Exit 74 east on Rt 41, Main St, & then north on Elm at the Marathon Station to sale site.

SATURDAY, JANUARY 23, 9:30 AM VEHICLES at 11:00 AM: Corvette 1987 w/ aftermarket accessories incl special tires & 71,378 miles on odometer. Single seat, tubular racing chassis w/ 1957 Corvette style fiberglass body, V-8 engine & 6 spd trans. Schwinn Whizzer motor bike; E-Z Go electric golf cart, age unk, equipped with brush guard, front rack, rear bench seat & step bumper, plus gun racks. Cargo Express STE, 12’, 2001, single axle box trailer for golf cart w/ mesh ramp & front storage. SNAP-ON TOOL CHESTS, TOOLS & SHOP ITEMS: Snap-on 15 drw roller cabinet w/ 7 drw side box; 2-3 drw individual boxes; Snap-on Corvette 40th Anniversary teal & Dale Earnhardt black 7 drw roller base tool cabinets w/ 10 drw top chests; Dale Earnhardt Special Edit tools; variety of other like new Snap-on mechanic’s tools & many quality others; small elec. power tools; shop supplies; GenTron 10,000 watt generator; Desco 5 HP, single stage, 220V vertical air compressor; small portable air compressor; Snap-on Fast 420 battery charger & load tester; Snap-on work cart & creepers; 1.5T aluminum & 2T floor jacks; jack stands; Cushman Scooter parts; Corvette body parts & shop manuals; Corvette shop stools; rack w/ racing tires & rims; etc. TOYS: Approx 80 Corvette promo cars incl some Franklin Mint; over 30 other boxed car & truck sets, mostly Dale Earhart; over 70 toy tractors incl: JD, International, AC, MH, MM, Oliver & more! 13 Hobart trucks; Jaeger CI antique toy cement mixer. MUCH MORE! Neon Corvette sign; Racing collectibles incl Dale Earnhardt Coke machine, autographed helmet, plus other NASCAR posters, photos, flags, Championship knife sets & others, plus silver coin, etc; 12 cases of 12 ga trap load shot gun ammo; slot machine; good golf clubs & bag. NOTE: This is an excellent auction, unique in its offering, but you’ll find the type of items that you would want in your own collection and the opportunity to purchase at your price. Watch the website for more details & photos as they become available at www.stichterauctions.com

displayed throughout the month of January. For more information, call 5263416 or visit www.

seeks items

worch.lib.oh.us. Worch Library is located at 790 VERSAILLES – South Center St., In preparation for Versailles. the grand reopening of the Versailles Area Historical Society Museum on Feb. 7, they are will bring, so keep the conditions in looking for the folmind when you lowing items for an dress for the hike. exciting new disBecause this hike play called “Grandbegins at sunset, ma’s Feather Bed”. flashlights may be They are searching useful but are not for items for loan to recreate a variety of required. For more infor- bed chambers/bedmation about this rooms. From wash or any of the other basin sets to quilts, exciting hikes in linens, feather pilthis season’s series lows, linen bedding, or other Park Dis- and comforters, evtrict programs, call the Nature Center at 548-0165.

Full Wolf Moon Hike GREENVILLE – The chilly winter weather brings with it unique hiking opportunities, and Darke County Parks is going to seize them. On Jan. 21, at 6 p.m. join a naturalist at Shawnee Prairie Preserve west of Greenville on St. Rt. 502 for an exciting winter night walk. Who knows what the weather


erything that would have been used in the bedroom or on the dressing tables. Also some bed room furniture is needed. Other displays needing help is early photography and cameras. This would include cameras, equipment and early photos. If you are able to make loans, call the museum at 526-4222 and leave a message; they will get back with you to make arrangements.

WMPL story time resumes VERSAILLES – Worch Memorial Public Library is pleased to announce the Story time and Wee Read Winter/ Spring session kicks off on Jan. 19 with Wee Read. Wee Read begins Jan. 19, 10 a.m. Wee Read gives babies or toddlers an opportunity to hear stories and songs. In addition there is a dedicated time to play with toys and other children, while mothers have a chance to talk with other mothers

during this 1/2 hour session. Story time, for children over 36 months to kindergarten, will begin Jan. 25, 6 p.m. This 45 minute program is filled with activities to encourage a child’s love of reading. Activities include participation stories, rhythm sticks, music and crafts. For more information about the library’s programs, call 526-3416 or visit www.worch. lib.oh.us.


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Copy of entire ad available at the store starting Monday morning. AD PRICES IN EFFECT MON., JAN. 18, - SAT., JAN. 23, 2016 HOURS: Mon.-Sat. 8-9, Sun. 10-8 WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES - NO DEALER PURCHASE * Eligible additional purchase requirements for sale prices do not include tobacco products, 12 pack advertised soft drinks & the purchased item*

PRODUCE SPECIALS ................................................ 10lb. Bag

IDAHO POTATOES 1.99ea Limit 1 with additional

$30.00 purchase ................................................ 2 lb.

CLEMENTINES 2.99ea ................................................ 3 lb. Michigan Gala or Fuji

APPLES 1.99ea ................................................ Seeded Red Globe

GRAPES 1.69lb ................................................

DAIRY SPECIALS ................................................ Smith Dairy Gallons Lemon, Sweet or

reg. $2.49

PEACH TEA 1.99ea ................................................ Smith Dairy 16 oz.

reg. $1.99 COTTAGE CHEESE 1.49ea ................................................ Yoder’s 8 oz. reg. $2.59

SHREDDED CHEESE 1.79ea ................................................ Essential Everyday 1 lb.


reg. $3.99

1.99ea Limit 1 with additional $30.00 purchase ................................................

FROZEN SPECIALS ................................................

Smith Dairy 48 oz. reg. $5.79 “Ruggles” Yogurt, Ice Cream or

SUGAR FREE ICE CREAM 2.99ea ................................................

Van de Kamp’s reg. $6.69 19.1-24.8 oz. Value Pack

FISH STICKS OR FILLETS 2.99ea ................................................ Culinary Circle 30.5-33.5 oz.

reg. $5.99

PIZZAS 3.99ea ................................................

GROCERY SPECIALS ................................................ Frito Lay 10-11 oz.

reg. $4.29

Quaker 13-14 oz.

reg. $4.99

DORITOS 2.59ea ................................................ CAP’N CRUNCH LIMIT 1 CEREALS 1.99ea ................................................ Quaker 9.8-15.1 oz.

reg. $3.49

INSTANT OATMEAL 2.49ea ................................................



Cut from the Pork Loin,


Or in 3 lb. or Larger Packages 1.99lb The same as the New Madison Kiwanis serves at the Darke County Fair ................................................ Lipari CO-JACK SLICED 3.39lb CHEESE CHUNK 3.19lb ................................................ Carolina 96% Fat Free White

OVEN ROASTED TURKEY BREAST 2.19lb ................................................ Kahn’s Deluxe Club

ALL MEAT BOLOGNA 2.19lb ................................................ Lebanon

BOLOGNA 6.29lb ................................................ Farmland Deli Sliced

CANADIAN BACON 4.69lb ................................................

EXTRA MEATY, COUNTRY STYLE SPARE RIBS 1.49lb ................................................ Center Cut, BONELESS, Thick, Thin or Butterfly

PORK LOIN CHOPS 2.29lb ................................................ Gerber’s Amish FarmsBetter Feed-Better Taste

WHOLE FRYERS 1.69lb CUT UP FRYERS 1.79lb ................................................


BOTTOM ROUND ROAST 4.29lb ................................................

BEEF CUBED STEAKS 4.39lb ................................................


In Store Made, FULLY COOKED, Ready to Heat & Eat

HAM LOAF 3.99lb ................................................ Whole, BONELESS, (Sliced Free 8am-5pm)

PORK LOINS 1.99lb ................................................


Arctic Shores 8 oz.

reg. $1.85

Arctic Shores 16 oz.

reg. $4.99

reg. $9.99


TILAPIA FILLETS 2.99ea ................................................

Essential Everyday 12 oz. reg. $1.89 TORTILLA CHIPS 1.49ea ................................................ Essential Everyday 4 lb. reg. $2.39

$30.00 purchase ................................................




Limit 1 with additional

Nabisco 1 lb. Premium

reg. $3.19

.99ea Limit 1 with additional $30.00 purchase ................................................ Skippy 16.3 oz. reg. $3.19 PEANUT BUTTER .99ea Limit 1 with additional $30.00 purchase ................................................

Sponsored by

IMITATION CRAB MEAT 1.49ea ................................................

GROCERY SPECIALS Maxwell House 30.6 oz.

Medium size ONLY can be horizontal or vertical.



WHILE SUPPLIES LAST ................................................

Your Choice of 3 Baby Photo Sizes

GROUND CHUCK 3.29lb ................................................

COOKED HAM 3.09lb ................................................ Honey Roasted

Send us a photo to include in our Baby Book, which will be published Sunday, January 31, 2016 in The Early Bird. Just bring in, mail or email your baby’s photo along with the information requested below and a $20, $10 or $5 fee to cover the cost of the baby photo you choose by 5pm on Monday, January 22, 2016. Photos will be returned only if accompanied by a selfaddressed, stamped envelope.

81% Lean In 3 lb. or larger Pkgs.

BOTTOM ROUND STEAK 4.29lb ................................................

Farmland 95% Fat Free

Do you know a beautiful baby born between January 1, 2015 and December 31, 2015?


Limit 1 with additional $30.00 purchase

Essential Everyday 2 lb.

reg. $2.29

POWDERED OR BROWN SUGAR 1.49ea ................................................

Big Red, RC Cola, Diet Rite, Sunkist, Hawaiian Punch, Vernors, Squirt, and Assorted 7-UP 2 LITERS .99ea ................................................

Drawing will be done Jan. 25th. One lucky baby will win some great prizes from our sponsors. Please type or print clearly only the information below: Please do not add additional relatives.

Baby’s Name _________________________________________________________________________ Date of Birth: _________________________________________________________________________ Parents’ Names: _______________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ Grandparents: ________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ Phone #: _____________________________________________________________________________ Mail to: The Early Bird, 5312 Sebring Warner Rd., Greenville, OH 45331 Or email to rberry@earlybirdpaper.com, include credit card payment in email or call 548-3330 to pay.


Sunday, January 17, 2016-The Early Bird, www.bluebagmedia.com PAGE 17

PAGE 18 Sunday, January 17, 2016-The Early Bird, www.bluebagmedia.com


Children’s art class enrollment begins Jr. Naturalists will discover song dogs GREENVILLE – The ArtRageous Experience – Children’s Art Program is beginning their winter session of art classes for children. In these classes children experience different kinds of art each Saturday morning with a professional artist teaching the class. The parent also attends for the support and encouragement while

the children are working. Children work on different projects each week where they learn about different artists, art techniques and also visits from local artists with some of their paintings. These classes are fun, age appropriate, and keep children’s mind and hands busy! The classes are spon-

sored by Council on Rural Services and taught by an experienced teacher/artist at a local downtown Greenville setting. There is one class for 4-7 year olds and another for 8-11 year olds. Art programs help young children explore creativity, to pay attention to detail, build self-esteem and a sense of accomplishment. Full scholarships are available for families if needed, all supplies are furnished. To enroll your child in this class, call Council on Rural Services at 1-866627-4557 and ask for Debby Brayfield.

Offices closed for MLK Day

GREENVILLE – The Darke County offices will be closed on Jan. 18 for Martin Luther King Day.

4938 St. Rt. 49 - Greenville


New Inventory Has Arrived!

18,000 $ 17,500 $ 20,000

2005 Dodge Ram 2500 4x4 Laramie 5.9L Cummins, Automatic trans, 207k miles

GREENVILLE – Darke County Parks invites students in grades 3-6 to join them for the January Jr. Naturalists program on Jan. 23, 9:30 a.m. to noon at Shawnee Prairie Preserve on St. Rt. 502 west of Greenville. The Jr. Naturalists program is a series of monthly programs designed to give students a hands-on introduction to natural resource management. Hikes, work projects, and indepen-

dent study are all part of this fun-filled nature study club. The January program will feature song dogs, also known as coyotes. Students will take a peek into the lives of these elusive creatures, hear what they sound like, and learn how to differentiate between domesticated dogs and wild coyotes both by their tracks and at a distance. A fee of $3 is charged for the program, and preregis-

UC Chamber to give awards UNION CITY – The Union City IN-OH Chamber of Commerce is now taking nominations for various awards for The Annual Awards Banquet. Nominations are being taken for Distinguished Service Award, The Hub Award, The Rising Star Award, Male Volunteer of

the Year Award, Female Volunteer of the Year Award and Business of the Year Award. Nomination forms may be obtained at The Union City Chamber of Commerce office located at 227 W Oak St Union City Indiana or by calling the office at 964-5409. Nominations are due by Feb 15.

Give us a call for all your service needs!


24 Hour Heavy Duty Towing & Recovery Service Available. JONATHAN TILLER, OWNER

GREENVILLE – Community Action Partnership of Greater Dayton Area – Darke County - will be closed Jan. 18, in honor of Martin Luther King Day. This includes Metropolitan Housing Authority and Community Transportation Services. Regular hours will resume on Jan. 19.

Tony Ulman, Service Manager at your service!

Old Man Winter Is Here...

Have your battery checked!


135k miles, automatic transmission

Duramax Diesel, 115k miles, Z71 package, 2wd

CAP closes for MLK Day

Welcome to HAMILTON Auto Sales

2006 Ford F350 King Ranch 4x4

2008 GMC Sierra 2500 SLT

tration is required. Students are asked to please dress for the weather because they may head outside to see if they can find coyote tracks. For any questions about the Jr. Naturalists program or any other Park District programs or to register for the January class, please call 548-0165 or email Hannah Linebaugh at hlinebaugh@ darkecountyparks.org.

Expires 1/31/16

We offer Free Pickup and Delivery with Service

HAMILTON Auto Sales, LLC 141 N. Broadway, Greenville



USED TRUCK MONTH 2014 Chevy 1500 Double Cab D15676A, only 16k miles, 4x4, Rear Camera, One Owner

2014 Ram Pro Master Cargo Van only 18K miles, automatic

2013 Ram 1500 Crew Cab Big Horn D15826A, only 27k miles, Heated seats, Remote start

2012 Chevy 1500 Ext. Cab 4x4 Z71 J16191A, only 20k miles, One Owner

2012 GMC 1500 Extended Cab SLE 4x4 J16088A, only 48k miles






2012 Ram 1500 Reg Cab D16114A, V8, Automatic, Long Bed, Low Miles

2011 Honda Ridgeline Crew Cab U4385, 4WD, RTL, w/Nav, Loaded, Leather, Moonroof

2010 Ram 1500 Crew Cab 4x4 Hemi U4473, Bucket Seats, Sport Pkg

2010 Ram 1500 Reg Cab 4x4 U4482, V8, PNPL, Custom Wheels

2009 Ram 1500 Crew Cab Hemi SLT D15727A, Chrome PKG, only 88k miles






2009 Ford Ranger SuperCab XLT U4360, Automatic, only 54k miles

2008 Dodge Dakota Crew Cab Laramie J16212A, 4x4, V8, Leather, Factory Chromes

2008 Ford F150 SuperCab STX U4431, 4x4, 4.6L, V8, only 85k miles

2008 Ford F150 SuperCab 4x4 U4409, V8, Automatic, only 90k miles

2007 Chevy 2500 Crew cCab LT D16159A, V8, 4x4, Heavy Duty Buckets






2007 Ford Sport Trac Crew Cab Limited 4x4 U4478, only 56k miles, Must See

2007 Ford F150 Super Cab U4340, V8, Automatic, Chrome PKG



2006 Chevy 1500 Extended Cab U4411, 4.3, V6, Automatic, only 91k miles

2005 Ram 1500 Reg Cab Daytona Edition 4x4 U4427, only 55k miles

2005 Chevy Colorado Crew Cab U4428, 4WD, 3.5 Engine, DW, PL, Alloy Wheels




2006 Ram 2500 Quad Cab Cummins Diesel SLT U4386, only 85k miles

2003 Dodge Dakota Quad Cab D16046AA, Buckets, V6, Automatic



2003 Ford Ranger Super Cab XLT U4440, V6, Automatic, only 56k miles

2004 Chevy 1500 Extended Cab D15767BB, 5.3 V8, Automatic, Super clean


$9,497 Tax, Title and Fees Are Extra.



Sunday, January 17, 2016-The Early Bird, www.bluebagmedia.com PAGE 19


Youngker named Versailles Citizen of the Year VERSAILLES – James Youngker will be named Citizen of the Year at the Versailles Area Chamber of Commerce’s annual awards banquet on Jan. 18. The Awards Committee was made aware of Youngker’s countless contributions and tireless dedication to the Versailles community by nomination letters. His lifelong community service helped shape the Versailles area in the 1950’s - 60’s and beyond. Jim is a veteran of the United States Air Force having served as an assistant engineer on a B-24 in the Airdrome squad, during World War II. After the war he continued as crew chief on a C-47 making flights to the island of Manila, before returning to the Versailles community. Youngker worked at Poultry Producers before

CADC Gourmet Dinner Raffle

GREENVILLE – The Cancer Association of Darke County (CADC) is once again giving you an opportunity to win a Gourmet Dinner for 8. Raffle tickets are available for $5 each or 6 for $25. The winner will have their dinner prepared by the Gourmet Dinner Club. You get to choose the time and place where your meal will be served. If you wish to enter, call the CADC at 548-9960 to purchase tickets or email director@cadcinfo.org. The deadline to purchase tickets is Feb. 4. The drawing will be held Feb. 8 and the winner will be notified immediately. All proceeds go to the CADC.

This is Jim Youngker’s favorite photo of his wife and himself.

the war and returned after his discharge. Later he became manager of Amstutz Hatchery in Versailles and eventually worked at Weaver Bros. for 52 years as their nutritionist. Jim participated on numerous poultry panels and councils and has been recognized by the Ohio Poultry Association with the “Agricultural Achievement Award” for his contributions to the industry. Jim is one of the founding fathers of the Versailles Poultry Days Festival, having served as chairman in 1966. He dedicated 20 years towards the development and continuity of the Poultry Days Community Festival.

DCP calendars still available

GREENVILLE – The Darke County Parks District has hand selected some of the best park photos submitted by local amateur photographers for their photo contest, and their new 2016 Darke County Parks calendars are in. The calendars are available for $10 each in the Nature Center Gift Shop, which is open Monday through Saturday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. All the proceeds from the gift shop go to the Friends of the Darke County Parks which help support the Parks’ programs and activities.

Jim was an original member of the Versailles Rotary Club, formed his church’s softball league, served on the founding committees to establish the Versailles Swimming Pool facility, the inception of Little League baseball in Versailles, the filming of VHS football games (training films) for more than 20 years for coaches John Lantz and Al Hetrick. Youngker confesses to


missing two games in that 20 year span and in 1990 received an award for “Best Team Photographer”. Mr. and Mrs. Youngker reside on Conover Road and will celebrate 70 years of wedlock in June. They have a son Steve and a daughter Beverly Rhoades, three grandchildren and three great grandchildren. The dinner banquet will be held Jan. 18 at the Riviera Banquet Room, Stillwater Valley Golf Course. The banquet is open to the public and is a great social mixer for community business members and residents. A cash bar will open at 5:30 p.m. with dinner served at 6:15 p.m. In addition to the Citizen of the Year service award the Versailles Diamond Club will be presented with the People-Pride-Progress award. Those interested in attending the banquet must order tickets by calling or texting 417-4752 or fred@cpoeppelman.com.

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2014 CHEVY EQUINOX LTZ FWD, 2.4L 4 cyl., sunroof, leather, loaded, super sharp, diamond white, 18,755 miles ................................................................................................ $26,995 ....... $25,900 2014 CHEVY EQUINOX LT FWD, 2.4L 4 cyl., loaded, exc. cond., crystal red, 22,090 miles....................................................................................................... $20,995 ....... $19,900 2013 CHEVY TRAVERSE LT FWD, 3.6L V6, all power, exc. cond., blue, 27,869 miles............... $24,995 ....... $23,900 2013 CHEVY ½ TON SILVERADO LT EXT. CAB 4x4 P.U., 5.3L V8, one owner, loaded, exc. cond., maroon, 49,647 miles......................................................................................... $27,995 ....... $26,900 2013 CHEVY TAHOE LTZ 4WD, 5.3L V8, one owner, leather, loaded, exc. cond., crystal red, 96,356 miles....................................................................................................... $32,995 ....... $31,500 2013 CHEVY ½ TON SILVERADO LT CREW CAB 4X4 P.U., 5.3L V8, one owner, loaded, exc. cond., gray, 39,746 miles .............................................................................................. $30,995 ....... $29,900 2013 CHEVY SILVERADO ½ TON LT CREW CAB 4X4, 5.3L V8, one owner, loaded, exc. cond., maroon, 49,835 miles......................................................................................... $29,995 ....... $28,900 2013 CHEVY EQUINOX LS AWD, 2.4L 4 cyl., loaded, like new, black, 19,125 miles .................. $20,995 ....... $19,500 2013 GMC SIERRA SLE EXT. CAB, 4X4 P.U., 5.3L V8, all power, exc. cond., blue granite, 26,248 miles .................................................................................................... $30,995 ....... $29,500 2012 TOYOTA SIENNA LE VAN, 3.5L V6, loaded, 7 pass., one owner, exc. cond., maroon 48,526 miles ......................................................................................................................... $20,995 ....... $19,500 2012 CHEVY TRAVERSE LT FWD, 3.6L V6, loaded, super nice, crystal red, 22,273 miles ........ $22,995 ....... $21,900 2011 CHEVY TRAVERSE LT FWD, 3.6L V6, one owner, loaded, exc. cond., maroon, 97,457 miles ........................................................................................................... $17,995 ....... $16,900 2010 CHEVY TRAVERSE 2LT FWD, 3.6L V6, leather, loaded, one owner, exc. cond., gray, 125,641 miles .............................................................................................................. $15,995 ....... $14,900 2009 CHEVY EQUINOX LT FWD, 3.4L V6, all power, super nice, blue, 29,988 miles ................. $13,995 ....... $12,500 2008 MERCURY MARINER FWD, 3.0L V6, leather, sunroof, loaded, sharp, gray, 113,380 miles ................................................................................................................ $8,995 ......... $7,500 2008 HONDA ELEMENT, 4 dr., 2.4L 4 cyl., all power, exc. cond., orange, 115,985 miles ........... $10,995 ......... $9,500 2008 BUICK ENCLAVE CXL AWD, 3.6L V6, leather, sunroof, rear video, very nice, brown, 133,707 miles ........................................................................................................... $14,995 ....... $13,900 2007 CHEVY TRAILBLAZER LT 4X4, 4.2L 6 cyl., leather, loaded, very nice, gray, 123,938 miles ................................................................................................................... $10,995 ......... $9,500 2007 BUICK RENDEZVOUS CX FWD, 3.5L V6, loaded, very nice, maroon, 158,664 miles ......................................................................................................................... $6,995 ......... $5,900 2007 GMC SIERRA SLE ½ TON EXT. CAB 4x4 P.U., 5.3L V8, sunroof, all power, super nice, black, 90,903 miles ............................................................................................................... $18,995 ....... $17,900 2007 PONTIAC TORRENT FWD, 3.4L V6, one owner, all power, exc. cond., gray, 148,225 miles ................................................................................................................ $7,995 ......... $6,900 2006 CHEVY COLORADO LT CREW CAB 4X4 P.U., 3.5L 5 cyl., one owner, all power, exc. cond. black, 113,115 miles ............................................................................................................. $11,995 ....... $10,500 2005 CHEVY SUBURBAN LT 4X4, 5.3L V8, leather, loaded, very nice, beige, 187,141 miles .............................................................................................................. $9,995 ......... $8,900 2005 CADILLAC SRX AWD, 3.6L V6, leather, sunroof, loaded, exc. cond., diamond white, 132,910 miles .............................................................................................. $10,995 ......... $9,500 2005 FORD ESCAPE XLT 2WD, 3.0L V6, sunroof, all power, very nice, maroon, 153,759 miles ........................................................................................................... $6,995 ......... $5,500 2004 PONTIAC MONTANA EXT. VAN, 3.4L V6, leather, loaded, very nice, brown, 199,299 miles ......................................................................................................................... $4,995 ......... $3,900 2004 GMC SAVANNA ½ TON CONVERSION VAN, 5.3L V8, all power, DVD system, sharp, blue, 127,557 miles .............................................................................................................. $10,995 ......... $9,500 2004 HONDA CRV AWD, 2.4L 4 cyl., leather, sunroof, loaded, very nice, maroon, 182,177 miles ........................................................................................................... $6,995 ......... $5,500 2004 CHEVY SILVERADO ¾ TON EXT. CAB 2WD, P.U., 6.0L V8, auto, air, good cond., white, 283,613 miles ........................................................................................... $6,995 ......... $5,500 2002 CADILLAC ESCALADE EXT 4X4, 6.0L V8, leather, sunroof, loaded, sharp, blue, 146,074 miles ....................................................................................................................... $10,995 ......... $9,900 2002 CHEVY ½ TON SILVERADO LT EXT. CAB 4WD P.U., 5.3L V8, leather, loaded, exc. cond., white, 101,500 miles................................................... $10,995 ......... $9,500 2002 CHEVY VENTURE LS VAN, 3.4L V6, loaded, good cond., blue, 185,647 miles ................... $4,995 ......... $2,900 2002 CHEVY TRAILBLAZER LT 2WD, 4 dr., one owner, cloth seats, loaded, exc. cond., beige, 142,478 miles ............................................................................................ $9,995 ......... $8,900 2001 CHRYSLER PT CRUISER, 2.4L 4 cyl., sunroof, leather, loaded, good cond., purple, 71,476 miles ............................................................................................................... $4,995 ......... $3,900 1999 PONTIAC MONTANA VAN, cloth seats, all power, nice cond., green, 144,748 miles........... $6,995 ......... $5,900 1998 FORD EXPLORER EDDIE BAUER 4WD, 4.0L V6, leather, sunroof, loaded, good cond., maroon, 159,399 miles ........................................................................................................... $4,995 ......... $3,500 1994 FORD RANGER SXT EXT. CAB 2WD P.U., 4.0L V6, all power, good cond., beige, 112,238 miles .............................................................................................................. $4,995 ......... $3,500





2014 CHEVY CRUZE LT, 4 dr., 1.4L 4 cyl., one owner, loaded, like new, green, 14,437 miles .............................................................................................................. $18,995 ....... $17,900 2012 CHEVY IMPALA LT, 4 dr., 3.6L V6, one owner, loaded, exc. cond., blue, 46,537 miles ................................................................................................................ $14,995 ....... $13,500 2012 CHEVY IMPALA LT, 4 dr., 3.6L V6, one owner, loaded, super nice, black, 38,534 miles ............................................................................................................... $15,995 ....... $14,900 2012 CHEVY IMPALA LT, 4 dr., 3.6L V6, one owner, loaded, like new, silver, 25,890 miles ........ $16,995 ....... $15,900 2012 CHEVY MALIBU LT, 4 dr., 2.4L 4 cyl., one owner, all power, like new, silver, 30,905 miles ............................................................................................................... $15,995 ....... $14,500 2011 CHEVY IMPALA LT, 4 dr., 3.5L V6, loaded, very nice, gold mist, 77,280 miles ................... $11,995 ....... $10,900 2011 CHEVY CAMARO LT COUPE, 3.6L V6, RS Package, sunroof, loaded, sharp, blue, 22,754 miles ..................................................................................................... $23,995 ....... $21,900 2008 CHEVY IMPALA LT, 4 dr., 3.5L V6, leather, loaded, exc. cond., gray, 46,494 miles ............ $12,995 ....... $11,500 2008 CHEVY MALIBU LS, 4 dr., 3.5L V6, loaded, very nice, gray, 64,649 miles ......................... $10,995 ......... $9,500 2008 CHEVY IMPALA LT, 4 dr., 3.9L V6, sunroof, loaded, very nice, maroon, 115,528 miles ......................................................................................................... $10,995 ......... $9,500 2006 CHEVY IMPALA LT, 4 dr., 3.9L V6, leather, sunroof, loaded, exc. cond., blue, 163,567 miles ................................................................................................................ $7,995 ......... $6,500 2006 CHEVY MALIBU LT, 4 dr., 2.2L 4 cyl., all power, exc. cond., white, 132,199 miles ............... $8,995 ......... $7,500 2004 CHEVY IMPALA LS, 4 dr., 3.8L V6, leather, sunroof, loaded, super nice, white, 165,478 miles ............................................................................................................... $6,995 ......... $5,900 1998 CHEVY CAVALIER LS, 4 dr., 2.4L 4 cyl., auto, air, good cond., green, 189,328 miles ......... $2,995 ......... $1,900


2009 PONTIAC G6 GT, 2 dr., 3.5L V6, sunroof, loaded, sharp, maroon, 76,089 miles................. $11,995 ....... $10,500 2004 PONTIAC GRAND PRIX GT, 4 dr., 3.8L V6, leather, loaded, sharp, black, 157, 974 miles .............................................................................................................. $6,995 ......... $5,500 2001 PONTIAC GRAND PRIX GT, 4 dr., 3.8L V6, sunroof, loaded, good cond., maroon, 200,212 miles ........................................................................................................... $4,995 ......... $3,500


2014 BUICK VERANO, 4 dr., 2.4L 4 cyl., one owner, loaded, like new, silver, 10,421 miles ............................................................................................................... $19,995 ....... $18,900 2013 BUICK REGAL PREMIUM, 4 dr., 2.0L 4 cyl., leather, sunroof, loaded, sharp, crystal red, 26,985 miles....................................................................................................... $22,995 ....... $21,500 2012 BUICK LACROSSE FWD, 3.6L V6, leather, loaded, super nice, white, 62,113 miles ............................................................................................................... $16,995 ....... $15,500 2012 BUICK LACROSSE, 4 dr., 3.6L V6, leather, sunroof, loaded, like new, brown, 13,243 miles ............................................................................................................. $23,995 ....... $22,500 2012 BUICK REGAL T TYPE, 4 dr., 2.0L 4 cyl., leather, sunroof, loaded, white diamond, 29,717 miles ................................................................................................ $20,995 ....... $19,900 2006 BUICK LUCERNE CXL, 4 dr., 3.8L V6, leather, loaded, exc. cond., green, 112,282 miles ............................................................................................................ $10,995 ......... $8,900 2000 BUICK LESABRE CUSTOM, 4 dr., 3.8L V6, cloth seats, loaded, good cond., beige, 157,232 miles .............................................................................................................. $8,995 ......... $6,900


2012 CHRYSLER 300C, 4 dr, 5.7L Hemi V8, leather, sunroof, loaded, sharp, black, 78,976 miles ......................................................................................................................... $23,995 ....... $22,500 2012 VW JETTA 2.5 SE, 4 dr., 2.5L 4 cyl., leather, loaded, sharp, red, 108,875 miles .................................................................................................................. $9,995 ......... $8,500 2012 FORD FUSION SE, 4 dr., 3.0L V6, sunroof, loaded, exc. cond., blue, 39,590 miles ........... $14,995 ....... $13,500 2012 HARLEY DAVIDSON SOFT TAIL CLASSIC, one owner, many extras, like new, maroon, 1,307 miles......................................................................... $22,995 ....... $19,900 2011 HYUNDAI ELANTRA, 4 dr., 1.8L 4 cyl., leather, sunroof, loaded, exc. cond., silver, 36,469 miles ............................................................................................................... $13,995 ....... $12,900 2011 HYUNDAI SONATA, 4 dr., 2.4L 4 cyl., all power, exc. cond., maroon, 95,583 miles ........... $12,995 ....... $11,500 2006 CHRYSLER 300, 4 dr., 3.7L V6, all power, exc. cond., gray, 133,094 miles .......................... $7,995 ......... $6,500 2006 CADILLAC CTS, 4 dr., 3.6L V6, leather, sunroof, loaded, sharp, black, 124,526 miles......... $8,995 ......... $7,900 2006 CADILLAC CTS, 4 dr., 3.6L V6, leather, sunroof, loaded, sharp, gray, 92,155 miles .......... $16,995 ....... $13,900 1999 OLDSMOBILE ALERO, 2 dr., 3.4 L V6, leather, sunroof, loaded, very nice, red, 147,623 miles .................................................................................................................. $3,995 ......... $2,900 1997 CADILLAC DEVILLE, 4 dr., 4.6L V8, leather, loaded, exc. cond., green, 119,533 miles .............................................................................................................. $4,995 ......... $2,500 1996 CADILLAC SEDAN DEVILLE, 4.6L V8, leather, loaded, nice car, beige, 163,266 miles .............................................................................................................. $4,995 ......... $2,500 1992 FORD TAURUS, 4 dr., 3.0L V6, loaded, good cond., aqua, 88,085 miles.............................. $3,995 ......... $2,500

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PAGE 20 Sunday, January 17, 2016-The Early Bird, www.bluebagmedia.com



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3 liter btl, or 1 gal. Ice Mountain Water


22 oz Schwebel Giant White Bread


Post Cereal: Honey Bunches of Oats, Fruity Pebbles 15, Coca Pebbles 15, Honeycomb 16, Raisin Bran 25, Great Grains 13-16, Blueberry Morning 13.5, Grape Nuts 20.5-29, Grape Nut Flakes 18, Bran Flakes 16


2 lb Essential Everyday Brown or Powdered Sugar .............................1.49 12-16 oz Essential Everyday Pasta .. 5/$5 9-16 pz Nabisco Premium Saltines ...........................................2.49 12-16 oz Essential Everyday Noodles ...........................1.69

12.3 oz Essential Everyday Frozen Waffles


32 oz Culinary Circle Ice cream ...............3.49 9.5-11.75 oz Pepperidge Farm Texas Toast ............................................2.59 12 ct Stone Ridge Krunch or Ice Cream Bar ........................................2.99 14-24.6 oz Van de Kamp’s Fish Sticks or Fillets ................................3.99 12 oz Reames Egg Noodles .....................1.99


18-42 oz Quaker Oat Oatmeal .........2.99 6 ct Essential Everyday Toaster Pastries ............................. 5/$5 16 oz Kraft Pourable Dressings ........................................1.99 18-19 oz Progresso Vegetable Classic Soup ................................... 5/$5

4-6 oz Yoplait Original or Whips Yogurt




Quaker C

16 oz Reiter Cottage Cheese

24 oz Essential Everyday Pasta Sauce


17.6 lb Dad’s Natural Chunk Bite Size Dog Food ..........................9.99 16 lb Dad’s Original Cat Food .........................................9.99 35 lb Tidy Cats Scoop Liter ....................................13.99

26-32 oz Essential Everyday Fries, Tots, or Hashbrowns


12 oz Borden American Cheese Singles ................................................... 1.99 6 oz Essential Everyday Greek Yogurt ..................................................... 79¢ 45 oz Essential Everyday Country Style Spread 1.99 89 oz Simply Lemonade ......................... 2.99 10-20 oz Stouffers Satisfying Servings .................................................2.99 10 oz Essential Everyday Potstickers .............................................2.59 8 oz Essential Everyday Sandwich Sliders .....................2.49 16 oz Wild Harvest Frozen Organic Vegetables Blends ..................................1.99

31.85 oz Chef Boyardee Pizza Kit


15.5-16 oz Carlita or Essential Everyday Refried Beans ...................79¢ 1.25 oz Carlita or Essential Everyday Taco Seasoning ............... 2/$1 12 dbl rolls Scott Bath Tissue ..........5.49 22.5 oz Suave Shampoo or Conditioner ....................................1.79

&R 750 ml Anty Fair u o Winery CApple Wine Caramel 6 mega rolls Scott Paper Towels



With full


case disco

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